Freitag, 7. April 2006

Secret Flights to Torture and 'Disappearance'

Stop UMTS: Electromagnetic fields and public health


Write E-Mail
Location: Turkey

Informant: Eleanor

Weak, Scared & Republican


April 7, 2006

More than 40,000 people have signed the ACLU's Demand for the Truth petition, calling on Congress to investigate illegal government spying on Americans.

Add your name and a comment now!

Help us keep the pressure on Congress to hold the President accountable.

Thousands have also added their own words about the Administration's warrantless program:

Hiding and distorting the truth and making claims that in essence would mean that the President is above the law are serious abuses of executive power and impeachable offenses. An independent prosecutor should be named to pursue the full scope of these abuses. -- H. Sanborn, Fort Collins, CO

I voted for President Bush and I believe in standing behind my President as long as he is keeping in check with our system of check and balances. … We should show respect to that man because of his office. Still that man needs to remember that he, too, is a citizen of the United States of America and he must abide by the laws just as I and many other Americans must do. -- C. Marchant, Beaumont, TX

All public officials in our government serve the people as authorized by the Constitution and must remain under the law as promised when they took their Oaths of Office. When the Executive Branch presumes to judge the legality of its own actions without judicial review, it opens the door to such abuses of power as the Founding Fathers sought to prevent. -- R. Henderson, Mason, MI

My parents were refugees that came to this country from Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution in 1956. They came here to be free, to be able to speak freely and to not have to worry about being spied on. -- S. Barker, Del City, OK

Add your name and a comment now!

Americans are refusing to stand by silently and let the government’s illegal spying programs go on unquestioned and unauthorized. I’m writing to ask you to add your voice by participating in our next live National Town Hall meeting on spying, secrecy and presidential power.

On Tuesday, April 11, you can go online and tune in to our live forum in Denver, Colorado, where I will be joined by several distinguished panelists, including Bruce Fein, former Deputy Attorney General under President Reagan, former Colorado Senator and presidential candidate Gary Hart, and Mark Silverstein, ACLU of Colorado Legal Director. Dottie Lamm, the former first lady of Colorado, will moderate the event.

On Tuesday, you can tune in live and submit your own questions for the panel by going to:

The event begins at 6 p.m. PDT/9 p.m. EDT. Experts from both sides of the aisle will discuss the controversy surrounding the Bush Administration’s program of illegal spying on Americans, and take questions from web audience members and live in Denver.

Together, our panel and live and online audience will break through the misinformation coming from the White House and address questions regarding the president’s violation of constitutional authority and federal law.

I hope you’ll join us live next Tuesday evening at 9 EDT/6 PDT:

You can also watch a video archive of our February 20 National Town Hall. View the discussion, sign our Demand for the Truth and add your own comment to our call for an end to illegal spying on Americans.
Selected questions and comments will be read live during the April 11 Town Hall.

Please join us then, and I hope you'll invite your friends to tune in as well. Thanks as always for your participation and support.


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director American Civil Liberties Union

Portable et Santé

Vulgariser l'information: Diffuser le lien de ce post à vos Amis et Voisins afin de faire oeuvre de salubrité publique.

IMF Warns High Prices Risk Global Crisis

Global current account imbalances are likely to remain at elevated levels for longer than would otherwise have been the case, heightening the risk of sudden disorderly adjustment. High oil prices are increasing the US trade deficit. In addition, the recycling of petrodollars is driving down interest rates providing an unsustainable boost to US private consumption.

Did Bush Lie to Fitzgerald?

If Bush misled the prosecutor about authorizing Libby to brief a reporter, then Bush himself could be open to charges of making false statements or obstructing justice, potential felonies and possibly impeachable offenses.


Sen. Harken Petition to Censure/Impeach Bush / Cheney

Poll: Bush, GOP hit new lows - Politics - 32%

White House Does Not Dispute Leak Allegations Politics News Article |

Testimony shows the President can no longer be trusted says Howard Dean

Libby: Bush authorized leak on Iraq - Politics -

Informant: ranger116

Der Berliner Pandemieplan zur Bekämpfung einer Influenza-Pandemie mit dem H5N1-Virus

Wenn die Vogelgrippe kommt ...

"Neoncon" Libby belastet Bush in Geheimdienstaffäre

Popularität der Bush-Regierung sinkt weiter in den Keller

Angeklagter "Neoncon" Libby belastet Bush in Geheimdienstaffäre, zunehmende Widersprüche bei den Hardlinern.


By Ian Hoffman
Inside Bay Area
April 7, 2006

OAKLAND - Al Gore brought corporate executives and environmentally minded investors roaring to their feet Thursday with multimedia images of an overheating planet and a call for Americans to reclaim their "moral authority" by tackling global warming.

"This is really not a political issue, it is disguised as a political issue," Gore said. "It is a moral issue, it is an ethical issue -- If we allow this to happen, we will destroy the habitability of the planet. We can't do that, and I am confident we won't do that."

As a U.S. senator, Gore gave global warming talks 15 years ago in Washington that relied almost entirely on scientists' best guesses and computer models.

Now bolstered by real climate changes, he has gone Hollywood, with movies of collapsing ice shelves, then-and-now shots of vanishing glaciers and lakes, telegenic photos of dwindling wildlife species -- plus floods, tornadoes and, of course, hurricanes.

"We have been blind to the fact that the human species is now having a crushing impact on the ecological system of the planet," Gore said.

After Katrina, Rita and Wilma in 2005, federal hurricane scientists used the Greek alphabet in naming tropical storms.

"This is the first foretaste of a cup that will be offered to us again and again and again until we regain our moral authority," Gore told members of Ceres, an organization of companies, investors and environmentalists pressing for greener behavior by corporations.

Gore's message is much the same as it was in the early 1990s, but his talk in Oakland comes at a political tipping point in the debate not about global warming, but what to do about it.

Twenty-two states and the District of Columbia now insist on some percentage of renewables for their energy. Washington state and Oregon are considering a carbon tax. California and a coalition of eight Northeast states are setting mandatory caps on greenhouse gases and moving toward carbon markets. Oakland and 217 other U.S. cities with a total population of more than 40 million have endorsed the Kyoto treaty's limits on greenhouse gases.

More than 40 U.S. corporations in the Fortune 500 say they favor mandatory federal regulation of greenhouse gases, and many executives say they now see such emissions limits as inevitable within five to 10 years.

In Congress, the number of bills dealing with climate change has rocketed from seven in 1997 to more than 100 this year, said Truman Semans of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change.

"It shows what politicians believe it's important to have a record on, and they believe it's important to have a record on climate change," he said Thursday.

New Mexico's U.S. senators, Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman, who led the Senate last summer in passing a resolution favoring some form of regulation on greenhouse gases, on Tuesday held the first hearings in Congress on creating a mandatory cap on greenhouse emissions and setting up a carbon market to drive less carbon-intensive technologies.

At those hearings, trade associations for the electric-power and mining industries opposed the new rules as potentially disastrous for the U.S. economy. But executives of General Electric, Wal-Mart, Duke Energy, Exelon and other companies urged the senators to move ahead.

If a carbon market were in place that could place a price on the right to release greenhouse gases, then technologies to curb those emissions would rise in value, and the corporate risks of those emissions could be quantified by financial markets, said Kaj Jensen of Bank of America.

"It's inevitable," Jensen told Ceres members. "The only real question we think is when we will have a market in place."

Many of the answers -- increased energy efficiency, conservation, expanded use of alternative fuels -- already are in hand, Gore argued.

"We already have everything we need to get started on solving this crisis. We can solve it," he said. The nation overcame slavery, gave women the right to vote, defeated global fascism on two fronts simultaneously and put a man on the moon, he said. "We can do this if we set our minds to this."

Informant: NHNE

Overhead power line route back in play

TRAHVOL spokesperson Maureen Broadfoot addresses the media at a press conference in Vancouver last December. The group is not surprised that the B.C. Transmission Corpoation is once again looking at replacing the existing powerlines through Tsawwassen with overhead lines.

By Philip Raphael
South Delta Leader
Apr 07 2006

Deal or “old” deal. That’s what the B.C. Transmission Corporation is saying in its final submission to the B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) on the issue of routing upgraded power lines through parts of residential Tsawwassen. According to information from BCTC, if it is not successful in trading its existing overhead power line rights with local home owners—who have the cables running through their properties along a 50-year-old right-of-way—for rights to put the lines underground, the utilities commission should order construction of a new overhead set of lines. The existing lines—which carry electricity to Vancouver Island customers via an undersea cable from Tsawwassen Beach—are nearing the end of their useful life. And to meet the replacement set’s in-service date of October 2008, BCTC is calling for a possible return to an overhead option. BCTC stated that it be granted 90 days to reach an agreement with landowners to exchange rights. “If, following 90 days, BCTC is unsuccessful in obtaining an exchange of rights with a majority of landowners, BCTC believes that the additional cost and risks associated with underground construction cannot be justified and the Commission should order overhead construction on the existing right-of-way.” Many residents believed the overhead route was off the table when BCTC announced two months prior to the last provincial election in May 2005 that overhead lines were no longer part of its plan. One person not surprised with the apparent switch-back is Cecil Dunn, a founding member and chair of protest group TRAHVOL (Tsawwassen Residents Against Higher Voltage Overhead Lines). “They (BCTC) never really took that option off the table,” he said, adding residents have made it clear they would strongly oppose any moves by BCTC to acquire underground rights. Some have even vowed to commit acts of civil disobedience if the BCUC chooses the existing right-of-way route. They prefer a route away from residential land. “But it looks like we may be back to the 100-foot towers (double the height of the existing ones) they had proposed from the start,” Dunn said. “They are trying to blackmail residents by providing us with two bad choices to choose from, rather than pursuing a route outside of Tsawwassen.” At the centre of residents’ fears is that the lines emit powerful electro magnetic fields (EMF) that some critics say are linked to health risks such as some forms of cancer. Plus, moving the lines from overhead to underground would cause major disruption to the landscaped backyards of affected residents. “This is yet another example of an arrogant Crown corporation trying to ride roughshod over the public,” Dunn said. Just when a decision will be made on where the lines will go is still unknown as one of the longest public hearings in recent memory on a public utility enters its closing stage. “Right now the commissioners are sorting through about 40 volumes of transcripts from the public hearings,” BCUC secretary Robert Pellatt said, adding that amounts to roughly 6,000 pages of testimony from the hearings that spanned Feb. 6 to March 23. Closing arguments in the case are now being submitted. And according to the BCUC web site ( ) the last phase of that process is scheduled to be concluded by the end of May. However, BCTC has posted an expected decision date on its web site ( ) for July.

© Copyright 2006 South Delta Leader

Jennifer Lopez Get Rid Of Your Fur!

Ria has just sent me this new petition about Jennifer Lopez and fur coats.

Please sign!

Love and thanks,


Calling on the Department of Justice and the State of Louisiana to protect the constitutional voting rights of displaced victims

Hurricane Katrina, one of the worst natural disasters in our country's history, caused unprecedented loss and destruction in the Gulf Coast region. Over the past several months, the NAACP has worked diligently to provide relief to thousands of Hurricane Katrina survivors across the nation. The Association has distributed over $1.5 million in direct grants, housing and educational assistance impacting thousands of displaced citizens nationwide.

Today, the NAACP's efforts are focused on ensuring that displaced citizens can equitably access the services and protections that our democracy should guarantee them. In March, the Association established a Gulf Coast Advocacy Center in New Orleans to provide legal and policy assistance addressing systemic housing, education, voting, employment, and support service issues.

Click here to learn more about the ongoing efforts of the NAACP and visit the Value Our Vote website today.

Most recently, in an effort to protect the constitutionally guaranteed voting rights of displaced citizens in Orleans Parish, the NAACP requested that the State of Louisiana take steps similar to the actions taken to extend the voting rights of Iraqi Americans, by establishing out-of-state satellite polls across the nation. This would allow displaced citizens to cast their vote in the geographical location in which they were evacuated. To date, this request has been denied. Orleans Parish citizens' right to vote have been further compromised by the inaccuracy of the state's mailing addresses. Thus, while more than 150,000 Orleaneans were evacuated outside of the State of Louisiana, to date only 11,000 have requested absentee ballots. In an effort to protect their voting rights, the NAACP has requested that the Department of Justice and the Governor of Louisiana delay the elections until satellite polls are put in place. In addition, the NAACP has established 20 Voting Assistance Centers across the nation to assist displaced citizens with voter registration and absentee ballot forms.

Click here to add your name to the petition calling on the Department of Justice and the State of Louisiana to protect the constitutional voting rights of displaced victims today.

These efforts and many others, highlight the NAACP's commitment to ensure the equitable reconstruction and recovery of the Gulf Coast region. The Association will remain engaged in this battle for equity, until the last home is rebuilt and the last family is restored.

Join us in our fight to make democracy work.

Julian Bond
Chairman NAACP Board of Directors

Comprendre l'AFFAIRE ... en millions d'euro du Service Universel des Télécommunications

- Dossier de Synthèse 2000 à 2006 :
Comprendre l'AFFAIRE ... en millions d'euro du Service Universel des Télécommunications

Rachel's News #849

This is a critical time for our planet

Check out our new global warming campaign web site designed to provide energy saving tips and enlist every American in the Fight Global Warming campaign:

Thank you for helping launch our new global warming TV ads!

The response has been overwhelming -- more than 300 press stories and more than 200 blog hits in just the first 2 weeks.

But, this is just the beginning.

We've also launching a major consumer campaign to fight global warming. is our new site, designed to change the way people think and act about global warming.

We need you to help get the word out! Check out what you can do to fight global warming, and tell your friends:

-- How to Pick a Better Light Bulb
The next generation of light bulbs is here! New bulbs give off high-quality light and last up to 15 times as long.

It may seem like small change - but if every household replaced just three 60-watt incandescent bulbs with better bulbs, it would be equivalent to taking 3.5 million cars off the road!

Check out our light bulb buying guide:

-- Fuel-Saving Driving Guide
Many of us don't have a choice about driving, but a few simple tips can make a difference. Watching how you drive can improve your car's mileage per gallon, cutting global warming pollution and saving you anywhere from $200 to $500 each year.

Find out how you can drive more efficiently:

-- Save Energy and Money at Home
The energy we use at home accounts for about a fifth of U.S. global warming pollution. That means making smart choices at home matters. Find out what you can do about heating, cooling and appliances.

Learn more about home energy tips:

-- Educate Your Community about Global Warming
Many of you have had the same comment: Americans would act on global warming if they understood the human costs. That why we put this page together on global warming dangers to our economy, our health and our industries.

Send your friends this article on the human costs of global warming:

This is a critical time for our planet. Scientists warn that we may have only a few years left to cut global warming pollution before irreversible ecological consequences become inevitable.

Together, we can make progress now by using energy more efficiently in our own homes even while we press for national action to cut America's global warming pollution.

Thanks so much for all that you do. Global warming is real, but so are the solutions, and with your help, we are getting that message out.

-- The Global Warming Team at Environmental Defense.

Ausbeutung ohne Grenzen: Hartz IV, Migrationsmanagement und die Kämpfe dagegen

„Es war nicht selbstverständlich und die Brücke wird noch immer viel zu selten geschlagen. Aber am 6. November 2004, im Rahmen der Nürnberger Großdemonstration gegen die Einführung von Hartz IV, kam auf der Abschlusskundgebung vor der Bundesagentur für Arbeit als Hauptredner ein Aktivist der Flüchtlingsinitiative Brandenburg zu Wort. Der Inhalt seiner Rede, ein eigener Aufruf antirassistischer Gruppen für die dieser Demonstration sowie ein Go-In am Vortag in der Nürnberger Zentrale der Arbeiterwohlfahrt zielten allesamt in die gleiche Richtung: nämlich die Zusammenhänge von Ausbeutung und Ausgrenzung, von Armuts- und Flüchtlingsverwaltung, von Niedriglohn- und Migrationsregime herzustellen - und damit den Widerstand gegen Lager, Residenzpflicht und Abschiebung in den breiteren Kontext sozialpolitischer Kämpfe zu rücken…“ Artikel von kein mensch ist illegal/hanau, aus dem Schwarzbuch Hartz IV. Sozialer Angriff und Widerstand – Eine Zwischenbilanz von agenturschluss

Aus: LabourNet, 7. April 2006

Zwangsarbeit „im Interesse des Allgemeinwohls“?

„Wie „Der Spiegel“ in seiner neusten Ausgabe (14/2006) berichtet, eröffnet das Ministerium von Frau Ursula von der Leyen nun Privatkliniken und „anderen Firmen“ die gesetzliche Möglichkeit Zivildienstleistende einzustellen. Dass diese staatliche Versorgung der Privatwirtschaft mit billigen und staatlich subventionierten Arbeitskräften aus dem Bereich der Kriegsdienstverweigerer letztlich auch auf 1-Euro-Jobber abzielt, ist unverkennbar. Nach offizieller Leseart dient Zwangsarbeit sowie dem Allgemeinwohl…“ Artikel von Armin Kammrad vom 04.04.06

Aus: LabourNet, 7. April 2006

Kämpfe gegen "Port Packages" und Billigflaggen

Europas Hafenarbeiter besiegen erneut die EU-Kommission: »Port Package II« versenkt!

„Es kam, wie es kommen musste: Mitte Januar hat das Europäische Parlament die von der EU-Kommission vorgelegte Hafendienste-Richtlinie »Port Package II« (PP II) mit einer satten Mehrheit zurückgewiesen. Wenige Wochen später erklärte Verkehrskommissar Jacques Barrot, die Kommission werde den Entwurf zurückziehen – und einen neuen vorbereiten! Zu welch skurrilen Auswüchsen eine uferlose Liberalisierung von Hafendienstleistungen führen kann, zeigte sich übrigens kurz darauf in den USA, wo die bevorstehende Übernahme zentraler Seehäfen durch einen arabischen Investor hysterische Reaktionen auslöste…“ Artikel von Burkhard Ilschner in Waterkant 01/2006. (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 7. April 2006

Eine Handbreit mehr Käfig bleibt unerträglich - Leben und Sterben für die Eierindustrie

Die Ministerpräsidenten haben vor einer Stunde im Bundesrat beschlossen, das Verbot von Legebatterien für Hühner aufzuheben. Die E-Mails von über 2.400 Campact-Aktiven hatten die Mehrheit von ihnen nicht mehr umstimmen können. Doch noch ist nichts verloren. Jetzt muss Landwirtschaftsminister Seehofer entscheiden. Weitere Infos:

Postkarten-Aktion an Seehofer: "Eine Handbreit mehr Käfig bleibt unerträglich!"

Schicken Sie Seehofer ein Blatt Papier mit der Fläche zu, die nach den Plänen des Bundesrates einem Huhn zusteht - eine Handbreit mehr als bisher! Unterzeichnen Sie unsere Aktionspostkarte! Dann schicken wir Seehofer in Ihrem Auftrag einen Brief. Darin enthalten: die Postkarte und die Illustration der geplanten Käfigfläche.

Machen Sie mit:

E-Card: Das Osterei - kauf's ohne Drei!

Im Frühling vollführen Hasenmännchen Boxkämpfe, bei denen die Fetzen fliegen. Dieses Jahr kämpfen zwei Osterhasen um die richtigen Ostereier. Die mit der Codenummer 3 stammen aus Legebatterien, die mit der 2, 1 oder 0 aus Boden-, Freiland- und Ökohaltung. Schauen Sie selbst, wer bei unserer E-Card gewinnt. Wenn die Karte Ihnen gefällt, schicken Sie diese doch an Freunde und Bekannte weiter!

Schauen Sie rein:

Christoph Bautz

Aus: Campact-Newsletter 7/06


Nachdem der Deutsche Bundesrat kürzlich beschlossen hat Hühner für die Eierproduktion weiterhin in Käfigen leiden zu lassen, wirft PETA den Politikern vor, Tiere als bloße Produktionseinheiten einzustufen und der Bevölkerung vorzumachen, wie man Gerichtsurteile missachtet. Denn das höchste deutsche Gericht hat bereits im Jahr 1999 entschieden, dass Hennen scharren, picken, Sand baden und geschützt Eier legen können müssen und dass die Käfighaltung tierschutzwidrig ist.

Dirk Bach kämpft für Hühner und veröffentlicht PETA-Film >>Leben und Sterben für die Eierindustrie<< :: PETA veröffentlicht einen 18-minütigen Film mit Schauspieler und Moderator Dirk Bach, mit dem die ganze Bandbreite der Grausamkeiten in der deutschen Eierproduktion aufgedeckt wird. Sehen Sie das Video...

So können Sie helfen: Kaufen Sie keine Eier oder Produkte mit Eiern und zeigen Sie der unmenschlichen Politik die rote Karte!

Versenden Sie das Video an Freunde und Bekannte!
Bitte unterstützen Sie uns und helfen Sie das Video zu verbreiten. Unter dem folgendem Link finden Sie das Video im >>YouTube Format<<. Dieses Video können Sie ganz bequem an alle Ihre Freunde und Bekannten per Email verschicken.

Gentechnik: Seehofer will Gentechnikgesetz bis Mai vorlegen

Verbraucherminister Horst Seehofer hat angekündigt bis Mai einen Entwurf für ein neues Gentechnikgesetz vorzulegen. In der Unionsfraktion gibt es starken Druck, die bisherigen Haftungsregeln zu verwässern und so den Anbau von Gentech-Pflanzen attraktiv zu machen. Seehofer hat sich bisher noch nicht auf einen Entwurf festgelegt. Wenn dieser in die falsche Richtung geht, werden wir mit weiteren Aktionen nachlegen. Bis dahin sollten wir weiter Druck auf das Landwirtschaftsministerium machen. Wir Verbraucher/innen wollen keine Gentechnik auf den Feldern.

Haben Sie die Protest-E-Mail an Horst Seehofer unterzeichnet?

Antworten Sie auf ein Schreiben des Landwirtschaftsministeriums:

Aus: Campact-Newsletter 7/06

New battle looms for campaigners over mobile mast

By Adrian Kajumba

Concerned parents and residents are bracing themselves for another battle with a telecommunications giant planning to erect a mobile mast just yards from a playground and children's school.

Mobile phone firm O2 confirmed they have identified a site on railway land close to homes on Kingsmead Road, Streatham Hill, for a giant 12.5m mast.

The proposed site is close to the recently refurbished Hillside Gardens Park, used by kids groups like the One O'Clock Club pre-school, and opposite the Hitherfield Primary School.

News of the plans come just a year after mounting public pressure forced T-Mobile to relocate a mast planned at the entrance to Hillside Gardens. Campaigners claimed the appearance of the mast would seriously blight the much loved garden park.

Phone giants O2, who stressed there is no conclusive evidence proving masts carry health and safety dangers, said the mast would help improve the service provided to their growing network of customers in the area.

Mike Connolly, who was part of the successful campaign against the proposed 11.7m T-Mobile mast, said: "Why on earth would they want to put a mast by a school and playground? It makes no sense."

Barbara Virtue, manager of the One o'clock Club based in Hillside Gardens Park, feared parents would no longer want to bring their kids to the pre-school if a mast was erected nearby.

She said: "A mast is something that could do serious damage to the kids. We all have mobile phones but you don't live on them all the time.

"It is the kids who will be living, eating and breathing near a mast if it is put up."

Community relations manager for O2, Jim Stevenson, said the company are currently consulting on whether to submit a planning application for the site and will make a decision in the next three weeks.

He added: "We have a lot of scientific information available to us and nobody has come up with anything conclusive that shows there will be health and safety dangers if we put up a mast. A lot of the information available is mischievous."

Omega this is not true. See under:

Adrian Kajumba
What do you think? Should a 12.5m mobile phone mast be allowed to be erected close to Hillside Gardens Park? Write to the address on page 2 or email

10:41am today

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Increase in brain cancer risk from using a mobile or cordless phone for over 5 years

Pollutant Levels Rising In World's Oceans

Bird Flu And Social Darwinism

Bird Flu Outbreak Coincided With Drill

Support HR 550 for Verifiable Elections

Their life is as precious to them as our life is to us: Stop Animal Testing

****Cross Post Widely****

April 23-30, 2006

"Their life is as precious to them as our life is to us. Stop Animal Testing."

NYC World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week

NYC animal rights activists and other concerned compassionate individuals will come together in late April to continue our on-going struggle to stop the killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) and other notorious animal testing facilities. Our week of action coincides with the global "World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week". Win Animal Rights (WAR) will conduct a full week of action, which will include a variety of events, geared toward educating and influencing both the businesses that conduct and contract for animal testing and the public which unwittingly supports the continued use of animals for product testing and research.

During this week of action, we will continue the work that we have been doing for the past two years on the streets of New York City, to bring pressure to bear on companies and individuals that contribute to HLS' bottom line.....their customers.....their suppliers.....their investors......their market makers. Events will occur daily and the best way to participate is to watch for future e-mail action alerts and to call the WAR hotline at: 646-267-9934. Meetup times and places will be posted daily. For your convenience, we will also be updating our event calendar on a daily basis.

Bookmark the following link for easy access to our on-line calendar:

Make a note of the WAR Hotline: 646-267-9934

Mark your calendars now for these special highlighted events:

Date/Time: Friday, April 28, 2006 at 3:30 PM Location: E. 42nd Street and Third Avenue

Date/Time: Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 3:30 PM Location: E. 42nd Street and Third Avenue

Date/Time: Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 7:30 PM "VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION PARTY" Special Guests & Location: To be announced

Win Animal Rights

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: or visit our website at:

****Cross Post Widely****

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week Continues



Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is a company whose primary business is death and suffering. 500 animals are killed there every day. They are poisoned, they are cut and burned, they have limbs broken and on top of that they have to endure the cruelty of sadistic technicians who have been proven, in 5 undercover investigations, to abuse and torture the animals in their care.

With Huntingdon's financial situation so tenuous, a continued revenue stream is of the utmost importance. Customers who are currently dealing with HLS and ones that sign new contracts, provide the needed funding to allow the killing to continue. What follows is a list of firms that play a key role in keeping HLS in business. You can help stop the suffering at HLS. We can close HLS down, but we need your help to do it. Call or write these companies today asking them to stop funding animal torture and killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Join New York activists for a mobile demo day as we visit HLS customers:

Who: HLS Customers When: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 3:30 PM Where: 110 E. 59th St. (between Lexington & Park)

If you cannot join us for our mobile demo day, you can participate by contacting the following:

Chugai Pharma (subsidiary of Roche Pharmaceuticals)
444 Madison Ave. #1201 NY, NY 10022
212-759-8812 e-mail:

Novartis Investor Relations
608 Fifth Ave NY, NY 10020
212-307-1122 e-mail:

235 E. 42nd St. NY, NY 10017
212-733-2323 e-mail: addresses will be in a future action alert

Rockefeller Brothers Fund
437 Madison Ave., 37th Floor New York, NY 10022
212-812-4200 e-mail:
(Rockefeller Brothers Fund is not a customer but Dr. Tadataka Yamada of GlaxoSmithKline sits on their Board of Directors)

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

****Cross Post Widely****

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week Continues


Win Animal Rights supports and promotes the concept that human rights and animals rights are intertwined. Consequently, we will be joining human rights and other progressive activists and community organizers at Columbia University to protest the building of a Level 3 bio research lab. A research lab that will no doubt mean the killing of millions of animals, as well as the endangerment of the local community, human and non-human. When you read the posting below, please note that Columbia University worked with GlaxoSmithKline on the HIV Aids Clinical Trials that were conducted using orphaned children as human guinea pigs. GlaxoSmithKline is one of Huntingdon Life Sciences largest customers.

Who: Columbia University When: Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 3:30 PM Where: 116th St. & Broadway (meet at the south east corner) If you cannot locate us, call: 646-267-9934

This is an issue that effects us issue that involves human rights, animal rights and our community's integrity. We need to fight for our neighborhoods and not passively watch them build another horror filled death trap. We urge everyone to come out for this extremely important event.

*****After this protest, our group will visit local area executives that have financial relationships with Huntingdon Life Sciences******

Urgent appeal to the progressive community!!!!!!!!!!
Demonstration Against Columbia University’s Expansion into Harlem

4:00 TO 6:30 PM OUTSIDE THE GATES OF COLUMBIA 116th Street & Broadway

Columbia University’s proposed 5 billion dollars 18 acres expansion in West Harlem from 125th to 133rd St. between Broadway and the Hudson River is not about creating additional space for students but about MAKING MORE MONEY! They want to build a biomedical research laboratory operating at BLS-3, the third highest level out of 4 safety levels define by the National Institute of Health that allows research on a wide spectrum of viruses, bacteria and fungal agents such as Ebola, Stars, HIV/AIDS and Malaria. Columbia really wants to receive billions in contracts/grants from the Department of Defense and millions more in bio-medical patents, currently only second to endowments in financing the University’s budgets.

If an accident happens in the lab or while the biological agents are transported through Harlem many of us would be exposed to contamination and even death. We cannot afford to trust Columbia. In 2002 the Environmental Protection Agency fined Columbia $797,029 for violating federal environmental laws including storing hazard waste in open unmarked containers. But that’s not all folks: The BBC documentary, “Guinea Pig Kids”, exposed the involvement of Columbia University’s genocidal role in using HIIV positive African American ad Latino children as human guinea pigs in tests for experimental AIDS drug trials at Incarnation Children’s Center, a subunit of Columbia University Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Unit. Columbia has a long history with pharmaceutical giants like GlaxoSmithKline whose annual worldwide revenue for AIDS medication is estimated in the billions of dollars. IT’S ALL ABOUT MONEY! COLUMBIA IS ABOUT “SHOW ME THE MONEY”!!!!

On Thursday, April 27th we need YOU TO join Harlem residents, business owners, students and activists to Say No to Columbia’s land grab, racist genocidal medical experiments and environmental racism.

Contact Nellie Hester Bailey at the Harlem Tenants Council, Inc. 212-234-5005 or

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

****Cross Post Widely****

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week Continues


Now that the LSRI (aka HLS) has been delisted to the Grey Market, it's time to focus our efforts on impacting their bottom line. The best way to do that is to take their customers away by educating them about the horrors and the cruelty that goes on at HLS every single day.

Approximately 70,000 animals are imprisoned right now, today. They wait in cold steel cages and concrete pens for the relief that only death can provide. Some of them have been poisoned, some burned, some mutilated and cut open........they suffer as they wait to misery and despair.

500 animals a day are brutally killed by Huntingdon Life Sciences and Pfizer pays them to do it.

Who: Pfizer Pharmaceuticals & other HLS Customers
*When: Friday, April 28 & Saturday, April 29th at 3:30 PM Where: Third Ave. & 42nd. St. (Bank of America corner) If you cannot locate us, call: 646-267-9934

*After the office demos, join us as we visit key HLS customer executives in Midtown Manhattan.

If you cannot join the protest, please support us by contacting Pfizer to let them know about the death camps of HLS. This is the kick off to a national campaign. Pfizer is a company that would be a focal point of attention regardless of their relationship with Huntingdon Life Sciences. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing additional contacts anddetailed information about Pfizer's corporate ethics. Stay tuned!

Mr. Hank McKinnell Chairman of the Board & CEO Pfizer
235 E. 42nd St. NY, NY 10017

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

Informant: Ima Vegan

Bush at Center of Intelligence Leak

Attorneys and current and former White House officials close to the investigation into the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson said Thursday that President Bush gave Vice President Dick Cheney the authorization in mid-June 2003 to disclose a portion of the highly sensitive National Intelligence Estimate to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward and former New York Times reporter Judith Miller.


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