Their life is as precious to them as our life is to us: Stop Animal Testing

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April 23-30, 2006

"Their life is as precious to them as our life is to us. Stop Animal Testing."

NYC World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week

NYC animal rights activists and other concerned compassionate individuals will come together in late April to continue our on-going struggle to stop the killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) and other notorious animal testing facilities. Our week of action coincides with the global "World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week". Win Animal Rights (WAR) will conduct a full week of action, which will include a variety of events, geared toward educating and influencing both the businesses that conduct and contract for animal testing and the public which unwittingly supports the continued use of animals for product testing and research.

During this week of action, we will continue the work that we have been doing for the past two years on the streets of New York City, to bring pressure to bear on companies and individuals that contribute to HLS' bottom line.....their customers.....their suppliers.....their investors......their market makers. Events will occur daily and the best way to participate is to watch for future e-mail action alerts and to call the WAR hotline at: 646-267-9934. Meetup times and places will be posted daily. For your convenience, we will also be updating our event calendar on a daily basis.

Bookmark the following link for easy access to our on-line calendar:

Make a note of the WAR Hotline: 646-267-9934

Mark your calendars now for these special highlighted events:

Date/Time: Friday, April 28, 2006 at 3:30 PM Location: E. 42nd Street and Third Avenue

Date/Time: Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 3:30 PM Location: E. 42nd Street and Third Avenue

Date/Time: Saturday, April 29, 2006 at 7:30 PM "VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION PARTY" Special Guests & Location: To be announced

Win Animal Rights

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: or visit our website at:

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World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week Continues



Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) is a company whose primary business is death and suffering. 500 animals are killed there every day. They are poisoned, they are cut and burned, they have limbs broken and on top of that they have to endure the cruelty of sadistic technicians who have been proven, in 5 undercover investigations, to abuse and torture the animals in their care.

With Huntingdon's financial situation so tenuous, a continued revenue stream is of the utmost importance. Customers who are currently dealing with HLS and ones that sign new contracts, provide the needed funding to allow the killing to continue. What follows is a list of firms that play a key role in keeping HLS in business. You can help stop the suffering at HLS. We can close HLS down, but we need your help to do it. Call or write these companies today asking them to stop funding animal torture and killing at Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Join New York activists for a mobile demo day as we visit HLS customers:

Who: HLS Customers When: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 3:30 PM Where: 110 E. 59th St. (between Lexington & Park)

If you cannot join us for our mobile demo day, you can participate by contacting the following:

Chugai Pharma (subsidiary of Roche Pharmaceuticals)
444 Madison Ave. #1201 NY, NY 10022
212-759-8812 e-mail:

Novartis Investor Relations
608 Fifth Ave NY, NY 10020
212-307-1122 e-mail:

235 E. 42nd St. NY, NY 10017
212-733-2323 e-mail: addresses will be in a future action alert

Rockefeller Brothers Fund
437 Madison Ave., 37th Floor New York, NY 10022
212-812-4200 e-mail:
(Rockefeller Brothers Fund is not a customer but Dr. Tadataka Yamada of GlaxoSmithKline sits on their Board of Directors)

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

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World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week Continues


Win Animal Rights supports and promotes the concept that human rights and animals rights are intertwined. Consequently, we will be joining human rights and other progressive activists and community organizers at Columbia University to protest the building of a Level 3 bio research lab. A research lab that will no doubt mean the killing of millions of animals, as well as the endangerment of the local community, human and non-human. When you read the posting below, please note that Columbia University worked with GlaxoSmithKline on the HIV Aids Clinical Trials that were conducted using orphaned children as human guinea pigs. GlaxoSmithKline is one of Huntingdon Life Sciences largest customers.

Who: Columbia University When: Thursday, April 27, 2006 at 3:30 PM Where: 116th St. & Broadway (meet at the south east corner) If you cannot locate us, call: 646-267-9934

This is an issue that effects us issue that involves human rights, animal rights and our community's integrity. We need to fight for our neighborhoods and not passively watch them build another horror filled death trap. We urge everyone to come out for this extremely important event.

*****After this protest, our group will visit local area executives that have financial relationships with Huntingdon Life Sciences******

Urgent appeal to the progressive community!!!!!!!!!!
Demonstration Against Columbia University’s Expansion into Harlem

4:00 TO 6:30 PM OUTSIDE THE GATES OF COLUMBIA 116th Street & Broadway

Columbia University’s proposed 5 billion dollars 18 acres expansion in West Harlem from 125th to 133rd St. between Broadway and the Hudson River is not about creating additional space for students but about MAKING MORE MONEY! They want to build a biomedical research laboratory operating at BLS-3, the third highest level out of 4 safety levels define by the National Institute of Health that allows research on a wide spectrum of viruses, bacteria and fungal agents such as Ebola, Stars, HIV/AIDS and Malaria. Columbia really wants to receive billions in contracts/grants from the Department of Defense and millions more in bio-medical patents, currently only second to endowments in financing the University’s budgets.

If an accident happens in the lab or while the biological agents are transported through Harlem many of us would be exposed to contamination and even death. We cannot afford to trust Columbia. In 2002 the Environmental Protection Agency fined Columbia $797,029 for violating federal environmental laws including storing hazard waste in open unmarked containers. But that’s not all folks: The BBC documentary, “Guinea Pig Kids”, exposed the involvement of Columbia University’s genocidal role in using HIIV positive African American ad Latino children as human guinea pigs in tests for experimental AIDS drug trials at Incarnation Children’s Center, a subunit of Columbia University Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Unit. Columbia has a long history with pharmaceutical giants like GlaxoSmithKline whose annual worldwide revenue for AIDS medication is estimated in the billions of dollars. IT’S ALL ABOUT MONEY! COLUMBIA IS ABOUT “SHOW ME THE MONEY”!!!!

On Thursday, April 27th we need YOU TO join Harlem residents, business owners, students and activists to Say No to Columbia’s land grab, racist genocidal medical experiments and environmental racism.

Contact Nellie Hester Bailey at the Harlem Tenants Council, Inc. 212-234-5005 or

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

****Cross Post Widely****

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week Continues


Now that the LSRI (aka HLS) has been delisted to the Grey Market, it's time to focus our efforts on impacting their bottom line. The best way to do that is to take their customers away by educating them about the horrors and the cruelty that goes on at HLS every single day.

Approximately 70,000 animals are imprisoned right now, today. They wait in cold steel cages and concrete pens for the relief that only death can provide. Some of them have been poisoned, some burned, some mutilated and cut open........they suffer as they wait to misery and despair.

500 animals a day are brutally killed by Huntingdon Life Sciences and Pfizer pays them to do it.

Who: Pfizer Pharmaceuticals & other HLS Customers
*When: Friday, April 28 & Saturday, April 29th at 3:30 PM Where: Third Ave. & 42nd. St. (Bank of America corner) If you cannot locate us, call: 646-267-9934

*After the office demos, join us as we visit key HLS customer executives in Midtown Manhattan.

If you cannot join the protest, please support us by contacting Pfizer to let them know about the death camps of HLS. This is the kick off to a national campaign. Pfizer is a company that would be a focal point of attention regardless of their relationship with Huntingdon Life Sciences. In the coming weeks, we will be releasing additional contacts anddetailed information about Pfizer's corporate ethics. Stay tuned!

Mr. Hank McKinnell Chairman of the Board & CEO Pfizer
235 E. 42nd St. NY, NY 10017

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at:

Informant: Ima Vegan


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April 2006


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