Samstag, 22. April 2006

Secret Prisons Whistle-Blower Fired by CIA

The Central Intelligence Agency has dismissed a senior career officer for disclosing classified information to reporters, including material for Pulitzer Prize-winning articles in the Washington Post about the agency's secret overseas prisons for terror suspects, intelligence officials said Friday.

Demand that OfficeMax stop destroying endangered forests

OfficeMax, the third largest retail office supply store in the US, threatens forests of the south by doing business with the most irresponsible logging company in the region.

Tell Office Max CEO Sam Duncan to make a commitment to the environment and Southern Forests. Demand that OfficeMax stop sourcing paper from endangered forests! Our Southern forests are being rapidly wiped out to meet surging demands for office copy paper and paper packaging. Unless consumers insist that such throwaway products be produced from recycled fibers instead of trees, the great forest that once cloaked the southeastern U.S. is in danger of being into turned into vast, biologically sterile pine plantations. Take Action.

OfficeMax, the third largest retail office supply store in the US, threatens forests of the south by doing business with the most irresponsible logging company in the region. Tell them to stop sourcing paper from endangered forests!

The Southern forest region of the U.S. contains some of the most biologically rich ecosystems in North America. It is home to hundreds of forest and aquatic species -- especially amphibians, reptiles, snails and trees -- that are found nowhere else on earth.

OfficeMax’s two largest competitors, Staples and Office Depot, have already committed publicly to increase recycled content in the paper they sell and avoid sourcing paper from endangered forests.

Urge Office Max to follow suit. Demand that OfficeMax stop sourcing paper from endangered forests! Tell Office Max CEO Sam Duncan to make a commitment to the environment and Southern Forests.

Thank you for making a difference today,

Agata Gussmann
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team, Inc.
275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 150 Redwood City, CA 94065

Informant: Blue Ridge Mama

A Campaign Gore Can't Lose

"The case Gore makes is worthy of sleepless nights," says Richard Cohen of the Washington Post in his praise for a new film titled, "An Inconvenient Truth," a cinematic version of the lecture that former Vice President Al Gore has given for years warning of the dangers of global warming.

While Washington Slept

The Queen of England is afraid. International CEO's are nervous. And the scientific establishment is loud and clear. If global warming isn't halted, rising sea levels could submerge coastal cities by 2100. So how did this virtual certainty get labeled a "liberal hoax"?

Rain Forest Gas Fight

Backers of a multibillion-dollar proposal to ship vast stores of liquid natural gas from Peru's Amazonian rain forest to the United States are seeking Bush administration support for international financing, but environmental questions are complicating the bid.

Income Gap Mentality

"As the average American worker watches corporate America slash pensions and healthcare, as the average American has seen real wages decline in the last quarter century, and as the average American family has to work harder to maintain the standard of living it inherited, Treasury Secretary John Snow talked about this as if it were not much of a problem," writes Derrick Z. Jackson.

Guantanamo Detainee List Draws Wave of Complaints

A chorus of complaints against the Bush administration erupted yesterday after the Pentagon released a previously secret list of the names and nationalities of 558 people held at the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay.

Grand Jury Hears Evidence Against Rove

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald met with the grand jury hearing evidence in the CIA leak case and introduced additional evidence against Rove, attorneys and other US officials close to the investigation said.

Peak Oil And The Political Economy Of Terrorism

New Gasoline Study Shows Profits, Are Driving Pump Price Spike

A new study of rising gasoline prices in California found that corporate markups and profiteering are responsible for spring price spikes, not rising crude costs or the national switchover to higher-cost ethanol, as the oil industry claims.

Energy drives higher Halliburton profit

Halliburton Co. reported first-quarter net earnings rose nearly 34% to $488 million, or 91 cents a share, from $365 million or 72 cents a share a year earlier.

From Information Clearing House

Peak Oil And The Political Economy Of Terrorism

A Straits of Hormuz blocked by sunken tankers either way will immediately reduce global oil supplies by 20-25 per cent per day. Perhaps more, depending on which estimates you have been reading.

America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq

"The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen governments that displeased them for various ideological, political, and economic reasons."

Russia toughens opposition to Iran sanctions

Hardening its opposition to sanctions against Iran, Russia said on Friday the U.N. Security Council should only consider such measures if it had proof the Islamic Republic was trying to build nuclear weapons.

Russia backs Iran's nuclear programme

Russia today offered its most outspoken support yet of the controversial nuclear programme in Iran, its neighbour and trading partner.,,251-2145200,00.html

Russia Will Not Agree to Iran Sanctions Without Proof

Russia says again it will not agree to sanctions against Iran until Moscow sees hard evidence that Tehran's nuclear program is not for peaceful purposes.

From Information Clearing House

Iran years away from having nukes’

US intelligence chief John Negroponte has said Iran's resumption of uranium enrichment is "troublesome" but the country is still years away from having enough fissile material to make a nuclear weapon.

Taking matters in hand

Ali Larijani, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator and head of the Supreme National Security Council, tells Amira Howeidy that Iran does not need nuclear weapons to promote its influence in the region and that punishing Iran for pursuing a nuclear programme will damage everyone.

From Information Clearing House

Cheney has tapped Iranian expatriate, arms dealer to surveil discussions with Iran

Speaking on condition of anonymity, three intelligence sources identified the Iran-Contra middleman as having been put back on the payroll, acting as a human intelligence asset and monitoring any movement in discussions about Iran’s alleged burgeoning nuclear weapons program.

From Information Clearing House

Revolt of the generals: Rumsfeld jokes as generals get angry over GI body count

“I am driven to action now by the missteps and misjudgments of the White House and the Pentagon, and by my many painful visits to our military hospitals,” Newbold wrote “The cost of flawed leadership continues to be paid in blood."

Revolt of the generals

The denunciation of the administration's handling of Iraq by former US army chiefs is unprecedented.,,1758033,00.html

Poor planning, equipment to push Iraq war costs to 1 trillion dollars

"When the administration submitted its original budget for the Iraq war, it didn't provide money for continuing the war this year or any other. We could end up spending up to one trillion (dollars) in supplemental budgets for this war," he said.

From Information Clearing House

The Great Revulsion

By Paul Krugman

"I have a vision — maybe just a hope — of a great revulsion: a moment in which the American people look at what is happening, realize how their good will and patriotism have been abused, and put a stop to this drive to destroy much of what is best in our country."

CIA: White House knew there were no WMD


"The CIA had evidence Iraq possessed no weapons of mass destruction six months before the 2003 US-led invasion but was ignored by a White House intent on ousting Saddam Hussein, a former senior CIA official said, according to CBS.

A Path to Peace with Iran or 1 Million Dead Iranians?

By Scott Ritter

The problems that plague Washington DC on the issue of Iran are the same problems that haunt America overall regarding Iraq -- no clear understanding of why we as a nation are doing what we are doing where we are doing it, and absolutely no system of accountability for those who are implicated, directly through their actions or indirectly through abrogation of duties and responsibilities, in embroiling America in such senseless conflict.


1 Million Dead Iranians

By Chris Floyd

When this attack comes -- either as a stand-alone "knock-out blow" or as the precursor to a full-scale, regime-changing invasion, like the earlier aggression in Iraq -- there will be no warning, no declaration of war, no congressional hearings, no public debate. The already-issued orders governing the operation put the decision solely in the hands of the president. He picks up the phone, he says, "Go," and in 12 hours' time, up to 1 million Iranians will be dead.


Don't Impeach Bush?

Protect UK from mobile phone and TETRA masts

We call upon the UK Government to listen to the many renowned scientific voices warning them of the Human disaster that will occur very soon if the erection of these masts in residential areas is not curtailed.

Read further under:

SAVE DARFUR: Rally To Stop Genocide

Condoleezza Rice Implicated in New Leak Scandal


Two items of interest.

The first is to publicize an open meeting organised by B.E.S.T. on the mast issue and its related health effects which will take place next Tuesday at 8.00 PM, in the South Court Hotel, Limerick. Maximum support is called for.

The second is a report of another antimast residential group, this time in a Cork suburb.

Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland.


by Eoin English

Residents vowed last night to continue their campaign for the removal of a mobile phone antenna from the roof of a Cork shop despite assurances from mobile phone company O2 that there is no health risk. A small group of residents has been protesting outside Murray's Centra store on the Old Youghal Road for over a month calling for the removal of an O2 antenna from its roof. Store owner Ken Murray declined to comment on the row yesterday. O2 moved to reassure residents last night and organised a public meeting in Mayfield GAA club. The company also blitzed homes in the area with a two-page document outlining current research, which the company says proves there is no health risk from the equipment. Residents picketed the public meeting and said their compaign would continue. Last year, the group campaigned successfully for the removal of another O2 mast, on the roof of the nearby Cotton Ball pub. Residents again complained when a temporary mast was erected soon afterwards in the pub's car park for 12 weeks. That mast was also removed but residents' spokesman Ted Tynan said locals were furious when planning permission was granted for the erection of the mast on the roof of the Centra store -- just a few hundreds yards away. "It is next to Mayfield Community School and several large housing estates," Mr Tynan said. Mary Anders, who lives nearby, said she doesn't trust the technology. "And since the scientists can't agree whether it is safe, we have every reason to be afriad for our children's health and our own health," she said. However, an O2 spokesman said residents' health fears were groundless. The antenna was erected following numerous requests from customers to improve the quality of service in the Mayfield region, he said. "At all times, O2 Ireland complies with all Irish and EU health and safety legislation and all relevant industry health and safety standards. "O2's nationwide network of base stations adhere to the strictest of standards set by the International Commission for Non-ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and supported by the World Health Organisation. "The communications regulator, ComReg, audits O2 base stations to ensure full complaince with international standards and guidelines. Independent analysis from ComReg has shown that O2 sites operate thousands of times below safety standards set by the ICNIRP."

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:



B.E.S.T. (Better Environment and Safer Telecommunications) the lobby group campaigning for a safer telecommunications system in Ireland has arranged a meeting which will take place at the South Court Hotel, Limerick on Tuesday 25th April at 8:00p.m. sharp.

The meeting will address the serious issues and concerns which surround the increasing number of planning applications for the erection of phone masts in the heart of communities nationwide. The purpose of this meeting is to formulate a further plan of action to highlight the Governments failure to implement the recommendations in the Joint Oireachtas Report in June 2005 and particularly the recommendation which advises that phone masts are not located near schools, health centres, hospitals and crèches. Among topics to be discussed is how emissions allowed from mobile phone masts in Ireland are much higher than those in other European countries like Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Hungary. We will also be discussing the arranging of a protest at Dail Eireann over this serious matter which is causing huge distress among rural communities.

The B.E.S.T. Group has attended community group meetings which were in opposition to phone masts in their communities in counties Limerick Tipperary Clare Cork Kerry Waterford Galway Carlow Louth Laois Meath Offaly. The Group has also met with the Department of Communications, the Joint Oireachtas Committee for Health and Children and made presentations to Limerick and Kerry County Councils.

We are now calling on all Groups and individuals who have concerns with regard to the adverse health effects associated with radiation emissions from phone masts to attend this very important and informative meeting.

Guest Speakers at the meeting will be representatives of the Irish Doctors Environmental Association who will discuss the medical and scientific findings in relation to ill-health associated with exposure to emissions and members of the Irish Radiation Victims Network will talk about the ill-health they are suffering due to exposure to emissions from phone masts.

We would urge all individuals and communities nationwide to make the effort to attend this open public meeting as the issues to be discussed at this meeting may have arisen in the past in your area or may effect you or your community in the near future. “You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results”

West Point Graduates Against the War Launches Campaign Against the Deceit of the US Government

George Bush Is Becoming An Increasingly Dangerous President

Torture Should Never Be U.S. Policy

Alone on the Shrinking Ice

When Home is a Blighted Land: Tales from Chernobyl

Coke Slammed at Shareholders Meeting for Practices in India

Granny Peace Brigade Goes To Trial For Iraq War Protest

Raging Grannies and Raging Americans

Machen Handyantennen krank?

Mobilfunk beschäftigt die Gerichte

Schlafstörungen, Migräneanfälle, Krebs wie gefährlich ist die Strahlung von Mobilfunkantennen? Die Wissenschaft streitet darüber. Unterdessen häufen sich vor den Amts-, Land- und Oberlandesgerichten in Baden-Württemberg Schadensersatzklagen in Millionenhöhe. Anwohner kämpfen gegen Mobilfunkmasten in ihrer Nachbarschaft. Selbst Versicherungen gehen mittlerweile auf Distanz zu Mobilfunkanbietern. Das Risiko Elektrosmog erscheint ihnen nicht mehr tragbar. Sie steigen aus Schadensersatz-Verträgen aus oder streichen Haftungssummen radikal zusammen.

Ländersache Baden-Württemberg
Sendung am 20.04.2006 20.15 UHR unter:

Nachricht von Christine Kind

Come Shake Up Washington

UFPJ's "Peace in Iraq Call-In Day" Is Monday, April 24

On Tuesday, April 25, the Senate will take up the supplemental spending bill for 2006. The current proposal includes $67 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afganistan. How many innocent Iraqis must die, how many young Americans? How much more destruction, pain and hatred before the Congress finds the will to end this war? Tell your Senators: Not one penny more for the War! There is growing support in the Senate for an amendment to the supplemental that will prohibit permanent U.S. bases in Iraq. Tell your Senators: No permanent U.S. bases in Iraq! Our "not one penny more for war" call-in day to the House of Representatives last month was a great success. The number of Representatives voting against the war funding rose to 71, AND the House approved an amendment against permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq. We want to repeat that success in the Senate. If we are unable to stop the funding request from passing, we can at least make sure that an amendment against permanent bases is attached. Call 1-800-620-4394

The toll-free number we are using is graciously provided by the Friends Committee on National Legislation - a member group of UFPJ.

Congressional Hearing on Iraq Is April 27

Congresswomen Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee will host a hearing on the Iraq War on Thursday, April 27, 8:30-11 a.m., in 2325 Rayburn House Office Building (with an overflow room planned for anyone wanting to attend who can't fit in). Woolsey and Lee are expected to give introductory remarks, as is former CIA officer and current Georgetown University Professor Paul Pillar. There will then be two panels, the first consisting of two Iraqi women and two U.S. veterans of the Iraq War, the second consisting of Members of Congress who have introduced bills aimed at ending the war. Then there will a Question and Answers session involving the audience. So, bring your tough questions! Or watch the live blogging at

UFPJ and PDA Training and Lobby Days Are May 20,21,22 Here's a chance to organize, train, and lobby against war and for impeachment. United for Peace and Justice, and Progressive Democrats of America have teamed up and organized a series of activities in Washington, D.C., on May 20, 21, and 22. That's a weekend full of training both to lobby Congress and to organize back home, and a Monday of lobbying Congress face-to-face.

To take part in everything, you need to register with both UFPJ and PDA.

Register to Join United for Peace and Justice Training Sessions and Congressional Education Days May 21-22 in Washington, DC Optional strategy session Saturday, May 20 Register now with UFPJ:

Register to Join PDA Grassroots Organizing and Lobbying Day May 20-22, in Washington, D.C. Firebird Inn, University of District of Columbia Campus 4200 Conn. Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. (Van Ness/UDC stop of the Red Line Metro) Register now with PDA:

Saturday, May 20
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDA Grassroots Leadership Meeting

1:00 - 4:00 PM: Optional UFPJ Legislative Strategy Session -- open to members of the UFPJ Legislative Action Network and members of UFPJ member organizations. This session will provide an opportunity for local activists to share experiences, discuss long-term legislative strategy, develop ideas for building a stronger national UFPJ Legislative Action Network.

Sunday, May 21
8:00 - 8:30 AM: (PDA) Register/Continental Breakfast!

8:30 - 9:00 AM: (PDA) Welcome by Tim Carpenter, PDA Executive Director; Opening Prayer and Remarks by Rev Lennox Yearwood, PDA National Board Member

9:00 AM: (UFPJ) Register

9:30 - 10:00 AM: (PDA) "Be a Part of the Growing Pro-Impeachment Grassroots Movement" by David Swanson, PDA National Board Member/Co-Founder,

10:30 - 11:30 AM: (PDA) "Organizing Mobilize and Deliver the Progressive Vote in 2006/Working to Elect a Progressive Majority in Congress" Moderator: Steve Cobble, PDA National Board Member Panelists: Tony Trupiano, PDA endorsed candidate from Michigan's 11th District Terry Lierman, Maryland Democratic Party State Chair Bill Goold, Director Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Kevin Spidel, PDA Deputy Director

9:30 -10:45 (UFPJ) Peace Voter 2006 training – a non-partisan campaign to make peace the top issue in the 2006 elections. Kevin Martin, Executive Director, Peace Action

11:00 - 12:15 (UFPJ) Peace voter organizing session – Hany Khalil, Organizing Coordinator, UFPJ

9:30 - 10:45 (UFPJ) Coalition Building -- Michael Heaney, University of Florida

11:00 - 12:15 (UFPJ) X-treme Lobbying -- Techniques to bring greater sophistication to your lobbying efforts including how to research campaign contributions, who has influence over your congressperson, how to use that information.

11:30 - 12:30 AM: (PDA) "Building PDA at the Local, State and National Level " Moderator: Mimi Kennedy, PDA National Board Chair Panelists (from PDA): Dan O'Neal, State Coordinator Dr. Bill Honigman, Chapter Leadership Stephen Spitz, Congressional District Point Person Laura Bonham, Issue Working Group Coordinator Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Building Diversity into our Grassroots Organizing (PDA National Board Member) Sherry Bohlen, PDA National Field Director Register now with PDA:

Afternoon UFPJ Organizing Session

1:00 - 2:00 PM: Iraq and Iran update and legislative briefing

2:15 - 3:00 PM: How to make your visits to Congress a success –- tips from the experts

UFPJ Break-out sessions:

3:15 - 3:45 PM: Planning your House visit - Meet with PDA and UFPJ activists from your congressional district to determine spokespeople for your delegation, refine your message. Trainers will be congressional staff as well as experienced peace lobbyists.

4:00 - 4:30 PM: Planning your Senate visits Meet with others from your state to plan your visits. Trainers will be congressional staff as well as experienced peace lobbyists.

4:30 - 5:15 PM: Building/strengthening a statewide legislative network An opportunity to discuss building a statewide legislative network in your state, or to strengthen your statewide legislative network.

5:30 - 6:00 PM: Wrap-up and logistics for Monday

6:15 - 7:30 PM: (PDA) Briefing for congressional and senate candidates

Monday, May 22
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM: (UFPJ and PDA) Congressional Education Visits


Subpoena request granted alleging Rice leaked info to AIPAC

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Großvermieter gegen neue Mobilfunkantennen

Chemnitz Vorbild für Halle

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren Stadträte,

in der Freien Presse Chemnitz vom 21.04.06 stand der interessante Artikel "Immer mehr Chemnitzer Wohnungsgesellschaften wollen Handynetzbetreibern keine weiteren Standorte auf ihren Wohnhäusern mehr genehmigen" (siehe Anlage).

Wäre es nicht schön, wenn Halle auf diesem Gebiet Chemnitz nacheifern würde ? Wie sehen es die Stadträte von Halle ?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Helmut Gobsch

Nachricht von Christine Kind

BBC Click report on wireless technology

Complain to the BBC about the presenting of a programme with Alasdair Philips and Mike Clark (HPA/RPD)

Mocking on BBC, urgent, complain please

I have pasted and copied this to this email link because I know and know of too many people who are sensitive to this technology and I am also electrosensitive myself.

Please help by sending your comments.

Complaint links for BBC News 24 Click Online 6.30am Saturday 22nd April 2006

08700 100 222

BBC Complaints
PO Box 1922
G2 3WT


Please rally round all those able,

phone or email, or both, and complain to the BBC about the presenting of a programme with Alasdair Philips and Mike Clark (HPA/RPD) talking about EMF dangers and the electrosmog detector on 'click' BBC news this Saturday morning 6.30. hear or see typescript below, unfortunately it does not include the trailer-link from the start of the show which was the worst.

He referred to 'scaremongering' and took a joky approach to our serious ES reaction, Clark claimed scientific established view was no harm, please let them know how you feel. We have, at

We have badgered and threatened Mike Clark constantly over a year and he now uses the stock phrase"'no 'hard' evidence of harm" since we forced a retraction after a previous BBC interview. Such is 'progress' we do not want to lose it.


ElectroSensitivity-UK (registered charity 1103018) assisted by The Foyle Foundation.

Rod Read M.Phil.,(Cantab), Dip Psych Couns., Cert.Ed. director

A new organisation supporting sufferers and educating the public in recognition of this sensitive reaction affecting a vulnerable minority exposed to RF, microwave and general electromagnetic radiation from powerlines, mobile phones, VDUs and all manner of EMF sources.

Please support us and receive our newsletter by a donation (£10 min.) to ES-UK as below.

We particularly welcome help from scientists, doctors and health experts in understanding causes and links, especially to MCS, CFS and Thyroid problems and in diagnosis and treatments generally.

From ES-UK Office, Bury Lane, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2BB. Tel: 01353-778151 or at Also by e-mail at

Trustees: Professor of Human Radiation Effects Dr Denis Henshaw, Dr David Dowson MD., ChB, Jean Philips BA. Scientific advice from:, Keith Jamieson Dip.AAS. Bsc(Hons) RIBA. Inst.Ph., Environmental Consultant and others. Visit


----- Original Message -----
From: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:28 PM
Subject: BBC TV show

The message of this TV show seems to be: Don't worry, be happy: stay ignorant.

----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Weatherall
To: Iris Atzmon
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: BBC TV show

Hi all

The comments made by Mike Clark may have been laughable if it were not for all the people who are already being harmed by this so called safe technology. I can just imagine Mr. Clark and wireless industry cronies on a beach in Thailand watching a Tsunami in the distance.

They would probably be saying "its quite safe, it just a wave, all waves are safe"

Yet others around him would be saying "tsunamis are dangerous, lets find safety quickly".

There is plenty of evidence that various high frequencies are harming many people. If Mr. Clark is not willing to look at the other side of the equation and seek all knowledge and listen to the evidence of victims and their cries for help, he should not be in the position that he holds.

Martin Weatherall

Martin and all,

Mike Clark is in his position exactly because he lies to the public so well. This is the reason he was hired to this job in the first place. Repacholi is in his position, because of his talent to lie at any situation. The INTERPHONE researchers were chosen to the INTERPHONE because of their ability to produce industry biased results and lie to the public (for example what I sent about Feychting as she told to the Swedish newspaper. She didn't have an answer when she was confroned with data). So all these people should not be in their positions as we see it, but they are good in their job according to the job's purpose, to protect profits. They should not be invited to talk on stages and given any honour, but they are invited, they are interviewed. They are given the stage to play with people, so why wouldn't they play? The job of these people is to lie and the science is not relevant. As long as the public is in the position of defense, there is no reason it will change. Only if it moves to the attack. There is an intention in Israel to move the issue of israeli liars in public positions into the attack mode- to the court. The only thing that stops it is not science, it's money. There is no choice- there is a need for a third side to interfere here, otherwise this situation can continue 30 years more. There is no reason not to attack- their game is transparent, it stands in opposition to science, all it needs is a healthy explosion.

Best, Iris Atzmon.


I don't know if anyone watched the "Click" report on BBC News 24 yesterday, but I was absolutely livid at the bias. The following is my e-mail, complaining about their attitude to this serious matter:


After watching your Click report on wireless technology, in which three people were featured, I feel I must make a comment. It was clear from the outset by the introductory comments of the presenter that a cynical and flippant scene was being set. The first person interviewed - from the mobile phone industry - quite naturally rubbished any possibility that any health risks were associated with their products or services. This is rather like the wolf asking the three little pigs if they should open the door! There followed a brief discussion involving Alasdair Phillips (Powerwatch) and Mike Clarke (HPA). Comments made during this part of the report should be challenged - for a Government spokesperson to claim that an expert study group found no evidence of risk is completely mislieading. Sir William Stewart has gone on record many times, calling for a precautionary approach, especially where children under 16 are concerned - in fact, a DOH leaflet, advising parents that children under 16 should not use mobile phones for anything other than emergency situations, were not mentioned. The Draper Report (largest ever funded study by the DOH) which found children born under power lines were at greater risk of developing leukaemia, also has great relevance. These facts were totally ignored and Alasdair Phillips was treated abominably - far from the balanced view being aired, there was a three to one bias.

The DECT phone demonstrated during this report was one of the latest "safer" models which have just become available and are not the type which are widely used in this country. Had they been, the emissions would have been picked up even when the phone was not in use.

Other colleagues of mine are of the same opinion after watching this report. One has commented that the international studies on phone masts and phones should have been mentioned, if this report was to make any serious attempt at the facts. The German Government have issued a warning on the DECT phones and the Minister for Health in Salzburg has produced an open letter to inform and advise schools on DECT and WLAN.

I'm sorry to say that, once again, we have been treated to a comic strip send up of any serious scientists or campaigners who are calling for the prcautionary approach which this Government were advised to take. One would have expected more from the BBC...however, with the latest frenzy of mobile services becoming available (watching TV through mobile phones) perhaps it is naive to expect anything else.


the bbc are currently seeking to put up their license. I wonder if there is any pressure not to put out negative views on mobile phone technology from government.

sue g


I think we have seen evidence of their bias before - my community were devastated to be treated like fools when we took part in their supposed "science and factual" programme on ill health clusters around masts. Despite my going on camera to state that the health problem was identified before we became aware of the possible risks of the masts - they still claimed that we were being frightened to death!



Already mentioned to them Sue. My response below. Good letter, Sylvia.


Dear Sirs,

Michael Clark says we must have hard evidence that pulsed microwave radiation, to include phone masts, DECT phones etc is harmful. Equally there should be hard evidence that it is safe……….and although we don’t have the hard evidence that it is safe, we are constantly told it almost nearly is.

The actual facts are:

1) That there are people living around phone masts, especially 3G and clusters of 2G and 3G masts, and people near TETRA masts or along the lines of emissions from TETRA masts, who are suffering ill-health or unpleasant symptoms.

I have spoken to many of them while answering the advice line for as a volunteer. Only a small percentage of the population find the website and a smaller percentage phone or email us (phone calls in 2005 averaged 200 per month, emails higher but these were not logged as there are several email coords)

2) No one in authority acknowledges that these pockets of ill-health do actually exist, nor has any in situ research been done..... the feeble argument given is that other things could interfere outside of a controlled research area. The Naila Study was conducted by German doctors on patients living in their own area. I can send the translation of this study to you.

3) Doctors in this country are advised by the BMA to ignore the issue of ill-health around this pulsed technology because "the jury is out." Therefore all those who are suffering or are unwell can unwittingly be misdiagnosed at high cost to the NHS; or ignored; or sent for psychiatric or psychological appraisal; or be asked to leave the doctor's surgery, which has happened in a few cases.

Michael Clark tells us that it will take 10 to 20 years to know for sure and informs us that we have only had about 10 years with mobile phones.

Since the electro sensitive get more sensitive and the sick get sicker with no protection from these pulsed frequencies of microwave radiation, are we looking at the corporate murder scenario, I wonder? Once we get to the stage where it is proved to be harmful for at least a percentage of the population, and with children, the elderly, and the sick being more vulnerable, isn’t it a bit too late?

Isn't it about time that the media, and especially the BBC, worked for the people and not against them?

Time and time again we see this "mockery" of something that is actually happening and the supposed "unbiased view" which supports the "wealth and power bodies” far better than the less wealthy and suffering.

If I survive until the truth is finally acknowledge then I will remind those of you who allowed this to go on unheeded and unchecked. This will include the BBC with its penchant for mocking comments. I would rather give up my TV and deprive you of the licence fee than watch this cruel and tasteless practice that the BBC management seems to find amusing.

Click Online does not cover health issues but in my view it does not have the right to demean via mockery a subject that concerns many people who suffer from this pulsed technology.

Nor should the BBC allow the promotion of deceptive and inaccurate statements such as "the weight of evidence suggests that this technology is safe etc" There is nothing definite about a suggestion. Nor is there hard evidence that this technology is safe.

I wish to make a complaint about the presentation of this subject matter and I expect the BBC to apologise for the distress caused to those who are affected by this so called “safe” technology.

Sandi Lawrence



You can view the video, but not the pre-interview stuff on the website

The propaganda here is to trivialise the idea that some people might be unwell around this technology and to endorse the fact that they say it is "safe" This is all about public image and we need to counteract that somehow.



Hello Roger,

I know the balance is tilted in favour of the mobile operators, so I have got used to that, but I will not let them forget those who are affected and unwell! Nor will I allow them to try to sweep the idea of ill-health around this technology under the carpet! Yes Alistair and his gadget did a good job of raising the health issues, so that was all very positive. Let's hope he can make a few bob on his gadget, too, as he works so hard for the cause and provides useful information etc.

I have just written to Mike Clark and will copy it to Dolan and Sir W, just so that they know that we sensitive and/or unwell folk are still around and won't be forgotten.

I did ask the BBC in my verbal phone assault to provide programs on the health effects of this technology, as well as an apology, by way of compensating for their lack of taste. I think I am on a war dance here!

Why don't you suggest a program on Asphalia? Then we get double exposure! We value the contribution you make, too.



The BBC have a jumped into bed with the phone operators with the trend towards watching clips of football matches, favourite progs, etc. - and most TV stations now encourage texting as a means of contact. They should be exposed as for this biased misinformation.


PS - Great response, Sandi


Dear Michael Clark,

I have watched your TV appearances to include the latest on the BBC News Click Online program last Saturday.

Your statements, on the issue of the safety of microwave radiation, draw ever closer to it being declared totally safe, without you actually using a direct and clear statement of fact.

Yet, during your talk at a Dorset TETRA and phone mast forum in April 2005, you verbally acknowledged that some people can be sensitive to pulsed microwave radiation. This was recorded and included as part of the content of the video “Making Waves.” Anyone who views the video can hear this quite clearly.

We, the electro sensitive, and those who are unwell or suffering because of this technology, are well aware that the Government, the mobile phone operators, and the HPA are aware of us, but that you all just dismiss and ignore us. We are not going to go away to please you.

You state that clear hard evidence of ill health is needed, knowing full well that the research carried out in this country is practically worthless.

Doctors in Naila, Germany, carried out research on cancer and noted an increase once a phone mast was present in the area. This was carried out over a 10 year period and is still ongoing.

Why doesn’t the UK Health Authority instruct UK GPs to carry out such research?

Why isn’t the Government considering the Public Health issues here?

You must know that people who develop ‘classic mast’ symptoms (which are well documented) may be misdiagnosed because UK GPs are not made aware of the side effects that pulsed microwave radiation can cause in some people. You must also know that these people can be dismissed as time wasters or that their symptoms may be thought to be psychosomatically induced.

Apart from the needless extra costs to the NHS, there is a moral issue here; the issue of the total disregard for the Human Rights of these people; and a very cruel and unethical disregard for human suffering.

That animals and wildlife also suffer only adds weight to the human suffering endured.

The HPA statement on electro hypersensitivity last year was a complete white-wash.

Why weren’t we surprised?

I find it hard to believe you can all sleep at night and that you can totally disregard the well-being of fellow human beings. None of you can take your power and money with you, and the best things in life are indeed free, you know.

I respectfully request that the Health and Protection Agency will publicly recognise that some people can be sensitive to pulsed microwave radiation, and that all medical staff in the UK are provided with information on the biological effects of this technology, so that those people who are unwell or suffering are given back their basic rights as human beings.

I would also ask that this information should please be made available to animal and wildlife societies.

It is left to a few organisations and individuals to provide support, advice, and information on protection for those who are suffering around this pulsed technology, while the Government does nothing. It is about time it did, unless it wishes to totally lose all credibility with the people who are affected in various ways from this technology.

I write to you as one of these individuals who provides support, advice, and information, giving up my time freely and willingly to help others who are overwhelmed by the effects of this technology and the ill-health it causes.

I do so because I am disgusted by this Government for allowing this to happen to these people, to serve its own private agenda.

By ‘Government’ I mean those who are responsible for making these decisions.

My final comment has to be that this deadly TETRA is most surely making the situation far worse than it need be and my opinion is that it may be inducing more sensitivity that there otherwise might be.

I am not alone in thinking that TETRA may indeed prove to be the source of a reason for charges of corporate manslaughter in the future, when the truth is finally revealed.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S L Lawrence


Great war-dance Sandi,

I was up and attem too, first thing Saturday and again today.

I gave them such an angry earfull I am pleased they then phoned me back and said they had no record of my email complaint and I had made two!

So I have made another, somewhat cooler.

Try phoning Bruce, Manderley, I think, who has replaced Rebecca Asher in complaints dept. She was embroiled in doing her best to ignore belittle and lose the communications from Ingrid Dickenson who was lied to and made a figure of fun over ES in June last year. Still no satisfaction over her complaint so necessary to be emphatic and even raise that fact. Shall we still be complaining in eleven months time without a result? Bruce is on 0207 208 9380, actually he does not seem so bad... or he is clever.

Do circulate this.

Its good so many are rallying round.


ElectroSensitivity-UK (registered charity 1103018) assisted by The Foyle Foundation. Rod Read M.Phil.,(Cantab), Dip Psych Couns., Cert.Ed. director A new organisation supporting sufferers and educating the public in recognition of this sensitive reaction affecting a vulnerable minority exposed to RF, microwave and general electromagnetic radiation from powerlines, mobile phones, VDUs and all manner of EMF sources. Please support us and receive our newsletter by a donation (£10 min.) to ES-UK as below. We particularly welcome help from scientists, doctors and health experts in understanding causes and links, especially to MCS, CFS and Thyroid problems and in diagnosis and treatments generally. From ES-UK Office, Bury Lane, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2BB. Tel: 01353-778151 or at . Also by e-mail at Trustees: Professor of Human Radiation Effects Dr Denis Henshaw, Dr David Dowson MD., ChB, Jean Philips BA. Scientific advice from:, Keith Jamieson Dip.AAS. Bsc(Hons) RIBA. Inst.Ph., Environmental Consultant and others. Visit


After reading Rod's email I decided to sent an official written complaint to the BBC, as below.


BBC Complaints
PO Box 1922
G2 3WT

25th April 2006

Dear Sirs,

I wish to make an official complaint about the BBC’s biased viewpoint on mobile phones/ masts/ microwave radiation, especially when mockery is used to promote the impression that there are no ill-health effects around this technology, as in the Click Online program on the smog detector last Saturday 22nd April 2006.

This is not the first time many of us have noted this…. and it is broadcast on emails that go across the UK and abroad. It has also been noted that the BBC mislays emails, fails to apologise after complaints are made, and never seems to redress its biased viewpoint in favour of the lucrative market for mobile phones and other technology.

I am asking for a public apology from BBC ‘Click Online’ for deriding the plight of the many people who are unwell around this technology. I also want the BBC’s assurance that it will take this issue seriously in the future and present balanced and fair interviews or programs, with some programs highlighting the devastating effect this technology has on some people’s lives.

I am not going to go away as this issue is too important to ignore.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S L Lawrence

I have enclosed copies of correspondence to include;
Copy of the email to Click to complain about the program
Copy of a letter to Michael Clark (copied to Sir William Stewart and Michael Dolan)
Copy of a news article and two letters from the ‘Letters’ column of a local paper


From Karen Barratt

While it's perfectly reasonable to complain to the BBC about specific programmes, it can be very time-consuming and achieve very little. I haven't seen the Click prog but as last year's Late Edition programme has been mentioned, I am forwarding the initial response I had from the producer Bill Dare. I was quite surprised that he promised that the item featuring Ingrid would not be repeated. At the time I thought this was quite a concession given that Ingrid had not been 'slandered.' (off the record legal opinion.) and many progs get reshown. I obviously was totally in sympathy with Ingrid's outrage as we all were but as far as media coverage of our issue is concerned we're in a 'win some, lose some' situation.

The BBC is not always negative anymore than individual newspapers are. The BBC 3 programme revealed the T-mobile 'dirty tricks' and conducted a survey of masts near schools which generated a great deal of press the time. More recently BBC South has done survey in its region of the 56 -day council 'cock-ups'. Coverage of phone mast campaigns are often reasonably sympathetic. Different journalists have different agendas - the 'techies' don't want to talk about health. Obviously industry lobbyists work very hard at getting a sympathetic message across. We don't have their time and money unfortunately. In spite of that my general impression is that the BBC and media generally reflect society's mixed feelings about the technology. Most people use mobile phones, DECT etc and don't actually want to believe that there is a problem. Every now and again 'our' message gets reported and the public start worrying but then people push it to the back of their minds because they don't want to give up the pleasure and convenience of the technology. Nobody likes bad news and that is the main problem we have in getting the message across.

Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 11:15 AM
Subject: The Late Edition

Dear Karen Barratt,

Thank you for your letter regarding your colleague, Ingrid Dickenson's, contribution to The Late Edition. I am very sorry you found cause for complaint, and that you feel the subject was not treated with sufficient seriousness. The series offers satirical comment on topical issues and the week's events; it is not in its nature to treat most subjects with the reverence that one might expect from a serious news programme. There are a range of topics from the funeral of the pope, to the banning of blood sports, that we have addressed in a light-hearted way. Phone masts, and the opinion that they may be damaging, was therefore not singled out as a subject for humour more than any other subject.

I am very sorry if Ingrid Dickenson was insufficiently informed about the general tone of the programme when we invited her to appear on it. I think in this case we should have made her fully aware of the possible humorous turn the whole piece might take. We will try hard to make this clearer to contributors in the future and I would like to thank you for drawing it to our attention.

Once again I am sorry you felt your organisation was compromised, we will revue our procedures in the future, and I can assure you the item will not be repeated.

Yours sincerely

Bill Dare Producer
The Late Edition


I agree Karen BUT complaints do help as if the BBC are constantly getting complaints from different people .. well they add up and its noted and just maybe it adds to the reasons WHY they then make more balanced mobile stories.. I feel :>)


I've signed the petition and pointed out that Mr. Lo who spoke on their programme was working for a company involved in electronics, so of course it is necessary for him to promulgate this lie (emissions not a danger to health.) I also pointed out that the so called 'safe' rate of emissions relied upon by the NRPB is set by the ICNIRP whose most influential leader is in the pay of a large Auistralian power company and that the rate of emissions in our country is far higher than in Russia and Switzerland, where they have experienced plenty of proof of damage to health from emissions.

Best regards,



I'd just like to echo Karen's sentiments, certainly with regard to the BBC Late Edition complaint I have been engaged with so much futile correspondence with them that has wasted so much time that I could have been spending on other things that I am now inclined to think that it is a completely fruitless exercise. The BBC's Douglas Evans from the ECU told me one thing, and then Fraser Steel of the Board of Governors did another!. I am sure that someone will respond to this email and say 'Well, you shouldn't leave it at that' etc, so I will just put in this final point. There are hardly any volunteers to manage the day-to-day running of MS as it is, only three on the helpline, some of us doing several email coords, or a combination of other tasks, and, hey, guess what, - we are all human with other responsibilities (to our families, for instance) too! I wonder if people realise just how many things most of the volunteers and trustees have actually been doing for MS in the past, quite often to no avail because the system is stacked against us and this Gov in particular so corrupt.



Dear Amanda,

While I understand your view point, being a Mast Sanity volunteer myself, the complaint I made to the BBC was a personal one and does not involve Mast Sanity in doing anything at all. Rod Read also complained on behalf of so this organisation has taken it up.

My complaint may turn out to be a useless exercise, but my feeling is that every complaint is another little notch against this unfair system and like water dripping on stone it can perhaps eventually erode it - even if only a tiny little bit! Hopefully there will be other somebodies like me having a little pop at the BBC, or whoever, along the line.

I will use the free time I have to take this complaint as far as I want to, so there is no pressure for Mast Sanity in this at all.

I listened to that radio broadcast by Olle Johansson, which was fascinating and scary in so many ways, but it puts priorities in some sort of perspective - although achievement of goals can very difficult as things stand without adequate funding for independant researchers etc etc
[ ]
Olle spoke of a comparison to tobacco etc and said that basically the consumers (i.e. general public) would probably be the ones most able to turn this situation around. I have always thought that, so I will continue to chip away in my free time.

On a serious note, my own opinion is that we do need an organisation to head and broadcast the views of those people who campaign against this technology.

Perhaps some of the active people on this masts email link would consider volunteering to help Mast Sanity with all the things that need doing? Please think about it everyone.

If all groups, organisations etc do their own thing, the big thrust is necessarily fragmented. We need a national stand on this issue.

I am not speaking for Mast Sanity here because I just answer the advice line one day a week and I am not a trustee, therefore I have no idea of Mast Sanity strategy and aims at this time. I am basically just expressing my own viewpoint.



Hi Sandi,

The last comment I responded to had no name on so I didn't know it was yours.

The point that I was making was that official complaints to the BBC seem to achieve nothing at all, as far as I can see, and it is much more of a headache to the establishment to have to deal with hundreds of complaints rather than one from an organisation that will be treated no differently, or at least that has been my experience. I'm not disputing that individuals should complain, in fact, as license fee payers, I think this is who the BBC can be reminded pay the wages, and fair play to all of you who have done so.

As for the fragmentation and lack of volunteers, as you know, we have been trying to get more people on board to do these tasks forever, with very little success, and I can't see that changing, unfortunately. Rather than take on roles within MS people have tended to go off and start a new group, often ending up in us all duplicating effort in some areas while huge gaps exist in others.

In the meantime, the mast movement reminds me of that poster with all those otters or whatever they are pulling in different directions and getting nowhere, so it could well be left down to mass letter-writing etc.



Hi Amanda,

The unnamed comment was not mine. I do try to remember to add my name. I was just generally replying to your email to make it clear that I understood your viewpoint, and to explain my own actions more clearly. I have respect for you, Amanda, and the work you have done.

I am well aware of how much more effective Mast Sanity could be if people would only volunteer and give a little time, and how much is lost if groups go off and do their own thing. I joined MS because I realised that this issue was far bigger than my own backyard and too important for accolade seeking.

It is the future of our children we are fighting for here and our environment and the world we live in. We should all join together and fight this together.

Having said that I do feel Mast Sanity has been too overworked and busy to send out clear messages at times, so perhaps people didn't realise how much it did, and how badly it needed volunteers if it was to do what was required of it!

Anyone who wants Mast Sanity to do more could offer a little time!

In Olle Johansson's radio broadcast he spoke of this technology slowing down our capacity to think and react. Having been badly affected last year with periods of increased power from TETRA, I do know the feeling of being unable to concentrate, having memory loss, and feeling low, dispirited and worn down - and the sleepless nights! I am now very much recovered and realise what an awful state that is to be in! Do we all want to end up permanently in that state eventually?

Olle says in the radio broadcast that the electrosensitive ones could be the lucky ones because they try to keep themselves away from sources of pulsed microwave radiation. It is his opinion that the electrosensitive are not the only ones who will be affected long term.

I am not only electrosensitive but I also talk regularly to others who are, and many of them are quite unwell. We are the forerunners and forewarners according to Olle Johansson. Please listen to us. We bear the message that our children and our world are in grave danger.

As part Lakota Sioux I know that there is much more than this technology which is damaging us, animal life and our world, but I chose to work in this area because the mobile and DECT phones/mast, WiFi etc are far too close to our children. I have to leave flouride, chemicals, drugs, polution etc etc to others.

If we are fragmented in our efforts and seek to achieve just local victories, then the Government and the operators will surely win. We have a tough battle against so much power and money, but joined up people power can achieve wonders in a peaceful and legitimate way.

These opinions are my own and what I truly believe, what I have always thought and said. I will carry on for as long as I am able in some way or another.


What Jack Abramoff, Anthony Pellicano, and Jared Paul Stern have in common

Informant: Lew Rockwell

On US plans for a permanent occupation of Iraq

Stateless Prisons: Containing Danger Without Enslaving Citizens

HR 418: on the crazed requirements of the police state

The Price We'll Pay for Countenancing Presidential Omnipotence

Climate change could affect tectonic plates


Created 04/21/2006 - 05:45

The erosion caused by rainfall directly affects the movement of continental plates beneath mountain ranges, says a University of Toronto geophysicist — the first time science has raised the possibility that human-induced climate change could affect the deep workings of the planet.

“In geology, we have this idea that erosion’s going to affect merely the surface,” says Russell Pysklywec, a professor of geology who creates computer models where he can control how a range of natural processes can create and modify mountains over millions of years. Pysklywec conducts field research in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, where the mountains are high and geologically “young.” He found that when mountains are exposed to New Zealand-type rainfall (which causes one centimetre of erosion per year) compared to southern California-type rainfall (which erodes one-tenth of a centimetre or less), it profoundly changes the behaviour of the tectonic plates beneath the mountains. “These are tiny, tiny changes on the surface, but integrating them over geologic time scales affects the roots of the mountains, as opposed to just the top of them,” says Pysklywec. “It goes right down to the mantle thermal engine — the thing that’s actually driving plate tectonics. It’s fairly surprising — it hasn’t been shown before.”

It takes a supercomputer several days to run one of Pysklywec’s models, which reveal the inner workings of the Earth to hundreds of kilometres below the surface, where the temperature can reach 1,500 degrees Celsius. In extreme conditions, he says, the erosion effect can even cause the underlying plate to reverse direction. “As a concept, imagine blanketing the European Alps with a huge network of ordinary garden sprinklers. The results suggest that the subtle surface weathering caused by the light watering have the potential to shift the tectonic plates, although you would have to keep the water on for several million years.” In the long run, says Pysklywec, it raises the question of whether human activity, which is affecting climate, could ultimately influence deep Earth processes. “That’s what these findings suggest,” he says. “We’re talking millions of years, but it’s one more example of how all these natural systems are interrelated.”

The study appears on the cover of the April issue of Geology and was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Lithoprobe.

From University of Toronto [1]


Informant: NHNE

Inspiration and Transformation Abounds

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Funk-Chips in Fahrkarten


A message from Sid:

The basic necessities to sustain all life on earth are clean air and water. In Ocala Florida where Silver Springs is located and Rainbow Springs to the west are becoming polluted for money from greedy developers and builders who are installing septic systems that are draining and leaking into our spring fed rivers and water systems. This petition is to be heard by the Governor of Florida and correct this problem before it is to late. We all have a right to clean air and clean water. Yet we destroy it for money and greed. But this "God" given neccesity for human life and all life on earth is being taken away by the few who choose to do things cheaply at the cost of clean water for everyone. I urge all to please sign this petition and send it to your family and friends so we can be heard and stop this epidemic of destroying these natural resources essential to all life on earth. Thankyou for helping.

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