Mittwoch, 5. April 2006

The Republican War on Science

Once Upon a Forest

Kelpie Wilson relates another chapter in the Republican war on science: Oregon congressman Greg Walden has a bill that would mandate logging forests after natural disturbances like fire, wind or drought. The Walden bill's supporters are selling a story about science that supports their logging plan, but some upstart graduate students are exposing it for a fraud.

Once upon a forest
by Kelpie Wilson


Proponents of the Walden logging bill claim they need to slash environmental protections for burned forests because otherwise environmentalists will use the protections to appeal logging plans. Often, they say, appeals can drag out long enough that the burned timber rots and becomes worthless, and if the timber can't be sold then there won't be enough money for replanting. Thus the politicians, who know best, must override the misguided environmentalists in order to 'save' the forests. There are two very large problems with this line of reasoning: the science and the facts. Chris Mooney, in his book 'The Republican War on Science,' has documented the Right's extremely well-orchestrated attack on science. Republicans have invented something they call 'sound science,' which is basically any science that gives them the results that they want, as opposed to independent science that gives the wrong answers...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fears over mobile phone masts

A CITY councillor has called for clearer guidelines to be provided on the issue of mobile phone masts after two separate applications were made by communications companies to erect a mast on Roxboro Shopping Centre.

"Two communications companies have tried to develop masts in the heart of a densely populated area,” said Cllr Ger Fahy (FG). "It is the view of people of this area that these masts are totally unsuitable because of genuine health fears for the health of their children and that of the residents at large.”

Cllr Fahy noted that a high number of people worked and shopped in the vicinity of Roxboro Shopping Centre. He also noted the nearby communities of Janesboro, Carew Park and Kennedy Park and cited two schools which are located within a 200 metre radius of the Roxboro centre.

He said that mobile phone masts should not be approved for such an area until it was proved conclusively that they involved no health risks.

Cllr Fahy added that the fact that both Vodafone and O2 had appealed the decisions made by Limerick City Council showed the "scant disregard that such communications companies have for the people of the Roxboro community”.

Cllr Fahy proposed that the council write to the government on guidelines for construction of such masts and stated that clear laws were needed in relation to the matter.

"There are inconsistencies in the issue and clear guidelines are needed to prevent communications companies from building masts in high density population areas.” Cllr Fahy said.

There was, however, no mention of a planning application that has been granted to mobile and fixed communications provider 3G for the same building. Permission for 3G to attach antennas and point-to-point dishes with associated equipment and cables was granted on January 7th last year.

Labour Cllr John Ryan raised the issue of a similar proposal for Villier’s school.

He referred to the recent incompleted application made by 3G for planning permission for a 5 metre white flagpole with antennas together with equipment cabinets for 3G’s broadband network to be erected on the roof of the North Circular Road school.

Cllr Ryan said that if there was any doubt over health and safety issues, especially in the case of a school, that no risks should be taken - this despite the fact that Villiers is one of the two schools within 200 metres of the proposed mast.

Communications company O2 applied for permission to erect 3 antennas, an aerial link dish and associated equipment units at Roxboro Shopping Centre at the beginning of last year. The application was denied on April 20 2005.

Months later rival Vodafone applied for permission to erect a 20 metre high monopole for the same building within metres of the original application.

Although both companies appealed the refusals they were also denied planning permission by An Bord Pleanala.

© Limerick Post Newspapers 2006

Emirate testen weltweit einmaliges Überwachungsprojekt

Mit der Hilfe britischer Satelliten soll in Abu Dhabi und Dubai die Geschwindigkeit der Fahrzeuge kontrolliert und damit der Aufenthaltsort aller Wagen in Echtzeit erfasst werden.

060405 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060404 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060403 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

75 % der Bürger wollen keine grüne Gentechnik

Too late to stop mast

By Glenn Ebrey

FUMING residents have been left with an "ugly" phone mast on their doorstep, because the council left it too late to block the proposal.

Lewisham Council had 56 days to refuse the application by phone company T-Mobile, to build a mast disguised as a lamppost, in Whitefoot Lane, Catford.

But the mast has now been put up, because the council registered its objections after 57 days one day outside the permitted time frame.

The council is now taking its case to the Government, as it considers taking action against T-Mobile.

But residents still want to know the answer to one question "why did you leave it so late to respond?".

Lewisham Council claims the case was determined within 56 days, because it counts the day it received the application as day zero in the objection process.

T-Mobile has exploited a legal loophole however, by arguing the day of receipt is day one, meaning Lewisham was too late with its objections.

Work to put up the mast has now started but residents are furious it has reached this stage.

Linda Connors, of Downderry Road, said: "The council should not have left it to the last minute to respond."

The 46-year-old added: "Everyone has mobile phones these days but there are already plenty of masts. Why put up another one?

"You hear lots of stories about the health impacts of these things. It is a definite worry for us."

Elaine Parr, of Verdant Lane, leads the users' group at nearby Forster Park.

She said: "Why did the council not respond earlier? This is what we all want to know.

"The last we heard was this was not going ahead, then it suddenly appears.

"The mast looks appalling and none of us have any idea about the health risks involved."

Mrs Parr says she is also concerned about the health risks posed by the mast, with an under-fives' play centre nearby.

Whitefoot ward councillor Daniel Houghton says the council must adopt an "urgent change of policy", to ensure similar cases do not arise in the future.

He added: "It is madness for the council to determine applications on the last possible day."

Lewisham Council says it is waiting to hear from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister but believes "recent guidelines" support its view of events.

A spokesman added the council is exploring whether it can take action against T-Mobile.

Nobody from T-Mobile was available for comment at the time of going to press.

10:06am today

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Nach dem Energiegipfel geht der Streit um Atomkraft erst richtig los

.ausgestrahlt-Newsletter 6/06 Mittwoch, der 5. April 2006

Nach dem Energiegipfel geht der Streit um Atomkraft erst richtig los. Streite mit! Beteilige Dich an den Aktivitäten zu 20 Jahre Tschernobyl! Rückblick auf Aktionen Tschernobyl-Plakatserie bestellen!

Zum Energiegipfel im Kanzleramt trafen sich Montagabend vor allem Vertreter der Großkonzerne mit Angela Merkel. Vereinbart wurde eine offene Debatte, die bis Ende 2007 in eine energiepolitische Gesamtstrategie münden soll. Der Druck aus Union und Wirtschaft für Laufzeitverlängerungen der Atomkraftwerke nimmt weiter zu. Zwar erklären SPD-Vertreter immer wieder, dass für sie ein Aufschnüren der für die einzelnen Reaktoren im Atomkonsens festgezurrten Strommengen nicht in Frage kommt. Aber die Gegenseite hofft darauf, die Sozialdemokraten mürbe zu machen.

Somit ist ein entscheidendes Ergebnis für uns: Wir müssen uns auch in den kommenden Monaten aktiv einmischen. Denn selbst wenn die SPD ihrer Position treu bleibt, kann es passieren, dass bis zur nächsten Wahl kaum ein AKW vom Netz geht. Deshalb:

1. Mach mit bei der Onlineumfrage von n-tv zur Zukunft der Atomkraft:

2. Schreibe LeserInnenbriefe! Jetzt ist dafür ein idealer Zeitpunkt, da alle Zeitungen ausführlich über den Energiegipfel und den Streit um Atomkraft berichten. Hilfestellung dazu gibt es unter

3. Beteilige Dich an den Aktivitäten zu 20 Jahre Tschernobyl! In den nächsten Tagen und Wochen gibt es bunt über die Republik verstreut hunderte von Veranstaltungen zum 20. Jahrestag der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl. Besonders ans Herz legen möchte ich Euch dabei die Demonstrationen, die am 22.4. in Gronau, Hamburg und Kiel, am 23.4. in Neckarwestheim, am 26.4. in Berlin, Münster und Ulm und am 29.4. in Ahaus, Biblis, Freiburg und München stattfinden.

Eine ausführliche Terminliste findet sich unter

Eine Termin-Suchmaschine, in der Ihr z.B. Euer Bundesland eingeben könnt, findet sich unter

In den letzten Wochen waren viele aktiv

Im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels haben wir gemeinsam Druck gemacht, um statt einer Verlängerung der Laufzeiten zu einem wirklichen Atomausstieg zu kommen:

Mehr als 7.000 Postkarten "Mehr Tempo beim Atomausstieg" wurden in Eurem Namen im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels an die Konzernchefs, die Kanzlerin und den Wirtschaftsminister verschickt. Unter ist zu sehen, wie die Karten im Verdener campact-Büro für den Versand vorbereitet werden. Wir freuen uns sehr über die große Beteiligung. Herzlichen Dank auch für die finanzielle Unterstützung!

Anlässlich des Films "Die Wolke" zogen in etwa 70 Städten aktive Menschen vor die Kinos und verteilten Infos an die Kino-BesucherInnen. Fast 20.000 Aktionspostkarten wurden verteilt, dazu tausende Stromwechsel-Infos und weiteres Infomaterial. Berichte von Kino-Aktionen findet Ihr auf

Einige .ausgestrahlt-Aktive haben sich den Aktionen zum Energiegipfel vor dem Kanzleramt angeschlossen. Dort waren Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Initiativen und Umweltverbänden zusammengekommen, um für einen wirklichen Atomausstieg zu demonstrieren. Auch wenn es in Strömen regnete und deshalb nur etwa 150 Leute zusammenkamen, war die Aktion an prominenter Stelle in der Tagesschau und weiteren Nachrichtensendungen zu sehen.

Mit den drei geschilderten Aktivitäten wird wunderbar deutlich, was bei der Kampagne .ausgestrahlt alles möglich ist, von der schnellen Online-Aktion über Infoarbeit vor Ort bis zur Teilnahme an Demonstrationen. Jede/r von Euch kann immer wieder neu entscheiden, was gerade möglich und sinnvoll ist. Wichtig ist nur, dass Ihr auf irgendeine Weise aktiv bleibt.

Wer .ausgestrahlt für eine gute Idee hält, sollte die Kampagne weiterempfehlen. Wie das geht steht unter

Tschernobyl-Plakatserie bestellen!

Das Netzwerk "Tschernobyl+20" hat eine Plakatserie zum 20. Jahrestag von Tschernobyl und zu den wichtigsten Argumenten gegen Atomkraft erstellt. Entstanden sind zehn A2-Plakate, die gut an Schulen, in Gemeinde- oder BürgerInnenhäusern oder an anderen öffentlichen Orten aufgehängt werden können, auch bei den jetzt anstehenden Tschernobyl-Veranstaltungen. So sehen sie aus:

Das Problem: Die Plakatserie kann Anfang nächster Woche nur in Druck gehen, wenn es genügend Nachfrage gibt. Eine Serie kostet inklusive Versand 20 €. Deshalb mein Aufruf: Wenn Du einen Ort weißt, wo Du die Plakate aufhängen kannst, dann bestelle die Plakatserie jetzt bei

Nur wenn genügend Bestellungen eingehen, werden die Plakate gedruckt. Nur dann wirst Du die sie bekommen. Nur dann musst Du bezahlen.

Herzliche Grüße aus dem schönen Wendland

Jochen Stay


Was machen die .ausgestrahlt-Trägerorganisationen sonst noch?

Campact: E-Card-Aktion "Kein Zurück zur Käfighaltung!" Eigentlich soll am 1. Januar 2007 Schluss sein mit der grausamen Käfighaltung von Hühnern. Doch etliche Ministerpräsidenten wollen das von Rot-Grün erlassene Verbot jetzt kippen. Am nächsten Freitag wird im Bundesrat entschieden. Fordere den Ministerpräsidenten Deines Bundeslandes mit einer E-Card auf, das Verbot der Käfighaltung unangetastet zu lassen.

BUND: Merkels magerer Gipfel Die Investitionssummen sind genannt, die Debatte über die Atomkraft soll weitergeführt werden. Die Ergebnisse des Energiegipfels sind mager. Gefährlich ist das drohende Comeback der Kohle. So beginnt die Kommentierung des BUND zu den Ergebnissen des Energiegipfels. Mehr unter

X-tausendmal quer: Juristischer Teilerfolg gegen Castor-Demoverbot Am 16. März, erklärte das Verwaltungsgericht Lüneburg das Versammlungsverbot vom Castor-Transport 2004 ins Zwischenlager Gorleben für rechtswidrig. X-tausendmal quer und die BI Lüchow-Dannenberg hatten geklagt. Mehr unter

Research in Pacific Shows Ocean Trouble

Research fresh off a boat that docked Thursday in Alaska reveals some frightening changes taking place in the Pacific Ocean. As humans are pumping out more carbon dioxide that is helping to warm the planet, the ocean has been doing yeoman's work to lessen the effects - but it's taking a toll.

Internet in Gefahr

(ftd) Die Betreiber des Netzes beabsichtigen zukünftig Inhalte zu filtern und einen digitalen "Wegezoll" erheben. Die Nutzer des Internets müssen sich darauf einrichten, ihre Freiheit zu verteidigen.

Nach einem Artikel der Financial Times sehen die neuen Konzepte der Kabelnetzbetreiber vor, zukünftig das Internet zu filtern, und nur Inhalte durchzuleiten, wenn deren Anbieter dafür zahlen. Andere würden verlangsamt oder gar nicht transportiert. Ob diese Konzepte umgesetzt werden, hängt nicht zuletzt ab von der Akzeptanz durch die Internet-Nutzer. Sie haben es somit letztlich in der Hand, ob sie die eigene Entmündigung durch die großen Konzerne der Netzbetreiber hinnehmen.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

Mobile microwave ovens on the information superhighway


By John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Molecular and Cell Biology, U.C. Berkeley March 9, 1996

Forget it, if you are thinking about having a real evaluation, from the radiation establishment, of the human cost of the Chernobyl Blow-Up at this 10th anniversary (or ever). The monolithic nuclear/radiation "community" cannot afford to provide a meaningful analysis of the radiation consequences. Life, for this monolith, requires the lowest possible death consequences of Chernobyl. And the reason that a real evaluation is absent is not because it is too early in the follow-up to know. Nor does the reason have anything to do with cold wars, with Communism, or other 'isms'. Those enterprises (military or civilian) which deliver ionizing radiation to people, anywhere in the world, share the common goal of underestimating the health-hazard of ionizing radiation. Thus, the military enterprises, the nuclear power enterprises, and the medical radiation enterprises (x-rays and "nuclear medicine") share a common endeavor.

Does one ever hear part of the truth? Yes, on some occasions. For example, when one has a massive source of locally-concentrated radiation exposure, such as that caused by mountainous releases of radio-iodine in parts of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, the pathway from grass to cow to milk to human thyroid gland creates very high radiation exposure of that particular gland, especially in children. By now, even the best apologists for the nuclear power enterprises are admitting the thyroid cancer-rate in some of those regions is already 100 times the normal rate. The many hundreds of observed radioiodine-induced thyroid cancers will increase with time, but will be a much smaller number than all other Chernobyl-induced cancers which will ultimately occur -- without detection.

A Million Chernobyl-Induced Cancers

My estimate in 1986, based upon releases of various non-iodine radionuclides, was 475,000 fatal cancers plus about an equal number of additional non-fatal cases, occurring over time both inside and outside the ex-Soviet Union [1]. Such estimates, old and new, have to be based on real-world evidence from non-Chernobyl studies -- because standard epidemiological studies (which "count" extra cancer cases) are the wrong tool for evaluating Chernobyl. No one can "see" even a half-million Chernobyl-induced cancers when they are spread among a half-billion people and occur over a century.

There is great "beauty" in this situation, from the viewpoint of radiation enthusiasts. They can sponsor studies from which they can announce, "We didn't find a half-million extra cancers -- we didn't find any provable excess at all."

If a half-million people were rounded up in a stadium and shot to death, the corpses would be there to see. The same number of people killed by vicious cancers from Chernobyl -- spread out in time over Europe, Britain, Scandinavia, and the ex-USSR -- will never know what killed them. And assuredly the radiation community won't tell them. Then how can we assure you that the cancers are real?

No Safe (Risk-Free) Dose of Ionizing Radiation

In 1986 [2], and more definitively in 1990 [3], we provided proof that there cannot be a threshold dose (safe dose) of ionizing radiation with respect to cancer causation. Resolution of the "safe dose" issue means everything, as to the true cost of exposure to nuclear pollution and to other sources of ionizing radiation (such as medical x-rays). My proof has been confirmed. The United Nations and British radiation committees have recently published (1993, 1995) conclusions nearly identical with my analysis of 1990. [4] No safe (risk-free) dose.

This means that you cannot have a Chernobyl accident without having Chernobyl-induced cancers. And when a lot of people receive extra radiation exposure, the aggregate number of radiation-induced cancers over time can be very large -- even though each individual's personal risk is very small. [5]

Something Even Bigger Than Chernobyl

Chernobyl is not alone as a killer. We have been killing people with radiation for the past 100 years. I refer to the over-use of radium and medical x-rays ever since Roentgen's 1895 discovery of the x-ray. In 1995, I published the finding that about 75% of recent breast-cancers in the USA were caused by earlier medical exposures to radiation [6]. The radiation "authorities" have, of course, criticized my work with their rhetoric, since they are unable to refute the work otherwise. And more recently, I am extending my estimate of causation to include the majority of most types of cancer in both women and men [7]. This makes even Chernobyl small by comparison.

"But we are not interested in radiation-induced cancers from X-Rays!" is the bizarre reaction from some members of our nuclear-age peace movement. Sadly, the misery of unnecessary cancer is the same, whether the cause is Chernobyl, Hiroshima, Hanford, or careless overdosing by medical x-rays. Indeed, from equal radiation doses, medical x-rays are twice as carcinogenic as gamma and beta radiation from Chernobyl and Hiroshima.

Footnotes & References:

By John W. Gofman Biographical Information:

Informant: NHNE


Chernobyl may have killed 1000 British babies - UN accused of ignoring 500,000 Chernobyl deaths


Speaking of Rapacholi...

Interesting post and has relevance as suggesting above background level of ionising radiation exposure is tolerabale and even possibly "beneficial" has been mooted for a long time.

I am including a few links for those that might be interested in a certain "maverick" Dr John Gofman who in various interviews gives very detailed and knowledgeable facts on the issue.

His involvement in the Manhattan project entailed obtaining 1 milligram of plutonium from a ton of uranium. Very much hands on researcher

panayis zambellis luton

Two drunks

Realise this isn't masts, but the culprits and techniques are from the same stable. The supposed 'gulf' between ionising and non-ionising radiation is a handy distraction as far as health is concerned. Much of the illness generating capabilities increasingly look the same, just that non-ionising takes longer.


From llrc.

Horizon: Nuclear Nightmares. BBC Two, 9.00 p.m. Thursday 13th July (United Kingdom)

A lot of people have, understandably, been outraged at the advance spin on this documentary (see, e.g. Monday's 10th July Times,,2-2263204.html).

The programme apparently will offer up as "new" (The Times says) the idea that there is a threshold dose below which radiation doesn't cause harm. We read that it "may even be beneficial" and that "Evidence … has convinced experts that the risks of radiation follow a much more complex pattern than predicted."

We certainly agree that dose/response curves are complex. The reason for the complexity is that more than 50 years ago the American National Committee on Radiological Protection adopted a grossly simplistic concept of "dose" as an average of energy deposited into body tissue. This model was based on external irradiation, with which they were familiar since it was what they had been dealing with for decades in the search for adequate standards for regulating X-rays. It wasn't too difficult to extend that simple physics-based model to the external irradiation from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs, and it was convenient to assume that radioactivity inside the body could be understood as if it were external — an approach which fails to account properly for the huge variations in energy distribution from different kinds of radioactivity.

Even in 1952 Karl Z. Morgan, who was responsible for the NCRP sub-committee on internal radioactivity, refused to agree that internal could be dealt with like external. His sub-committee was closed down and for the rest of his life he was a critic of the NCRP and its successor the International Commission on Radiological Protection – "I feel like a father who is ashamed of his children." All this happened before the structure of DNA was discovered and long before biological responses like genomic instability, the bystander effect and microinflammation were even suspected. For these reasons all competent authorities now recognise that for many internal exposures "dose" is a virtually meaningless term, so it is irritating to see propaganda like The Times report still using it; inhaled particles of reactor fuel cannot be compared with chest X-rays. One size does not fit all.

It is appalling to see WHO denying the reality of life post-Chernobyl, but we must bear in mind that their minds are clouded by the ICRP dose/risk model and by the International Atomic Energy Agency's power of vetoing any WHO research on radiation and health. In their crazed world the risk model predicts no discernible health impact because doses (whatever "dose" may mean) from Chernobyl fallout were too small — a maximum of twice natural background. When there is an all-too-observable impact (e.g. 30% increase in cancer in Belarus in ten post-Chernobyl years or a similar increase in northern Sweden) they say it must be caused by something else rather than inferring that the risk model is wrong. Their science and their epidemiology are like two drunks holding each other up — a temporary marvel!.

For an alternative view see and the European Committee on Radiation Risk's volume Chernobyl: 20 Years On. ECRR has summarised thousands of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian studies. Scientists and clinicians in those regions are reporting a melt-down in human health. Studies of animals and plants show genetic defects transmitted over 22 generations, although plants don't suffer from radiophobia. There is a flyer on

In 2004 LLRC summarised about 100 of these Russian language studies for the CERRIE Minority Report: they are on our site at

The BBC documentary "Nuclear Nightmares" looks as if it will be propaganda intended to soften us up for a new round of nuclear power stations. We have raised this with the series producer and we shall be watching to see if the programme or the series complies with the rules of the Office of Communications. Rule 5.5. says "Due impartiality on matters of political or industrial controversy and matters relating to current public policy must be preserved […] This may be achieved within a programme or over a series of programmes taken as a whole."

We have obtained calculations of the health impact of replacing the present nuclear power generating capacity with new nuclear build. These are based on the ECRR's 2003 Recommendations and will be the subject of a separate circular.

We don't feel worried by the UK Government's announcement today. Nuclear power stations cannot operate without discharge licences, but the scientific debate over radiation risk has reached such a point that any decision to emit radioactivity will be subject to legal challenge. That's the point at which the drunks will hit the pavement.

11 July 06

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Uranium shortage poses threat,,9069-1735134,00.html

Informant: Hopedance

GE Contamination in Spain: A Warning for Europe

For People and Planet

Oppose a landfill: save this and future ecosystems in Tennessee

A message from Abid:

Original Message:

Oppose a landfill. Save this and future ecosystems in Tennessee. Target: Joe Haynes, Senator, Democratic Caucus Leader, Tennessee State Senate

Sponsor: Charles Graves

Save The Harpeth River, and the law protecting other Tennessee Senic Rivers.

Cellphone radiation "trapped" in train carriages

Please see enclosed information in New Scientist with regards to excessive radiation in train carriages etc from use of mobile phones; I wonder what levels are reached in pop concerts and football grounds with tens of thousands of people using mobile phones. I attended a Paul McCartney concert in Birmingham; he was encouraging the crowd to text a message to the screen on the stage, the limits must have exceeded ICNIRP as we all know ICNIRP does not offer protection in the first place.

Eileen O'Connor

Cellphone radiation "trapped" in train carriages

02 May 2002
New Scientist (Print Edition )
Ian Sample

Passengers on packed trains could unwittingly be exposed to electromagnetic fields far higher than those recommended under international guidelines. The problem? Hordes of commuters all using their mobile phones at the same time. Tsuyoshi Hondou, a physicist from Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan, who is currently working at the Curie Institute in Paris, says Japanese commuter trains are often packed with people surfing the web on their mobile phones.

The trend spurred him to find out what effect this had on the electromagnetic radiation in a train carriage.

Starting with plans of a typical train carriage acquired from a Japanese train operator, Hondou worked out the ratio of window area to structural metal for a typical carriage. He then used this to work out what proportion of the microwave radiation from the cellphones would be transmitted out of a carriage through the windows and how much would be reflected back inside. Hondou then calculated how microwaves from mobile phones distributed throughout a train carriage would add together, much like light from different lamps would increase the overall illumination in a room.

He found that when both reflection and the cumulative effect of the radio waves were taken into consideration, the resulting electromagnetic field in a train carriage could exceed the maximum exposure level recommended by the International Committee for Non-Ionising Radiation (ICNIRP). "It's possible even if the train is not crowded," Hondou told New Scientist.

Buses and elevators For a standard train carriage, with a carrying capacity of 151 people, Hondou's calculations show that it is possible to exceed ICNIRP exposure limits if 30 people, each with a mobile phone that emits radio waves at a power of 0.4 watts, all use their phones at the same time. The peak power a mobile phone is allowed to produce is two watts.

Hondou says his findings point to what could become a new environmental issue, especially as new wireless devices and laptop "connections" come onto the market. He suggests train operators should take notice. "At the moment, we have no regulation on the use of mobile phones in areas where many people are together," he says. The problem could also arise on buses and in some types of lifts (elevators), he adds.

Les Barclay, a radio engineering consultant who was part of the British government's Stewart enquiry into mobile phones and health risks, is cautious over Hondou's findings. While he concedes microwaves will bounce around inside carriages and boost field levels, the increase should be minimal, because power drops off a short distance away from each phone, he says.

But Hondou counters that the drop-off Barclay refers to is only realistic if the radio waves are not strongly reflected by the train's walls.

Journal reference: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (vol 71, p 432)
Physics, Tohoku University

Also see:

Infant death link to low serotonin
New Scientist. Issue 2453,
18th March 2006

Infant death link to low seratonin Seratonin is thought to activate pacemaker cells to prompt a suffocating baby to gasp. Lack of seratonin means no gasping. Supports other findings.

Jan-Marino Ramirez at the university of Chicago
Journal of Neuroscience vol 6, p 2623

Site worth looking at: This links to an item on Mercola e-news about a DVD called "Public Exposure" showing the dangers to health from pulsed microwaves.

Protect Your Family From the Real Dangers of the "Wireless Revolution"


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