Donnerstag, 6. April 2006

Ohio election workers accused of fudging '04 recount

Finally some justice for stealing the election in Ohio in 2004. I hope it leads to the secretary of state, Ken Blackwell.


Ohio election workers accused of fudging '04 recount
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 12:41:26 -0400 X-Priority: 3

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government
06 April 2006

Ohio election workers accused of fudging '04 recount --Prosecutor says Cuyahoga skirted rules 06 Apr 2006

After the 2004 presidential 'election,' Cuyahoga County election workers secretly skirted rules designed to make sure all votes were counted correctly, a special prosecutor charges... Three top county elections officials have been indicted, and Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter says more indictments are possible.

From ufpj-news

Stop Importing Animals for Labs

a message from Eleanor:

Please sign and forward to help stop this cruelty!
All necessary information can be found in the Gateway To Hell website! Thanks!!!


We the undersigned would like to voice our disgust at the importation of lab animals through Dover port. These animals end up in vivisection laboratories all over the U.K. where they will suffer and die. We are calling on Dover port to adopt a policy of allowing NO lab animals to be imported/exported through Dover port.

Stop Importing Animals for Labs

* Primates are rarely bred in captivity. The vast majority of the animals pictured in cages in labs were once roaming free in the tundra of Tanzania, the sugar plantations of Mauritius or the jungles of Indonesia and China. Traders in the countries see primates as ‘profitable pests’, to be seized and sold to willing labs abroad. This despite the fact that most primate species are listed as endangered or recognised as heading that way.

* The cages in the labs, as horrible as they are, are little compared to the holding units in Africa or the Far East, where they are beaten, starved and generally abused. The journey to the labs of Europe and America is terrifying to already traumatised animals, and despite the amount of money changing hands, the conditions so appalling that a large proportion of them die – some from shock; some from simple starvation.

Every firm that handles them along the way, from the catchers in the jungles, to the handling companies and airlines, to the people facilitating them along the way, is profiting from this trade. They do so in the knowledge that they’ve been getting away with it for years and that the secrecy they operate in is enough to protect them. We plan to change all that.

US-Regierung plant die Herstellung neuer Atomwaffen

Ab 2022 sollen jährlich 125 neue Sprengköpfe hergestellt und dafür alte Sprengköpfe schneller abgerüstet werden.

Bush Wants Capacity to Make 125 Nukes a Year

The administration wants the capability to turn out 125 new nuclear bombs per year by 2022, as the Pentagon retires older bombs that it claims will no longer be reliable or safe. The plan calls for the most sweeping realignment and modernization of the nation's massive system of laboratories and factories for nuclear bombs since the end of the Cold War.

Stars and seals


Inspector dismisses appeal by Hutchison

'Flagpole' mast appeal dismissed

Beverley Guardian 4.04.06

PLANS to install a phone mast on a prominent building in the centre of Beverley have been thrown out by a Government inspector. The inspector has backed East Riding Council's decision to refuse consent for a 'flagpole' antenna and equipment cabins to be installed at no 68 Saturday Market.

Hutchison 3G Ltd had appealed against the council's decision, but the appeal has been dismissed by Mr J M Turner, an inspector for the Planning Inspectorate, who ruled that the proposal would harm 'very considerably' the character of Beverley's Conservation Area.

Although he accepted that the proposed mast would meet guidelines on radiation exposure, Mr Turner did not accept that by disguising it as a replica flagpole it would be a sympathetic addition to the streetscene.

He said the building was a handsome and prominent structure, at a key location where two roads meet in North Bar Within. "The appellants urge on me the proposition that the imitation flagpole intended would be a sympathetic addition to the scene but I do not agree," he said.

"I accept the council's observations that the disguised mast would not look very much like a flagpole anyway but in any event it would not be at home atop a commercial building as a feature, if genuine, more commonly to be associated with a civic or public use."

04 April 2006

SCRAM NEEDS YOU: Dignified silence could cost you your life


SCRAM CHARITABLE TRUST registered charity number 1111385

A John Dimbleby style open public meeting will be held at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall

On 21st April, doors open 6.30pm Formal meeting to start about 7pm

Come Listen, Learn and ask Questions

SCRAM is now entering its fifth year of campaigning for safer mobile phones/masts. The campaign has gone from strength to strength and awareness has grown; thanks to help from the many local, national and International campaigners, scientists and the media.

The phone industry are unelected officials who forcefully and undemocratically ignore the wishes and concerns of local communities. With the advent of lamp post masts everyone may be affected in some way with the authorities having less power to turn down planning applications. The Industry has found a loop hole as they do not need to pay rent for pavements and grass verges.

A court decision in February 2004

Thomas and Jacob ruled in the supreme court of judicature court of appeal that mobile phone operators are commercial companies and must therefore declare and pay business rates on masts. So why hasn’t this happened?

Due to the tremendous success and awareness the campaign has developed and we need your help in order to survive. Be part of our campaign which will be remembered in history by future generations for helping create awareness and helping to open up the lock to new discoveries in science. Electro-Sensitivity has now been recognised and many more secrets are about to be exposed!!!

Dignified silence could cost you your life!!!

Quote taken from Professor Magda Havas, Canada:

“I expect there will still be many who will have a hard time changing their views on this subject. But it will eventually come. Just as we no longer view the world as flat, we can no longer accept that this form of energy is not biologically active. How can it not be since we are bio-electro-magnetic beings!”

SCRAM (Seriously Concerned Residents Against Masts)
PO Box 11329, Sutton Coldfield B76 9ZS

Inspirational Quotes from Sir Winston Churchill

So much owed by so many to so few

Never Give In

Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat

Be Ye Men of Valour

War of unknown warriors

Up with which I will not put

This is not the end

Message from Eileen O'Connor

Télécommunications, le dossier: Le Service Universel

Bruxelles rappelle à l'ordre le Gouvernement Français.

- La revue de Presse.
- Le 118 Les Principaux Tarifs
-Libération : Free renseigne gratis

Arsenic Widespread in Chicken

Testing Finds

Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and Bone Cancer in Boys

Phone mast plan rejected

By Citizen reporter

A phone mast application by T-Mobile has been rejected by planning bosses at Preston City Council.

The application for the antenna on the corner of Black Bull Lane and Boys Lane in Fulwood, was knocked back by officers on March 21 because it was considered too obtrusive. T-Mobile have six months to appeal the decision.

Another application for a mast in St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, will be considered by planning officers in a delegated decision later this month.

10:04am today

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

impf-report Newsletter Nr. 11/2006

Verbraucherzentrale warnt vor Geschäften mit Angst vor Vogelgrippe

"Die Verbraucherzentrale Schleswig-Holstein warnt vor Unternehmen, die die Angst vor der Vogelgrippe für unseriöse Geschäfte missbrauchen. (...)"

hier weiterlesen: 22.02.2006

Kommentar: Bedauerlicherweise scheinen solche Warnungen nur für solche unwirksamen und gefährlichen Produkte zu gelten, bei denen kein US- Verteidigungsminister kräftig mitverdient, wie bei Tamiflu...

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 11/2006

Influenza-Entwarnung: Grippewelle in diesem Winter ausgeblieben

"Die Grippewelle in Deutschland ist nach Einschätzung des Virologen Peter Wutzler von der Universität Jena in diesem Winter ausgeblieben. "Die Gefahr ist jetzt auch weitgehend vorbei, denn Influenzaviren treten normalerweise im Januar und Februar gehäuft auf", sagte der Präsident der deutschen Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung der Viruskrankheiten in einem dpa-Gespräch. (...)"

hier weiterlesen: 22.02.2006

Kommentar: Bitte merken Sie sich diese Meldung gut! Sie werden sich im September, wenn die Werbung für die nächste Grippeimpfsaison losgeht und man mit den Grippetodeszahlen der Vorsaison "motiviert", daran erinnern müssen.

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 11/2006

EU plant Verbot von Quecksilber-Thermometern und -Manometern

"Wegen der gesundheitlichen Risiken will die EU die Herstellung von Quecksilber weitgehend einstellen. Ab 2011 soll es außerdem ein Exportverbot geben. Quecksilber-Thermometer sind aus dem ärztlichen Alltag fast vollständig verschwunden. (...) Quecksilber ist hochtoxisch. Das bei Raumtemperatur flüssige Metall wird rasch von Haut und Schleimhäuten aufgenommen und reichert sich im Körper an. Es greift das Nervensystem und den Hormonstoffwechsel an. Eine längere Exposition kann zu schweren Störungen des Gehirns und zum Tod führen. Ein Zeichen der Vergiftung ist ein gesteigerter Speichelfluss, auch Ptyalismus genannt. Die größte Gefahr droht jedoch nicht durch den Kontakt mit zerbrochenen Thermometern, sondern durch den Verzehr von kontaminierten Fischen. (...)"

hier weiterlesen:
Deutsches Ärzteblatt, Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2006

Kommentar: Quecksilber ist unter dem Namen "Thiomersal" auch heute noch in etlichen Impfstoffen als Konservierungsmittel enthalten...

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 11/2006

Experte: "Nicht mehr tote Vögel als in anderen Wintern"

Klaus-Dieter Feige, Vorsitzender der Ornithologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (OAMV): "Noch entspricht nach seiner Einschätzung die Menge der tot aufgefundenen Schwäne der in anderen Wintern. In jedem Jahr überlebten viele Vögel nicht die kalte Jahreszeit. "Es ist nicht belegt, dass jeder Vogel, bei dem das Virus nachgewiesen wurde, auch an dem Virus gestorben ist", sagte Feige. (...)"

ganzen Artikel lesen:
21. Feb. 2006

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 11/2006

Angstforscher: Vogelgrippe löst bei Menschen Urängste aus

Göttingen (dpa/lni) - Die Vogelgrippe löst nach Ansicht des Göttinger Angstforschers Prof. Borwin Bandelow bei vielen Menschen Urängste aus. Einhergehend mit der Ausbreitung der Tierkrankheit rechne er deshalb mit einer zunehmenden Panikstimmung, sagte der Arzt und Psychiater am Montag in einem dpa-Gespräch. Die Vogelgrip-pe werde von den Menschen als besonders gefährlich wahrgenommen, weil sie "wie eine biblische Plage" wirke. (...)"

Hier weiterlesen: 20. Feb. 2006


Urängste, hm, das macht mich nachdenklich. Diese ganze Vogelgrippe- Hysterie hat in ihrer vollkommenen Irrationalität zweifellos etwas damit zu tun. Welche Urangst ist das, mit der wir es hier zu tun haben? Es müsste eine sein, die nahezu in jedem von uns schlummert, sonst wären wir nicht auf den Viren-Wahnsinn ansprechbar.

Es könnte eine Angst davor sein, dem Leben, dem Schicksal oder der Umgebung hilflos ausgeliefert zu sein. Als Ursache dafür könnten frühkindliche Traumen in Frage kommen. Früher hatten die Menschen Angst vor Dämonen, heute haben wir Angst vor Mikroben. In beiden Fällen sind wir völlig unvorhersehbaren Angriffen auf Leib und Leben mehr oder weniger ausgeliefert. Damals wie heute glaubt der Mensch an seine eigene Unfähigkeit, sich gegen das Übel aus eigener Kraft wehren zu können. Damals glaubte man an heidnische Rituale oder Opfer, heute glauben wir an Antibiotika, antivirale Medikamente und Impfstoffe.

Die Beurteilung, was "Dämonen" waren und was nicht, unterlag der Interpretation der jeweiligen Meinungsführer. Ist ein Verhalten außerhalb der Norm bereits ein Zeichen des Einflusses von Dämonen?

Die Beurteilung, welche Rollen die Mikroben im Organismus und im Krankheitsgeschehen spielen, überlassen wir heute den Mikrobiologen. Unser Organismus wimmelt zu jeder Zeit nur so von Mikroben, völlig egal, ob wir gesund oder krank sind. Irgendwelche Mikroben sind immer in dieser oder jener Weise aktiv. Bedeutet ihre Aktivität während einer Krankheit wirklich, dass sie die Ursache dieser Krankheit sind? Die Beweise dafür sind, egal, welche Mikrobe man dafür näher betrachtet, nicht eindeutig und könnten genauso gut reine Laborartefakte (Kunstprodukte) sein.

Doch die heutigen Priester in ihren weißen Kitteln sind sich sicher, dass die Mikroben, auch das Influenza-Virus, die Dämonen sind, die uns heutzutage heimsuchen. Vielleicht sollten wir auch hier mal genauer hinschauen. Denn: Je mehr Dämonen und je schlimmer sie sind, desto höher das Ansehen der Priester, die sie für uns vertreiben, desto sicherer ihr Arbeitsplatz, desto schneller ihre Karriere, desto größer die Subventionen und Investitionen für Forschungen an neuen Vertreibungsmitteln.

Saß früher neben dem Fürsten, König oder Kaiser, egal welcher Kultur, ein Priester der jeweiligen führenden Religion in würdiger Robe, so sitzt heute neben der Bundeskanzlerin und neben dem US- Präsidenten ein Institutsleiter im weißen Kittel...

Hierzu passt bestens ein Zitat des US - Psychiaters Thomas Szasz
("Die Fabrikation des Wahnsinns"): "Als die Religion stark und die Wissenschaft schwach war, hielten die Menschen Magie für Medizin, heute, wo die Wissenschaft stark und die Religion schwach ist, halten sie Medizin für Magie."

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 11/2006

Vaccination "Ethics"


BL Fisher Note:

When it happens to your child, the risks are 100 percent. Doctors are fallible and there are no guarantees.

Therefore, the only "ethical" thing to do when a medical intervention like vaccination carries with it a risk of injury or death, is to allow individuals the right to informed consent to taking the risk for themselves or their children. Those who do not want to take the risk of being injured or dying from an infectious disease, have the right to risk becoming injured or dying from vaccination. Those who do not want to take the risk of being injured or dying from a vaccination, have the right to risk becoming injured or dying from an infectious disease.

The vaccinated should have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated IF the vaccines work as well as doctors maintain they do. The only "free riders" in America are those who force their beliefs on others in an effort to destroy the spirit and intent of the US Constitution, which first and foremost seeks to protect minorities from being abused by the majority.

We should all be worried whenever anyone tries to demonize and target minorities who hold different beliefs from the majority in an attempt to pit citizen against citizen. The first step toward totalitarianism is to target the minority in question as a threat to the public health and welfare. The second step is to encourage citizens to identify and round up fellow citizens who belong to the minority and destroy them.

Vaccination Verdict "I am a teacher. I have friends who refuse to vaccinate their children for fear of supposed side effects. Some have talked about getting faked doctors' forms that say their children have been vaccinated so they can attend public school. As someone legally and morally charged with the safety of children, I plan to report them to their respective school districts if they do so. Isn't this my duty? Anonymous, San Francisco

Reporting these counterfeits is something you may do but not something you must do. Similarly, you have a professional obligation to reproach a student in your own class who hands you a phony-baloney absence note. ("Please excuse me. . .I mean my son. . .for missing yesterday's quiz. I was — darn it — he was feeling icky.") But you need not scour the city for bogus notes. (...)"

read on under:

The NY Times, February 19, 2006


Das Vogelgrippevirus macht nicht grundsätzlich krank


Deutsches Ärzteblatt online, 21. Feb. 2006

"Gleichzeitig ist die Resistenz von Enten in der Geflügelhaltung gestiegen. Diese Tiere können einigen Stämmen von H5N1 widerstehen, was sich negativ auswirkt, da sie große Mengen des hochpathogenen Virus ausscheiden. In den endemischen Ländern wird diese veränderte Rolle der Hausenten für die Aufrechterhaltung der Übertragungszyklen verantwortlich gemacht. In Südostasien konnten sich auf diese Weise verschiedene H5N1-Stämme im Geflügel etablieren. Diese Viren wurden auch in offenbar gesunden Zugvögeln gefunden."


Das eigentliche Problem ist der Tunnelblick der Virenjäger. Sie suchen die Ursachen ausschließlich bei Mutationen der Influenzaviren. Da diese sich ständig verändern, werden die Virenjäger natürlich immer fündig und können somit innerhalb ihres sehr begrenzten mikrobiologischen Weltbildes immer den Argumentationskreis schließen, ähnlich wie man es von eifrigen Missionaren kennt, die in ihrer jeweiligen Heiligen Schrift immer eine Erklärung für alles finden. Ein Phänomen, das mich immer wieder verblüfft die Augen reiben lässt, ist die Konsequenz, mit der die Umstände der fabrikartigen Massentierhaltung völlig aus der Ursachenforschung ausgeklammert werden.

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 11/2006

The case for impeachment of President George W. Bush

Tell McDonald's to stop trashin' the Amazon


Every time you take a bite out of a McDonald's chicken McNugget, you could be taking a bite out of the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest faces many threats -- loggers and cattle ranchers among them. Now, massive soya farms are doing the damage. Rainforests which were teeming with life are cleared to grow soya. This feeds animals in Europe that end up in fast food outlets and supermarkets.

It took our activists a year to track the 7,000 km (4,200 mile) journey of soya beans grown in the Amazon to fast food outlets. We used satellite images, aerial surveillance, previously unreleased government documents and on-the-ground monitoring. Now we're exposing the global trade in soya from rainforest destruction in the Amazon to McDonald's fast food outlets and supermarkets across Europe.

If McDonald's trashing the Amazon super-sizes your anger, then take action now to get McDonald's to take the Amazon off the menu!

BBC accuses Bracknell of mast application blunders

Apr 5 2006

By Judith Clay

A WAR of words has erupted between the BBC and Bracknell Forest Borough Council after the Beeb named and shamed the worst local authorities for tackling where phone masts can be put up.

The report claimed that borough council blunders let six cases slip through the net - making it one of the top offenders in southern England.

Planning rules stipulate that if the mobile phone operator is not contacted within 56 days, permission is automatically granted regardless of any objection.

The masts pinpointed are in Buckhurst Moors and London Road in Binfield, near the Horse and Groom pub on Bagshot Road, behind Somerfield in Crowthorne High Street, Bracknell College and next to 224 College Road in Sandhurst.

But Bracknell Forest Borough Council fiercely defended itself. Steve Loudoun, assistant director of environment and leisure for the borough council, said: "The council has not made any errors.There were six sites between 1999 and 2002 where following an assessment by planners it was decided additional information was not required from the developer.

"Under the 'deemed consent' rules the operator was then able to put up the masts as already agreed by the council."

However, the BBC are sticking to their guns.

A BBC South spokes-woman said that legislation states that a council should contact the phone operator within the 56 days whether it approves or not.

She said: "BBC South states this clearly in the story and includes comment from Bracknell Forest Borough Council. As such the story is correct and will remain on the website."

Protesters are also not convinced. David Little, of the Martins Heron and The Warren Residents Association, believes the legal loophole leaves the policy open to exploitation.

He said: "Based on the current system it would seem perfectly possible for such events to occur. Surely it is the local residents' views that should dictate the course of events and guide the planning process accordingly."

Protest groups are also calling for policy reform. Sian Meredith, spokes-woman for Mast Sanity, said: "These blunders do occur and there is no excuse whatsoever. It's just outrageous and shocking.

"There are so many cases of this and it needs to be properly investigated. "

Are there too many phone masts? Do you know of a really bad example of allowing one to be installed? E-mail

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006


Steve Loudoun, assistant director of environment and leisure at Bracknell
ought to resign forthwith. His assertion is not 'spin'; it is utterly
spurious and if he does not know this, then he is unfit for his appointment.

David Baron

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Österreich verabschiedet Gesetz zur Patientenverfügung


In Österreich hat sich etwas Wesentliches ereignet: - seit dem 29.3.06 gibt es dort eine nahezu revolutionär zu nennende gesetzlich verankerte Patientenverfügung!

Zwar steht ein ganz merkwürdiger § 13 im Gesetz: § 13. Der Patient kann durch eine Patientenverfügung die ihm allenfalls aufgrund besonderer Rechtsvorschriften auferlegten Pflichten, sich einer Behandlung zu unterziehen, nicht einschränken. aber dabei handelt es sich laut glaubwürdiger Auskunft aus Österreich nur um Krankheiten, entsprechend § 2 Tuberkulose-Gesetz, § 2 Geschlechtskrankheiten-Gesetz und § 11 Abs 1 Suchtmittel-Gesetz.

Demzufolge kann man in Österreich nunmehr per rechtsverbindlicher Patientenverfügung. JEDE psychiatrische Diagnose ohne ausdrückliches, schriftliches eigenes Einverständnis verunmöglichen (siehe z.B.: ) und schon gibt es keine psychiatrische Verleumdung mehr durch eine legale Zwangsdiagnose und damit keine legale Zwangseinweisung und Zwangsbehandlung. Denn das österreichische Unterbringungsgesetz, ermöglicht Zwangsbehandlung nur, wenn alle drei folgenden Bedingungen erfüllt sind:

1) eine diagnostizierte "psychische Erkrankung" UND
2) akute Selbst- oder Femdgefährdung UND
3) fehlende anderer Behandlungsmöglichkeit (Subsidiarität)

Weil Bedingung 1) dann nicht mehr erfüllt werden kann, wird psychiatrische Zwangseinweisung und Zwangsbehandlung automatisch zu schwerkrimineller Körperverletzung und Freiheitsberaubung - Felix Austria!

Leider ist noch ein bischen viel Wasser im Wein:

a) Schlimmstenfalls kann man nach § 46. (1) Sicherheitspolizeigesetz zwar von der Polizei den Ärzten vorgeführt werden, aber die dürfen dann wegen der existierenden, rechtswirksamen Patientenverfügung nicht diagnostizieren. Dies muß man durch absolut eisernes Schweigen bei Ärzten, die sich nicht ans Gesetz halten und widerrechtlich diagnostizieren wollen, zusätzlich unterbinden. Für Zwangsbehandlung bietet das Sicherheitspolizeigesetz allerdings sowieso keine Rechtsgrundlage.

b) Wenn man schon einen gesetzlichen Vertreter hat, ist man bevormundet und kann keine wirksame Patientenverfügung mehr errichten. Anders sieht es aus, wenn man - zumindest gilt das in der BRD - stattdessen eine Vorsorgevollmacht hat. Das ist hier bisher das einzige Schlupfloch gegen die psychiatrische Gewalt, siehe: .

c) Dass so eine Patientenverfügung alle 5 Jahre erneuert werden muß und das dann jeweils 300.- Euro kostet, wie es der Humanistischen Verband auf dessen Website behauptet: , hat sich teilweise als falsch herausgestellt: Die Frist von jeweils 5 Jahren Gültigkeit steht im Gesetz und eine Patientenverfügung ist vor einem Rechtsanwalt oder Notar zu errichten (wofür Rechtsanwalt /Notar selbstverständlich Gebühren verlangen dürfen), aber es ist auch möglich, eine Patientenverfügung vor einem rechtskundigen Mitarbeiter der sog. "Patientenvertretungen" zu errichten. Diese sind sicherlich wesentlich billiger, wenn nicht ohnehin kostenlos. Zusätzlich muß auch noch ein Arzt bestätigen, dass man sich von ihm hat "beraten" lassen, aber die 1/4 Stunde dummes Gesülze kann man schließlich alle 5 Jahre mit Kopfnicken (und sich dabei andere Gedanken machen) hinter sich bringen. Denn die Beratung kann ja nicht verhindern, dass man das in die Patientenverfügung reinschreibt, was da eben reingehört:

Das wird relativ kurzfristig der ganzen Psychiatrie die Beine wegziehen. Denn auch, wenn nur eine kleine Minderheit solche Patientenverfügungen verfasst, wie wir sie vorschlagen, wird völlig offensichtlich, dass es gar keine "psychische Krankheit" gibt, weil ihr JEDES Objektivitätskritierium fehlt: Es ist hinreichend, dass man nicht "psychisch krank" sein will, und schon kann man auch nicht mehr "psychisch krank" sein , bzw. zum angebl. "Psychisch Kranken" gemacht werden. :-) Nur die Verleumdungs-"Diagnose" ist eben die Krankheit!

Wir gratulieren unseren österreichischen Mitmenschen von ganzem Herzen und bitten Sie, diese gute Nachricht in eigenen E-Mail Verteilern und Listen weiterzuleiten.

Werner-Fuß-Zentrum Scharnweberstr. 29, 10247 Berlin

O2 threatens legal action in mast row

Mobile phone company O2 has threatened to take Bognor Regis golfers to court. The firm said it would take legal action if the sportsmen and women wanted it to remove the Tetra mast from their land.

The prospect of an potentially expensive encounter in front of a judge caused the golf club to back down.

The actions by O2's subsidiary, Airwave, to protect its mast on the first fairway at its site off Downview Road in Felpham, close to Downview Primary School, have been condemned by protestors against the mast.

Alan Taylor, of Felpham Residents Against Tetra, said: "This does appear to be a case of a large multi-national company using its financial clout to ride roughshod over local concerns and interests. This is aided and abetted by our government – particularly the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister."

He said nearby residents were grateful the club had tried to force O2 Airwave to take down the mast. "There is no dispute between us and the golf club," he stated, "But I can't see a way out of this situation."

Full report in the March 30 issue of the Bognor Regis Observer

06 April 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.


Read the e-mail below from David Baron with regards to 02 trying to take court action with the Golf Club, how can they be allowed to get away with this? They continue to hide behind ICNIRP, WHO and the UK Government. They need to get out and meet people and see them suffering and face up to the truth.

I've just returned from visiting a lady who is suicidal due to the phone masts 100 metres from her home, she can't sleep and is suffering with EHS problems, many of her neighbours are also ill.

The housing Association want to terminate the 10 year contract with Orange, the contract is due to finish, however Orange are claiming special powers and rights over the Landlord and said they can only terminate the contract if they can find a new location which is virtually impossible in Sutton Coldfield. How can they be allowed to do this? If you sign a rented agreement with a tenant, surly you have the right to claim your property back when that agreement has finished, they wouldn't be allowed to dictate to you and say I'll leave if I find somewhere else to live and that looks impossible so I'm staying.

It's so awful, I've only been there for three hours and can feel the effects of radiation, I had to leave this poor woman who is living there 24/7, its heartbreaking.

Something must be done, this is an emergency situation.

I will follow up soon with a report about my visit to the deaf centre in Liverpool and the awful situation in Sefton. I visited last week with Dr Walker and took some readings, they are within ICNIRP but people are still suffering.

Eileen O'Connor


What this report doesn't say is that the golf club was attempting to exercise a 5-year option in the lease agreement. Airwave had to accept this legally but through its lawyers, Lawrence Graham, threatened court action unless the club agreed to negotiate a 'new' lease. As I am sure most are aware, an operator may apply to the court to force landlords to accept installations. The first step is to use threats and intimidation.

David Baron

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Disney offers teen-tracker mobile - Disney to launch UK mobile phone service

Disney gives parents cellphone control

S. Korean mobile phone makers to supply 'kid phones' to Disney Mobile

Disney to launch wireless phone service targeted at families

Mobile Magic for Families: Walt Disney Company Unveils Breakthrough Wireless Service Specifically Designed for Families

Disney Focuses On Parental Control In New Disney Mobile

Disney offers teen-tracker mobile


The phone that can show you where to find your children

Now the technology that helped track omagh bombers can help worried parents

By Linda McKee
06 April 2006

Mobile phone technology similar to that used to track the Omagh bombers could soon help Ulster parents to keep tabs on their kids.

An Irish security firm is offering a service that will allow parents to follow their children's movements through mobile phones.

Top Security, based in Dublin, is planning to launch the service early next month.

The company has already been surveying parents in the Republic to gauge how often they ring their children to check their whereabouts.

They said the service would offer parents "peace of mind in knowing where their children are without bothering them with telephone calls".

This latest service is a commercial alternative to phone surveillance which is often used by police to locate suspects in criminal cases. The phones are tracked by telecommunications base stations as soon as they are switched on.

A similar technique was used to convict Colm Murphy of plotting the Omagh bombing that took the lives of 29 people and two unborn children.

A mobile phone mast sited at Omagh College of Further Education picked up six calls to and from Murphy's mobile phone on the day of the blast.

The evidence helped to convict the 49-year-old, from Jordan's Corner, Ravensdale, Co Louth, but a retrial has since been ordered.

Parents who sign up to the new Toplocate system will be able to use a password to access a website. This will allow them to find their child's phone on a map, pinpointing it to within metres of the phone's location.

In order to use the Toplocate service, parents will have to inform their children that they are being monitored.

Children will also receive regular text messages from the company informing them that their phone is part of the location service for parents.

However, the child will not know when or how often their location is tracked on the internet.

Details of the exact service are as yet unclear, and the company has declined to offer extensive information until the official launch next month.

There are now more phones than people in Ireland, north and south, with several people owning multiple handsets. In the 12 to 18-year-old age group, over 90% own mobile phones.

© 2006 Independent News and Media (NI) a division of Independent News & media (UK) Ltd


As most children are not criminals, I wonder if it is against their Human Rights for them to carry mobile phones in order to be tracked. Also, regarding the tracking company - if their staff were not fully vetted for criminal records as are other people who work with children, it would seem a further risk to the children?

Best wishes

Below is a copy of a news item announcing the introduction of a Disney Mobile Phone network aimed at families in the UK.

Dennis Cannon

Disney to launch UK mobile phone service

LONDON (Reuters) - Walt Disney Co said on Thursday it plans to launch its own family-focused mobile phone service in Britain later this year, which will use capacity on O2's network.

The move follows the launch of similar services by Disney in the United States. An increasing number of companies, known as MVNOs, or mobile virtual network operators, are renting space on mobile phone networks.

Other MVNOs in Britain include retailer Tesco and Virgin Mobile.

Disney said the service will be targeted at families, with multiple handsets, entertainment content and parental controls.

"Increasing numbers of parents are choosing to buy mobile phones for their children as a way of keeping in touch and they are looking for a responsible service offering provided by a trusted brand," said Attila Gazdag, managing director of Disney's European Internet group.

O2 is owned by Spain's Telefonica.

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


From Chris Doyle: Disney launches phone package aimed at children despite radiation fears Source: Daily Mail Date: 28/04/2006 Sean Poulter in the Daily Mail reports that Disney is trying to encourage younger children to use mobile phones, ignoring fears about the potential health dangers. The company is introducing a family mobile phone package that gives up to three children in the household their own handsets. The Department of Health, concerned about the effects of radiation, has warned that children under 16 should only use mobiles when essential. It is believed that up to 30% of those aged between five and nine years of age already have their own phones, with the figure rising to 64% for those aged between ten and fifteen. Alistair Philips of the campaigning group Powerwatch said 'There is research from Sweden showing that if you use a mobile phone for ten years the risk of malignant brain tumours rises significantly'. Disney has said that parents believe the benefits of being able to reach a child at any time are more important than any possible health risks. [someone is begging to be sued here].

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Children and mobile phones

Long mobile phone use raises brain tumor risk

Walt Disney bringt Mobilfunk für die Kleinsten

Walt Disney bringt Mobilfunk für Kinder

05.04.2006 21:47

Walt Disney (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) wird in den USA einen Mobilfunkdienst auf den Markt bringen, der sich besonders an Eltern von minderjährigen Kindern richtet. „Disney Mobile“ soll ab Juni angeboten werden.

Mittels dieses Dienstes werden Eltern in die Lage versetzt, daß Telephonierverhalten ihre Sprößlinge genau zu kontrollieren bzw. gegebenenfalls auch nach eigenen Wünschen einzuschränken. So können die Eltern beispielsweise bestimmte Stunden auswählen, in denen das Kind nur telephonieren darf, oder bestimmte Nummern können zielgerichtet gesperrt werden. Daneben erlaubt „Disney Mobile“ eine permanente Ortung des Sohnes oder der Tochter via GPS-Technik, sofern der Nachwuchs das Gerät mit sich führt.

Walt Disney notiert aktuell bei 27,80 $ (-0,4%).


Disney-Handy mit integrierter Überwachungsfunktion

Disney bringt Mobiltelefone für die Kleinsten

Kinderschutz: Disney überwacht Handy

Disney bietet Familien-Handy mit eingebauten Schutzfunktionen

Disney bringt Mobiltelefon für Kinder auf den Markt

Disney bietet Familien-Handy mit eingebauten Schutzfunktionen

Mobiltelefone von Disney

© 2000-2006


Kinder und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk und Kinder


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