Donnerstag, 2. März 2006

Es gibt keinen Grund für den Bundestag, eine grundrechtswidrige Vorgabe aus Brüssel umzusetzen

Wenn Terror nicht reicht, sollen nun Tauschbörsen herhalten.

Globalisierung & Vogelgrippe: die Seuche aus der Hühnerfabrik

(ftd) Nach einem Artikel der Financial Times Deutschland ist als Ursache der Verbreitung der Vogelgrippe nicht das Wandern von Zugvögeln anzunehmen sondern der industrielle Handel mit Abfällen und verseuchten Geflügelprodukten.

Nicht Zugvögel sind es - nach den angeführte Untersuchungen - die uns gefährden, sondern Hühnerkot aus Geflügelfabriken, der in Fischfarmen unter das Futter gemischt wird. Wer dem Weg der Seuche und ihrer Verbreitung folgt, wird nicht auf den Zugbahnen der Wildvögel fündig wohl aber auf den Spuren des globalen Handels mit Abfällen der Geflügelindustrie.

Die UNO-Organisation FAO hatte die Praxis der Verwendung von Geflügelabfällen bereits als hochriskante Produktionsweise bezeichnet. Das H5N1-Virus kann in Abfällen bis zu 35 Tage überdauern.

Nach Untersuchungen von Birdlife International sind die meisten Ausbrüche der Seuche zurückzuführen auf Geflügelzuchtbetriebe - so z.B. in Nigeria, Ägypten, in der Türkei und in Südostasien insbesondere auf den Handel. Auch der z.T. illegale Import von Geflügel aus China nach Westeuropa sorgte für die Verbreitung des Virus.

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Not One More Dime, Not One More Life

Stacy Bannerman testifies before the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs: Brings the troops home now. Take care of them when they get here. And never again send our soldiers to fight in a war based on lies. Congress has tried to cut funding for veterans, and has grossly underestimated the needs of the soldiers returning from Iraq. You want to take care of our veterans? Quit making new ones.

NOW: Washington Spin Machine

NOW goes inside the world of lobbyists and the Washington spin machine with novelist Christopher Buckley.

Saudi Group Alleges NSA Eavesdropping

Documents cited in federal court by a defunct Islamic charity may provide the first detailed evidence of US residents being spied upon by President Bush's secret eavesdropping program, according to the organization's lawsuit and a source familiar with the case.

Burying the Lancet Report

Over a year ago an international team of epidemiologists completed a "cluster sample survey" of civilian casualties in Iraq. Its findings contradicted central elements of what politicians and journalists had presented to the US public and the world. Soon after the study was published, US and British officials launched a concerted campaign to discredit its authors and marginalize their findings without seriously addressing the validity of their methods or presenting any evidence to challenge their conclusions. Today the continuing aerial bombardment of Iraq is still a dark secret to most Americans and the media present the same general picture of the war, focusing on secondary sources of violence.

TV Ads Push Iraq War Support

In an early sign of the imagery that may flood the nation's television screens as congressional elections approach this fall, a conservative political group closely aligned with the Bush administration has launched a blitz of television ads to shore up sagging public support for the war in Iraq.

Ray McGovern: "I Do Not Wish to Be Associated With Torture"

Ray McGovern writes a letter to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: As a matter of conscience, I am returning the Intelligence Commendation Award medallion given me for "especially commendable service" during my 27-year career in CIA. The issue is torture, which inhabits the same category as rape and slavery - intrinsically evil. I do not wish to be associated, however remotely, with an agency engaged in torture.

Urge Secretary Rumsfeld to protect our troops from an Iraqi civil war

Culture of corruption: the legacy of Ayn Rand

Informant: Friends

Muster einer Strafanzeige gegen zwangsbehandelnde Ärzte

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Muster einer Strafanzeige gegen zwangsbehandelnde Ärzte

Muster der Strafanzeige als rtf-Dokument zum Herunterlanden

Nach dem Urteil des BGH vom 17. März 2003 (XII ZB 2/03)
bindet eine Patientenverfügung als Ausdruck des fortwirkenden Selbstbestimmungsrechts des Patienten Betreuer, Ärzte, Pflegepersonal und Bevollmächtigte. Die Menschenwürde (Art. 1 Abs. 1 GG) gebiete es, die in einer Patientenverfügung getroffene eigenverantwortliche Entscheidung auch dann zu respektieren, wenn der/die PatientIn die Fähigkeit zu eigenverantwortlicher Entscheidung verloren hat. Umfang und Reichweite der Rechtsverbindlichkeit einer Patientenverfügung sind von der Rechtsprechung allerdings noch nicht abschließend geklärt.

In seinem Beschluss vom 10.08.2005 (17 W 37/05)
hat das OLG Celle (vgl. Recht & Psychiatrie 2005, S. 196f.) festgestellt, dass ein Unterbringungsbeschluss des Vormundschaftsgerichts nach § 1906 Abs. 1 BGB keine ausreichende Rechtsgrundlage für eine stationäre Zwangsbehandlung darstellt (ebenso OLG Thüringen, Beschluss vom 05.02.2002, 6 W 44/02).

Um Betroffenen oder deren Anwälten für einen solchen Fall eine Formulierungshilfe an die Hand zu geben, haben wir das folgende Muster einer Strafanzeige ausarbeiten lassen, das auch als rtf Datei geladen werden kann (siehe oben) und mit Leichtigkeit entsprechend den individuellen Verhältnissen verändert, ergänzt oder durch Löschungen angepasst und korrigiert werden kann. (Eine Strafanzeige kann auch bei jeder Polizeidienststelle abgegeben werden)


Name und Adresse des Anzeigeerstatters

An die Staatsanwaltschaft Y-Stadt

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

hiermit erstatte ich, Name, Geburtsdatum, Adresse


gegen den Chefarzt, den verantwortlichen Oberarzt sowie den behandelnden Arzt (falls namentlich bekannt, Ärzte benennen)

des Y-Krankenhauses, Straße, Ort

wegen des Verdachts der Körperverletzung sowie aus allen sonstigen Rechtsgründen und stelle Strafantrag.

1. Am XY wurde ich gegen meinen Willen auf die Station X des Y-Krankenhauses gebracht und dort festgehalten. Weiterhin wurden mir dort Medikamente, u.a. Psychopharmaka, gegen meinen Willen verabreicht. Die Behandlung erfolgte sowohl gegen meinen erklärten als auch gegen meinen in einer Patientenverfügung vom XY niedergelegten Willen. Die Patientenverfügung lag dem Krankenhaus seit dem XY vor (ausführen, wann und wie das Krankenhaus Kenntnis von der Patientenverfügung erlangt hat).

In der Patientenverfügung vom XY habe ich ausdrücklich festgelegt, dass .... (ausführen, was in der Patientenverfügung festgelegt wurde, also welche Behandlungen und medizinischen Maßnahmen dort ausdrücklich untersagt bzw. abgelehnt werden, z.B. Behandlung mit Psychopharmaka).

Gegenüber den Ärzten und dem Pflegepersonal habe ich unmissverständlich deutlich gemacht, dass ich an den in meiner Patientenverfügung getroffenen Festlegungen festhalte und diese weiter meinem Willen entsprechen. Trotz dieser eindeutigen und rechtlich verbindlichen Verfügung wurde ich auf der Station X des Y-Krankenhauses festgehalten und entgegen den in meiner Patientenverfügung getroffenen Festlegungen zwangsbehandelt. (Gegebenenfalls Zeugen benennen, die bestätigen können, dass Anzeigeerstatter gegenüber Ärzten und Pflegepersonal bestimmte Behandlungsmaßnahmen abgelehnt hat)

(Falls die Zwangsbehandlung im Rahmen einer betreuungsrechtlichen Unterbringung erfolgte:) Am XYZ ordnete das AG Y meine vorläufige Unterbringung in einer geschlossen psychiatrischen Einrichtung nach § 1906 Abs. 1 BGB an (Aktenzeichen des AG).

2. Die Zwangsbehandlung mit Psychopharmaka auf der Station X des Y-Krankenhauses stellt eine Körperverletzung dar.

Die ärztliche Behandlung mit Psychopharmaka greift in meine körperliche Unversehrtheit ein und stellt tatbestandlich eine Körperverletzung dar. Die medikamentöse Behandlung ist rechtswidrig, da sie ohne meine Einwilligung erfolgt. Die Verabreichung von Psychopharmaka ist auch nicht durch eine mutmaßliche Einwilligung gerechtfertigt.

Zwar kann in Einzelfällen eine ärztliche Heilbehandlung durch eine mutmaßliche Einwilligung des Patienten gerechtfertigt sein. Für das Abstellen auf einen mutmaßlichen Willen ist aber dann kein Raum, wenn - wie hier - eine Patientenverfügung vorliegt, welche Festlegungen enthält, die auch die konkrete Behandlungssituation mit umfassen. Die Patientenverfügung ist eine Willenserklärung, mit welcher der Patient für den Fall, dass er einwilligungsunfähig wird, nach seinen persönlichen Verhältnissen den Arzt, Betreuer oder Bevollmächtigten anweist, bestimmte medizinische Maßnahmen oder Behandlungsmethoden vorzunehmen oder auch zu unterlassen. Die Patientenverfügung ist eine rechtlich verbindliche Anweisung. Steht der wirkliche Wille des Patienten aufgrund einer solchen Verfügung fest, ist dieser alleiniger Maßstab für die Entscheidung, ob eine bestimmte Behandlung vorzunehmen ist oder zu unterbleiben hat. Für einen Rückgriff auf einen mutmaßlichen Willen ist daher kein Raum.

In seiner Grundsatzentscheidung vom 17. März 2003 (XII ZB 2/03) hat der Bundesgerichtshof die Bedeutung des Patientenwillens unterstrichen und festgestellt:

"Liegt eine solche Willensäußerung, etwa wie hier in Form einer sogenannten "Patientenverfügung", vor, bindet sie als Ausdruck des fortwirkenden Selbstbestimmungsrechts, aber auch der Selbstverantwortung des Betroffenen den Betreuer; denn schon die Würde des Betroffenen (Art. 1 Abs. 1 GG) verlangt, dass eine von ihm eigenverantwortlich getroffene Entscheidung auch dann noch respektiert wird, wenn er die Fähigkeit zu eigenverantwortlichem Entscheiden inzwischen verloren hat. Die Willensbekundung des Betroffenen für oder gegen bestimmte medizinische Maßnahmen darf deshalb vom Betreuer nicht durch einen "Rückgriff auf den mutmaßlichen Willen" des Betroffenen "korrigiert" werden, es sei denn, dass der Betroffene sich von seiner früheren Verfügung mit erkennbarem Widerrufswillen distanziert oder die Sachlage sich nachträglich so erheblich geändert hat, dass die frühere selbstverantwortlich getroffene Entscheidung die aktuelle Sachlage nicht umfasst."

(Falls Zwangsbehandlung im Rahmen einer Betreuungsrechtlichen Unterbringung erfolgte:) Die zwangsweise Behandlung mit Psychopharmaka ist auch nicht durch den Unterbringungsbeschluss des Amtsgerichts Y vom XYZ gerechtfertigt. So hat das OLG Celle in seinem Beschluss vom 10.08.2005 - 17 W 37/05 (vgl. Recht & Psychiatrie 2005, S. 196f.) festgestellt, dass § 1906 Abs. 1 BGB gerade keine ausreichende gesetzliche Grundlage für eine stationäre Zwangsbehandlung darstellt:

"Entgegen der den Beschlüssen stillschweigend zugrunde liegenden Auffassungen des Amtsgerichts und Landgerichts H. ist eine Zwangsbehandlung auf betreuungsrechtlicher Grundlage rechtlich nicht zulässig und daher nicht genehmigungsfähig.

Der Senat folgt insoweit der Auffassung, nach der in Anlehnung an die Entscheidung des Bundesgerichtshofs zur ambulanten Zwangsbehandlung (FamRZ 2001,149) auch die stationäre Zwangsbehandlung auf der Grundlage des Betreuungsrechts infolge des Fehlens einer ausreichenden Rechtsgrundlage als rechtlich nicht zulässig angesehen wird (OLG Thüringen, R&P 2003, 29; Marschner, Zwangsbehandlung in der ambulanten und stationären Psychiatrie, R&P 2005, S.47ff. mit weit. Hinweisen). Die Gegenposition (OLG Schleswig, FamRZ 2002, 984; OLG Düsseldorf, Az. l -25 WX 73/03; OLG München, OLGR 2005, 394; Roth in Erman, 11.Aufl. Rdnr. 29; Damrau/Zimmermann, Betreuungsrecht S.Aufl., § 1904, Rdnr.16;) geht von einer grundsätzlichen Zulässigkeit der betreuungsrechtlichen Zwangsmedikation aus und sieht dabei die Regelungen des § 1906 Abs.1 Nr.2 bzw. des § 1906 Abs.4 BGB als ausreichende Rechtsgrundlage an. Kriterium für die Zulässigkeit der Zwangsbehandlung sei deren Verhältnismäßigkeit angesichts der ansonsten drohenden gewichtigen Gesundheitsschäden. Dabei wird teilweise die Verhältnismäßigkeit auf die Fälle lebensnotwendiger Behandlungen beschränkt (Hoffmann/Klie, Freiheitsentziehende Maßnahmen, S.44). In seiner Entscheidung vom 11. Oktober 2000 verlangt der Bundesgerichtshof (a.a.O, S. 152) unter Hinweis auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts für jede Zwangshandlung gegen den Widerstand des Betreuten eine ausdrückliche Rechtsgrundlage durch ein formelles Gesetz. Soweit dieses formelle Gesetz teilweise in der Regelung des § 1906 Abs.1 Nr.2 bzw. 1906 Abs.4 BGB gesehen wird, überzeugt diese Auffassung nicht. Der sprachlich eindeutige Gesetzestext enthält nur die Befugnis zur Unterbringung bzw. unterbringungsähnlichen Maßnahmen nicht jedoch auch die Befugnis zur - gemessen an der Eingriffintensität - deutlich schwerwiegenderen Zwangsbehandlung. Zwar hätte es durchaus eine innere Logik, dass derjenige der zu Behandlungszwecken gemäß § 1906 Abs.1 Nr.2 BGB geschlossen untergebracht wird, dort - auch gegen seinen Willen behandelt werden darf. Dieser Logik ist der Gesetzgeber des Betreuungsgesetzes jedoch ausdrücklich nicht gefolgt und hat von der gesetzlichen Regelung der Zwangsbehandlung ausdrücklich abgesehen (BT-Drs.11/4528, S.72). Dementsprechend hat der Gesetzgeber auch die Zwangsbefugnisse für den Betreuer geregelt und in § 70g Abs.5 FGG die Befugnis zur Gewaltanwendung nur für die Zuführung zur Unterbringung nicht jedoch auch zur Durchsetzung einer Behandlung vorgesehen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist dem OLG Thüringen darin zuzustimmen, dass die Regelung des § 1906 BGB nicht als hinreichende formelle Rechtsgrundlage für eine Zwangsbehandlung angesehen werden kann (R&P 2003,29)."

Die zwangsweise Verabreichung von Psychopharmaka ist daher als rechtswidrige Körperverletzung zu werten.

Ich bitte um Mitteilung des Aktenzeichens, unter welchem dieser Vorgang bearbeitet wird.

Unterschrift, Datum

Nachricht vom Werner Fuss Zentrum

Illegal Domestic Surveillance: President Bush's Assault on Our Civil Liberties

Informant: Mofmars3

As Patriot Vote Approaches, Take Our Survey on Presidential Powers

As you read this, Congress is poised to reject commonsense reforms to the Patriot Act, choosing a White House-backed reauthorization deal over basic privacy protections for your personal records.

You have stood with the ACLU as we've fought for real Patriot Act reform and I want you to be the first to know that this fight is not over.

The bipartisan push for reform continues on Capitol Hill. As I write this, a group of courageous senators are speaking out against the reauthorization plan. Several other lawmakers have reiterated the need for real reform. And Congress is already planning hearings to investigate the massive increase in National Security Letter (NSL) record requests, an issue the ACLU continues to fight, and win on, in the federal courts.

But the fact is, until the Bush Administration chooses the rule of law over its pattern of abuses of power, any new reforms may simply go ignored under this President's extreme views of unlimited executive authority.

Lawmakers and regular Americans across the political spectrum have never been more alert to the reckless policies of this administration. A new poll of over 1000 Americans shows that a majority reject the President's illegal program of warrantless domestic surveillance, and doubt that he acted within the bounds of the law.

The American people reject the White House's assertion that the President has the authority to act outside of the law whenever and however he deems necessary. We've posted results and selected questions from the survey online so you can give your own opinions and see how they compare to our nationwide poll of voters across the political spectrum.

You might be surprised and even encouraged by what you learn -- because it turns out that when presented with the facts, the American voter has serious concerns about the government's actions.

We believe that now is the time to mobilize Americans to speak out against abuses like unauthorized domestic wiretapping...illegal detentions and flagrant violations of human rights at Guantanamo Bay...secret CIA kidnappings that transport victims to countries that engage in torture...FBI and Pentagon surveillance of peaceful political protestors...the refusal to hold high-level officials accountable for abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

People are hearing the ACLU's message that in America we can be both safe and free. We are heartened by these results and we are determined not to give up until together we have put an end to the abuses of power that have become a hallmark of the Bush Administration.

Thanks to your efforts, the Patriot Act reauthorization process has been a debate over fundamental freedoms, not the quick rubber-stamp the White House hoped for last spring and real momentum for reform is still alive in Congress.

Your active involvement will help us continue to make a difference in the fight. So, take a minute to compare your answers to those in our survey. And then help us keep the pressure on Congress by taking just one action today. Sign our Demand for the Truth,
tell a friend about the ACLU survey
or make a donation.


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director

P.S. The poll was a national telephone survey of 1,012 registered voters conducted on behalf of the ACLU from February 8-12. The margin of sampling error for the entire survey is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points at the 95 percent level of tolerance.

Paying The Price Of Security

by Robert B. Reich,

Who owns what doesn't matter if the government won't fund basic protective measures.

At The NSA, The Enemy Is Us

by Aziz Huq,

The White House views the entire globe as a battlefield -- and we are all treated as potential enemies.

Making Every Vote Count

by Bill Richardson,

Today, New Mexico boosts the cause of election reform by moving to a voting system of all paper ballots.

UMTS: die andere Meinung


Manche malen die Zukunft des 3G-Standards in Deutschland dunkler aus als andere. Auch im Vorfeld der CeBIT werden kritische Stimmen laut.

Wenn UMTS in diesem Jahr nicht der Marktdurchbruch gelinge, werde es eng für die dritte Mobilfunkgeneration 3G, warnen die Berater von Eurospace. Denn obwohl mit mehr als 60.000 installierten Basisstationen weit über die Hälfte der deutschen Bevölkerung in einer UMTS-Versorgungszone leben, nutzen nicht einmal ein Prozent der rund 74 Millionen Mobilfunkkunden in Deutschland UMTS, sagen die Berater.

Die Verbraucher verlangten nicht nach schnelleren UMTS-Versionen, sondern nach einem triftigen Grund, warum sie überhaupt UMTS nutzen sollten, lautet die Ansicht Vincent Ohanas von Eurospace. Und um es etwas zuzuspitzen, fügt Onaha hinzu, dass der Traum vom UMTS-Massenmarkt abgefahren sei, wenn UMTS nicht spätestens im nächsten Weihnachtsgeschäft der Durchbruch gelinge. Turbo-UMTS dagegen könne als Alternative zum DSL-Anschluss für das kabellose Surfen im Internet eine entsprechende ‚Killer-Applikation’ werden, wenn die Netzbetreiber unter anderem zu UMTS-Preismodellen fänden, die sich gegenüber DSL behaupten könnten. Längerfristig könne UMTS auf Übertragungsraten von bis zu 100 Mbit/s ‚hochgeschraubt’ werden und damit weit über die heute üblichen DSL-Bandbreiten hinausgehen, prognostiziert Eurospace.

Vor allem aus Asien rolle schon die nächste Mobilfunkwelle der 4G-Systeme an. Als viel versprechende 4G-Technologieansätze nennen die Berater das japanische New-Generation-Mobile Network-Project, das südkoreanische Wireless-Broadband, das Digital-Multimedia-Broadcasting (DMB), eine Weiterentwicklung des europäischen Digital-Audio-Broadcasting (DAB), und das chinesische Projekt Future-Technologies-for-Universal-Radio-Environment (FuTURE). Aus den USA kämen vor allem wLAN und WiMAX als ernsthafte Konkurrenz für UMTS.

© FTK Dortmund 2006

White House spin reaches science research

Informant: Teresa Binstock

U.S. Enters New Nuclear Age as Bush Seeks Funds for New Generation of Nukes

Informant: Kev Hall

The cab driving economist

Daily Reckoning
by Richard Daughty


There are certain unorthodox economic indicators -- like when servers at restaurants start coming home with less money in their pockets at the end of a shift, or when a movie theater is surprisingly empty on a rainy Friday night. ... Resistance, denial,debt. We Americans are a people in revolt against fate. Wealth and power are migrating from West to East … our empire is peaking out … our dollar is doomed -- if only we could take it more gracefully. Instead, politicians, central bankers and ordinary consumers want to dispute it, as if they could stop the tides of history, like Xerxes's troops doing battle with the waves...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Sunny weather creeps me out

San Francisco Chronicle
by Mark Morford


For this time of year in San Francisco, blasts of weird summerlike weather are probably completely normal. February invariably means sporadic rain, long spurts of frigid cold beaming down from ever-melting Alaska, alongside nice puffy tufts of warm sun of sufficient perfection to make you think about car washes and sex in the park and how you need to get some new T-shirts for summer. But then again, not quite. Something is amiss. Something about this blazing loveliness feels just a little bit off, a little bit wrong, something nagging and squirming just under the skin of this sunny daydream bliss, and if you're paying any sort of attention to the world these days you can't help but hear, as you bask in the warm sun-kissed goodness, an uneasy and nervous voice stabbing into your sun-dappled brain: Isn't it just a little too warm? Too sunny? Can this be right? And finally: Is this winter heat just another little sign of impending doom, a hint of far, far worse things to come, of heat waves and storms and direness and death? Is it all, in short, just a deceptively lovely result of the looming wrath of global warming?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Posturing over ports

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Imperial troubles

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


Iraq is approaching civil war, if it hasn't already reached it, and President Bush could face the most embarrassing congressional setback of his tenure in the White House. It's remarkable what troubles imperial ventures can bring. Talk about unintended consequences. The president's plan was to bring stability to the Middle East. Whoops. Apparently, he and his people failed to take into account that Iraq was pasted together by the British after World War I to make a country...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Guantanamo: das Folterlabor

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Double phone mast shock for residents

01 March 2006

PLANNING bosses have admitted they have no record of a second mobile phone mast being built yards from a rival phone company's controversial antenna.

Phone giant Orange confirmed it has already started work to attach an 11.4 metre mast to a wall bordering the railway line behind the former Mitre Pub in Grafton Road, Gospel Oak - now converted into flats.

The announcement comes just three weeks after an administration blunder that left Vodafone claiming it never received Camden Council's objections to a mast it subsequently erected on the pavement in front of the same property.

A spokeswoman for Orange said: "Because of the location of our mast, we do not need full planning approval.

"We wrote to Camden Council on July 13, 2004, about the mast and they had a month to raise any objections to its design or appearance. They did not do that and we are going ahead with the mast."

She said Orange also worked with the freeholder of the flats and Network Rail, the company which owns the land on the other side of the wall, to get permission for the mast. A spokeswoman for Camden Council said: "We have looked through our database and we do not have an application from Orange for that site. Our enforcement team are going to investigate it."

Lecturer and actor Anna Sullivan, of Dale Road, off Grafton Road, said: "It just seems extraordinary that we can have two within a few feet of each other. I can't imagine it would be more than 10 or 15 feet.

"They are unsightly and there are potential health hazards and there has been complete disregard for the people living in the area. How come it's all happening in Gospel Oak?"

The Orange spokeswoman added: "All our sites are built to international safety guidelines for public exposure.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

"There is no risk of having two antennae next to each other. Out mast is extremely low powered."

Camden Council planning officers claim they did send Vodafone their objection to its mast in time to stop it going ahead and that as a result it should not have been erected.

The council spokeswoman said: "We are still investigating the Vodafone mast.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Esmog Neutralizer

I even had a local rep try to persuade me.

I still find it to be like selling face masks to overcome traffic pollution. The traffic pollution is doing more than make you cough. Similarly microwave radiation should not be covered up for the whole range of its environmental damage, by persuading people they are personally protected. OK, it might, just vaguely might, help some individuals. But then does one person smoking with filter tips help the passive smoker? It certainly does not. These devices almost encourage phone users to use them more, convinced they are safe. If they modify the outputs of phones the phones will not work. If the phones are not modified, then it might alter the field in the head/ear slightly, but it perpetuates the proliferation of microwaves in the environment: and that is the problem.

So I do not endorse these devices.


Folterregime unter sich

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

AFL-CIO to Spend $40 Million on Vote

The AFL-CIO plans to spend a record $40 million in an attempt to unseat Republicans in this year's congressional elections. The money will fund a campaign to educate and mobilize 11.4 million members of union households in 21 states.

The $80 Billion Medicare Sellout

Nowhere is Republican corruption more glaring than in the Medicare Part D disaster passed in the dark of night in November of 2003 after a 3-hour vote - the longest recorded vote in the history of the United States. But seniors and others are organizing to reform the drug plan.

The Fate of the Ocean

The oceans as we have known them are ceasing to exist, says the author of this lengthy investigative piece. Oceanic problems once encountered on a local scale have gone pandemic, and these pandemics now merge to birth new monsters.

Flying Is Dying

Monbiot warns: There is no way to halt global warming and continue traveling long distances at high speeds. The only solution is to stop flying in airplanes.

Vordemokratische Geheimdienste

(taz-Kommentar Ch. Semmler) In den meisten der 46 Mitgliedsländer des Europarates, so klagte dessen Menschenrechtsbeauftragter Terry Davis gestern, gebe es keine "wirksamen juristischen und parlamentarischen Kontrollmechanismen ", um geheimdienstliche Operationen zu überwachen.

Diese anlässlich der CIA-Aktivitäten in Europa getroffene Feststellung enthält nichts bestürzend Neues. Schließlich bezieht sich das Geheime an Geheimdiensten nicht nur auf die Tätigkeit der Schlapphüte, sondern auch auf das, was sie ihren Auftraggebern mitzuteilen haben. Kontrolle heißt laut Terry Davis, fremden Diensten "das wunderbare Jagdgelände Europa " zu entziehen. Aber infrage steht die Kontrolle der Geheimdienste generell. Kontrolle setzt Öffentlichkeit voraus, auch der Kontrollierende bedarf der Kontrolle - weshalb das geheim tagende, zu Verschwiegenheit verpflichtete Kontrollgremium des Bundestages eine Fehlkonstruktion darstellt. Aber widerspricht demokratische Kontrollbefugnis nicht dem Prinzip, dass Teile der Staatstätigkeit der öffentlichen Wachsamkeit entzogen werden sollen? Dann stellt die Forderung nach wirksamen Kontrollen einen nicht auflösbaren Widerspruch dar. Tatsache ist, dass Geheimdienste, die der Spionage oder deren Abwehr dienen, in einem Raum operieren, der Rechtsnormen weitgehend entzogen ist. Dort wird zu Straftaten angestiftet, oder sie werden selbst begangen, alles im Interesse der jeweiligen Staatsräson. Im Kalten Krieg stellte diese Praxis kein größeres Problem dar, denn die Ost-West-Konfrontation verlieh den Geheimdiensten eine Legitimation, die den Mangel an Legalität wettmachte. Aber diese höhere Rechtfertigung ist jetzt entschwunden - und der Imperativ des Kampfs gegen den Terrorismus ist kein gleichwertiger Ersatz. Deshalb steht nicht nur der Schutz Europas vor der CIA, sondern generell die Zukunft der "Dienste " als vordemokratischer Institutionen zur Debatte. Abstrakt um Abschaffung geht es nicht, sondern um neue rechtsstaatliche Grundlagen für die der Sicherheit dienende Informationsbeschaffung. Naive Weltfremdheit? Eher ein überfälliges Unternehmen konstruktiver Abräum- und Aufbauarbeit.

taz vom 2.3.2006, S. 1, 62 Z.

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Parents clash with Ballygunner GAA Club over Meteor mast

Thursday, March 02, 2006

By Jennifer Long

DESPITE an outcry from local residents, Ballygunner hurling club say they’re unable to pull out of a deal with telecommunications company Meteor over a mobile phone mast that’s been erected on the club’s ground - beside the local national school.

‘Signed and sealed’ is how chairman Pat O’Sullivan has described the club’s deal with Meteor which was continuing to cause ripples in the locality (yesterday) as worried parents brought their planning objections to the City Council.

The mobile phone mast has been operating on the GAA grounds for several months but a planning application - for retention was only submitted by the club at the end of January.

However, while parents of children attending Ballygunner NS were fuming yesterday, the hurling club chairman insisted there could be no going back.

“We had no idea that people would be so upset because so many of these masts are going up all over the country,” Pat O’Sullivan told the Waterford News & Star.

“In any case, we can’t go back now because the contracts are signed with Meteor.”

“This all came about after we originally got permission to erect lights on our grounds but not in the final position we had to put them in. We didn’t think we needed to do anything else and were then approached by Meteor who wanted to put in their antenna.”

“We agreed and they applied to the County Council, not realising Ballygunner was in the city area. That’s why now we had retention permission in for both the lights and the antenna.”

Pat O’Sullivan said he realised people had health concerns for their children but the mast was about 170 yards from the actual school building.

He said he was not “qualified” to give a view on whether mobile phone masts posed health dangers for children but the club had been given “assurances” by Meteor.

City councillor Mary Roche confirmed yesterday she had received many representations from concerned parents in recent days and was going to be asking questions of the city’s planning office.

“ I need to have a proper look at planning regulations and see what’s permissible,” she said. “For one thing the application is for retention which is far from ideal but also in the wording of application, the reference to the mast is almost hidden.”

Meanwhile, the parent of a nine-year-old attending Ballygunner NS has told the Water-ford News & Star that she is one of many parents now very worried.

“People only really became aware of this in recent days because it didn’t follow the normal planning process,” said Ann Marie Jackman, who lives in Knockboy.

“There is clear research to show that children are at risk of radiation from these masts. In fact because radiation is emitted laterally there would actually be less of a risk if this antenna was put on top of the school roof than where it is now,” she said, adding she was one of several parents who had submitted official objections by yesterday’s deadline.

Last November the Office of Public Works effectively ordered a freeze on the erection of mobile phone masts near schools until a special committee examined the health risks.

Ballygunner Hurling Club say the mast on their lands has been in place going back to last year. A decision is due from Waterford City Council on March 21.

© Waterford News & Star, 2006.

Folkets Vilja: Vote against 3G and TETRA in Sweden's national election 2006

Please, note that a new Swedish political party has been registered for the next election to Parliament. The name is "Folkets Vilja" , and it shall act for freedom of speech for those that are concerned about health risks with 3G, TETRA, etc., and who does not want to allow further spread of wireless communication before it has been proven that the radiation is truly harmless.

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


Soon in other countries? Also in Israel there is such a party in the process, the only problem is funding. Michael Raz (Pope letter) gathers people for "the justice party". It is suggested to the swedish party to add several other subjects in addition to the Wireless subject, to get more public support. For example: more justice in medical help, more balance between poor and rich, to put regulations on irresponsible corporations, (in the book "the corporation"), it can draw more people. Just an idea, think about it.

Iris Atzmon.

Ferrybank’s phone mast opponents remain ‘hopeful’

Thursday, March 02, 2006

By Jennifer Long

RESIDENTS of Ferrybank, who battled last year against the location of two mobile phone masts in their locality, say they’re hopeful that a Government review on the placing of masts near schools will spell an end to their problems.

Householders there say they’re still “very concerned” that permission currently exists for two masts in their locality very close to local schools and hundreds of homes.

However, the chairman of a local residents’ group said the community remains “hopeful” the review will recommend an all-out ban near schools....which would mean one of the mobile phone masts they’re fearful of would never materialise.

In November, the Office of Public Works ordered a countrywide freeze on the erection of mobile phone masts near schools until an inter-departmental committee examining the health effects of electro-magnetic radiation had finished its work.

On the site of Walsh’s Car Sales on Ferrybank’s Belmont Road, an O2 mobile phone mast is in place for the past three years but to the consternation of locals, permission was granted to retain it last April.

It was a double blow for the residents as just weeks earlier permission was also granted for the erection of a brand new mast on the same site after the Hutchinson 3G Ireland appealed a Kilkenny Co. Council refusal of permission.

“There is still huge concern in the locality regarding these masts but we did breathe a sigh of relief when the freeze was ordered on erecting masts near schools as it appeared someone was seriously looking at the situation,” said Paul Malone, Chairman of Ard Daire Residents’ Association.

“Thankfully at least the new mast hasn’t been able to proceed because of the order. People are still very worried about the possible health effects of these masts and we would hope that this committee will recommend they shouldn’t receive permission near schools at all in future.”

Several public meetings have been held in Ferrybank to discuss the issues and a specially-formed committee have vowed they will fight the placing of a new mast...even with a picket on the Walsh’s property if necessary. At a meeting with the site’s owner in June, the committee appealed for the project to be dropped due to health concerns in the community.

The owner, however, said he wanted an independent body to monitor emissions from the existing mast and provide proof of a health risk before making a decision.

Paul Malone said this week that such monitoring is ongoing but it needed to take place over a period of 18 months for definitive results.

Just weeks ago, one of the world’s leading experts in mobile phone technology warned that the radiation output from Irish phone masts was at least 100 times too high for safety.

Dr. David Aldridge, a scientist who worked with the US Government developing microwave technology, said the international ‘safety’ limits that Ireland adheres to were out of date and totally flawed.

His warning came as new research revealed the long-term use of mobile phones poses an increased risk of brain cancer.

© Waterford News & Star, 2006.

Imagine a world of no more privacy

Senate Advances Patriot Act Renewal

"The White House played hardball and the decision was made by some to capitulate.'',,-5655911,00.html

Make a Freedom Of Information Act Request

Many Americans -- especially those with family and friends abroad -- are wondering whether government agents have been listening to their phone conversations or reading their email. If you're worried this has happened to you, you can use this site to help you find out.

Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'

Is the Pentagon building U.S.-based prison camps for Muslim immigrants? Evidence points to the possibility.

FDA Shields Drug Companies From Lawsuits

Last month, the FDA revealed its latest protective policy for drug companies in a statement that said people who believe they have been injured by drugs approved by the FDA should not be allowed to sue drug companies in state courts.

From Information Clearing House

"Imagine a world of no more privacy"

How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track your Every Move with Radio Frequency Identification.

Amy Worthington: Police state USA

In a fascist police state, the dictator secures his power with support from private corporations which are given special privileges and, thus, benefit from doing business with dictators. Continuously bribed by 28,000 corporate lobbyists in D.C.,4 Congress is doing its part to build a fascist state in America.

Racism Thrives

A December 2004 Cornell University opinion poll showed 44 percent of Americans approved curtailing some civil liberties for all Muslim Americans-including registering with the federal government, close monitoring of mosques by law enforcement agencies and racially profiling citizens of Muslim or Middle Eastern heritage.

Let Freedom Ring!

This is a call to action. It is addressed to every American who can read, most especially Veterans of any sort. We can and must now consider the option of relieving the regime of George Walker Bush of his command. This includes ALL of his associates. We cannot, and MUST not let this situation degenerate any further.

Is this war worth the price?

Iraq study warned of civil war

White House, Military Dismissed '03 Analysis

By Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay

WASHINGTON - U.S. intelligence agencies repeatedly warned the White House beginning more than two years ago that the insurgency in Iraq had deep local roots, was likely to worsen and could lead to civil war, according to former senior intelligence officials who helped craft the reports.

Iraq In Pictures:,5538,12762,00.html

Is this war worth the price?

Look closely at the face of collateral damage in Iraq before you answer.

Meet some of the victims of America's invasion of Iraq

“In the liberation of Iraq, we've applied powerful weapons, like the tank you build here, to strike our enemy with speed and precision”: Bush, April 24, 2003, thanking the workers at the Lima Army Tank Plant.

Pentagon dismisses US troop poll

The poll by Le Moyne College and Zogby International found that only 23 per cent believed US troops should stay in Iraq "as long as it takes", as US President George W. Bush has insisted. Nearly one in three troops said US forces should withdraw immediately.,20281,18321988-5001028,00.html

Thirty-five percent of Iraq veterans received mental health care

In addition, 12 percent of the more than 222,000 returning Army soldiers and Marines in the study were diagnosed with a mental problem.

Former US troops rail against war

“I joined up the day after September 11, 2001. I saw action in Falluja and Baghdad. My mortar platoon dropped numerous rounds on the town of Samawa during the start of the invasion. I don’t know how many innocents I killed with my mortar rounds.

From Information Clearing House

How Bush has stayed away from soldiers' funerals

More than 2,290 US troops have been killed in Iraq. President George Bush has attended none of the funerals - for which he is often criticised by the families of those who have died.

Is This War Worth the Price?

Pittsburghers were captivated this week by the seven-year-old Iraqi boy who arrived here for reconstructive facial surgery at Children's Hospital, having been badly disfigured in an American bombing raid in 2004. Sally Kalson argues that his presence has done more to inform the citizenry than a thousand presidential speeches.

Bush, Chertoff Warned before Katrina

Newly released video footage shows how, in dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his Homeland Security Chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees, put lives at risk in New Orleans' Superdome and overwhelm rescuers. Bush did not ask a single question during this final briefing before Katrina struck. Four days later Bush declared "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees" that gushed deadly floodwaters into New Orleans.

Tell Jewelry Companies to Support Responsible Gold Production

Two weeks ago, the No Dirty Gold Campaign published an ad in the New York Times. The ad listed the leaders of the jewelry industry who have committed to selling gold that has been produced with greater respect for human rights and the environment. The campaign has called on jewelry retailers - and mining companies that produce gold - to ensure that gold is produced in more socially and environmentally responsible ways (to see the ad, click here) :
The ad also listed the “laggards” within the industry - those companies that have not made this commitment. This is where we need your help today.

Click here to urge the laggards to commit to selling responsibly-produced gold.

The production of a single gold ring generates, on average, 20 tons of waste. Gold mining has caused massive environmental destruction, contaminated fisheries and fresh water used for drinking and irrigation, and displaced tens of thousands of rural farming, fishing, and ranching communities. Zale Corp., the Signet Group (the parent firm of Sterling and Kay Jewelers), Tiffany & Co., Helzberg Diamonds, Fortunoff, Cartier, Piaget, and Van Cleef & Arpels are to be applauded for taking the lead on this issue, but we need your help to convince other companies that they need to join the industry leaders list.

Over the last two years more than 30,000 of you have signed the No Dirty Gold Pledge and your work is really paying off.

The jewelry industry is starting to see how destructive mining can be to communities, but we need to keep working until all gold is produced responsibly.

Thank you for supporting Oxfam America and the No Dirty Gold Campaign!


Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America

Handy-Strahlung kann Flugverkehr beeinträchtigen



Störpotenzial von Handys im Flugzeug offenbar größer als bislang angenommen


Handy-Strahlung kann Flugverkehr beeinträchtigen

Wie Wirtschaft und Verbände die Medien beeinflussen

Seminar der Bewegungsakademie

Formierte Öffentlichkeit: Wie Wirtschaft und Verbände die Medien beeinflussen

31. März bis 2. April 2006 in Verden

Medien, Macht, Politik Politik ist medial. Denn Medien spiegeln, vermitteln und formen Öffentlichkeit als Raum politischer Meinungsbildung. Für Lobbygruppen wird die Beeinflussung der Medien immer wichtiger, um ihre Interessen durchzusetzen. Insbesondere neoliberal geprägte Denkfabriken und so genannte Reforminitiativen wie die "Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft" haben in den letzten Jahren starken Einfluss auf die Öffentlichkeit gewonnen. Sie überschreiten dabei die Grenzen einer legitimen Artikulation von Interessen, die grundsätzlich ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Demokratien ist. So platzieren sie Botschafter und „Experten“, die als vermeintlich glaubwürdige Dritte für marktliberale Politiken werben, prägen Slogans wie „Sozial ist, was Arbeit schafft“ und arbeiten mit Anzeigenkampagnen, Medienevents und sogar verdeckter Schleichwerbung in TV-Serien.

Das Seminar Das Seminar stellt die Medien- und Einflussstrategien von Verbänden und Unternehmen vor. Es soll den Blick für die Einflussnahme auf die Medien schärfen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen, ihr entgegenzuwirken. Das Seminar setzt keine Vorkenntnisse voraus – nur Interesse und Lust am Thema. Bei Interesse besteht die Möglichkeit, das Thema über LobbyControl weiterzuverfolgen.

Ziele des Seminars - Kurze Einführung zur Rolle und Struktur von Öffentlichkeit und Medien in Demokratien - grundlegende Methoden zur Beeinflussung der Öffentlichkeit kennen lernen - den Blick für platzierte Beiträge, „ExpertInnen“ etc. schärfen - Gegenstrategien und Handlungsmöglichkeiten erkennen und entwickeln ReferentInnen Ulrich Müller ist Politikwissenschaftler und Vorstandsmitglied von LobbyControl. Bis 2004 war er als Referent bei der Menschenrechtsorganisation FIAN tätig, davor am Max Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung in Köln. 2004 organisierte er zusammen mit der Bewegungsakademie den Kongress "Gesteuerte Demokratie? Wie neoliberale Eliten die Politik beeinflussen". Der gleichnamige Kongressband ist bei VSA erschienen. Heidi Klein hat in Bremen und Lille (Frankreich) Politikwissenschaft und Ökonomie studiert. Sie ist seit vielen Jahren in unterschiedlichen Initiativen und Sozialen Bewegungen aktiv. Bis 2005 war sie für Share e.V. tätig und hat in diesem Rahmen die Broschüre „Globalisierung als Entwicklungshilfe?“ geschrieben. Seit Anfang 2006 ist sie Vorstandsmitglied und hauptamtliche Mitarbeiterin von LobbyControl.

Kooperation LobbyControl - Initiative für Transparenz und Demokratie ist eine neue Organisation, die über gesellschaftliche Machtstrukturen und Einflussnahme auf Politik und Öffentlichkeit und aufklären will. Ausgangspunkt ist die Analyse, dass Unternehmen, Wirtschaftsverbände und neoliberale Eliten im Zuge von Europäisierung und Globalisierung einen zunehmend privilegierten Einfluss auf Politik und Öffentlichkeit gewinnen. LobbyControl will über die vielfältigen Formen offener und verdeckter Einflussnahme in Deutschland und Europa informieren und ihnen entgegenwirken. Mehr Informationen über LobbyControl finden Sie unter

Kosten Normalpreis 60 € / Förderpreis 90 € / Solipreis 30 € Hinzu kommen Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung in Höhe von 38 €.

Anmeldung Bis 22.3.06 online unter:

Bewegungsakademie - Ideen für soziale Bewegungen - Artilleriestr.6, 27283 Verden Fon: 04231-957-595 mailto:

San Francisco Supervisors Ask Lawmakers to Impeach Bush

Council to publish mast proposals

BBC News Online

A council has vowed to make information about potential mobile phone masts more accessible to local residents.

Bournemouth Borough Council says it will publish details of both permitted and potential masts on its website.

It follows concerns raised by residents who say they were not properly informed about masts going up in the borough.

The council also is urging local MPs to back the Private Members Bill, which could give it greater powers over the erection of mobile phone masts.

If the bill is adopted, it means each phone mast proposal will need to have an extensive safety check.

The council will also be able to refuse a mast over precautionary health concerns if it is planned for a residential area.

But the council said it is also looking at using non-residential areas, including parks, to keep future masts away from homes, schools and health facilities.

The planning department must also, from now on, inform councillors of all known permitted phone masts, as well as potential mast developments in the area.

Councillor Richard Renaut said: "Mobile phone masts are necessary in this world, as the majority of people now have mobile phones, but we need to make sure they are located in suitable places."

Transcripts and video footage showing President Bush being personally briefed the day before Hurricane Katrina hit land

I am a member of read this and pass it on.. Thanks!

Date: 03/02/06 00:33:03

Subject: AP Footage ....

Bush lied ... thousands died ...

~~ Suz ~~

Dear MoveOn member,

This evening, the Associated Press released secret transcripts and video footage showing President Bush being personally briefed the day before Hurricane Katrina hit land. The predictions he heard were shockingly precise and accurate - - including the failure of the levees. He knew exactly what was coming.

The article is a smoking gun on Bush's unpardonable failure to keep us safe. In just a few hours, the White House will be filling the airwaves with spin, so it's important to reach out right now to pass on the straight story to family and friends. If each of us acts, we can directly reach millions of people before morning.

The full AP article is attached below. Can you help get the word out to at least 5 friends? You can forward on this note or follow the link below:

At the August 28th briefing, the president was told exactly what to expect:

* The chief scientist of the National Hurricane Center warned that a major levee breach was "obviously a very, very grave concern." Bush lied to the entire nation about this point just 5 days later.

* Michael Brown told the president that if New Orleans flooded the Superdome emergency shelter would likely be under water and short on supplies, creating a "catastrophe within a catastrophe."

* Experts and officials implored the President to prepare for, as the AP described it, "devastation of historic proportions."

President Bush didn't ask a single question during the briefing. In the next two days he campaigned, attended birthday parties and played guitar while the worst natural disaster in American history killed over
1,300 people and displaced hundreds of thousands.

There can now be no mistake: President Bush had a chance to lead, and he failed to keep us safe.

In the next few days, we'll be tracking this story carefully and coordinating our response with partners in New Orleans and around the nation.

The survivors of Katrina deserve to know why the president left them to suffer the storm. And the people of the United States deserve leadership we can trust to keep our families safe. We'll work hard together until we have both.

Tonight, let's start by spreading the word:

Thanks for all that you do,

Ben, Nita, Tom, Jen, Adam R, Justin, Adam G, Eli and the whole Political Action Team
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Here's the full article from the Associated Press. You can also read it here:

March 1, 2006

Video Shows Bush Was Warned Before Katrina By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

WASHINGTON (AP) - - In dramatic and sometimes agonizing terms, federal disaster officials warned President Bush and his homeland security chief before Hurricane Katrina struck that the storm could breach levees, put lives at risk in New Orleans' Superdome and overwhelm rescuers, according to confidential video footage.

Bush didn't ask a single question during the final briefing before Katrina struck on Aug. 29, but he assured soon-to-be-battered state officials: "We are fully prepared."

The footage - - along with seven days of transcripts of briefings obtained by The Associated Press - - show in excruciating detail that while federal officials anticipated the tragedy that unfolded in New Orleans and elsewhere along the Gulf Coast, they were fatally slow to realize they had not mustered enough resources to deal with the unprecedented disaster.

Linked by secure video, Bush's confidence on Aug. 28 starkly contrasts with the dire warnings his disaster chief and a cacophony of federal, state and local officials provided during the four days before the storm.

A top hurricane expert voiced "grave concerns" about the levees and then-Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown told the president and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that he feared there weren't enough disaster teams to help evacuees at the Superdome.

"I'm concerned about ... their ability to respond to a catastrophe within a catastrophe," Brown told his bosses the afternoon before Katrina made landfall.

Some of the footage and transcripts from briefings Aug. 25-31 conflicts with the defenses that federal, state and local officials have made in trying to deflect blame and minimize the political fallout from the failed Katrina response:

*** Homeland Security officials have said the "fog of war" blinded them early on to the magnitude of the disaster. But the video and transcripts show federal and local officials discussed threats clearly, reviewed long-made plans and understood Katrina would wreak devastation of historic proportions. "I'm sure it will be the top 10 or 15 when all is said and done," National Hurricane Center's Max Mayfield warned the day Katrina lashed the Gulf Coast.

"I don't buy the `fog of war' defense," Brown told the AP in an interview Wednesday. "It was a fog of bureaucracy."

*** Bush declared four days after the storm, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees" that gushed deadly flood waters into New Orleans. But the transcripts and video show there was plenty of talk about that possibility - - and Bush was worried too.

White House deputy chief of staff Joe Hagin, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco and Brown discussed fears of a levee breach the day the storm hit.

"I talked to the president twice today, once in Crawford and then again on Air Force One," Brown said. "He's obviously watching the television a lot, and he had some questions about the Dome, he's asking questions about reports of breaches."

*** Louisiana officials angrily blamed the federal government for not being prepared but the transcripts shows they were still praising FEMA as the storm roared toward the Gulf Coast and even two days afterward. "I think a lot of the planning FEMA has done with us the past year has really paid off," Col. Jeff Smith, Louisiana's emergency preparedness deputy director, said during the Aug. 28 briefing.

It wasn't long before Smith and other state officials sounded overwhelmed.

"We appreciate everything that you all are doing for us, and all I would ask is that you realize that what's going on and the sense of urgency needs to be ratcheted up," Smith said Aug. 30.

Mississippi begged for more attention in that same briefing.

"We know that there are tens or hundreds of thousands of people in Louisiana that need to be rescued, but we would just ask you, we desperately need to get our share of assets because we'll have people dying - - not because of water coming up, but because we can't get them medical treatment in our affected counties," said a Mississippi state official whose name was not mentioned on the tape.

Video footage of the Aug. 28 briefing, the final one before Katrina struck, showed an intense Brown voicing concerns from the government's disaster operation center and imploring colleagues to do whatever was necessary to help victims.

"We're going to need everything that we can possibly muster, not only in this state and in the region, but the nation, to respond to this event," Brown warned. He called the storm "a bad one, a big one" and implored federal agencies to cut through red tape to help people, bending rules if necessary.

"Go ahead and do it," Brown said. "I'll figure out some way to justify it. ... Just let them yell at me."

Bush appeared from a narrow, windowless room at his vacation ranch in Texas, with his elbows on a table. Hagin was sitting alongside him. Neither asked questions in the Aug. 28 briefing.

"I want to assure the folks at the state level that we are fully prepared to not only help you during the storm, but we will move in whatever resources and assets we have at our disposal after the storm," the president said.

A relaxed Chertoff, sporting a polo shirt, weighed in from Washington at Homeland Security's operations center. He would later fly to Atlanta, outside of Katrina's reach, for a bird flu event.

One snippet captures a missed opportunity on Aug. 28 for the government to have dispatched active-duty military troops to the region to augment the National Guard.

Chertoff: "Are there any DOD assets that might be available? Have we reached out to them?"

Brown: "We have DOD assets over here at EOC (emergency operations center). They are fully engaged. And we are having those discussions with them now."

Chertoff: "Good job."

In fact, active duty troops weren't dispatched until days after the storm. And many states' National Guards had yet to be deployed to the region despite offers of assistance, and it took days before the Pentagon deployed active-duty personnel to help overwhelmed Guardsmen.

The National Hurricane Center's Mayfield told the final briefing before Katrina struck that storm models predicted minimal flooding inside New Orleans during the hurricane but he expressed concerns that counterclockwise winds and storm surges afterward could cause the levees at Lake Pontchartrain to be overrun.

"I don't think any model can tell you with any confidence right now whether the levees will be topped or not but that is obviously a very, very grave concern," Mayfield told the briefing.

Other officials expressed concerns about the large number of New Orleans residents who had not evacuated.

"They're not taking patients out of hospitals, taking prisoners out of prisons and they're leaving hotels open in downtown New Orleans. So I'm very concerned about that," Brown said.

Despite the concerns, it ultimately took days for search and rescue teams to reach some hospitals and nursing homes.

Brown also told colleagues one of his top concerns was whether evacuees who went to the New Orleans Superdome - - which became a symbol of the failed Katrina response - - would be safe and have adequate medical care.

"The Superdome is about 12 feet below sea level ... I don't know whether the roof is designed to stand, withstand a Category Five hurricane," he said.

Brown also wanted to know whether there were enough federal medical teams in place to treat evacuees and the dead in the Superdome.

"Not to be (missing) kind of gross here," Brown interjected, "but I'm concerned" about the medical and mortuary resources "and their ability to respond to a catastrophe within a catastrophe."

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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

* Only 1,055 days remaining until Inaugural Day 1/20/09

* "It is also in the interests of a tyrant to keep his people poor, so that they may not be able to afford the cost of protecting themselves by arms and be so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for rebellion."- Aristotle

* "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." George W.Bush, 43rd US President

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rudkla - 26. Apr, 05:36
January 6 Committee Says... les/jan-6-committee-says-t rump-engaged-in-criminal-c onspiracy-to-undo-election /?eType=EmailBlastContent& eId=552e5725-9297-4a7c-a21 4-53c8c51615a3
rudkla - 4. Mär, 05:38
Georgia Republicans Are...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/14/georgi a-republicans-are-delibera tely-attacking-voting-righ ts
rudkla - 15. Feb, 05:03
Now Every Day Is January...
https://www.commondreams.o rg/views/2022/02/07/now-ev ery-day-january-6-trump-ta rgets-vote-counters
rudkla - 8. Feb, 05:41


März 2006


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