Live Attenuated Swine Influenza Vaccine for Children Safety in Question

ISIS Press Release 17/08/09

The live attenuated swine flu vaccine intended for millions of children has dangerous side effects and is genetically unstable, risking generation of new pandemic strains should mass vaccinations go ahead. Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

This report has been submitted to Sir Liam Donaldson, UK Chief Medical Officer, and to the US Food and Drug Administration Please circulate widely, with all the hyperlinks included, to your elected representatives, wherever you are

The swine flu vaccines being prepared for release to combat the current pandemic will be fast tracked without the usual clinical trials to ensure their safety. Five different companies were contracted to produce vaccines worldwide - Baxter International, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis. Sanofi- Aventis and AstraZeneca - using a range of technologies from traditional chicken egg production to cell culture [1] ( Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire , SiS 43).

Most of the vaccines will not contain live virus and will be delivered by injection. However AstraZeneca will produce a genetically engineered live attenuated vaccine through its global biologics unit, MedImmune, using cell culture or eggs [2]. The MedImmune vaccine will be used primarily for children, to be delivered as a nasal spray. The nasal spray vaccine against pandemic H1N1 influenza has been fast tracked for global distribution [3].

The live-attenuated vaccine appears more effective than the inactivated virus vaccine, but it resulted in significantly higher rates of severe adverse events. Furthermore, there is evidence that the live vaccine is highly genetically unstable in warm body cells and that has not been thoroughly evaluated in the children vaccinated .

Live attenuated versus inactivated influenza vaccine

MedImmune sponsored a safety and efficacy trial of the nasal spray live- attenuated, cold adapted (see below) influenza vaccine compared with inactivated vaccine on infants and young children 6 to 59 months of age [4]. . The study was conducted at 249 sites in 16 countries; US (49 percent of subjects), 12 countries in Europe and Middle East (45 percent), and 3 countries in Asia (6 percent).

A total of 7852 children completed the study. The results showed that there were 54.7 percent fewer cases of culture- confirmed influenza in the group that received live attenuated vaccine than in the group that received inactivated vaccine (153 cases, 3.9 percent vs 338 cases, 8.6 percent). For all culture-confirmed symptomatic influenza (both vaccine and non-vaccine strains), the overall attack rates were 5 percent in the group that received live attenuated vaccine and 10.0 percent in the group that received inactivated vaccine, indicating that neither vaccine was particularly good at preventing illness from non-vaccine strains. These results broadly confirm those of a comprehensive review carried out in 2006-2008, which could not provide safety analysis [5].

It is important to note that the MedImmune study explicitly excluded children with a history of hypersensitivity to any component of the live attenuated vaccine or the inactivated vaccine, known immunosuppressive condition , medically diagnosed or treated wheezing within 42 days before enrolment, a history of severe asthma , body temperature higher than 37.8 C within 3 days before enrolment and the use of aspirin or salicylate-containing products within 30 days before enrolment. The conditions italicized are precisely those considered especially at risk from swine flu and identified as ‘priority groups' for receiving the vaccine by the UK government, which intends to vaccinate the entire UK population starting in October [6], and there is already evidence that the inactivated flu vaccine tripled the risk of severe events in children with asthma [7]. These findings are confirmed in the Medimmune study, which exposes the highly inadequate safety considerations in the UK government's mass vaccination programme.

Read the rest of this article here


Swine Flu - Medico/Politic Handling Equivalent Of UK Government's War In Iraq

UK Government Vaccines Director Professor David Salisbury and Health Secretary Andy Burnham - The Drug Dealers All Fall Out

We now see the 'experts' and the UK government backtracking, maintaining that they warned about antivirals Tamiflu/Relenza and the Swine Flu vaccine all along in the Guardian and Daily Mail. Does this involve Professor David Salisbury that assisted the WHO as chairman of SAGE in calling Swine Flu a pandemic and escalating this mild illness out of all proportion, generating untold profiteering billions for the pharmaceutical industry? Would it not be sensible at this stage for the British media to put in an FOIA request to find out just how much taxpayers' money has been spent on the drugs, the vaccine, the Swine Line Call Centres, the publicity and the expenses to date? On One Click we're betting that nobody is prepared and willing to confront this. This includes the politicians and so many doctors who diced with the drug dealers; the media who orchestrated every single Swine Flu death and injury on their front pages day after day using false and unconfirmed stats, st oking hysteria and thereby handing big pharma the best sustained golden hello it's had for decades. With responsibility comes accountability, something our elected representatives in Britain have become singularly adept at avoiding whilst paying themselves an unauthorised fortune. Is Swine Flu going to be the latest irresponsible case in point? This is shaping up to be the disastrous medical/political handling equivalent of New Labour's war in Iraq.

Related Links:

Third of nurses unlikely to get vaccinated against swine flu
Steve Ford, Graham Clews - Nursing Times

One Click On Swine Flu
Information Release, The One Click Group

Information Release, The One Click Group/James Sturcke, The Guardian


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