A Blind Eye on Soldiers' Suicides
Lives Lost at Home
Kevin Graman reports for the Spokesman Review: "A distraught 26-year-old Navy veteran who had a history of mental illness hanged himself within three hours of seeking help at Spokane Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The July 7 death of Lucas Senescall was the sixth suicide this year of a veteran who had contact with the Spokane VA, a marked increase in such deaths. Last year, there were two suicides among veterans treated at the local VA. Senescall's death comes amid heightened concern nationwide over the suicide rate among veterans."
US Military Keeping Secrets About Female Soldiers' "Suicides"?
Ann Wright, Truthdig: "Since I posted on April 28 the article 'Is There an Army Cover Up of the Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?,' the deaths of two more US Army women in Iraq and Afghanistan have been listed as suicides - the September 28, 2007, death of 30-year-old Spc. Ciara Durkin and the February 22, 2008, death of 25-year-old Spc. Keisha Morgan. Both 'suicides' are disputed by the families of the women."
Suicide hot line got calls from 22,000 veterans
More than 22,000 veterans have sought help from a special suicide hot line in its first year, and 1,221 suicides have been averted, the government says.
From Information Clearing House
Lives Lost at Home
Kevin Graman reports for the Spokesman Review: "A distraught 26-year-old Navy veteran who had a history of mental illness hanged himself within three hours of seeking help at Spokane Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The July 7 death of Lucas Senescall was the sixth suicide this year of a veteran who had contact with the Spokane VA, a marked increase in such deaths. Last year, there were two suicides among veterans treated at the local VA. Senescall's death comes amid heightened concern nationwide over the suicide rate among veterans."
US Military Keeping Secrets About Female Soldiers' "Suicides"?
Ann Wright, Truthdig: "Since I posted on April 28 the article 'Is There an Army Cover Up of the Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?,' the deaths of two more US Army women in Iraq and Afghanistan have been listed as suicides - the September 28, 2007, death of 30-year-old Spc. Ciara Durkin and the February 22, 2008, death of 25-year-old Spc. Keisha Morgan. Both 'suicides' are disputed by the families of the women."
Suicide hot line got calls from 22,000 veterans
More than 22,000 veterans have sought help from a special suicide hot line in its first year, and 1,221 suicides have been averted, the government says.
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 30. Jun, 22:27