Iraq: The Greatest Heist In History
What Happened To The $23 Billion?
BBC - Video
The US justice department has imposed gagging orders which prevent the real scale of the problem emerging. But Panorama's Jane Corbin has spoken to some of those involved - with astonishing stories to tell of who got rich and who got burned.
War, Inc.
By Mike Ferner
Smedley Butler learned that in war "nations acquire additional territory if they are victorious. They just take it." With leasing more in vogue than ever, getting the use of additional territory - call it property -can be more profitable than actually acquiring it. But the end result is the same. "This newly acquired territory is promptly exploited by the few," Butler explained, "the self-same few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill."
Leaders With No Conscience
By Rand Clifford
BBC - Video
The US justice department has imposed gagging orders which prevent the real scale of the problem emerging. But Panorama's Jane Corbin has spoken to some of those involved - with astonishing stories to tell of who got rich and who got burned.
War, Inc.
By Mike Ferner
Smedley Butler learned that in war "nations acquire additional territory if they are victorious. They just take it." With leasing more in vogue than ever, getting the use of additional territory - call it property -can be more profitable than actually acquiring it. But the end result is the same. "This newly acquired territory is promptly exploited by the few," Butler explained, "the self-same few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill."
Leaders With No Conscience
By Rand Clifford
rudkla - 12. Jun, 10:16