It's Time To Now Put Bush Impeachment On The Table Too

Impeach Bush Action Page: (anyone can use this link)

Facebook Version: (for this link must be a member of Facebook and logged in.)

In particular, if you are a member of any Facebook groups, please look for the "Add to Groups" link on the action page to request that they add the action page above to their new ready to go action page group add-on.

Now that there are voices on the House Judiciary Committee strongly advocating for meaningful Cheney impeachment hearings, it is high time to add George Bush to the crescendo.

Just because Dick Cheney is calling the the shots as the acting president, that does not absolve George Bush. Indeed it makes him a constitutional co-conspirator.

Last week the non-profit Center for Public Integrity released an exhaustive study documenting a compelling pattern of false public statements, 935 of them, that "were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses." And Bush topped the list with more lies than any other administration figure.

And just yesterday, after having already once rejected H.R. 1585, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, with an unconstitutional pocket veto (because Congress did not submit to ALL his demands), he then attached a signing statement to the revised bill (H.R. 4986) declaring that he would disregard many other sections of the bill altogether.

The words "out of control" do not even begin to capture the depth of contempt that George Bush has for the entire rest of our Constitutional government and its people.

The New Impeach Both!!! Cap Is Here

Many of you have asked for us to put out a cap to express your position on BOTH Cheney and Bush impeachment, and we heard you. It is orange, just like many of you had requested. It has three exclamation marks, just like many of you had suggested. And if you make a donation of any amount we will send you one for no extra charge, not even shipping.

Impeach Both!!! Caps:

All the previous Cheney impeachment caps have been shipped out. Altogether, we put out 20,000 of those, a large proportion for no charge at all, asking the question if Cheney should be impeached. Now you can get the cap with the answer to that question . . . Impeach Both!!!

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.


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