Mobile phone mast row
Paul Britton
29/ 9/2007
ANGRY villagers turned out in protest after a mobile phone company put up a 40ft mast that had been refused planning permission.
More than 100 campaigners took to the streets of Little Lever in Bolton to accuse T-Mobile of `riding roughshod over democracy'.
The mast is in the centre of the village near its war memorial and a bus stop. It is also just 100 yards from a primary school.
It was refused planning permission in April when councillors said it was not in keeping with the area. Planners also ruled that T-Mobile had not submitted radiation certificates.
29/ 9/2007
ANGRY villagers turned out in protest after a mobile phone company put up a 40ft mast that had been refused planning permission.
More than 100 campaigners took to the streets of Little Lever in Bolton to accuse T-Mobile of `riding roughshod over democracy'.
The mast is in the centre of the village near its war memorial and a bus stop. It is also just 100 yards from a primary school.
It was refused planning permission in April when councillors said it was not in keeping with the area. Planners also ruled that T-Mobile had not submitted radiation certificates.
rudkla - 29. Sep, 09:39