Is the Collapse of the Dollar Near?
by Alan Stang
As I write, the Canadian dollar is at par with our own, which hasn’t happened for more than thirty years. The Saudis for the first time are refusing to follow the Fed’s Bernanke down the chute and Communist-occupied China, which Washington created, is threatening to destroy the dollar by dumping it. The Euro, which started out as an experiment, now stands at an unbelievable $1.40, trending higher. The bond market could collapse. Talk about a possible collapse of the dollar is in the air, and.....
As I write, the Canadian dollar is at par with our own, which hasn’t happened for more than thirty years. The Saudis for the first time are refusing to follow the Fed’s Bernanke down the chute and Communist-occupied China, which Washington created, is threatening to destroy the dollar by dumping it. The Euro, which started out as an experiment, now stands at an unbelievable $1.40, trending higher. The bond market could collapse. Talk about a possible collapse of the dollar is in the air, and.....
rudkla - 26. Sep, 10:14