Towards a total ban of mercury in dental amalgam

Here's news on an appeal for a total ban of mercury in dental amalgam.

Blood Levels of Mercury Are Related to Diagnosis of Autism:
A Reanalysis of an Important Data Set

Desoto MC, Hitlan RT.

Department of Psychology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls,

J Child Neurol. 2007 Nov;22(11):1308-1311.

The question of what is leading to the apparent increase in autism is of great importance. Like the link between aspirin and heart attack, even a small effect can have major health implications. If there is any link between autism and mercury, it is absolutely crucial that the first reports of the question are not falsely stating that no link occurs. We have reanalyzed the data set originally reported by Ip et al. in 2004 and have found that the original p value was in error and that a significant relation does exist between the blood levels of mercury and diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder. Moreover, the hair sample analysis results offer some support for the idea that persons with autism may be less efficient and more variable at eliminating mercury from the blood.

PMID: 18006963 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]




Dear Dr Mutter,

Its good to see that the Alliance for Human Research Protection has started to look into the autism and vaccine issues.


ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION (AHRP) Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability and

FYI Below are several commentaries about the AHRP Infomail Re: the astounding revelations in a Youtube interview with Dr. Maurice Hilleman, an internationally renowned vaccinologist, who was Merck's Chief Vaccine Division.

An interesting 'companion' piece involving Dr. Hilleman's outspoken candor was reported by The Los Angeles Times in 2005: See: After stepping down as Chief of Vaccines, Dr. Hilleman became the director of Merck Institute for Vaccinology. In a 1991 memo addressed to Merck's new Chief of Vaccines, Dr. Hilleman stated that 6-month-old children who received their shots on schedule would get a mercury dose up to 87 times higher than guidelines for the maximum daily consumption of mercury from fish.

"When viewed in this way, the mercury load appears rather large." Dr. Hilleman The memo was prepared at a time when U.S. health authorities were aggressively expanding their immunization schedule by adding five new shots for children in their first six months. Many of these shots, as well as some previously included on the vaccine schedule, contained thimerosal, an antibacterial compound that is nearly 50% ethyl mercury, a neurotoxin. The memo pulls the rug from under the argument currently made by Merck and other vaccine makers, along with many government health officials and scientists, who claim there is no credible evidence of harm from the amounts of mercury once widely present in kids' shots.

The memo provides plaintiffs with evidence showing that, "nearly a decade before the first public disclosure, senior executives were concerned that infants were getting an elevated dose of mercury in vaccinations containing a widely used sterilizing agent." In his memo, Dr. Hilleman observed, "unlike regulators in Sweden and some other countries, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . does not have this concern for thimerosal." The FDA's disregard for public safety--whenever safety collides with corporate profits--is OUR BIGGEST NATIONAL HEALTH HAZARD. See also: Deadly Immunity: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigates the government cover-up of a mercury/autism scandal ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.Posted Jun 20, 2005 12:00 AM Rolling Stone and Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav 212-595-8974

From: Clifford Miller, Solicitor-Advocate of the Supreme Court of England Civil Proceedings AIDS & Polio Vaccine Cancer Caused by Merck In a previously undisclosed 1987 filmed interview Merck's chief vaccine researcher and "Father" of modern childhood vaccines, the late Dr Maurice Hilleman, admitted that he introduced the claimed AIDS virus to the modern world. In a separate admission, Hilleman confirmed that contaminated polio vaccines containing cancer causing SV40 monkey virus was given to millions. The Hilleman interview can be viewed on the internet click here. The filmed interview was lodged with the US National Library of Medicine by the interviewer, Professor Dr. Edward Shorter, it is now posted on "You Tube" by Dr Leonard Horowitz. The authenticity has been verified by the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP). See below for details from AHRP. What is not revealed in the interview is that some child polio vaccines continue to be contaminated by SV40 virus.

It is claimed by health officials and manufacturers that the amount of contamination has been reduced from that previously in the vaccines. However, the virus is still present in some vaccines. Whilst Merck may yet dispute the allegation perhaps claiming Hilleman's comments are in error. Those remarks were made in an interview by their own senior employee in a position to know the facts and who was clearly authorised to give the interview. That the interview was deposited in the US National Library of Medicine shows there were no restrictions on its disclosure. In the circumstances, those remarks might be treated as an admission on behalf of the company and if for a legal technical reason they are not, the remarks may prove difficult for Merck to rebut. Accordingly, this email is not to be taken as claiming the video is proof of the allegations and Merck may yet seek to rebut them. ~~~~~~ Did Merck Bring AIDS to America? No. Nevertheless, that didn't stop Horowitz from titling the video "Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America", or science watchdog Vera Hassner Sharav... Wired News - USA By Brandon Keim September 19, 2007 Categories: AIDS/HIV, Debunking, Medicine & Medical Procedures In an archival video recently posted on YouTube, former Merck vaccine developer Maurice Hilleman recalls the company's unwitting importation of AIDS-carrying African green monkeys during the early 1980's. "Oh, it was you who introduced the AIDS virus to this country?" jokes the interviewer, medical historian Edward Shorter. It's hard to tell exactly what's said next, since the person who posted the video -- intelligent design supporter and Da Vinci Code interpreter Leonard Horowitz -- tweaked the tape DJ-style, repeating the catch phrases over and over again. Hilleman might have said, "Yup." He definitely said, with the air of someone telling a true but hard-to-believe tale, "This is the real story." And then the off-camera Merck researchers laugh loudly, and someone quips, "What Merck won't do to develop a vaccine." It's clear that they're joking. Telling the truth about the infected monkeys, but joking about the implication of that. Sick jokes poorly told, and how anybody could find them funny is beyond me, but jokes nonetheless. There's absolutely no evidence that the virus ever made the jump from monkeys into Merck's vaccines and into people. Nevertheless, that didn't stop Horowitz from titling the video "Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America", or science watchdog Vera Hassner Sharav, founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, from repeating the transcript without any context in an email alert. For Horowitz to do what he did is the height of irresponsibility. As for Sharav, though I don't always agree with her, I'm very glad for her activism -- but in this case, she should have known better. In the alert, Sharav goes on to describe how Hilleman acknowledges that a Merck-manufactured polio vaccine was infected by the SV40 cancer virus. If anything, that part of the interview casts Hilleman in a slightly more favorable light -- he discovered the contamination and angrily confronted the vaccine's lead researcher -- but those facts, at least, are beyond question: from 1955 to 1963, about 100 millions Americans, and even more people abroad, received SV40-contaminated polio vaccine. It's not known whether the vaccinations went on to cause cancer. Some studies say they did; other studies say those studies were flawed. The facts aren't clear. That the possibility even exists is scary and reprehensible. It underscores the vital importance of strictly regulating vaccine development and production. But should it, in Sharav's words, "prompt a reexamination of the advisability of US mandatory vaccine policies"? No, it doesn't. Vaccines are one of the greatest advances in modern public health -- and I'm saying this as someone who still thinks there could be a small but real thimerosal-autism link. In many places, that makes me an anti-vaccine crackpot. But I'm not so cracked as to be unable to distinguish between joke and reality, or to judge all vaccines by something that happened 50 years ago, or to suggest that we risk millions of lives on the strength of a few scientifically controversial reports. Merck Vaccine Chief Brings HIV/AIDS to America [YouTube]

* An earlier origin-of-AIDS theory brought under suspicion an oral polio vaccine distributed in central Africa during the 1950's. This was eventually discounted (scroll down to Oral Polio Vaccine theory.) Wikipedia reference here.

(Emphasis by Justice Lover)



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