One of the most shameful failings of the last Congress was allowing the right to writ of Habeas Corpus to be gutted.
But now there is a movement to restore the Constitution sponsored by Senators Leahy, Specter and Dodd, and there could be a vote as soon as Wednesday, Sept 19th.
We all want to make America safe from terrorism, but becoming a nation that sanctions the unlawful detention of its own residents -- detaining and jailing them without the chance to appear before a judge -- does not make us safe. Instead, it violates a value that we have held dear for centuries -- safeguarding our individual freedom before arbitrary state action.
Please call your senators toll free at 800 828-0498, 800 614 2803 or
866 340 9281, and also submit the action page below. ESPECIALLY if you have Republican senators, now is the time to hold their feet to the fire of our voices.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved
But now there is a movement to restore the Constitution sponsored by Senators Leahy, Specter and Dodd, and there could be a vote as soon as Wednesday, Sept 19th.
We all want to make America safe from terrorism, but becoming a nation that sanctions the unlawful detention of its own residents -- detaining and jailing them without the chance to appear before a judge -- does not make us safe. Instead, it violates a value that we have held dear for centuries -- safeguarding our individual freedom before arbitrary state action.
Please call your senators toll free at 800 828-0498, 800 614 2803 or
866 340 9281, and also submit the action page below. ESPECIALLY if you have Republican senators, now is the time to hold their feet to the fire of our voices.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved
rudkla - 19. Sep, 08:57