Keith Olbermann: "You have no remaining credibility about Iraq, sir"
Informant: Debi Clark
Keith Olbermann: Bush Playing Us With "Withdrawal"
Keith Olbermann comments for MSNBC's Countdown: "President Bush told troops in Iraq some of them may be able to come home. To a country dying of thirst, the president seemed to vaguely promise a drink from a full canteen -- a promise predicated on the assumption that he is not lying. Yet you are lying, Mr. Bush. Again. But now, we know why."
Informant: Debi Clark
Keith Olbermann: Bush Playing Us With "Withdrawal"
Keith Olbermann comments for MSNBC's Countdown: "President Bush told troops in Iraq some of them may be able to come home. To a country dying of thirst, the president seemed to vaguely promise a drink from a full canteen -- a promise predicated on the assumption that he is not lying. Yet you are lying, Mr. Bush. Again. But now, we know why."
rudkla - 5. Sep, 22:55