Right Livelihood Award 2006: Magda Havas and Olle Johansson to be nominated

Back in 2003 I was approached by someone else –also a long term anti-EMF campaigner, making me aware of the Right Livelihood Awards (RLHA), having then in mind Olle Johansson to be nominated. When finding out that at that time the deadline for nomination just passed (April 10 every year) this topic died for a while until just recently last December, when RLHA was brought up again. So far we very few came to the agreement to also have Magda nominated besides Olle, and my info request with the RLHA Association was responded that Awards might be shared, as happened last year (Maude Barlow & Tony Clarke).

We have known Olle Johansson since the start of our EMF involvement (about 1996). Olle has been working tiredless and always expressing the full truth without siding an quarter of an inch with the industry but supporting his concern about the health and well being of us humans, if not animals and plants as welI. His research is not quite easy, because of the problem that lately his work is kind of “censored” and he has a hard time to get sufficient research funding, which…as we know… most of the time are directly/indirectly coming from the industry.

Magda as well deserved this livelihood, since we/I have known her first over the EMF-L list thanks to guru’s subscription side. I never expected, hence I was very surprised, when Magda agreed to come to West Canada to testify on our behalf in the SumasEnergy2/Abbotssford 230kV line upon my request via e-mail….and this with very short notice and all at her cost, since the National Energy Board did/usually does not provide participation cost compensation. In our recent Osoyoos TL application –again despite the very short notice- she made herself available again,…and as we all know, shortly before our hearing here in Osoyoos, Magda testified in a Vancouver 230 kV TL application case. We all know Magda too well, and there is no need to explain any further why she should be nominated!

A problem will arise, and I am sure some individuals of our EMF campaign community around the globe might feel left out or discriminated by the Magda & Olle nomination, which is true….. we have many who worked on this issue tiredless and on a volunteer basis. But that will mean a list of many to be included as well…however, I am sure all of us will agree that in case Magda and Olle would get the Award, that would mean a recognition for all of us! I myself would just be very very happy in case Magda and Olle jointly would win the award!

I kindly ask you maybe get familiar with the nomination process and share some input, please go to the home site


and then to the nomination site: http://www.rightlivelihood.org/nominate.htm

and I kindly would like some feedback from you all.

So far I feel a more qualified individual (from one of our EMF citizen group) should submit both nominations.

Magda and Olle have agreed to accept being nominated, once we have progressed with our work, we can then also ASAP inform Magda and Olle what they have to submit from their site, as this is required according to the nomination rules.

I am sorry, I could not approach you a bit earlier with this issue, I was so much occupied in our nearby TL CPCN application/hearing, the written argument stage now approaching.

Please don’t delay your response too long, April 10th is deadline.

Also: please share with others I have not yet included in this list in my hurry.


Cheers and Best,

Hans Karow.

I received a letter in the post today from the Right Livelihood Award Foundation today saying unfortunately we cannot nominate Olle Johansson for the award as you are not allowed to re-nominate a candidate until after three years of the first nomination, Olle was put up for the award in 2004 ‘he should have won then’ which means he can’t be put up again until 2007.

However you may nominate Magda Havas for this year or any one else you think worthwhile and I know there are many people who should receive this award. This is an opportunity to get the emf issue firmly recognised and the work of some of our most brilliant forward thinking and open minded scientists recognised.

For further info e-mail: info@rightlivelihood.se

Best wishes


Informant: Eileen O'Connor


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März 2006


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