World Champion of Forest Destruction - Kimberly-Clark & Kleenex: Stop destroying the Boreal Forest

Kimberly-Clark: Take Action


The Olympics are over, but one last Olympic-sized medal was handed out today in Knoxville, Tennessee. 75 student activists showed up at Kimberly-Clark’s U.S. Administrative Headquarters to deliver a giant trophy filled with 10,000 petitions, branding Kleenex as the world's #1 Forest Destroyer. Congratulations Kleenex: you have excelled in your sport, wiping out four million tons of virgin forests EVERY YEAR!

The activists dressed up as athletes and conducted a mock awards ceremony, with Kleenex grabbing the gold and Scott and Cottonelle close behind. K-C employees drifted by while students called corporate executives to congratulate them on their company’s victory. Speeches peppered the ceremony, detailing K-C's role in the destruction of forests, habitat, and locals' lives in Canada's Boreal.

*** Take Action! Send Kleenex your own gold medal. ***


Beka, Christy, Nick, Pam
and the rest of the Kleercut Olympic Team



You’ve heard of the Forbes 500. Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of the Forest Friendly 500. Here’s the challenge: get 500 businesses to pledge not to buy Kimberly-Clark products by May 31st.

From the coffee shop on the corner to the hardware store down the road, any type or size of business that uses toilet paper, facial tissue, napkins, or other tissue products can make the pledge. We need to let Kimberly-Clark know that as long as they refuse to stop destroying forests, businesses and consumers alike will refuse to buy their products.


Business owners & managers: Take the pledge! Every business that takes the pledge and joins the FF500 will have its name published on . Plus, the first 500 businesses to sign up will have their names listed in a paid ad in a major newspaper, as well as various Greenpeace newsletters and publications. Help us protect forests and be recognized as a forest friendly company – take the pledge now!

Activists: Recruit forest friendly businesses!

You can help pressure Kimberly-Clark and promote progressive local businesses at the same time by signing up businesses in your area. We’ve assembled everything you need in a handy Action Kit – visit to download yours now. And if you’re in Canada, why not join your local Kleercut Group to find other people in your area to recruit with? Click here to find out how.


Thousands of you have written letters and emails to Kimberly-Clark, and thousands more have phoned the company directly demanding that the company stop destroying ancient forests. So far all K-C’s done is shoot you back automated responses about how great they are. It’s time to make them respond for real.

Help us save ancient forests. Help us reach our goal of signing up 500 businesses by May 31st. Visit now and start recruiting!


Christy Ferguson Greenpeace Forest Campaigner

p.s. Know someone who owns, manages, or works at a business that might sign the pledge? Forward this message on to them using this link

K L E E R C U T . N E T


Kleercut activists: Make a big stink on April 5th!

Every time you use Kimberly-Clark toilet paper, you’re flushing old growth trees down the toilet. That stinks. So we're holding a student day of action in the U.S. on April 5th to kick Kimberly-Clark out of the bathroom!

Student activists across the U.S. will be hosting Kleercuts Stink! bathroom events, setting up outside of campus bathrooms or making a prop toilet outside. They'll invite passersby to take the Toilet Paper Challenge: can they tell the difference between forest-friendly toilet paper and paper that’s made from ancient forests. When they’re done they'll make a call to Kimberly-Clark executives telling them to clean up their act or get out of the bathroom!

If you're a student on a US campus and you want to take part: Take Action! Sign up to make a big stink on your campus. <<

If you aren't a student, or you live outside of the US, please join in on the Kleercuts Stink! call-in action. Across the globe, we'll make hundreds of phone calls to Kimberly-Clark executives. We'll send out the phone numbers closer to the date, so mark your calendars and tell your friends.

More than 80,000 people have sent emails to Kimberly-Clark. More than 180 Kleercut day of action events were held last November. But we guess K-C executives can’t take a hint. Join activists around the world in sending them a kleer message on April 5th.


Lindsey and Beka and the rest of the Greenpeace Kleercut Team


Kimberly-Clark now tree friendly, no longer wipes away ancient forests

Boreal forest saved

CEO of Kimberly-Clark is a closet tree hugger

Wait, what?

Those are just a few of the headlines on the issue of ‘USA Tomorrow’ Greenpeace distributed to delegates at Tissue World Americas, a major industry conference held in Miami, Florida earlier this month. Wonder how Kimberly-Clark execs felt telling their colleagues that it was just a spoof and that they did, in fact, intend to keep destroying the ancient Boreal forest to make Kleenex.

Read the full story and check out the spoof paper in all its glory here.

Inspired? Then why not…


Student Day of Action, April 5

On April 5th, students will be holding ‘Kleercut Stinks’ events at campus bathrooms across the United States. There will be crazy toilet props, toilet paper challenges, and lots of course lots of toilet humour splashed all over colorful banners. Over 80 events are already being planned.

Click here to find out what’s happening on your campus, or plan an event of your own!

Forest Friendly 500

In the two weeks since we launched the Forest Friendly 500, 138 businesses have joined the ranks. That’s 27% of our goal! With two months left to go, we’re set to meet and exceed our goal of getting 500 businesses to pledge not to use Kimberly-Clark products by May 31st, but we need your help to get there.

Own, manage, or work at a business? Sign up for the Forest Friendly 500, or talk to your manager and ask her to consider it. Besides helping to protect ancient forests, you’ll get great, positive publicity. Find out more here.

Live in a place where there are businesses? Come on, you probably do. Help the tree-mometer grow by taking pledge forms to businesses in your area and asking them to join. Some people are even working to make entire streets or towns K-C free. Find everything you need here, and get out there!

Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Forest Campaigner


Money Money Money

That’s the theme of this week’s e-alert because next week is Kimberly-Clark’s annual shareholder meeting in Dallas, Texas. On April 27th, Kimberly-Clark’s CEO, board members, executives and shareholders descend on sunny Texas to talk about profits and expansion and pat themselves on their collective backs. But all is not well in moneyland – shareholders are becoming concerned with the company’s impact on ancient forests and the glaring issue of a huge salary for the CEO during massive job cuts at Kimberly-Clark continues to be outstanding.

Shareholders take action: Shareholders lead by Domini Social Investment and owning nearly $22 million of stock, submitted a resolution to the company and the Securities and Exchange Commission, the US regulator of corporations, asking the company to study the feasibility of switching to FSC-certified only fiber within ten years. The resolution is being voted on next week. Read more about this progressive shareholder activism.

CEO Thomas Falk makes millions while cutting jobs and ancient forests: Kimberly-Clark’s CEO made 9.6 million dollars in 2005 while announcing mill closures and cutting 6000 jobs. He did this at a time when the company increased its use of virgin fiber by 23% to 3 million tonnes. Can you say scandal? Read more about Falk’s paycheck in a blog update at:

Enjoy the reading and keep up the good work,

Richard Greenpeace Forest Campaigner.

PS. If you haven’t already, check out the action on the website. More than 200 businesses have signed up to take the pledge to not use Kimberly-Clark products. Sign up your own business today or hit the streets and get recruiting!


Greenpeace blockades Kleenex manufacturer’s factory in Ontario

Right now, the morning of Kimberly-Clark’s annual shareholder meeting in Irving, Texas, Greenpeace activists are blockading one of K-C’s key factories in Ontario, demanding that the company stop making Kleenex and other disposable tissue products from clearcut ancient forests, including the Boreal.

See photos from the site:

Over 20 activists have physically stopped all shipments from going into or coming out of the plant by blocking both truck and train access to the site. Others have occupied the rooftop and hung a large banner reading: “Kimberly-Clark & Kleenex: Stop destroying the Boreal Forest.”

Meanwhile, other Greenpeace campaigners are in Texas speaking directly to the company’s shareholders, board directors, and CEO about the Greenpeace action and urging them to act on a shareholder resolution on sustainable forestry. They need to hear from you too.

Join us in this important action by phoning CEO Thomas Falk now

Thomas Falk’s office number is 972-281-1308 (through his assistant Donna). Call him and tell him that you support Greenpeace’s action today, and that it’s time for him to make some serious changes. For talking points and tips:

Greenpeace will continue to disrupt Kimberly-Clark’s operations and mobilize its customers until CEO Thomas Falk and his company end their participation in Boreal forest destruction.

Help us win this campaign by calling and emailing Thomas Falk right now to tell him you support Greenpeace’s action in Huntsville, Ontario.

Right now, Greenpeace activists are risking arrest and putting themselves on the line to save forests. Show them your support. Email Kimberly-Clark now, then visit throughout the day for photo, video, and audio updates from the heart of the action.


Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Forests Campaigner

K L E E R C U T . N E T


KC Blockade of Kimberly-Clark's factory in Canada. We're stopping all shipments of ancient forest products in or out of the factory, and we've hung a large banner that reads, "Kimberly-Clark & Kleenex: Stop destroying the Boreal Forest."

We're sending Kimberly-Clark a strong message: now it's YOUR turn.

Act Now >> We've obtained the direct phone number to Kimberly-Clark CEO Thomas Falk's office, and we want you to call him and deliver this message: "Stop destroying ancient forests and start using recycled content in your tissue products." Call 972-281-1308 Now! (*Note: This may be a long-distance call. If you'd rather call Kimberly-Clark's Customer Service, just dial 1-800-544-1847)

Meanwhile, I'm in Texas today for Kimberly-Clark's annual shareholders meeting, and I'll be personally delivering the same message to them.

We've been campaigning against Kimberly Clark for more than a year now, and thanks to you, we're making a real difference. More than 26,000 of you have written to Kimberly-Clark already. We've taken the campaign to a new level today, and I hope you'll take your efforts to a new level too. Please, take just a moment to make the call to CEO Thomas Falk, and demand that Kimberly-Clark stop destroying ancient forests now.


Pamela Wellner
Forest Campaigner

p.s. Read more about our activist blockade online, and follow their story as it unfolds.


Greenpeace activists blockade Kimberly-Clark factory in Ontario, Canada



In the last week and a half over 150 businesses have taken the Forest Friendly 500 pledge and committed to stop using Kimberly-Clark’s tissue products. This dramatic progress is thanks to the hard work of volunteers all across Canada and the U.S and around the world. who have been pounding the pavement recruiting businesses and approaching business owners they know. Over 425 businesses are now sending the message that destroying ancient forests like the Boreal doesn’t pay.

This is a huge success for ancient forests and for the Kleercut campaign… but we’re not done yet!!

TAKE ACTION TODAY! Join the Kimberly-Clark Bust-athon!! Through the month of May and June, activists all over Canada and the U.S are taking action to bust-up Kimberly-Clark’s market. Please help reach our goal by taking some extra time this week and next to recruit local businesses to the sign the pledge. Any business, big or small, can join the Forest Friendly 500. Once we’ve reached the 500 mark, our next step will be to promote these Forest Friendly businesses through advertising and public outreach.

Take action today by downloading the Bust-athon action kit from

Keep an eye on our progress at

For the forests,

K L E E R C U T . N E T


NY Times: Forest Friendly Businesses Shame Kimberly-Clark

Pick up a copy of the New York Times today (page B9) and you will find over 650 businesses sending a clear message to the Kimberly-Clark Corporation: your paper sourcing is a Real Shame. Businesses from across North America and around the world have taken a stand for ancient forests by signing the Forest Friendly 500 pledge and kicking Kimberly-Clark (K-C) out of their businesses. View the advertisement at and encourage more businesses to take the pledge!

The Forest-Friendly 500 businesses are sending a clear message to Kimberly-Clark that forest destruction does not pay. They are saying that K-C has a responsibility to use recycled content in its products and that when it must source from forests, it should be from Forest Stewardship Council certified forests.

The Forest Friendly 500 initiative has been so successful that we are extending the goal to reach a thousand businesses, and at just over 650, we need your help. You can get involved by recruiting businesses to sign up and then urging them to send a letter directly to Jan Spencer, President Kimberly-Clark Professional expressing concern about their pulp sourcing.

A model letter template is available online at We would prefer businesses to also send a copy of their letter to Greenpeace so that we can track the direct impact of the campaign. Copies can be sent to or by fax (416) 597-8422 or by mail to:

Forest Friendly 500
Suite 605 – 250 Dundas St. W.
Toronto Ontario, M5T 2Z5


75 Arkansas St
San Francisco, CA 94107

Thank you for making a difference and protecting ancient forests!

-- The Boreal Forest Team

K L E E R C U T . N E T


Fall is upon us and there is much more to do to save the North American Boreal forest and stop the Kimberly-Clark Corporation from wiping away ancient forests.

This fall, we asking volunteers, like you, from across the continent and around the world to come together to hit Kimberly-Clark where it hurts – in their corporate wallets. This fall we want you to turn up the heat by identifying and educating Kimberly-Clark customers and getting them to break their contracts with the company!

IN YOUR COMMUNITY: Kimberly-Clark Private Investigators

Help us to track which chains, businesses and institutions are buying Kimberly-Clark products and supporting forest destruction. This is an international effort to identify and record businesses and institutions that are using Kimberly-Clark products.

Information can be recorded at and we will be contacting these businesses to educate them about Kimberly-Clark’s role in the destruction of ancient forests. We’ll ask these business to stop purchasing Kimberly-Clark products until the company cleans up its act.

Take Action Now!

Step 1 Find the forest crime: Keep an eye out for Kimberly-Clark tissue products used in local businesses, including KC’s Professional and Kleenex line of products. These will most likely found in washrooms.

Step 2 Record the forest crime: Record the name and address of the business and what products are being used.

Step 3 Expose the forest crime: Visit and enter the information you’ve collected into our online database or email us the info at We’ll contact these businesses right away to educate them and ask them to support forest protection by ending their purchase of Kimberly-Clark products.

ON CAMPUS: Forest Friendly Colleges & Universities

#1 Adopt a green purchasing policy at your campus.
This sets minimum standards of ecological responsibility for all products and materials purchased by the University.

#2 Push your campus to break its contract with Kimberly-Clark.
The first step is pushing your campus administration and/or Facilities Department to write a letter to the corporation expressing concern about KC’s forestry practices.

Learn more at

Questions? Let us know at

K L E E R C U T . N E T


Blockade at KC office in Italy: first ever action in Europe to save the Boreal!

Early this morning, Greenpeace activists blockaded Kimberly-Clark’s regional headquarters in Turin, Italy, demanding that the company stop flushing Canada’s Boreal forest down Europe’s toilets.

Support the activists! Send a message to Dave Challis, European Environment Director for KC.

While two activists suspended a massive banner from the rooftop, 20 others chained themselves to toilet bowls with trees being flushed down them, symbolic of the Canadian trees being flushed down toilets and thrown in waste baskets all across Europe as a result of Kimberly-Clark’s irresponsible policies.

In addition to the world famous Kleenex brand, Kimberly-Clark produces some of Europe’s best known brands of tissue and toilet paper including Andrex, Scottex, Page, and Hackle. Almost one-third of the virgin pulp used to make KC’s European products and one-fifth of its global pulp supply is from destructive logging operations in Canadian forests, including the Boreal forest.

See photos and read the full story on

Today’s blockade is the first ever action in Europe to save Canada’s Boreal forest, and signals a new front in the campaign to stop Kimberly-Clark from destroying ancient forests. Thanks to people like you, awareness about this issue is growing and outrage at Boreal destruction is spreading far and wide.

Help us bring the message home to Kimberly-Clark’s European executives by emailing Dave Challis, KC’s European Environment Director, and telling him you think it’s unacceptable for Canadian forests to be clearcut to make toilet paper and facial tissue for European markets.

Take action now! Send a message to Dave Challis.

Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Forests Campaigner
K L E E R C U T . N E T


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