Montag, 9. Februar 2009

Rachel's News #997

The GOP's Filibuster Hypocrisy

Robert Parry, Consortium News: "Though seemingly forgotten by most TV talking heads, it was only three years ago, when the Republicans had control of both the White House and Congress - and 'filibuster' was a dirty word. It was usually coupled with 'obstructionist' amid demands that any of George W. Bush's proposals deserved 'an up-or-down vote.' Yet now, with the Democrats holding the White House and Congress, the Republicans and the Washington press corps have come to view the filibuster fondly, as a valued American tradition, a time-honored part of a healthy legislative process."

Next-up News Nr 832

Rainer Roth: Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise – Krise des Kapitalismus

Der Vortrag von Prof. Rainer Roth, Fachhochschule Frankfurt, wurde von ihm auf einem vom Rhein-Main-Bündnis gegen Sozialabbau und Billiglöhne und der Initiative zur Vernetzung der Gewerkschaftslinken organisierten Treffen zur Finanzkrise am 31.01.2009 gehalten. (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Februar 2009

Ein neuer Ton macht noch keine neue Musik

9. Februar 2009

Zu den Ergebnissen der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz erklärt das Mitglied im Geschäftsführenden Parteivorstand Christine Buchholz:

Der "neue Ton", den Joe Biden in München angeschlagen hat, darf nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass in Bezug auf Afghanistan die Politik der neuen Administration nicht anders sein wird als unter Bush. Bidens "neuer Ton" hat in Bezug auf Afghanistan vor allem eine Funktion: Den Druck auf die Verbündeten zu erhöhen, damit sie mehr Truppen und mehr Geld geben. Die USA stellen sich auf einen langen Krieg ein und wollen im Frühjahr mindestens 20.000 weitere Soldaten nach Afghanistan schicken. Wenn es der neuen Administration in Washington um Frieden geht, muss sie Konsequenzen ziehen und einen Abzug der Truppen aus Afghanistan beschließen. Ansonsten wird klar, dass es ihr ebenso wenig um den Wiederaufbau oder Demokratie, sondern um die Sicherung der Interessen der NATO-Staaten in der Region und ein Bollwerk gegenüber den aufstrebenden Mächten in Südostasien geht. Kein Wunder, dass Verteidigungsminister Jung, dem die weitere Beteiligung Deutschlands am Afghanistankrieg ein Herzensanliegen ist, die Ergebnisse der Sicherheitskonferenz begrüßt. Der neue Druck aus Washington gibt der Bundesregierung die Möglichkeit, ihren Kurs in Afghanistan fortzusetzen. Für DIE LINKE geht es nicht um einen neuen Ton, sondern um eine andere Musik. Die Beendigung der Besatzung ist eine Voraussetzung dafür, dass die Gewaltspirale in Afghanistan beendet und der zivile Wiederaufbau möglich wird. Diese Einschätzung wird von einer heute veröffentlichten Umfrage von WDR/ARD, ABC News und BBC gedeckt, die zu der Einschätzung kommt, dass die ausländischen Truppen immer weniger als Verbündete im Kampf gegen einen gemeinsamen Feind und immer stärker als Teil der Misere wahrgenommen werden. DIE LINKE besteht, gemeinsam mit der Friedensbewegung in den USA und den Millionen Menschen, die hoffen, dass Obama eine bessere Welt bringt, darauf, dass "Change" heißt, die Truppen aus Afghanistan zurück zu ziehen, die NATO-Osterweiterung zu stoppen, die nukleare Erstschlagsoption aufzugeben und die NATO aufzulösen. Wir wollen Taten sehen. Dafür wird sich die LINKE auch auf den Protesten gegen den NATO-Gipfel im April in Straßburg und Baden-Baden stark machen.

9. Februar 2009

Vertrauen verspielt, Kurswechsel überfällig

Zur heute veröffentlichten Umfrage von WDR/ARD, ABC News und BBC zur Stimmung in Afghanistan erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer Dietmar Bartsch:

Die heute veröffentlichen Ergebnisse machen deutlich: Das Ergebnis von sieben Jahren Krieg ist verheerend. Die Stimmung ist schlecht, der andauernde Krieg hat die Lage der Bevölkerung dramatisch verschlechtert, der Rückhalt der ausländischen Truppen sinkt beständig. Der Westen hat den Kampf um die von Bundesverteidigungsminister Jung beschworenen "Köpfe und Herzen der Menschen" verloren und damit Vertrauen verspielt. Die ausländischen Truppen werden immer weniger als Verbündete im Kampf gegen die Taliban und immer mehr als Teil des Problems wahrgenommen. Die aktuelle Umfrage muss für die Bundesregierung Anlass zumindest für ein Innehalten, richtigerweise für einen Kurswechsel in der Afghanistanpolitik sein. DIE LINKE hat als einzige der im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien den Einsatz der Bundeswehr in Afghanistan von Anfang an abgelehnt. Sie ist überzeugt, dass der Kampf gegen den Terror nicht mit militärischen Mitteln gewonnen werden kann. DIE LINKE setzt sich für den zivilen Wiederaufbau und für zivile Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Afghanistan ein.

Mast gets green light

Burton Mail - Burton on Trent, England, UK

CONTROVERSIAL proposals to place a mobile phone mast near to a post office and a busy road have been given the green light. ...

Bt Brinjal Unfit for Human Consumption

ISIS Press Release 09/02/09

Expert independent scientist verdict contradicts Indian regulatory authorities on biosafety of GM aubergine Sam Burcher

Release of Bt brinjal into the environment for food, feed and cultivation may present a serious risk for human and animal health; the GM aubergine is unfit for consumption [1] . That's the verdict of French scientist Professor Gilles- Eric Seralini of the Committee for Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN), who carried out the first ever independent assessment of Monsanto- Mahyco's dossier on toxicity tests submitted to the Indian regulatory authorities.

Professor Seralini, commissioned by Greenpeace India to undertake the assessment, said his key findings were statistically significant differences between groups of animals fed GM and non-GM brinjal in the raw data, which were discounted rather than used to raise food safety concerns and to call for further investigation [2]. Although the differences were not reported in the dossier summaries, they remained visible in the raw experimental data. These differences, seen by Monsanto-Mahyco, were deemed biologically irrelevant, and disregarded on the grounds that they were within a wide ‘reference' group of brinjal types.

Health impacts

On health effects, Seralini found that:

- Bt brinjal produces a protein in the vegetable cells that induce antibiotic resistance. This is recognised as a major health problem and is inappropriate for commercialised use. It may also indicate that old GM technology is being used as the technology has already moved on from antibiotic resistance marker genes.

- Bt brinjal appears to have 15 percent less calories and different alkaloid content compared to non-GM brinjal. It contains 16-17 mg/kg Bt insecticide toxin. When fed to animals, effects were observed on blood chemistry with significant differences according to the sex of the animal or period of measurement. Other effects were on blood clotting time (prothrombin), total bilirubin (liver health), and alkaline phosphate in goats and rabbits.

- Changes in lactating cows were observed in increased weight gain, intake of more dry roughage matter and milk production up by 10-14 percent as if they were treated by a hormone.

- Rats fed Bt brinjal had diarrhoea, increased water consumption; decrease in liver weight, and liver to body weight.

- Feed intake was modified in broiler chickens.

According to Seralini, “This makes for a very coherent picture of Bt brinjal that is potentially unsafe for human consumption. The GM brinjal cannot be considered as safe as its non GM counterpart.” In addition, he says that the longest toxicity test were only for 90 days, which does not assess long-term effects such as the development of cancers or tumours. Furthermore, he considers it potentially unsafe to eat animals with the health problems that had been fed Bt brinjal.

Environmental impacts

Seralini criticises the lack of studies directed at non- target organisms such as butterflies and moths. He believes it is almost impossible through measurements of toxicity in a few species of non-target organisms to get a sufficient view of the possible harm to complicated ecosystems, which may vary from place to place in India . He says that extant studies give no assurances that growing Bt brinjal will be safe for the environment, as they lack information on the indirect effect on the food chain as a whole, particularly with the regard to gene flow, and the possibility of GM contamination of neighbouring brinjal crops.

Read the rest of this article here:

Bt Brinjal Halted

Tower troubles for petitioners

Edmonton Sun - Alberta, Canada

But the top concern, and subject of 11 petitions, was the health effects of electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers. People say the towers were ...


Note: If you are affected by electro magnetic radiation problems or if you are concerned about this subject, I encourage you to submit an environmental petition. The link below gives you information about the process.


How republics die

TCS Daily
by Mark J. Boone


We have been blessedly spared from the final stage of the societal destruction portrayed in Republic, wherein a redistribution of wealth proceeds by way of a violent coup to tyranny. The American republic is stable enough that for the foreseeable future we need not fear such madness. But the same disease can also kill a republic slowly. Cicero, the great Roman statesman and philosopher who was also a great reader of Plato, warns that redistributing wealth by taking it from lenders and giving it to borrowers is among the worst things a leader can do because it wreaks havoc on a credit system (On Duties, Book II, chapters 83-85). This in turn can cripple an economy and lead to the same awful result: the death of the republic...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Instead of stimulus, do nothing, seriously

Christian Science Monitor
by Robert Higgs


As we wait to see how the politicians in Washington will alter the stimulus package the Obama administration is pushing, many questions are being raised about the measure’s contents and efficacy. Should it include money for the National Endowment for the Arts, Amtrak, and child care? Is it big enough to get the economy moving again? Does it spend money fast enough? Hardly anyone, however, is asking the most important question: Should the federal government be doing any of this? In raising this question, one risks immediate dismissal as someone hopelessly out of touch with the modern realities of economics and government...

TARP is welfare, control it

Tom Paine/Our Future
by Leo Gerard


A decade or so ago, some states gave welfare recipients food stamp debit cards. Welfare mothers could use them to buy groceries with plastic, just like virtually everybody else in the check out line. Plastic made accounting easier for clerks because the debit cards failed to function for excluded items like cigarettes and alcohol. That’s what America needs for Wall Street. … TARP debit cards are required because Wall Street’s wizards of finance have shown repeatedly they can’t or won’t control their own spending...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Mercantilism of Our Time

More Bipartisanship, Less Stimulus

A Requiem for KBR and Blackwater

Dealing With Bankrupt Banks: Nationalization or Welfare

US Warns of Battle Worse Than Iraq in Afghanistan

Rethink Afghanistan

Don't Escalate in Afghanistan


National Security Team Delivers Grim Appraisal of Afghanistan War

Craig Whitlock, The Washington Post: "President Obama's national security team gave a dire assessment Sunday of the war in Afghanistan, with one official calling it a challenge 'much tougher than Iraq' and others hinting that it could take years to turn around. U.S. officials said more troops were urgently needed, both from America and its NATO allies, to counter the increasing strength of the Taliban and warlords opposed to the central government in Kabul. They also said new approaches were needed to untangle an inefficient and conflicting array of civilian-aid programs that have wasted billions of dollars."

Is Your Electric Blanket Safe?

Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, speaks on the Opportunities of Crisis


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Februar 2009


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