Montag, 24. September 2007

Spione in der Müslipackung

Deutschlandfunk - Cologne, Germany

Gerade in letzter Zeit sorgen Themen wie die Online-Durchsuchung für Sorgenfalten den Expertenstirnen, und auch RFID-Chips - Logistik-Funketiketten - werden ...

Invasive Federal tactics for Information Warfare on the internet

Informant: John Perna

Here's how Bush aided the dominance of Iranian-backed militias over much of Iraq

Columbia University Shows True American Values

Town Hall Crowd Calls for Bush Impeachment

Activist Silenced for Fear of Surveillance

Abschuss ziviler Flugzeuge: FDP stellt Missbilligungsantrag gegen Jung

Die Äußerungen von Verteidigungsminister Franz Josef Jung (CDU) zum Abschuss ziviler Flugzeuge im Entführungsfall haben ein parlamentarisches Nachspiel. Er habe zum Wochenende einen Missbilligungsantrag gegen Jungs Position im Bundestag eingebracht, sagte FDP-Chef Guido Westerwelle am 24. September im Deutschlandfunk. Über den Antrag werde das Parlament und damit auch die SPD abstimmen. "Dann werden wir ja sehen, wie ernst es auch der sozialdemokratische Koalitionspartner mit der Verfassung meint", sagte Westerwelle, der den Antrag bereits bei der Bundestagsdebatte vergangene Woche angekündigt hatte.


Feindliche Soldaten oder gewöhnliche Kriminelle?

Beim "war on terror" und Verteidigungsminister Jungs Überlegungen zum Abschuss von Passagierflugzeugen bleiben die Bürgerrechte auf der Strecke. Dabei weisen Argumente, die vor 30 Jahren gegen die "Rote Armee Fraktion" benutzt wurden, den rechtsstaatlich einwandfreien Weg.

Nettoreallöhne auf tiefstem Stand seit 20 Jahren

Steigende Preise, Sozialabgaben und Steuern

Die Nettoverdienste der Arbeitnehmer sind im vergangenen Jahr auf den niedrigsten Stand seit 20 Jahren gesunken. Wie die "Bild"-Zeitung unter Berufung auf eine Statistik des Bundesarbeitsministeriums berichtete, lag der sogenannte Nettorealverdienst nach Abzug von Steuern, Sozialbeiträgen und bei Berücksichtigung der Preisentwicklung im vergangenen Jahr im Schnitt bei 15.845 Euro im Jahr - etwa so hoch wie 1986 mit damals 15.785 Euro.

Steinbrück gegen niedrigere Steuern für die Bevölkerung

Die milliardenschweren Steuersenkungen für Unternehmen hat Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück (SPD) unterstützt. Niedrigere Steuern für die Bevölkerung lehnt der Finanzminister hingegen unter Verweis auf die Staatsschulden ab. Steuersenkungen vor einem kompletten Abbau der Neuverschuldung seien ausgeschlossen. Es sei notwendig, "möglichst rasch" keine neuen Schulden mehr zu machen und parallel in wichtige "Zukunftsschwerpunkte" verstärkt zu investieren, sagte Steinbrück am 24. September in Stuttgart. "Diese Balance verlieren wir mit Sicherheit dann, wenn wir die Steuern wieder senken, bevor wir keine neuen Schulden mehr machen."

Freedom as Theft: Honoring American Liberators

Politics in Black and White

Paul Krugman writes for The New York Times: "the reality is that things haven't changed nearly as much as people think. Racial tension, especially in the South, has never gone away, and has never stopped being important. And race remains one of the defining factors in modern American politics."

Bush is threatening Congress with a veto if it appropriates more money than he has requested

Uninsured Kids Are Protecting Bush's Ego

Dean Baker writes for Truthout: "Another way to assess the importance of spending on the war is to compare it with other budget items that have been in the news. The State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) provides an obvious example. President Bush is threatening Congress with a veto if it appropriates more money than he has requested."

Post-9/11 Cases Fuel Criticism for AG Nominee

Philip Shenon reports for The New York Times: "The 21-year-old Jordanian immigrant was in shackles when he was brought into the courtroom of Judge Michael B. Mukasey in Federal District Court in Manhattan.... Before the hearing, Mr. Awadallah told his lawyer that he had been beaten in the federal detention center in Manhattan, producing bruises that were hidden beneath his orange prison jumpsuit. But when his lawyer told this to Judge Mukasey, the judge seemed little concerned."

Cheney Mulled Israeli Strike on Iran

Reuters reports, "Vice President Dick Cheney had at one point considered asking Israel to launch limited missile strikes at an Iranian nuclear site to provoke a retaliation, Newsweek magazine reported on Sunday."

US Repeatedly Rebuffed Iraq on Blackwater Complaints

Sudarsan Raghavan and Steve Fainaru report for The Washington Post, "Senior Iraqi officials repeatedly complained to US officials about Blackwater USA's alleged involvement in the deaths of numerous Iraqis, but the Americans took little action to regulate the private security firm until 11 Iraqis were shot dead last Sunday, according to US and Iraqi officials."

The Great Lakes disappearing act

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Bertelsmann: Das Schattenkabinett aus Gütersloh


Bertelsmann-kritische Tagung "Das Schattenkabinett aus Gütersloh"

„Am Samstag, 27.10. nahmen in Frankfurt/M. über 220 aus Gewerkschaften, Personalräten, sozialen Bewegungen, Studierendenschaften sowie Einzelpersonen aus ganz Deutschland an der bertelsmannkritischen Tagung "Das Schattenkabinett aus Gütersloh" teil. Über die Tätigkeiten der Bertelsmann-Stiftung und ihrer Ableger CHE und CAP, wurde informiert; diese wurden kritisch gewürdigt, politische Handlungsperspektiven entwickelt…“ Die Presseerklärung bei Attac-Frankfurt vom 28.10.2007 (Word-Dokument)

Aus: LabourNet, 29. Oktober 2007


Verstärkt das Umsatteln auf Biosprit die Klimaerwärmung?

Nach einer Analyse wurden bislang die Emissionen von Stickstoffoxid nicht realistisch berücksichtigt, besonders Biosprit aus Raps und Mais sind im Hinblick auf Klimaerwärmung kein Ersatz für fossile Brennstoffe.

Schäuble und der Rechtsstaat

Die Bundesregierung leitet das Auslieferungsgesuch der Münchener Staatsanwaltschaft für die 13 CIA-Agenten, die El Masri verschleppt und misshandelt haben, vor allem auf Druck von Schäuble nicht weiter.


Nicht-Preisträger des Jahres 2007: Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Oktober 2007äuble

Rachel's News #925

Stasi 2.0: Data Retention, neue ETSI Dokumente

Ex-Commander in Iraq Cites Leadership Crisis in US

The Associated Press reports on a speech made Saturday by retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez: "'My assessment is that we have a crisis in national political leadership. When will America recognize the danger we face? When will the corrosive partisanship of American politics end and allow for a bipartisan solution to arguably the most dangerous threat our nation has faced in over 60 years?' After his speech, Sanchez wouldn't name names, but told The Associated Press he was referring to 'the most senior leadership in our nation.'"

Maliki: "Blackwater Challenged Iraq's Sovereignty"

Alissa J. Rubin and Andrew E. Kramer report for The New York Times: "In an interview with The Associated Press in his New York hotel suite ahead of his appearance at the United Nations General Assembly, he [Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki] said: 'The Iraqi government is responsible for its citizens, and it cannot be accepted for a security company to carry out a killing. There are serious challenges to the sovereignty of Iraq.'"

Global Action on Climate Change: A Third World Perspective

ISIS Press Release 24/09/07

Martin Khor stresses the need to link development and environment for developing countries and cooperation between North and South especially in the next period of the Kyoto Protocol

Now is the time to clarify the crucial issues for the Bali meetings this December, which we hope will launch a roadmap for global action to combat climate change, especially after 2012, when the first period of the Kyoto Protocol commitments expires.

For a climate regime that is equitable and fair, there are at least four important building blocks: targets based on a broad scientific consensus; fair North-South relations; linking development and environment; and coherent policies at national and international levels.

Targets based on a broad scientific consensus

Science has progressed to a point where there is broad consensus that climate change is real and serious, and that developing countries will be most affected.

There is a need to set targets for global action, such as to limit temperature rise to 2 degrees centigrade (in fact, well below that), and to prevent greenhouse gas concentration from exceeding 450 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide equivalent. Even at those levels, there will be great damage. At levels higher than that, scientists tell us that the damage will be catastrophic.

However, the establishment of such science-based targets has to be linked to agreement on “burden-sharing” principles, particularly between North and South.

Read the rest of this article here

Next-up News n°316

Losing it with the troops

by David Michael Green


One enters the horror house of regressive politics at one’s own great peril, though most of us and most of the rest of the world have been given little choice. Small wonder, then, that Americans have entered into a collective mental state which might best be described as disgruntled amnesia. This freakin’ thing is not going away, so why waste time on anger or action? Besides, those are perfectly good hours that can be used for watching the game or deriding the latest loser on American Idol. And then there are those bills to be worried about...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The discussion that isn’t happening

by Fred Kaplan


The Senate is debating the defense bill now, and the central fact about the proceedings is that nobody’s talking about money. Certainly this is strange. The military budget in question — not including any money for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — totals $500 billion. This is roughly equal to the military budgets of all the rest of the world’s nations combined. Adjusting for inflation, it is larger than the U.S. military budget at the peak of the Cold War — in fact, larger than any budget since the Korean War. Again, this is true, apart from the money allocated for the current wars. Shouldn’t some legislators be asking about the ways the Pentagon is spending so much money and whether all those ways are necessary?

How much are we spending? Don’t ask the Pentagon

Mother Jones
by Winslow T. Wheeler


For the Pentagon, telling the American public how much has been spent on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq is fundamental to its effort to garner (and maintain) public and congressional support for these ongoing military operations. It should be a simple question. It isn’t. In late July, for instance, the Department of Defense (DOD) reported to Congress that the war in Afghanistan had cost $78.1 billion; the seeming precision of the decimal point notwithstanding, the number is laughably inaccurate. Here’s why: The figure accounts for DOD ‘obligations’ as of May 2007, which doesn’t include congressional appropriations or the amount the Pentagon has actually spent...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Let’s make it about you: Can we stop the slaughter now?

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


It must always be remembered that Iraq represented no serious threat to the United States, and that our national leaders knew that critical fact before the invasion began in 2003, just as many ‘ordinary’ citizens did. Thus, the invasion and the continuing occupation represent an unforgivable series of monstrous war crimes. Yet our national conversation discusses only American losses, American costs, and American deaths. When the costs to Iraq and to Iraqis are mentioned, they are given a distant second place, if that. As far as Americans are concerned, this is all about us, and only about us...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Free speech unless you ask the wrong questions

Fury over mast erected without planning permission

By Rob Devey

WORKMEN sparked anger by installing a 40 foot mobile phone mast which was refused planning permission.

Police were called to the Market Street precinct in Little Lever after the T-Mobile mast went up at 10am yesterday today even though an application was refused by councillors in April.

Bolton Council's planning and highways committee had raised fears over the possible health impact because a certificate showing the mast met radiation guidelines had not been produced.


Congress and State Legislatures in 08: Greatest Challenge to we the People

by Devvy Kidd

The Democrats have now been in "power" for nine months. Anyone watching events closely understands they are simply the same old Democrats out to further communism via social spending prohibited by Art. 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, and have done just about everything Bush has wanted to keep his endless wars up and running. They actually did one thing right in nine months: To their credit, the counterfeit U.S. Senate last week attempted to over turn Senator John Warner's piece of treason passed last year by the Republicans - elimination of habeas corpus.......

Expect a $ Crash


How likely is a crash of the dollar and what circumstances could mitigate its effects?

Private Debt Much Higher Than During the Great Depression

America is frequently called the 'richest nation on earth', but the reality is that the American people are living on borrowed money.

From Information Clearing House

Massive surveillance net keeps track of Americans' travel

The Bush Administration has been collecting detailed records on the travel habits of Americans headed overseas, whether you fly, drive or take cruises abroad -- not simply your method of transit but the personal items you carry with you and the people you stay with, according to documents and statements obtained by the Washington Post.

From Information Clearing House

Secret US air force team to perfect plan for Iran strike

Detailed contingency planning for a possible attack on Iran has been carried out for more than two years by Centcom (US central command), according to defence sources.

Attack on Iran: Morality Lost in the Garden of Deceits

From Information Clearing House


Secret US Air Force Team to Perfect Plan for Iran Strike

Sarah Baxter reports for The Sunday Times UK: "The United States Air Force has set up a highly confidential strategic planning group tasked with 'fighting the next war' as tensions rise with Iran. Project Checkmate, a successor to the group that planned the 1991 Gulf War's air campaign, was quietly reestablished at the Pentagon in June."

Can America stand the truth about the Iraq war?

We need to follow the South African government's lead under former President Nelson Mandela by assembling a courtlike body after the Bush administration leaves office, calling on key administration officials and key staff within the CIA, State Department, Pentagon, etc., to give testimony on the run-up to the Iraq war. And, like South Africa, grant immunity to those who request it prior to their testimony.

The Age of Irresponsibility

Blackwater and the Bush Legacy

Decadent perversity

No matter the horrors of Iraq, Bush clings to his faith in victory, and a new biography discloses how he releases his anxiety by humiliating his aides.

From Information Clearing House

Romney silent on Blackwater shooting

Mitt Romney has remained mum on the alleged killing of 11 Iraqis by a company where one of his top advisers serves as vice chairman, even as the case has led to an uproar in Baghdad and Washington.

From Information Clearing House


Raising the bar on religious insanity

Mystery: How Wealth Creates Poverty in the World

By Michael Parenti

There is a "mystery" we must explain: How is it that as corporate investments and foreign aid and international loans to poor countries have increased dramatically throughout the world over the last half century, so has poverty? The number of people living in poverty is growing at a faster rate than the world's population. What do we make of this?


Wealth Creates Poverty?

Video: Dr. Michael Parenti:
"Terrorism, Globalization and Conspiracy"

Globalization is an attempt to extend corporate monopoly control over the whole globe. Over every national economy. Over every local economy Over every life.

Racism and War: Overcoming Us and Them

By Ramzy Baroud

Racism is, among many things, convenient. It provides simplified, definite and ready-to-serve answers to complex and compounded questions. Racists, in turn, come from all walks of life; their motivation and the root causes behind their contemptible views of others may differ, but the outcome of these views is predictably the same - racial discrimination, social and political oppression, religious persecution and war.

The Real Story of Baghdad's Bloody Sunday

By Kim Sengupta

Six days ago, at least 28 civilians died in a shooting incident involving the US security company Blackwater. But what actually happened? Kim Sengupta reports from the scene of the massacre.


Stop Blackwater: Nationwide Events Commemorate 17 Innocent Lives Lost in Blackwater's Nisour Square Massacre -- "Baghdad's Bloody Sunday"

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