Montag, 10. September 2007

Petraeus's Song And Dance

CODEPINK Brings The Public's Anti-War Message To General Petraeus


Petraeus’s closet

by Patrick Cockburn


It is the discrepancy between General Petraeus’s performance as a general in Iraq (he had seen no combat before 2003) and his rapid elevation to overall US commander that has led his critics to portray him as a courtier-soldier whose victories are won in TV interviews or in Washington...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congressman Dennis Kucinich To Oppose September 11 Resolution, Says It Is Incomplete

Six Years of 9/11 as a License to Kill


9/11, Six Years Later

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Not only has President Bush done nothing to secure our borders, he has just last week opened the door for Mexican trucks to come unimpeded across our southern border. These trucks will have free access to our entire country. Can one imagine the amount of drug trafficking, illegal aliens, and even potential terrorists that will be smuggled across our borders in these trucks? Plus, think of the safety concerns these drivers and trucks will bring to America's highways......

Forever The Victims

The Missing Measure of Our Outrage

Amnesty Film Shows Agony of US Detention Techniques

Anti-War Leaders Stymied, Frustrated

Save Panama Biosphere Reserve From Dams

Under Siege: What the Surge Really Means in Baghdad

Kim Sengupta reports for The Independent UK: "A city divided by high concrete walls, barbed wire and checkpoints; armoured columns moving through deserted evening streets lit by the glow of searchlights and emptied by official curfew and fear. This is Baghdad, seven months into the surge, and George Bush's last throw of the dice in Iraq."

Where's My Trickle?

Paul Krugman writes for The New York Times: "The absence of any gains for workers in the years since the 2003 tax cut is a pretty convincing refutation of trickle-down theory. So is the fact that the economy had a much more convincing boom after Bill Clinton raised taxes on top brackets. It turns out that when you cut taxes on the rich, the rich pay less taxes; when you raise taxes on the rich, they pay more taxes - end of story."

Launching Brand Petraeus

Tom Engelhardt writes for "Think of it this way: The most political general in recent memory has been asked to assess his own work (as has our ambassador in Iraq), and then present 'recommendations' to the White House in a 'report' that is actually being written in the White House. You couldn't call it a political version of 'the honor system'; but perhaps the dishonor system would do."

Bush Administration Ramps Up Secrecy

William Fisher reports for Truthout: "The Bush administration is continuing its campaign to keep the public in the dark about the federal government's policies and decisions and to suppress discussion of those policies, their underpinnings, and their implications. This is the conclusion reached in the latest annual 'report card' on government secrecy compiled by, a coalition of consumer and good government groups, librarians, environmentalists, labor leaders, journalists, and others who seek to promote greater transparency in public institutions."

Hat sich Osama bin Laden den Bart schwarz gefärbt und darf man das im Islam?

The Navy's sonic assault on whales should be stopped immediately

Mehr Bürokratie, weniger Demokratie: wie die EU-Verfassung unser Leben beeinflussen wird

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung senden wir Ihnen folgende Pressemitteilung der ödp München.

ödp Vortrag: "Mehr Bürokratie, weniger Demokratie – wie die EU-Verfassung unser Leben beeinflussen wird"

Donnerstag, 27. September 2007, 19.30 Uhr – Einlass 19:00 Uhr – Der Eintritt ist frei Referent: Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

Brienner Str. 46/EG – Vortragssaal der Gregor- Louisoder-Umweltstiftung U 1/7 und Tram 20/21 Stiglmaierplatz (3 min zu Fuß) U 2/8 Königsplatz (5 min zu Fuß)

Ob es eine EU-Verfassung geben wird, oder ob nur die bestehenden Verträge ergänzt werden: Das Ergebnis wird dasselbe sein. Denn Angela Merkel will die wesentlichen Grundsätze der „Verfassung“ auf jeden Fall durchsetzen. Rund 75% aller neuen deutschen Gesetze sind lediglich die Umsetzung von EU-Vorgaben in nationales Recht. Diese Vorgaben werden zum größten Teil unter direkter Mitwirkung von Lobby- organisationen großer Konzerne formuliert. Denn die EU-Kommission hat in der EU das alleinige Recht für Gesetzesinitiativen, verfügt aber nur über Verwaltungs-Fachkräfte. In allen anderen Fach- gebieten ist sie auf die Zuarbeit von Lobbygruppen angewiesen. Sie ist auch die „Exekutive“, d.h. eine Art Regierung, und hat in Ansätzen auch Rechte von Gerichten. Damit gibt es in der EU keine Gewaltenteilung mehr. Nach Montesquieu ist das ein Kennzeichen von Despotismus. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass der kleinste Rechtakt der Kommission Vorrang vor dem deutschen Grund- gesetz hat.

Der Referent: Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Klaus Buchner (66) arbeitete an der TU München, am Max- Planck-Institut für Physik unter Prof. W. Heisenberg, einem der Begründer der Atomphysik und in Kyoto/Japan am Institut von Prof. Yukawa, dem Entdecker der Kernkräfte. Er ist Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Messina / Italien und Träger der Goldenen Verdienstmedaille der Universität Breslau / Polen. Seit 2003 ist er der Bundesvorsitzende der Ökologisch-Demokratischen Partei (ödp).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Herbert Brunner
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/55 06 99 86 E-Mail m.hollemann

Weitere Veranstaltungen: Immer in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung: Brienner Str. 46 / EG, U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 11. Okt. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "Gentechnik, Functional Food und Politik – die Globalisierung des Brotzeittellers" Referent: Thomas Semonsky, ganzheitlicher Ernährungsberater

Do., 25. Okt. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "In Würde altern – für eine gute ambulante Pflege und streng kontrollierte Altenheime!" Referentin: Johanna Schildbach-Halser, Nachbarschaftshilfe Rosenheim, ödp-Bezirksrätin

Do., 08. Nov. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "Vorwärts in die Steinzeit? Wie die Industriegesellschaft sich selbst zerstört“ Referent: Martin Kraus, M.A., Philosoph

Do., 22. Nov. 2007, 19.30 Uhr Film: "Lacoma und der Konzern (ein energiepolitisches Gesellschaftsspiel) – Auswirkungen des Braunkohletagebaus für Mensch und Umwelt"

Do., 13. Dez. 2007, 19.30 Uhr "Der Global Marshall Plan – Initiative für eine weltweite Ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft" Referent: Frithjof Finkbeiner, Global Marshall Plan Initiative

ödp – Profil

In der ödp arbeiten Menschen zusammen, die dem Streben von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft nach "Immer mehr" das Prinzip Verantwortung entgegensetzen: "So leben, dass Zukunft bleibt!". Ange- strebt wird eine Wende im Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstil -weg von der Überfluss- und Verschwendungswirtschaft, hin zu Nachhaltigkeit und "echter" Lebensqualität.

It's About Oil, Not Religion

by Joshua Holland and Raed Jarrar, AlterNet

Shockingly, the United States, Iran and al Qaeda have the same goals in Iraq.


It's the Oil

Jim Holt, writing in the London Review of Books, says: "Iraq is 'unwinnable', a 'quagmire', a 'fiasco': so goes the received opinion. But there is good reason to think that, from the Bush-Cheney perspective, it is none of these things. Indeed, the US may be 'stuck' precisely where Bush et al want it to be, which is why there is no 'exit strategy.'"

Reid, Pelosi: Stand And Fight

by Chris Weigant, The Huffington Post

Why are Democrats seemingly admitting defeat in Iraq before the argument has even begun?

Watching the Sunday shows, you wouldn't know that Bush and Petraeus are cooking the books to justify the surge

Weekend Watchdog Wrap-Up


General Petraeus cooking the books for the White House?

Informant: John Johnson

Why we’re losing the war on terror

The Nation
by David Cole & Jules Lobel


President George W. Bush is fond of reminding us that no terrorist attacks have occurred on domestic soil since 9/11. But has the Administration’s ‘war on terror’ actually made us safer? According to the July 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, Al Qaeda has fully reconstituted itself in Pakistan’s northern border region. Terrorist attacks worldwide have grown dramatically in frequency and lethality since 2001. New terrorist groups, from Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia to the small groups of young men who bombed subways and buses in London and Madrid, have multiplied since 9/11. Meanwhile, despite the Bush Administration’s boasts, the total number of people it has convicted of engaging in a terrorist act since 9/11 is one (Richard Reid, the shoe bomber)...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The irrational drama of a declining empire

by Saul Landau


As media dissection of Senator Larry Craig’s toilet stall indiscretion abates, George Bush prepares to resume center stage for his starring role in the ‘The Decline of the Imperial Presidency.’ In the last episode of this drama, Bush planned to nominate the recently resigned ‘brain,’ Karl Rove — after the Senate rejected Michael Chertoff and Rush Limbaugh — to replace Alberto Gonzalez as Attorney General...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Many of the same mistakes made in the Vietnam War are being repeated in Iraq and Afghanistan

Toronto Sun
by Eric Margolis


We all know what ‘deja vu’ is. But I recently read of a condition psychiatrists call ‘jamais vu.’ That’s where one sees something very familiar, but cannot identify it. Both the White House and U.S. military seemed gripped by jamais vu. Many of the same mistakes made in the Vietnam War are being repeated in Iraq and Afghanistan, but neither the White House, Pentagon, nor U.S. field commanders seem to recognize or understand them...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How the Rockefeller Republicans raped America

from Reason to Freedom
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster


Even today most members of what we generally call The Freedom Movement, have not noticed the larger strategy used with the publication of bifurcated support on issues that leaves the reader uncertain of the real principles involved. Today we also must deal with the misdirecting websites used to deflect a clear understanding of issues also using this strategic approach. For real Conservatives and the Libertarians who followed them, government should remain strictly limited and local; the rights of individuals are respected. The people do it for themselves; Government is best that governs least. That is Conservatism...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The war on individual liberty

Orange County Register
by Steven Greenhut


Although our government has for decades been getting bigger, nosier and more obnoxious, the 9/11 attacks moved the ball far down the field in one ‘Hail Mary’ pass. The quick change in laws and, especially, in attitudes following that fateful day have been stunning, as average Americans have come to increasingly let down their guard and blindly follow their leaders as we advance, step by step, into something that, although not quite a police state, has many attributes of such a society...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Frustration grows among Gitmo detainees



After years of indefinite confinement, many detainees at Guantanamo Bay say they feel they may never receive justice, according to transcripts of hearings obtained by The Associated Press. Fewer than one in five of detainees allowed a hearing last year even bothered to show up for it. The frustrated words of men, some of whom admit to fighting with the Taliban but swear they would go peacefully home if released, illustrate the seething tension at a prison where hundreds are held without charges...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congress expected to grill Petraeus on violence data



Congress is expected this week to pick apart U.S. military data suggesting attacks and civilian casualties in Baghdad have sharply decreased in recent months. Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, is scheduled to testify before Congress beginning Monday, and he is expected to tell lawmakers the troop buildup is producing results...

Americans doubt Petraeus report

Washington Post


Most Americans think this week’s report from Army Gen. David H. Petraeus will exaggerate progress in Iraq, and few expect it to result in a major shift in President Bush’s policy. But despite skepticism about the Petraeus testimony and majority support for a U.S. troop reduction in Iraq, there has also been a slight increase in the number who see the situation there as improving. The findings, from a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, underscore the depth of public antipathy toward the Iraq war, the doubts about the administration’s policies and the limited confidence in the Iraqi government to meet its commitments to restore civil order...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Troop Blogs Show Increasing Criticism of War

Robert Weller reports for The Associated Press: "'President Eisenhower warned of the growing military industrial complex in his farewell address. Since Dick Cheney can now afford solid gold oil derricks, it's safe to say we failed Ike miserably. After losing two friends and over a dozen comrades, I have this to say: Do not wage war unless it is absolutely, positively the last ditch effort for survival,' wrote Spc. Alex Horton, 22, of the 3rd Stryker Brigade in Army of Dude. 'In the future, I want my children to grow up with the belief that what I did here was wrong, in a society that doesn't deem that idea unpatriotic,' he blogged."

Antiwar Democrats Fight for Timeline

Martin Kady II reports for, "The emerging movement among Democratic leaders in Congress to find some middle ground on troop withdrawal deadlines is being met with severe pushback from rank-and-file Democrats in both chambers who are startled that their leaders are suddenly seeking bipartisan consensus on the war."

Iraqis Say Surge Is Not Working

Gary Langer reports for ABC News, "Barely a quarter of Iraqis say their security has improved in the past six months, a negative assessment of the surge in US forces that reflects worsening public attitudes across a range of measures, even as authorities report some progress curtailing violence."

Mobile phone study to establish long-term risks

By Nic Fleming Science Correspondent

Last Updated: 1:36am BST 09/09/2007

Ministers will launch a multi-million pound, large-scale study next week into long-term health risks of mobile phone use.

The decision indicates that mobile phone use has not yet been given a clean bill of health even though a Government committee is poised to report that research shows no proven health hazards associated with mobiles.

The Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) programme, which has provided funding for 28 studies since 2001, will present its findings on Wednesday.

Informant: Mark G.

The Power Elite Playbook Promoting (Never ending) War

by Deanna Spingola

In this subjective environment, anti-war sentiments are equivalent to treason. Alternative media voices are silenced by dismissals or show cancellations. A thorough review of historical specifics would either expose government officials who, ignorant of the Constitution, specialize in serial stupidity or verify their treacherous adherence to the banker's globalist agenda.......

Big Brother IS Watching You, Starting October 1st

Beginning in October 2007 the Department of Homeland Security will open a new office called the National Applications Office (NAO) charged with civil/domestic intelligence gathering.

Peaceful Sydney Anti-Bush, Anti-Iraq Shattered By Police Violence

Media Assaulted & Arrested, Women Shoved And Knocked Down, Hundreds Of Undercover Police Infiltrated The Crowd.

From Information Clearing House

Will the Real Osama Stand Up?

How likely is it that OBL who is a strict adherent of fundamental Islam, would dye his beard and trim it to appear in front of a camera in order to meet the expectations of the 'Western terrorist specialists'?

When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing

From Information Clearing House


The mystery of al Qaeda

by Justin Raimondo


While this administration has used al-Qaeda as an all-purpose bogeyman, it is little short of incredible that bin Laden still roams the earth, taunting us, six years after the attack that ensures him his place in history. Yet, for all the emphasis on al-Qaeda as supposedly the real enemy in Iraq, our efforts to actually find bin Laden himself, and capture or kill him, have seemed less than strenuous. While once George W. Bush vowed to get him ‘dead or alive,’ it wasn’t too long before our president deemed this task not a priority. Having diverted our resources and attention away from the hunt for bin Laden, and instead concentrated on conquering Iraq, it’s almost as if the last thing our government wants is for bin Laden and his top lieutenants to be caught. They are too useful right where they are, scaring the bejesus out of the American public...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Bush-Bin Laden Symbiosis Reborn

Robert Parry writes for Consortium News, "Just as Sylvester and Tweety Bird achieved lasting Hollywood fame from their comical cartoon chases, the less amusing duo of George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden continue to benefit each other by reviving their long-distance rivalry, one posturing against the other in a way that helps them both."


Osama bin Laden Is Dead And YOUR Government knows it

Informant: beargoodfruit

War Cometh Before a Fall

Will an all powerful nation, which is accustomed to the highest standard of living, allow its comfortable economic lead to be slowly eroded by loss of markets, denial of access to necessary resources and an unassailable competition to it products? Does war cometh before a fall?

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Viewed as Turkey's "Greatest Threat"

Nearly two-thirds of the Turkish public named the United States as their country's greatest future threat, a recent Pew Global Attitudes Project survey has revealed -- the highest percentage of any Middle Eastern or Islamic country polled.

From Information Clearing House

Va. congressman accuses AIPAC on Iraq

"AIPAC is the most powerful lobby and has pushed this war from the beginning," U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) said in this month's Tikkun magazine. "Because they are so well organized, and their members are extraordinarily powerful -- most of them are quite wealthy -- they have been able to exert power."

Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) made a very big mistake, at least as far as the Democratic leadership in the House is concerned.

From Information Clearing House

Retreat from Basra: the slow death of the Iraq campaign

In the week that British forces departed from Basra Palace, Kim Sengupta reports on the propects for a country where so many have died - and are still dying.

From Information Clearing House

Fading Superpower?

By David Rieff

Like all empires before it, the U.S. will slip from the top of the heap. Let's start getting ready.

The Myth of al-Qaeda in Iraq

By Andrew Tilghman

Fighting al-Qaeda in Iraq is the last big argument for keeping U.S. troops in the country. But the military's estimation of the threat is alarmingly wrong.

Bush Administration Has Intensified False Reporting On Al Qaeda Since 'Surge' Began

Attempting to drum up public support for the war in Iraq in July, President Bush referred to al Qaeda 95 times in a single speech, claiming the war in Iraq has become the central front in the fight against al Qaeda.

From Information Clearing House

Democracy and Media

The DC Establishment vs American Public Opinion

The Endless, Meaningless Blather From The Washington Establishment

As Brazil's Rain Forest Burns Down, Planet Heats Up

Ratings volunteers to be spied on by mobiles

Aktion "AgenturSchluss": Zahltag! Schluss mit ARGEn Schikanen

Überregionales Aktionskamp 1. und 2. Oktober ARGE Köln

„Auf den Fluren der ARGEN brodelt es immer lauter. Immer wieder sind lautstarke Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Angestellten der ARGE und Erwerbslosen zu hören. (…) „ARGE es reicht!" ist die Stimmung unter der Mehrzahl der Erwerbslosen und Widerstand formiert sich. Am Wochenende trafen sich in Köln - Ehrenfeld VertreterInnen von verschiedenen Erwerbsloseninitiativen und anderen im Widerstand tätigen Gruppen. Von VertreterInnen der Initiative „Agentur -Schluss" war die Idee eines zweitägigen, überregionalen AktionsCamps vom 1. bis 2. Oktober 2007 an der ARGE in Köln entwickelt worden…“ Das Camp findet statt vom 1. Oktober 10h bis 2. Oktober 18h an der ARGE Köln Luxemburger Str. Siehe dazu:

Zahltag: Schluss mit den ARGE(n)-Schikanen! Aufruf von Agentur-Schluss mit genauem Programm (pdf)

Das Konzept bei KEA-Nachrichten

Diskussion der Aktion im Erwerbslosenforum

Kontakt: aktionscamp

Aus: LabourNet, 10. September 2007


Zahltag – Schluss mit den ARGEn Schikanen am 1. + 2. Oktober / ARGE und Arbeitsagentur Köln Luxemburger Str. 121

„Für den 1. und 2. Oktober ist bei der Kölner ARGE und Arbeitsagentur ein Aktions-Camp der besonderen Art geplant. Unter dem Motto: ZAHLTAG: Schluss mit den ARGEn Schikanen ruft das Bündnis „AGENTURSCHLUSS“ dazu auf, an diesem Tag gemeinsame Gegenwehr und Widerstand gegen zunehmende und Repressionen und Willkürmaßnahmen an Erwerbslosen an den beiden Tagen zu organisieren und praktizieren. Bewusst soll der zweitgrößten Hartz IV-Behörde Deutschlands auf die „Pelle“ gerückt werden, steht die Kölner ARGE oftmals Modell für Verschärfungen gegenüber Hartz IV-Betroffenen…“ Pressemeldung von AgenturSchluss vom 24.09.2007

Siehe auch:

Zahltag – Aktionscamp gegen ARGE-Schikanen

„"Zahltag!" so lautet das Motto des am 1.+2. Oktober in Köln stattfindenden Aktionscamp gegen ARGE-Schikane. Überregional mobilisieren Gruppen für diese beiden Aktionstage an der Kölner ARGE in der Luxemburger Str. Wir interviewen Bettina C. von agenturschluss zu den Motiven und Perspektiven der geplanten Aktionen an der ARGE…“ Infos und Interview von agenturschluss vom 23.09.2007 bei indymedia

Aus dem Interview: „…Ich wäre zufrieden, wenn die Aktionen am 1. und 2. Oktober uns in unserem weiteren Widerstand selbstbewusster machen. Konkret schwebt mir ein selbstorganisierter „Begleitservice“, vielleicht sogar in Form eines regelmäßigen „Zahltags“ zum Monatsanfang vor. Der ganze Apparat und die Schikanen rund um Hartz IV sind ja nur ein Beispiel dafür, wie zur Zeit Leute systematisch entrechtet und mehr und mehr unter Druck gesetzt werden – auch am Arbeitsplatz. Ich stelle mir vor, mit unserem Camp auch ein Zeichen für eine in Deutschland unterentwickelte Praxis zu setzen, soziale Rechte zu erkämpfen statt zu erbitten! Was ein gutes Leben ausmacht, darüber haben wir selbst zu befinden und nicht irgend eine ARGE oder sonstige „RepräsentantInnen“….“

Aus: LabourNet, 25. September 2007


Aktion "AgenturSchluss": Zahltag! Schluss mit ARGEn Schikanen

Als Erinnerung die genauen Angaben zur Aktion:

Ort: Arbeitsamt Luxemburger Strasse 121, 50939 Köln (Sülz) (direkt neben dem Land- und Amtsgericht) Anfahrt: U-Bahn/(=Straßenbahn) Haltestelle: Weißhausstraße, ab Hauptbahnhof Linie 18 (etwa Fünf-Minuten-Takt) (in Richtung Brühl oder Klettenbergpark oder Bonn Hbf) Beginn: Montag 1.10. um 10 Uhr (pünktlich!)

Die Aktion hat eine neue Konktakt-Mailadresse: aktionscamp

Aus: LabourNet, 27. September 2007


Aktion "AgenturSchluss": Zahltag! Schluss mit ARGEn Schikanen

»Druck auf Erwerbslose wird gezielt erhöht«

ALG-II-Bezieher werden schikaniert und aus Leistungsbezug gedrängt. »Agenturschluß« protestiert in Köln. Gespräch von Ralf Wurzbacher in junge Welt vom 29.9.07 mit Lutz Camper, Aktivist von »Agenturschluß«, einem Bündnis aus regionalen und überregionalen Erwerbsloseninitiativen

Aus: LabourNet, 1. Oktober 2007


«Wir organisieren Widerstand»: Erwerbslosen-Protest vor Kölner Arbeitsagentur

Artikel von Katharina Kumm, epd, in der Aachener Zeitung online vom

Für weitere Berichte siehe die Presseschau im Erwerbslosenforum (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 9. Oktober 2007


zahltag! let's do it – again

Es ist soweit - es wird einen neuen Zahltag! geben und zwar am 3. Dezember morgens früh ab 7:30 Uhr in Köln-Mülheim. Siehe den Aufruf (pdf)

Siehe dazu auch „Zahltag! Schluss mit ARGEn Schikanen!“ – Sonderseite bei ABSP

Aus: LabourNet, 2. November 2007


Agenturschluss > zahltag! Schluss mit den ARGE(n)-Schikanen!

Düsseldorf: Aktion gegen ARGE Zumutungen am 1.April 2008

60.000 Menschen sind in Düsseldorf und über 7 Millionen Menschen bundesweit von den Arge-Leistungen abhängig. Leistungsauszahlungen verzögern sich um Wochen oder Monate, Anträge und Schriftstücke gehen verloren, oft wird sogar die Antragsannahme verweigert. Anträge werden erst nach Anrufung von Gerichten bewilligt. In Düsseldorf rief deshalb das Bündnis „Arg, Ärger, ARGE“ zu einem Aktionstag vor der Düsseldorfer ARGE auf der Luisenstraße auf. Beteiligt waren Betroffene der ARGE-Schikanen, TeilnehmerInnen des Mittwochsfrühstücks der Erwerbslosen im ZAKK, die Arbeitsloseninitiative, die Altstadt-Armenküche, fiftyfifty und viele andere Initiativen. Der ANTIFA-KOK unterstützte die Proteste, ein paar kommentierte Bilder sind auf deren Homepage zu sehen

Köln: Heraus zum 2. Mai - Aktionscamp "Zahltag!"

Verweigerte oder verzögerte Auszahlungen, Computerpannen, Schikane, Demütigungen und das Ausschnüffeln der Privatsphäre von Erwerbslosen, so stellt sich die Arbeit der ARGE für viele Erwerbslose dar. Das hat System und das System ist: Der Druck von oben auf die ARGE-MitarbeiterInnen wird nach unten weitergereicht. Das ist der Grund, warum wir uns am 1. und 2. Mai zum Aktionscamp „Zahltag!“ versammeln werden. Schon mehrfach hat die Aktion „Zahltag!“ für Wirbel bei den Kölner ARGEn gesorgt: In Gruppen setzten Erwerbslose und UnterstützerInnen an der ARGE die Auszahlung von Geldleistungen, die Bearbeitung von Anträgen und andere Anliegen durch. Ergänzend dazu gab es in der Eingangshalle der ARGE Diskussionsveranstaltungen, Beratung, Livemusik und ein Umsonst-Buffet. Die Resonanz war mit über 150 Beteiligten groß - ebenso die Erfolgsquote der selbstorganisierten Gegenwehr: In allen Fällen konnten die zuvor verweigerten Leistungen durchgesetzt werden.

Donnerstag, 1.Mai | ab 18 Uhr | Uni-Wiesen Luxemburger Str./Haltestelle Eifelwall Aktionscamp (Schlafsack + Isomatte mitbringen!): Live-Musik Bam Bam Babylon Bajasch, Birgit von Blue Flower, “h.n.”; Disco Brigadistak Sounds / DJ Brittinha; Infos+Vorbereitung der Aktion Zahltag; Volxküche

Freitag, 2.Mai | von 7 bis 14 Uhr | ARGE, Luxemburger Str. / Haltestelle Weißhausstr Aktion Zahltag: Gemeinsam wird die Auszahlung verweigerter Leistungen eingefordert; Offene Hartz-IV Beratung: Die Vereine „Tacheles e.V.“ und „KEA e.V“ bieten aktuelle Informationen zu Hartz IV; Beschwerdestelle: An einer Klagemauer werden alle Beschwerden veröffentlicht; Öffentliche Versammlung Diskussion u. Information; Musik und Volxküche

Aus: LabourNet, 7. April 2008

Freiheit darf nicht der Sicherheit geopfert werden

10. September 2007

Die Union hält nach wie vor an ihren Plänen für Online-Durchsuchungen fest. Bundesjustizministerin Zypries (SPD) will eine Registrierungspflicht beim Verkauf von "zum Bombenbau geeigneter Chemikalien". Dazu erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Die Vorschläge der Bundesregierung zur Terrorismusbekämpfung werden immer abstruser. Wer Haare blondiert, Kontaktlinsen reinigt oder Hände desinfiziert – kann nach den Plänen der Bundesjustizministerin künftig ins Fahndungsfeld geraten. Nach Post- und Telefonüberwachung soll das staatliche Online-Ausspähen von Privatcomputern hoffähig gemacht werden. Beides ist ein eindeutiger Angriff auf die Privatsphäre und öffnet dem Sammeln und Speichern von persönlichen Daten Tür und Tor. Jeder und jede stehen unter Generalverdacht, frei nach dem Motto: Ich lebe, also bin ich verdächtig. Die Konsequenz: Die Freiheit wird der Sicherheit geopfert. Niemand kann mehr nachvollziehen, von wem und warum persönliche Daten gespeichert oder weitergegeben werden. Der Rechtsstaat wird auf den Kopf gestellt, das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung wird ausgehöhlt, Verunsicherung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger wird angeheizt. Die in der vergangenen Woche vereitelten Anschläge konnten offenbar auch ohne Registrierungspflicht oder Online-Durchsuchungen durch polizeiliche Ermittlungsarbeit verhindert werden. Hysterie und Aktionismus sind die falschen Berater, wenn es um politische Entscheidungen zur Terrorismusbekämpfung geht.Überwachung

NGOs Unite on Earth's Greatest Crisis

Neocons Put on a Surge-Stravaganza

Light on Public Relations Industry Propaganda

Skrupelloser Welpenhandel

Flight 93: no plane, no crash site, no nothing

Dear General Petraeus


Tell Congress To Reject The PHONY Baloney Petraeus Report

Please make a special point of making at least one toll free phone call to Congress this week. Here are three tested working numbers 800-828-0498, 800-614-2803 or 866-340-9281, and to make sure your voice is heard also submit the action pages below.


Eight months ago, when Congress lacked the will to reject the "surge" scam cooked up by the White House, we knew how it would all turn out.

The administration sent out all its stooges to try to lull anyone who lacked the capacity for critical thinking by saying, "Just wait until we see the results, in a couple months, and a couple months more after that."


Instead, the situation continues to deteriorate the more money and bodies we throw at it. And now that the inevitable and damning results are in, the same White House fraudsters are doing everything they can to hide and downplay them. The GAO report, that only 3 of 18 of the so-called benchmarks have been met, has been "edited" like just like all those science reports that did fit their political agenda. Even the Petraeus report itself has been doctored by the resident spin team.

And don't expect anything from Petraeus himself in his testimony but the Stepford party line. Remember this is the same General Petraeus, who vouched for the lie that we had found the WMD biological labs way back in 2003. He has floated to the top of the administration scum pond precisely because he was practically the last military man of rank who would parrot according to the administration's bidding. They might as well have Tony Snow deliver the report to Congress.

Not one more dime except to get out. It's time to END the fraud on the American people called the war on terror in Iraq.

And while you've at it, please speak out on the question of Cheney impeachment. It's just one more click of the mouse. Join the 100,000 of our own participants who are already mobilized on this. NOTHING will get us out of Iraq faster than getting him out of the White House at the first possible moment.


And after they've run our military into the ground running fools errands in Iraq for the last 5 years, who pops his head up again this week but the REAL terrorist, the man who Bush said he wasn't worried about and not spending any time on? The Cheney gang is not the least bit interested in stopping the real bad guys. They did NOTHING to stop 9/11 despite warnings from people with their hair on fire. Instead they need to keep them around to keep the rest of us hiding under our beds, or as justification for their own evil deeds.

The one thing we know for sure is that occupying Iraq is making things worse. Bombing civilians is NOT going to root out Bin Laden. We leave you with a very interesting quote from the end of an MSNBC article on the latest Bin Laden tape. The speaker was Asad Durani, retired head of Pakistan's spy agency.

Durani said U.S. Bombing campaigns along the Afghan-Pakistani border had thoroughly alienated civilians who otherwise might help root out Al Qaeda commanders. "The first instinct you Americans have is military power - - dropping bombs," he said. "This was absolutely 100 percent guaranteed not to succeed, and it's continued that way for the past 6 years."


Who else out there has had more courage to speak the truth, or more wisdom to question the insanity of our Iraq policy since day one. If you can, why don't you make a donation to Dennis to tell him you appreciate his stands on the issues.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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Five Easy Pieces to Iran

Informant: reggie501

From ufpj-news

U.S. Navy Wants EM Railgun on New Cruiser

Vote Fraud: It's Not Just the Machines

by Devvy Kidd

If Congress is so upset about this Mexican truck disaster in the making, why haven't they acted? Oh, there's a bill in Congress sponsored by Duncan Hunter addressing safety issues, but it's just another smokescreen that will allow this invasion to continue and increase in size! The real issue here is we the people do NOT want these trucks coming across our borders. Not only will this kill off jobs for American truckers, it is a serious security risk, it WILL put we the people and our families at risk with no justice once the accidents start piling up, it will enable drug cartels to do more business and let's not forget the smuggling of illegals aliens.......

Hidden Dangers of the Cashless Embedded Society

by Attorney Constance Cumbey

Well, it now turns out, surprise, surprise, that there is no advantage in taking such an implanted mark in the here as well as in the hereafter. The implanted microchip it turns out, is distinctly carcinogenic. Furthermore those working in the medical field, per today’s stories, have known of this for some time. Why did the Food and Drug Administration rush to endorse it? What pressures had been placed on their bureaucrats to okay it? This was done under the watch of the supposedly conservative Christian George W. Bush’s administration!........

TV "hero" vs. real heroes


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