Dienstag, 7. August 2007

Is The Elite Leadership Sustainable?

by Nancy Levant

Why is the history of the world so barbaric? Why has mankind - again and again, and in every century of written history – been subjected to nation conquering and barbaric treatment? There is one answer to these questions, folks, and that is the historical political power and control by aristocrats and elitists. Furthermore, and throughout all written history.......



The Bush Family America Doesn't Know

by Lynn Stuter

Fruit very seldom falls far from the tree. In 1992, George Herbert Walker Bush, responding to a question from the late Sarah McClendon about Iraq-gate and Iran contra, stated, “…if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us.”.......



Let's look at what the Democrats who voted for the Bush administration's eavesdropping bill are sacrificing our liberties for



It Is a Civil War

Lt. Colonel Gian P. Gentile writes for The Washington Post: "Some say that Iraq cannot be in a civil war because the country's major institutions are not fighting each other with conventional military forces. But this is too formulaic and restrictive for what I saw and heard. On the streets of west Baghdad, almost every person I spoke to told me of a close relative or friend who was killed by Sunni insurgents or Shiite militia members."


Britain Seeks US Release of Five Guantanamo Prisoners

David Stringer reports for The Associated Press, "Britain called Tuesday for the Bush administration to release five British residents held at Guantanamo Bay - a policy reversal that suggests new Prime Minister Gordon Brown is pursuing a tougher line with the US than his predecessor."



UK adopts a tough stance to demand release of five prisoners from Guantanamo

MINISTERS have demanded the return of five former UK residents being held in Guantanamo Bay, in a dramatic break by Gordon Brown with Tony Blair's refusal to intervene on behalf of non-British nationals.


From Information Clearing House


Gonzales, McConnell to Control New Surveillance Powers

Walter Pincus reports for The Washington Post: "The Bush administration plans to leave oversight of its expanded foreign eavesdropping program to the same government officials who supervise the surveillance activities and to the intelligence personnel who carry them out, senior government officials said yesterday. The law ... gives Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell and Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales responsibility for creating the broad procedures determining whose telephone calls and e-mails are collected. It also gives McConnell and Gonzales the role of assessing compliance with those procedures."



Protestieren Sie gegen die Tötungslager für heimatlose Tiere in Bulgarien!


Next-up News n°272


Residents help block mobile phone mast - again

Councillors have blocked a third attempt by mobile phone companies to put up a mast next to an Oxford school.

Telecoms giants Hutchinson 3G UK and O2 have each tried to install a reception-boosting phone mast next to Peers School, in Sandy Lane West, Littlemore, in the last two years.


Group's Estimate of Iraqi Deaths to Cross One Million


The Fear of Fear Itself


A Christian Nation?



JAPAN-US: Peace Activists Warn of Ongoing Nuclear Threat



Polls Find Broad Support for Greater Altruism


Clinton Aide's PR Firm is Under Attack



NYPD Surveillance Files of RNC Protests Ordered Released



Gore: Polluters Fund Research To Cast Doubt On Warming



The Bloody Failure of 'The Surge': A Special Report



‘Surge’ has made Iraq ‘more chaotic and dangerous than ever’

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


The surge: a special report by Patrick Cockburn

It was supposed to mark a decisive new phase in America's military campaign, but six months after George Bush sent in 20,000 extra troops, Iraq is more chaotic and dangerous than ever. In a special despatch, Patrick Cockburn reports on the bloody failure of 'the surge'.


From Information Clearing House


Erwerbslosigkeit als Alltag: "Ich hab's mir nicht ausgesucht"

Die Erfahrungen der Betroffenen mit der Umsetzung und den Auswirkungen des SGB II. Eine Studie im Auftrag des Zentrums Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau

Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse von Anne Ames – exklusiv im LabourNet Germany http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/realpolitik/alos/ames.html

Es handelt sich dabei um einen Ausschnitt aus der Studie. Siehe dazu auch:

Ausgewählte Ergebnisse beim Zentrum Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der EKHN http://www.zgv.info/hartz/befragung_ergebnis.htm

Der ausführliche Ergebnisbericht kann bei Marion Schick
(m.schick @zgv.info) bestellt werden. Er kostet 8 Euro. Für Menschen mit geringem Einkommem 4 Euro.

"Ich hab's mir nicht ausgesucht". Ergebnisbericht einer Studie zu den Auswirkungen von Hartz IV auf die Betroffenen

„Von Ende März bis Ende September 2006 hat die Sozialwissenschaftlerin Anne Ames im Auftrag des Zentrums Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung (ZGV) der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau eine Fragebogenerhebung bei Bezieherinnen und Beziehern von Arbeitslosengeld II (ALG II) durchgeführt. Ziel der Erhebung war es, die Umsetzung des Zweiten Buches Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB II) und deren Auswirkungen aus der Sicht und dem Erleben der Betroffenen zu erkunden…“ Interview mit Anne Ames von Jens Wernicke in telepolis vom 07.08.2007 http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/25/25836/1.html

Aus: LabourNet, 13. August 2007


Erfahrungen mit Hartz IV

Willkommen in Kafkaland

Interview von Reinhard Jellen in telepolis vom 01.08.2008 mit dem Leiter einer medizinischen Therapieeinrichtung für ehemalige Suchtmittelabhängige Marcus Breuer über die Auswirkungen der Hartz-IV-Reform für seine Patienten http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/28/28430/1.html

"Eine absurde Situation, aber das ist bei uns die Realität"

Teil 2 des Interviews von Reinhard Jellen in telepolis vom 02.08.2008 mit dem Diplompsychologen Marcus Breuer, der mit einer Patientin vor das Sozialgericht ziehen wird, über die Erfahrungen mit Hartz IV in seiner Einrichtung http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/28/28432/1.html

Arbeitslosigkeit als Urlaubsparadies

Artikel von Holdger Platta zum Slogan „soziale Hängematte“ (pdf) http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/realpolitik/alos/urlaub.pdf

Arbeitsverwaltungen wehren sich - wogegen?

ARGE: Elend auf beiden Seiten des Schreibtisches

„Der Personalrat der Stadt Bochum kam in der Juni-Ausgabe seines Mitteilungsblattes zu einem “niederschmetterndem Ergebnis” über die Situation der Beschäftigten bei der ARGE: “weiterhin Überlastung ohne Ende”. In dem Bericht heißt es: “Immer mehr ARGE-Beschäftigte kehrten inzwischen der ARGE den Rücken” und “der Krankenstand scheint immer weiter zuzunehmen.” Der Personalrat hatte bereits vor einem Jahr über eine Belastungsanalyse in der ARGE berichtet, die feststellt, dass die Verhältnisse bei der ARGE für die dort Beschäftigten unerträglich sind…“ Bericht bei bo-alternativ vom 14.07.08 http://www.bo-alternativ.de/2008/07/14/arge-elend-auf-beiden-seiten-des-schreibtisches/#more-3229

Arbeitsmarkt- und sozialpolitische Aktionen und Proteste 2008

Reclaim Your Market - Gegen Ausbeutung, Verdrängung und ökologische Zerstörung: Blockade-Happening

„Devise: Blockade-Happening - „Reclaim your Market“ ist eine Massenaktion: Mit mehreren Zügen (bzw. Fingern) werden wir am Montag, den 18. August einen exemplarisch ausgesuchten Supermarkt in der Hamburger Innenstadt aufsuchen und belagern (Stichwort: Blockadehappening). Methoden und Taktiken des zivilen Ungehorsams sind uns nicht fremd, uns ist es jedoch wichtig, Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei oder irgendjemand sonst zu vermeiden. Wann: Montag, 18. August, ab ca. 16:00 Uhr Wo: Supermarkt in Hamburg (Details werden auf dem Camp bekannt gegeben)…“ Weitere Informationen auf der Sonderseite „Reclaim Your Market“ zum Hamburger Klimacamp 2008 http://www.klimacamp08.net/programm/ablaufplan/reclaim-your-market

Aufruf zum Tribunal gegen die NRW-Landespolitik am Freitag, 29.August ab 16.00, vor der Stadthalle Wuppertal

„Vom 29. bis zum 31.August findet in Wuppertal der NRW-Tag statt. Für diesen Zeitraum wird Wuppertal quasi zur temporären Landeshauptstadt – weshalb auch die NRW-MinisterInnen am Freitag, dem 29.August zur Kabinettssitzung in der Wuppertal-Elberfelder Stadthalle zusammenkommen wollen. Da weder in Wuppertal noch in NRW alles so rosig ist, wie die Wuppertal Marketing-GmbH, Organisatorin und Ausrichterin des NRW-Tags, es in ihrer Publicity-Kampagne weismachen will, muss zu diesem Anlass auch Unzufriedenheit, Unmut, Empörung und Protest vor der Stadthalle sicht- und hörbar werden. Das Wuppertaler Sozialforum und der ASTA der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal rufen daher zu einem öffentlichen Tribunal gegen die Politik der Landesregierung auf…“ Siehe dazu

Die Aktionsseite „NRW Tag in der Wupper versenken“ samt Programm http://nrwtagversenken.blogsport.de/

Hartz IV Hearing im Düsseldorfer Landtag

Am Freitag, 12. September läd Rüdiger Sagel (MdL DIE LINKE.NRW) in Zusammenarbeit mit Tacheles e.V. (Wuppertal) und dem Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland zu einem Hartz IV-Hearing im Düsseldorfer Landtag ein. Dabei soll den verschiedenen Akteuren der Anti-Hartz IV-Bewegung Raum gegeben werden sich über die vorhandenen Probleme auszutauschen und neue Strategien zu entwickeln. Für weitere Infos siehe Tacheles http://www.tacheles-sozialhilfe.de/harry/view.asp?ID=1752

Aus: LabourNet, 14. August 2008

HBO Airs A-Bomb Footage Kept From Media for Decades

Greg Mitchell reports for Editor and Publisher: "On the 62nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima - widely ignored elsewhere in the media Monday - HBO aired a documentary by Steven Okazaki titled 'White Light/Black Rain.' It mainly focuses on a few survivors of the attack in 1945, which took at least 150,000 lives.... Here is a full report on how the footage came to exist - and was then hidden from all."



NYPD Surveillance Files Ordered Released

The Associated Press reports: "New York City must release hundreds of pages of documents related to police surveillance of protesters prior to the 2004 Republican National Convention. The city had sought to keep secret field intelligence reports prepared by undercover police officers, but US Magistrate Judge James C. Francis IV called for the city to turn over those and other documents to lawyers representing hundreds of protesters challenging their arrests."



Keith Olbermann: Ask Hillary About...

Jeff Cohen writes for Truthout: "Tonight, MSNBC will telecast a Democratic presidential forum sponsored by the AFL-CIO, with an expected audience of thousands of union members at Chicago's historic Soldier Field. Although questions will come mostly from labor folks, the forum will be moderated by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, known for his searing anti-Bush 'Special Comments.' I propose a few questions I'd like to hear tonight.... These questions focus on polices that affect the lives and livelihoods of most Americans - in other words, the kind of questions that hold little interest for the Beltway pundit elite that prefers covering politics as a Hillary/Obama celebrity feud."



Feingold Introduces Resolutions Censuring Bush, Cheney and Gonzales

Frederic J. Frommer reports for The Associated Press that Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) has introduced resolutions to censure President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for misleading the nation into war and undermining the rule of law. In the House, Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-New York) introduced companion resolutions.




Now that the people driven impeachment movement is starting to get some serious attention, some of those members of Congress who have been resisting impeachment are proposing half-stepping measures such as censure. It appears even Jay Inslee's proposal to impeach Gonzales was a move in part to distract from Cheney/Bush impeachment (which he still opposes). But we suggested last week that it would have the opposite effect, and that calls for impeachment itself would also expand. And so they have.

First there was Russ Feingold, and now comes Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) with his own proposed censure resolutions. But if it is true as he asserts that Cheney and Bush LIED about about Iraqi WMDs and links to Al Qaeda, those are monumental constitutional crimes which DEMAND impeachment. And if it is true as he asserts that they willfully instituted torture violating the Geneva Conventions, corrupted our system of justice by firing prosecutors at the highest levels for partisan political reasons, defying Congressional oversight and obstructing justice about these matters on top of it all, there is one and only one adequate response . . . impeachment.

IMPEACH ALL ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/impeach_them_all.php

Unless we immediately move for impeachment, what will happen when another president comes along who is only 80% as bad as Cheney and Bush? Their asserted defense may well be "Hey, you didn't impeach them for what they did, so get out of my face." Cheney has been quoted in the Senate chambers using blunter words than that.

If it was ever too late for another act of grandstanding political theater this is that time. Indeed, a censure resolution may well garner LESS support than one for impeachment, for it will be riduculed by the other side, and rightfully so, as a toothless and meaningless gesture which doesn't actually DO anything to confront these abuses. Censure under these circumstances would make a mockery of our Constitution and its imperative that Congress SHALL exercise its power in the face of such outrageous abuses.

It is not entirely critical where we start. We had thought that Cheney should be impeached first, and he certainly deserves it the most. But Gonzales has barged so far over the line with outright perjury if not profoundly embarrassing professed incompetence it is a disgrace to our justice department every day he remains in office, his only purpose being to protect the flanks of the Cheney White House from accountability for their own crimes.

But what is critical is that we commence the process immediately. And what is most critical for us to do is to continue to speak out in greater and greater numbers, and in increasing frequency, to let our members of Congress know they cannot grandstand their way through another election puffing hot air. In November, they told us they were ready to lead. We must see that leadership NOW, or they will not get another chance.


We just took delivery on another 4,000 of the custom embroidered "IMPEACH CHENEY?" caps which tie into the National Cheney Impeachment Poll, which just broke 100,000 votes (Hooray!!). We'll be resuming mass shipments tomorrow, starting again with the East Coast. So if especially if you are in the NY/New England area, please get your request in ASAP if you want one in the next batch. If you want one for no charge please email back a request with a mailing address. But if you CAN make a donation, however modest, please do so using to the form below, which allows us to do all the other things we do, plus provide free caps to those who cannot donate right now.



Last night we heard Dennis Kucinich pull no punches about getting us out of NAFTA and all the other slanted so called "free trade" agreements, which are nothing more than freedom for unpatriotic corporations to exploit the most desperate labor they can find, anywhere in the world. This is the same Dennis Kucinich whose leadership made the entire impeachment movement a reality. Please make a contribution to him if you are in a position to do so to encourage him to keep standing strong on the issues.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved


Provision in Wiretap Bill Extends Surveillance to End of '08

Katherine Shrader reports for The Associated Press that, thanks to a little-noticed provision of the FISA bill, the Bush administration's new eavesdropping power may last longer than six months. While the law expires in February unless Congress acts to extend it, any surveillance orders that are in place when it sunsets can last up to a full year, for the rest of Bush's tenure.



August 07 Execution Alert

August 15: Kenneth Parr, TX

August 21: Frank Welch, OK

August 22: Johnny Conner, TX

August 23: Luther Williams, AL

August 28: DaRoyce Mosley, TX

August 29: John Amador, TX

August 30: Kenneth Foster, TX

Das Kartell: Im Würgegriff der Energiekonzerne


The Earth fights back


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Hartz IV für Wissenschaftler

Ohne Privatdozenten und Lehrbeauftragte könnte kaum noch eine deutsche Universität existieren. Doch der Großteil von ihnen kann von den Honoraren nicht leben. Dass Lehrbeauftragte Hartz IV ...

Mehr unter...

Ratgeber-Special: Überwachung 2.0


Arbeitslosengeld II und Sozialhilfe müssen an steigende Preise angepasst werden

Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband fordert: Arbeitslosengeld II und Sozialhilfe müssen an steigende Preise angepasst werden

„Eine deutliche Erhöhung des Arbeitslosengeldes II und der Sozialhilfe fordert der Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband anlässlich der angekündigten drastischen Preiserhöhungen für Lebensmittel. Die jährliche Fortschreibung der Hartz-IV-Regelsätze müsse sich wieder an den Lebenshaltungskosten orientieren und nicht an der Entwicklung des Rentenwerts, wie derzeit praktiziert…“ Pressemitteilung vom 31.7.07 http://www.infothek.paritaet.org/pid/fachinfos.nsf/65e974296cf7e729c12569f9007071a6/53f3627f78f168d9c12573290058ebf2!OpenDocument

Aber gereicht hat es bekanntlich auch vorher nicht!

Weltweit gegen Spekulation und Zwangsräumung. Internationale Kampagne gegen Spekulation und Zwangsräumung von Oktober 2007 - Ende Januar 2008

Mehrere internationale Netzwerke haben dazu aufgerufen, im Oktober eine weltweite Kampagne für das Recht auf Wohnen und gegen Zwangsräumungen sowie die Immobilienspekulation zu starten. Bei einem Treffen städtischer Sozialbewegungen am Rande der G8-Proteste in Rostock einigten sich Organisationen aus verschiedenen Ländern, in der ersten Oktoberwoche öffentlichkeitswirksame Aktionen in mehreren europäischen und lateinamerikanischen Städten durchzuführen. Bei einem Treffen städtischer Sozialbewegungen am Rande der G8-Proteste in Rostock einigten sich Organisationen aus verschiedenen Ländern, in der ersten Oktoberwoche öffentlichkeitswirksame Aktionen in mehreren europäischen und lateinamerikanischen Städten durchzuführen. Dabei sollen die Themen "Wohnungsnot und Ausgrenzung", "internationale Immobilienspekulation" und "Wiederaneignung ungenutzter Räume" verbunden werden. Denkbar sind "symbolische und wirkliche" Haus- und Landbesetzungen. In Deutschland wollen Organisationen aus der Mieter-, der Obdachlosen- und der Arbeitslosenbewegung zusammenarbeiten. Ein zusätzliches Thema sind "Zwangsumzüge" durch Hartz IV. Siehe dazu Informationen im Habitat Netz: http://www.habitants.de/de/kampagnen/g807/aktuell/index.php/art_00001591

Arbeitslosengeld II reicht nicht für gesunde Kinderernährung. Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung legt umfangreiche Studie vor.“

„Das Arbeitslosengeld (ALG) II reicht nicht aus, um Kinder und Jugendliche ausgewogen zu ernähren. Zu diesem Schluss kommt das Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung (FKE) der Universität Bonn in einer umfangreichen Studie. Demnach veranschlagt der Gesetzgeber für Nahrung und Getränke bei 14- bis 18-Jährigen lediglich 3,42 Euro pro Tag. Selbst wer nur beim Discounter kauft, muss jedoch im Schnitt 4,68 Euro täglich hinblättern, um den Appetit eines Teenagers mit ausgewogener Kost zu stillen. Das FKE empfiehlt, das Arbeitslosengeld entsprechend anzupassen…“ Pressemitteilung vom 01.08.2007 http://kunden.interface-medien.de/fke/content.php?bereich=presse&seite=seiten/start_presse.php

Aus: LabourNet, 7. August 2007


The bipartisan war on liberty

Classically Liberal
by CLS


So, some people think there will be major changes when the Democrats take power. Some people are fools. … Democratic Senate Majority leader Harry Reid pontificated that ‘My Republican colleagues chose to rubber-stamp a flawed administration proposal.’ Harry! That couldn’t pass the Senate where you are the majority leader without the support of Democrats. Democratic control of the houses of Congresses don’t appear to be much of a hindrance to the Imperial Presidency. But then why should it? The Democrats figure they will be picking the next Emperor. And then all those lovely little powers will be theirs to use. The seesaw between Democrats and Republicans is a seesaw between competing tyrannies...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Cheerful boos for Hillary

by Michael Scherer


The most self-controlled figure in Democratic politics, Hillary Clinton, seemed to know from the outset that she was walking into a trap. The cavernous ballroom of the Hyatt Regency was filled with about 1,500 liberal bloggers and activists — the so-called Kossacks, the former Deaniacs, the people-powered Joe Lieberman-bashers who helped reshape the Democratic Party for the 21st century. So when the loud boos finally arrived, a full hour into the Democratic presidential debate at the second annual YearlyKos convention Saturday, and two hours after her arrival at the convention, all she could do was smile. ‘I’ve been waiting for this,’ she told the crowd. ‘This gives us a real sense of reality with my being here.’ Then something happened: The crowd started to laugh. Then it cheered. Then the cheering grew even louder than the booing...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Iraq War: We’re all fed up

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
by staff


In a gesture that says more to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the Bush administration that a million suicide bomb attacks could, the Sunni bloc quit the Iraqi Cabinet on Wednesday. That would be the same day that about 70 people died and 60 were injured in three attacks around Baghdad. Think about it — the Sunnis walked away from the process, taking away with them any hope of quelling sectarian violence any time in the near future, no matter how many troops we send over. That’s how fed up they are. The message is loud and clear: Take your benchmarks and … well you know the rest...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Why we must win

The Libertarian Enterprise
by A.X. Perez


Besides the not so minor detail that it threatens and can destroy peoples’ freedom, institutionalized tyranny is stupid, arrogant, and self righteous, traits that lead to self destruction, and possibly the destruction of the society the tyrants rule.To paraphrase Adam Baldwin in Serenity, “I don’t want to be destroyed.”And that is why we must defeat tyranny. Not only will it take away our freedom, it will ultimately committ an error that gets us and our posterity destroyed...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Environmental group aims to save the sky

Arizona Republic


An environmental advocacy group has put the sky up for ‘adoption’ to press the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for tougher smog standards. ‘Adopt the Sky’ is an online petition asking the EPA to approve stricter ozone pollution standards. The site then assigns signers a patch of polluted sky to symbolically adopt as their own. As of Friday, 336 miles of Arizona sky had been adopted. Ozone, a colorless, odorless gas, is at dangerous levels in metropolitan Phoenix. The sponsor, the Washington, D.C.-based non-profit Earthjustice, hopes to have 50,000 signatures by Oct. 9...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Sen. Clinton slammed for taking $400K from lobbyists



Democratic presidential front-runner Sen. Hillary Clinton is being taken to task by her two closest rivals for accepting $400,000 in campaign contributions from Washington lobbyists. Over the weekend, Clinton was booed by an audience of liberal bloggers in Chicago when she defended taking money from Washington lobbyists, something both Sen. Barack Obama and former Sen. John Edwards have vowed not to do...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


US intel is ‘absolutely incorrect’



Pakistani Ambassador Mahmud Ali Durrani, a scholar and former general, says the government of President Pervez Musharraf is being unfairly blamed for the failure of U.S. intelligence to locate Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri. In an interview last week with NEWSWEEK’s Michael Hirsh at Pakistan’s Embassy in Washington, Durrani attacked as erroneous the recent National Intelligence Estimate that concluded Al Qaeda has ‘regenerated key elements’ of its ability to attack the United States...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Phone mast 'No' is first for council

Rochdale Observer - UK PLANNERS scored a first this week by rejecting an application for a mobile phone mast on the grounds of crime and disorder.


Global-Warming Deniers: A Well-Funded Machine


Informant: NHNE

Children as young as five to be fingerprinted in schools

Schools can also take retina and iris scans and record children's voices, face shapes, hand measurements, handwriting and typing patterns.


From Information Clearing House

Russia Plans ICBM to Counter US Missile Shield

The Russian navy plans on producing a new submarine-based missile system in 2008. It is part of a big increase in the country's spending on research, development and procurement of weaponry, prompting fears of a new cold war.


From Information Clearing House


US lawmaker defends Mecca bombing comment

Fiery Republican presidential long-shot Tom Tancredo Sunday defended his suggestion that America should threaten to bomb Muslim holy sites in order to deter a nuclear attack on US soil.


From Information Clearing House


Republicans reserve right to strike inside Pakistan

Top Republican 2008 White House hopefuls on Sunday reserved the right to launch US strikes against Al Qaeda in Pakistan, and insisted on victory in Iraq, in a feisty fourth televised debate.


Pakistan not to allow foreign troops: Aziz

The Prime Minister said Pakistan is a sovereign country with full capability of protecting itself. He said its forces were going after those who wanted to destabilise the country or create trouble.


From Information Clearing House


Afghan president counters US rhetoric on Iranian role in country

Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a key US ally, contradicted US assessments of the threat posed by Iran and insisted in an interview aired Sunday that Tehran played a beneficial role in his region. "So far, Iran has been a helper and a solution"...


From Information Clearing House


30 Percent Of U.S. Weapons Missing In Iraq

A report released by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) of the U.S. says that the country's defense department could not track record of about 30 percent of the weapons distributed in Iraq over the past three years.


From Information Clearing House


Heroism And The Language Of Fascism

By Rosa Brooks

Civil service is commendable, but worshiping soldiers and police for doing their duty has gotten out of control.



Democracy Dreaming

By Joel S. Hirschhorn

We have arrived at a delusional democracy. Delusional because Americans overwhelmingly cannot admit the painful truth that their limited democracy no longer works for the good of most citizens. Instead, through corruption and dishonesty, our representative democracy has morphed into a plutocracy that serves the wealthy, power elites and corporate masters that control the political system and through that the economic system.



In Bush We Trust, Or Else...

By John Diaz

It doesn't require a subpoena of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales or a brave whistle-blower to find President Bush's latest affront to the U.S. Constitution. It's in plain view on the White House Web site: "Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq."



Freedom or Totalitarianism, The Choice Is Yours

By Sgt. Kevin Benderman

The apathetic American public needs to pull their heads out of the comfortable little hole in the sand where it has been for far too long and do something about the way our country is being stolen from us by an administration that has its well-being and only its well- being in mind.



America's Military Kids Are Latest Collateral Damage

Writing for The Women's Media Center, Stacy Bannerman says, "The children of the troops serving in Iraq are experiencing significant collateral damage at home, according to two staggering new reports on the occurrence of child maltreatment, neglect, and abuse during combat-related deployments."



Time to Boost Labor

Jolene Stevens, The Des Moines Register, writes: "John Edwards, citing the organized labor movement as 'the single best anti-poverty movement in history,' said Sunday that the nation needs 'a president who will stand up for the rights of workers, not just the big multinational companies.'"



Environmentalism for Billionaires

The American Prospect contributor Glenn Hurowitz says, "Lately, I've been inundated with phone calls from venture capitalists, private equity guys, and hedge fundistas. They're coming to me because I'm their environmentalist friend and they all want to know one thing: how they can make a buck off the surge in interest in combating global warming."



Interior Department Downgrades Everglades

John Heilprin of The Fresno Bee writes: "The Bush administration's hand in removing the Everglades from a United Nations list of endangered sites was denounced Friday by a Florida senator."



Why the Anti-War Movement Doesn't Embrace the Iraqi Resistance

Phyllis Bennis of The Institute for Policy Studies writes for AlterNet: "I have spent the last five years opposing the invasion and occupation of Iraq (and before that, a dozen years opposing an earlier war and genocidal US-led economic sanctions against Iraq). I spent - and still spend - weeks and months on the road, speaking at huge demonstrations and in tiny church basements, writing articles and talking points and whatever to help build and strengthen our movement. But I never supported Saddam Hussein, who was "resisting" the US during the sanctions years, and I didn't - and don't - support what is called 'the Iraqi resistance' today. What's the difference?"



Dispatches From the Other America

Part I

Charles E. Anderson served his country in Iraq as a Navy medic assigned to a Marine tank battalion. He witnessed firsthand the devastation inflicted by war. In March of 2006 Anderson joined other Iraq war veterans on a six-day march from Mobile to New Orleans to show his continued opposition to the war in Iraq and the government's mistreatment and abandonment of our own residents of the Gulf Coast. This year he returned to the Gulf Coast and filed this five-part report on the progress of reconstruction in the region.



Underwater Ticking Bomb?


Informant: radtimes

Ron Paul Champions Internet Freedom



Will the Economy Go Bust?


Informant: shane_digital

5.8GHz Microwave Masts for National Road Charging

Info from a well wisher:

5.8 GHz Dedicated short Range Communication (DSRC) systems for road charging.

After what I read about the mast illness is all in head, I thought I would write to you of something that would be of interest to your organisation.

I would like to inform you of Road Pricing System's infrastructure, nearly £500 million is being spent by the Dept for Transport. Reports which dismiss linkage between health and microwave radiation may be part of a propaganda war to soften the general public to a potential massive increase of microwave antennae to be used for National Road Charging.

The heart of the infrastructure relies on a very high capacity telecoms system. The Highway Agency calls this system the National Road Telecommunications System (NRTS). It is a very wide area fibre optic network with the intention on plugging in the EU standards for road charging transceiver equipment to interogate on-board vehicle transponders, a system known as tag-and-beacon. This is supplemented by the up and coming EU's version of GPS, "Galileo". Enforcement systems will also be using the system.

If the designs are approved, then there will be hundreds if not thousands of
5.8 GHz microwave masts along UK roads starting with the motorway networks. In the DfT Feasibility Reports, it only makes a brief mention of health and safety of the equipment. Higher frequencies mean wide bandwidth and the ability to pump out more energy. The new system will also cater for third parties to use the infrastucture - such as telephone companies. The emphaisi GSM/GPRS technology has been mooted, this may displace 5.8GHz DSRC transmission systems, but they will still use lower frequency microwave (sub 2GHz)

A lot of information can be found on The Association of British Drivers
(ABD) and Manchester Against Road Tolls (MART) websites. The have supplied information to the Sunday Telegraph which gives a detailed account of what is in store and de-mystifies the very technical and verbose DfT Feasibility Report.

Good luck in your campaign.



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