Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007

June 07 Execution Alert

Christopher Emmett is scheduled to be executed by the state of Virginia on June 13.

Michael Lambert is scheduled for execution on June 15, by the state of Indiana.

Read more about these and the other cases below -- and ACT!

Do Not Execute Christopher Emmett! The state of Virginia should not execute Christopher Emmett for the April 2001 murder of Christopher Langley. Emmett claims ineffective assistance of counsel, since his trial counsel never presented his mental health history to the jury. The Virginia Supreme Court unanimously wrote, ""it is clear that [Emmett's] trial counsel was ineffective."

ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Tim Kaine requesting that he stop the execution of Christopher Emmett!

Read More and Take Action at: http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11633

Do Not Execute Michael Lambert! On June 15, Indiana is set to execute Michael Lambert for the December 1990 murder of Officer Gregg Winters. The jury may have been exposed improperly to victim impact evidence, and the defense did no present a fully mental history of Lambert during their mitigation argument. Currently, Lambert is a party in a federal lawsuit challenging the legality of the state's lethal injection protocol.

ACT NOW by contacting Gov. Mitch Daniels requesting that Michael Lambert's execution be halted!

Read More and Take Action at: http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11739

See and act on all current Execution Alerts at http://www.ncadp.org/execution_alerts.html

June 6: Michael Griffith, TX http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11632

June 13: Christopher Emmett, VA http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11633

June 13: Cathy Henderson, TX http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=7134

June 15: Michael Lambert, IN http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11739

June 20: Lionel Rodriguez, TX http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11634

June 21: Gilberto Reyes, TX http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11635

June 22: Calvin Shuler, SC http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11765

June 26: Patrick Knight, TX http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11636

June 26: Jimmy Dale Bland, OK http://www.demaction.org/dia/organizations/ncadp/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=11638

Peering Through Chinks in the Armor of High-Tech Elections

Virtually everything about elections should be public and transparent. But somehow, secrecy has come to cloak many aspects of elections.


Will Electronic Voting Reform Create New Ways to Steal Elections?

Political manipulation of the process - on top of flawed election machinery - was the determining factor in Florida's presidential election in 2000, in Ohio in 2004, in Illinois in 1960, and in other earlier presidential elections.


Guantanamo Trials in Chaos After Judge Throws Out Two Cases

The Bush administration's plans to bring detainees at Guantanamo Bay to trial were thrown into chaos yesterday when military judges threw out all charges against a detainee held there since he was 15, and dismissed charges against another detainee who chauffeured Osama bin Laden.






Urge your assemblymember to vote Yes for global warming and water conservation bills

The California Assembly is considering two important bills that would help the state fight global warming and conserve precious water resources.

AB 493 represents a common-sense, market-based solution to global warming. The bill would provide one-time rebates on the purchase of the cleanest new vehicles. The rebates would be funded by one-time surcharges on new vehicles with the highest global warming emissions. Several vehicles, including many family-oriented minivans and smaller SUVs, would fall into a "zero band" receiving neither a surcharge nor a rebate.

Another bill, AB 1420, would require water agencies to implement conservation measures, including programs targeting large landscapes and commercial, industrial and residential water use, in order to receive state grants or loans. The bill also would give special recognition to agencies that achieve a higher standard of excellence in water conservation.

Both of these bills must pass out of the Assembly by this Friday, but opponents have redoubled their efforts to stop them.

== What to do ==
Send a message today urging your assemblymember to vote "Yes" on AB 493 and AB 1420.

== Contact information ==
You can contact your assemblymember directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action/


Urge your state senator to vote Yes for clean air and global warming bills

The California Senate is holding marathon sessions this week to meet Friday's deadline for passing bills to send on to their next stop in the Assembly. Two particularly important environmental bills would implement last year's historic global warming law and clean up air pollution at state ports.

The first bill, SB 375, would provide incentives to communities that plan for compact development that reduces driving and conserves farmland and wildlife habitat. Preparing properly for expected population growth and related transportation infrastructure could have a huge impact on whether California can meet the global warming targets established by the Global Warming Solutions Act. SB 375 would promote land use and transportation planning that reduces, rather than contributes to, global warming pollution.

SB 974 would reduce air pollution caused by the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland, which receive more than half the goods shipped to retailers throughout the entire country. Such huge amounts of cargo transport generate staggering levels of air pollution and associated health problems, including asthma, cancer and premature death. SB 974 would collect a $30 fee on each shipping container processed through the three ports to fund measures to reduce pollution, including plugging in ships to electric power and upgrading port equipment to use cleaner fuels.

Both SB 375 and SB 974 are opposed by big business and industry groups, so state senators need to hear that their constituents support these two key environmental protection bills.

== What to do ==
Send a message right away urging your state senator to vote Yes on SB 375 and SB 974.

== Contact information ==
You can contact your state senator directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action/


Speak out for a state budget that protects California's environment

California's legislative leaders and Governor Schwarzenegger are meeting this month to craft a state budget for next year. State officials continue to grapple with budget shortfalls and rely increasingly on bonds to fund key environmental programs. Bond funding helps, but we still need long-term funding to best protect the state's air and water quality and other natural resources.

Legislators must ensure that state agencies charged with implementing California's landmark Global Warming Solutions Act have sufficient resources and accountability to do the job. In order to meet the goals of the act, they also must reject the governor's proposal to strip more than $1.3 billion from public transit.

In addition, legislators should support funding to add more fish and game wardens, especially for coastal waters. These wardens are the front line of defense in protecting California's wildlife and water quality, but currently there are only 200 wardens for the entire state. And legislators should support funds to restore the San Joaquin River, but reject funding for costly and environmentally destructive dams.

== What to do ==
Send a message urging legislative leaders and Governor Schwarzenegger to develop and pass a state budget that protects our environment and helps reduce global warming pollution.

== Contact information ==
You can send a message directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action/ or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-4633
Email: governor@governor.ca.gov

Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata
State Capitol, Room 205
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-327-1997
Email: Senator.Perata@sen.ca.gov

Senator Dick Ackerman
State Capitol, Room 305
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-9754
Email: Senator.Ackerman@sen.ca.gov

Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0046
Fax: 916-319-2146
Email: Assemblymember.nunez@assembly.ca.gov

Assemblymember Mike Villines
State Capitol, Room 3104
Sacramento, CA 94249-0029
Fax: 916-319-2129
Email: Assemblymember.villines@assembly.ca.gov

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Protect California's environment and reduce global warming in the state budget

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger, Senator Perata, Senator Ackerman, Speaker Nunez and Assemblymember Villines,

As you consider the state's budget, I urge you to provide adequate funding for programs that protect the environment and combat global warming.

Specifically, I urge you to approve funding for implementation of AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act, and to restore the $1.3 billion for public transit that was proposed to be redirected to other purposes in the governor's budget.

California should continue to fund restoration of the great San Joaquin River, and should increase funds for more fish and game wardens who protect our wildlife and public lands every day. But please reject expenditures of public funds on shortsighted, expensive and environmentally destructive dams; less costly alternatives are available.

California's natural resources and innovative environmental solutions promote a thriving economy by attracting tourists and spurring investment in clean, efficient technologies. Again, I urge you to pass a budget that protects and funds programs critical to a clean and healthy environment for all Californians.


[Your name and address]

Don't let California's delta smelt disappear forever

A cute little fish with a funny-sounding name, the delta smelt is found only in the open waters of the San Francisco Bay-Delta, the west coast's largest estuary and a major source of drinking water for more than 23 million Californians. But the Bay-Delta is approaching the brink of collapse, as pollution, habitat loss, invasive species and increased water diversions imperil the ecosystem's future.

Delta smelt populations are a crucial barometer of estuary health; the loss of the fish would indicate irreversible damage to the Bay-Delta and could signal the potential extinctions of other delta fish species. Spring trawl surveys found just 25 juvenile smelt this year, the smallest number ever recorded and 92 percent fewer than the previous record low in 2006. But as this important fish faces the brink of extinction, state agencies are evading their legal obligations and failing to take action to protect the few smelt that remain.

Despite the smelt's astonishing population decline, California officials have allowed record levels of water to be pumped from the Delta without a required permit. To add insult to injury, the smelt's decline was preventable. Scientists have been warning state officials for more than three years that the smelt population was perilously low, and have recommended specific management measures -- many of which were ignored.

California has a proud history of environmental stewardship and a right to expect state agencies to show strong leadership in defending our natural resources, something our agencies are presently failing to do. Although Governor Schwarzenegger has made developing a long-term plan for the delta a priority for his administration, to date he has not directed state agencies to implement efforts to reverse the decline of the smelt and the Delta ecosystem.

== What to do ==
Send a message urging Governor Schwarzenegger to instruct state agencies to act now to save the delta smelt from extinction.

== Contact Information ==
You can send a message to Governor Schwarzenegger directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at http://www.nrdc.org/action/ or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-445-4633
Email: governor@governor.ca.gov

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Save the delta smelt

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,

I am seriously concerned about the decline of the delta smelt, the broader deterioration of the critically important San Francisco Bay-Delta ecosystem and the irresponsible behavior of state agencies in failing to respond adequately to this crisis.

The delta smelt is a key indicator of the health of the west coast's largest estuary, which is an important source of drinking water for millions of Californians. The smelt's extinction would mark a dramatic environmental protection failure and would signal the broader decline of the delta. This extinction, the first in California in the last quarter century, would be a particular tragedy because state agencies have played a critical role in the smelt's decline.

The smelt is just one of many imperiled delta fish. Actions to protect the delta could also protect Chinook salmon, green sturgeon and other endangered and threatened species, as well as increase the reliability of water supplies from the delta. Specifically, I urge you to:

** fully implement the water management actions recommended by the scientific community, including the Delta Smelt Working Group;

** require those who draw water from the Delta to ensure that a sufficient amount of water remains so that the smelt can recover;

** immediately halt discretionary "surplus" pumping of water from the Delta;

** instruct your agencies to comply fully with the requirements of the California Endangered Species Act; and

** direct the Department of Water Resources to develop a long-term plan to meet California's water needs while reducing delta diversions.

Losing the delta smelt would be an irreparable blow to California's environment. I urge you to immediately take all necessary measures to prevent its extinction and ensure its recovery.


[Your name and address]

Save Algonquin!

Click here if you want it to stop!


Plant trees, lots of them, you can never plant enough!

Experts Cast Doubt on Credibility of JFK Terror Plot

US authorities said Saturday they had averted an attack at New York's JFK airport to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines that could have resulted in "unfathomable damage, deaths and destruction." But according to the National Transportation Safety Board, it would have been next to impossible to cause an explosion in the jet fuel tanks and pipelines. It may likely have sparked a fire but little else, and certainly not the mass carnage authorities described.


Jury Indicts Representative Jefferson in Bribery Probe

Representative William J. Jefferson was indicted today in a long-standing FBI corruption probe centering on allegations that he took bribes to promote high-tech business ventures in Africa.



House approves speedy Jefferson probe

Eau Claire Leader-Telegram


The House ordered a speedy internal investigation that could oust indicted Rep. William J. Jefferson from Congress before his bribery trial. Mindful of anti-corruption sentiment among voters last November, the House passed two resolutions Tuesday that require the ethics committee to investigate charges more quickly than in the past...


Following William Jefferson to the bank

National Review
by Stephen Spruiell


At least one former official at the U.S. Export-Import Bank took money from a Nigerian businessman involved in the bribery schemes of Rep. William Jefferson (D, La.), who was indicted on Monday. The indictment reveals that the Ex-Im Bank played an important role in Jefferson’s plan to perform a number of official acts in exchange for cash and shares of stock from a U.S. company seeking to do business in Nigeria. The U.S. Department of Justice maintains that the investigation into Jefferson’s activities is ‘continuing;’ presumably that includes a closer look at the Bank’s role (a DOJ spokesman will not confirm or deny this). But what we already know about the way the Bank operates should be enough to prompt congressional hearings into whether we need an institution like the Ex-Im Bank at all...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Inaction on Iraq Hurting Democrats

Growing frustration with the performance of the Democratic Congress, combined with widespread public pessimism over President Bush's temporary troop buildup in Iraq, has left satisfaction with the overall direction of the country at its lowest point in more than a decade, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.


Global Warming Bush, How to Call His Bluff

Kelpie Wilson writes: "The reaction of world leaders and environmentalists to Bush's announcement last week that he has a global warming plan (with no targets and no timelines) was mostly skeptical.... His announcement is an attempt to subvert the global effort to fight climate change.... Democrats should pass global warming legislation that repeals Bush's tax cuts for the rich and uses the funds to pay for energy efficiency audits for homes and businesses, rebates and tax incentives for improving energy efficiency, and training for efficiency technicians.... We need to make this kind of public investment, and we need to make it fast."



Stop ORVs from Overrunning the Owyhee Mountains


Aktionstag gegen Krieg und Militarismus

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

05. Juni 2007

Zum morgigen Beginn des G8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm erklären Christine Buchholz, Mitglied im Geschäftsführenden Bundesvorstand der WASG, und Wolfgang Gehrcke, Mitglied im Parteivorstand der Linkspartei.PDS:

Der Protest gegen die Kriegspolitik und die Forderung nach Beendigung der deutschen Auslandseinsätze stehen für Linkspartei.PDS, WASG und für die Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag ganz oben bei den Aktionen gegen das G8-Treffen. Der offizielle G8-Gipfel will nicht öffentlich über die Kriege in der Welt reden; die globalisierungskritische Bewegung aber fordert das Ende dieser Kriege. "Not welcome, Mr. Bush" wird es heute tausendfach dem US-Präsidenten entgegen schallen. "Deutsche Truppen raus aus Afghanistan", "Schluss mit der Unterstützung des Krieges im Irak", "Kein Krieg gegen den Iran", "US-Atomwaffen aus Deutschland abziehen" an diesen Forderungen einer Bevölkerungsmehrheit kommt die Bundesregierung nicht vorbei. Die deutsche Kriegspolitik hat noch eine Mehrheit im Bundestag, aber nicht mehr im Land. Im September und Oktober 2007 wird der Bundestag erneut über den Afghanistaneinsatz entscheiden (Tornado, ISAF und OEF). Die Friedensbewegung plant für den 15. September eine bundesweite Friedensdemonstration in Berlin. Linkspartei, WASG und die Fraktion DIE LINKE. begrüßen diesen Protest. Der Bundestag wird mit der Mehrheitsmeinung der Bevölkerung konfrontiert. G8-Staaten, allen voran die USA, verantworten die Kriege in der Welt, Tausende Tote und Verletzte und Millionen von Flüchtlingen. Deutschland unterstützt diese Kriege. G8 das ist Aufrüstung und Bruch des Völkerrechts. Der G8-Gipfel will nicht über das US-Raketensystem in Polen und Tschechien reden und schweigt zu Guantanamo. DIE LINKE sagt Nein zu neuen Waffen und Raketensystemen, Guantanamo muss sofort aufgelöst werden, ebenso alle weiteren geheimen US-Gefängnisse. Krieg ist das größte Menschheitsverbrechen.



31.703 Unterschriften in Eis

Campact-News 11/07 Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,,

eine gelungene Aktion liegt hinter uns: Als die europäischen Umweltminister am vergangenen Samstag in der Zeche Zollverein in Essen eintrafen, erwartete sie eine in der Morgensonne schmelzende, 5 Meter breite Eiswand mit dem Schriftzug "ZEIT ZU HANDELN". Darin eingefroren: die Namen von 31.703 Unterzeichner/innen des Klima-Appells. Umweltminister Sigmar Gabriel nahm die Unterschriften entgegen - begleitet von einem Blitzlichtgewitter der Journalisten.

Impressionen der Aktion hat wieder der Filmemacher Patrick Protz eingefangen.

Schauen Sie sich den Aktionsfilm an: http://www.campact.de/klima/aktionsblog2
Photostrecke: http://www.campact.de/klima/bilder
Aktionsverlauf nachlesen: http://www.campact.de/klima/aktionsblog

Die Aktion hat zu Beginn der Endphase der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft ein wichtiges Zeichen gesetzt. Die Bundesregierung darf die Pläne der EU-Kommission zur Entflechtung der Energiemärkte nicht länger blockieren. Auch beim Flugverkehr und bei Grenzwerten für den CO2-Ausstoß von Neuwagen kommt es sehr auf die deutsche Position an.

Leider haben nur wenige Medien (Handelsblatt, N24, WDR, Westfälische Nachrichten) über die Aktion berichtet. Die Ausschreitungen während der G8-Demonstration in Rostock haben in der Presse vom Montag alles dominiert: Das Treffen der EU-Umweltminister fand keine Erwähnung. Dennoch: Für die Politiker und alle Anwesenden war die schmelzende Wand ein wichtiges Symbol, das sich einprägt.

Wir möchten allen danken, die die schöne Aktion ermöglicht haben - mit Ihrer Unterstützung in Essen, mit Ihren Spenden und indem Sie im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis Tausende Unterzeichner/innen gewannen.

Der Klima-Appell kann noch bis zum 21.6., dem Treffen der Europäischen Staats- und Regierungschefs, unterschrieben werden.

Viele Grüße

Günter Metzges
Campact - Demokratie in Aktion ( http://www.campact.de )

Bush kürzt Mittel für Klimaforschung


Iran: Past the paranoia

The American Conservative
by Peter Hitchens


In the great square at Esfahan, I talked to a group of teenage girls about to graduate from high school — one strictly veiled, one less so, one whose scarf was subversively far back on her head. They all thought war was coming, all believed that the U.S. was not a truly free country and that Iranians and Muslims were persecuted and mistreated there. These opinions arose from state-sponsored ignorance and were fanned by our own militant hostility. The students were not in themselves hostile to the West — like almost all Iranians, they yearned to live there. They were personally friendly and open to me. But they warned that an attack on Iran would drive them closer to their government. And this was not just their view. I heard the same from many far more liberal-minded and skeptical. Before the Iraq War, many such people were all but wishing for an American invasion to free them from the ayatollahs. But having seen what American liberation has done for Iraq and Afghanistan, they have turned away from any such thoughts. The Islamic leadership knows this and is glad of the threats and grumbling coming from Washington...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Two threats to liberty

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

There are two clear and present dangers to liberty in America. One is known as the left, and the other is known as the right. They are dangerous because they seek to use government to mold society into a form they seek, rather than the form that liberty achieves if society is left on its own. I’m going to assume that the left and the right come to their views sincerely, that their passion for using government is driven by some fear that the absence of government would yield catastrophe. So the burden of my talk today will be to identify and explain the common thread that connects the worldview of the left and the right, and suggest that they are both wrong about the capacity of society, whether it is defined locally or internationally, to manage itself... (speech given 06/01/07; published 06/05/07)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


impf-report Newsletter Nr. 12/2007


G8: Gewalt und Berichterstattung

G8-Kritiker "Internationale" gesungen: Festnahme


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

05. Juni 2007

Deeskalation ist angesagt

Zur Ankündigung, gegen DemonstrantInnen hart durchgreifen zu wollen und zu den verschiedenen Vorschlägen, die Polizei weiter aufzurüsten, erklärt die stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Linkspartei.PDS, Katina Schubert:

1000 verletzte PolizistInnen und DemonstrantInnen sind eine deutliche Mahnung an die Sicherheitsbehörden und DemonstrantInnen, die Proteste gegen den G 8-Gipfel friedlich zu organisieren und weiterzuführen. Beide Seiten, Polizei und der sogenannte Schwarze Block, sind gefordert, zu deeskalieren und auch rhetorisch abzurüsten. Deshalb sind auch die vielfältigen Einfälle einzelner PolitikerInnen nicht hilfreich, die Polizei noch martialischer auszurüsten oder ihnen mehr Eingriffsbefugnisse zu erteilen. Die Polizeibeamtinnen und -beamten haben ein berechtigtes Interesse, sich im Einsatz vor Verletzungen und Übergriffen zu schützen. Dazu bedarf es defensiver Ausrüstung. Gummigeschosse und ähnliches sind nicht defensiv, sondern gefährlich und werden die Gewalt- und Gefährdungsspirale nur nach oben treiben. Die geltende Gesetzeslage ist im Übrigen völlig ausreichend, um mit gewalttätigen DemonstrantInnen umzugehen.


#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

05. Juni 2007

Kein neuer Rüstungswettlauf in Europa

Im Vorfeld des G8-Gipfels ist der Ton zwischen Putin und Bush bezüglich des umstrittenen US-amerikanischen Raketenabwehrsystems in Polen und Tschechien schärfer geworden. Während Präsident Putin gestern militärische Konsequenzen ankündigte, wird der amerikanische Präsident heute in Prag versuchen, Nägel mit Köpfen zu machen. Dazu erklärt Helmut Scholz, Mitglied des Parteivorstandes der Linkspartei.PDS und des Vorstandes der Partei der Europäischen Linken:

Nicht nur die USA und Russland haben unterschiedliche Ansichten dazu, wie Sicherheit in der Welt gefestigt werden kann. Normalerweise sind unterschiedliche Ansichten unter Freunden und als solche bezeichnen sich auch diese beiden Präsidenten kein Problem. Sie sind durch Gespräche und Verhandlungen zu lösen. Das eigentliche Problem besteht darin, dass hier versucht wird, alte Denkweisen um imperiale Vormacht mit militärischen Mitteln durchzusetzen. Vermeintlich meint die Bush-Administration diese zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt auch gegenüber Russland durchsetzen zu können: wie anderswo in der Welt. Aber Russland selbst will seine Interessen wahren - und verfügt dazu über genügend eigene militärische Kapazitäten. Während nun also beide Präsidenten Sicherheit militärisch, notfalls auch mit Atomwaffen herstellen wollen, bleibt aller Erfahrungen zum Trotz die Erkenntnis auf der Strecke, dass mehr Waffen die Welt nicht sicherer, sondern unsicherer machen. Es droht eine neue Rüstungsspirale mit all den negativen Auswirkungen für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, v.a. wiederum im Bereich der Massenvernichtungs- und neuen technolgischen Waffen-Systeme. Und der europäische Kontinent droht erneut - wie zu Zeiten des kalten Krieges gespalten zu werden. Die EU hält sich bislang vornehm zurück und lässt die USA und die NATO schalten und walten. Das ist nicht hinnehmbar. Nicht Konfrontation, sondern gegenseitige Achtung und Zusammenarbeit sind notwendig. Die Linke fordert Bundeskanzlerin Merkel als G8-Vorsitzende auf, während des Gipfels die geplanten US-amerikanischen Raketenabwehrpläne nicht nur zu thematisieren sondern beide Präsidenten aufzufordern, diese neuen militärischen Planungen unverzüglich zu beenden. Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Europa wollen kein neues Raketenabwehrschild. Sie wollen v.a. auch keinen neuen Rüstungswettlauf. Das haben mehr als 70 Prozent der Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Tschechien und Polen, die die geplante Raketenabwehr auf ihrem Territorium ablehnen, mit zahlreichen friedlichen Demonstrationen und Referenden bestätigt. Erst gestern hat die tschechische Bevölkerung dies Präsident Bush bei seiner Ankunft deutlich gezeigt. Und dies trifft auch auf Deutschland und viele andere Länder zu. Heute und in den nächsten Tagen werden sich deshalb wie seit vergangenem Sonnabend auch weiterhin zehntausende Menschen in und um Heiligendamm ihnen anschließen.



Gewalt und Berichterstattung

Die Steinewerfer und Brandstifter von Rostock haben den Medien einen Freibrief dafür ausgestellt, die Gewalt von Staatsbediensteten zu bagatellisieren.


Montag in Rostock

Erlebnisbericht eines unbeteiligten Bewohners der umkämpften Stadt


Androhung staatlicher Gewalt: Polizei kündigt niedrige Eingriffsschwelle bei Gewalt an

Kurz vor Beginn des G8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm hat die Polizei eine niedriger Eingriffsschwelle angekündigt. Zwar halte man an der Deeskalation fest. "Aber es ist natürlich klar, dass wir eine niedrige Eintrittsschwelle haben, wenn es um Gewaltstraftaten geht", sagte der Polizeisprecher Axel Falkenberg vom Planungsstab "Kavala" am 5. Juni im ZDF-"Morgenmagazin". "Die entsprechenden Techniken sind sofort da", Maßnahmen würden "sofort" ergriffen. Gipfelgegner kündigten unterdessen an, im Rahmen einer geplanten Blockade auf mögliche "Polizeigewalt" nicht mit "Gegengewalt" zu reagieren. Die Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft kündigte einen möglichen Einsatz von Schusswaffen an. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigte am 5. Juni die Beschränkung von zwei Demonstrationen auf lediglich 50 beziehungsweise 15 Teilnehmer.


Radio für 16.000 Polizeikräfte Polizei testet zum G8-Gipfel eigenen Info-Kanal

Das Projekt erinnert ein wenig an Radiosender des US-Militärs, mit denen die eigenen Soldaten im Krieg mit Musik, Infotainment und Durchhalteparolen bei Laune gehalten werden sollen. Mit einem eigenen Radio-Info-Kanal testet die Polizei während des G8-Gipfels im Großraum Rostock erstmals in Deutschland die regelmäßige Ausstrahlung von "Informationen" über Großveranstaltungen für ihre Beamten. Der "Radiosender für Einsatzkräfte" werde seit einer Woche vom Planungsstab "Kavala" betrieben und stoße bei den rund 16.000 Polizeikräften auf eine überwiegend positive Resonanz, sagte ein Polizeisprecher am 5. Juni in Rostock.



Opferzahlen der Randale in Rostock weit übertrieben?

Offenbar muss von den über 150 verletzten Berliner Polizisten nach der "Orgie der Gewalt" am 2. Juni nur einer stationär behandelt werden, die Zahl von tausend Verletzten, mit denen Politik gemacht wird, sind vermutlich weit übertrieben.



Great photos at NYTs coverage of the Group 8 protests

Informant: Bob Banner


Durchbruch bei Heiligendamm

Die Globalisierungsgegner feiern den erfolgreichen Sturm auf den Zaun von Heiligendamm, das Bundesverfassungsgericht verbietet den Sternmarsch und bezeichnet das Sicherheitskonzept der Polizei als verfassungswidrig.



Teure Show, arme Welt: Wer kann sich diesen Gipfel leisten?

Verwirrung um Verletztenzahlen

Misshandelt die Polizei Demonstranten?

Polizei wollte laut Demonstranten gezielt provozieren

Der Polizist, der "Rauf auf die Bullen" schrie

"Klein-Guantanamo" in Rostock


Anwälte kritisieren Käfighaltung von Gefangenen

Jean Ziegler bei Gegengipfel: Gottesdienst der G- 8-Kritik

G-8-GIPFEL: Pannen im Paralleluniversum

Demonstranten direkt am Zaun


G 8 spezial


The Affirmations of Humanism: A Statement of Principles


Informant: Corey

Cheney SECRETLY Schemes To Start Iran War By Himself

The New York Times and CBS News are confirming a story we had already heard that Cheney is determined to suck the U.S. into a shooting war with Iran, provoked through back channels with Israel, if he can't force that policy on Bush any other way. We are in greater danger of the strategic debacle in the Middle East spinning even more wildly out of control every day that Congress does not confront the monstrous malignancy in the office of the vice president in particular.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment.php

Vote yes, or else vote no. Nearly 60,000 have already. It could save all of our lives. It could save YOUR live, all of it. Help turn the National Cheney Impeachment Poll into a national phenomenon. That's where we are going with this. We can do it with your help. All we have to do is get enough people to say he SHOULD be impeached, and he will be impeached.

The situation is so extreme that The New York Times published an editorial yesterday, and we quote from just some of its conclusions below. How can anyone read these words of alarm and not be at LEAST motivated to at express an OPINION? They are finally speaking out. How about you? Please note, destruction of official vice presidential records is a CRIME, and that's just the latest!


New York Times Editorial
June 3, 2007

The Associated Press reported that Mr. Cheney's office ordered the Secret Service last September to destroy all records of visitors to the official vice presidential mansion right after The Washington Post sued for access to the logs. That move was made in secret, naturally. It came out only because of another lawsuit, filed by a private group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, seeking the names of conservative religious figures who visited the vice president's residence

This disdain for accountability is distressing, but not surprising. Mr. Cheney has had it on display from his first days in office, when he refused to name the energy-industry executives who met with him behind closed doors to draft an energy policy.

In a similar way, Mr. Cheney seems unconcerned about little things like checks and balances and traditional American notions of judicial process. At one point, he gave himself the power to selectively declassify documents and selectively leak them to reporters. In a recent commencement address, he declaimed against prisoners who had the gall to demand the protections of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States.

Mr. Cheney is the driving force behind the Bush administration's theory of the unitary executive, which holds that no one, including Congress and the courts, has the power to supervise or regulate the actions of the president. Just as he pays little attention to old-fangled notions of the separation of powers, Mr. Cheney does not overly bother himself about the bright line that should exist between his last job as chief of the energy giant Halliburton and his current one on the public payroll.

>From 2001 to 2005, Mr. Cheney received deferred salary payments from Halliburton that far exceeded what taxpayers gave him. Mr. Cheney still holds hundreds of thousands of stock options that have ballooned by millions of dollars as Halliburton profited handsomely from the war in Iraq.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


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Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll

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'Contractors' are potentially a 'modern Praetorian Guard'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Dems Promote the Innocent Bystander Fable At CNN Debate


I subjected myself to the torture that was the Democratic presidential primary debate last night, and came away thinking one thing: Many of the people on that stage really do not understand why the American public has often thought Democrats are weak.


From Information Clearing House

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.


From Information Clearing House


Press misinformation on China's military power

US fears over China long-range missiles", ran The Financial Times' front page headline last week and an eight column spread rammed the message home, that Washington is becoming worried that China is deploying mobile land and sea-base missiles that have the range to hit the US.


Chinese military build-up purely defensive'

China's military build-up is purely defensive, the deputy chief of the world's biggest standing army said on Saturday, amid US concerns over Beijing's intentions.


From Information Clearing House

Key U.S. base in Central Asia threatened

When Defense Secretary Robert Gates visits next week, he'll find pressure from Russia and China, as well as some Kyrgyz officials, to close this Central Asian outpost of American military might.


From Information Clearing House


CIA running black propaganda operation against Iran, Syria and Lebanon, officials say

The Central Intelligence Agency has received approval at least twice in the last several years to conduct an "information war" against several countries in the Middle East, including Iran, Lebanon and Syria, according to current and former intelligence officials.


From Information Clearing House

Iran Vows Large-Scale Retaliation if U.S. Attacks

If U.S. forces strike Iranian nuclear facilities, Iranian officials say Tehran will respond by triggering all-out regional war.


From Information Clearing House

Hillary shifts right with talk of military strike on Iran

A tough-talking Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday suggested she would back a military strike on Iran if that country's radical Islamic government attempts to build nuclear weapons.


From Information Clearing House


No evidence Iran moving weapons to Taliban: Gates

U S Defence Secretary Robert Gates said today the United States has no evidence Iran's government is behind a flow of weapons from Iran to Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.


Manufacturing Consent For War With Iran: Gates

Taliban Fighters Use Iran Weapons

"There have been indications over the past few months of weapons coming in from Iran," Gates told reporters with Karzai at his side. "We do not have any information about whether the government of Iran is supporting this, is behind it, or whether it's smuggling."


Afghan Minister Dismisses Burn's Claims About Iran/Taliban Links

Afghanistan's defense minister today dismissed claims by State Department undersecretary Nicholas Burns and Defense Secretary Robert Gates that the Iranian government was arming the Taliban.


From Information Clearing House


Understanding America's Terrorist Crisis: What Should Be Done?

Video: Gore Vidal

Filmed before a live audience, renowned author Gore Vidal rejects the blind "patriotism" expected by government officials and the mainstream media, and investigates U.S. foreign policy throughout recent history, showing how it has contributed to the terrorist crisis. With his famous wit and insight, Vidal also demonstrates the ways in which the "War on Terrorism" is being used to curtail civil liberties and shred the Bill of Rights.


The Great Exception

By William T. Vollmann

For hundreds of years, the rules didn't seem to apply to America the Perfect.


So Who Are we Honoring Here?

By David Michael Green

Maybe this was once the land of the free and the home of brave, perhaps way back in the olden times of the twentieth century. But right now the free are at home with their wide-screen TVs and the brave are retiring from the field, exhausted and disgusted.



All They Have is Each Other

By Sheila Samples

To Bush, body bags and deaths are simply an inconvenience and, with the help of the corporate media, he is very adept at hiding them from prying eyes.



UN Urges Protection of Animals From Climate Change

A senior United Nations official urged a 171-nation UN wildlife forum on Sunday to take action to help protect animals from climate change.


Too Late for "Luxury" of Kyoto Delay, Warns Blair

Tony Blair has issued a stark warning to fellow world leaders ahead of this week's G8 summit on climate change, telling them it would be unforgivable if they failed to agree on ways to tackle global warming.



Justice Official Is Said to Have Favored GOP Loyalists

Two years ago, in a speech at the Justice Department marking the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Bradley J. Schlozman, then the acting chief of the department's civil rights division, found much to celebrate. Schlozman, a Bush administration political appointee, was in the process of dismantling the ranks of career attorneys in the division, former employees contend.


Justice Department Actions Expected to Draw Congressional Scrutiny

The partisan nature of the Justice Department's election activity will be a focus of a Congressional inquiry Tuesday. Former acting Justice Department civil rights chief, Bradley Schlozman, is due to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to respond to allegations of partisanship in the division's hiring and enforcement policies.



Conyers Requests Palast's "Vote Caging" Evidence

Tim Griffin, formerly right-hand man to Karl Rove, resigned Thursday as US attorney for Arkansas, hours after BBC Television "Newsnight" reported that Congressman John Conyers [had] requested the network's evidence on Griffin's involvement in "caging voters." Greg Palast, reporting for both BBC "Newsnight" and "Democracy Now," obtained a series of confidential emails dating from the 2004 presidential election, in which the GOP operative transmitted so-called "caging lists" of voters to state party leaders.



Cindy Sheehan FINALLY publicly stands for 9/11 truth


Informant: Bob Banner


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Petition Urging Presidential Candidates and Media Outlets to Have "Global Warming" Debate

Still Available

Another crowd pleaser, this simple petition is a two-in-one action: one message to candidates asking them to explicitly state their proposals to meet the global warming challenge; another to media outlets requesting a debate on global warming, energy and the environment. If you haven't signed, we'll continue to deliver signatures for the next couple months.

Sign here

Many Thousands of Americans Apologize For US President

Other G8 nations to get messages from Americans at odds with Bush on Global Warming.

Tomorrow we make our first delivery to other G8 nations of the signatures to an apology for George Bush's rejection of practical steps in confronting global warming. As you probably know, Bush alone rejected German Chancellor Angela Merkel's proposal that the G8 nations meeting this week agree to limit global warming to 2-degrees Celsius. Friends of the Earth set up a way for people to sign on to an apology to the G8 coordinators from the other nations and you responded with enthusiasm. We will continue delivering signatures until the meeting ends on Friday.

Sign here

Will Electronic Voting Reform Create New Ways to Steal Elections?


Informant: Useful I.


Needed: 3-Dimensional Leaders

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

I believe Third Party politics will play a much greater role in 2008 and that this role will only increase in future elections. And, personally, I believe this will be very healthy for America. The two major parties are thoroughly bought by highly financed special interests. They need to go! My friends, we must begin electing leaders who have a 3-dimensional perspective on life or this experiment in liberty will quickly expire.....



Operation First Casualty

Operation First Casualty - Santa Monica, CA

For video coverage, go to: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Hr0jSB-11zk

On Sunday, June 3rd 2007, the Los Angeles chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War conducted Operation First Casualty. Former Marine Sergeant Jason Lemiuex, who served three deployments in Iraq stated, "...under the premise that the first casualty of war is the truth. And the American people are getting fed this notion that we're in Iraq spreading freedom and making Iraq safe for democracy when really we're imposing a state of martial law on the people over there."

Taking the streets of Santa Monica by storm, Operation First Casualty was a huge success in raising awareness amongst the general population about the need to bring the troops home now. As veterans of the Iraq war shouted at, searched and hooded civilian volunteers, passers-by got a taste of what an occupation is like. During the street theatre, reenactments of a combat patrol, a riot with mass detention, and a soldier wounded by a roadside bomb occurred.

For video coverage, go to: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Hr0jSB-11zk

Tim Goodrich - Co-founder, Iraq Veterans Against the War

Informant: Frank

Ron Paul 2008: Stop Dreaming



Sign the Statement of Support for Ron Paul

Informant: Ed Ward, MD


Innerhalb der EU hat Deutschland die Führungsrolle in Bezug auf Coltan übernommen

Die Rohstoffe des Krieges

...Innerhalb der EU hat Deutschland die Führungsrolle in Bezug auf Coltan (Colombit-Tantalit) übernommen, eine aus der Computer- und Mobilfunkindustrie nicht mehr wegzudenkende Erzkombination. Ihr Abbau in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo während des Krieges Anfang dieses Jahrzehnts trug zur Finanzierung von Bürgerkriegsarmeen bei...


Abrüstung kein Thema

...Deutschland, Großbritannien, Japan und Frankreich wollen bestimmte Streumunitionen vom Verbot ausschließen und sprechen sich dafür aus, "alternative" High-Tech-Streumunition - unter anderem auf Basis von kinetischer Munition und Mikrowellen - zu beschaffen...



Mikrowellenkanone fürs Militär


Social Science: America's Implanted Religious Leadership

by Nancy Levant

Be very careful about your confessions to social scientists. They are paid to profile and report. Remember that your Americanism, individuality, freedom, and brain now belong to their governing and financial masters, and they are checking to make sure you follow all Communitarian rules......



Scandals Threaten Hillary and Rudy

by Cliff Kincaid

Wolf Blitzer did Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton a big favor on Sunday night. He didn’t ask about what Capitol Hill Blue is calling “Gupta-gate.” Let’s hope that Tuesday night’s CNN-hosted debate of Republican presidential candidates subjects the front-runner, Rudy Giuliani, to the scrutiny he deserves over his controversial foreign connections.....



Freedom Facade: Professional Agitation in the 21st Century

by Beverly Eakman

When dealing with professional provocateurs and agitators, one is never engaged in an honest intellectual debate. No matter how vehement the rhetoric, what professional agitators and provocateurs want is to sow discord and disillusionment among the rank and file, eventually exhausting their adversary’s time and resources....




Deutsche Untertitel


Informant: atlant

The Energy Non-Crisis

You got to watch this videos of Lindsey Williams. He even names names of the powers that be.




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Juni 2007


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