Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2007

Officials Describe Interference by Former Gonzales Aide

Interim US attorney for the District of Columbia, Jeffrey A. Taylor, wanted to hire prosecutor Seth Adam Meinero. Monica M. Goodling, aide to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, stalled the hiring. The tussle over Meinero, who was eventually hired at Taylor's insistence, led to a Justice Department investigation of whether Goodling improperly weighed political affiliation when reviewing applicants for rank-and-file prosecutor jobs. Goodling is testifying today before the House Judiciary Committee about the US attorney firings under an offer of immunity.

Leading GOP Candidates Surge to Embrace Torture

Despite the contention of scores of senior military intelligence officers that "torture doesn't work," the audience at last week's Republican presidential candidate debate broke into applause when leading candidates endorsed increased use of "enhanced interrogation" techniques.


Andrew Sullivan: "Verschärfte Vernehmung"

The phrase "Verschärfte Vernehmung" is German for "enhanced interrogation". Other translations include "intensified interrogation" or "sharpened interrogation". It's a phrase that appears to have been concocted in 1937, to describe a form of torture that would leave no marks, and hence save the embarrassment pre-war Nazi officials were experiencing as their wounded torture victims ended up in court.

From Information Clearing House

Tell the Bush administration to halt its dangerous nuclear energy plan

You will also find these alerts in NRDC'S Earth Action Center, which includes tools for taking action easily online, at

Action Alerts

Tell the Bush administration to halt its dangerous nuclear energy plan

Last year the Department of Energy revived two dangerous nuclear energy ideas and repackaged them as the "Global Nuclear Energy Partnership." The project calls for billions of taxpayer dollars to develop facilities and a market (both at home and abroad) for reprocessing nuclear fuel -- a practice that is costly and dangerous, and makes significant quantities of weapons-usable plutonium more accessible, increasing the likelihood that a bomb's worth of nuclear material could be lost, stolen or secretly diverted from peaceful commerce without detection by international inspectors.

The GNEP proposal also would direct billions in spending on the development of plutonium-fueled "fast" reactors, which have proven to be far less reliable and more expensive than conventional light water reactors. The United States, Japan, Europe and Russia spent tens of billions of dollars throughout the 1970s and 80s trying to develop similar reactors, and proved that they are uneconomical, highly unreliable and prone to fires.

The Department of Energy is required to take comments from the public on its GNEP proposal before it can be adopted, and is accepting these comments through June 4th.

== What to do == Send a message, before the June 4th deadline, urging the DOE to halt this unsafe, uneconomical and environmentally unsound plan.

== Additional information == For a quick primer on nuclear power plants, see NRDC's fact sheet (pdf).

For in-depth information about the GNEP plan and the arguments against it, see NRDC's report, "Peddling Plutonium: Nuclear Energy Plan Would Make the World More Dangerous" (pdf).

== Contact information == You can send a comment to the DOE directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at Or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message, and please include your own concerns about nuclear energy.

Timothy A. Frazier, GNEP PEIS Document Manager Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20585-0119 Fax: 866-645-7807 Email:

Subject: GNEP PEIS comments

Dear Mr. Frazier,

I strongly object to the development of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership. The domestic revival of plutonium reprocessing and the development of plutonium-fueled fast reactors represent the marriage of two failed technologies that have proven to be unsafe, environmentally hazardous and commercial failures.

Reprocessing spent fuel from nuclear reactors to extract plutonium is costly and dangerous, and makes significant quantities of weapons-usable plutonium more accessible, increasing the likelihood that a bomb's worth of nuclear material could be lost, stolen or secretly diverted from peaceful commerce without detection by international inspectors.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the United States, Europe and Japan spent billions attempting to develop plutonium fast reactor technology that proved uneconomical, unreliable, unsafe and prone to long outages and fires. The decades of development and the exorbitant taxpayer subsidies that would be needed to launch the GNEP program -- tens to hundreds of billions of dollars before even a kilowatt of electricity might be generated decades from now -- would not ensure the immediate future of nuclear power as a competitive technology for countering climate change, but would create additional toxic waste and proliferation hazards. In addition, the extravagant cost of the program would divert money that could be spent on cleaner, faster and less expensive energy-efficiency and renewable-energy technologies.

In its environmental analysis of GNEP, the Department of Energy must fully assess the full range of environmental impacts and risks posed by GNEP, including the proliferation risks posed by development of GNEP facilities in non-weapon states and/or seizure of sensitive nuclear materials, and also must consider all reasonable alternatives to the proposal. I am hopeful that any serious analysis of these matters will cause to you to reconsider this ill-advised program.

The administration's overall vision of a U.S.-led Global Nuclear Energy Partnership is seriously flawed and an irresponsible use of taxpayer money. I urge you to halt work on the GNEP program immediately and to instead focus on developing more ways to use safe, cost-effective and environmentally sound forms of renewable energy and energy efficiency.


[Your name and address]

It's All About Oil - Privatizing Iraq's Oil is Theft!

Stop the Theft of Iraq's Oil in DC on June 5th

From ufpj-news


Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich: "Privatizing Iraq's Oil is Theft!"


Rep. Kucinich explained how the proposed Bill, now pending before the U.S. Congress, via its benchmarks, will provide for the privatization of Iraqi oil. It requires the regime in Iraq to pass a law called, "The Hydrocarbon Act." If they refuse to do so over a billion dollars in reconstruction funds will be blocked by the Bush-Cheney administration, he claimed. - Unless the scheme is stopped, Rep. Kucinich predicted, we will be looking at an Iraqi War "going on forever!"

Marching against masts

Angry Southside residents protested against the erection of three mobile phone masts which they claim were installed in a sports ground adjoining their homes without planning permission.

Mobile phone companies O2, Meteor and Vodafone attached the masts to flood lighting fixtures at the Iveagh Ground in Crumlin after they were leased to them by the Guinness Athletic Union (GAU) through a letting agency.

Last week, about 50 residents of the adjoining Iveagh Gardens and a number of local councillors demanded that the GAU take down the masts, as they fear the telecommunications equipment could damage their health.

The masts and substations are located within 50 metres of the 109 houses in Iveagh Gardens and within 250 metres of the nearby Ardscoil Éanna. Crumlin children’s hospital is also located some 500 metres down the road.

On April 16, 2007 the Planning Enforcement Section of Dublin City Council sent a warning letter to the mobile phone companies in relation to the alleged unauthorised erection of the telecommunications installations at Iveagh Gardens.

The council confirmed to Southside People that one of its planning enforcement officers carried out an inspection of the site on Tuesday, May 14.

“It is proposed to serve an Enforcement Notice to secure the removal of the unauthorised telecommunications installations,” the council said last week.

In a letter to a resident of Iveagh Gardens, the director of Corporate Affairs at Diageo Ireland – the parent company of Guinness - abdicated responsibility for the masts.

“Firstly, I would like to clarify that the developments in question are on…floodlights, which have been leased by the Guinness Athletic Union to the following tenants: Vodafone, O2 and Meteor and any development undertaken on these leased areas was by the above named tenants and not by Guinness Athletics Union,” he said.

However, residents were furious over this comment and have asked how the GAU or Diageo could claim they are not responsible for the masts, as the GAU have leased them to the mobile phone companies.

One resident, who did not want to be named, said: “Obviously if you lease out your lighting mast to mobile phone companies what could you expect but a mobile phone mast. Basically what they are saying is, we leased them out and after that we don’t have anything to do with it.”

Diageo also said in the letter that it had been given reassurances, within contract requirements, from “our tenants that the developments in question have been carried out under planning exemption law”.

One resident we spoke to said it was incredible to think that three mobile phone masts that were allegedly in breach of planning laws could be erected in the community.

Another resident, Alan Kelly, said: “It could destroy the young children. People have some evidence – not a lot – but it could be dangerous. I have a young family with three young children and I would like to know that they are safe and not being affected by this.”

He added: “My house is only 100 metres from the masts. People here feel betrayed; we didn’t get any information from them [the GAU] about the masts beforehand. They have to find an alternative.”

A number of other residents that Southside People spoke to said they were “angry” that the GAU had not consulted with them about the erection of the masts.

The Independent Socialist election candidate for Dublin South Central, Cllr Joan Collins, said it was a “scandal” that mobile masts could be put in residential areas and beside hospitals and schools without the need for planning permission.

“I am campaigning for Dublin City Council to change this and to specify that masts must be at least one kilometer from housing, schools and hospitals,” she said. “I urge people to get organised to have these masts shifted.”

A spokeswoman for Diageo said: “We contacted Dublin City Council and asked them to investigate in case there were any planning issues that they [Vodafone, O2, Meteor] weren’t complying with.

“They [GAU] were aware obviously when it was leased by (the letting agency) to the mobile companies that that was what they were going to use the lighting equipment for. But they were also given an undertaking through the contract that everything that would be done would comply with all planning regulations.”

A spokeswoman for Vodafone said: “Our intention would not be to upset anybody with the development of a network in any area.

“If any clarification is needed on the interpretation of the exemption and the planning guidelines, we would be more than happy to discuss this with the residents and the city council.”

Phone mast wait

A FAYGATE doctor must wait to hear the outcome of a High Court legal battle to move a mobile phone mast planned to be sited in full view of her home.

Jacqueline Tratt, who lives with her husband in half of Kilnwood House, Kilnwood Lane, Faygate, is challenging Horsham District Council's decision to approve a Hutchison 3G radio base station, comprising a 25 metre high mast, antennae and transmission dishes, just 130 metres away from her home.

Now one of the country's top judges has reserved judgement in the case and will give his decision in writing later.

She claims the grant of permission is unlawful when an alternative site for the mast is available, hidden deeper in a nearby copse, for which she has offered to pay any extra costs.

Dr Tratt says the owners of the other half of Kilnwood House, Dr and Mrs Doyle, also object to the mast which she says will 'significantly impact' their visual amenity.

She argues that the owner of the copse has no objection to the mast being sited deeper within it, and that this would have less of an impact on her visual amenity. As a result, she claims there is no coherent reason why Hutchison 3G should not be satisfied to site the mast there.

She claims that the council failed to consider these considerations at all in its decision, and failed to give adequate reasons for the grant of permission.

However, the council maintains that, on the information available to it, the alternative siting would not be realistic. It argues that it fully considered all the representations put forward by Dr Tratt, and gave sufficient reasons for its decision.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

Banham phone mast plan rejected

23 May 2007

Plans for a controversial mobile phone mast at Banham have been rejected after a series of concerns about potential health risks from the electromagnetic field.

Breckland councillors feared that the proposals by T-Mobile to locate the 13.7m high monopole and equipment at the rear of a small industrial development in Heath Road would be harmful to residents as well as to children with special needs at neighbouring Eagle House School, less than 350 metres away.

Representatives of Banham Parish Council also objected on the grounds of potential harm to the health of nearby residents, and Breckland Council received six protest letters from villagers voicing similar concerns.

T-Mobile is required under the terms of its 3G licence to provide network coverage to 80pc of the population by the end of 2007, and it has submitted evidence that a mast is required in the Banham area.

To mitigate the visual impact of the plans, the operator suggested putting up some tree screening near the site.

Telecommunication masts up to 15m high are allowed without the need for planning consent.

However, under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Order, applicants are required to use the “prior notification” procedure to determine whether the planning authority has concerns about the location of the mast and its external appearance.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

CodePink: 11:30am Daily Vigil Outside Justice Department Until Gonzales Resigns Opposes Iraq Bill, Urges All Democrats to Vote Against

What to Do About America's Rich Who Use Offshore Tax Havens

Trading Secrets

This Is Not a 'Compromise,' It's a Blank Check

Opium: Iraq's Deadly New Export

Health Care Crisis Squeezes Working Families


Health Care Crisis

This week on NOW, "As the political campaigns gear up for Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary, the candidates are trumpeting positions on one of the state's - and the country's - thorniest and most pressing issues: health care reform. With health care costs in the Keystone State 11 percent higher than the national average and rising twice as fast as the average wage, it's a problem Pennsylvania is desperately trying to fix on its own. The state legislature is debating a plan backed by Governor Ed Rendell to provide benefits to hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians, but there's disagreement over who's going to foot the bill."

Amnesty Report Decries 'Politics of Fear'

Dems Bow to Bush on Funds for War

USA vor China-Sanktionen?

Auf dem Strategic Economic Dialogue stehen die chinesisch-amerikanischen Handelsbeziehungen zur Debatte, US-Parlamentarier drängen auf Handelssanktionen gegen China.

Corn-Fueled Migration

by Sally Kohn,

U.S.-subsidized cheap corn is forcing bankrupt Mexican farmers to find work north of the border.

Change America from a superpower into a beloved community

A Great But Broken Promise

by Bill Moyers,

It's up to the graduates of today to change America from a superpower into a beloved community.

Funding Bush's War: This Is No Game

by Robert L. Borosage,

Congress, when you fold on Iraq, you're not playing Texas Hold'em; it's a matter of life and death.

Amnesty International: Schwere Vorwürfe gegen deutsche Geheimdienste

Amnesty International prangert an: Immer mehr Regierungen nutzen Furcht vor Terror als Vorwand für die Einschränkung von Grundrechten. Auch bei der Arbeit deutscher Geheimdienste spielten Menschenrechte offenbar keine Rolle, sagte Barbara Lochbihler, Generalsekretärin von Amnesty Deutschland...,1518,484579,00.html

Mast petition attracts 272 names

By Ian Ross

HUNDREDS of residents are up in arms about T-Mobile UK's plans for a 15-metre mast.

The mobile phone company wants to put the mast up at Congleton Railway Station.

The plans have sparked a storm of protest from local people, with 11 letters opposing the mast and a 272-name petition being sent to the borough council.

The plans are also being opposed by the CW12 Residents Action Group, and possibly most crucially by the borough's chief planning officer.

Planning chief Geoff Allen is recommending the mast scheme be refused because its height and siting would harm the character of the area.

The land earmarked by T-Mobile is 15 metres from a site where Vodafone is due to place a 15-metre mast, for which it received planning approval recently.

Mr Allen's second reason for calling for the T-Mobile plans to be rejected is that the company had failed to show that mast-sharing with Vodafone would not be a viable alternative to its mast plan.

Residents claim the masts are eyesores, they would dominate the skyline and it was not proven that they did not present health risks.

The CW12 group submitted a two-page letter opposing the mast, and the scheme is due to come before the borough planning committee next Thursday, May 31.

"While the applicants have demonstrated a need for this mast in this area of Congleton due to its height and siting it would have an unduly detrimental effect on the character of the surrounding area," said Mr Allen.

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Wenn Schäuble eine andere Republik will, dann soll er gehen


Schäuble und die Schnüffelpolizei

Der Bundesinnenminister verteidigt die Abnahme von Geruchsproben, kritisiert die Aufregung und erklärt allgemein, dass die Polizei die Sicherheit schon mit "angmessenen Mitteln" gewährleiste.


Bürgerrechtler warnen vor "Guantanamoisierung des Rechts"äuble

Tell True World Foods to Stop Giving Whales a Raw Deal

Former Rove Aide Seeks Immunity Pact

A former top aide to Presidential Adviser Karl Rove told Congress she will invoke her right against self-incrimination unless granted immunity to answer investigators' questions about lobbyist Jack Abramoff's contacts with administration officials. Abramoff-related probes, mainly limited until now to his dealings with lawmakers and federal agency officials, may be advancing into the White House. The former Rove aide, Susan Ralston, previously had served as a top aide to Mr. Abramoff as well.

Evidence Shows Fraud at Federal Agency Cost Taxpayers Millions

In February 2005, an auditor at the General Services Administration (GSA) presented evidence to agency leaders that one of the government's top technology contractors was overcharging taxpayers. GSA auditor James M. Corcoran reported that Sun Microsystems had billed the government millions more for computer software and technical support than it charged its commercial customers. If true, the allegation was grounds to terminate the contract and launch a fraud investigation. Instead, senior GSA officials pressed last summer to renew the contract.

Defections Now Likely on Iraq Bill

Liberal Democrats who have reluctantly backed House leaders on the Iraq war spending bill may defect due to the leadership's decision to eliminate any timeline for withdrawal from the legislation. That could force the leadership to rely on Republican votes to pass the bill, which is expected to come to the floor as early as Thursday.

Nine US Warships Enter Gulf in Show of Force

Nine US warships carrying 17,000 personnel entered the Persian Gulf on Wednesday in a show of force off Iran's coast that Navy officials said was the largest daytime assembly of ships since the 2003 Iraq war began.

Bush Authorizes New Covert Action Against Iran

The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert "black" operation to destabilize the Iranian government. Bush has signed a "non-lethal presidential finding" that puts into motion a CIA plan that reportedly includes a coordinated campaign of propaganda, disinformation and manipulation of Iran's currency and international financial transactions, current and former officials in the intelligence community say.


A U.S. Army medic who refused to load his gun in Iraq and then escaped through a base window in Germany rather than be deployed a second time returned home to Los Angeles this week after serving six months in a U.S. military prison.


More than three months into the implementation of the 'surge' strategy, skepticism is still running high. Except among neo-conservatives, who have been the strategy's most enthusiastic champions, most analysts believe it is doomed to failure in the absence of major moves - of which there have so far been virtually none - by the Iraqi government to promote national reconciliation with the Sunni minority.

War without consequence? Absurd

Ludwig von Mises Institute
by Doug Bandow


By suggesting that Americans look at their own government’s actions, Rep. Paul took a shot at one of the nation’s biggest sacred cows: we can do whatever we want in the world without consequence. For decades that seemed to be true. But no longer. It is critical that we honestly and realistically assess the consequences of US foreign policy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The new old-fashioned way

Unqualified Offerings
by Jim Henley


[O]nce again, the fallback strategy reveals the irreducible imperative of our Iraq adventure: it must never end. Iraq is forever, as far as our Republican elites, and too much of the Democratic elite, are concerned. The ‘lilypad’ plan offers no promise of reducing Iraq’s violence or effecting national reconciliation. Those are guilt trips to be laid on us when our rulers think our concern for Iraqis will perpetuate the core mission of never leaving. They probably even think of ‘preventing full-blown civil war’ or all those other officially humanitarian missions would be nice bonus accomplishments. But the purpose is staying in Iraq now that we’re there. If they can’t accomplish that by playing on our humanitarian impulses, they’ll try instead to sneak past the national attention span: out of sight, out of mind...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The importance of Ron Paul

No Force, No Fraud
by Bob Smith


A reasonable question arises in the minds of loyal Republicans … why is Ron Paul running as a Republican when his views are so contrary to the actions of that party? His views essentially attack the foreign policies of the last two elected Republican Presidents and their administrations. There is no doubt in my mind that Ron Paul would be more ideologically comfortable in the Libertarian Party. He is a libertarian, and votes that way consistently. He is often the only Republican voting against measures he considers unconstitutional, and sometimes the only congressman of either party to vote no. His nickname is Dr. No. The simple and significant fact is that Ron Paul is a Republican because our election system is so rigged that only a Democrat or Republican can win. It’s a shameful fact that most Americans don’t understand, but a fact nevertheless. If Ron Paul were to run again as a Libertarian candidate for President, you would still not know who he is...

Don’t shut up Paul

by John Dickerson

Some Republicans are angry at Ron Paul, the libertarian presidential candidate, for his forthright stance at the Republican debate earlier this week. When George W. Bush repeatedly asserts unpopular opinions in the face of withering criticism, it’s seen as a sign of strength and resolve. But when Paul asserted unpopular opinions in a debate, his remarks became the grounds for derision and threats. Paul suggested that the United States’ actions in the Middle East — and in Iraq in particular — might have motivated Bin Laden and the 9/11 attackers. Rudy Giuliani immediately jumped on Paul, demanding that he withdraw the comment. Now one GOP official is circulating a petition within the party to remove Paul from future debates. This is silly...

A patriot’s reply to Rudy Giuliani

Free Market News Network
by Nelson Hultberg


In the recent South Carolina Republican Party debates, Rudy Giuliani demanded an apology from Congressman Ron Paul because he dared to declare that America’s interventionist foreign policy had helped to bring the 9-11 terrorist attack upon New York City. Mr. Giuliani put forth his demand in the smear tactic style always employed by political bullies. His performance was insufferable to true American patriots. In our minds, it is Mr. Giuliani and his neo-conservative comrades in Washington who need to apologize for plunging our country into a horrific guerrilla war in the Mideast that’s cost in both spirit and material grows more ominous as each year passes. It is Mr. Giuliani and his neo-con comrades who need to apologize for trying to ram our political system down the throats of nations that have a right to the same self-determination that we claim so vehemently for ourselves. But most grievous of all, it is Mr. Giuliani and his neo-con comrades who need to apologize for killing thousands of American youth in a war that does not have to be fought in order to effectively combat terrorism...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Second troop surge starts

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
by Stewart M. Powell


The Bush administration is quietly on track to nearly double the number of combat troops in Iraq this year, an analysis of Pentagon deployment orders showed Monday. This ’second surge’ of troops in Iraq, which is being executed by extending tours for brigades already there and by deploying more units, could boost the number of combat troops to as many as 98,000 by the end of this year. When support troops are included, the total number of U.S. troops in Iraq could increase from 162,000 now to more than 200,000 — the most ever — by the end of the year. The efforts to reinforce U.S. troops in Iraq are being carried out without the fanfare that accompanied President Bush’s initial troop surge in January...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Grieving moms vs. Washington pols

Consortium News
by Robert Parry


Every other month, Gold Star mother Teresa Arciola drives from her home in Westchester County, New York, to Arlington Cemetery in Virginia, sits on her son’s grave and reads aloud from ‘Corduroy,’ his favorite baby book. Another mother spent winter afternoons in a sleeping bag stretched across her son’s final resting place. The unspeakable suffering of these parents of dead soldiers stands in marked contrast to the maneuvering over the Iraq War now underway across the river in Washington. There, George W. Bush appears quietly planning another escalation of the Iraq War — possibly doubling U.S. combat troops by Christmas — and many members of Congress are frightened of the political repercussions if they stand up to him...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Trust and the 2008 presidential election

by Billy Hollis


I’ve spent most of my life not trusting politicians. No surprise to most of you, and I’d wager a majority of our readers feel the same way. But it’s worse now than it’s ever been in my lifetime. Despite the ‘culture of corruption,’ which I find as disgusting as anyone, I don’t think the typical politician is a dishonest sleazebag. I think the average politician honestly believes he is doing the best he can to serve the people. But I still don’t trust them because they are just too disconnected from the real world that they govern. They usually think they’re doing the right thing, but they’ll change their mind about what the ‘right thing’ is at the drop of a public opinion poll. They have an unlimited number of rationalizations for changing their mind and screwing the citizenry...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Will Republicans destroy themselves before they destroy America?

by Paul Craig Roberts


The thunderous applause from the Republican audience to Giuliani’s put-down of the only honest person present underlines that the Republican Party is incapable of leadership to end a futile and lost war that under international standards is a war crime, an unprovoked naked aggression based entirely on lies, deception and a secret agenda. At other times, the Republican audience applauded in support of torture and greeted John McCain’s protest against the practice with cold silence. In the opening years of the 21st century the Republicans have made it clear that they are willing to sacrifice the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to wage ‘war against terrorism.’

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ron Paul has a point

Fox News
by Radley Balko


The reaction to the showdown between Rep. Ron Paul and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been fascinating. Paul suggested that the recent history of U.S. foreign policy endeavors overseas may have had something to do with terrorists’ willingness to come to America, live here for several months, then give their lives to kill as many Americans as possible. Perhaps, Paul suggested, the 15-year presence of the U.S. military forces in Muslim countries may have motivated them. For that, Giuliani excoriated him, calling it an ‘extraordinary statement,’ adding, ‘I don’t think I’ve heard that before.’ Let’s be blunt. Giuliani was either lying, or he hasn’t cracked a book in six years. The ‘blowback’ theory isn’t some fringe idea common only to crazy Sept. 11 conspiracy theorists. It doesn’t suggest that we ‘deserved’ the Sept. 11 attacks, nor does it suggest we shouldn’t have retaliated against the people who waged them. What it does say is that actions have consequences... [editor’s note: As usual it takes Radley Balko to present the first sign of MSM sanity on this … at the Faux News site! - SAT],2933,274174,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What kind of democracy is this?

by Justin Raimondo


With the Iraqi adventure now widely seen as a misadventure, however, one that even its original authors and promoters are rushing to run away from, our new civic religion of warrior-worship is suffering more than the taunts of a few village atheists. The debunking of the myths that led us to invade Iraq has the country convinced that the war was a mistake from the outset — but still the war goes on. ‘What kind of democracy is this?’ Bacevich wants to know. This is the kind of democracy it is: the kind that can have both parties calling for an increase in the size of the U.S. military at a moment when the people are sick and tired of war and groaning under the weight of confiscatory taxation. The kind that has all ‘major’ candidates for the White House vowing that nothing is ‘off the table’ when it comes to Iran — and pledging to prosecute the war in Iraq more efficiently and successfully than Bush. What the past four years have taught us is that we are the kind of ‘democracy’ in which the major parties are merely the ‘right’ and ‘left’ wings of a single party — the War Party...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Edwards: Protest war this holiday

Fox News


Presidential hopeful John Edwards said Monday that Americans should speak out against the war in Iraq this Memorial Day weekend, renewing an anti-war call that has been criticized by the leader of the American Legion. … The former U.S. senator from North Carolina and 2004 vice presidential nominee said the most patriotic position now is to end the war, and the best way to honor veterans this Memorial Day weekend is to bring the troops home from Iraq. ‘There’s another thing we need to do as patriots, to serve the men and women who are serving this country in Iraq, and that is to speak out this weekend,’ Edwards said. He said ending the war is key to repairing the damaged U.S. reputation abroad...,2933,274417,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ron Paul: “Majority of Americans are with me”

Raw Story


‘Dark horse’ presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) believes that ‘the majority of Americans are with me,’ regarding his harsh [sic] insurgent attacks on President Bush’s Iraq policies. During CNN’s Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer host John King asked Paul a hypothetical question, in reference to the war in Iraq: ‘If China took back Taiwan today, you say go to the Congress, or does the president not have the authority as commander in chief?’ ‘Absolutely he does not have the authority,’ Paul said. ‘Where does he get it? You can’t go to war without Congressional approval. And that’s not a threat to our national security. That’s something internal affairs. Why should we send hundreds of thousands of Americans to die in a civil war?’... [editor’s note: Despite the CNN reporter’s best efforts to trivialize him, Ron Paul speaks truth to power again in this exchange - SAT]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dems, White House near “pork for endless war” deal

Indianapolis Star


Flinching in the face of a veto threat, Democratic congressional leaders neared agreement with Bush administration Tuesday on legislation to pay for the Iraq war without a troop withdrawal timeline. Several officials said the emerging $120 billion compromise would include as much as $8 billion for Democratic domestic priorities — originally resisted by the White House — such as disaster relief for Hurricane Katrina victims and farmers hurt by drought...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Phone mast is third for hillside

By Staff Copy

RESIDENTS are fearful that a third mobile phone mast might be on its way to a Matlock hillside.

T-mobile has applied to site a 20-metre-high mast at Mount Pleasant Farm off Farley Hill – close to existing structures owned by Vodafone and 3.

But another application to fell trees in the area might soon expose the masts for all to see.

Matlock Town Cllr Martin Burfoot said he had received objections to the proposal from residents, one of whom claimed a purchaser pulled out of buying their house because of the masts in the area.

Cllr Burfoot said: “The town council’s objections were based on the proliferation of masts on that hillside. Two is a problem, three is too many.

“More of an effort should be made to get these companies to share masts.

“There is an application proposed for tree felling in that area, which would open up views even further.

“They are using the tree screening as one source of mitigation when it may be many years before they are effectively screened again.

“People are still suspicious of the health risks and think if they live close by it will have an impact on them.”

T-mobile’s prospective mast would have six antennae, and provide third generation coverage – for multimedia such as video calling – for parts of Matlock.

The site is 74 metres from the nearest residential property and 331 metres from All Saints Junior School.

T-mobile’s application states: “A site share with one of the existing installations was considered, however both of them would need to be redeveloped in order to accommodate T-Mobile and this would result in a significantly bulkier and taller structure.

“The site benefits from a good tree screening which will help to reduce the visual impact upon the surrounding amenity, therefore preserving the character of the area.”

A spokesperson for T-mobile said: “Mobile phone use is growing and masts need to be located nearby to provide network coverage.

“The World Health Organisation recently concluded a review saying there continues to be no evidence of any harm from these very low power radio networks.

Omega this is not true. See under:

“The guidelines levels for radio exposure are extremely conservative and make allowances for multiple sources.”

Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: and
"Competing interests, conflicts of interest: Who's funding WHO?" under:

The spokesperson added that any application to fell trees would be considered by planners on its own merits.

The decision is due to come before a planning committee on June 5.

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

Pub's phone mast battle

23 May 2007 08:48

Families are preparing for a fight to stop a mobile phone mast being installed near homes and a popular pub.

Communications firm T-Mobile has notified Broadland District Council of its plans to build a 12-metre mast near the Blue Boar pub in Wroxham Road, Sprowston.

David Turnbull, landlord of the pub, said it was the second time the company had tried to get a mast installed nearby.

He said: “Apparently the first time highways were not happy because of the size of the box, but they withdrew that and have resubmitted an application with smaller box and now they don't have a problem with it.

“We've spent thousands of pounds trying to make our pub attractive to passing trade, but can you imagine if you're on your way to the Broads or the coast and you see a mast there? It's not going to attract you in.”

Mr Turnbull, who has been landlord at the pub for almost 30 years, said phone masts were a “necessary evil” but should be built away from homes and businesses.

He also said the mast could obstruct the vision of motorists trying to leave the pub's car park on to the busy Wroxham Road.

John Bracey, a Broadland District councillor for Sprowston, said he did not want to see the mast, which is within a mile of Sparhwawk First School, near the Blue Boar pub.

“Although we're assured by the government that everything in this day and age is safe concerning these particular poles, I know there's a great deal of public agitation concerning this and people don't feel they are safe with these poles in the area,” he said.

No one from T-Mobile was available for comment.

The Evening News, through our Put Masts on Hold campaign, has fought against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Are you fighting against a mobile phone mast where you live? Call Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on 01603 772439 or email

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Moderne Technik und DatenschutzÜberwachungsstaat

Black Book on Lidl in Europe

The Black Book on Lidl has been published in English as a joint project by
UNI Commerce and ver.di. It tells the stories of mainly German Lidl
workers and lays bare the poor labour relations of the hard discounter.
Present all over Europe, and fast growing, the discounter of headband fame
is a frontrunner for walmartization of the continent's working life. For
further informations see the background Information: “Black Book on Lidl
in Europe” (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 23. Mai 2007

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The Fight Over Benchmarks in Iraq

Iraq War Funding: 'Compromise' or 'Sellout'?

Increase in Carbon Emissions Seen Tripling Since '90s

Bush Could Double Force by Christmas

Take the Iraq Vote Pledge

US Worker Casualties in Iraq Soaring

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US Government Gave Airtime to Terrorists, Official Admits

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White House Coordinated With GOP Consultant on US Attorney Scandal

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Bush admin opposes Democratic push to sue OPEC

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From Information Clearing House

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Priests claim torture; fort says no

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No water or electricty and Iraq to spend 1.5 billion dollars on weapons

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Integrating China into the Neoliberal System

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Get Busy Living, Or Get Busy Dying

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Today, American workers' take-home pay represents a smaller share of the nation's total income than at any time in the last forty years. At the same time, corporate profits as a share of national income are at an all-time high.

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Why they hate us

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


What’s more obnoxious than a person who constantly whines about the injustices committed against him while ignoring his own injustices against others? A country that does the same thing. … The last century-plus of U.S. foreign policy has largely been a story of aggression and empire-building...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Another Chapter in Hillary's Attempt to Rewrite History on Iraq

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In a 1939 radio address, Franklin Roosevelt declared, "Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth." When it comes to Iraq, Hillary Clinton is doing everything in her power to prove him wrong - repeatedly trying to rewrite history and belatedly catch up with public opinion against the war.

Kucinich to Speak for Full Hour on House Floor on Iraq Oil Law

Kucinich for President 2008

CONTACT: David Swanson 202-329-7847

For immediate release: May 23, 2007

Kucinich to Speak for Full Hour on House Floor on Iraq Oil Law

WASHINGTON DC - WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2007 - At approximately 11:00 a.m. today, Congressman Dennis Kucinich will invoke a rarely used procedure to offer a privileged motion claiming one hour of time to speak on the floor of the House of Representatives about current legislative plans to privatize Iraq's oil.

This will be the first time in Congress that there has been a full discussion of the covert efforts to accomplish privatization of Iraq's oil through the supplemental spending bill.

Kucinich has alerted his colleagues to this concern in the past. Today he will do so on the floor of the House.

Kucinich argued against invading Iraq prior to the 2003 vote that authorized it. He published his case against it and helped persuade many of his colleagues to vote No. Kucinich challenged the legality of the war in court in an effort to prevent it. He proposed a detailed plan to end the occupation of Iraq over three years ago. His current plan is found in his bill HR 1234, which includes these findings:

"Any attempt to sell Iraqi oil assets during the United States occupation will be a significant stumbling block to peaceful resolution. There must be fairness in the distribution of oil resources in Iraq."

Kucinich has voted against every new funding bill for the occupation, including the recent Supplemental. He supports using the power of the purse to end the war. He opposes any attack on Iran and proposes formally forswearing the use of so-called preventive war. He has proposed the creation of a Department of Peace to address international and domestic violence.

As with all House sessions, this speech will be televised on C-Span.

Kucinich for President 2008

CONTACT: David Swanson 202-329-7847

For immediate release: May 24, 2007

Kucinich Urges Colleagues to Find Will to End Occupation

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D., Ohio) will vote No on the latest bill to fund the continued occupation of Iraq. Kucinich is the only Democrat running for President who has consistently voted against funding the war. Today he said that Congress' failure to end the occupation of Iraq is the result of a lack of will to do so on the part of his colleagues and his party's leadership.

"Just as the Democrats could have prevented the invasion of Iraq in 2003, when Senators Edwards, Clinton, Biden, and Dodd supported it," Kucinich said, "and just as the Democrats could have ended the occupation of Iraq at any point by ending the funding, while Senators Clinton, Obama, Biden, and Dodd have voted over and over again to fund it, so too the Democratic leadership could have ended the occupation this week by not bringing any funding bills up for votes."

"The Democratic Party has to choose," Kucinich said, "between standing for peace or continuing to support war and occupation, between heeding the demand of the voters last November or caving in to the demands of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. We can't have it both ways. We can't facilitate the passage of another bill to fund the war and at the same time claim that we want the war to end. The public sees through such hypocritical maneuvering."

"It's instructive," Kucinich added, "that the leadership removed from the Supplemental a requirement that the president gain Congress's consent before launching an additional aggressive war against Iran. Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, and former Senator Edwards have all said that with regard to Iran all options are on the table, a thinly veiled euphemism for a unilateral preemptive military attack."

"If Senators Clinton, Obama, Biden, and Dodd want to end the occupation of Iraq," Kucinich noted, "they can vote against any more funding, and they can filibuster bills that provide it. I urge every Senator to take that step."

Kucinich was one of seven Democrats in the House to vote No this morning on the Rule to bring the latest war funding bill to a vote.

On Wednesday, Kucinich spoke for a full hour on the House floor, pointing out that this is the third Supplemental offered by the Democrats that has demanded that Iraq pass a hydrocarbon law that would set the stage for the wholesale privatization of Iraq's oil industry.

Kucinich argued against invading Iraq prior to the 2003 vote that authorized it. He published his case against it and helped persuade many of his colleagues to vote No. Kucinich challenged the legality of the war in court in an effort to prevent it. He proposed a detailed plan to end the occupation of Iraq over three years ago. His current plan is found in his bill HR 1234. Kucinich is the only Democratic Presidential candidate who has voted against every new funding bill for the occupation, including the recent Supplemental. At the time of the last vote on the Supplemental, Kucinich was the only Member of Congress to both vote No and to urge his colleagues to vote No. He supports using the power of the purse to end the war. He opposes any attack on Iran and proposes formally forswearing the use of so-called preventive war. He has proposed the creation of a Department of Peace to address international and domestic violence.

From ufpj-news


Oil was the primary reason for the invasion of Iraq

What to do.... What to do....

by Nancy Levant

The stage has been set for Martial Law. Many Executive Orders have defined and guaranteed absolute dictatorial powers of Martial Law (refer to all orders gathered into Executive Order 12919 [ ]). Practicing for this declaration has been an on-going process for several decades, with the paramilitary face in full view since 9-11. .....

No escape from mobiles, even on Everest

Council on Foreign Relations Pushes for Three Regional Currencies in the World

U.S. Health Freedom on Verge of Collapse

Informant: Dr Lynn

Gas prices miss 1981 constant-dollar record by just 1/2 cent per gallon

Extracted from

Audio from WSQT Guerrilla Radio (87.9 FM in DC, intermittant station):

Some of you remember 1981-gas was expensive and cars got either 14 or
30 miles per gallon. Sound familiar? Well, the auto industry seems to think it's 1969, and are furiously selling more of the great thunder wagons that will soon become so difficult to keep fed.

Remember how "hot rodders" feared that the V-8 engine would become extinct in the 1980's because of fuel shortages? Well, this time the shortages are real, and prices will go higher each summer-forever. This time it is ourselves, not just our cars, that could go the way of the dinosaurs.

Although oil industry sources deny it, Peak Oil is here! They also deny that the current high prices have anything to do with situation in Nigeria, where oil production has been greatly curtailed by the work of Resistance fighters.

In Nigeria, oil companies destroy land and ruin lives in order to steal oil they don't own. Now people are fighting back, destroying oil industry facilities and arresting oil industry people.

Exxon et all blame the gas prices only on refinery outages, but that sounds to me like Soviet aggro bureaucrats blaming food shortages on the weather!

Informant: lukekuhn

Gas Price Manipulations, Disaster Scenarios, Military Censorship

Informant: laurie b


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