The dramatic spectacle of the Gonzales trying to browbeat a deathly sick and barely conscious former Attorney General Ashcroft into signing off on their law breaking AGAIN demonstrates the central role of Dick Cheney in committing those impeachable offenses. In a blockbuster hearing this week, then acting attorney general James Comey testified that in the midst of everything else Cheney and his chief of staff expressly made THEIR opposition known to him, for thwarting their attempted end run around the Constitution, and then they went ahead and did it anyway.
There is nothing that will get to real policy change faster than confronting the vice president with a serious impeachment prosecution. And nothing will make it happen faster than if you will speak out now. The number of votes in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll is now over 47,000 and still climbing steadily. And what's most remarkable is that so far 99.34% of all freely chosen votes have been YES. And you can cast your vote too right now with one click.
Please note that we are not asking people in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll whether people think he will be impeached, we are asking if he SHOULD be impeached. Everyone already knows that Cheney is guilty of every impeachable offense imaginable. Our only hurdle is to get people to actually admit it to themselves, to do their own duty, to save our democracy from its greatest threat ever, an unaccountable dictatorship run from a secret undisclosed location.
They say that one person can change the world. What can we do with upwards of 50,000 people already engaged in this? We can change the course of American political history, if each of us just does what we can. All we have to do in demonstrate by our numbers that the political will already is in place.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
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