Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007

Senior VA Officials Get Big Bonuses

Months after a politically embarrassing $1 billion shortfall that put veterans' health care in peril, Veterans Affairs officials involved in the foul-up got hefty bonuses up to $33,000.

Leahy Subpoenas Rove's Plame Emails

Jason Leopold reports that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy issued a subpoena on Wednesday to Alberto Gonzales seeking emails that White House Political Adviser Karl Rove turned over to Patrick Fitzgerald related to the special prosecutor's investigation into the leak of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson and the role the White House political adviser played in her unmasking.

Honeybee Die-Off Threatens Food Supply

Informant: binstock

Atomkraftwerke, CO2-freie Kohlekraftwerke und Biosprit in der Kritik

Anlässlich der Veröffentlichung des neuen IPCC-Weltklimareports hat der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) davor gewarnt, beim Klimaschutz "aufs falsche Pferd zu setzen". Atomreaktoren, so genannte CO2-freie Kohlekraftwerke oder das Verbrennen von Biosprit in ineffizienten Automotoren seien keine geeigneten Maßnahmen gegen die Klimaerwärmung. Die IPCC-Vorschläge, mit dem entschlossenen Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung sowie durch entscheidende Verbesserungen bei der Energieeffizienz mehr Klimaschutz zu erreichen, wiesen hingegen in die richtige Richtung. "Wer beim Klimaschutz seine Hoffnungen an Atomkraft, CO2-Abscheidung in Kohlekraftwerken oder Biosprit knüpft, wird scheitern", vermutet die BUND-Vorsitzende Angelika Zahrnt. "Mit diesen Schimären kann die Energiewende nicht gelingen." Auch der ehemalige Chef des UN-Umweltprogramms, Klaus Töpfer (CDU), sprach sich vor der Veröffentlichung des 3. Weltklimaberichts gegen eine längere Nutzung der Atomkraft aus.

One Land Grab Stopped, Another in Progress

by Devvy

Hard working Americans who love their land, their way of life who fully understand this constant attack on property rights banded together and asked for our help. They also went straight to the Colorado State Legislature to stop this latest and unnecessary effort to steal more land from the people. This is a huge victory. What a great job and an inspiration to everyone!.......

Powerwatch on The SAGE Report

Save Whales, Not Whaling

Many people know about the dangers of global warming, but only few act

Thinking like rats: why humans fail to act on climate change

Informant: binstock


Das Pentagon versucht mit Videos im Medienkrieg gegen die Gegner im Irak anzutreten

Der YouTube-Channel des Pentagon

Das Pentagon versucht, mit Videos im Medienkrieg gegen die Gegner im Irak anzutreten, während "friendly information" wie Blogs und E-Mails der US-Soldaten stärker kontrolliert werden.

EU-Terrorliste ohne demokratische Legitimation und Rechtsschutz

Existenzvernichtung per Willkürakt

Die EU führt zu organisierter Verantwortungslosigkeit in den Parteien

Politisches Versteckspiel

Stephanie Miller & Maxine Waters Educate America On Iraq

Waters Against The War

On the Stephanie Miller Show, Maxine Waters and Stephanie Miller get tough on the Bush administration.

Making Dirty Air Permanent

by Frank O'Donnell,

EPA's William Wehrum was turned down by the Senate, but he plans to stay anyway and continue with his foul ways.'Donnell

The New Land Rush

by Robert J. Miller,

Ice is melting and Western governments are staking claims to land they don't own—as they have for 500 years.

African Americans and Latinos share a bond of blood and the struggle for freedom

We Will Not Be Divided

by Cynthia McKinney, Black Agenda Report


We Will Not Be Divided

By Cynthia McKinney

Two hundred million people worldwide should not be forced to leave their families behind and head for developed countries because there are no decent jobs at home. Parents and children should not be separated because of global forces that workers don't understand, but must respond to.

2006 Missouri Election Was Ground Zero for GOP

Six months after freshman Missouri Senator Jim Talent's defeat handed Democrats control of the US Senate, disclosures in the wake of the firings of eight US attorneys show that the Republican campaign to protect the balloting was not as it appeared. No significant voter fraud was ever proved. The preoccupation with ballot fraud in Missouri was part of a wider national effort that critics charge was aimed at protecting the Republican majority in Congress by dampening Democratic turnout.

US Attorney for Arizona: DOJ Official Wanted to Keep Me Quiet

US Attorney for Arizona Paul Charlton told Congress that Michael Elston, the chief of staff to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty, called him and warned him to remain silent. "I believe that Elston was offering me a quid pro quo agreement: my silence in exchange for the attorney general's."

Corruption, Shoddy Work and Mismanagement Cripple Iraq Reconstruction

William Fisher reports, "Evidence of widespread corruption, shoddy work and poor management has called into question the Bush administration's claims that sabotage by insurgents is responsible for the failure of its multi-billion-dollar Iraq reconstruction effort."

GM Maize MON 863 Toxic

Handyantennen werden immer raffinierter versteckt vom 03.05.2007

Handyantennen werden immer mehr in falschen Kaminen, in Abluftrohren, auf Kirchtürmen oder gar in künstlichen Tannen versteckt. Antennen-Gegner finden dies daneben. Bis letzten Herbst prangten auf dem Dach des Einkaufszentrums Lago in Konstanz unmittelbar an der Schweizer Grenze acht große Handyantennen-Masten. Heute ragen dort acht große kaminartige Rohre in die Höhe – fast wie bei einem Dampfer (siehe Bild). «Der Zweck der Verkleidung ist klar», sagt Stefan Zbornik von der IG Strahlungsfreies Kreuzlingen. «Man will die Antennen vergessen machen und so den Widerstand schwächen, ganz nach dem Motto: Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn.»

Iren befürchten Verblödung durch SMS vom 30.04.2007

Verkümmertes Vokabular in Abschlussarbeiten an Tagesordnung

Die irische Jugend weist immer größere sprachliche Defizite auf. Verantwortlich dafür soll unter anderem das exzessive Schreiben von SMS-Nachrichten sein, behauptet das irische Bildungsministerium in einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie. Als Grundlage dienten rund 37.000 Abschlussarbeiten. Beklagt wurde unter anderem die immer schlechter werdende Ausdrucksfähigkeit sowie der hölzerne, abgehackte Stil vieler Jugendlicher.

Geschenke zum Überwachungsalltag

Mobiles lose their magic as calls fall for the first time

Informant: Mark G.

Banham fury at Breckland planners

03 May 2007

BRECKLAND Council has been accused by Banham villagers of not paying enough attention to local views on planning issues.

The claim has been made by members of the Heath Road residents' association who are opposing plans to site a mobile phone mast close to their homes and a school for autistic children.

They are also unhappy at proposals to demolish a bungalow in Heath Road and replace it with a six bedroom house, and a retrospective application to regularise unauthorised development at an adjoining industrial estate.

Spokesman Matthew Le Grys said: “Basically we got together and formed a residents' association to oppose a motorcycle track. Breckland wasn't listening to us on that issue but we managed to get it overturned. Chimneys have been put up without consent at the industrial estate and the house is going to be completely out of character.

“I have young children and we will be only 100m away from the mast. It looks like Breckland is going to recommend approval as they can't take health issues into account.”

Neighbour Pam Hammond said: “The chimneys are very ugly but the council seems to feel that's okay. Our house is right next to the mast.”

Banham district councillor Stephen Askew said he was aware of the residents' concerns and would continue to lobby for an alternative location for the mast proposed by applicant T-Mobile.

He added: “There have been a number of planning applications in Heath Road in recent years that could be regarded as surprising, but planning law is very complex and very often the decisions are influenced by government and European guidelines.”

Breckland Council spokesman Mandy Montagu said the authority had “bent over backwards” to win an appeal, on behalf of villagers, to prevent the motorcycle track operating. Officers had also attended parish council meetings to discuss local concerns.

“We do try to take residents' views into account. Sometimes when we look at all the evidence, what we feel is different from what they feel, but for about 80pc of the time we do tend to agree with residents.”

The bungalow application has been deferred pending additional information. The mast and factory applications are due to be determined on May 21.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Mobile firm fights for mast

May 3 2007

by Cliff Birchall, Formby Times

A MOBILE phone company is continuing its fight to erect a mast in Formby Village.

Orange PCS Limited had plans for a mast adjacent to 41 Chapel Lane, fronting Halsall Lane, turned down last year.

Now it has appealed against Sefton Council’s decision.

Harington Ward councillor Alf Doran said there was a lot of public opposition, as well as objections from the Parish Council, Formby Civic Society and councillors.

“Going down to appeal, we need as much opposition as possible. I would like Formby people to write in to oppose it.”

Cllr Doran said people living nearby had been expecting the appeal. “What I am disappointed about is that they have left it so long, showing no consideration for the people of the Village and the atmosphere in the Village, which is the main reason we objected in the first place.”

He said the company wanted to put the mast – 11.8m, or 38ft 8ins tall, with two cabinets below it – between two trees, even though they had refused to site it on a car-park because of interference to the signal from trees.

Cllr Doran is calling for people to send letters of objection, in triplicate, to The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN – marking the envelope ‘Reference N/2006/0885’ – by June 6.

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales Limited 2007

Residents’ anger as mast plan approved

Gonzales must go

Cato Institute
by Timothy Lynch


With political support for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales collapsing, the White House is now attempting to save his job by making the case for his overall record. A White House spokesperson said recently that Gonzales ‘has done a fantastic job at the Department of Justice.’ Truth be told, Gonzales’s tenure is more scandalous even than the mess he created by firing eight federal prosecutors...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The right to remain silent

by Dahlia Lithwick


Nobody seems to mind all that much when the Bush administration nibbles away at the rights of the almost 400 prisoners still being held at Guantanamo Bay. Maybe we figure that if they didn’t deserve the really important rights we’ve taken away (to speedy trials, say, or to due process in challenging their detentions), they can’t possibly merit the lesser ones (such as the right to hunger strike or the right to an attorney). Last fall, through the Military Commissions Act, Congress stripped everyone at Gitmo of the right to petition for habeas corpus relief in the federal courts, barred them from invoking the Geneva Conventions in federal court, and allowed secret evidence to be used against them at trial. Now, using an elegantly Zenlike circular argument, the administration contends that since they have no real procedural rights anymore, they probably won’t be needing their funny little lawyers to enforce them...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The right’s rejection of “the rule of law”

by Glenn Greenwald


[R]eading Mansfield has real value for understanding the dominant right-wing movement in this country. Because he is an academic, and a quite intelligent one, he makes intellectually honest arguments, by which I mean that he does not disguise what he thinks in politically palatable slogans, but instead really describes the actual premises on which political beliefs are based. And that is Mansfield’s value; he is a clear and honest embodiment of what the Bush movement is. In particular, he makes crystal clear that the so-called devotion to a ’strong executive’ by the Bush administration and the movement which supports it is nothing more than a belief that the Leader has the power to disregard, violate, and remain above the rule of law. And that is clear because Mansfied explicitly says that. And that is not just Mansfield’s idiosyncratic belief. He is simply stating — honestly and clearly — the necessary premises of the model of the Omnipotent Presidency which has taken root under the Bush presidency...

Neoconservative fascism

by William Norman Grigg


Harvard Professor of Government Harvey C. Mansfield’s May 2 Wall Street Journal essay ‘The Case for the Strong Executive’ is a remarkable brief on behalf of unreconstructed fascist rule through an Executive emancipated from the rule of law. Mansfield, who unblushingly admits that the alternative to the rule of law is ‘tyranny,’ insists that the ‘defects’ of our system of liberty under law suggest ‘the need for one-man rule.’ Seriously. He really wrote those words. And he apparently meant them...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Songs of death

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


One might very legitimately wonder exactly why so many liberals and progressives disapproved so vehemently of McCain’s performance. After all, the leading Democratic presidential candidates offer the identical prescription for Iran, and their overall foreign policy objectives are just as deplorable as McCain’s. Ah, but they don’t sing it. I guess these critics don’t like music, or at least that particular song. They want their plans for Armageddon provided straight. As for me, if the world is going to be altered fundamentally, I’d just as soon have a song first, as minimal as its musical value might be in this instance. Make no mistake: there is no significant difference whatsoever between McCain’s tuneful ‘Bomb Iran’ and, as two prime examples, what Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have to offer...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hide the debt

The Free Liberal
by Paul Jacob


‘You shouldn’t go around touting that you balanced your budget when your deficit is $44 billion.’ Good advice, no? Well, Sheila Weinberg said it first. Ms. Weinberg has taken on the world’s most yawner of a topic, accounting, and is trying to get your attention. If we don’t (or can’t) follow our governments’ accounts, politicians and bureaucrats will rob us blind. She founded the Institute for Truth in Accounting in 2002. And she’s kicked up a ruckus. According to a recent Institute report, our federal financial hole is over $53 trillion. To fund our politicians’ promises and pay off debt and other bills, everyone in America would have to send a check to D.C. for $176,700...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The source of rights

Foundation for Economic Education
by Dean Russell

The prevailing justification for governmental action in the United States today is this: The desires of the majority, as determined by universal and secret ballot, shall become the law of the land. And once the vote is in, everyone must obey, including those who think the law is immoral or economically destructive. Even if a person thinks the law violates individual freedom and the basic human rights of every person, he must still conform. Here are three examples of this situation currently in force... (written 11/84; posted 05/02/07)

Is the Supreme Court all thumbs?

Liberty For All
by Garry Reed


Silly me. Somehow I thought the purpose of the Supreme Court was to decide if the laws concocted by our law concoctors are constitutional. Maybe it was the inadequacy of my small town public schooling. Maybe I’d watched too many old pompous black-and-white movies about old pompous men in pompous robes. I pictured these nine wise and wizened men (and now women) reading a new law, consulting their well-thumbed copies of the Constitution and then giving the law thumbs up or thumbs down...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq lawmakers' vacation plans draw fire

Salt Lake Tribune

President Bush meets today with Democrats and Republicans from Congress to work on an Iraq war funding measure both sides can accept. Bush’s veto of an Iraq war spending bill that set timelines for U.S. troop withdrawals puts new pressure on Democrats in Congress to craft a compromise even as their caucus grows more fractious on the topic. The party’s most liberal members, especially in the House, say they will vote against money for continuing the war if there’s no binding language on troop drawdowns. Bush and almost all congressional Republicans continue to insist on a spending bill with no strings attached on troop movements. Bush on Tuesday rejected legislation pushed by Democratic leaders that would require the first U.S. combat troops to be withdrawn by Oct. 1 with a goal of a complete pullout six months later... [editor’s note: This one should be simple and easy: Reid and Pelosi should schlep on over to the White House and cheerfully explain that they will continue to re-submit and re-pass the same bill until it’s signed — and that that’s the ONLY money Bush will see for ANYTHING until then - TLK] (05/01/07)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

FDA hoodwinks public on comment period

News Target


The FDA has slammed the door shut on accepting public comments over its contentious ‘CAM Guidelines’ that threaten to destroy natural medicine by classifying virtually all health-enhancing foods, juices, nutritional supplements and functional foods as ‘unapproved drugs.’ NewsTarget has acquired emails from an FDA employee and key author of the CAM Guidelines. This email contains statements that directly contradict the FDA’s own website and reveal a tactic designed to silence public commentary by retroactively declaring the comment period to be closed even while the FDA’s own documents state the period should continue for another 30 days...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US Army clamping down on soldiers’ blogs



The U.S. Army is tightening restrictions on soldiers’ blogs and other Web site postings to ensure sensitive information about military operations does not make it onto public forums. Soldiers in war zones are already subject to restrictions on blogging and public posts. But the Army’s new regulation could affect service members who have returned from war zones and started blogs about their combat experiences...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Soldiers Face Punishment Over Blogs

Soldiers will be punished if they publicly reveal sensitive information, such as troop movements, planned raids, travel itineraries of senior leaders, or photographs of casualties, new technology, or other material that could compromise their location. The rules say solders can be charged with violating a lawful order under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Justice probes hiring of prosecutors

Tulsa World


The Justice Department is investigating whether its former White House liaison used political affiliations in deciding whom to hire as entry-level prosecutors in some U.S. attorney offices around the country, The Associated Press has learned. Such consideration would be a violation of federal law...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Economics of Nuclear Power

Greenpeace has released our study on nuclear economics.

It was co authored by former NRC Commissioner and NY State Public Service Commissioner Peter Bradford, among others.

The new report published by a team of international energy and economic experts conclusively proves that nuclear power is neither a practical nor economically viable solution to tackling climate change.

The report, "The Economics of Nuclear Power", commissioned by Greenpeace International, finds that nuclear power plant construction can run up to 300% over budget and, on average, take four years longer to build than planned.

There's good specif info about the US experience as well as the foibles abroad.

Please feel free to make use of it!


"Switching from coal to nukes," said Dan Becker, director of the Sierra Club's global warming program, "is like giving up smoking and taking up crack."

"Americans cannot escape a certain responsibility for what is done in our name around the world. In a democracy, even one as corrupted as ours, ultimate authority rests with the people. We empower the government with our votes, finance it with our taxes, bolster it with our silent acquiescence. If we are passive in the face of America's official actions overseas, we in effect endorse them." - Mark Hertzgaard

Informant: MoJo

Urge Congress to help bring clean drinking water to the world's neediest children

More than one billion people around the world are without access to safe drinking water, and 2.6 billion are without basic sanitation. Each day 5,000 children die from water-borne diseases stemming from lack of safe water and adequate sanitation. While this picture of immense human suffering is almost beyond comprehension, cost-effective solutions are available right now.

Investments in drinking water and sanitation are among the most effective measures that can be taken to reduce disease and death, especially in children. Public health experts in developed nations attribute more lives saved over the past 150 years to the provision of clean drinking water than to any other medical or health advance, bar none. With enough political will, similar gains can be realized in developing nations: for a few pennies per life saved, simple sanitation improvements and existing, off-the-shelf water treatment and delivery technologies can rescue millions of children from misery or death from water-borne disease.

In 2005 Congress passed and President Bush signed the "Water for the Poor Act," which recognizes the global water crisis and the need for greater American involvement in solving it, and directs the U.S. government to develop a strategy to provide safe water and sanitation to the countries in greatest need as a cornerstone of our foreign aid efforts. While the goals of the act are commendable, Congress has yet to appropriate any funds to implement them. Senators and representatives will soon be drafting spending bills for the next fiscal year, so this is their opportunity to finally direct funds to be spent for this vital program.

== What to do ==
Send a message urging your senators and representative to include funding for the "Water for the Poor Act" in the FY08 foreign operations appropriations bill.

== Contact information ==
You can send a message to your senators and representative directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at If you prefer to call, the Capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121.

Tell Congress not to let polluters weaken the Clean Water Act

Since the Clean Water Act was enacted in 1972, we have made great progress in cleaning up our nation's waters. But polluters have tried repeatedly to use the courts to cut back on the law's protections, and last year their efforts paid off when a Supreme Court decision left significant doubt about what kinds of water bodies remain protected by the Clean Water Act.

Now a number of small streams and other waters are in legal limbo. This uncertainty is enormously dangerous -- 20 million acres of wetlands and nearly two million miles of streams are at risk of pollution or destruction if they lose their Clean Water Act protections. In response, concerned members of the House and Senate will soon introduce the Clean Water Authority Restoration Act to thwart polluters' attacks by specifying the kinds of waters that the law must cover.

Americans need these water bodies to be protected -- the small and seasonal creeks, brooks and streams that make up over half the river miles outside of Alaska contribute to the drinking water of roughly 111 million people. In addition, wetlands purify water, reduce the risk of flooding and provide important wildlife habitat.

== What to do ==
Send a message urging your senators and representative to co-sponsor the Clean Water Authority Restoration Act.

== Contact information ==
You can send a message to your senators and representative directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at If you prefer to call, the Capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121.

About NRDC
The Natural Resources Defense Council is a nonprofit environmental organization with 1.2 million members and online activists, and a staff of scientists, attorneys and environmental experts. Our mission is to protect the planet's wildlife and wild places and ensure a safe and healthy environment for all living things.

For more information about NRDC or how to become a member of NRDC, please contact us at:

Natural Resources Defense Council
40 West 20th Street New York, NY 10011
212-727-4511 (voice) / 212-727-1773 (fax)

The USDA's Unhealthful Budget

"A long-running contradiction in US farm policy is fattening the waistlines of Americans and the profits of agribusiness at the same time," says Scott Kahan. "For the 30 years that the US Department of Agriculture has been issuing dietary guidelines, there has been a stark inconsistency between the federal government's advice and its food funding."

The First Refugees of Global Warming

Bangladesh, which has 140 million people packed into an area a little smaller than Illinois, is one of the most vulnerable places as climate changes. As the sea level slowly rises, this nation, which is little more than a series of low-lying delta islands amid some of Asia's mightiest rivers, is seeing saltwater creep into its coastal soils and drinking water. Scientists say that in many ways it represents climate change's "perfect storm" of challenges because the country is extremely poor, extremely populated and extremely susceptible.

American Reporter On the Ground in Iraq

Reporter Steven Vincent and his translator put their lives on the line each day in Iraq to uncover the truth about sectarian violence. In August 2005 they were kidnapped by the very people they had been reporting on. Vincent was shot dead, becoming the first US journalist murdered in Iraq. On Friday, May 4, at 8:30 p.m. (check local listings), NOW's Maria Hinojosa travels to the Middle East to talk to his Iraqi translator, Nour Al Khal, an extraordinary woman who, despite being shot three times, survived. Like two million of her compatriots, Nour, who still fears for her life, has fled Iraq and lives in limbo as a refugee in a neighboring country.

Democrats Start Post-Veto Blitz

As round two of the Iraq funding debate begins, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) has launched a closely coordinated strategy aimed at capitalizing on apparent divisions between rank-and-file Republicans and the White House over benchmarks for the war.

Leahy Issues Subpoena for Rove Emails

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) issued a subpoena Wednesday for all emails from White House adviser Karl Rove that relate to the firings of eight US attorneys.

Are You On the government's 'watch list'?

YOU MIGHT not realize it, but your government might be targeting you for an extra little dose of hell next time you try to board an airplane.

From Information Clearing House

Administration pushes to expand domestic surveillance

Claiming that federal investigators are missing key information on terrorists because of an outdated spying law, the top U.S. intelligence official called on lawmakers on Tuesday to revamp the foreign surveillance act and make it easier to eavesdrop on non-citizens in the U.S. with suspected links to terrorism.

From Information Clearing House

Top aides say Bush can order warrantless wiretaps

Senior Bush administration officials told Congress on Tuesday that they could not pledge that the administration would continue to seek warrants from a secret court for a domestic wiretapping program, as it agreed to do in January.

From Information Clearing House

US, Israel prepare for Iran strike

Countdown has begun

US, Israel prepare for Iran strike in wake of new intelligence information,7340,L-3393272,00.html

"These People Frighten Me"

The Candor of Mike Gravel

"Some of these people frighten me--they frighten me. When you have mainline candidates that turn around and say that there's nothing off the table with respect to Iran, that's code for using nukes, nuclear devices.

Mike Gravel on CNN Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer


Talks about iraq, iran, nukes, his presidential run, the other candidates and more.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq says U.S.-backed oil law sent to parliament

The Iraqi government has sent to parliament a landmark draft oil law, the oil minister said on Wednesday, a major step towards meeting one of the political benchmarks Washington has set for Baghdad.

Digging In

If the U.S. government doesn't plan to occupy Iraq for any longer than necessary, why is it spending billions of dollars to build "enduring" bases?

From Information Clearing House


Iraq Oil Law

Open Letter to Out of Iraq Caucus Regarding Iraq Oil Law

US Labor Against the War is sending every member of the Congressional Out of Iraq Caucus the letter contained in the PDF attached below.

Open the Letter:

Two paragraphs buried at the bottom of a long New York Times article today (allowing the Times to later claim to have reported it):

"The draft oil law would allow regions to enter into production-sharing agreements with foreign companies, which some Iraqis and critics of the Bush administration say could lead to foreigners reaping too much of the country’s oil wealth.

"Iraqi officials say all contracts will be subjected to a fair bidding process, but there are fears that American companies could be favored. "

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news


Oil Exporters and US Beware: Writing Is on the Wall

Hossein Askari writes: "It is time to beat the drums for change. First, the US must let countries, notably Iraq, control their own energy reserves. Second, international institutions and other credible experts must persuade rulers in oil-exporting countries to take a hands-off approach and assign oil revenues to their people. Taking oil revenues away from rulers and governments of oil-exporting countries would certainly be painful for those in power, but the time has come to undertake this effort for the sake of equity, fairness and global peace."


Iraqi Blocs Opposed to Draft Oil Bill

Monetary Reform for the United States

Sweet Waters From a Bitter Fountain

By Richard C. Cook

"This money power is not only the most governing and influential, but it is also the most unjust and deceitful of all earthly powers. It entails upon millions excessive toil, poverty and want, while it keeps them ignorant of the cause of their sufferings; for, with their tacit consent, it silently transfers a large share of their earnings into the hands of others, who have never lifted a finger to perform any productive labor.

Anti-Capitalism in Five Minutes or Less

By Robert Jensen

We are told, over and over, that capitalism is not just the system we have, but the only system we can ever have. Yet for many, something nags at us about such a claim. Could this really be the only option?

The U.S.' War on Democracy

Interview with John Pilger

The United States has long waged a war on democracy behind a facade of propaganda designed to contort the intellect and morality of Americans and the rest of us. For many of your readers, this is known. However, for others in the West, the propaganda that has masked Washington's ambitions has been entrenched, with its roots in the incessant celebration of World War Two, the "good war", then "victory" in the cold war.

The War on Democracy

Audio Q & A - With John Pilger

John Pilger, talked about his new film: The War on Democracy which comes out on June 15th and takes a look at Latin America. The man himself says: "I've long regarded Latin America as the source of hopes of freedom from poverty for the very poor, and the current, extraordinary rising of millions against the old order is defying all the stereotypes."

"Worthy and Unworthy Victims"

By Stephen Lendman

In a recent article, John Pilger quotes historian Mark Curtis' characterization of "unworthy victims" as "unpeople" while Herman and Chomsky explain the "propaganda system," played out in the dominant media, characterizes people abused and victimized by us or our client states as "unworthy."

Pourquoi la téléphonie nous rend malade - Témoignages et Dossier Mélatonine

- Raum & Zeit (Allemagne) : "Pourquoi la téléphonie nous rend malade". - Témoignages et Dossier Mélatonine (taux par rapport à l'exposition : âge, distance, durée, sang, urine).

- Le Télégramme, BREST Kerbernard : Une antenne-relais qui dérange.


Mobile Telephony Lunacy: Victims Report

It's time for that to change: It's time to put the pressure on these Roadblock Republicans

Informant: Quechick Barnyard

"I ask that all schools use wires not wireless"

Letter to MP from Councillor, Merton

Subject: I sent this to Stephen Hammond, MP

Dear Stephen

The dangers of mobile phones when children use them are well documented by the govt. and the Chief Medical Officer advises against usage. Essentially the bone structure of children is not completely developed and therefore electro-magnetic waves affect the brain tissues in particular (also affects 500,00 adults in UK). A 24 / 7 Wi-Fi cloud emits the same level of electro-magnetic waves as using a mobile phone does when used for a few minutes a day. Wi-Fi in schools is akin to having a phone mast in the school grounds and must be stopped immediately. Unlike the use of mobile phones (and other risks like smoking) children are given a choice. With Wi-Fi they are not. Whilst engineers argue that there is no proof that Wi-Fi causes medical problems, the facts are different. Engineers are not expects and their advice should be ignored. The govt. has not accepted the arguments of Bio-Physicists but this will change as more medical problems become more apparent. Schools in Merton like Ursuline are installing a wireless ‘cloud’ offering wireless connectivity across the whole of the school. The range will go well beyond the school affecting wireless-free properties including the Hall School, Wimbledon next door. This is wholly unacceptable. My children go to the hall and I do not want them to be exposed to dangerous electro-magnetic waves. All schools should have to sign a form stating that they believe that Wi-Fi systems are safe for all children. Pressure groups are stepping up their action against Wi-Fi in schools as reports if illness rises. The groups will be asking schools to sign a document stating that they believe their wireless networks are safe. The groups know that schools won’t sign and will use this as a debating point and potentially a legal battle. I think it far better that that we nip this potential legal fight in the bud now. I ask that all schools use wires not wireless. The cost is limited and makes safety the first priority. Please let me know your opinions on this.

(Cllr) David Dean

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