Samstag, 20. Januar 2007

Protesters Will Urge Congress to Stand Up to Bush

Americans angered by Bush's plans to escalate the Iraq war will flood the streets of Washington on Saturday, January 27, in a massive national peace march organized by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ). Marchers will call on Congress to listen to the voters, not Bush, by using its power to end Bush's war and bring the troops home. The last three national marches organized by UFPJ each attracted between 300,000 and 500,000 people.

Christian Words, Un-Christian Actions

by John Stoddard Klar

George W. Bush and the Desecration of Christianity in Modern America

From Supreme Law Firm

Bush's New Plan: More Troops, More Death, More and Wider War

Informant: C. Clark Kissinger

From ufpj-news

The Iraq War and American Idol

by Joel Turtel

Most Americans now disapprove of the Iraq war or how Bush is handling the war. What we have here is a President who thinks he has the arbitrary right and moral duty to “spread democracy” to people who don’t have the word “democracy” in their dictionaries. Even worse, he.....

Abschuss eines Wettersatelliten mit einer Rakete fordert den Anspruch der USA auf die Hoheit im Weltall heraus

China testete Antisatellitenwaffe

Der vermutlich erfolgte Abschuss eines Wettersatelliten mit einer Rakete fordert den Anspruch der USA auf die Hoheit im Weltall heraus - oder soll die USA dazu bewegen, endlich ein Abkommen über ein Verbot der Weltraumaufrüstung zu unterstützen.

Der Fall Kurnaz: Wie man einen jungen Mann schmählich im Stich gelassen hat

Mit deutscher Gründlichkeit und Härte

Clinton Launches 2008 White House Bid

Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton embarked on a widely anticipated campaign for the White House on Saturday, a former first lady intent on becoming the first female president. "I'm in and I'm in to win," she said on her Web site.

McCain Hires Bush's Media Team

Senator John McCain has enlisted the core players of President Bush's advertising team, adding them to what was already a group of bare-knuckled political advertising strategists working for his nascent campaign.

House Probes Claim GSA Head Gave Deal to Friend

The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee yesterday opened an investigation into a no-bid contract that the chief of the General Services Administration attempted to give to companies operated by her longtime friend.

Cheney's Dead-Enders

"With the departure of his longtime friend Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton's resignation as UN ambassador, and Democrats taking over Congress, times seem grim for the Dick Cheney wing of the Bush administration. The vice president's vision of a 'unitary executive' - otherwise known as the imperial presidency - will almost certainly be challenged by congressional oversight committees, and perhaps by the courts."

US Plans Envision Broad Attack on Iran: Analyst

US contingency planning for military action against Iran's nuclear program goes beyond limited strikes and would effectively unleash a war against the country, a former US intelligence analyst said on Friday.

Cost of Iraq War Skyrockets to $8 Billion a Month

The steadily rising Iraq war price tag will reach about $8.4 billion a month this year, Pentagon spokesmen said on Thursday, as heavy replacement costs for lost, destroyed and aging equipment mount.

Leading Senator Assails President Over Iran Stance

Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the West Virginia Democrat who took control of the Senate Intelligence committee this month, said that the Bush administration was building a case against Tehran even as American intelligence agencies still know little about either Iran's internal dynamics or its intentions in the Middle East.

Bürgerinitiative Stuttgart West Mobilfunk Rundmail 10

Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmasten
Bismarckstraße 57

Rundmail 10, 20.1.2007

Liebe Anwohnerinnen und Anwohner, liebe Mobilfunkgegner,

alles Gute für das Jahr 2007 wünscht Ihnen die Bürgerinitiative. Wir haben einen langen Atem, uns kann man nicht aussitzen. An unseren Bannern haben Sie sicher gesehen, wir kämpfen mit Schwung weiter, und hoffen weiter auf Ihre Unterstützung.

1. Nun möchten wir Sie zu Beginn des Jahres zu einem Informationsabend einladen und dabei über den aktuellen Stand unserer Aktivitäten berichten. Es hat sich viel getan: Spannendes und Fragliches, Wohlwollendes und Ärgerliches. Gemeinsam möchten wir mit Ihnen Anregungen, Vorschläge und Meinungen austauschen, um in der kommenden Zeit wirkungsvoll zu sein. Für unsere weitere Arbeit ist es sehr wichtig, zu wissen, welchen Rückhalt wir in unserem Stadtteil haben. Wir freuen uns auf einen informativen, nachbarschaftlichen Abend mit Ihnen

am Donnerstag, den 1. Februar 2007

um 19.30 Uhr im „Merlin“ in der Augustenstraße 72, Stuttgart-West
(mit Bewirtung)

2. Und es geht weiter: Die Stadt Stuttgart und Oberbürgermeister Schuster haben inzwischen gemerkt, dass sie uns ernst nehmen müssen. OB Schuster ist bereit, am

Freitag, 16. Februar um 15.00 Uhr

eine Delegation der Bürgerinitiative zu einem einstündigen Gespräch zu empfangen, was er vor der Bürgerversammlung West noch abgelehnt hatte. Das werden alle Stuttgarter Bürgerinitiativen nutzen, die inzwischen mehrere tausend Protestunterschriften zu übergeben.

Vormerken, freihalten, eintragen : wir treffen uns vorher um

14.30 Uhr zu einer Kundgebung vor dem Rathaus.

Das bedeutet, wir können Erfolge haben (auch wenn der Mast – noch - nicht weg ist), aber sie fielen uns nicht in den Schoß. Durch unser engagiertes öffentliches Auftreten und unsere sachliche Auseinandersetzung haben wir viel Zuspruch erhalten. Aber gerade für diese öffentlichen Aktionen brauchen wir Ihre Unterstützung.

3. Der Paulusgemeinde haben wir nochmals ein Gesprächsangebot gemacht. Der Oberkirchenrat, das höchste Gremium der evangelischen Landeskirche, hat uns einen Brief geschrieben, der uns erschreckte. Mit unserer Stellungnahme ist er auf unserer Homepage unter „Briefwechsel“ zum Herunterladen.

4. Ein weiterer guter Schritt: alle Stuttgarter Bürgerinitiativen gegen Mobilfunkmasten haben sich getroffen und bereiten eine gemeinsame Großveranstaltung im Rathaus für den Mai vor.

Unsere Banneraktion „Flagge zeigen“, die viel Aufsehen erregte und viele freut, geht weiter, auch die anderen Initiativen werden sich beteiligen. Wegen der Stürme mussten wir zeitweilig die Banner einziehen. Wir träumen davon, dass an vielen Häusern in Stuttgart diese Banner den Protest sichbar machen und wir um die Pauluskirche herum keine Insel bleiben. Wären Sie bereit, ein Banner aufzuhängen, dann mailen Sie uns, oder melden es im Ökoladen „Immergruen“.

5. Unsere Homepage wurde heute überarbeitet. Neue Inhalte: Von Uwe Krüger erschien in der Medienfachzeitschrift „Message“ 1/2007 der Artikel „Funkstille über Strahlenschäden“, warum die Medien über die Gefährlichkeit der Mobilfunkstrahlung nicht berichten. Dazu haben wir eine kleine aktuelle Artikelsammlung zum Lobbyismus gestellt, alles zum Herunterladen.(Unter Aktuelles)

Neue Rubrik: „Krankheitsfälle und Arztberichte“ unter „An die Stuttgarter Ärzteschaft“.

Ankündigung der DVD „Handykrieg“ über die US-Mobilfunkstudie und Dr. George Carlo

Vervollständigung der Presseberichte über die Bürgerinitiative ( unter Presse)

Der Brief des Oberkirchenrates der evang.Landeskirche Baden-Württemberg vom 19.12.2006 an die Bürgerinitiative. Er hat uns erstaunt und enttäuscht. Die Antwort und Stellungnahme der Bürgerinitiative mit dem Titel: „Wir hatten den Brief der evangelischen Kirche erwartet, und nicht einer juristischen Kanzlei“ vom 18.1.2007 stehen ebenfalls zum Download(unter Briefwechsel und kirchliche Dokumente). Eine interessante Auseinandersetzung.

Mit freundlichenGrüßen
Peter Hensinger

Interview Jean Delcoigne



Marie Pierre

Rice: Deutschland unterstützt neue US-Strategie für den Irak

US-Außenministerin Rice hat nach eigenen Angaben von der Bundesregierung breite Unterstützung für die neue Strategie der USA im Irak erhalten. Sie habe die deutsche Regierung als ziemlich verständnisvoll empfunden, sagte sie dem Magazin "Spiegel". Frau Rice hatte in der vergangenen Woche in Berlin Gespräche mit Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und Außenminister Steinmeier geführt. Die US-Außenministerin betonte, beide seien erfreut gewesen, dass die Amerikaner sich weiter für den Irak engagierten. Sie lehnte es erneut ab, Syrien und den Iran in die Beratungen über die Zukunft des Irak einzubeziehen. Außerdem versicherte sie, dass die USA den Konflikt nicht durch Militäraktionen gegen den Iran verschärfen wollten.

© 2007 Deutschlandradio

New Warnings on Climate Change

Informant: binstock

Customers won't be mobile thanks to mast

20 January 2007 10:55

The owner of a mobility shop in the city has today spoken out against plans for a mobile phone mast outside his shop and other business in the area.

Telecommunications company T-Mobile has submitted an application to Norwich City Council for permission to put up a 12 metre mast on Grove Road, Norwich. the site is next to a parade of shops and opposite an eight-apartment development which is being built.

John Pillow, manager of Mobility 2000, said he was concerned about the effect the mast would have on his business.

“It's not good for the mobility business at all,” he said. “They will put a mast there with two big grey boxes at the bottom and I've no doubt it will get vandalised - the mess that's left outside here after a weekend is unbelievable.”

Mr Pillow is also concerned that people will have difficulty getting to his shop once the mast goes up on the pavement outside. “There are elderly people here all the time and it's going to be in the way,” he said.

The mast will be a short distance from the Trafford pub, and also close to a launderette, butcher, travel agent and a Tesco Express.

The completion of an eight apartment development, being built across the road on the site of a former restaurant, will also bring more people to the area.

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe through our Put Masts on Hold campaign.

People living in the area have until February 7 to make their feelings known about the application.

Earlier this month it was reported how families living in Catton View Court, off Woodcock Road, Norwich, were also fighting an application by T-Mobile, but for a 12.85m mast.

A spokeswoman for T-Mobile said she understood people's concerns but said masts were needed to provide coverage for everyone who used mobile phones.

“The use of mobile phones in the UK has grown at a phenomenal rate, with some 60 million now in use,” she said. “Without a network of base stations, however, mobile phones simply do not work.

“Based on more than 40 years of research, T-Mobile is confident that its base stations, operating within strict national and international guidelines (recognised by the World Health Organisation), do not present a health risk to any member of the public.”

Omega this is not true. See under:

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

Are you battling against a mobile phone mast where you live? Call Peter Walsh on 01603 772439 or e-mail peter.walsh

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

US Senator Boxer Lays out Climate Change Plans

Informant: NHNE

Companies Press Bush, Congress on Climate

Major corporations are joining environmental groups to press President Bush and Congress to address climate change more rapidly.

World Faces Megafire Threat

Bushfires that have raged through Australia's southeast for two months and struck Europe, Canada and the western US in 2003 were a new type of "megafire" not seen until recently.

Pelosi: US Not Obliged to Stay in Iraq

In a critique the White House labeled as "poisonous," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi charged Friday that President Bush is wading too deeply into Iraq and that it should not be "an obligation of the American people in perpetuity."

The Next 100 Hours

"The '100 Hours' legislative push commemorating the Democratic takeover of the House concluded yesterday. In what actually amounted to 87 hours of bill-passing, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her newly empowered crew passed a slew of bills that accomplished two signal goals: They helped actual people, and they simultaneously served up a walloping dose of Listerine to get the taste of the last twelve years out of our mouths," writes William Rivers Pitt.

Stop the war against the Mexican Wolf!

Take action

Space Arms Race Is Most Definitely On


Militarization and The Moon-Mars Program: Another Wrong Turn in Space?

From Global Network

Rogers Says Oil Will Rise to $100 After `Correction'

Oil will resume its march toward $100 a barrel after a "correction,'' said Jim Rogers, who predicted the start of the commodities rally in 1999.

From Information Clearing House

Medical Apartheid

The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present.

From Information Clearing House

Senator Leahy Slams Gonzalez Over Torture

Senator Leahy blasted Alberto Gonzalez at todays briefing over the treatment of Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen who was detained and sent to Syria, where he was regularly tortured for almost a year before being released uncharged.

Simplify, then exaggerate: the neo-cons' route to disaster

Neo-conservative columnists have tended to follow the trial lawyers' approach to expertise. First, decide what you want to argue then find an expert who agrees with you.

From Information Clearing House

Ex-US Defense Chief Suggests Military Action Against North Korea

The United States should consider military action against North Korea if China and South Korea refuse to prod Pyongyang to end its nuclear weapons program, former US defense secretary William Perry proposed Thursday

Pyongyang claims deal reached with US on N-talks

North Korea’s Foreign Ministry said three days of talks in Berlin between US envoy Christopher Hill and North Korea’s main nuclear negotiator Kim Kye Gwan had been held “in a positive and sincere atmosphere and a certain agreement was reached there.” No further details were given.

From Information Clearing House

America seeks Afghanistan Oil Deal

The mounting U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries may enable Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, UNOCAL, and other giant corporations to lay claim to "the number-one prize in world oil." But the extension of U.S. military power and economic domination into this region comes with very grave risks.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Launches Task Force 16 to "Block Iranian Influence" in Iraq

The special operations mission, known as Task Force 16, was created late last year to target Iranians trafficking arms and training Shiite militia forces. The operation is modeled on Task Force 15, a clandestine cadre of Navy SEALs, Army Delta Force soldiers, and CIA operatives with a mission to capture or kill al Qaeda operatives and Baathist insurgents in Iraq.

Talabani says Iranians ready for talks with U.S. on regional security

Talabani, currently on a visit to Syria, said "the Iranians showed flexibility. I will say it for history that they said they are ready for an understanding with American from Afghanistan to Lebanon. They are ready for discussions in order to reach results that please both sides."

From Information Clearing House

Iraq tells Iran, US to take their fight elsewhere

"We demand that all respect Iraq's sovereignty. We don't want to be a party to any strife aimed at settling scores," Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh told a Baghdad news conference.

From Information Clearing House

Auditors Report Billions in Reconstruction Waste and Fraud in Iraq

President Bush is asking for another $1.2 billion for rebuilding and jobs in Iraq. But with so much uncertainty, the committee chairman wants the government auditors to return in two months with estimates on how much money has been wasted in Iraqi reconstruction.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq War Costs Going Through Stratosphere

The cost of the Iraq War in addition to costing thousands of American and Iraqi lives is bleeding the American treasury at dangerous levels.

From Information Clearing House

Three generals speak against Iraq surge


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Marine admits to shooting defenseless Iraqi

A U.S. Marine pleaded guilty on Thursday to shooting a defenseless Iraqi grandfather dragged from his house in the middle of the night in what his squad informally called "Operation Vigilante."

From Information Clearing House

Democrat Agenda Omissions

By Stephen Lendman

It a system of savage capitalism at its worst, bordering on the tipping edge of fascism. It's based on corporatism, patriotism and nationalism backed by iron-fisted militarism and "homeland security" enforcers. It's waging a permanent war on humanity, intolerant of dissent and opposition in an age where the law is what the chief executive says it is and checks and balances no longer exist.

The battle to save Iraq's children

By Colin Brown, Deputy Political Editor

"Sick or injured children who could otherwise be treated by simple means are left to die in hundreds because they do not have access to basic medicines or other resources," the doctors say. "Children who have lost hands, feet and limbs are left without prostheses. Children with grave psychological distress are left untreated," they add.

The Letter

'Sick or injured children, are left to die in hundreds': We ask that all the revenues from Iraq's oil now pass directly to the Iraqi people, and that illegal contracts entered into by the Coalition Provisional Authority are revoked.

From Information Clearing House

Nouri al-Maliki can see what is coming

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Put me down on Maliki's side. It is he who is taking the real risk here – with his life. It is he who is likely to learn what Kissinger meant when he observed that in this world, while it is often dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, to be a friend is fatal.

Shiites Will Resist Efforts To Destroy Them Says Moqtada Al-Sadr


Iraqi Shiite radical leader Moqtada al-Sadr said he has never trusted prime minister Nouri al-Maliki nor his predecessor Iyad Allawi, whom he described as the brains behind a US-backed plot to destroy him and his militia.

Main Aide of Muqtada Al-Sadr Arrested

An adviser to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, however, denied the government knew in advance about the raid.

Sadr fears for life in security crackdown

Moqtada al-Sadr has moved his family to a secure location because of fears he will become the target of a security sweep of Baghdad, it was reported today.,,1994458,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Cheney Rejected Iran's 'Help'


Newsnight has uncovered an extraordinary letter written after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 where Tehran offers to withdraw military backing for Hamas and Hezbollah as well as give open access to their nuclear facilities, but Vice-President Dick Cheney's office rejected the plan, the official said.

Who will stop the US from attacking Iran?

By Salim Lone

HARD AS IT IS TO IMAGINE, it is likely that another major war is being planned by the US, this time against Iran. And the arguments being marshalled by the Bush administration are exactly identical to what was being said against Iraq in the build-up to that war in 2003.

Telus tower a risk to public health: residents

By Robert Freeman
The Progress
Jan 19 2007

Hundreds of Chilliwack residents have signed a petition protesting a 147-foot telecommunications tower on Yale Road saying they believe its transmissions will be harmful to their health.

Last week, city council approved a height variance for the tower requested by Telus, essentially giving a green light to the project, but a spokesman for the residents says proper notice of the meeting was not made.

There was no public opposition to the variance request at the Jan. 8 public information meeting.

Chilliwack Mayor Clint Hames says he would be “happy to re-hold” the meeting if notification errors were made, but the city must first contact its lawyers to see if such a move is legal.

“We’re caught in the middle because we don’t regulate things like cell phone towers, but we do regulate the height of things,” he says.

But there are “hundreds” of such towers in the Fraser Valley, he adds, apparently operating without ill effect.

“We assume the science that’s presented on behalf of the Industry Canada is sound and these things are safe,” he says.

Robert Riedlinger, who claims to be a victim of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation, says there are “stacks of studies that show there is a problem around the world.”

He says when he moved into a house in Harrison Hot Springs in 1995 he started getting headaches, neck pains and a constant “buzzing sound” in his ears that got worse as he walked to a nearby communications tower. But when he was out of the area and away from the tower, all the symptoms disappeared.

The industry should be forced to prove the towers are safe, he says, not the residents who live near them.

John Toussaint, manager of a mini-storage near the Chilliwack tower, says if the health information collected by the group on EMF radiation is accurate, then he’s worried about the effect on his employees and tenants.

“I need to know if this is a safe thing they’re putting in,” he says.

Telus spokesman Shawn Hall agrees there are studies that show negative EMF impacts, but they have not been replicated as “good” science demands.

He also says emissions for the Chilliwack tower will be “several thousand times less” than those set out in an Industry Canada safety code, which determines safe emission levels.

Greg Balzer, a spokesman for the residents, says Industry Canada will not approve the Telus project without first getting council’s blessing.

He implored the councillors to stand up for the residents, especially their children who are the most vulnerable, and act before Telus goes ahead with the tower.

“We don’t have time to waste,” he told city staff yesterday. “Please help us in time.”


© Copyright 2007 Chilliwack Progress

Gonzales: ‘There Is No Express Grant of Habeas Corpus In The Constitution’


Informant: shane_digital

Senate majority leader says Bush lacks authority to attack Iran

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


US lawmakers demand Bush ask Congress before invading Iran

The bill, introduced by longtime Iraq war critic Walter Jones, a Republican, and five other US lawmakers calls on the president obtain authorization for an attack on Iran, unless the United States or US interests are attacked first.

From Information Clearing House

Five Reasons Why I'll March on Jan. 27 (and You Should Too)


March on Washington On Jan. 27 and March 17: WE MUST FORCE CONGRESS TO CUT OFF WAR FUNDING

The World's Largest Mineshaft Canary

Those Ingrate Iraqis

CNN’s “Journalism” is a Fool’s Paradise

What does it Mean to be a Politically Active Citizen if No One is Listening?

Surge in Carbon Levels Raises Fears of Runaway Warming


Landmark UN study backs climate theory

2,000 scientists all but end the debate: Human activity causes global warming.

Blindly into Baghdad Again

Doctors Issue Plea to Tony Blair to End the Scandal of Medical Shortages in the War Zone

US Media Overlooked Major Humanitarian Stories in 2006

UN Study Backs Climate Theory: Humans Cause Global Warming

Martyrs of the Republic

The Federal War on Gold

Ohio Voting Bombshell - Prosecutor: Ohio County Rigged Recount

Ohio Voting Bombshell

Ohio poll workers indicted for fudging 2004 recount

Informant: ranger116


Prosecutor: Ohio County Rigged Recount

Informant: NHNE

George Bush's Crusading Scorecard (2001-2007)

"Just five days after the September 11th attacks," writes Tom Engelhardt, "a president with a new mission, a new cause, and a new purpose in life told the American people that, though they had to 'go back to work tomorrow,' they should now know that they were facing a 'new kind of evil.' He added, 'And we understand. And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.' That little 'slip' of the tongue spoke volumes. It signaled that George W. Bush was already in his own heroic dream world and, only those few days after the 9/11 attacks, had both a 'crusade' on the brain and 'victory' in that crusade firmly in mind."

Ex-Ohio Congressman Ney Sentenced to 30 Months

Former Congressman Bob Ney was sentenced Friday to 30 months in federal prison for his role in a congressional bribery scandal. Ney pleaded guilty to trading official favors for golf trips, tickets, meals and campaign donations from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

White House Shifting Tactics in Surveillance Cases

In a four-paragraph letter on Wednesday announcing that the Bush administration had reversed its position and would submit its domestic surveillance program to judicial supervision, attorney general Alberto Gonzales used one phrase three times. A secret court, he said, had fashioned a way to allow the program to be monitored by the judiciary without compromising the need for "speed and agility."

Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus

Robert Parry writes, "In one of the most chilling public statements ever made by a US attorney general, Alberto Gonzales questioned whether the US Constitution grants habeas corpus rights of a fair trial to every American."


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