Samstag, 13. Januar 2007

Pentagon Sees Move in Somalia as Blueprint

Military operations in Somalia by American commandos to root out operatives for al Qaeda in the country are a blueprint that Pentagon strategists say they hope to use more frequently in counterterrorism missions around the globe. Some critics of the Pentagon's aggressive use of Special Operations troops have argued that using American forces outside of declared combat zones gives the Pentagon too much authority in sovereign nations and blurs the lines between soldiers and spies.

The Most Dangerous Foreign Policy Blunder Since Vietnam

George W. Bush's last attempt to win the war in Iraq is meeting with strong resistance. His own party is criticizing him with brutal openness, calling his new ideas for Iraq a disaster. Bush is almost completely isolated - like Richard Nixon during his final days in office.

A Risky Game of Risk

"I feel good about the new war with Iran," writes Maureen Dowd. "How can you not have confidence in the crackerjack team that brought you Operation Iraqi Freedom, which foundered and led to Operation Together Forward, which stumbled and led to Operation Together Forward II, which collapsed and was replaced by The New Way Forward, the Surge now being launched even though nobody's together and everything's going backward?"

Pentagon Intensifies Pressure on Iran

Even as President Bush seeks larger numbers of troops to stabilize Iraq, the Pentagon is intensifying operations there on another front: challenging Iran over its alleged role in destabilizing its Arab neighbor. Yesterday, multinational forces including US troops detained six Iranian officials in Iraqi Kurdistan who were suspected of aiding Shiite Muslim militants in Iraq. It was the second detainment by US-led forces of Iranian officials in Iraq in less than a month.

"Wahllose Tötung": US-Luftwaffe bombardierte Dorf in Somalia


Die US-Luftwaffe hat ein Dorf in Somalias Süden bombardiert, weil sie dort angeblich hochrangige Al-Kaida-Mitglieder vermuteten. Nach eigenen Angaben wollen sie dabei einen der Drahtzieher des Anschlags von 1998 auf Botschaften der Vereinigten Staaten in Kenia und Tansania getötet haben. UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon hat den US-Luftangriff kritisiert. Er mache sich Sorgen, dass der Einsatz zu einer Eskalation der Feindseligkeiten führen könnte, sagte die Chef-Sprecherin der Vereinten Nationen, Michele Montas, am Dienstag.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Kurnaz identifiziert Peiniger der Elitetruppe Kommando Spezialkräfte KSK

Ermittlungen : Kurnaz identifiziert Peiniger der Elitetruppe Kommando Spezialkräfte KSK


Nach den Misshandlungsvorwürfen des ehemaligen Guantanamo-Häftlings Murat Kurnaz gegen Bundeswehrsoldaten konzentrieren sich die Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft Tübingen jetzt auf zwei Verdächtige der Elitetruppe Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK). Wie die Staatsanwaltschaft am Montag mitteilte, wurden Kurnaz am 28. Dezember Bilder von 14 Soldaten der Bundeswehr-Elitetruppe vorgelegt, die Anfang 2002 den von Kurnaz behaupteten Kontakt zu ihm im US-Gefangenenlager Kandahar in Afghanistan gehabt haben könnten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

More signs of low-level war between US & Iran

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The mobile phone a radiating way of dying?

Mobile headaches

(from Mona Nilsson)

In the major Swedish evening newspaper, Aftonbladet, the Swesih comedian Peter Wahlbeck, writes an article in which he describes his headache from the mobile phone. He cannot use his mobile phone any longer. He also says that he has read the book of Mona Nilsson and Marica Lindblad, Spelet om 3G (The game of 3G) which changed his view of the Swedish society.,2789,974100,00.html

Thanks to Mona for translating the start and end of the article, maybe someone else is ready to complete the text? This is strong stuff!

The mobile phone - a radiating way of dying?

The comedian Peter Wahlbeck (Sweden) got sick of his mobile and warns others of the risks.

Some time ago I got headace and got eye problems when talking in my mobile phone. I have felt this before and therefore always used hands-free. Nevertheless, my sensititivity has increased and I cannot use my mobile phone permanently any more.

I get headache and have connected all my incoming calls to an ordinary phone. In Stockholm, I recently met a friend who is a teatcher and he told me he had the same problem. - But it is nothing compared to my students, he said and told me about students who got tinnitus, headache, sleeping problems.

After my show at Mosebacke in November, a man came to me and gave me a book. This book will change your view of Sweden, he said. And he was right.

The book is called "The game of 3G" and is written by Mona Nilsson and Marica Lindblad.

In the book research results from scintific journals are gone throung: from Hungary, Israel, France, USA, Spain, Austria and Russia. They show unanimously that mobile phone radiation is detrimental and that the radiation from masts is dangerous for humans and the genes. Are we in Sweden in front of a threat to the health that no authority in charge is taking seriously and that the politicians, technicians and telecom industry denies?
"The former health minister Morgan Johansson should now focus on cleaning his own nest. Otherwise the former government Persson will go to history as the one who sent its people to a slow death in various radiatation induced illnesses. "

Peter Wahlbeck
43 år, comedian and author,2789,974100,00.html


Animal abuse

If you hate your pet, buy it this (from Robert Riedlinger):

Informant: Iris Atzmon

Navajos Camp Out Against Coal

Informant: binstock

Wird Rüdiger S. zum Hartz IV Märtyrer?

Kann sich Deutschland, Rüdiger Steinbeck als Hartz-4-Märtyrer, in den Augen der internationalen Öffentlichkeit leisten? Seit mehr als 4 Wochen befindet sich der Mann aus Wieda (Landkreis Osterode) ...

Lesen Sie (mit Video!) weiter:


Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs: Rüdiger S. verweigert 1-Euro-Job und ist im Hungerstreik gegen die Leistungskürzung

Hungerstreik beim arbeitslosen Rüdiger S. in der sechsten Woche

„Seit nunmehr 6 Wochen dauert der Hungerstreik des erwerbslosen Rüdiger S. aus dem Kreis Osterode (Harz) an. Vom zuständigen stellvertretenden Landrat Gero Geißlreiter gab es zwar kurz vor Weihnachten die Zusage, dass der zuständige Jobcenter sich im Januar nochmals mit der Sache beschäftigen wollte, aber ein konkreter Termin wurde bisher nicht benannt. Stattdessen bekam Rüdiger S. erneut die Aufforderung nunmehr einen Ein Euro-Job zu beginnen, den er aber ablehnt und als Gegenzug eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Tätigkeit verlangt, wovon er seine Heizkosten bezahlen kann, die vom Jobcenter nur zu einem Bruchteil übernommen werden…“ Meldung beim Erwerbslosenforum vom 10.01.2007

Gespräche der LabourNet-Redaktion mit Rüdiger und mit Peter Grottian haben ergeben, dass noch in dieser Woche weitere Gespräche zwischen allen beteiligten Parteien stattfinden werden. Wir werden berichten.

Und so sieht es die bürgerliche Presse:

Revoluzzer im Badezimmer

Seit Anfang Dezember ist Rüdiger Steinbeck im Hungerstreik. Zuerst wollte der Arbeitslose nur seine Heizkosten erkämpfen. Im Internet gilt er inzwischen als Ikone der Generation Hartz IV. Artikel von Julia Kimmerle in Die Welt vom 10.01.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Januar 2007


Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs: Rüdiger S. verweigert
1-Euro-Job und ist im Hungerstreik gegen die Leistungskürzung

Hungerstreik von Rüdiger S. doch nicht beendet. Verwaltung in Osterode will die Heizkosten noch weiter reduzieren

„Entgegen gestrigen Ankündigungen, dass Rüdiger S. aus Wieda seinen Hungerstreik beendet habe, kündigte dieser heute an, dass er keineswegs den Hungerstreik beendet. In den gestrigen Verhandlungen im Landkreis Osterode, unter Anwesenheit des Vermittlers Prof. Peter Grottian, wollte der erste Kreisrat, Gero Geißlreiter, sogar die Heizkosten von bisher erstatteten 79 EUR auf 28 EUR reduzieren…“ Meldung vom 20.1.07 beim Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland

Aus: LabourNet, 22. Januar 2007üdiger+S.

China: Free Rebiya Kadeer’s Children

Informant: Bette

Save the Seneca White Deer

Informant: Pilvi

The Washington War Game

Newsweek's Eleanor Clift writes: "Early rumblings of an anti-war movement sounded in Washington this week as several progressive groups joined forces to press the Democratic Congress to use its power of the purse to stop the latest escalation of the conflict in Iraq. Unlike their predecessors in the Vietnam era, who were often scruffy and unshaven, these activists are well within the mainstream in their appearance as well as their politics."

ARD bewahrt sein Publikum vor Günter Jauch

USA brechen Flugdaten-Abkommen

Global Warming, Warring and Warning

Amy Goodman discusses the milestones of the year: "2006 was among the hottest years in recorded history ... Exxon Mobil profits were slated to be the greatest ever ... December 31, the Pentagon announced another grim milestone: 3,000 US soldiers killed in Iraq.",000

US Forces Detain Six Iranian Envoys

Iraqi Kurds, among America's staunchest supporters, condemned the detention early Thursday of six Iranian diplomats during a raid by US forces on the Iranian Consulate in the Kurdish city of Irbil.

House Oks Bill to Lower Drug Costs; Bush Threatens Veto

The House approved legislation Friday requiring the government to negotiate with drug companies to lower the prices of medicines for Medicare patients. Following this announcement today, President Bush renewed his threat to veto the bill.

Congressman Acts to Revoke Iraq War Resolution

Congressman Sam Farr introduced legislation that would strip President Bush of the authority to continue using force against Iraq. Matt Renner discusses the congressman's reaction to Bush's new plan.

Erfolge der Sozialdemokratie: Niedriglohn noch niedriger


Wir haben jetzt schon genug Niedriglöhne!

Immer mehr Menschen müssen von Niedriglöhnen leben

„Mit Niedriglöhnen kommen viele Angestellte der Verlagerung von Arbeitsplätzen zuvor. Immer wieder wird die Forderung nach gesetzlich garantierten Mindestlöhnen in der Politik aufgestellt. Passiert ist bisher wenig. Die Arbeitsrealität für viele Menschen wird aber bereits von Niedriglöhnen bestimmt - und das nach Tariflohn…“ Text der Sendung von Jacqueline Dreyhaupt und Oliver Feldforth in M€X - Das Marktmagazin, HR-Fernsehen, 25.01.07, 21.10 Uhr

Aus: LabourNet, 30. Januar 2007

CNN denounces Bush's New World Order


Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

The Weapon That Could Defeat The US In The Gulf

If the U.S. Carrier groups off of Iran happen to see one of these Russian anti-shipping craft that fly below the radar and out of the water making it difficult for submarines to track them carrying SunBurn Nuclear warhead anti-ship missiles headed it's way at 350 MPH !

It could ruin their whole day !

Informant: ranger116

A New Congress, A Time for Change

Einladungsschreiben Mobilfunk-Infoveranstaltung vom 24.01.07 in Rheinstetten bei Karlsruhe

Einladung zur Mobilfunk-Infoveranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 24.01.2007 (19,30 Uhr), Gymnasium Rheinstetten bei Karlsruhe,

Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Oberbürgermeister Dietz, Rheinstetten

Keine Technologie hat sich in den letzten 10 Jahren so rasant entwickelt wie die Mobilfunktechnologie. Wurden vor 10 Jahren Handynutzer häufig noch belächelt sind heute Klingeltöne und Handygespräche allgegenwärtige Realität. Für immer mehr Menschen ist das Handy unabdingbarer Begleiter geworden.

Gigantische Geldsummen sind im Spiel und entsprechend groß ist heute die Wirtschafts- und politische Macht der Netzbetreiber. Deren Börsenwerte liegen deutlich über denen der Automobilkonzerne. Die O2 GmbH, der kleinste deutsche Mobilfunkanbieter, wurde jüngst für über 25 Milliarden Euro quasi "aus der Portokasse" von Spanisch Telefonica übernommen. Auch der Staat verdient dabei. Allein der Verkauf der UMTS-Lizenzen brachte etwa 50 Milliarden Euro, zudem hält er große Aktienpakete der Deutschen Telekom. Der Siegeszug der auf Mikrowellenstrahlung basierenden Mobilkommunikation dringt in alle Bereiche. Schnurloses Haustelefon (DECT), drahtlose Computertechnik (WLAN), digitales Fernsehen, Tetrafunk (Polizei), LKW Maut, Bahnleitsystem, Flugüberwachung usw. und ständig entstehen neue Anwendungen wie Funkerkennungs-Chips (RFID-Chips), WiMax usw.

Wer hat bei dieser kollektiven Euphorie ein seriöses Interesse an unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen? Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen sind plötzlich noch nie dagewesenen, chronischen Hochfrequenzbelastungen ausgesetzt. Wer behauptet unter der Strahlung zu leiden wird als "eingebildet Kranker" belächelt, da die Grenzwerte eingehalten sind. Aber wer hat die Grenzwerte gemacht und auf welcher Basis?

Die Gesundheitsämter verweigern Untersuchungen vor Ort und der Betroffene muss selbst den Beweis antreten.

Die Forschung unter dem Namen "Deutsches Mobilfunk-Forschungsprogramm" wird von der Mobilfunkindustrie und dem Staat finanziert, die selbst dick im Geschäft sind und daher nicht unbefangen...

Die Informationsveranstaltung widmet sich den Gesundheitsrisiken des Mobilfunks und Möglichkeiten unnötige Strahlenbelastung zu vermeiden. Unabhängige Sachverständige kommen zu Wort:

Der in Karlsruhe studierte Physiker Dr. Volker Schorpp vermittelt auf anschauliche Weise die Wirkung der gepulsten Hochfrequenztechnik. Weil der Mensch keine Sensoren für die Erfassung dieser elektromagnetischen Strahlen hat, entwickelte Dr. Schorpp einfache, eindrucksvolle Experimente, um die physikalischen Wirkungen "erlebbar" zu machen. Zudem zeigt er eine frappierende Dokumentation von Baumschäden, die im Detail einen kausalen Zusammenhang mit Senderstandorten belegen.

Die Bietigheimer Ärztin Frau Dr. Annette Mauser und die Bamberger Ärztin Frau Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam (Bamberger Appell) berichten über ihre Erfahrungen in der medizinischen Praxis. Dr. Waldmann-Selsam stellt ärztliche Gesundheitserhebungen an Mobilfunkstandorten vor. Zudem beschreibt sie anhand medizinischer Fallbeispiele die Erkrankungssymptome chronisch hochfrequenzbelasteter Patienten.

Abschließend stellen sich die Referenten den Fragen der Zuschauer.

Nachricht von Günter Seifermann


Veranstaltung am 24.1.2007 in Rheinstetten mit Dr. Schorpp und Frau Dr. Waldmann-Selsam

Nachricht von Heidi Frohna-Binder, Umweltgruppe Straubenhardt, PULS-SCHLAG e.V Mobilfunk-Bürgerforum Großraum Karlsruhe

Pentagon memo predicts 10,000 or more American soldiers could die in Iraq by 2008

Informant: Duane Roberts

Cindy Sheehan Blasts Timid Democrats


Informant: Jacki Rankin Blue


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Stop Shock Treatment To Punish Students With Disabilities

The New York Civil Liberties Union today called on the New York State Board of Regents to reject regulations that would permit New York State schools to use electric skin shock, electric shocks, beatings, isolation, restraints, food deprivation, and other "aversive" stimuli to control the behaviors of children with disabilities.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Has Lost Credibility On Rights, Group Asserts

The advocacy group Human Rights Watch said yesterday that Washington's once-powerful role as a prime defender of human rights had effectively ended.

From Information Clearing House

Gov't Changes Student Military Recruiting

The New York Civil Liberties Union sued on behalf of several high school students after the DoD's billion dollar Joint Advertising and Market Research Studies (JAMRS) military recruitment program began collecting, maintaining, and distributing their personal and private information, and that of millions of other high school students, in a rogue database.

From Information Clearing House

Somalia: Fighting “terrorism” or quest for oil?

What has been the concrete involvement of the U.S. in this war between Ethiopia and Somalia, two of the poorest countries in the world?

America's interests in Somalia

Four major U.S. oil companies are sitting on a prospective fortune in exclusive concessions.

Somalia - the Next Afghanistan + Iraq?:

Africans have constantly warned of the American military design on the Eastern seaboard. Yet, our "leaders" have thoughtlessly been currying favour with this vicious military power. In the horn, the heavily militarized Ethiopia has become their 'on the scene agent', doing the dirty work of the American warmonger.

From Information Clearing House

Somalia: Afghanistan remixed

The "war on terror" is back with a bang. First Afghanistan, then Iraq and now Somalia. And Iran could well be the next Islamic nation to be bombarded by the US - as President George W Bush telegraphed in his "surge" speech on Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

'No proof' of Iran nuclear arms

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has not found conclusive evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, a US magazine has reported.

From Information Clearing House

Top U.S. Military Official: No Evidence of Iran Involvement in Iraq

Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, said today he has no evidence the Iranian government has been sending military equipment and personnel into neighboring Iraq.

British Find No Evidence Of Arms Traffic From Iran

Maj. Dominic Roberts of the Queen's Dragoons said: "We have found no credible evidence to suggest there is weapons smuggling across the border."

Does Bush have authority to strike Iran?


From Information Clearing House

An admiral to command a land war?

President George W. Bush's choice of a Navy admiral to head Central Command after Gen. John P. Abizaid has set tongues wagging. Why send an admiral to command a land battle unless you don't expect the battle to remain a land one?

From Information Clearing House

Dutch minister criticises U.S. troop plan for Iraq

Dutch Foreign Minister Bernard Bot on Friday criticised the U.S. President George W. Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq, saying he doubted it would yield results.

From Information Clearing House

Worst yet to come for US in Baghdad

THE plan by the US President, George Bush, to send tens of thousands of US and Iraqi reinforcements to the Iraqi capital to aggressively confront Sunni insurgents and Shiite militias will touch off a more dangerous phase of the war, featuring months of fighting in the streets of Baghdad.

US troops will leave Iraq “in coffins”: Sadr aide

A senior ally of radical Iraqi cleric Moqtada Al Sadr warned on Friday that thousands of the planned 21,500 extra US troops en route for the war-torn nation would “go home in coffins”.

From Information Clearing House


George W. Bush: A Symptom of Disease

By Charles Sullivan

Sometimes you look around and wonder how things could have gone so wrong so quickly. America has become the antithesis of everything she purports to be. We are the greatest purveyors of violence the world has ever known; the largest weapons dealers on earth; and death and misery are our principal exports. Everything is for sale here, even men’s tormented souls—at least, those who still possess them.

Murtha's Plan to Stop Bush

By Ari Berman

Murtha announced his intention to use the power of the purse to try and close US prisons at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, eliminate the signing statements President Bush uses to secretly expand executive power and restrict the building of permanent bases in Iraq.

Escalation is Hardly the Answer

By Congressman Ron Paul

I am concerned, however, that a contrived Gulf of Tonkin- type incident may occur to gain popular support for an attack on Iran.

The Plan for Economic Strangulation of Iran

By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar

The current US strategy is to starve the Iranian oil and gas industries of new investments, thereby reducing the Iranian government’s revenues which are hoped will in turn reduce Iran’s ability to maintain not only its armed forces, but also the government’s social obligations to its people (subsidies, salaries, etc.).

Baghdad Crackdown

By Mike Whitney

The crackdown in Baghdad and the anticipated bombing of Iran will have no significant affect on the war’s outcome. America has lost its ability to influence events positively or to arbitrarily assert its will. We’re now facing “death by a thousand cuts” and the steady erosion of US power.

The “Surge” Is A Red Herring

By Paul Craig Roberts

Bush states perfectly clearly that victory in Iraq requires US forces to attack Iran and Syria. Moreover, Bush says, “We are also taking other steps to bolster the security of Iraq and protect American interests in the Middle East. I recently ordered the deployment of an additional carrier strike group to the region.”

Did the President Declare "Secret War" Against Syria and Iran?

By Steve Clemons

Washington intelligence, military and foreign policy circles are abuzz today with speculation that the President, yesterday or in recent days, sent a secret Executive Order to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director of the CIA to launch military operations against Syria and Iran.


Premiers cas de cancers possibles dès 2015


Wikipedia On The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists:

Informant: NHNE

Olbermann: Special Comment "President's Address"


Francis A. Boyle: Draft Impeachment Resolution Against President George W. Bush

Moves against Iran show 'veiled purpose of long-term US power in Iraq'

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

War Is a Conservative Entitlement Program

Will Bush Attack Iran? On the Leader's next move

When the Devil Creates a Devil

This is a US Torture Camp

Bush's Tough Tactics Are a 'Declaration of War' on Iran

The Minimum Wage is Just the Minimum: A Call for Moral Outrage

Beyond the Call to Surge, the Need to Purge Our Media

Gates Foundation May Shift Billions into Ethical Stocks after Attack on Investments

Protests Worldwide Mark the 5-year Anniversary of Guantanamo

Isolated Bush Faces Rebellion over Iraq

EU Urged to Lead on Human Rights; US Loses Moral Authority

LA Times prints words of Guantanamo prisoner

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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