Mittwoch, 15. November 2006

Neokonservative propagieren

The Meaning of Gates: From Imperial Offense to Imperial Defense

Michael T. Klare writes: "There are many reasons why President George W. Bush might have wanted to replace Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld with Robert M. Gates: To distance himself from the current military disaster in Iraq, to make the adoption of a new Iraqi strategy easier, to prevent further disunity within the military, or to clear the path for a revival of Republican fortunes in the 2008 elections." He continues, "...on a deeper level, the move can also be read as signaling a momentous shift in America's global posture - from imperial offense to imperial defense."

ACLU Seeks Again to Block Wiretaps

Warrantless wiretaps that the government says are necessary to fight terrorism pose a threat to American democracy, the American Civil Liberties Union said in court papers filed Tuesday.

Reid Pledges to Press Bush on Iraq Policy

Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), who was elected Senate Majority Leader yesterday, said last night that President Bush still has not grasped the urgent need to change course in Iraq. Reid vowed to press quickly for phased troop withdrawals, a more international approach to Iraq's problems, and a rebuilding of the depleted US military.

Rare Bipartisan Support to Keep Iraq Watchdog Agency Alive

Jason Leopold reports that the Senate voted Tuesday in favor of keeping open a federal agency that monitored taxpayer-funded reconstruction efforts in Iraq, a month after the Republican majority in both houses of Congress quietly passed legislation signed into law by President Bush to close down the agency.

The Way Out Of War

Informant: Jennifer Van Bergen

From ufpj-news

Bundesregierung lehnt offenbar bessere Prüfung von Einkommensmillionären ab

Steueroasen am Starnberger See: Bundesregierung lehnt offenbar bessere Prüfung von Einkommensmillionären ab (15.11.06)

Einkommensmillionäre werden von den Finanzämtern nur unzureichend geprüft. Der Bundesrechnungshof kritisierte in seinem am Dienstag vorgelegten Jahresbericht, dass im Bundesdurchschnitt jährlich nur 15 Prozent der Einkommensmillionäre Außenprüfungen über sich ergehen lassen müssen. Dadurch gingen dem Fiskus erhebliche Steuereinnahmen verloren, betonte Rechnungshof-Präsident Dieter Engels. Als viel zu gering erachtet der Bundesrechnungshof auch die Quote von zwei Prozent bei Umsatzsteuer-Sonderprüfungen von Unternehmen. Rechnerisch sei damit eine Firma nur alle 50 Jahre an der Reihe. Die Steuergewerkschaft wirft Bayern und anderen Ländern jetzt "eine stillschweigende Tolerierung von Steueroasen für gutbetuchte Bürger" vor. Die Bundesregierung lehnt effektivere Kontrollen der Millionäre offenbar ab.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Behaving Like a Superpower in Iraq

Larry Johnson writes that one critical dilemma we confront in Iraq is the burden of our status as the Superpower. "All people in the region - Sunnis, Shia, Kurds, and Persians - assume that we have a secret plan that we are pursuing unilaterally. The majority of these folks cannot accept that the sectarian violence unleashed in Iraq is a consequence of US incompetence. They assume that the rising sectarian violence is something we want because we are a Superpower. By virtue of our status as a Superpower it is inconceivable that we would allow such violence unless it suited our 'hidden' purposes."

Blair's Post-Election Panic Attack

Truthout's UK Correspondent Chris Floyd writes that in a season already notable for the official demonization of British Muslims, the new assault twisted the screws even tighter. It is obvious that Blair has been badly stung by his American partner's rejection at the polls, which makes his own fanatical devotion to Bush and the bloodsoaked folly in Iraq look even more absurd. His frenzied waving of the terror flag is, in part, Blair's panicked response to the political diminishment of the Washington regime that has been a mainstay of his own power.

Next-up News n°128

Beyond Censure: The Case for Impeachment!

Informant: Christopher Christie

Battle over plan to replace phone mast

15 November 2006

ANTI-mobile phone mast campaigners in Muswell Hill are claiming a plan to build a new mast should not go ahead because it would be illegal.

Mobile operator, O2, is planning to replace an unused mast on top of the old BT Exchange in Grand Avenue with a new one.

The company, along with Haringey Council, claims that because there is already a mast there they do not need to get planning permission for a new one.

But Richard Buxton, a lawyer for Muswell Hill Against the Masts (MHAM), insists the council has got it wrong.

He says the previous mast should have been removed long ago and fresh planning permission sought for a new one. He has written to the planning department.

A spokeswoman for MHAM said: "O2 argues that it is erecting on an existing mast which is unused and therefore does not need planning permission. Protesters say under planning regulations, the old mast should have been removed and that planning permission would therefore be required for a new mast."

The head of MHAM, Sarah Purdey, has also protested to Councillor Gideon Bull, head of the scrutiny review which was looking into the issue, who pledged to take a tough stance on it.

A spokesman for Haringey Council said:

"We have fully complied with planning regulations and government guidance in this case. We will be replying separately to Mr Buxton."

An O2 spokesman said: "There was a mast there before so all we are doing is replacing one with the other. It's no big deal. It's smaller than the previous one.

"I can assure the people there that there is no problem and no danger at all from the mast.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Hostile reception for phone mast plan

Mobile phone operator Hutchison 3G has received a hostile reponse to plans to put a new mast at "the gateway" to Kenilworth.

The company hopes to erect a 12.5m aerial capable of transmitting picture and video signals on the grass verge outside the De Montfort Hotel.
It needs the mast to improve reception in the town centre but claims opposition from businesses is the reason for placing sites near pavements and not on top of buildings.

The company considered 29 sites, including outside the Bear and Ragged Staff pub and the Shell garage, both in Warwick Road.

Plans by rival operator O2 for a mast in Abbey End were recently refused planning permission.

And a 13-page consultation document from Hutchison received short shrift from Kenilworth Town Council planning committee on November 9.

Coun Michael Coker said he could not understand why the firm had admitted the mast would look out of place at other sites in the town centre but decided outside the De Montfort Hotel would be acceptable.

He added: "We are hoping to have a civic centre on the other side of the road, we are hoping the De Montfort will renovate itself. This is the last place we want another intrusion."

Coun Pat Ryan said: "It is a very big structure to have right in the gateway to the town and will intrude very much into the Abbey End area.

"The reason for the problem is that no business is happy to have these things on its building.

"The intensity of microwave radiation from these aerials are much higher than from previous generations.

"This raises the question of whether we are willing to countenance them on the public highway where people are walking past."

Coun Doug Golby (Lib Dem, Park Hill) said he understood the business community had a need for the masts, but Coun George Illingworth (Con, Abbey) told the meeting the only demand was from "kids sending photos to each other."

He added: "Of all the sites they could have picked, this is the worst."

And Coun Alison Tyler (Lib Dem, Park Hill) said: "If they have struggled hard to find a site, they haven't struggled hard enough."

No one from Hutchison was available for comment when the Weekly News went to press.

15 November 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Aachener Friedenspreis stellt Strafanzeige gegen Regierungsspitze wegen der Planung von völkerrechts- und grundgesetzeswidrigen Angriffskriegen

Sind Merkel und Jung Angriffskrieger?

Strategiewechsel der Irak-Politik?

Fake news is everywhere, including your local TV news station

Still Not Necessarily The News

Fake news is everywhere, including your local TV news station. Film at 11!


Probe of Non-News News Sought

The time is right for bold, bipartisan action to end America's oil addiction

Energy For Change

Democrats, Don't Wimp Out

by Paul Waldman,

Forget about the center; push progressive ideology and crush the opposition.

Town hall's phone mast 'secret' is revealed

15 November 2006

A MOBILE phone mast has been hidden in the tower at Hornsey Town Hall for the past four years, it has been revealed.

The mast, operated by O2, brings in an estimated £10,000 a year for Haringey Council, but residents are angry that they didn't know it was there.

Lynne Featherstone, MP for Hornsey and Wood Green, described the installation of the mast as "underhand".

She said: "I would have thought the council would have wanted to make sure that people were aware of this, given the amount of concern there is about mobile phone mast dangers. But I am surprised that they have acted in such an underhand way."

Haringey Council insisted that permission for the mast was dealt with in the proper manner, but residents are angry that the council did not allow the information to become common knowledge.

Details of the mast were announced at a meeting of the Hornsey Historical Society last week, where those in charge of guiding the development of the listed building were invited to discuss plans for the landmark.

It was there that Chris Warburton, chairman of the Hornsey Town Hall Partnership Board (CPB), told the audience that the mast was there.

Sue Hessel, of Haslemere Road Residents' Association, said: "Mr Warburton was as pleased as punch when he revealed the fact that they have now got a mobile phone mast in the town hall.

"It was as if it hadn't occurred to him that people might be concerned about this.

"They should have jolly well consulted about this."

Mrs Hessel pointed to the housing development planned for the town hall site, where around 140 new homes are planned.

She said: "This will be the largest housing development in Crouch End since Chettle Court. Surely people will be concerned that there will be a mast right on their doorstep."

Kit Greveson, of Crouch End for People - which is opposed to the CPB plans - described the mobile mast as "skulduggery".

She said: "Was anyone consulted about this? Are we to applaud this piece of skuldugerry and deceit.

"Haven't we been banging on all over the borough about the potential health risks of these modern pieces of development?"`

A spokesman for Haringey Council said that planning permission was granted in September 2002. He added: "The application was notified in the normal way, and complies with Government guidelines that councils have to follow when considering proposals of this type."

The money raised by the mobile phone mast may go into developing the town hall.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Help Sardinia turn over a new leaf

Church tower phone mast plan 'appalling'

15 November 2006

A PETITION is being gathered against plans for a mobile phone mast in a Muswell Hill church.

Mast installation company QS4 wants permission to put a mobile phone mast in the tower of St Peter-le-Poer, Albion Avenue.

But the proposal has angered many residents.

Anne Shepherd, who lives in nearby George Crescent, said: "I think it is appalling that the church can sell the neighbourhood off down this route for 30 pieces of silver. My bedroom window is 40 yards from the church and I am not having it."

A drop-in session was held at the church hall last week for people to view the plans and talk to QS4 representatives.

Reverend Bruce Bridgewood, of St Peter-le-Poer, said: "Of course there are legitimate concerns. Every time a mobile phone mast is put up anywhere people will say there's a health risk but they're all over the place as we know.

"The local authority can put one up at the end of the road without consultation and you're stuck with it. There are arguments on both sides and that is part of the reason for public consultation."

A spokesman for Barnet Council said it had not yet received a formal application to put a mast there.

Petitions are available to sign in shops at 79 and 131 Colney Hatch Lane.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Hype vs. hope

Mother Jones
by Bill McKibben


Ten percent of a two-year-old's nouns are brand names; by the time an American child heads to school, he or she can recognize hundreds of logos. Disney is now putting its cartoon characters on fresh fruit, arguing (perhaps correctly) that it's the only way to get kids to eat it. If that's the world we're born into, is it any wonder we want corporations to solve our biggest problems as well? Isn't it a parent's job to protect us? And besides, who else has the capital and the power to do what needs to be done in the face of a crisis like global warming? Any sign that corporations might be willing to take on the job is greeted with an enthusiasm that borders on delusion.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ideology has consequences

The American Conservative
by Jeffrey Hart

"Eisenhower, a thoroughgoing realist, was one of the most successful presidents of the 20th century. So was the prudential Reagan, wary of using military force. Nixon would have been a good secretary of state, but emotionally wounded and suspicious, he was not suited to the presidency. Yet he, too, with Henry Kissinger, was a realist. George W. Bush represents a huge swing away from such traditional conservative Republicanism. But the conservative movement in America has followed him, evacuating prudence and realism for ideology and folly... (for publication 11/20/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pathetic Republicans, who can save you now?

The Weekly Standard
by Tod Lindberg

for publication 11/20/06

Pathetic Republicans, who can save you now? With all due respect to Ming the Merciless and all due deference to Sen. John McCain's pending arrival on a Hawk-man rocket cycle in 2008, the answer is that Republicans can, and are going to have to, save themselves. To do that, what's required is frank acknowledgment that the national majority that brought them to congressional power in 1994 is a thing of the past -- no longer there, or no longer theirs...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pulling the plug on the state

Strike the Root
by Kevin Van Horn


By January 1, 2025, every American who is determined to live free shall do so. Those who are content with their chains are welcome to keep them, but we who must be free will have our own centerless legal system and free institutions that are not subject to the State. Let's start talking in more detail about how to achieve this goal, using Nonviolent Struggle...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The coming sellout

by Justin Raimondo


This election was all about accountability – and that means someone must be held accountable. That's one front in the war on the War Party, but only one of three. The other two must target funding for military operations in Iraq and preparations for war with Iran. The conventional wisdom, given voice by Borger and her 'centrist' clones, both in Congress and among the punditocracy, is that a Democratic move to cut off Iraq war funding is out of the question, a political non-starter, and could only set up the Democrats for disaster in '08. Yet this is precisely the kind of sharp fillip our gridlocked system needs to free itself up long enough to actually do something about our failed policy in Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Religious right's agenda endangers liberty



Religious conservatives' interjection of their view of Bible-based values into American civic and political life is leading to an erosion of constitutional protections for everyone, according to Barry Lynn, executive director of the Washington-based Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. Lynn is being criticized by some conservative Christian leaders for trying to 'bully' churches away from participation in civic affairs. But Lynn, in town today to speak about the recent election and promote his new book, Piety & Politics: The Right-Wing Assault on Religious Freedom, says he believes in a government that leaves decisions about God and faith in the hands of individuals, not the state...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Majority doubts Dem war plan

Amarillo Globe News


More Americans rank Iraq as the top priority of the new Democratic-controlled Congress, but nearly three out of five say the party does not have a plan to deal with the war. In the aftermath of an anti-Republican wave, the latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll showed lingering uncertainty about the country's direction and the ability of Democrats and President Bush to work together. Underscoring the country's political divisions, Democrats expressed more confidence and optimism than Republicans...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Lawsuit aims to halt logging

USA Today


An environmental group has sued to block logging on 50,000 acres of private timberland, arguing the state's population of northern spotted owls has been reduced by half since the 1990s. The Seattle Audubon Society sued last week in federal court, asking U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman to bar logging on private timberlands west of the Cascades...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

White House sued over global warming

Klamath Falls Herald and News


Environmentalists sued the Bush administration Tuesday for failing to produce a report on global warming's impact on the country's environment, economy and public health. The plaintiffs claim the government must complete such a report every four years under the Global Change Research Act of 1990. The plaintiffs say the last report was due in November 2004...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



Abramoff to begin six-year sentence



Jack Abramoff, the lobbyist known for lavishing politicians with football tickets or whisking them away on exotic golf junkets, will start life Wednesday with a new identity: federal inmate No. 27593-112. Abramoff is to report to federal prison to begin serving a nearly six-year prison sentence for a fraudulent deal to buy a fleet of casino ships in Florida. He also is awaiting sentencing for corrupting government officials and their staff members...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

She Survived Iraq Then Shot Herself at Home

Her name doesn't show on any official list of American military deaths in the Iraq war, by hostile or non-hostile fire, who died in that country or in hospitals in Europe or back home in the USA. But Iraq killed her just as certainly. She is Jeanne "Linda" Michel, a Navy medic. She came home last month to her husband and three kids (ages 11, 5 and 4), delighted to be back in her suburban home of Clifton Park.... Two weeks after she got home, she shot and killed herself.

Election Alters Trade Climate: Democrats Eye Environmental, Labor Clauses

As Democrats prepare to take control of Congress, incoming leaders are planning to insert labor and environmental protections into pending trade treaties and to demand that the Bush administration adopt similar measures in future pacts it negotiates, congressional aides and government officials said yesterday.

Climate Change Fueling Fires

Global warming could stoke ferocious wildfires that will be more difficult and costly to fight and might drastically alter the environment in parts of the world, some scientists warn.

The Carlyle White House

"The weakening of George W. Bush, in short, has opened the door for an alumnus of the Iran/Contra scandal, Robert Gates, to gain control of the Pentagon - his nomination, as yet, has met with little Congressional resistance. This process was managed by James Baker, whose Carlyle Group made billions off the Iraq occupation and whose fealty to the American people has all too often taken a back seat to the needs and desires of the royal family of Saudi Arabia. These two, along with Hamilton, have been instrumental in crafting, by way of the Iraq Survey Group, what by all accounts will soon be America's foreign policy lynchpin in Iraq and the Middle East as a whole," according to William Rivers Pitt.

No more Tortured Americans in US Prisons

Global warming may wipe out most birds

Nearly three quarters of all bird species in northeast Australia and more than a third in Europe could become extinct unless efforts to stop global warming are stepped up, a report says.

From Information Clearing House

Ohio: a statistically impossible swing to the Republicans

Election Issues

Ohio 's 2006 vote count now includes a higher percentage of uncounted ballots than in 2004, and a statistically impossible swing to the Republicans.

From Information Clearing House

Why the FBI Is Coming After Me

In late April last year, while I was out at the hair salon, my husband phoned to tell me that two Department of Homeland Security agents had arrived at my home in Santa Barbara, Calif., to serve me with a subpoena.

From Information Clearing House

President Given Undue Power to Silence Critics

The current version of the Military Commissions redefines an "unlawful enemy combatant" (UEC) so broadly that it could include anyone who organizes a march against the war in Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

Senate to investigate rendition abuses

Abuses carried out under the CIA's secret programme of extraordinary rendition are to be investigated by one of the Senate's most powerful committees, it emerged today.,,1947647,00.html

From Information Clearing House

War Crimes Suit Filed in Germany Against Rumsfeld Over Prisoner Torture

The complaint requests that the German Federal Prosecutor open an investigation - and ultimately, a criminal prosecution - looking into the responsibility of high-ranking U.S. officials for authorizing war crimes in the name of the so-called "War on Terror.

From Information Clearing House


Help Support Investigation into Rumsfeld War Crimes

By clicking on the link here , you can send a letter to the German Prosecutor and show your support for justice for torture victims and accountability for perpetrators.

Informant: Amy Sasser

North Korean Sanctions: A Cruel Mirage

Even if Russia and China had been willing to endorse robust sanctions, it is unlikely that such measures would convince North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons or dismantle its nuclear facilities. Sanctions have a poor record of getting regimes to abandon high-priority policies, and North Korea's nuclear program clearly falls in that category.

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: Iran 'is training the next al-Qa'eda leaders'

According to recent reports received by Western intelligence agencies, the Iranians are training senior al-Qa'eda operatives in Teheran to take over the organisation when bin Laden is no longer leader.

War pimp alert: Iranians Training Qaeda Terrorists to Attack Our GIs

The Iranian government has been providing a safe haven for fighters loyal to Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda terror group since they were forced to flee Afghanistan in late 2001.

From Information Clearing House

Iran, No cakewalk in the park?

The neo-conservatives (neocons) who gave us the "cakewalk" prediction for Iraq before the war are now plugging "a walk in the park" in Iran -- i.e., a U.S. bombing campaign to consign the mullahs' nuclear ambitions to oblivion, or at least to retard the advent of an Iranian bomb for a few years.

War pimp alert: Blair tells US panel Iran is 'strategic threat' to the region

Prime Minister Tony Blair told the Iraq Study Group that Iran was a 'strategic threat' to the Middle East that had to be confronted with the choice of helping to secure peace 'or face isolation', his spokesman said.

From Information Clearing House

America Becomes Hostage to Iraq

The cut-and-run stage hasn't yet arrived. But it's close.

Bush against phased Iraq pullout

The US president has renewed his objection to any timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq after discussing the situation there with a bipartisan commission.

Commission improbable

What chance Baker's Iraq Study Group coming up with something original? Don't hold your breath.,,1947003,00.html

Premature US Exit From Iraq Will Boost Terrorists, Says Australian PM

Australian Prime Minister John Howard said Tuesday that the premature exit of the United States from Iraq will be seen as a victory for international terrorists and added that "Iraq will become a haven for terrorists".

"Iraq Is Not Winnable": What happens next in the Middle East?

SPIEGEL spoke to Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, to find out. A widely respected foreign policy expert, Haass warns that the Middle East could become dangerous for years to come.,1518,447763,00.html

"We Will not Be Able to Survive Much Longer"

An interview with Iraq's health minister,1518,448290,00.html

From Information Clearing House

U.S. Administration: Detainees have no rights

By Matt Apuzzo

The Bush administration said Monday that Guantanamo Bay prisoners have no right to challenge their detentions in civilian courts and that lawsuits by hundreds of detainees should be dismissed.

Movers and Shakers of U.S. Foreign Policy

Baghdad: The New Saigon?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

As the Democrats have now captured Congress, they assume co-responsibility for the retreat from Mesopotamia. Which is as it should be.

Anti-Iran propaganda campaign heats up

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Big Three Asks Bush for More Rope to Hang Themselves

Protecting Democracy in a Lame Duck Congress

Don’t Look for Much From the “Bipartisan” Iraq Study Group

Now They’re All For Bipartisanship

U.S. Tanks Will Roll out of Iraq on a Road Paved with Excuses

Calling Nancy Pelosi: The People's Case for Impeaching Bush


The case for impeaching Bush

Informant: Bob Banner

The Silent Killers in the World's War Zones

President George W. Bush's power to shape the federal judiciary is coming to an end

Rich Countries 'Blocking Cheap Drugs for Developing World'

US, Saudi Arabia, China Rank among Worst on Climate Change

The Democrats & Civil Liberties

Informant: ranger116

Cheney Asks Judge to Toss CIA Leak Suit

Cheney, Libby ask dismissal of civil complaint

Informant: ranger116

Global warming action: please sign and forward

A message from Debs

Original Message:

Global warming is the most serious environmental issue facing the planet today. If we don't act now, scientists warn of devastating consequences.

Please join me in sending an urgent message to the incoming Speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi. Time is running out and we need to make sure 2007 is the year for meaningful global warming action. Send an email today!

Was The Apollo Moon Landing Fake?




Moon Landing A Fake or Fact?

Howard Zinn endorses War Crimes Report

New mast sited near children's play areas

Mobile phone company Vodafone has been given permission to install a mast near two areas where children play.

The firm's proposal to site the mast on a grass verge along Elmer Road close to two grassed areas was given the go-ahead by a planning inspector.

William Cunningham overturned Arun District Council's refusal of the plans. He said the 12m high mast's location close to, but outside, the open space meant that it could be installed.

He also said it was not insensitive to site the structure opposite the mid-19th century St Nicholas Church because the church was not a listed building.

Bognor Regis Civic Society deputy chairman Hugh Coster, who opposed the plans, said: "I am particularly angry about this decision. It would seem to me that it is entirely illogical.

"The inspector has failed to take account of a number of important factors. Vodafone already have a mast in this village and the fact they want to put up another one takes no account of mast sharing, which is what mobile phone companies are supposed to do nowadays."

Full report in the November 9 issue of the Bognor Regis Observer

15 November 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

The Great Warming

Informant: Scott Munson

Crimes Against Nature are Crimes Against Humanity

[While some politicians scream about illegal logging many if not most are aiding and abetting the theft & destruction of America's forest and "commonwealth." For instance, the federal govt under Clinton fired its "Timber Theft Task Force" for fingering Weyerhaeuser as the biggest thief of national forest trees, while Oregon under Gov Goldschmidt fired most of its Dept of Forestry law enforcement agents (like many other states, yielding to the corrupt power of the dishonest & destructive timber industry and its Crimes Against Nature, and by extension, Crimes Against Humanity. TGH]

Illicit logging incenses lawmakers

Two valuable black cherry trees felled despite Legislature order halting action

By JOHN F. BONFATTI News Staff Reporter

Informant: Scott Munson

U.S. Rules Allow the Sale of Products Others Ban,0,4957760.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Informant: Scott Munson

Forests are our life support

"Half of the manmade carbon emissions released into the atmosphere come from deforestation," according to Nigel Sizer of the World Resources Institute.

In case you didn't catch that, let me repeat: "Half of the manmade carbon emissions ... come from deforestation."

Any serious attempt to limit the severity of the climate crisis involves not only restricting carbon dioxide emissions (essential), but also protecting and preserving the forests that store and absorb carbon - effectively cleaning up our mess free of charge.

In the United States, our first major step toward combating climate change should be placing our 643 million acres of public lands off limits to the corporate extraction industries, corrupt government agencies and bought-and-sold politicians colluding to ravage our living life-support system: our forests.



Informant: Scott Munson

Bush Goes Over to Imperial Defense

So the Democrats Won: What About the American Empire?

The GOP Did Save One of Their Embattled Incumbents: Sore Loser Lieberman

On the Baker Commission hoax

Worship the State or Be Its Enemy

Googling Dubya

Laws vs. progress: on economic regulations vs. prosperity, freedom, and civilization

Now Daddy Bush Slams Bloggers

DNC Sees Six Undecided U.S. House Elections Still to be 'Winnable', Planning Challenges

Forwarded by
Kathy Dopp

Blackmail & Bobby Gates

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Fixing the 2008 election

ROAD TO 2008


Fixing the 2008 election

Tom Paine
by Jonah Goldman & Tova Wang


The mainstream media in its instant analysis has proclaimed the election system worked surprisingly well in 2006. While it is true that no single catastrophe of election administration grabbed headlines this year, it is quite dangerous to suggest that the problems voters encountered on Election Day were not serious. As over 25,000 callers from across the country to the 866-OUR-VOTE voter information and protection hotline confirm, these problems led to thousands of eligible Americans being denied the opportunity to cast a ballot. There's a sense that the book is already closed on the 2006 election. But despite the nation's attention now turning to the seismic political shift in Washington, several House races remain undecided. ... While the case should not be overstated, it is critical that as we immediately enter the 2008 presidential election cycle, we undertake a more honest assessment of what happened in this election...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

War in Iraq has fed Islamic militancy around the globe

Informant: rafeswhiterose

The End of Suburbia


Informant: Scott Munson


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