Freitag, 10. November 2006

Loddon asked for views on mast

10 November 2006

PEOPLE living in Loddon are being asked for their views on a proposal to put a mobile phone mast on top of the town's church.

Mobile phone network coverage has always been poor in the town and the Holy Trinity Church has been approached by a company about installing a mobile phone antenna.

QS4 Ltd approached the church on behalf of T-Mobile and they are looking to get the views of Loddon residents about the proposals.

If the plans go ahead the mast would be placed either within the church tower or in a replacement flagpole with the church receiving an annual fee for the use of the building.

The Rev Nigel Evans, vicar of Loddon, said that this is simply the beginning of the process and that no final decisions have yet been made.

“It's a process where we are informing the community that the church has been approached,” he said.

“So far I have heard no negative reaction to the proposal from the community. I have spoken to several people who have been very positive as in this day and age people need to be able to use their mobile phones.

“In a sense if they are going to put up a mobile phone mast in Loddon, it's best it's hidden away.”

QS4 Ltd is only obliged to consult with people living within a 30-metre radius of the church but Rev Evans added that the company had decided it wanted to hear the views of all Loddon residents.

“The last thing we want to do is harm our place in the community. At the end of the day if it affects the church's mission then we will not do it.”

John Swain, head of sales at QS4, said that even if the plans are well received by the public it is likely to be around a 12-month process before an antenna could be erected.

Whether you are opposed or in favour of the plan, residents are invited to send their comments to John Horsley, QS4 Ltd, Cody Technology Park, Ively Road, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 0LX or by email to, quoting reference number A06468.

The deadline for views to be heard is Tuesday, November 21.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

The Great Revulsion

"I have a vision - maybe just a hope - of a great revulsion: a moment in which the American people look at what is happening, realize how their good will and patriotism have been abused, and put a stop to this drive to destroy much of what is best in our country" writes Paul Krugman. "The election wasn't just the end of the road for Mr. Bush's reign of error. It was also the end of the 12-year Republican dominance of Congress. The Democrats will now hold a majority in the House that is about as big as the Republicans ever achieved during that era of dominance."

Chafee to Join Dems to Oppose Bolton Nomination

A key Senate Republican, Lincoln Chafee, has joined Democrats in opposing one of Bush's initiatives for the lame-duck Congress: John Bolton's nomination as US ambassador to the United Nations.

Bipartisanship on Hold

Editors of the New York Times write: "Mr. Bush made it clear that, for now, his idea of how to 'put the elections behind us' is to use the Republicans' last two months in control of Congress to try to push through one of the worst ideas his administration and its Republican allies on Capitol Hill have come up with ... a bill that would legalize his illegal wiretapping program and gut the law that limits a president's ability to abuse his power in this way."

New Senate, New Probe Into Pre-War Intel

With the Democrats now in control of both houses of Congress, the new majority leadership is ready to start wielding their power by revisiting a hot-button issue that Republicans never provided answers to.

Glos will weiterhin eine Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes


Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos (CSU) votiert weiterhin für eine Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes. In Dänemark habe man "große Erfolge" mit einer Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsmarktes erzielt. Dazu gehörte "auch" die Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes, sagte Glos der "Passauer Neuen Presse". Natürlich sei er sich bewusst, dass es beim Koalitionspartner SPD hier leider nur sehr wenig Veränderungsbereitschaft gebe. "Aber ich sehe meine Aufgabe als Wirtschaftsminister auch darin, immer wieder auf die notwendigen Veränderungen hinzuweisen." Glos will außerdem Arbeitslose neue Nachweispflichten auferlegen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Freie Wähler halten an Bestechungsvorwurf gegen Roland Koch fest - SPD fordert den Rücktritt Kochs

Kostenerstattung: Freie Wähler halten an Bestechungsvorwurf gegen Roland Koch fest (10.11.06)

Die Freien Wähler Hessen (FW) haben trotz eines Dementis der CDU ihren Vorwurf des Stimmenkaufs durch die Landesregierung erneuert. Der FW-Landesvorsitzende Thomas Braun sagte am Freitag in Wiesbaden, Ministerpräsident Roland Koch (CDU) habe in einem Gespräch im April deutlich gemacht, dass es ein Gesetz zur Erstattung von Kosten aus Kommunalwahlkämpfen nur geben werde, wenn die Freien Wähler auf eine Teilnahme an der Landtagswahl 2008 verzichten. "Dieses Junktim" stelle eine "unzulässige Verknüpfung" dar, kritisierte Braun.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


"Politische Erpressung"

SPD fordert den Rücktritt Kochs wegen Affäre um Freie Wähler

In der Freie-Wähler-Affäre fordert die SPD im hessischen Landtag den Rücktritt von Ministerpräsident Roland Koch (CDU). "Im Grunde halte ich einen solchen Ministerpräsidenten nicht für tragbar", sagte die SPD-Obfrau im Untersuchungsausschuss des Landtags, Nancy Faeser, der "Frankfurter Rundschau". "Aber wir wissen aus Erfahrung, dass Herr Koch auch mit ruiniertem Ruf ungeniert weiter regiert", so Faeser. Koch wird vorgeworfen, er habe den Freien Wählern einen Gesetzentwurf zur Finanzierung der Freien Wählergruppen bei den Kommunalwahlen in Aussicht gestellt, wenn sie auf eine Kandidatur bei der Landtagswahl verzichten sollten.

World Greets US Election Results With Joy, Relief

For Europe and much of the rest of the world, US voters' repudiation of the Bush administration in midterm elections Tuesday and the dismissal of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Wednesday confirmed the widespread view that President Bush and his policies have done more to tarnish America's image abroad and strain its global relations than any other US president in recent history.

Rice: Democrats Won't End Iraq Mission

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the Democratic wave that won the party control of Congress did nothing to deter the Bush administration from continuing its Iraq mission until "the goal that took us to Iraq" is reached.

A Time for Accounting

Joseph L. Galloway writes: "Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld is gone, but there's little time for celebration, even for those of us who long ago began calling for his removal. The damage that men do lives after them, and it's time at last for an accounting. The nation's voters have spoken, and it's reasonable to expect that the Congress finally will begin to exercise some oversight of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after five years of serving as rubber stamp and doormats."

Bolton May Not Return as UN Envoy

Key lawmakers said yesterday they would block the nomination of John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations, all but killing chances for him to remain in the post past December. For nearly 20 months, President Bush has tried, unsuccessfully, to get Bolton confirmed in a job he has held since August 2005. Bolton then received a recess appointment after not getting enough support in the Senate.

Ban mobiles in schools

28 July 2000

Daily Telegraph
(c) 2000 Nationwide News Proprietary Ltd

EDUCATION Secretary David Blunkett has written to every school in Britain urging them to ban children under 16 using mobile phones except in emergencies. Mr Blunkett has sent guidelines warning of the potential health risks posed by mobile phones to pupils, particularly younger ones.

The advice follows a far-reaching inquiry led by former government chief scientist Sir William Stewart, which concluded that children could be more vulnerable to the effects of microwave radiation, which are unrecognised at the moment.

While he did not find conclusive evidence that mobile phones were harmful, Sir William said more research was needed to be sure and urged a "precautionary principle" in the meantime.

He said that youngsters under 16 might be more vulnerable to this radiation because they have thinner skulls and nervous systems that are still developing.

Mobile phones, increasingly a "must-have" accessory for many fashion-minded teenagers, have already been banned from many classrooms after teachers were interrupted by their ringing and pupils spent more time writing text mes-sages than essays.

Now teachers have been told to make sure pupils under 16 only use them in a crisis.

A spokesman for the Department of Education said: "Whether or not schools allow mobiles is up to them.

"What we are saying is that children aged 15 or under should only use them in emergencies.

"They certainly should not be using their mobiles all the time, and when they do it should only be for as short a time as possible.

"Children under 16 have thinner skulls and therefore need to be much more careful.

"We don't yet know the effects of mobile phones, which have only been around for five years, so we are suggesting that caution is used."

The guidance letter will be followed next month by a leaflet drawn up by the Department of Health summarising Sir William's advice.

Ministers want all mobile phone retailers to display the warning information at the point of sale and are also discussing plans to send them out with bills to reach as many customers as possible.

In his report in May, Sir William advised that the younger the children, the less time they should spend on mobiles.

The inquiry followed reports that radiation from mobiles could trigger cancer, memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.

The Sun, UK Press, November 2003

TEACHERS have been ordered to ban their pupils from using their mobile phones amid rising safety fears. UK Education secretary David Blunkett has taken the unusual step of writing to ALL schools in England and Wales. Mr Blunkett said mobile phones should only be used by pupils under

A spokesman for Mr Blunkett said: "We felt we had to issue guidance on the widespread use of mobile phones in schools. The department of Health is taking the lead but we have a responsibility where pupils are concerned. We felt we had to get the message across that the non-essential use of mobile phones should be discouraged."

Mr Blunkett's order to schools follows an investigation led by ex-Government chief scientist Sir William Stewart earlier this year. He warned that children could be susceptible to damage from radiation because their immune system is not fully developed. He also pointed out that the younger the child, the more years they could be exposed to radiation.

The report backed claims that minor health complaints like headaches, earaches and skin problems may be linked to mobiles.

Also this in April 2001:

15 April 2001
The Mail on Sunday

(c) 2001 Associated Newspapers. All rights reserved

A WARNING by the Department of Health about the dangers for children using mobile phones was watered down after pressure from the Department of Trade and Industry.

Insiders say the trade department was worried that it would scare parents and damage the multibillion-pound telecommunications industry.

It has also emerged that a DTI official dealing with the advice was working out his notice before moving to mobiles giant Vodafone.

Nick Williams is understood to have told bosses of the potential conflict of interest but was ordered to continue his work.

The revelation comes two weeks after MPs urged the Government to toughen up the planning restrictions on mobile phone masts.

Under-18s now account for up to a quarter of Britain's 28 million mobile users and are the market's biggest growth area. Much advertising is targeted at youngsters.

While there is no proof mobiles are bad for health, there is a genuine fear of as yet unrecognised hazards because of the gaps in scientific knowledge.

Now scientists fear the Government may be putting children at risk by understating the potential dangers.

Last year's Stewart Report concluded the risks to those under 16 would be particularly grave because of their 'developing nervous system, the greater absorption of energy in the tissues of the head and a longer lifetime of exposure'.

Later the DoH drew up a leaflet containing advice from the Chief Medical Officer. This recommended that under-16s should not use mobiles at all but gave guidelines for minimising the risk if they had to. Millions of copies of the leaflet, Mobile Phones And Health, were printed and were due to be sent to every household.

Education Secretary David Blunkett was so concerned he wrote to every school, urging them to ban under-16s from using mobiles except in emergencies. By the time the leaflet was published in December, however, the warning had been toned down.

It simply restricts itself to advising how mobiles should be used, saying calls should be kept short and that the phone should be used for essential purposes only.

It adds: 'Young people should make their own informed choices about the use of mobile phones.' Instead of being sent directly to homes, the leaflet was available only in shops, which were required to stock it but not display it.

Scientist Dr Roger Coghill, who in 1999 lost a legal bid to force the Government to put health warnings on mobiles, said the warning is too weak.

'It is so disappointing,' he said. 'We have discovered scientific evidence to show that there are problems with using a mobile close to the head for more than five minutes at a time. It is especially worrying for children.'

Whitehall sources confirmed there had been a 'big battle' between the DoH and both the DTI and No 10 over the wording.

A DTI source said the DoH was scared of repeating the mistakes it made with BSE and, in its determination to be cautious, had gone 'way beyond what the Stewart Report said'. He added: 'It would have scared many parents and that would have been unfair to the industry.' Nick Williams, who was responsible for mobile phones policy at the DTI, was serving out his notice when he contacted the DoH to ask it to change the wording.

He took up his job as a public policy executive with Vodafone in March after a three-month 'cooling-off' period required by Cabinet Office rules. These prevent civil servants who move to industry from abusing their positions.

Bosses knew of the potential conflict of interest but told him to carry on because there was no one else to deal with the matter.

A friend insisted Williams was not responsible for the final version of the leaflet. He admitted Williams had contacted the DoH by email over his concerns but claimed it did not reply.

Last night Norman Baker MP, the Lib Dems' consumer affairs spokesman, asked why he had to continue working on a matter crucial to his future employer in view of the possible conflict of interest.

He said: 'In any power struggle it is clear the DoH loses out to the DTI.

Money comes first and children's health somewhere thereafter.' The DTI would not comment on Williams's involvement with the leaflet, claiming confidentiality.

The DoH claimed the changes were minor. It said: 'There was a lot of discussion between officials and Ministers but that's not the same as saying some departments pressured other departments.'


TEACHERS have been ordered to ban their pupils from using their mobile phones amid rising safety fears

Children and mobile phones

ImpeachForChange: Because Americans Want REAL Change

Slavery in the 21st century

A message from Pilvi

Original Message

Slavery in the 21st century

Please sign the declaration*

Traffickers use coercion, deception or the threat or use of violence to lure men, women and children into slavery. They control people through keeping their passports, demanding their labour in return for a debt or through the use of intimidation and threat.

In the UK, people are trafficked into such areas as agriculture, construction, cleaning and domestic work, food processing and packaging, care/nursing, hospitality and the restaurant trade. One case in the report concerns two men recruited in Vietnam to work in a hotel in the UK:

The men had to pay to their agent in Vietnam £18,000 for arranging the job. They came to the UK under the work permit scheme and were promised wages of £4.95 per hour. After their arrival, an agent representing an agency that supplied workers to major hotel chains, met them at the airport and took their passports away from them. The men worked for two months without receiving any pay; all they were given was food. In protest, they tried to go on strike, but almost immediately, their families in Vietnam received threats.

Trafficking for forced labour has been a criminal offence in the UK since 2004, yet there has not been a single prosecution. And the authorities failed to identify any of the cases in Anti-Slavery International's report as victims of trafficking.

People trafficked for forced labour in the UK, are not being identified by the authorities and there is no system of protection or support for the victims of this crime, a new report launched by Anti-Slavery International reveals.

The Council of Europe's Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings is the only international law that guarantees trafficked people protection, including at least 30 days to stay in the country to receive emergency medical and psychosocial help, safe housing and legal advice. Since it was opened for signature in May 2005, 31 countries have signed and two have ratified it; the UK is among those countries that has not signed and has no guaranteed minimum standards of protection for trafficked people. See list of signatories.

Thank you friends for reading this WE NEED TO HELP!!

Big Oil bet big on its slate of Republican cronies, including Richard Pombo, and lost

Polluters Get A 'Thumping'

The Conservative Era Ends

The success of antiwar resolutions, even in GOP strongholds, reveals a nation in search of peace

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Cities For Peace

A lawyer for an "election protection" hotline reports on the hundreds of frustrated calls he handled

Tuesday's Intrepid Voters

George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld have come to the end of their free ride

A Time For Accounting

Arsonist destroys mobile mast and daubs threatening graffiti

By Jennifer Long

Friday, November 10, 2006

GARDAI in the city are investigating the second arson attack within months on a controversial mobile phone mast in Ballygunner.

For the second time since the summer, the controversial Meteor mast on the grounds of Ballygunner GAA Club was completely destroyed by fire on Friday evening.

The Waterford News & Star also understands that threatening graffiti, directed at one of the club’s most senior officials, was sprayed on a wall on the club’s grounds as part of the attack. Forensic tests have been carried out in a bid to shed light on the assailants while householders in the locality have also been interviewed.

The mast, erected in 2005, is currently the subject of a planning appeal to An Bord Pleanala. It was granted planning retention by the City Council in the summer causing uproar in the locality, particularly among close residents and the parents of children attending St. Mary’s National School which is situated beside the GAA grounds.

A number of appeals are with the Dublin-based board, including from the specially-formed ‘Concerned Parents in relation to Masts’ group, the Parents’ Association at St. Mary’s and a number of local residents.Yesterday (Tuesday), the chairwoman of the ‘Concerned Parents in relation to Masts’ group, Ann Marie Jackman, said she wanted to completely disassociate the group from the arson attack.

“We deplore this kind of behaviour. From the start we have highlighted our grievances at planning level and we will continue our campaign in this regard,” she said.

“We want to completely disassociate ourselves from this act of vandalism which is just not the way to do things.

We feel we’ve a very strong case on a planning level and while we were disappointed with Waterford City Council granting permission, we still have faith in An Bord Pleanala to do what is right.” She further said that that the group had been heartened by the expression of interest by MEP Kathy Sinnott in the Ballygunner case.

“She has an interest in these matters and has mentioned, should our appeal fail, the possibility of fighting our case in the European courts. She has acknowledged that what’s happening in Ballygunner is very serious - this mast is far too near a school, crèche, nursing home and 167-house residential development that will be occupied as soon as next month,” Ann Marie Jackman added.

© Waterford News & Star, 2006.

Bush nichts dazugelernt: der fortgesetzte Kampf gegen das Völkerrecht

Electronic voting is threatening US democracy

Frontiers of Freedom
by Brent Lemieux


Approximately Eighty percent of U.S. voters cast their ballots on electronic voting machines this year. Some of these machines use paper documentation as a safety net while others don't. With no national law regulating these operations each state is left to institute its own laws. Our democracy is being threatened by the capitol's failure to acknowledge the possibility of computerized errors...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Who gets it, who doesn't

Free Market News Network
by Radley Balko


I suppose that's part of the conundrum we face when the allegedly limited government party abandons its principles, when they only option is to vote for the party that has no allegiance to limited government at all. You're hoping to send a message, to remind Republicans that if they betray their principles, they'll be out of power. And you're hoping they'll rediscover those principles while they're in the minority. Unfortunately, there's always the possibility that they'll misinterpret the message, that they'll see their ouster from power as a sign that they haven't spent enough, that they haven't grown government enough. That seems to be where Bush is headed. You don't 'work with Democrats on entitlements' with an eye toward eliminating or reducing them. 'I'm willing to work with Democrats on entitlements' means you'll be negotiating only the rate at which they'll grow and multiply...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Replacing Rumsfeld: why is it OK the President lied?

Fox News
by Susan Estrich


White lies? Since when is it OK for a president to lie to reporters? Wasn't it just last week that the president told reporters that both Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were staying on their jobs for the next two years? It was an important question. The president didn't duck. He didn't give one of those mealy mouthed, we'll see answers. He said yes, they're both staying. And even as he said it, they were getting ready to get rid of Rumsfeld. He must have known that. He hadn't talked to Gates yet, but Gates was being vetted for the Defense job at the time. Surely, the president knew that. Excuse me, but it doesn't add up to an honest answer. Am I the only one who's wondering why it is that the president is allowed to intentionally mislead people, and no one says 'boo'...,2933,228402,00.html

Progressive Caucus rising

In These Times
by Nick Burt & Joel Bleifuss


Don't buy all the crap coming from GOP talking-point memos or the blather from mainstream pundits. The midterm elections do not signal a move to the center. Yes, a few conservative Democrats were elected, but the big gainers were progressives. In particular, the Congressional Progressive Caucus is on the rise. No longer will Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) be able to grab the gavel and run, as he did at a hearing last year when faced with pointed questions from Congressional Democrats about the [USA] PATRIOT Act, Guantanamo and the 'war on terror.' During a hearing, Sensenbrenner, the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, used his standing to abruptly declare the committee's public hearing on the PATRIOT Act over. He cut off the microphones of the Democratic half of the panel and smugly shuffled out of the room, thereby avoiding any more frivolous questions about 'civil rights.' Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich) -- the new chair of the Judiciary Committee -- will welcome such questions...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What the media isn't telling you about the MCA

International Society for Individual Liberty
by Jarret Wollstein

For all practical purposes, the Military Commissions Act places the military in control of prisons and courts for anyone accused of being a terrorist -- thus eliminating the judicial branch of government. It also abolishes fundamental legal rights (such as the writ of habeas corpus) which date back over 700 years to the Magna Carta. This new system makes it impossible to determine actual innocence or guilt, and celebrates arbitrary judgment and brutality. So this only applies to foreign terrorists who 'deserve what they get,' including torture, being imprisoned forever without trial, and summary execution, right? That's what you might believe from the way the media is reporting this story. But the reality is that nothing in the Act prevents U.S. citizens in America from being secretly arrested, imprisoned and tortured for the rest of their lives...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is this country finally switching trains?

Blood on the tracks

by Robert Jensen


As I stood in line for coffee on the morning after election night, a Democratic Party supporter ahead of me in line said, 'Thank God this country is finally switching trains.' If only that were true.On Election Day 2006, the U.S. public didn't switch trains but simply ratified a different group of conductors. It's the same old train, on the same tracks, heading in the same direction.This isn't an argument that there are never any meaningful differences between politicians; sometimes it does matter who is giving the orders on the train. But on this day after the morning-after, it's crucial for those with a critical perspective to highlight that this train -- contemporary U.S. society -- is barreling forward toward disaster, no matter who's punching tickets...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Watching the US elections from Canada

by John Chuckman


The Democratic Party has been all but dead for years as a meaningful national alternative. The party has no recognized national leader. It has no cause, no fire in the belly. It has been largely silent for six years while Bush rampaged through the world and literally peed on American liberties like a grotesquely-smirking, small-town sheriff. No President in history has shown so little respect for human rights, and with so little excuse, yet all the would-be defenders of the Republic, whether Congressmen or the Don't-Tread-on-Me crowd, have been no where to be seen. And Democrats like Lieberman or Kerry can hardly be distinguished from Republicans.The Democrats have been elected because Americans are now sick of Iraq. Their enthusiasms die quickly. American expectations for the wars they start are perfectly captured by the image of Bush landing on an aircraft carrier with a big banner behind him saying Mission Accomplished. It's a blockbuster version of the Homecoming Game with guys in uniforms and cheerleaders and flags, and there is no hint of death or decay. Anything beyond that kind of performance is welcomed like the kid who couldn't make the team...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Data sharing program raises privacy concerns

Heartland Institute


On September 1, The New York Times, USA Today, and other media outlets reported a student at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, working with The Associated Press, had uncovered a little-known data-sharing program conducted by the FBI and U.S. Department of Education. The program was disbanded shortly after the story broke. According to those sources, the program -- termed 'Operation Strike Back' -- was initiated after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, targeting current or potential terror suspects who may have been using student identification and federal or commercial student loan funding for illicit purposes. The FBI sought and received from the Department of Education personal data about several hundred college students...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Expert's Guide to illegal Mideast policies and impeachment option

Robert C. Byrd: Our Victory

I want to thank you for your enthusiasm and steadfast support. Because of that support, I have been given the most sacred gift any human being can give to another -- trust. Be assured that I will honor that trust forever.

Even more importantly, Democrats won resounding victories in the House and the Senate and we are now in control of both houses of Congress for the first time in more than a decade.

Together, we have put an end to one-party rule. We have returned to the country the system of checks and balances that was promised in our Constitution, but eschewed by the Republicans.

In casting their ballots, Americans rejected the Bush Administration's deception and use of fear as a political tool and stood up for our precious Constitutional liberties. We showed the President that his current failed Iraq policy is serving neither the interests of our country nor our brave men and women in uniform. It appears he has received the message, as he has finally fired the Secretary of Defense.

I want to extend a special thanks for helping my campaign online. During my victory speech on Tuesday, I joked that two years ago I thought the Internet was a brand of hair spray. But all kidding aside, the grassroots support of thousands of friends nationwide, who came to my website and supported my campaign, played an essential role in this re-election.

Once again, I thank you for your support and your hard work throughout this campaign. The election is only a first step. Defense of our liberties takes an active and informed citizenry which stands up and lets their voices be heard.

Moving forward, and working together, we will now have the change in direction that America desperately needs.

With gratitude,

Robert C. Byrd
United States Senator

Howard Zinn on Activism

"[A]fter all, and this is a very important thing to understand, the power of governments and the power of all large entities like corporations, rests and depends upon the obedience of people. The government and the military, as powerful as they are, cannot carry out a war.” - Howard Zinn, speaking on the necessity of activism with Sunny Miller, Executive Director of Traprock Peace Center (August, 2006).

This fascinating 22 minute conversation by one of the great thinkers and activists of our time is available for download at

Dr. Zinn encouraged activism in peace and justice movements, both for the sake of society and for the sake of ourselves.

“Historically we can point to the successes of these movements [such as civil rights and against the Vietnam War]….I think the other thing that is important to tell people who perhaps are on the verge of becoming active but are not sure what it will mean to their lives, and what sacrifices they will have to make. I think what is important for them to know is that there is nothing more satisfying than to participate with other people in a struggle or a good cause. That whatever sacrifices may be required of you, whatever troubles you may go through, whatever threats may be made to you, once you have been part of such a movement, you will never forget it. It will be a high point of your life. There is nothing so satisfying as getting together with other people who believe in peace and justice."

The audio is copyright 2006 Traprock Peace Center; all rights reserved. Audio may be downloaded for free for non-profit use; it may not be edited or copied for sale without permission of Traprock Peace Center. Radio stations and websites may replay it in its entirety only, with attributions to the participants and to Traprock Peace Center as producer. Any replay must refer to Traprock’s copyright. Permission to replay is not necessary, but notice of replay is required to

The MP3 audio is 22:14 minutes, recorded at 128 kbps mono, and with a file size of 20.4 mb. This phone interview was conducted and recorded in August, 2006 by Sunny Miller, Executive Director of Traprock Peace Center.

The permanent link for the audio program:


From ufpj-news

The Doomsday Code

Tony Robinson investigates the people with powerful political friends in the White House, who are trying to bring about the end of the world. Julia Bard reports.

The Doomsday Code

One day cock of the walk, the next a feather duster: Allen concedes in Virginia Senate race

Republican Sen. George Allen conceded defeat Thursday to Democrat Jim Webb, sealing the Democrats’ control of Congress and the political downfall of a man once considered a White House contender.

Extraordinary Rendition, Torture and Disappearances in the "War on Terror"

Human rights groups and several public inquiries in Europe have found the U.S. government, with the complicity of numerous governments worldwide, to be engaged in the illegal practice of extraordinary rendition, secret detention, and torture.

Bush Crony to Head UN's Food Program

US Ambassador John Bolton once again breached UN protocol in New York, this time by prematurely announcing the appointment of former Washington Times editor Josette Shiner to head the World Food Program.

From Information Clearing House

Baghdad's 'missing' billions

"I think we're looking at a huge scandal. The CPA handed over $8.8bn in cash to the Iraqi government even though that new government had no security or accounting system. "No one can account for it. We don't know who got that money," Mr Waxman said.

UN watchdog: $22 mln missing in Iraq contracts

An audit of 15 noncompetitive contracts paid for by U.S. government agencies with Iraqi oil money was unable to account for $22.4 million in funds.

From Information Clearing House

In the departure of Bechtel, the Iraqis see the end of remaining hopes for the reconstruction of Iraq

Bechtel's billions down the drain

The decision of the giant engineering company Bechtel to withdraw from Iraq has left many Iraqis feeling betrayed. In the company's departure, they see the end of remaining hopes for the reconstruction of Iraq.

From Information Clearing House

War Crimes Suit Prepared Against Rumsfeld

By Democracy Now!

The president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner, is heading to Germany today to file a new case charging outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld with war crimes for authorizing torture at Guantanamo Bay.

The Deeper Reality Behind Rumsfeld's Resignation

By Chris Floyd

As Don Rumsfeld is tossed overboard by the panicky Bushes (who value loyalty to themselves above all other virtues but never, ever, practice it toward others; there will be many more bodies left behind as the Family rallies to clean up Junior's mess again).

Rumsfeld: Virgin For The Volcano

By Greg Palast

President Bush is one lucky fella. I can imagine him today on the intercom with Cheney: "Well, pardner, looks like the game's up." And Cheney replies, "Hey, just hang Rummy out the window until he's taken all their ammo."

Our Long National Nightmare Has Just Begun

By Ted Rall

As ugly secrets surface, Bushists will turn desperate. Democracy has failed their grand schemes; token resignations like Rumsfeld's come too little, too late. Only tyranny can save their skins. Will the beleaguered neocons led by Cheney and Bush, cornered like rats, unleash their brand-new police state on their political opponents? Or will they tough it out and suck up the fines and prison sentences to come? The next year or two could go either way.

The verdict on perhaps the worst presidency in US history

Hubris followed by nemesis

By Rupert Cornwell

That old Bush self-certainty and swagger ('In Texas, we call it walking') is dead and buried.

Journalists' Coverage of Middle East Shallow and Distorted

By Robert Fisk

Journalists in the "West" should feel a burden of guilt for much that has happened in the Middle East because they have, with their gullibility, sold a fictitious version of events.

Next-up News n°125

Mobiles in planes

Some very interesting comments posted on this BBC website, have your say. Read one of the following comments which I found scary.

Eileen O'Connor

"Added: Thursday, 9 November, 2006, 21:56 GMT 21:56 UK

I have an objection the idea about using cellphones in the aeroplane because it could intrupt the sensitive equipment in the aeroplane. I prefer the ban on mobile phone in the flight, fearing that that anything could happen. It could be used as explosive device and this will claim a lot of lives. If allowed, people would talk loudly and this could disturb other people on plane.

Abdikadir mohamed, minnesota, United States "

Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception

Informant: Good

Thousands will Rally to Demand Closure of U.S. Military Training School for Latin Americans and Call for an End to U.S. Military Intervention

School of the Americas Watch

Investigation into Hastert 's Blocking Approps Probe into Illegalities Surrounding Hill Security Upgrades?

Thousands of Nuclear Weapons Still in U.S. Arsenal, 15 Years after the End of the Cold War

Post-Election Etiquette

Restoring the Good Nation

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Elections Offer Hope for a Change in Course in Iraq

Thank You, America

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Religious Right Forces Jolted by Results

Growing Youth Turnout is Good News for Dems

Europe's Anti-War Politicians Feel Vindicated by US Polls

US Foreign Policy Set to Change Dramatically

US Troops out of Iraq? Bush Taps Ex-CIA Director for Pentagon Job

World Sees Democrats' Win as Rejection of Bush


Informant: David Diggins

Light a candle for the innocent victims of online child abuse

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

A message from Jakki

The innocent victims of Internet child abuse cannot speak for themselves.

But you can.

With your help, we can eradicate this evil trade.

We do not need your money.

We need you to light a candle of support .

We're aiming to light at least One Million Candles by December 31, 2006.

This petition will be used to encourage governments, politicians, financial institutions, payment organizations, Internet service providers, technology companies and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the commercial viability of online child abuse.

They have the power to work together. You have the power to get them to take action.

Please light your candle at or send an email of support to .

Together, we can destroy the commercial viability of Internet child abuse sites that are destroying the lives of innocent children.

Kindly forward this email to your friends, relatives and work colleagues so that they can light a candle too.

Tell our President to take financial responsibility for children with Autism

A message from Jakki


Bolton confirmation plan seems dead

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

John Bolton Likely to Depart U.N.

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton will likely leave his post next month. - "The Bolton nomination will not get voted on," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., reportedly has told colleagues.

Boxer pledges shift on global warming policy with new Senate role

Informant: NHNE

Belligerent, ill-conceived interventionism has come to an end,,1942897,00.html

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Financing the Empire

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Let’s Now Charge the Accomplices


Saddam: Let's now charge the accomplices

By John Pilger

Why isn't George Bush Snr being charged? In 1992, a congressional inquiry found that Bush as president had ordered a cover-up to conceal his secret support for Saddam and the illegal arms shipments being sent to Iraq via third countries.

Are the Democrats an improvement or just part of the problem?

Bush Confronts History and Loses

Deutsche Polizisten drangen unerlaubt in katholische Kirche ein


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