Montag, 13. November 2006

Hold George Bush Accountable

Informant: Jennifer Van Bergen

From ufpj-news

Countdown to a Meltdown

True Blue Populists

Paul Krugman writes: "Senator George Allen of Virginia is understandably shocked and despondent. Just a year ago, a National Review cover story declared that his 'down-home persona' made him 'quite possibly the next president of the United States.' Instead, his political career seems over."

What's Not Going to Change: After the Electoral Earthquake

French political analyst Jacques Sapir warns Le Monde readers that the American political tendencies that produced the Bush administration are neither dead nor altogether absent from the Democratic Party.

The Corporate End Run

"Corporate profits are at record levels. The Dow, too, has climbed past its high-water mark from the dot-com era. Executives reap bigger and bigger paydays, even as wages have stagnated. Meanwhile, the widening investigation into stock-option backdating reminds us that the corporate malfeasance era was much more than just a couple of bad apples like Enron and WorldCom," explains the New York Times.

Senator Boxer to Focus on Global Warming

Senator Barbara Boxer on Thursday promised major policy shifts on global warming, air quality and toxic-waste cleanup as she prepares to lead the US Senate's environmental committee.

Corporate and Government Looting of the Gulf Coast

"Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. On the Gulf Coast, the reverse is happening. Federal state and local governments are teaming up with corporations and developers to systematically steal hurricane relief funds from the poor to enrich themselves," writes Bill Quigley.

Arrogant to the End

William Fisher writes: "... even in the event that the president announces some major new initiatives to extricate us from our Middle East quagmire, his government appears to lack the competence to execute those new initiatives. On the basis of this administration's record, all of us can be excused for being just a tad skeptical - and very afraid."

Warming is draining Canada's rivers, lakes

Temperatures rising fastest in North, environmentalists warn

Mike De Souza, with files from Juliet O'Neill with files from The Canadian Press

Monday, November 13, 2006

NAIROBI, Kenya - Canada is being especially hard hit by climate change and its freshwater reserves are in danger, a study released today by two environmental groups warns, giving Environment Minister Rona Ambrose something else to deal with as she steps onto the international stage at a United Nations climate-change conference to sell her government's plan to fight global warming.

Based on reviews of scientific data, the study from World Wildlife Fund Canada and the Sage Centre shows how water levels in Canada are dropping while average temperatures are climbing much faster than elsewhere in the world.

"Our review of all the climate change impact assessments in the Great Lakes region shows that there is a large body of research that supports the point that water levels are likely to decline under climate change," reads the report, prepared by climate scientists, James Bruce and Tina Tin.

The report says water levels in the Great Lakes could decrease by as much as 1.18 metres, and minimum flows in the northwestern Athabasca River could decrease by 10 per cent in the coming decades. While the lower levels in the Great Lakes could reduce electricity production by more than $300 million, the losses in the Athabasca River could stunt development of oilsands, which require water to produce oil.

According to Environment Canada figures cited in the report, average Canadian temperatures have risen by 1.2 degrees Celsius over the past 50 years. Northern British Columbia, the Yukon and the Mackenzie Basin experienced warming of more than 2 C, compared with a 0.8 C global-warming average across the planet since 1900.

"Canadians actually don't understand that we're already warming at twice the global rate and that we're more vulnerable, particularly in Western Canada and the northwest than many places on Earth," said Louise Comeau, director of the Sage climate project. "We need to be more aware of that reality."

She said provincial governments should develop water-sharing agreements to protect their natural resources.

The report also warned about a vicious circle of problems in central Canada due to the decreased hydro capacity in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region, severe hot spells in summer and more potential brownouts in peak periods of energy demand.

Ms. Ambrose is scheduled to arrive in Nairobi tonight for the annual UN conference, where representatives from 165 other countries will gather for the week-long meeting.

She could find herself fending off criticism from political leaders from Europe who have warned Canada that they expect it to honour its international commitments under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change to reduce greenhouse gases by six per cent below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012.

Ms. Ambrose has argued that the targets agreed to by the previous Liberal government were unrealistic and unattainable.

In its place, she introduced an alternative plan that sets a goal of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions by up to 65 per cent by 2050.

Quebec Environment Minister Claude Bechard, who was scheduled to arrive last night, is also expected to stir trouble by contradicting the federal government's position, and arguing in favour of honouring the short-term commitments of the Kyoto Protocol.

On the eve of her arrival in Nairobi, Ms. Ambrose dismissed the heavy, personal criticism she has already faced as "just garbage -- politics."

And she said she's not worried that critics might sabotage the government's message at the conference.

In an interview on CTV's Question Period, she said Canada is just one of many countries having difficulty meeting the Kyoto targets. Canada remained committed to the Kyoto process all the same. "We are not isolated," she said.

"Canada has one message to deliver to the international community, which is that we are in the Kyoto Protocol, we are constructive members and we are taking measures immediately here back home to start to contribute to a decrease in emissions," she said.

But derision has rained down on the Tories for their plan, with a CBC-Environics poll suggesting 70 per cent of Canadians believe they aren't being tough enough in their effort to rescue the environment.

The environment minister will be watched closely at this conference.

She was thought to be one of the brightest and most capable of the people Mr. Harper selected for his first cabinet.

But her tenure has been marked by tumult in her office and a sense that, at a minimum, Mr. Harper believes she needs guidance from the PMO in handling her duties.

Ms. Ambrose's international debut was inauspicious. She arrived as chairwoman of a two-week meeting in Germany and stayed for a single day before withdrawing in the face of criticism of Canada's Kyoto commitments.

She decided to monitor a followup meeting in Switzerland from a distance -- her office in Ottawa.

Mr. Harper, for his part, has said over and over that the Kyoto targets set for Canada are unachievable. He also rejects the purchase of international emissions credits as a means of closing the gap.

But with polls suggesting the environment could become a ballot-box issue -- especially in the key electoral battleground of Quebec -- Ms. Ambrose will have to show flexibility in Nairobi or run the risk of alienating voters.

© The Ottawa Citizen 2006

Informant: binstock

Tiny Crystal Magnets Found in Human Brain

Shi Tao: 10 years in prison for sending an email

Take action and help us free Shi Tao today:

Cindy Sheehan: Another Open Letter to George

Informant: Debi Clark


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Next-up News n°127

Behörden lassen sich von Handy-Firmen einspannen

K-Tipp Nr. 18 vom 01. November 2006

Mobilfunkstrahlung: Irreführende Information von Stadt und Kanton Zürich «Unbedenklich» und «gering»sei die Strahlenbelastung in der Stadt Zürich, behaupten die Behörden. Das stimmt nicht, wie die Messungen des K-Tipp zeigen....

Rachel's News #880

Important petitions..

Klimabombe aus den Boom-Ländern

Outcry stops train mast in its tracks


CAMPAIGNERS have won their battle to stop a giant 29-metre high radio mast being put up in a conservation area.

The towering structure was earmarked for the South Suburban railway line in Newington, as part of Network Rail's plans to improve communications between train drivers and signallers.

Eight of the huge masts are still due to be built across the city, under an EU-wide safety initiative recommended in the wake of the Ladbroke Grove train crash in 1999 which killed 31 people.

But track and maintenance firm Network Rail has bowed to pressure from residents and local Lib Dem politicians over the siting of a mast in the Craigmillar Park Conservation Area.

Instead of one 29-metre mast, two smaller 15-metre structures will be erected - one close to the former Blackford railway station and another near Newington Cemetery. If you have a view on this or any other subject, let us know.
0131 620 8747

The move was today welcomed by residents in the area, who said it was a victory for "consultation". Dr Allen Simpson, from Crawfurd Road, and a member of the Craigmillar Park Residents' Association, said: "This is a great relief, because we don't want a 100ft mast spoiling the view of this conservation area. Network Rail realised very early on that this was likely to be unpopular.

"Because this is a conservation area, it's particularly important that the quality of view is not spoilt. One large mast would have been obtrusive, but two smaller masts is a good result for us."

The government-funded masts scheme, which will cost £1.2 billion to install in the whole of the UK, was recommended by Lord Cullen after the Ladbroke Grove train crash. The new technology will allow drivers and signalmen to communicate directly, without having to rely on a signal from neighbouring mobile phone masts or on-train communications systems, which were installed 30 years ago.

The system will also allow simultaneous broadcast calls so that all drivers in a certain area can be contacted immediately to be warned of an incident or obstacle - and the whereabouts of trains will be more precisely charted, giving passengers more accurate information.

Due to national legislation, Network Rail does not need permission from city planners to build on its land next to railway lines.

The city's planning leader, Councillor Trevor Davies, has already said he would like the council to have more say over the scheme. Local councillor Fred Mackintosh said today: "I'd have preferred if this had gone through the planning system, like mobile phone masts do, but I'm pleased we won't have a giant mast in Newington."

Network Rail originally planned to erect 12 of the masts, but managed to find alternative solutions for three of them following informal discussions with council planners.

The giant masts are still due to go up at Portobello, Craigmillar, Riccarton, Dalmeny, South Gyle, Haymarket, Slateford and Kellerstain.

Previous plans to put extra masts at Waverley, Restalrig and Broxburn have been scrapped and - along with Newington - the structures will be replaced by smaller masts. Work in south Edinburgh is expected to be completed by February.

A spokeswoman for Network Rail said: "Following contact from Councillor Fred Mackintosh, we are pleased that we have managed to come up with an engineering solution that doesn't compromise the effectiveness of our radio communication system, but does take into account the area's conservation status."

Last updated: 13-Nov-06 17:24 GMT


This article:

'Mobile mast could kill me'

A WOMAN who is allergic to the mobile phone era is praying that the High Court will back her fight against an 80ft transmission mast. Because she is sensitive to electro-magnetic emissions, Pam Harris has turned her home into a cocoon where there is no microwave oven and no food which has been packed in tin cans.

Pam is also allergic to wheat and gluten products. To stay alive, she has to hook herself up to a machine for 17 hours every other day to have essential nutrients pumped into her bloodstream.

Today, she said she fears that emissions from the mast might make the machine malfunction.

She said: "I have to use the machine overnight and have to depend on its alarm system warning me that the treatment has nearly come to an end, and if I do not get the warning there's a risk of getting an air bubble in the tube which is connected to my heart.

"This could cause a stroke or blood clot.

"When I am exposed to emissions, even at a low level when passing a mast in the car, my blood levels alter dramatically, and my heart skips a beat.

"That is why it is such a stressful situation."

When mobile company 3G submitted plans to Peterborough City Council in May 2005, residents formed the Deeping Mast Action Group.

The council threw out the application, but the decision was overturned by a Government inspector.

The action group, which is rallying round Pam, raised £5,000 to challenge 3G in the High Court in London – but is still waiting for a hearing date to be confirmed.

Pam was first diagnosed with rare electro-magnetic sensitivity in 1983 – a condition which she believes has been diagnosed as serious in just 15 other people since medical records began – and the boom in mobile phones was her worst nightmare.

She and her husband, Johnny, left Northamptonshire seven years ago and thought she would be safe in the bungalow at Deeping Gate, near Market deeping, which they spent thousands of pounds converting to accommodate the machine.

She said: "If the mast is approved, I can no longer live here without serious risk to my life.

"My life is just as important to me as their mobile phone mast seems to be to them."

In a letter, which the protest group has submitted to the High Court, Pam's specialist, Dr Jeremy Nightingale, a consultant at Leicester Royal Infirmary, said: "There may be health risks and mechanical problems with the pump relating to a telecommunication tower if situated very near to her house.

"In view of the uncertainty, it would be best to avoid building the tower close to her house."

Pam's GP, Dr Andrew Norman, said: "She has significant allergies to food, chemicals and drugs, and the effect of extraneous exposure to chemicals and to electromagnetic radiation may have unpredictable serious consequences."

A spokesman for the action group said : "This is a very real case, and all the medical evidence is there, even though it was ignored by the Government inspector.

"They are riding roughshod over the health of people who would have to live near this mast, when there is no proof that they don't cause health problems."

A spokeswoman for 3G said today it was "unable to comment at this time".

13 November 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

The Anti-Plaintiff Lobby

by Stephanie Mencimer,

The campaign to make it hard to sue corporations isn't over just because Democrats are in power.

Those expecting the Baker-led Iraq Study Group to propose any kind of pullout will be sorely disappointed

No Exit Strategy

Warrantless Wiretaps May Not Be Approved by Congress

Legislation aimed at President Bush's once-secret program for wiretapping US-foreign phone calls and computer traffic of suspected terrorists without warrants shows all the signs of not moving ahead, notwithstanding President Bush's request this week that a lame-duck Congress give it to him.

Democrats Will Revisit Military Habeas Corpus Debate

An effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants could be the first test of the Democrats' resolve to change course in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats and Iraq

A New York Times editorial warns: "The Democrats will not be able to savor their victory for long. Americans are waiting to hear if they have any good ideas for how to get out of Iraq without creating even wider chaos and terrorism. Criticizing President Bush's gross mismanagement of the war was a winning electoral strategy. But criticism will not extricate the United States from this mess, nor will it persuade voters that the Democrats are ready to take back the White House."

Anti-Corruption Official in Iraq Accused of Fraud

Iraq's top anti-corruption watchdog, a high-profile judge whose efforts have been hailed by Americans as one of the few bright spots in the country, is himself the target of a corruption probe, officials said Saturday.

Neue Strafanzeige gegen US- Verteidigungsminister

„Ein internationales Bündnis renommierter Rechtsanwalts- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen sowie elf Folteropfer werden am 14. November 2006 beim Generalbundesanwalt in Karlsruhe Anzeige gegen den US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld, den ehemaligen CIA-Chef George Tenet, die ehemaligen Regierungsjuristen John Yoo und Jay Bybee, General Ricardo Sanchez sowie weitere Mitglieder und Angehörige der US-Regierung und US-Streitkräfte erstatten. Ihnen wird darin vorgeworfen, Kriegsverbrechen begangen sowie gegen die UN-Anti-Folterkonvention verstoßen zu haben…“ Presseinformation des RAV vom 10.11.06

Siehe dazu auch:

Nach Rücktritt. US-Menschenrechtler wollen Rumsfeld in Deutschland anzeigen

Rumsfeld wird vorgeworfen, Kriegsverbrechen angeordnet zu haben. Da er nun keine Immunität mehr genießt, sind die Chancen für eine Verurteilung angeblich gestiegen. Unterdessen hat die US-Armee begonnen, die Irak-Strategie zu überprüfen. Artikel in der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 11.11.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 13. November 2006

Auch Freisprechanlage macht Autofahrer 'betrunken'



Astrid Peter 13-11-06

Gleich ob mit oder ohne Freisprechanlage - Mobiltelefonie vernebelt dem Autofahrer während der Fahrt genauso die Sinne wie Alkohol und mindert die Fahrleistung ähnlich stark, ergab eine Studie von US-Psychologen.

Das Fahren und gleichzeitige Sprechen am Handy beeinträchtigt laut David Strayer von der University of Utah und seinen Kollegen die Fahrleistung genauso wie ein Alkoholgehalt von 0,8 Promille im Blut.

Die Forscher veröffentlichten ihre Ergebnisse in der Sommerausgabe der Fachzeitschrift "Human Factors".

An der Grenze der Legalität

Dabei stellen 0,8 Promille Blutalkohol den gesetzlichen Grenzwert für legales Autofahren in vielen Bundesstaaten der USA dar - in Österreich sind es 0,5 Promille.

Die Gefährdung anderer und von sich selbst sei im angetrunkenen Zustand ähnlich stark gegeben wie beim Telefonieren während der Autofahrt, mahnen die Wissenschaftler in einer Aussendung.

Im Experiment: Eine Testperson telefoniert während des Autofahrens in einem Simulator

Im Rahmen der Studie untersuchten die Psychologen das Fahrverhalten bei 40 Testpersonen. Diese fuhren in vier verschiedenen Settings in einem Simulator: nüchtern und ohne Ablenkung, während eines Gesprächs mit dem Telefon am Ohr bzw. über die Freisprechanlage sowie mit 0,8 Promille Blutalkohol nach der Genehmigung eines Wodka-Drinks.

Die Probanden mussten in den unterschiedlichen Situationen auf ein unerwartetes Bremsereignis reagieren; die Fahrleistungen wurden anschließend verglichen. Die Reaktionszeiten der Mobiltelefonierer und der Angetrunkenen waren dabei ähnlich - schlecht.

Mit der Studie bestätigen die Autoren eigene vorhergehende Untersuchungen, dass es auch keine Rolle spielt, ob mit einer Freisprechanlage telefoniert oder das Telefon ans Ohr gehalten wird: Das Gespräch selbst stelle die Ablenkung dar.

sc, 30.6.06]

Applied Cognition Laboratory, University of Utah
Journal "Human Factors"

Amerikanische Folter-Akademie nimmt Lehrbetrieb wieder auf

Angry residents in call for phone mast ban

What did the voters say?

In These Times
by David Moberg


In the hours after the Democrats resoundingly won control of the House and, narrowly, the Senate, the great spin debate on the meaning of the election opened up. Did the Republicans fall because of the war in Iraq? Corruption? The economy? Bush? How about 'all of the above'? Understanding the voters’ motivations is critical for understanding how Democrats can build on this victory and what strategy they should adopt. ... Ultimately the election seems to represent a slim majority rejection of Republicans, not only for corruption and incompetence but also for their rigid ideology, a mistaken war and their neglect of -- or harm to -- the economic interests of most Americans...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Neocons divided, except in denial

The Australian
by staff


Neoconservatives, who laid out the intellectual underpinnings for US President George W. Bush's foreign policy, are in disarray following the Republicans' mid-term election defeat. Already battling with each other over continuing US military setbacks in Iraq, "neocons" are more divided than ever following Tuesday's election nightmare, in which Republicans lost control of both houses of Congress.Neoconservatives essentially believe in the US's ability to shape the world in its own image and see the nation as a "benevolent hegemony" with the power to compel other countries to adopt liberal democracy...,5942,20735672,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats can be neocons, too

by Gary Leupp


The great hope among Americans opposed to the war in Iraq is that the Democratic majority in both houses of Congress will now bring the troops home. But anyone paying attention realizes that the Democratic leadership, however much it's recently rejected, and even ridiculed, the Bush mantra "stay the course," is as committed as its Republican rivals to somehow "winning" in Iraq. So the best hope is that the Congress will now conduct tough investigations into what the administration's innumberable fabrications justifying the war and this will fan overall "bring 'em home" political pressure...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats may use probes to force policy shifts

Boston Globe


The new Democratic leaders in Congress are likely to move quickly to use their investigative powers as a key lever to force changes in the administration's policies on the Iraq war and domestic spying, according to congressional staff members. Despite the conciliatory language this week between the White House and the new leaders of Congress, Democrats expect to launch probes into the administration's use of prewar intelligence on Iraq and its domestic wiretapping program and into Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force, current and former aides said. The goal, they said, will be to force changes by shedding light on problems with the existing policies... [editor's note: One can only hope so; thus far, the rhetorical Democrat focus -- on raising the minimum wage (counterproductive) and "soaking the rich" with tax-cut repeals -- reveals the usual strategy: powermongering and constituency-building - SAT]

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

GOP, Dems, lobbyists and revolving doors

Arizona Republic


On Day 1 of the next session of Congress, Democrats are promising restrictive rules to 'break the link between lobbyists and legislation.' Veteran lobbyists know what to expect on Day 2: requests for political donations from the Capitol's new stewards. Ethics watchdog groups are hopeful as incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., readies the Democrats' 'Honest Leadership and Open Government' initiative for opening day in January. Exit polls Tuesday compel Democrats to act. Three-fourths of voters said corruption and scandals were very or extremely important. That group tended to vote for Democratic House candidates, according to surveys conducted for the Associated Press and the television networks. But some lobbyists remain skeptical...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Beware: George Bush's secret agents can now arrrest us in our own country

The Government last week cravenly surrendered control of the independence of our criminal justice system to the United States.

From Information Clearing House

Outrage at London sting by US spies

Undercover American agents are staging secret 'sting' operations in Britain against criminal and terrorist suspects they want to extradite to the US.

Powell aide: Torture 'guidance' from VP Cheney

A former top State Department official said Sunday that Vice President Dick Cheney provided the "philosophical guidance" and "flexibility" that led to the torture of detainees in U.S. facilities.

From Information Clearing House

That way son

By nominating Robert Gates to the Pentagon, Bush Jr was reduced to asking one of his father’s closest friends to clean up the mess. What was Gates’s last job? As president of Texas A&M University, Gates hosted Poppy’s own presidential library. What was his previous claim to fame? Poppy had appointed him CIA director.,,2092-2449573,00.html

From Information Clearing House

ACLU Applauds Rumsfeld’s Resignation

The American Civil Liberties Union today applauded Donald Rumsfeld’s resignation from his post as Defense Secretary, and called on Congress to investigate the gross abuse of power committed under his watch.

From Information Clearing House

Forget democracy and bring home troops, Bush will hear

A commission of experts appointed by President George W Bush will advise him to abandon his dream of cementing a new democratic system in Iraq and instead tackle the security crisis so that the withdrawal of American troops can begin.

From Information Clearing House

Somber analysis of Iraq's future: the situation in Iraq is "even worse than we thought'

The situation in Iraq is "even worse than we thought,'' with key Iraqi leaders showing no willingness to compromise to avoid increasing violence, said Leon Panetta, a member of the high-powered advisory group that will recommend new options for the war.

A Veteran Remembers

By Howard Zinn

Our decent impulse, to recognize the ordeal of our veterans, has been used to obscure the fact that they died, they were crippled, for no good cause other than the power and profit of a few. Veterans Day, instead of an occasion for denouncing war, has become an occasion for bringing out the flags, the uniforms, the martial music, the patriotic speeches reeking with hypocrisy.

US elections in the 21st century: voting rights and voting wrongs

By William Cohn

Does this election vindicate the US political system as protecting our basic democratic interests?

The Republicans Took a Dive

By Ezekiel Jones

What explains the curious decline from the high--powered Republican machine that could snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in 2000, 2002 and 2004 to the broken down jalopy of 2006 that blew control of both houses of Congress?

Cheney ’s Revenge

By Mike Whitney

The establishment “old school” Republicans and country club plutocrats put-together a plan to sabotage the Cheney administration and put an end to the Iraq debacle.

Beware of High Hopes

by Dorothy Seese

The illusionists are masters of deception, and deception rules the age in which this world spins. Post-election euphoria has not yet pulled one American soldier out of the Middle East, nor can it remove from power those who really control the opinions of the public, American, European, Middle and Far Eastern, the people we call the "shadow government" comprised of the industrial billionaires and world bankers.....

Why did the GOP fare so badly in the midterm elections?

Rush Limbaugh: A Day Late and a Dollar Short
GOP cheerleader finally tells it like it is

by Chip McLean

Why did the GOP fare so badly in the midterm elections? Every pundit has been offering up their own analysis as to why, but perhaps Rush Limbaugh's assessment is the most telling.....

The philosophers behind the bloodbath in Iraq are now washing their hands

Informant: Bob Banner

Republicans Deserved to Lose

by Tom DeWeese

The Republican base left the party because it became the biggest spending government in U.S. history. It became the government most invasive of our private lives in U.S. history. And the Republicans became the poorest defenders of our national sovereignty and independence in U.S. history. That’s why they lost. It’s the reason why they were able to toss out the Democrats twelve years ago, but then they headed down the same road. Americans simply don’t want that kind of government.....

The Politics & Profits in Keeping Americans Sick

by Byron Richards

In a losing battle Big Pharma ’s largest election expenditure, half a million dollars, was spent on Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) who promised to preserve the Medicare scam, whereas his opponent, Bob Casey Jr., regularly attacked Medicare Part D as a giveaway to Big Pharma. Santorum has been on the Big Pharma payroll for some time, previously receiving over $250,000. In addition to helping pass Medicare Part D, he has aggressively lobbied other Senators to prevent re-importation of U.S. drugs at cheaper prices from Canada and Europe...

Impeachment talking points

Impeachment Movement Strategizing

Conference call 9 p.m. ET on Monday, November 13th. Conference Dial-in Number: (402) 756-9100 Participant Access Code: 462356# RSVP to

Agenda for call:

1. Intros and agenda

2. Start a grassroots petition drive to collect 1 million signatures. (Each group keeps the names and contact info it collects, as well as Emailing it to us to add to the petition, and we pay $0.25 per valid Email address.)

3. Form Impeachment Committees in 435 Congressional Districts to lobby every Member of Congress:

4. Hold Town Hall Meetings and rallies on impeachment around the country on December 10th (Human Rights Day):

5. Pass Impeachment resolutions in state legislatures, cities, towns, unions, political parties:

6. Plans for January

Impeachment Talking Points

The evidence of impeachable offenses by Bush and Cheney is already public knowledge. There is no question that impeachment is needed. The question is why it hasn't happened yet. Investigations will reveal more details and move the process forward, but the outcome is clear from the start. In fact, those who oppose impeachment very rarely claim that there is not sufficient evidence. Rather, they base their opposition on political or strategic concerns, getting their priorities out of order. Nothing is more important than restoring the rule of law and a constitutional system of government in which Congress can restrain abuses by the executive. If we do not impeach in this case, we will effectively remove impeachment from the Constitution and establish for future presidents the right to ignore the law.

Ten impeachable offenses committed by Bush and Cheney are:

1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal war of aggression against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, and misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization.

2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.

3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.

4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm.

5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.

6. Violating the Constitution by using signing statements to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.

7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.

8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.

9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming.

While impeachment is a very serious step that should not have been trivialized the way it was during the last presidential administration, it is also an indispensable part of a system of checks and balances that sustains our democracy. When strong evidence exists of the most serious crimes, we must use impeachment or lose the ability of the legislative branch to compel the executive branch to obey the law. This is not a question of supporting one party over another, but of upholding the rule of law over both of them.

The new Democratic majority in the House is helpful, but haven't Pelosi, Emanuel, and Conyers taken impeachment "off the table"? They have no power to do so. The American people have the power to persuade both the House and the Senate to take up investigations that will lead to impeachment. A majority of Americans support this. We have a duty to make the strength of our support known. See these polls:

But won't that hurt the Democrats politically in 2008? That worry should be lower on our list. What good is getting elected in 2008 if we still have a dictator? What good was getting elected in 2006 if all you do is hide until 2008? But if you must base everything on elections, impeachment is helpful, not harmful. Failing to impeach Reagan for Iran-Contra led to Democratic losses, not gains. Through history, parties that have pushed for impeachment have gained at the polls, not lost.

But don't the Democrats have a duty to work cooperatively with the Republicans, pass legislation, and advance a positive future-looking agenda? Not according to American voters who elected many new Democrats but not a single new Republican, who support investigations and impeachment, and who care about the freedoms found in the Bill of Rights as much as they do about health care, schools, stem cells, or the minimum wage. Passing legislation that will be either vetoed or reversed by signing statements may make good political theater, but will not solve the current crisis.

But won't impeaching Bush give us Cheney? No. Impeachment and removal from office are two steps. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Investigating Bush or Cheney will incriminate the other. Both will face criminal indictments. Cheney runs things now, and having him as the most unpopular president in history would be a coup for the Democrats. But whoever is president after Bush, whether it's Cheney, another Republican, or Pelosi, he or she will know that the American people can hold them accountable through impeachment. The next election is the time to pick a president. Impeachment and removal from office are only tools for dealing with officials who abuse power, not for selecting their replacements.

But why impeach in the House if removal from office by the Senate requires an unlikely two-thirds vote? The investigations in the House will expose crimes to the light of day and the glow of televisions. Impeachment itself and the trial that follows, even if resulting in acquittal, will provide some measure of accountability. Criminal and civil proceedings will almost certainly follow. If the House votes to impeach, it is very likely that many Republicans will vote with the Democrats. They will understand the 2006 election results as requiring it if they are to keep their seats in 2008. If at least 16 Republican Senators (plus Lieberman and other Democrats in Name Only) see the same writing on the wall, they will either vote to convict or advise Bush to resign before they have to.

How can Bush and Cheney be charged with crimes after being tried in the Senate? Criminal proceedings, domestic or international, are completely separate from the impeachment process, which is political, not legal. The fact that Clinton had violated the law by lying under oath was seen as central to his impeachment only because he was not being charged with anything remotely approaching an impeachable offense. The public came away imagining falsely that illegal activity was required for impeachment. The impeachment proceedings against Nixon focused on impeachable offenses, which included lying to the public (not a crime) but intentionally omitted tax fraud (a crime, but not a serious abuse of presidential power). An impeachable offense is a threat to our system of government, legal or otherwise. Lying to the citizens of a democracy is a threat to that system of government. Legalizing your crimes through legislation like the Military Commissions Act does not make them any less impeachable offenses. Bush has lied to Congress about the reasons for the war in formal written statements (see his letter and report on March 19, 2003) as well as orally. These actions are felonies. Lying under oath is not the only crime on the books. Bush and Cheney have lied to the public on the same topic. That may not be a crime, but it is the highest possible high crime or misdemeanor, the clearest conceivable impeachable offense.

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

We'll Be Watching You!


This video was inspired by the amazing efforts and successes of the 9/11 Truth Movement (Who are the "We" in the title), and the urgency for the impeachment and investigation of the Bush Administration et al (Who are the "You" in the title).

Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Big Brother in der Jackentasche: Bald Handy-Ortung für Kinder?

Private Handy-Ortung via GSM wird zum zweifelhaften Massenphänomen

Handynutzer sind überall erreichbar und können jederzeit geortet werden. Die private Handy-Ortung boomt. Immer mehr Firmen bieten auf ihren Webseiten kostenpflichtig Handy-Ortungsdienste an. Orten darf man nur das eigene Handy. Wirksame Kontrollmaßnahmen gegen Missbrauch gibt es aber nicht.

Von Alfred Krüger und Volker Heil, 13.11.2006

Weiter unter:,3672,3999659,00.html

Veterans day 2006: Another Mockery

The 'Election' Results: Sucker-Punched Again

Informant: ranger116

Phone mast row delay

By Tom Stirling Comment

CAMPAIGNERS fighting a Ryedale mobile phone mast have vowed to "keep up the pressure" after yet another 11th-hour setback.

The long-running dispute about the Orange mast in Sheriff Hutton now looks set to become even lengthier.

Ryedale District Council decided it needed to call in the district auditor and take expert legal advice from London-based lawyers to finally sort out the mast.

Sheriff Hutton campaigners said they were "fed up and angry" that the mast saga - which is now more than one year old - had still not been resolved.

Dozens of residents crammed into the public gallery at what should have been a meeting to rubber-stamping the mast's removal - only to be told there would be no resolution.

Coun Keith Knaggs told the meeting: "There have been significant developments and there is simply not enough time to give this matter the attention it needs. Further legal advice is needed."

The council therefore voted to overturn an earlier decision to pay Orange thousands of pounds to move the mast - which was only erected after bungling council officials failed to object to it within the legal time limit.

Coun Helen Schroeder said: "I am really disappointed that we have to defer this yet again. We always manage to find an excuse not to have a debate on it. I really feel we have now reached the end of the line - we cannot go on like this, it's not fair on anyone.

"We need to make a decision and stick to it."

Coun John Clark said: "The way that we have treated the people of Sheriff Hutton could have been improved immensely."

After the vote, anti-mast campaigner Andrew Murphy said: "We thought we had made significant progress, so we are all very disappointed. This mast is something that the community has resolved to fight against, and we will continue to fight until we win. That's the only outcome that is acceptable to us."

The council will meet again to consider the future of the mast once it has taken further legal advice.

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Criminal charges sought against Rumsfeld & 11 others

Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news

Robert Gates-Gate

Credo: I Believe...

When Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean declare that impeachment is off the table one has to ask, at what table are they sitting?

Global Growth in Carbon Emissions is 'Out of Control'

Foreign Sales by US Arms Makers Doubled in a Year

Keith Olbermann Taps a Well of Discontent as the Anti-O'Reilly

Goodbye, Rummy

So we had another election, and the State won, as usual, what’s to cheer about?

Are Democrats Turning a Blind Eye to Civil Liberty?

Election Post-Mortem

We The People: An Open Letter to Congress

America Beyond the Expiration Date

Dr George Carlo radio interview

Dr. George Carlo, who ran the cell phone industry's 6 year, $28.5 million research program will be on the Charles Adler radio program [on the Corus Network] from 3:00 til 3:40 Eastern Standard time on Tuesday Nov. 14. It will be broadcast on their network from Alberta to Quebec, but not B.C. Guest host is Christy Clark, former B.C. Minister of Education.

You can listen online at

Milt Bowling
Clean Energy Foundation
Phone: 1 888 436 2152 or 604 436 2152 in Vancouver
Fax: 604 436 2154

Informant: Eileen O'Connor


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