Sonntag, 30. April 2006

Weekend Eating: Mobile Cooking - Is it possible to weld egg with the aid of the cell phone?

Someone told me about this story on a Russian website. Comments?

=========computer translation ===== Is it possible to weld egg with the aid of the cell phone? Today - clean Thursday. But it means, it is time to cook eggs to Easter. The matter this is simple and is dull, but only not for the experimenters?KP?

On one popular British Internet- forum for the students appeared the uncommon prescription of the melting of eggs - without the plate and the saucepan. And even without the water. But with the aid of two cell phones. Method, directly let us say, highly technological. But how it is real? We decided to verify.

Which is necessary:

egg; support under the egg - not metallic, and plastic, ceramic or wooden; two cell phones - than "it is more ancient", those better. Old telephones emit more strongly. And it is desirable, so that they would be attended by the different operators of honeycomb connection; radio receiver.

Plan of the actions:

No magic and charlatanism. Secret - in the radio waves, which emit cell phones. According to the idea of the anonymous author of prescription they must create the effect of SHF- stove. I, therefore, to heat egg.

It built from the improvised means plain installation of three cigarette bundles. We ring from one telephone to the second (the call compulsorily necessary to answer), we leave both apparatuses in the regime "conversation" and accurately attach on the contrary each other - close to the egg. It is here necessary to try, in order to the antenna of the telephones (internal or torchashchiye - nevertheless) the middles of egg were located approximately at the level.

SHF- to bake it is ready! We include radio tape recorder. The sound published by it - let us assume music - imitates conversation on the telephones. They continuously transfer to its each other through the honeycomb station, i.e., radio waves intensively emit. But the power of our instrument in this case is strengthened.

English student, the author of know-how, it asserted, that thus it welded usual chicken egg in three minutes...

It is incomprehensible, that whether cell phones in it were the times of Margaret Tetcher and "Cold War", that whether egg in our Russia "incorrect", but nothing with our egg it occurred in three minutes. It even was not heated.

(Photo: Support under the egg - ceramic. Telephones to it are put as nearer as possible. Apparatuses are inserted into the cigarette bundles for the stability. Radio tape recorder plays, and telephones the sound of melody chase to each other. In the regime "conversation" cell phones continuously emit the radio waves, irradiating, nagrevaya our egg.)

They decided to prolong experiment. Left our improvised mikrovolnovku to work longer.

15 minutes - nothing occur. We swear chatterer- Englishman.

25 minutes - egg by feel became noticeably warmer! Which very heated our showers by hope for the successful completion of experiment.

there are no 40 minutes -, not navral English gentleman. Outside egg is terrifically hotter. But it is felt, that inside it is still somewhat damp.

65 minutes - experiment it was necessary to complete vynuzhdenno: the money ended on one telephone.

We carefully remove shell... Protein welded completely, and here yolk a little did not reach. 3x, still polchasika...

(Photo: Hour with the small - and egg is welded "into the sack"!)


Conclusion ? 1

To cook eggs by cell phones is possible, but it is too applied. The minute of conversation costs 7 American cents. It means, 65 minutes managed into 4 dollars of 55 cents. Or - 123 rubles. If we transfer this sum into the kilowatt-hour and to spend on the payment of usual everyday electric stove, that it would be possible to weld on eggs, for example, for all passengers of the air bus oppressed under the string, flying along the route Moscow - London. On top of that and to crew it would be reached.

Conclusion ? 2

Conversations about the dangerous emission of the apparatuses of honeycomb connection are actually exaggerated. The brains even if curdle, that only from the multihour conversations. The people very rarely are located moreover, which speak immediately on two cell phones.

Conclusion ? 3

Egg nevertheless almost welded!

But therefore - to bear in the pockets of pants immediately two cell phones are not recommended.

Anatoliy ZHDANOV'S photos.


How To Cook An Egg With Two Cell Phones


Weekend Eating: Mobile Cooking

Informant: Agnes


Mobile Cooking

Senator Robert Byrd to President Bush: We Can Impeach You!

In a speech on the Senate floor on Tuesday, Senator Robert Byrd, pledged to put President Bush on trial in the Senate if the House impeaches him.

Addressing the president in absentia, Sen. Byrd began by warning that
"Congress retains all its original powers under the Constitution".

"You better read that again in the Constitution," Byrd said, declaring that the Senate's powers include "serving as a court of impeachment.

"You better believe it, Mr. President," Byrd continued. "The Senate can send you home. You better believe that."

Senator Byrd then added: "If the House impeaches you, the Senate will try you. The Senate, don't forget it, serves as a court of impeachment and has an equal say with the House on legislation." Over at, where a transcript of Byrd's remarks turned up, the outburst was greeted enthusiastically.

Reacting to the West Virginia Democrat's impeachment threat, one poster declared, "Man, I like the sound of that . . . you've got to like whatever gumption some of these guys found while they were on their congressional break."

Informant: ranger116

350,000 in New York March Against the War in Iraq

SZ: massive Breitseite gegen den Iran

Eine massive Breitseite hat nun die Süddeutsche Zeitung gegen den Iran abgefeuert und damit zu erkennen gegeben, dass sie bei Bedarf die Partei der amerikanischen Kriegstreiber gern unterstützt: Sollte es zu einem Krieg mit deutscher Beteiligung bzw.

.Am 28.4. erschien das "SZ-Magazin" im Vierfarbdruck, auf seinem Titel ein kaum verhüllter Aufruf zum Kreuzzug gegen den Islam und gegen den Iran im Besonderen. Der Autor Daniel Goldhagen verbreitet hier die Sichtweise, von der G.W. Bush nach dem Bericht von Seymour Hersah überzeugt ist: der iranische Präsident sei der neue Adolf Hitler und müsse mit allen Mitteln gestoppt werden. Der Verzicht auf eine solche konsequente Antwort sei letztlich ein Verrat an der Zivilisation und würde mit ihrem Untergang enden. Am 29.4. wurde noch einmal nachgelegt: in bester propagandistischer Manier wurde auf der Titelseite das Urteil über den Iran gesprochen: Ahmadinedschad wurde vorab zitiert mit dem Ausspruch "Iran schert sich einen Dreck um Resolutionen der UNO " (ein Zitat, dessen Quelle vermutlich wieder einmal unauffindbar bleibt bzw. uns von der Redaktion geheimgehalten wird). Die Überschrift: "Iran missachtet Ultimatum der UN" eröffnet unmissverständlich die Notwendigkeit einer durchgreifenden Antwort des Westens auf die Dreistigkeit der Iraner. In der Mitte des Beitrags auf der Frontseite des Blattes: ein amerikanischer GI in Demutshaltung bzw. im Gedenken an einen pflichtgetreuen Kameraden, der bei Falludschah für die Verteidigung der westlichen Sicherheit und Werte sein Leben ließ. Dieser gefallene Kamerad existiert auf dem Foto, das die Chefredaktion der Südeutschen die Titelseite ihrer Wochenendausgabe dominieren ließ, nur noch in Gestalt seiner Stiefel, seiner M16-Praezisionswaffe und des Stahlhelms: eine kaum missverständliche Aufforderung an die offensichtlich pflichtvergessenen Zeitgenossen hierzulande, sich endlich auf die Notwendigkeit der Verteidigung ihrer Werte zu besinnen, anstatt dies feige amerikanischen GIs zu überlassen.

Einen vergleichbaren Titel-Beitrag veröffentlichte die Süddeutsche 3 Wochen vor dem Irakkrieg, in dem von der Vision des US-Präsidenten berichtet wurde, den Mittleren Osten zu demokratisieren und hierfür das Nötige zu tun. Mittig ein Foto des Präsidenten in andächtiger Haltung mit mehreren amerikanischen Flaggen im Hintergrund, die seine Verpflichtung symbolisierten.. Heute scheint dieser nicht mehr geeignet, seinem Publikum den erforderlichen Respekt abzufordern, und so wird er offensichtlich durch einen seiner treuen, opferbereiten Untergebenen ersetzt.

Während in den vergangenen Wochen Besonnenheit und Vernunft mit Hinblick auf die schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen eines Irankriegs selbst in der deutschen Medienlandschaft Einzug zu halten schienen, und die Möglichkeit eines Militärschlags in den Hintergrund trat, ist diese nun mit einem Schlag wieder virulent und aktuell geworden. Es bleibt abzuwarten, welchen Erfolg die Süddeutsche mit diesem Vorstoß ihrer nur schwach verbrämten Kriegspropaganda erzielt, und ob die erwähnte Besonnenheit, die auch unter deutschen Politikern bis in die Kreise der CDU spürbar geworden war, ihr standhalten kann und wird.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Campaign for "1 Voice, 1 Action, 1 Africa"

It is with great pleasure that we announce to you the commencement of the Africa Campaign for “One Voice, One Action, One Africa Petition”

We do hope that once you have signed this petition, you will have become an advocate to this noble cause and will assist 1Africa in obtaining the targeted 30 Million signatures required to successfully complete our mission.


"We are not pointing fingers, we are joining hands!"

With warm good wishes and respect,

Aziz Basry

'Day Without Immigrants' protest expected to hit US economy

Informant: Ashley Smith

Gefährdung der nationalen Sicherheit

Nach Deutschland und der Schweiz sind nun auch dänische Journalisten wegen der Veröffentlichung von geheimen Informationen, die die Lügen der Regierung zum Irak-Krieg aufdeckten, in die Schusslinie geraten.

Werden die Standards unserer Zivilisation demnächst vom Terrorismus diktiert?

Staatliche Willkür

Fallout from the American Imperial Project

The politics of overthrowing foreign governments has a cost.

20 Jahre nach Tschernobyl: Renaissance der Atomenergie?

CDU/CSU-Politiker, aber auch manche Publizisten, sagen eine Renaissance der Atomenergie voraus. Die Begründungen: Die Erneuerbaren allein reichen nicht. Um den Treibhauseffekt zu reduzieren, brauchen wir Atomkraft. Wenn Andere neue AKWs bauen, brauchen wir wenigstens längere Laufzeiten.

„Tschernobyl als Metapher für unsere Kultur“

Weissrussische Schriftstellerin beklagt bei Tagung in Berlin, dass aus den fürchterlichen Erfahrungen dieses realen „Labors“ zu wenig Konsequenzen gezogen werden. Gastkommentar von Dr. Susanne Stracke-Neumann

Gabriel fordert weltweiten Atomausstieg


Diesen Umweltminister müssen alle Umwelt- und Zukunfts Freunde einfach loben: Aus Anlass des 20. Jahrestages der
Tschernobyl-Katastrophe forderte Sigmar Gabriel einen weltweiten Atomausstieg.

Anfang vom Ende


Zum 20. Jahrestag der Katastrophe von Tschernobyl schreibt die russische Tageszeitung Iswestija (Moskau).

Tschernobyl-Reaktor braucht neuen Schutzmantel


Tschernobyl ist noch lange nicht ausgestanden. Unter dem akut einsturzgefährdeten Betonmantel lauert in den Ruinen des zerstörten Reaktors auch 20 Jahre nach dem schlimmsten Unfall der Atomenergie der Tod.

20 Jahre nach Tschernobyl: Erneuerbare Energien statt Atomenergie


EUROSOLAR-Präsident Hermann Scheer: „Der Anteil Erneuerbarer Energien und der Kraft-Wärme-Koppelung an der deutschen Stromerzeugung kann bis 2020 schon bei über 50% liegen."

Bush Defies Hundreds of Laws

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.

India: Avoid confronting Iran

India on Saturday said the report presented by the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Iran’s nuclear programme should form the basis for sustained diplomacy to avoid confrontation and to promote an amicable solution.

From Information Clearing House

Security Council Poised for Iran Replay

The council's three veto-wielding Western nations immediately announced plans to introduce a new Security Council resolution next week that would make Iran's compliance with their demands mandatory. To intensify pressure, they want the resolution under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, which means it can be enforced through sanctions or military action.

Chinese envoy opposes resorting to Chapter 7 resolution on Iran

China's UN envoy Wang Guangya restated Beijing's opposition to Western plans to invoke Chapter 7 of the UN charter to legally bind Iran to halt its uranium enrichment activities.

From Information Clearing House

War pimp alert: War Clouds

LET ME TELL YOU about the next war. It will start sooner than you think — sometime between now and September. And it will be precipitated by the $700-million Russian deal this week to sell Tor air defense missile systems to Iran.

How Many US Troops are Really in Iraq?

How Much is the War in Iraq Costing?


The Department of Defense (DOD) estimates its “burn rate” of monthly expenses at $6.4 billion in Iraq and $1.3 billion in Afghanistan. CRS points out that DOD did not include the cost of replacing worn out equipment and upgrades to facilities in theater. Adding those and a few other costs calculates to a monthly “burn rate” of $8.1 billion in Iraq; $1.6 billion in Afghanistan, and a total burn rate of $9.9 billion per month.

In Support Of Mutiny

By Dennis Morrisseau

As a declared candidate for Congress here in Vermont and a former Army officer, I hereby formally state that I support the "mutineers" if they exist. And if they are so far only rumors, only ghosts, then I hope to God that real flesh and blood American soldiers will stand against war in Iran soon. It has come to that. I will support it.

The Security Council deadline myth

By Gordon Prather

Under a Safeguards Agreement concluded with the International Atomic Energy Agency – as required by the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons – Iran agreed to allow IAEA inspectors to "verify" that no "source or special nuclear materials" are being used in furtherance of a nuclear weapons program. During the past three years, every report Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei has made to the IAEA Board concluded that – as best he can determine – no proscribed materials have been so used.

Open Letter to the Anti-War Movement

From the National Steering Committee of the World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime!

As all the latest polls show (even amongst soldiers), this country now stands increasingly opposed to the war on Iraq. This is a testament to the work of the anti war-movement, as well as the real difficulties the Bush Administration is having in prosecuting the war, and the desire of the people of Iraq and the surrounding region to end the occupation. In this context, World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime! is mobilizing for and joining others in making the urgent demand to end the war now at protests across the country.

At the same time, in order to effectively oppose the war, it has to be understood and acted on as part of the whole direction the Bush Regime is taking society and the world. We are calling on both ANSWER and United For Peace & Justice (UFPJ) to bring their efforts to bear on driving this hated regime from office – without which, our actions will not be commensurate with the enormity of the situation we face.

What We’re Facing

After 9/11, the Bush regime launched an endless war targeting first Afghanistan, and then Iraq (with Iran and other countries now in their sights), with a doctrine of "pre-emptive" attacks. The conduct of this war says much about the character of this regime: systematic torture made legal, a brutal occupation of chemical warfare, bombing of innocent people, and blitzkrieg attacks on whole cities, all based on blatant lies.

While casting out on this "crusade on the world," US society is being radically remade. Police state measures (like the Patriot Act or NSA spying) are made permanent and legal, and dissent is increasingly suppressed; immigrants are demonized, subject to round-ups and detention without due process, and even hunted down by right-wing vigilantes; a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism increasingly determines government policy, with moves to ban abortion and birth control, legal and extra-legal attacks on LGBT people; and science itself is suppressed, with the outright denial of the very real threat of global warming, and evolution brought under attack while the bible is brought into public schools.

Taken as a whole, the Bush program constitutes a fascist remaking of society and a permanent state of war. While each of its crimes must be resisted and stopped in their own right, there is an urgent need to confront the full scope of this trajectory and mobilize people to reverse this whole direction. After a year of things people thought could never happen here – from abortion being banned in South Dakota, warrantless wiretapping made legal, to plans for nuking Iran – the recognition of this fascist remaking of society by much of the anti-war movement is stubbornly absent. While a massive mobilization of opposition to the war is more important than ever right now, going through the motions of protest as usual while the whole society is being remade underneath our feet is to abandon our responsibility to the future of humanity.

What Does Our Opposition Need to be Based On?

While UFPJ’s call for April 29th contains an expanded list of demands beyond the war, the nature and danger of the radical remaking of society going on before our eyes is starkly absent. This is clearly illustrated by what has been left out of this expanded list of demands. To take one example: despite the fact that one of the rally's main organizers is the National Organization for Women, the call for April 29th fails to even mention the attacks on a woman's right to choose. These attacks are in fact pushing closer each day to overturn Roe v. Wade entirely (with no intention of stopping there). The point here isn't to add the right to abortion (or other issues) to a laundry list of demands, but that we must confront the full reality of what this regime is doing, or in the course of focusing on “less controversial” outrages, we will be swallowed up by the coming onslaught.

Moreover, what's disturbing about the failure to include abortion in UFPJ's demands for this demonstration is not only that it is an urgent and necessary demand - which it is - but that the failure to include this seems already to indicate a direction of tailoring and shaping protest to the political terms being set by the Bush regime and the Democratic Party leadership complicity and/or lack of opposition, or at least by the dubious and dangerous proposition that the politics of mobilization and protest should be determined by what's deemed "elect-able politics" under the current political order. To sacrifice the right to abortion based on some calculation of political expediency will only take us further down the deadly path of allowing new outrages to become the new normalcy without even an attempt to stop them. (In this respect, it worth asking whether it would have been okay to stay silent about segregation because it would alienate southern voters.)

Instead, it's essential to base our opposition on the understanding that, as the World Can’t Wait Call puts it, "That which you will not resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn - or be forced - to accept." If your aim is to really address the situation, including if you see influencing the upcoming election as an important part of that, you are far better off not adopting the terms of these "official politics," but instead basing your protest on facing the full reality, bringing forward demands that reflect this, and getting all of society to respond to your demands and program. Otherwise, we risk turning demonstrations, no matter how large, not only into ritualized affairs, but still worse into mobilizations that end up channeling people’s main energies into an election that does not express their interests and desires. This leaves people, in the end, demoralized, demobilized, and even pacified by having adapted themselves to stifling political terms.

2004: What Did This Lead To?

Haven't we seen this often enough already? What happened in the 2004 election? The massive opposition to Bush and the war, which we saw manifested in powerful demonstrations in 2003, was funneled to support for candidates like Kucinich and Dean (who claimed to be opposed to Bush and the war), to the more "elect-able" candidate, Kerry, who openly supported the war (and the Patriot Act, and most of Bush's program). Millions were searching for a way to stop this war, and poured their energy and resources into the presidential elections, even traveling to different states and quitting their jobs. But despite the desire of the people, the Democratic Party leadership ruled out any candidates who were even critical of the war. What people were handed was a pro-war, pro-Patriot Act candidate, and an "official politics" in which any real challenges to the Bush regime did not belong.

Not surprisingly, in a contest over who would be "tough on terror," Bush won (fairly or fraudulently). This was a defeat in two ways: the Bush regime stayed in power to further their program, and the massive opposition (which manifested itself in hundreds of thousands protesting the Republican National Convention just two months before the election) accepted the political terms set by this regime and was left demoralized and demobilized.

What would be the consequences of seeing a protest movement hemmed into these politics now – and this regime pushing even further down its truly extreme path? This would only make people accommodate to new outrages and feel powerless in the face of a vicious onslaught.

2006: Where’s This Headed?

The stage is already being set for this to happen in 2006. Candidates are being picked by the Democratic leadership who go along with the war, oppose abortion, and support new police state measures, all under the rubric of what they deem "elect-able." When candidates emerge who oppose the war and don't hold back from a scathing critique of the Bush administration, they are pressured to drop out of the race and lose their funding (just look at what happened to Paul Hackett). And as for Iraq, what the Democratic leadership offers is not an end to the war, but "strategic redeployment" (moving many troops to permanent military bases in the Middle East and stepping up aerial assaults, thereby increasing civilian casualties). And as plans for attacking Iran are being drawn up, Congress seems to be playing a rerun – despite widespread opposition, there are no prominent voices among the Democrats speaking up against a war on Iran. Russ Feingold's resolution for censure went nowhere because it was opposed by virtually everyone in his own Party. And while support for impeachment increases with each new outrage, no one in Congress is calling for it (Rep. Conyers' attempt to get a special committee to investigate whether Bush committed impeachable offenses, for instance, has gotten no where in Congress).

Excuse after excuse is made for capitulation to this regime, from the notion that “if we move to impeach now, it will hurt our chances in November” (hurt our chances to do what exactly? - and why with public opinion mounting against Bush would this “hurt our chances”?); “we have to be tough on national security issues” (where does that put you in relation to torture, unjust war, and new police state measures?); and “we can’t talk about the culture wars because that will just embolden the Republicans - in fact, we have to show that we can pander to religious fanatics too” (does anyone really think that the theocrats who want to ban abortion and birth control, teach the bible instead of evolution in school, and shove gays back into the closet or worse will just go away if we ignore them?). Taken together, all this points to an election in which the terms are being set by those who support the war and the Bush program, and in any event don't want the millions of people who oppose this rocking the boat.

Many people are refusing to support candidates who are for the war, including by withholding contributions from candidates who are not calling for an immediate end to the war, and such a principled stand is a good thing. But where will our opposition be in the 2006 elections and by 2008 if and when the candidates in the running are supporting the war if we have demobilized what is and has been our greatest strength and best way to impact public opinion and change the direction of society? As the New York Times pointed out in an April 12th editorial on the impact of the immigrant rights protests, “the immigrants and their allies have carried off an amazing achievement in mass political action, even though many of them are here illegally and have no right to vote. Whether the rallies leave you inspired or unnerved, they are impossible to ignore.”

If the movements opposing this war do not stick to principle, but instead end up supporting candidates who oppose their demands, this will only make things worse. If the thousands mobilized out in the streets to demand an end to the war are hemmed back into an official politics in which such a demand is beyond the pale, this will in fact work against the efforts to stop the war. As it says in World Can't Wait's Call, "This whole idea of putting our hopes and energies into 'leaders' who tell us to seek common ground with fascists and religious fanatics is proving every day to be a disaster, and actually serves to demobilize people."

The Bush Regime IS Taking Things to New Extremes

We must also point out that channeling opposition toward candidates who support the war is not the only problem confronting the anti-war movement. There is also a stubborn refusal to confront the full scope and scale of what the Bush regime is doing, and its implications for the not-so-distant future.

ANSWER's call for action on the 3rd anniversary of the war says that singling out the Bush administration for protest is an "exercise in misleadership". While we would be the first to point out the complicity of the Democratic Party leadership in the war, at the same time a failure to recognize the fascist remaking of society and bring this understanding to the people we are seeking to mobilize against the war will only consign people to ignore and be crushed by this onslaught.

In fact, those who believe that injustice and oppression are systemic to this country should grasp even more readily how a regime could emerge that would take all this to new extremes. When you take a sober look at what the Bush regime is cementing into place, from a doctrine of pre-emptive war, open and legalized torture, new police state laws, and the moves towards theocracy, and the whole package all this is part of (as described above), this nightmare is not simply a continuation of previous injustices but marks a whole "new normalcy" with horrible consequences for the planet and its people. And it is hard to conceive of making any progressive changes without stopping this deadly trajectory.

The fact is, even with the complicity of the Democratic leadership, the Bush regime is the driving force in and power presiding over all this. Without driving the Bush regime from power and repudiating its whole program, we cannot derail the juggernaut barreling down on us. Such an approach does not imply relying on the Democrats, but uniting and mobilizing the millions of people disgusted by the current direction of society to take independent political action outside of the killing confines of the "official politics". The success of such a movement will not only mean the removal from power of the most pressing danger to the world, but would also usher in whole new possibilities for progressive social change, with the emergence of a movement of people that has driven out a monstrous clique and are newly energized and organized and ready to take society in a much, much better direction.

Our Responsibility to the World

Within World Can't Wait, there are many different views about what should replace the Bush regime, from reforming the Democratic Party, to building a 3rd party, to revolution, and more. What has brought this movement together is people from diverse perspectives and backgrounds seeing the urgent need to change the whole direction of society. And it is our hope that major anti-war organizations like ANSWER and UFPJ will join this movement to drive out the Bush regime while continuing their efforts to end the war.

As we enter the 4th year of this unjust war and new threats of war on Iran, people around the world are looking to see if the people in this country are just going along, or if there is a growing resistance that will not allow this disastrous course to continue. A movement that sticks to principle and mobilizes people based on what's true and what’s right can "join with and give support and heart to people all over the globe who so urgently need and want this regime to be stopped" (World Can't Wait Call).

To close with the following from our Call:

The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined. The future is unwritten. WHICH ONE WE GET IS UP TO US.



Informant: C. Clark Kissinger

From ufpj-news


Dr. Len Horowitz: Avian Flu Fright Commentary

Dangers of Avian flu are dramatically overblown

Vaccination Myths

Avian Flu: The Pandemic That Will Never Be

U.S. scientist pulled into pesticide debate

Wouldn't use them on his own lawn, he says


A renowned U.S. scientist — who has documented fertility and sex changes, including decreasing penis size, due to environmental contamination — says he wouldn’t apply pesticides on his own lawn. Delivering a special series of lectures this week at the University of Western Ontario, Louis Guillette has been drawn into London’s lawn-care debate during question periods and talk show interviews. “The use of these compounds just for cosmetic reasons, just because you don’t want to make dandelion wine from your yard or whatever, I think is inappropriate,” said Guillete, who is associate dean for research at the University of Florida. Based on his own scientific investigations, Guillette said there is enough evidence that pesticides put children, wildlife and the ecosystem at risk. “Just because you can go buy them at the local stores doesn’t meant that is appropriate use,” he said. A zoologist, Guillette has spent the last decade studying the influence of environmental contaminants on the fetal development and reproductive systems of wildlife and humans. He doesn’t support a total pesticide ban, saying pesticide use is proper for public health and probably in agriculture. But when people can reduce their exposure, they should, he said. “Our livers are designed to detoxify and they are designed probably to handle hundreds of chemcials. The problem is they are not designed to handle tens of thousands of chemcials.” For the full story, read Saturday’s London Free Press on the web or in print.

Informant: Jagannath Chatterjee

Cold War Overtones in U.S., Iran Nuclear Dispute

Informant: Kev Hall

Chernobyl disaster caused cancer cases in Sweden

or visit the site

Anti-Iranian Hysteria

Informant: Carol Moore in DC

From ufpj-news

Nuclear blackmail: the essence of U.S. foreign policy

Informant: Carol Moore in DC

From ufpj-news

The Worst of the Worst

According to William Fisher, by not acknowledging their mistake in detaining prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, the Bush administration seems hell-bent on continuing to shoot itself in the foot by clinging to the fading perception of its own hundred percent righteousness.

GM trees are being grown secretly in UK

They are 'somewhere in Dundee'. But they won't say where. Could it be because of a damning UN verdict?

By Geoffrey Lean,
Environment Editor
Published: 30 April 2006

Governments worldwide have issued an unprecedented warning about the greatest biotech hazards so far: GM trees. Trees modified to grow faster, yield better wood, produce whiter paper, resist pests and disease and tolerate herbicides are increasingly being cultivated.

Elms resistant to Dutch elm disease are being grown in Dundee, Scotland. But the scientists involved will not say precisely where they are, or even exactly how many of them are being grown.

The Government was forced to admit for the first time last week that GM poplar, apple and eucalyptus trees have been cultivated outdoors in Berkshire, Derbyshire and Kent.

The admission came after warnings about such trees from ministers from over 100 countries at a UN conference in Curitiba, Brazil. They urged a "precautionary approach" towards them after hearing that they could "wreak ecological havoc throughout the world's forests".

Some 16 countries around the world are developing GM trees, and more than a million have already been planted in China. At least 24 species, from papaya to silver birch, from olive to teak, have already been modified; the most commonly treated are poplar, pine and eucalyptus.

The process can speed growth: GM poplars can grow four times faster than traditional softwood trees used for timber and paper. It has also reduced their content of lignin, which strengthens trees but make the wood harder to pulp and whiten for paper.

Other modifications enable them to produce their own pesticides to fight off insects, to resist diseases and to enable them to endure heavy doses of herbicides so that plantations can be drenched to kill weeds without harming the trees.

A GM orange tree, developed in Spain, bears fruit after only one year of life, instead of six. Danish scientists have worked on modified Christmas trees, with a view to developing specimens whose needles do not fall off. And in the boldest suggestion yet, an American professor has suggested that trees could be modified to make the moon habitable by growing "huge greenhouses over their heads".

But the ministers in Brazil were concerned that genes from the modified trees could spread great distances on the wind and across national boundaries. Tree pollen can travel up to 2,000 km. And, because trees can live for centuries, modified examples pose a long-term threat to the world's forests.

Contamination by genes conferring fast growth, for example, could make some forest trees crowd out other species; genes that produce insecticides could decimate rainforest ecosystems, the richest on earth; and genes that reduce lignin could make trees more vulnerable to pests.

The Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs denied late last week that GM trees had ever been grown in the open in Britain, until given details by The Independent on Sunday.

All the plantations have either been destroyed by protesters or cut down at the end of the experiments. Britain's only GM trees are now elms, resistant to Dutch elm disease and being grown in "a controlled environment" somewhere in Dundee.

The scientists developing them say they will not plant any outside because they fear "terrorism" by protesters. They will not disclose precisely where they are or give details of the numbers, but confirm that there are "more than a hundred" of them.


Being grown at a secret indoor location by Abertay University scientists and modified to be resistant to Dutch elm disease. The scientists hope the trees will in time replace the 20 million taken from the British landscape by the disease.


Grown at Jealotts Hill Research Station at Bracknell, Berks, and modified so that the wood is whiter for making paper. Most, grown by the biotech firm Zeneca, were destroyed by protesters, but a few were successfully harvested.


Grown by Shell Research Ltd at Sittingbourne and West Malling, both in Kent. The tree was modified to resist the use of herbicides, as in most current GM crops. The experiment is now over.


Greensleeves and Jonagold apple trees, modified to resist insect pests and fungal diseases, were grown by the University of Derby, but destroyed by protesters.

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Record shows Republican is hostile to environment

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Illinois petition to impeach

So has Illinois who was the first to speak up.


Illinois petition to impeach

Emily Cragg has already mentioned this in earlier post, I believe...California, Wisconsin as well as New Hampshire have spoken up.

Impeachment by Cities, Counties and States

Impeach Bush, By State Impeach Bush. Editorials and Information on How to Impeach Bush ... A city, county or state cannot directly impeach a President. ...

see also.......

Vermont Press Bureau: Legislature 2005 Vermont Democratics to consider petition to impeach Bush ... "I continue to believe that the state Legislature needs to stay focused on where we can have ... - 38k - Apr 28, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Impeach Bush and Cheney Petition Impeach Bush and Cheney. Target: Washington State Legislature ... Petition to Impeach We, the undersigned, demand all State Legislatures to pass a ...

The Progressive Connection; Lansing Progressive Connection ...

Background on Your Representatives to the Michigan Legislature: ... Impeach Bush & Cheney - Links. NEW! Online Calendar Updated daily

Ralph Nader's Impeachment Inquiry Press Release -- Press Releases ... ... Completes Texas Petition Drive · Letter from Ralph Nader to President Bush Concerning ... The House has also received charges from a state legislature, ...

Steve wrote:

From: Ebgill@...
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 21:49:30 EDT
Subject: Illinois petition to impeach

Hey Steve! Can you call out to your lists to have folks call or email all their Illinois friends to sign this petition sponsored by the Northbrook Peace Committee calling for passage of Illinois House Joint Resolution 125 seeking the impeachment of George W. Bush under Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives, which allows federal impeachment proceedings to be initiated by joint resolution of a state legislature. You can find the petition here:

Thanks, Ellen

"When the people fear the government, that is tyranny. When the government fears the people, that is liberty."

- Thomas Jefferson

Zwangsbehandlung auch gegen den Willen eines Betreuten?

Zur Information:

Herr Prof. Narr hat uns damit beauftragt, die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse seiner Umfrage bei allen bundesdeutschen Amtsgerichten zu übernehmen, die zu einem Rücklauf von 56% geführt hat. Die Ergebnisse mit einer rechtlichen Einschätzung sind unten angefügt, auf unserer Website: veröffentlicht und werden unter folgender Internet-Adresse im rtf Format zum Ausdruck vorgehalten: Selbstverständlich werden wir Kommentare und Anmerkungen zu dem Text an Herrn Prof. Narr weiterleiten.

Wir freuen uns und danken Herrn Prof. Narr sehr dafür, dass er uns im Gegenzug den Rücklauf der Umfrage überlassen hat.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

René Talbot und Uwe Pankow
Für den Vorstand der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V., Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Str. 4, 10405 Berlin

Nachricht vom Werner Fuss Zentrum

Bush challenges hundreds of laws

Informant: Teresa Binstock


Globe story on Bush claim to be above the law gathers steam

Informant: jensenmk
From ufpj-news

Examples of the president's signing statements

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Our bees are vanishing: where have all the bees gone?

This article is posted at:

Informant: Scott Munson

**Honey, our bees are vanishing**

Beloved by Britons, the humble honey bee is hailed as a reassuring symbol of summer. But disease has almost wiped out the wild population and threatens domestic swarms. Science Editor *Robin McKie* reveals why we should all be worried about the decline of this remarkable creature.

*Sunday April 30, 2006 *,,1764595,00.html

When a fire hazard light flashed in the cockpit of a British Airways jumbo jet that was heading from Sydney to London two weeks ago, its pilot, Dave Meggs, knew he had only one course of action. He diverted his craft, and its complement of 350 passengers, to the nearest airport, a tiny landing strip at Uralsk in Kazakhstan.

His emergency touchdown was a flawless copybook affair. It was also, as it turned out, completely unnecessary. There was no fire in the hold of the plane despite sensors indicating this was the source of the raging flames. All that could be found was a package of disgruntled bees, en route from Australia to Britain, which investigators now believe was the most probable cause of the alarm and the ensuing aviation emergency.

In the end it took 20 hours to ferry passengers back to London in a flotilla of smaller craft (the airstrip was too short for the jumbo to take off with its passengers on board) and all thanks to a bunch of errant insects.

It is still unclear how bees managed to trigger the alarm in the hold, although this is certainly not the only question hanging over the incident. In particular, there is the issue of what these creatures were doing on Flight BA010 in the first place.

Bees - which have been loved by Britons ranging from William Shakespeare to Jill Archer - are the quintessence of Britishness. Yet it transpires we are importing them regularly. What is happening? The answer, say beekeepers, is a simple one: a malaise has been spreading through the nation's apiary industry with alarming implications. Thanks to foreign diseases and the spread of drug resistance among infectious agents, the buzzing bee, as sure a signal of summer's onset as traffic jams on the M5, is now at risk of being stifled.

'The situation is very serious and very worrying,' said Dr Ivor Davis, of the British Beekeeping Association. 'We are suffering serious declines in our bee population and that has damaging consequences. People are doing anything to try to put things right and restore populations, and that includes importing bees from Europe and Australia but it is not clear this will help us in the long term.'

Britain's apiary crisis can be traced back to the Nineties when hives were first struck by varroa destructor - a parasitic mite that feeds off the bodily fluids of bees. Populations plummeted, particularly among the nation's wild swarms which have virtually been eradicated. Only colonies tended by people survive in this country today. New feral colonies are sometimes established but without a keeper to help will only survive for a short time before succumbing to disease.

'The honey bees that buzz around your garden and which help to pollinate your plants now all come from colonies that are cared for by humans,' said Davis. 'Effectively, we have no wild bees left in Britain at all now, only ones that are tended for and protected by keepers.' That is bad enough. However, new strains of varroa, resistant to the chemicals that had been used to treat the condition, have started to infect hives in the past year. Their appearance has triggered renewed alarm, with beekeepers reporting major dips in honey production.

Yet honey is only a small part of the problem. Bees - 'the little almsmen of spring bowers', according to Keats - shape our countryside. They pollinate the bluebells that carpet our woods as well as our dandelions and willows and they ensure our apple and pear trees are rich in hanging fruit. Our landscape would be a drab affair were it not for the attentions of Apis mellifera.

'It is true that fruit trees can pollinate themselves without help from bees, but the fruit that they would produce would be stunted and unappetising,' added Davis. 'We take bees for granted, which is a mistake. They have been making life bearable in this country for centuries.'

This point was backed by John Howat, secretary of the British Bee Farmers' Association. 'If you look at what the bee does for Britain, the statistics are really striking. It has been calculated that, if they did not pollinate our commercial orchards and gardens, the country would lose about £120m to £150m in lost agricultural produce.'

And that figure reflects only what bees produce for farmers and commercial growers. If you look at their impact on the economy, including the profits they help make for supermarkets, it is estimated that bees are worth between £500m and £1bn to Britain. Not bad for a puny insect.

Not that this industriousness is rewarded or is even acknowledged, say keepers. They have been infuriated by recent government moves which have included attempts to cut back on projects that could aid the British honey bee.

Recently ministers axed the government's contribution to a public-private project that was aimed at developing biological agents that could fight varroa in hives and halt the current waves of infection. In addition, it threatened last year to reduce funds spent on the nation's bee inspection service, staffed by men and women who monitor disease prevalence in hives across the country and who are seen as playing a crucial role in maintaining the health of Apis mellifera. Only an outcry by beekeepers and farmers halted the cutback.

'The government spends just over £1m a year on a creature that is worth a thousand times that to our economy and an inestimable amount to our environment' said Howat. 'It is quite ridiculous.'

The government has also infuriated the beekeepers' association by relaxing rules that allow people to import bees from other countries, in particular the European Union and Australia. This has only increased the risk of new disease entering Britain, says the British Beekeeping Association. Parasites like the dreaded American Fowl Brood and the Small Hive Beetle infect other nations' bees, and their arrival in Britain is now viewed as being inevitable and their consequences highly damaging.

'The trouble is that there are a lot of keepers and farmers in Britain who have contracts with orchard owners to provide pollination of their trees but are now having great difficulty is getting enough bees, so they have started to import them,' added Alan Johnston, a former chairman of the Bee Keepers Association. 'That is probably what was going on in the flight that got stuck in Kazakhstan.'

However, the risk posed by these imports is downplayed by other beekeepers. Only single queen bees are actually brought into the country, which limits the prospects for the spread of infections.

'Packages contain a fair number of bees, a single queen and a lot of workers who provide her food,' said Martin Tovey of the Beekeeping Association.

'However, workers are killed when they get to Britain and only the queen is kept. It is introduced gradually to members of a new hive. Eventually she is accepted and some of them join her to set up a new colony.'
(Queens usually cost around £20 each, although those with good pedigrees can fetch prices that reach up to £500.)

When in the new hive, the bees start to collect pollen which they then turn into honey. 'Essentially honey is just concentrated pollen with some added bee enzymes,' said Howat. 'They create honey as food for surviving winter. The good thing is that bees produce far too much honey, so we can take most of it and use it for ourselves.'

It is an industry that has endured for centuries. 'It is not coming to an end overnight,' added Davis. 'However, it is clearly now in a worrying state. If any other of these new diseases establish themselves in this country in the near future, we could find ourselves in a very worrying situation.'

*The History of Honey*

7000 BC: Cave paintings in Spain show the earliest records of beekeeping.
4000 BC, Egypt: Honey used as a sweetening and an embalming agent. Roman Empire: Beekeeping becomes a major industry; honey used to pay taxes.
11th century, Germany: Beer was sweetened with honey; peasants paid their lords feudal dues in honey and beeswax.
16th century: Conquering Spaniards discovered that Mexican and Central American natives had already developed beekeeping.
17th century, American colonies: European honey bees are introduced to New England by settlers in about 1638; natives call the bees "white man's flies". Settlers also use honey to make cement, preserve fruits and act as a substitute for furniture varnish.
20th century: Until the Second World War, honey is used for its antibacterial qualities in dressing wounds.
21st century: Nearly one million tonnes of honey are produced worldwide every year.

*Felix Lowe*

*Special reports* Conservation and endangered species,,969535,00.html

Animal rights,,687263,00.html

Global fishing crisis,,349369,00.html

Waste and pollution,,747275,00.html

Informant: Teresa Binstock


Wildlife Vanished at Ouruhia

Thank you for the continuing fund of information you send to me weekly. I am sending this to you regarding the bees affected at and near my farm and am wondering if you know of a scientist who can undertake research bees exposed to MW in their hives to see if they develop diseases such as those reported in UK.??? My interest is that Dr Cherry's archives have research showing increased bacteria, fungii and micro-organism when exposed to RF/MW. We are now observiing increased fungii and lichen on trees in the areas the FM is focused through from the radio tower next to my farm. At my farm the beam is very narrow and strong as close to the tower and the affected trees are in very narrow bands -which are also incidently areas where other radio stations receptions are interfered with and cell phones will not work as well as the areas where my animals became sick and some died. Further out in the same beam lines the trees are affected over a wider area and miles from the transmitter the area affected is even larger. We have photographed the lichen and observed that some trees are nearly dead from it and when the angles seem to be lifted very slightly of the antenna the trees begin new healthy growth and there is no lichen on the new growth - further on the trees which now seem have the FM energy focused on them due to the small change in angles begin to wither and grow the lichen/fungii. I will send you a few photos of this effect which show that the FM energy seems to cause changes to trees and increased fungii/bacteria. I am told by biologists that lichen in our country should be on the south facing side of the trees - we are finding it is on the side facing to the tower and if the tower is on the south side of the tree the lichen is on the north side if the tree is on the north side the lichen is south. Not all trees are affected by this fungii - normally not evergreens but many of them show signs of browning and death on their needles which I am told would act as receiving antenna. The levels are exposure monitored are always within the ICNIRP guideline of safe exposure. In our city it is reported recently increased unusual new bacterial diseases and fungii such as athletes foot infections. I do not have the email source of the info you have sent me and wondered if you could send this on to the newspaper concerned to see if we can get some scientific study started???

Best wishes

Penny Hargreaves

Wildlife Vanished at Ouruhia

Worms, bees, trees, birds, rabbits, frogs, affected by the RF

Since Penny moved to Ouruhia in 1992 she has not seen any earthworms. Logs of wood that have been lying in a damp area for four years without being moved and usually there would be wood lice and worms under these damp logs. Friends looked several times and could only locate one earwig.

When the Hargreaves first moved to the property there were mice, rats and hundreds of birds but by 1996 they only saw very few. 1997 would find a few dead mice and birds in the stables which face direct line to the aerial.

When they moved in 1996 a few bags with oats and feed in the bottom were left in open sheds. When they returned in August 2000 no mice or rats had been there, which is most unusual. No sign of rats or mice when moving hay and straw in the barn. No droppings to show rodents had been there during the last 4 years.

In 1992 there were many bee keepers with hives along the river as they like the willow honey. Now there are none. Penny had not seen a bee all year except for one day in late 1995 when two angry swarms of bees flew in. The woman renting Walnut Tree farm house summer 2001, commented on the lack of bees and wasps, she was surprised because of the rotting peaches usually attracting wasps.

People who have lived in the Marshlands Rd area all their lives comment how the frogs have all gone in the last few years.

At Ouruhia the trees have been dying where the main beams are directed to. They seem to be most vulnerable if they have their roots in water or are close to the river. Penny has noticed this effect near some cell phone towers also.

1992 there were many rabbits. In 1995 the Hargreaves experienced an influx of rabbits around the stable area and they dug burrows under the iron barns and no longer were found in the paddocks. This was unusual for rabbits to move so close to the humans as the dogs chased them and dug out the burrows. We now know that the corrugated iron barns reflect the EMR beams which would have meant shelter inside the sheds for the rabbits after the second FM increased their exposure. By 1996 all the rabbits had vanished and no poison was used.

There are advertisements for small machines conducting MW which are used in barns to eradicate bugs and vermin. It was as if Walnut Tree farm had a giant EMR machine eradicating all the wild life. In late 2001 the tenants told her they had influx of rats and were surprised when she was pleased. The return of vermin meant the EMR effect on the farm was much less. In the German cow study the cows avoided the areas of high EMR.

In 1997, 1998, men making hay commented on the lack of wildlife on the farm.

Penny saw hundreds of birds when thye first moved in 1992. By 1996 there were only a few. The pukehoe seems to be able to cope with the RF , as does the fan-tail which stays under the trees around the house, but the hundreds of chaffinches , hammerheads and other birds vanished in 1995/96/97

Since mid 2001 the wildlife seem to be slowly returning. What is different? Two FM have been removed from Ouruhia and one FM and 2 AM from Philpotts Rd tower 5 kilometres .

This information sent to Penny Hargreaves by a bee keeper living approximately 1 kilometre from the Ouruhia tower where the licences show an FM beam is directed.

"As a registered bee keeper I have been having problems with bees dying outside the hive entrances for no reason I can come up with. I am talking hundreds of bees. As I am trying to specialise in Queen raring I have to have a lot of smaller hives. I have had major problems keeping them alive and building up their strength. With the problems I have had in this area I had to move most of these hives away from home. This has enabled me to carry on my Queen raring but the travelling takes more time and adds to my costs. With the help of my father (who was previously working for a major beekeeping firm for over 30 years as beekeeper) we have not discovered the reason why the bees are dying."

The bee keeper and his children had also become sick with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome at a similar time in 1996/97.

Bees Commit Social suicide

Page 133. A study from Germany (Wellenstein 1973) which showed that bees, when subjected to ELF electromagnetic fields stopped making honey, sealed up their hives in mid season and therefore committed social suicide was accepted by bee keeping associations throughout Europe within a few years. And indeed it was quoted authoritatively by a local inspector to a Fishpond villager whose bees had become so savage and unproductive that they had to be moved 20 miles away – where they thrived once more His findings and subsequent related work by Dr Cyril Smith (Smith and Baker 1982) seem relevant to the earlier and more generally accepted studies on bees and homing pigeons, both of which are known to have receptors which are able to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and its variations, which they use to help direct their survival behaviour.

EMR Affects Birds and Worms

Again, in the early 1980s HV power lines near bird sanctuaries and pigeon breeding communities in Gloucestershire were buried underground because of their acknowledged disorientating effects. A US Navy ELF communication project which had to be abandoned because the electromagnetic fields produced by the wires buried underground radically disturbed the earth worms and therefore the composition of the soil. This of course sounds laughable at first, but …like this study, much of the earliest accepted evidence came from studies on bees and birds rather than humans. It remains one of the mysteries of bureaucratic arcane – or economics - that such effects on humans are still not officially accepted, at least in Britain.

Hilary Bacon in Crosscurrents (Fishpond) “comments on the bees shutting up their hives under the power lines. She also comments on a U.S. ELF communications project which had to be abandoned because the electromagnetic fields produced by the underground wiring radically disturbed the worms and therefore the composition of the soil.”

Dead Birds

A neighbour Mr Slatick’s, submission to the hearing, 1997,

“Over the last year, bird life in the area has been devastated. I feel this is caused by the broadcasting, frequencies/ intensities, from the radio tower. The area used to be abundant with all types of bird life. Now, few normally seen species can be found, and then only in minimal numbers. Dead birds and dying birds have been found over my property and my neighbours adjoining property. I have been told that effects on bird life is similar on the other side of the river. I spoke with a Professor of Physics on this and he said, “yes, this can happen if enough power is put out.”

This neighbour also stated “I experience constant ringing in my ears while I am at my home and it fluctuates from steady to low and sometimes a very high pitch. Recently there was a very high pitch which bordered on stunning, at exactly the time I experienced this, the horses in the field opposite squealed loudly as if in pain.”

This neighbour experienced problems with his radio and TV. Sometimes in the middle of the night the TV would turn itself on and radio from the tower would transmit through it.

Although his house is close to the aerial (approx 400 metres) he and his wife have not experienced severe illness. There are many trees and the river between them and the tower. These seem to absorb the power. We have found where there are trees between the houses and the tower, people are healthier than those whose houses are in open spaces, or trees behind the houses. The nearest house to the aerial is approx 250 metres but because of abundant tree growth on the river banks between, the residents cannot see the tower. Their children have experienced bad boils but otherwise healthy.

A hundred metres further out witout the tree protection, a woman taught riding, spending many hours in the open field in line-of-sight to the aerial, and in 1993 she died of ovarian cancer, aged only 33 years.

Ostrich chicks bred within 1400 metres for the aerial did not grow feathers and died.


Wellenstein, G. “The influence of high tension lines on honey bee colonies”, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomoligie, 74, 86-94, 1973.

Belyavskaya NA, "Ultrastructure and calcium balance in meristem cells of pea roots exposed to extremely low magnetic fields", Adv Space Res 2001;
28: 645-650

Cadossi R, Hentz VR, Kipp J, Iverson R, Ceccherelli G, Zucchini P, Emilia G, Torelli G, Franceschi C, Eiverson R, et al., "Effect of low frequency low energy pulsing electromagnetic field (PEMF) on X-ray-irradiated mice", Exp Hematol 1989; 17: 88-95 [Erratum in: Exp Hematol 1989; 17: 922. Eiverson R [corrected to Iverson R]]


Wildlife Vanished at Ouruhia


Microwaves and Insects

Effects of EMFs on Birds, Bees, Bat-Rays, Butterflies & Buzzards

Mobile phones blamed for sparrow deaths

Evidence of a conection between Sparrow decline and the introduction of Phone mast GSM

The sparrows of London

Bird on a wire theory needs closer look in disease watch

Where have all the sparrows gone?

Pulsed microwave radiation and wildlife - Are Cell Phones Wiping Out Sparrows?

Spanish paper on RF effects on birds

Birds suffer from biological effects of GSM, 3G (UMTS), DECT, WIFI, TETRA

Adverse Bioeffects on Animals near a New Zealand Radio Transmitter

Mobile phone mast blamed for vanishing pigeons


Where have all the bees gone?

Informant: binstock


Where have all the bees gone?

'American Hiroshima' linked with Iran attack

Al-Qaida has already obtained nuclear suitcase weapons from the Russian black market, weapons tested in Afghanistan in 2000, and they may have already been forward-deployed inside the U.S., according to the only journalist to interview Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri in the wake of Sept. 11. He believes that an "American Hiroshima" will occur as soon as the U.S. launches an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Read the latest now on

FROM JOSEPH FARAH'S G2 BULLETIN 'American Hiroshima' linked with Iran attack Pakistani journalist who met bin Laden confirms al-Qaida nukes, says they may already be in U.S.

Informant: David Crockett Williams

IAEA Finds no Proof of Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

Informant: Debi Clark

198 Methods of Nonviolent Action

Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of "nonviolent weapons" at their disposal. Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp.

Read further under:

Informant: ranger116

U.S. invasion responsible deaths of over 250,000 civilians in Iraq

Informant: ranger116

Eliminating Bird Flu Fears: 10 Facts You Should Know

(* my notes)
(requires subscription to read on site)

Sherri J. Tenpenny received her medical training at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. She is board certified in emergency medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine, and is a respected expert in the area of integrative and alternative medicine.

Eliminating Bird Flu Fears:

10 Facts You Need To Know

By Red Flags Columnist, Sherri Tenpenny, DO

The concerns about avian influenza, a.k.a. bird flu, seem to have the entire world in an uproar. More than 150 million domestic ducks and chickens have been sacrificed throughout Southeast Asia, China, Russia and Eastern Europe in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. Billions of dollars are being allocated to the development of a new "pandemic" vaccine and the stockpiling of two drugs, Tamiflu and Relenza, which are touted to "treat" the infection. The hysteria in the United States has risen to the point where President George Bush allocated resources toward preparing to use the military to enforce quarantines and perhaps even to enforce mandatory vaccination.

What is really going on? Is a pandemic going to develop that will stop all commerce for months and put an end to Western civilization as we know it? What tactics are being used to scare us into believing these measures are necessary?

A level-headed examination of 10 important facts shows that the prevailing alarmist point of view is inaccurate, irresponsible and self-serving.

1. The death rate from H5N1 infection is highly overstated. *clean hands /no contact w/bird feces will reduce chances of picking up the virus...might lower it to near -0-ZERO, as all cases to date have occurred in ASIA among poultry handlers or children with poultry in the home. Selenium and vitamin "C" can minimize SCURVY type symptoms)

Between Dec. 26, 2003 and Oct. 24, 2005, there were 121 confirmed H5N1 infections and, of those, 62 have reportedly died. That makes the "apparent" death rate just over 51 percent, ranking this infection among the most deadly on record.

However, thousands of mild and asymptomatic cases are going undetected as detailed by Dick Thompson, a spokesperson for the World Health Organization. (WHO). In an interview granted to CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy) News on March 9, 2005, Thompson said that the case-fatality rate had been overstated. Documented cases were those where the patients were sick enough to seek medical care in a hospital and, predictably, they had very poor outcomes. He concluded, "Surely others were infected and either not getting sick or not getting sick enough to seek treatment at a hospital. Factoring those into the CFR [case-fatality rate] has been impossible. We simply don't know the denominator." (Think about that; do you report to any medical authority every time you get a "cold"?)

To illustrate, if 62 people died, but 10,000 had actually been infected, the death rate would be 0.62 percent, essentially insignificant. Therefore, without knowing how many are infected, the death rate is being highly inflated.

2. The virus has barely infected humans; significantly, there has been no sustained person-to-person transmission of the infection.

Very few cases of severe human infection by H5N1 have occurred. An intensified surveillance of patients in Southeast Asia has led to the discovery of mild cases, more infections in older adults, and an increased number of "clusters cases" among family members, suggesting that "the local virus strains may be adapting to humans." In other words, humans are developing their own innate resistance to the virus. (3)

In addition, all cases have occurred via animal-to-human transmission, and there is documentation of only one confirmed case of human-to-human transmission. Without sustained transmission between humans - meaning one person spreads it to another and another, and so on - there can be no pandemic. The "hype" that, sooner or later, the H5N1 strain will mutate into a strain that can be easily passed between humans is completely unsubstantiated. Whether this will happen is nothing more than a guess because:

3. We have had "potential pandemics" before. In February 2003, Thompson of the WHO revealed that "there have been a half dozen pandemic 'false alarms' in the last 30 years." A false alarm is an outbreak where a virus has jumped the species barrier, but has been confined to one or two people and has not been lethal. (4)

What makes H5N1 particularly significant? Why is this virus gaining the attention of the world? The attention may be due not to its potentially lethal effects on humans, but rather to the deaths of millions of domestic birds, infected or not. Could this be about commerce? Is this a global economic crisis in the making, but not a global health crisis?

4. Tamiflu does not treat the flu and it is unknown if it will stop the spread of the infection. Clinical trials with Tamiflu have shown that the drug reduces acute symptoms of flu by a maximum of 2.5 days, depending on the subgroup analyzed. That's it: 2.5 days. In addition, viral shedding in nasal secretions was reduced after Tamiflu had been administered. Although this would presumably lessen the exposure risk for close contacts, this theory has not been tested.

5. The virus is already becoming resistant to Tamiflu. Recent human isolates are fully resistant to older, less expensive influenza drugs, amantadine and rimantadine. (6) In addition, a high-level of resistance to Tamiflu has been detected in up to 16 percent of children with human influenza A (H1N1). Not surprisingly, this resistant variant has been detected recently in several patients with H5N1 infection who were treated with Tamiflu. (7)

In addition, nearly seven percent of people who are prescribed Tamiflu can't tolerate the side effect: persistent nausea. So, at nearly $100 for a course of treatment, you might want to save your money and spend it on saline nasal spray, which is at least as effective. (8)

6. The other newly recommended drug, Relenza, isn't much better.

Relenza is a powder, which is inhaled twice a day for five days from a breath-activated plastic device called a Diskhaler. Some patients have had bronchospasm (wheezing) or serious breathing problems when they used Relenza.

In fact, in January 2000, the FDA issued a warning about prescribing Relenza after some users reported deterioration of respiratory function following its inhalation. Particular concern was expressed for patients with underlying asthma or emphysema. The FDA stated that "an acute decline in respiratory function may contribute to a fatal outcome in patients with a complicated pre-existing medical history and pulmonary compromise." (9)

7. The "seed virus" produced by the WHO and given to the vaccine manufacturers may not be the correct virus.

In February 2005, the WHO developed several H5N1 prototype vaccine strains in accordance with the requirements of national and international pharmaceutical licensing agencies for influenza vaccine production. These H5N1 prototype strains were made available to institutions and companies working to develop the pandemic vaccines. (10)

By October 2005, the WHO had evidence that the virus had evolved and is now "genetically distinguishable" - i.e., different - from the prototype strain selected for vaccine development. In what can only be described as a case study in bureaucratic thinking, the WHO, in spite of the new information, does not recommend changing the strain.

In any case, it will take another 4 to 18 months before the vaccine is ready for mass dissemination. As Nancy Cox, director of the influenza branch at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) stated, "If we don't get a good match, the vaccine will be less effective, producing illness, hospitalizations and death." (11) By that time, will the "vaccine virus" show any resemblance to the "pandemic virus" thought to be in circulation then? If it is appreciably different, how can mandatory vaccination be justified?

8. Who benefits the most? Big Pharma.

Millions in grants and tax incentives to develop new products. Guaranteed purchase orders from governments here and abroad. Complete product liability protection. It doesn't get any better for a product manufacturer, and in this case, all the benefits go to Chiron, Sanofi-Aventis and GlaxoSmithKline, the "big boys" in the market for making the new vaccine. With a global population of more than six billion, the market share is large enough to get their attention. Add in the financial incentives, and the developers are off and running.

To add an additional layer of protection, on Oct. 18, 2005, Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) and Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) introduced and fast-tracked a bill that would create a new agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) called the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA). This new agency would help "spur private industry to develop and manufacture medical countermeasures for bioterrorism agents and natural outbreaks."

However, the dark side of S.1873, the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005, is that it would exempt the pharmaceutical industry not only from liability, but would also ensure that no one would have access to data documenting medical failures or catastrophes. BARDA would be exempt from access by the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Advisory Committee Act and parts of the Federal Acquisition Regulations. It would act in total secrecy and protection from the general public by the federal government. (12)

Fortunately, the scientific community is standing up loudly against the formation of the new agency. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, a coalition of independent member societies and scientists, which has historically shown particular interest in public policy issues relating to science, weighed in to voice several concerns. In a letter to Chairman Burr, dated Oct. 18, 2005, the coalition's president, Bruce Bistrian, MD, PhD, wrote the following:

"On behalf of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), a coalition of 23 scientific societies representing more than 65,000 scientists, I am writing to express our reservations over your recent proposal to create the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA)…."

"FASEB is troubled over the impact this new agency might have on existing programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control, particularly in an era of limited funding for domestic discretionary spending. NIH and the dozens of universities and research institutions around the country where NIH-supported research is performed already have the scientific expertise and research infrastructure in place to carry out the bioterrorism research that our nation needs. Our concern is that BARDA would duplicate, constrain or even eliminate these programs. Moreover, while implementing a 'top-down' approach to research, as described in the BARDA proposal, may be suitable for the manufacturing stage of development, we do not believe it is an appropriate substitute for hypothesis-driven basic research, which has historically led to the most important advances in biomedical science." (Emphasis added). (13)

Hopefully, other organizations and the general public will follow suit and fight to oppose this bill.

9. Who has the most to lose? The citizens of the world, particularly U.S. citizens.

The Global Pandemic Preparedness Plan is nothing more than a power grab for the government, the United Nations (UN) and the WHO. Buried deep within the WHO's plan, here is a glimpse of the ominous plans in preparation for "affected countries:"

* Activate procedures to obtain additional resources; consider invoking emergency powers.

* Activate overarching national command and control of response activities, either by formal means or de facto (close oversight of district and local activities).

* Deploy operational response teams across all relevant sectors. (14)

Global control and UN peacekeepers may be coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

10. What you need to do...

According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the avian influenza virus is easier to destroy than other influenza viruses. It appears that it is very sensitive to detergents - i.e., soap - which destroy the outer fat-containing layer of the virus. This layer is needed to enter cells of animals and, therefore, destroys the infectivity. In other words, when you have been in public places, use soap to wash your hands before touching your face. (15)

Congress is attempting to shield Pharma completely from responsibility and then hide the resulting problems through the fast-tracking of S.1873. (*everyone in your family should call someone and scream) Contact your senators immediately to try to stop the passage of this bill. For quick access to the bill, and what to do, go to and click on "Senate Alert" at the top of the page.

Don't get caught up in the hype. For daily updates and developing action plans, go to and stay informed.

1. Preparing for the Next Pandemic by Michael T. Osterholm. Foreign Affairs, July/August 2005. )
2. Relatives of avian flu patients have asymptomatic cases, by Robert Roos. CIDRAP News. March 9, 2005.
3. Beigel, JH. Avian influenza A (H5N1) infection in humans. N Engl J Med. Sept. 29, 2005;353(13):1374-85.
4. The Scientist-Online
5. Stiger, G. The treatment of influenza with antiviral drugs. CMAJ. Jan. 7, 2003;168(1):49-56. PMID: 12515786
6. Li KS, Guan Y, Wang J, et al. Genesis of a highly pathogenic and potentially pandemic H5N1 influenza virus in eastern Asia. Nature
7. Avian Flu Virus Showing Resistance to Tamiflu by Katrina Woznicki. MedPageToday. Sept. 30, 2005.
8. Spray used for asthma may help slow spread of infections. Asso. Press. 11-29-04.
9. FDA Public Health Advisory. Jan. 12, 2000.
10. WHO. Recommended H5N1 prototype strains for influenza pandemic vaccine development remain the same. Oct. 28, 2005.
11. Breakdowns Mar Flu Shot Program Production, distribution delays raise fears of nation vulnerable to epidemic. SF Chronicle. Sunday, Feb. 25, 2001.

Fears of nation vulnerable to epidemic. SF Chronicle. Sunday, Feb. 25, 2001.
12. For more information and complete version of SB 1873, go to
13. FASEB letter.
14. WHO. Pandemic Preparedness Plan. p 30. _5.pdf
15. FAO. Special report on Avian Influenza.


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