Sonntag, 23. April 2006

Next-up News 23 Avr 2006


A message from Eleanor:

Original Message:

NEED SIGS!! Please forward, and add to your shares, if possible, the numbers are low, and one is at 212 as of April 23, 3:30 am (yes, I am still up) but needs to be at 500 within 2 weeks..thanx, PEN

Original Message:

All written by Author except for the Deadline Statement in RED.
Please Read the Petition, help and sign....!

K. C.

STARTED 4/20/06 URGENT ! Signatures needed in 2 weeks for court date !!! ***AS of 4/23/-6 206 Signatures


PLEASE read & sign,

K. C.

Helping Suffering Horses

Because They're Worth It: Keep the Body Shop Green!


Stop Canned and Trophy Hunts


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Bill Moyers: A Time for Heresy

Bill Moyers argues that American democracy is threatened by perversions of money, power, and religion. Money has bought our elections right out from under us. Power has turned government "of, by, and for the people" into the patron of privilege. And Christianity and Islam have been hijacked by fundamentalists who have made religion the language of power, the excuse for violence, and the alibi for empire.

Bush Meets With Think Tank On Iran Military Strike

Bush traveled Friday night to Stanford University, where he met privately with members of the libertarian Hoover Institution, a think tank that has been aggressively promoting the viability of a preemptive military strike in Iran, to discuss the war.

Krieg gegen Nobelpreisträger

Keinem der Exponenten - und insbesondere dem Kriegsherrn im Weißen Haus dürfte gefallen, was die Nobelpreisträgerin Shirin Ebadi zur Situation erklärt: ein Krieg gegen den Iran und insbesondere US-Truppen auf iranischem Boden wären nach ihrer Einschätzung eine Katastrophe.

Durch ein solches Vorgehen würden die Mullahs nur gestärkt und unverdiente Solidarität der Bevölkerung ernten, die sich im Fall eines Angriffs von außen aller Abneigung zum Trotz hinter die eigene Regierung stellen würde. Ein Krieg wäre somit gleichzeitig eine schwere Niederlage für die demokratische Opposition im Land.

Ein weiterer Autor, der im vergangenen Jahr den Nobelpreis erhielt, war Harold Pinter. Seine Kritik an der amerikanischen Kriegspolitik hatte mit ihrer Vehemenz viele Journalisten und Politiker des Mainstreams erschreckt und veranlasst, sie als "Eklat" zu bewerten.

Dass sich die US-Regierung von diesen kritischen Einlassungen beeindrucken lässt und deshalb ihren Kurs korrigiert, ist nicht anzunehmen. Eine Vielzahl von politischen Beobachtern stellt als Grundmuster ihres Verhaltens Autismus, Unbelehrbarkeit und bei Bedarf die ideologisch motivierte Deformation der Wahrnehmung fest, die sie starr an einmal getroffenen Entscheidungen festhalten lässt. Die Entscheidung für einen Krieg gegen den Iran ist nach Einschätzung vieler Beobachter bereits vor Jahren gefallen. Gesucht wird danach nur noch nach einem geeigneten Weg und Zeitpunkt ihrer Umsetzung.

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis: und

Infopool / metainfo hamburg

ICNIRP reviewing guidlines for exposure to EMR

"The FCC's exposure guideline is considered protective of effects arising from a thermal mechanism but not from all possible mechanisms. Therefore, the generalization by many that the guidelines protect human beings from harm by any or all mechanisms is not justified"

Norbert Hankin, Key EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)scientist USA.

From: Cell Phones Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age. Dr. George Carlo. Carroll &Graff 2001.

ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection) is reviewing its safety Guidelines for exposure to EMR. (April 06.) Safe levels of exposure to all forms of radiation have been lowered continuously since the 1920s.

They seem to get it wrong every time!

Informant: Eileen O'Connor


ICNIRP EMF exposure guidelines to be revised

Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?

H5N1-Protein ähnlich wie bei Human-Influenza

LA JOLLA (mut). Forscher haben beim aktuell kursierenden Vogelgrippe-Virus H5N1 Veränderungen festgestellt, die es dem Virus erleichtern, Menschen zu infizieren. (...)

hier weiterlesen: Ärzte Zeitung, 17.03.2006

Kommentar: Für alle, die es noch nicht wissen: Influenza-Viren verändern sich ständig, da es sich um sog. RNA-Viren handelt. Das ist also ganz normal. Die entscheidende Frage ist, ob es jemals Mutationen, also genetische Veränderungen, gegeben hat, die aus einem harmlosen Virus ein tödliches gemacht haben. Dafür gibt es keine Beweise. Meine Meinung dazu: Diese Hypothese von der tödlichen Mutation kann sich nur dadurch halten, indem man konsequent sämtliche sonstige Ursachen für Grippesymptome und insbesondere für schwere Komplikationen ausblendet. Das Virus ist sozusagen nur ein Sündenbock, um uns z.B. von den schweren Nebenwirkungen symptomunterdrückender Medikamente abzulenken.

H5N1 passt sich nicht leicht an Menschen an

Durch künstliche Mutationen ließ sich die Affinität des Virus für Menschen nur geringfügig erhöhen

LA JOLLA (mut). Die Furcht, dass sich aus H5N1 plötzlich ein Pandemie-Virus entwickelt, ist vielleicht unbegründet. Experimente mit dem Virus legen die Vermutung nahe, dass sich der Erreger, wenn überhaupt, nur langsam an Menschen anpasst.

Drei US-Forscher-Teams hatten versucht, im Labor das H5N1-Virus durch gezielte Mutationen an Menschen anzupassen (Science online). Sie arbeiteten dabei nicht mit ganzen Viren, sondern nur mit dem viralen Oberflächenprotein Hämagglutinin. Die Viren benötigen das Protein, um an Zellen anzudocken und diese zu infizieren. Veränderungen an dem Protein können zu einem Wirtswechsel von Vögeln zu Menschen führen.(...)

hier weiterlesen: Ärzte Zeitung, 20.03.2006

Im Labor ließ sich H5N1 nicht an Menschen anpassen - das lässt hoffen, dass es die Natur auch nicht schafft

Von Thomas Müller

Eine Grippe-Epidemie mit H5N1 bei Menschen, die sich nicht mehr kontrollieren lässt, weil sich die Viren wie bei einer normalen Humaninfluenza rasend schnell von Mensch zu Mensch verbreiten - das ist derzeit der Alptraum vieler Virologen.

Doch vielleicht können einige Virologen nach einer neuen Publikation in der Zeitschrift "Science" wieder etwas besser schlafen. Denn offenbar ist der Sprung auf den Menschen für das Virus doch nicht so einfach wie befürchtet. (...)

hier weiterlesen:
Ärzte Zeitung, 20.03.2006

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 14/2006

WHO nennt ungarischen H5N1-Impfstoff "wirkungslos"

Budapest - Ungarische Forscher haben nach Angaben der Regierung in der Hauptstadt Budapest einen Impfstoff für Menschen entwickelt, die im engen Kontakt mit an Vogelgrippe erkrankten Tieren stehen. Das Mittel zum Schutz gegen die derzeit kursierende Form des Vogelgrippe-Virus H5N1 sei in Ungarn bereits zugelassen, sagte Ministerpräsident Ferenc Gyurcsany gestern in den Forschungsstätten der Pharmafirma Omninvest bei Budapest.

(...) Experten der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), der EU und der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften hatten das gestern vorgestellte Präparat im Gegensatz zum Regierungschef schon vor Monaten für "wirkungslos" erklärt. (...)

hier weiterlesen:
Die WELT, 15.3.2006

Kommentar: Nun, die Frage ist, wie man die Kompetenz der WHO bezüglich Impfstoffen und deren Risiko-Nutzen-Bewertung beurteilt. Und ihre Unabhängigkeit von der US-Regierung (größter Finanzier der WHO) und der US-Pharmaindustrie. Entsprechend wäre dann auch die negative Bewertung eines ungarischen Impfstoffs einzuschätzen.

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 14/2006

Allergien: Neue Impfstoffe gegen Impfschäden?

Mit gentechnischer Hilfe zur Impfung gegen Allergien

Rudolf Valenta und sein Team von der Medizin-Universität Wien starten ein Christian-Doppler-Labor für Allergieforschung.

(...) Valentas Ziel ist es, innerhalb der nächsten fünf Jahre einen synthetischen Impfstoff gegen die häufigsten Allergien herzustellen. Deren Behandlung wird ja immer wichtiger: 1900 gab es nur zwei Prozent Allergiker, 1995 waren es 20, heute sind es 30 Prozent.

ganzen Artikel lesen:
Die Presse, Wien, 13.03.2006

Kommentar: Es ist schon reichlich unverfroren, (unter anderem) mit Hilfe von Impfstoffen die Allergikerrate zuerst auf ein Drittel der Bevölkerung hochzutreiben und dann dagegen Impfstoffe anbieten zu wollen.

Zusammenhang zwischen Impfungen und Allergien:

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 14/2006

Ist H5N1 aus den Hochsicherheitslabors des FLI entwichen?

Die Vogelgrippe auf Rügen

"Im Februar 2006 hat das Vogelgrippe-Virus H5N1 Deutschland er- reicht. Oder war es schon vorher da und ist nur entkommen?

Der SPIEGEL schrieb am 18. Februar 2006:

Nach Angaben des ZDF entdeckten Reporter bei einem Hubschrauberrundflug Hunderte tote Vögel an der Südspitze der Halbinsel Bug, zwischen Rügen und der Halbinsel Ummanz sowie einige hundert Meter entfernt von der Insel Riems, dem Sitz des Bundesforschungsinstitutes für Tiergesundheit.


hier weiterlesen: Zentralverband europäischer Laufentenhalter

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 14/2006

A Poisonous Move for Kids

USA: Trotz Quecksilber-Risiko erweitete Grippe-Impfempfehlung für Kinder


A Poisonous Move for Kids
by CDC Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"On February 22, CDC announced that it is dramatically expanding America's flu vaccination program to include all children between six months and 5 years and their siblings and caretakers. But, guess what CDC forgot to mention? There is not nearly enough thimerosal-free flu vaccine to go around. Vaccine makers produced fewer than 8 million thimerosal-free flu doses this season, which doesn't bode well for the more than 17 million children designated to receive flu shots under CDC's new protocol. (...)

hier weiterlesen: The Huffington Post, 6. März 2006

Hintergründe der überraschenden Entscheidung: Washington Post, 6. März 2006

Kommentar: Ein dramatischer Einzelfall eines angeblich an Grippe verstorbenen Kindes wurde demnach als Anlass für die Erweiterung der Impfempfehlung genommen. Wieder einmal wird ausschließlich ein bestimmtes Virus als Ursache auserkoren. Viele Vergiftungen beginnen mit grippeähnlichen Symptomen. Viele Infektionen werden durch die Schulmedizin durch symptomunterdrückende Medikamente falsch behandelt, was das Problem nur verschlimmert. Die andere Seite: Durch die Änderungen vergrößert sich der Markt für die Impfstoffhersteller auf einen Schlag um 17 Millionen Menschen in den USA...

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 14/2006

Zum ungerechtfertigten Verbot der Freilandhaltung von Geflügel

Piep, piep, piiiep

von Kurt W. Zimmermann

Erst wenn sich das letzte Schweizer Huhn totgelacht hat, werdet ihr sehen, dass Horrormeldungen ansteckender sind als BSE, Sars und H5N1.

Natürlich ist es auch unsere Aufgabe, die Bevölkerung vor der Vo- gelgrippe zu warnen. Höre also, Bevölkerung, sei gewarnt, die Vo- gelgrippe wird fürchterlich wüten, vorausgesetzt, das Virus mutiert zu einem Virus, das von Mensch zu Mensch übertragbar ist, vorausgesetzt, das mutierte Virus findet dann den Weg von Bangkok nach Bümpliz, und wiederum vorausgesetzt, in Bümpliz haben sie den Schlüssel zum "Tamiflu"-Pflichtlager verhühnert.

Gut, die Bevölkerung ist damit gewarnt, und wir können uns der grundsätzlichen Frage zuwenden. Worin unterscheidet sich die Vogel- grippe in den Medien von Listerien, von Ebola, von Rinderwahnsinn und Sars? (...)

hier weiterlesen (lesenswert!): Quelle: Weltwoche Nr. 43 vom 27. 10. 2005,

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 14/2006

Senator John Kerry: The Right to Dissent

Senator John Kerry, in a speech delivered in Boston on Saturday, reaffirms that it was right to dissent in 1971 from a war that was wrong. Kerry states that it is both a right and an obligation for Americans today to disagree with a President who is wrong, a policy that is wrong, and a war in Iraq that weakens the nation.

Deadlines and Dissent

William Rivers Pitt interviews former presidential candidate John Kerry, one of the most prominent Democrats to join the call for a withdrawal of troops from Iraq, and analyzes Kerry's speech from Saturday in Boston.

U.S. foresees fighting beyond war zones

Informant: ranger116

Proposed mast at Kew Gardens

I hope this mast does not get permission - there has to be some emission-free sanctuaries for electro-sensitive people visiting or working at Kew.

What would be good though is if Kew Gardens carried out some much needed research from a 'test rig' phone mast of the short and long term effects of emissions on plants, especially food plants. What do others think?

Best wishes



If it does go ahead (and I can't think that the authorities are going to be more sympathetic about trees than vulnerable people, schools, hospitals etc.), then now is the time to impress upon them the need to set up experimental procedures for measuring the possible effects. Before and after starts now, and it will be important to have the right methodologies and recording mechanisms in place.

This is where some of us may be able to help, working from existing research studies on trees, plants and soil bacteria. It will be important to measure actual radiation levels and frequencies in key zones and control zones from the beginning.

Who knows, there may be biologists etc. working in Kew who are interested in this. It could be an important and respected piece of work ...



I am a keen gardener and propose to contact g bbc' 'gardeners world programme to alert them to the fact that not only humans but plant life and the ecology of kew may be affected by a mast. I presume this is a mobile phone mast.

sue g




You could say that, in Schwarzenberg (where Dr. Neil Cherry's scietific tests proved that EMR emissions had damaged human health and the Swiss Government then agreed to turn off the transmitter) young trees grew at an angle leaning away from the transmitter until it was deactivated. Trees which grew after it was turned off grew straight. I read this on the internet after typing in 'Schwarzenberg Transmitter' but can't remember whether it was a copy of someone's email, or a web site. Also, fruit trees and a honeysuckle at certain angles in our village, Kensworth nr. Dunstable - same angle from the mast as the houses worst affected - died after 2 to three year of exposure, to emissions.




For Sue G - some mentions, if of any help

Arthur J

Abstracts and links on aspects of Skrunda studies -

from the ways the NRPB has suppressed scientific ,,, 'One example is seen with the 1996 Skrunda studies, which appeared in Elsevier's longstanding, reputable, and peer reviewed Science of the Total Environment. Stewart claimed they couldn't get hold of a copy of these crucial and careful studies, which report adverse effects on children from exposure to a Russian MW Radiolocator in Latvia. They also claimed the studies were not peer reviewed. This is rubbish, because we offered the Committee a copy, and furthermore they had no difficulty in criticising another study (by Stan Smigielski reporting significantly elevated incidence of cancer among MW-exposed Polish army personnel) which appeared in the same issue of the journal!'

Ethical problems arising when the trail of professional work lead to evidence of cover-up of serious risk and misrepresentation of scientific judgement concerning human exposures to radar or microwaves. Prof. John R. Goldsmith, M.D., M.P.H. Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, P.O.B. 653, 84105 Beer-Sheva, Israel.

......................In the Spring of 1994, I was asked to contribute a paper to a meeting on "The Biological Effects of Radio-frequency (RF) Radiation" at Skrunda Latvis, the site of a huge microwave broadcast and receiving station for tracking missiles. The paper was to be on epidemiological evidence to be considered in such an evaluation. I again reviewed the file and concluded that evidence was suggestive for four health effects, (a) chromosomal changes, (b) hematological changes, (c) reproductive effects, and (d) increased cancer incidence from the microwave irradiation in Moscow, and all four of these effects had been found independently in other studies as well. I prepared the paper presenting evidence that these four effects might be found for the exposed groups at Skrunda. There were few physicians and epidemiologists in the audience, so although it was agreed to publish proceedings, I undertook to publish independently, these findings and I so Goldsmith, (1995). I provided for the Skrunda symposium a manuscript, "Epidemiological Studies of Radio-frequency Radiation: Current Status and Areas of Concern", which is intended to be published in the Proceedings in "Science of the Total Environment". At a meeting on Ethics and Environmental Epidemiology 16 Sept., 1994, at the Annual meeting of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology I presented "Balancing the Interests of Patients, Science, and Employers: A case study of RF Exposure". ...............


Health effects of shortwave transmitter station of Schwarzenberg

Attack Iran, Ignore the Constitution

George W. Bush famously proclaimed that he didn't have to ask anyone's permission to defend America. Does that mean he can attack Iran without having to ask Congress? A new Congressional resolution being drafted by Representative Peter DeFazio, a Democrat from Oregon, can be a vehicle to remind Bush that he can't.

From Information Clearing House

Illinois Legislators Introduce Bill for Bush Impeachment


The bill takes up the issues of illegal spying, torture, detentions without charge or trial, manipulation of pre-war intelligence, and the leaking of classified information.

Please thank these sponsors of the bill:

Rep. Karen A. Yarbrough, phone (217) 782-8120 or (708) 615-1747; fax (708) 615-1745

Rep Sara Feigenholtz , phone (217) 782-8062 or (773) 296-4141; fax (217) 557-7203 or (773) 296-0993

Rep. Eddie Washington phone (217) 558-1012 or (847) 623-0060, fax (847) 623-6078

Here is a kit to help with promoting this resolution and with passing others in your towns and cities. Also on this page is information on activities in other states and localities:

Get organized in Illinois to pass this bill!

Informant: R Hubble


Support This Bill: Illinois General Assembly: President Bush-Impeachment: This bill: Urges the General Assembly to submit charges to the U. S. House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President of the United States, George W. Bush, for willfully violating his Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and if found guilty urges his removal from office and disqualification to hold any other office in the United States.

From Information Clearing House


The Bush Impeachment Bombshell From Illinois

The Illinois General Assembly is about to rock the nation. Members of state legislatures are normally not considered as having the ability to decide issues with a massive impact to the nation as a whole. Representative Karen A. Yarbrough of Illinois's 7th District is about to shatter that perception forever.

What's the point of 'Divine Strake'?

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The council has done nothing

By Paul Leat

This is Local London

AN action group of angry neighbours has formed in Arnison Avenue to fight the installation of an O mobile phone mast.

The NO Mast Group is now pushing for action to be taken by Wycombe District Council to have the offending 45ft pole removed, after the phone company had it erected despite being refused planning permission in July 2003.

O argued that because the council's original response had come one day after a 56-day cutoff point, the planning rejection was invalid.

Barry Evans, from NO, said unless something is done to solve the situation they will look to take on the council and the agents representing O in the courts.

He said: "O are going completely against their code of practice. They have stuck up the thing even though they know it was rejected. They are supposed to talk to residents and this clearly hasn't happened."

Mr Evans added: "The council has done nothing at all. It has failed in its duty to us as residents."

The council has said it is seeking advice from its legal team and a report is being put together to be presented to the development control committee.

The NO group, which has 25 members, has each written to a member of the development control committee listing its complaints.

Mr Evans said: "We have told them that we think it is pretty poor what has happened."

The error in responding to O was admitted in a letter from the council's legal team to the phone company, which asked for alternative sites to be discussed as a compromise.

The council claimed O had "not acted in good faith" by putting up the mast in February and said the mobile phone company's application was not complete when it received it, which delayed its decision.

O has said it acted responsibly and within the law.

Paul Goodman, MP for Wycombe, has said he will be advising people to boycott O's products if they are found to be in the wrong.

Jim Stevenson, from O, said: "We had many members of public write in which we are grateful for.

"We are taking into account all of their views and we will look at any alternatives that come up.

"Nothing has been set in stone".

10:32am Friday 21st April 2006

Council admits mast land mistake

A controversial mobile phone mast opposed by residents should never have gone up, it has been revealed.

Campaigners found out that the mast in Fisherman's Walk, Bournemouth, Dorset, is actually sited on council land which is not on the highway.

Bournemouth Borough Council has a policy of not giving phone companies permission to put up masts on its land.

Protestors are calling for the mast to be removed immediately. The council has said it will hold talks with Vodafone.

We immediately request that the mast be turned off today Campaigner Charmaine Despres

The mast has been the focus of public anger since it came to light that it had only won permission because the council had failed to meet a 56-day deadline to let the company know it had rejected the application.

Campaigner Charmaine Despres was furious when she learned that the council could have stopped Vodafone from erecting the mast from the very outset.

She told the BBC News website: "They should have known this was not highway land and should have refused the application on those grounds.

"We now demand that the council finally use it power and ask Vodafone to remove the said offending mast forthwith and immediately request that the mast be turned off today."

Policy to be reviewed

A council spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that the mast is on council land and we do have the power to ask Vodafone to remove it.

"However, being mindful of the possibility of even less acceptable locations being proposed by Vodafone the suggested way forward is for the council to meet with Vodafone, representatives of the residents along with ward councillors to discuss possible alternative sitings that will minimise the effect in the area."

She added that the current council policy of not allowing masts on its land was to be reviewed on 17 May.

A spokeswoman for Vodafone said: "As far as we are aware, this land has been used and maintained as a highway for over 20 years but we are always happy to talk to the council about any concerns they may have."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/04/20 17:02:16 GMT


Rep. Peter DeFazio tells Bush: No Iran strike without congressional approval

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Amazon rainforest to McNuggets


It is a globally known symbol: the golden arches can be seen in many countries around the world. But whatever the fast food giant wants you to believe the golden arches stand for, McDonald's today stands for rainforest destruction. And that is one very 'Unhappy Meal' for the planet.

Chernobyl death toll grossly underestimated


A new Greenpeace report has revealed that the full consequences of the Chernobyl disaster could top a quarter of a million cancers cases and nearly 100,000 fatal cancers.

Over half the plant species in Europe at risk because of climate change


UFZ scientists present research findings at the UN Conference on Biological Diversity in Brazil.

Britische Parlamentarier gegen Atomenergie


Schlappe für Tony Blair. Der englische Premierminister wollte den künftigen Strombedarf seines Landes mehr als bisher durch Atomenergie decken und alte AKWs durch neue ersetzen.

Je länger die Industriestaaten am Öltropf hängen, desto sicherer ist die Megakrise der Weltwirtschaft programmiert

Ölwechsel: The party is over


Je länger die Industriestaaten am Öltropf hängen, desto sicherer ist die Megakrise der Weltwirtschaft programmiert. Die beinahe täglich steigenden Öl- und Benzinpreise bieten einen harmlosen Vorgeschmack für den allfälligen Ölwechsel.

„Wer aus Tschernobyl nichts lernt, kriegt ein zweites!"

20 Jahre nach dem Super-GAU: "Wer aus Tscher­nobyl nichts lernt, kriegt ein zweites. Alles, was technisch passieren kann, wird irgend­wann passieren. Wir haben 440 AKW weltweit - brauchen wir wirklich irgendwo ein zweites Tschernobyl? Und wie argumentieren jene, die jetzt für längere Laufzeiten sind, nach dem nächsten Unfall?" „zivil“-Interview mit dem Umweltjournalisten Franz Alt.


Du sollst den Kern nicht spalten

20 Jahre nach der Reaktorkatastrophe von Tschernobyl fordern einige konservative deutsche Ministerpräsidenten längere Laufzeiten für die 17 deutschen Atomkraftwerke. Brauchen wir das? Ist das zu verantworten? Oder gibt es Alternativen?


Informant: NHNE

Cheney's ISOG planning for 'democracy' in Iran as US media turn a blind eye

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

No Longer Sitting Pretty

The Nation looks gingerly into the future with two years and nine months to go. How much more can George W. Bush take? More important, how much more can we?

Army Suicides Hit Highest Level Since '93

The number of US Army soldiers who took their own lives increased last year to the highest total since 1993, despite a growing effort by the Army to detect and prevent suicides.


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