Donnerstag, 20. April 2006

Kritik am Mobilfunkpakt Kärnten

Nachricht von Dr. Erwin Tripes

Permanent US Bases in Iraq are Immoral

Informant: Kev Hall

Bunker-busting nuclear weapons are a wasteful and dangerous delusion

Buried Truths

"Since the Cold War, the US defense community has become obsessed with the problem of bunkers and how to destroy them," writes Benjamin Phelan. "Were the effectiveness of bunker busters to be demonstrated, the weapons might conceivably be worth the risk and expense. But in fact, even a cursory consideration of the science shows that bunker-busting nuclear weapons are a wasteful and dangerous delusion."

War Bill Grows With Extra Costs

With the expected passage this spring of the largest emergency spending bill in history, annual war expenditures in Iraq will have nearly doubled since the US invasion, as the military confronts the rapidly escalating cost of repairing, rebuilding and replacing equipment chewed up by three years of combat.

IMF Sees US Budget, Trade Deficits as Risk Factors

Clearly irritating US economic officials, the International Monetary Fund faulted the United States on Wednesday for its budget and trade deficits and its failure to provide universal health insurance, predicting that the dollar would inevitably decline in value against the world's other currencies.

Defying Senate, Bush Again Uses Recess Appointments

President Bush reappointed the two public representatives on the board of trustees for Social Security and Medicare on Wednesday, defying Senate leaders of both parties.

20,000 Kidnapped in Iraq Since January

Nearly 20,000 people have been kidnapped in Iraq since the beginning of this year alone, according to a report released on Wednesday.

EU-Kommission bestätigt Gefahren der Gentechnik

BUND und Greenpeace: "EU-Kommission bestätigt Gefahren der Gentechnik" (20.04.06)

Nach Darstellung der Umweltverbände BUND und Greenpeace äußert sogar die EU-Kommission inzwischen "gravierende Bedenken gegen genmanipulierte Pflanzen". Negative Folgen für die Umwelt und die Gesundheit der Verbraucher durch die Agro-Gentechnik könnten laut EU-Kommission nicht mehr ausgeschlossen werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund forderten die Verbände bei einem Treffen mit Landwirtschaftsminister Horst Seehofer am Donnerstag "unverzügliche Maßnahmen gegen den Anbau von Gen-Mais in Deutschland". Die Bundesregierung müsse nun unverzüglich reagieren und den für 2006 geplanten Anbau von 1700 Hektar insektenresistentem Gen-Mais MON810 verbieten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Die USA bauen im Irak die größte Botschaft der Welt

Die Mega-Botschaft im Feindesland

Die USA bauen im Irak die größte Botschaft der Welt, eine Stadt in der Stadt, der "Red Zone".

Intelligence Director's Budget May Near $1 Billion

The budget next year for National Intelligence Director John D. Negroponte's office and the several agencies attached to it may be near $1 billion or more, according to language buried in the report of the House Intelligence Committee on the fiscal 2007 intelligence authorization bill.

Amnesty International's Figures on the Death Penalty

"There is a global tide against the death penalty which has left us with just the hardened countries still using it," Amnesty researcher Piers Bannister said. In its annual survey on the death penalty, 94% of the 2005 executions took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the US. Secretary-General Irene Khan said in a statement that the death penalty remained the "ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights."

New Orleans Election a Test of Democracy

On Saturday, New Orleans will hold its first municipal election since Hurricane Katrina, using fax machines and other stopgap measures to pull off one of the trickiest exercises in democracy in modern times.

New WH Policy Chief Was "GOP Rioter" During Bush-Gore Recount

The man Bush tapped to fill Karl Rove's spot as his policy wizard is none other than Joel Kaplan, who took part in the infamous "Brooks Brothers riot" of 2000. That's when a bunch of Washington GOP operatives, posing as outraged Floridians, waved fists, chanted "Stop the fraud!" and pounded windows in an effort to intimidate officials engaged in the Florida recount effort.

Bush, a Crisis Almost Without Equal

Republicans and Democrats alike are starting to face the prospect of what it means to have George W. Bush as their commander in chief for another 33 months - in a time of war, terrorism, and nuclear intrigue. How can the press contribute to confronting the crisis?

Abwehrrechte gegen den Betrieb mehrerer Mobilfunkanlagen auf dem Dach einer Wohnungseigentumsanlage



Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D. 18-04-06

Sehr geehrter Herr Hartenstein,

in Ihrer Mitteilung vom 30.01.2006 war berichtet worden zum Rechtsstreit über den Umfang des Sondernutzungsrechtes eines Wohnungseigentümers zur Errichtung und zum Betrieb einer Mobilfunkanlage auf dem Dach einer Wohnungseigentumsanlage (siehe: "060130 - EMFLvh-2286 - Wohnungseigentumsanlage - Abwehrrechte").

Auf dem Dach der betroffenen Wohnungseigentumsanlage war bereits vor Jahren eine Mobilfunkanlage errichtet worden. Der zur Nutzung des Daches berechtigte Eigentümer beabsichtigte, in Ausübung seines Sondernutzungsrechtes zwei weitere Anlagen anderer Mobilfunkbetreiber auf dem Dach errichten zu lassen. Dagegen wehrten sich die übrigen Wohnungseigentümer mit dem Argument, die im Grundbuch eingetragene Befugnis zur Errichtung "einer Funkfeststation" auf dem Dach erlaube nicht die Errichtung weiterer Mobilfunkanlagen dort.

Das Oberlandesgericht München hatte die Sache mit Beschluss vom
23.01.2006 (Az. 34 Wx 016/05) dem Bundesgerichtshof zur Entscheidung vorgelegt.

Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat nun mit Beschluss vom 30.03.2006 (Az. V ZB 17/06) zugunsten der übrigen Wohnungseigentümer gegen die Errichtung weiterer Anlagen entschieden.

Die Auslegung der in das Grundbuch eingetragenen Befugnis eines Wohnungseigentümers, auf dem Dach des gemeinschaftlichen Gebäudes "eine Funkfeststation" zu betreiben, führt nach Ansicht des BGH nicht dazu, dass der Betrieb mehrerer solcher Anlagen gestattet wäre. Die Anzahl der erlaubten Funkfeststationen auf dem Dach der Wohnungseigentumsanlage sei für sämtliche Beteiligte von erheblicher wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Während der Berechtigte bei Errichtung mehrerer Anlagen höhere Mieteinnahmen von den Mobilfunkbetreibern erzielen könne, könne dies bei den Wohnungen der anderen Wohnungseigentümer zu einem gravierenden Wertverlust führen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Frank Sommer

Grand Jury Hears Evidence Against Rove

The grand jury session yesterday in federal court in Washington, DC, sources close to the case said, was the first time this year that Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald told the jurors that he would soon present them with a list of criminal charges he intends to file against Karl Rove in hopes of having the grand jury return a multi-count indictment. In an interview with Jason Leopold on Wednesday, Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, confirmed that Rove remains a "subject" of Fitzgerald's two-year-old probe.

Counter-Terrorism Profiteers, With Your Money

Informant: Kev Hall

Tell Big Tobacco to STOP interfering in public policy

On April 27th, Philip Morris/Altria shareholders and top decisionmakers will gather in New Jersey for the corporation’s annual meeting. It’s the event of the year for the tobacco giant to brag to the financial community and media. You can bet that Corporate Accountability International will be there!

Before we challenge the decisionmakers in person, we need you to email Philip Morris/Altria’s CEO, Louis Camilleri, to send a clear message that people will not stand for Big Tobacco interfering in public policy. Send the following email to Philip Morris/Altria's CEO, Louis Camilleri.

Take Action on this Issue:

Help prevent the sale of Mt Orford Park

Mont-Orford National Park (in Québec, Provincial Parks are called National Parks), an exceptional and rare example of southern Québec deciduous forest, is about to be sold by Premier Jean Charest's government to a condo developer. Mt Orford is a long-time ski hill at the heart of the park. At nearly 1,000 metres it towers over the surrounding landscape. If Mr. Charest has his way, over 1,000 new condo units at the base of Mt Orford will cut a swath through the existing landscape around the mountain.

Read further under and take action:

The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy

There's a surprisingly blunt and honest article about US nuclear superiority and its impact on foreign policy and waging wars, in the leading establishment think-tank journal, Foreign Affairs. It's in the March-April issue, and May-June is already going on the stands, so you have to go back in the archives to read it:



The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy

For four decades, relations among the major nuclear powers have been shaped by their common vulnerability, a condition known as mutual assured destruction. But with the U.S. arsenal growing rapidly while Russia's decays and China's stays small, the era of MAD is ending -- and the era of U.S. nuclear primacy has begun.

Don't Bomb Iran

Informant: Kev Hall

Youth Will Not Save You

They're richer, smarter, better-looking, use a billion types of new technology without blinking and someday will vote Republican.

New Orleans Is Our Gettysburg

by Glen Ford and Peter Gamble,

This weekend's elections are an insult to the very idea of democracy, and to the dignity of all black Americans.

Iran: Don't Do It

by Matthew Yglesias, The American Prospect

It's very simple. Any sort of military action against Iran would be counterproductive, if not outright insane.

Gas Price Gambit

by Tyson Slocum,

Why not use obscene oil profits to fund alternative energy programs?

Would you like to be microchip scanned?

Is the VeriChip the "Mark of the Beast?"

Within a few years a service will be available that will allow consumers to pay for merchandise using a microchip embedded beneath their skin. The VeriChip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, is Applied Digital's new subdermal chip that could someday replace the use of all credit and debit cards. Instead of standing in long checkout lines customers could make purchases by scanning themselves with special readers.

Although the VeriChip holds the possibility of added convenience, there are already problems on the horizon. The most obvious one is the squeamishness of potential users, ascustomers will have the VeriChip embedded in their skin, which means elective surgery. Also, Applied Digital is attracting attention from some fundamentalist Christians who believe the Verichip relates to the biblical "mark of the beast." It is said that Satan will someday force people to "receive a mark" on their foreheads or hands in order to purchase or sell goods. Applied Digital officials say such concern is unfounded because people have a say in whether they want to have the chip surgically implanted.

When Cash Is Only Skin Deep

Wired News November 25, 2003,1282,61357,00.html

New Plans to Microchip All Livestock in U.S. Could Devastate Organic Farmers

The plan for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) almost a year ago, calls for the identification and tracking of every farm animal using RFID and GPS technology for the stated purpose of containing diseases like mad cow. Feb 12th 2006 See:

Wie die Medizin-Industrie ständig Seuchen erfindet und auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit Milliarden-Profite macht


von Torsten Engelbrecht & Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein

Vogelgrippe (H5N1), SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS: Wie die Medizin-Industrie ständig Seuchen erfindet und auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit Milliarden-Profite macht

Paperback, 280 Seiten, Emu-Verlag, ISBN 3-89189-147-4, 16,80 Euro

--> Bestellungen über oder

Was ist dran an den Virus-Horrormeldungen der letzten Jahre und Jahrzehnte und welche Gefahren bestehen wirklich für Mensch und Tier? Und wo können wir uns informieren und wer liefert glaubwürdige Fakten?

Der Journalist Torsten Engelbrecht und der Mediziner Dr. Claus Köhnlein sind diesen Fragen nachgegangen. Sie stießen auf widersprüchlichste Expertenmeinungen, unsichere Hypothesen, die zweckdienlich zu Tatsachen verklärt wurden - und unglaubliche wirtschaftliche Verbindungen...

Das Buch gibt zunächst einen Überblick über die Ursprünge der derzeit vorherrschenden Mikrobenhypothese und zeigt einige grundsätzliche Problematiken auf. Die weiteren Kapitel gehen auf die Widersprüche der "modernen Seuchen" AIDS, Hepatitis C, BSE und SARS ein.

Von besonderem Interesse dürfte für den Leser das hochaktuelle Kapitel zur Vogelgrippe sein, das alle wichtigen Kritikpunkte zur Virushypothese - einschließlich der unbeantworteten Frage, wie denn das Virus auf die Insel Rügen gelangt sein soll - behandelt.

Da ich schon seit Monaten mit Torsten Engelbrecht, einem der beiden Autoren, in engem Austausch stehe, habe ich bereits vor der Drucklegung einen Eindruck von seiner sauberen journalistischen Arbeitsweise erhalten. So sind alle Aussagen und Zitate anhand Quellennachweisen abgesichert und nachvollziehbar.

Die Autoren legen mit diesem Buch eine hervorragende journalistische und wissenschaftliche Arbeit vor. Die Tragweite dieser informativen und spannenden Veröffentlichung ist deshalb kaum abzusehen. Bereits jetzt ist es ein Bestseller: Die erste Auflage war sofort ausverkauft. Kurzum - dieses Buch verdient eine uneingeschränkte impf-report Empfehlung!

Über die Autoren:

Torsten Engelbrecht arbeitet als freier Journalist in Hamburg und hat Beiträge für Medical Hypotheses, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Neue Züricher Zeitung am Sonntag oder The Ecologist verfasst. Zuvor war er fester Redakteur bei der Financial Times Deutschland.

Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein ist Facharzt für innere Krankheiten. Die Facharztausbildung erfolgte an der onkologischen Abteilung der Universität Kiel. Seit elf Jahren ist er in Kiel in eigener Praxis tätig.

Aus: impf-report Newsletter Nr. 13/2006

Bundesanstalt für Arbeit: Agentur wofür?

Arbeitsagentur bezahlt Angestellte künftig stärker nach Leistung

„Die rund 78.000 Angestellten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) werden künftig leistungsorientierter bezahlt. Nach 15-monatigen Tarifverhandlungen schlossen der BA-Vorstand, die Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft ver.di und die dbb Tarifunion ein vollständig neues Tarifvertragswerk ab, wie die Behörde am Dienstag in Nürnberg mitteilte.(…) Die individuelle Leistungskomponente könne bis zu zehn Prozent des Festgehalts betragen. Außerdem seien weitere Zulagen oder Prämien vorgesehen, um besondere Leistungen zu vergüten. (…) Das breite Instrumentarium zur Bezahlung nach Leistung sei im öffentlichen Dienst einzigartig. Vergleichbare Regelungen sollen nun auch für die rund 21.000 Beamten der Bundesagentur geschaffen werden.“ AP-Meldung vom 18. April 2006

Siehe die "neuen" Tarifverträge bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit auf der Homepage der Bundesfachgruppe Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Wir rufen zu einem LeserInnen-Wettbewerb auf: Was könnte wohl eine „besondere Leistung“ der BA-Angestellten sein?

Aus: LabourNet, 20. April 2006

Fehlzeiten und die Jagd auf Kranke

Gesundheit trotz(t) Arbeit > Fehlzeiten und die Jagd auf Kranke

Krankgeschriebene bespitzelt

Betriebsrat der Hamburger Hafengesellschaft (HHLA) wehrte sich erfolgreich gegen Überwachung von Kollegen. Artikel von Andreas Grünwald in junge Welt vom 10.08.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 14. August 2006


Krankenstand und Anwesenheit im Krankheitsfall

Arbeit 2005 – noch gesünder als 2004?

Krankentage 2005 auf niedrigstem Wert seit Erhebungsbeginn - Arbeitnehmer waren vor 15 Jahren fast doppelt so lange krank - psychische Erkrankungen weiterhin zunehmend

„Die Beschäftigten in deutschen Unternehmen fehlen krankheitsbedingt immer seltener: Der mit 3,6 Prozent ohnehin schon niedrige Krankenstand im Jahr 2004 ging 2005 weiter auf 3,5 Prozent zurück…“ Pressemitteilung des BKK Bundesverbandes vom 18.04.2006,id,280,nodeid,15.html

Siehe dazu:

BKK Gesundheitsreport 2005 "Krankheitsentwicklungen – Blickpunkt: Psychische Gesundheit" (pdf, 2,6 MB)

Arbeitsunfähigkeitsstatistik 2004 nach Branchen und Berufen (EXCEL, 1,5 MB)

Lieber krank arbeiten als gesund feiern

Arbeitnehmer sind unter Druck: Der Krankenstand in NRW ist so niedrig wie noch nie. Die Angst vor dem Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes treibt Kranke ins Büro. Gewerkschafter befürchten gesundheitliche Spätfolgen und steigende Kosten. Artikel von Miriam Bunjes in der taz NRW vom 15.4.2006

Aus dem Text: „…"Die Angestellten stehen immer stärker unter Druck", sagt Rainer Schmöning, Sprecher der DAK. Viele hätten angegeben, krank zur Arbeit zu gehen, um ihren Job zu behalten. In Nordrhein-Westfalen ist der Druck offenbar besonders groß (…) "Wer aus Angst regelmäßig Krankheiten verschleppt, muss ziemlich sicher Frührente beantragen", sagt der DGB-Chef. Die Arbeitgeber sollten also eigentlich daran arbeiten, den Gesundheitszustand ihrer Angestellten zu verbessern - indem sie sie nach Hause schicken, wenn sie krank sind…“

Aus: LabourNet, 20. April 2006


Mobbing gegen Kranke - wie Unternehmen Mitarbeiter rausekeln

Text der Panorama-Sendung vom 07. Mai 2009 (pdf)

Das Video der Sendung

Wer krank zur Arbeit geht, bleibt länger zuhause. Dänischen Forschern zufolge erhöht das Ignorieren von Symptomen das Risiko längerer Fehlzeiten

„Dem Fehlzeitenreport des Wissenschaftlichen Instituts der AOK gehen mittlerweile sieben von zehn Personen zur Arbeit, auch wenn sie sich krank fühlen. Ein Drittel setzt sich dabei sogar über ärztliche Ratschläge hinweg. Wer jedoch krank am Arbeitsplatz erscheint, der schädigt sein Unternehmen nicht nur dadurch, dass er mehr Fehler macht und Kollegen ansteckt, sondern trägt auch ein größeres Risiko für eigene Fehlzeiten. Das wollen die beiden dänischen Arbeitsmediziner Claus D. Hansen und Johan Hviid Andersen im Rahmen einer jetzt im Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health öffentlich gemachten Studie herausgefunden haben…“ Artikel von Peter Muehlbauer in telepolis vom 02.05.2009

Aus: LabourNet, 14. Mai 2009

It's time to vote for peace

As the war becomes more deadly, costly and counter-productive each day, a growing majority of citizens want to see a change of course in Iraq and U.S. foreign policies that better reflect American values. With mid-term elections approaching the occupation of Iraq and other key foreign policy issues are certain to be at the forefront of the electoral debate.

We must demand our elected officials put their commitment to a more responsible foreign policy for our country on the record. We'll do this by making peace the top priority in 2006.

This November, let's hold Congress accountable to the rising tide of public opinion that's urging an end to the war in Iraq and a new direction for U.S. relations with the world.

Become a Peace Voter today.

Informant: DitziSis

Lawsuit Alleges DuPont Contamination of N.J. Drinking Water

ENN Headline News

April 20, 2006 — By Randall Chase, Associated Press DOVER, Del. — Drinking water supplies near a DuPont facility in New Jersey have been contaminated with chemicals, including a suspected carcinogen used in the production of Teflon, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday.

The lawsuit alleges that the contamination is linked to the manufacturing, use and disposal of perfluorinated chemicals, including PFOA, at DuPont's Chambers Works plant in Salem County, N.J.

PFOA, or perfluorooctanoic acid, is a processing aid used in the manufacturing of fluoropolymers, which have a wide variety of product applications, including nonstick cookware. The chemical also can be a byproduct in the manufacturing of fluorotelomers used in surface protection products for applications such as stain-resistant textiles and grease-resistant food wrappers.

The plaintiffs are seeking class-action status and compensatory and punitive damages for what they describe as the "intentional, knowing, reckless and negligent acts and omissions of DuPont in connection with the contamination of human drinking water supplies."

In a statement, DuPont said the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in New Jersey, is without merit.

"We are confident in the safety of our operations at our Chambers Works site," the company said.

According to the lawsuit, DuPont has known for years that PFOA was being released into the air from operations and activities at the Chambers Works Plant, and was contaminating the groundwater underneath.

A 2003 report by DuPont found that PFOA was being released into the Delaware River at concentrations as high as 194 parts per billion, and had been detected in a water intake for Salem Canal, designated as a drinking water source by New Jersey environmental regulators, at a concentration of .089 ppb, according to the complaint.

In 2004, DuPont agreed to pay as much as $343 million to settle a class-action lawsuit filed by Ohio and West Virginia residents who alleged that their water supplies had been contaminated with PFOA from a DuPont plant in Parkersburg, W.Va.

The company agreed to spend up to $70 million for medical evaluations of up to 80,000 people who drank water contaminated with the chemical. DuPont also agreed to provide six local utilities with new water treatment equipment and fund an independent study to determine if PFOA makes people sick.

DuPont could be forced to spend another $235 million on a program to monitor the health of residents exposed to the chemical.

Source: Associated Press

"To be nobody-but-myself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make me everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting." -e.e. cummings-

Informant: DitziSis


Tamworth Herald

10:30 - 20 April 2006 Protestors to the mast at Coleshill's St Edwards School will meet with mobile phone chiefs tomorrow (Friday, April 21).

Councillor Peter Fowler has arranged the meeting with O2 to discuss finding a new site for the controversial mast which has been there for over 10 years. He will be joined by North Warwickshire MP Mike O'Brien.

Phone mast group may hold Dail protest

The Nationalist News 20.04.06

The Cahir-based chairman of a telecommunications lobby group has slammed the Government for its "failure" to implement Oireachtas committee recommendations on the location of mobile phone masts. And a protest at the gates of the Dáil may be on the cards, to highlight the serious concerns in rural communities over masts and their emissions. Better Environment and Safer Telecommunications (B.E.S.T.) was established over a year ago and is currently chaired by Cahir businessman John Cummins. The group was set up to campaign for a safer telecommunications system in Ireland and will host a meeting next Tuesday night in Limerick to address concerns about the "increasing number of planning applications for the erection of phone masts in the heart of communities nationwide". The purpose of the meeting is to formulate a further plan of action to ensure that phone masts are not located near schools, health centres, hospitals, and crèches. According to John Cummins, the Government has failed to implement the recommendations of the Joint Oireachtas Report of June, 2005, which advised such policy. "Those recommendations seem to have been shelved", said Mr Cummins this week. The possibility of staging a protest at Dáil Éireann on this matter, "which is causing huge distress among rural communities", will be discussed at next Tuesday's meeting, which takes place in the South Court Hotel at 8pm. Mr Cummins also pointed out that the emissions allowed from mobile 'phone masts in Ireland are much higher than those in other European countries such as Italy, Switzerland and Hungary. The B.E.S.T. Group has already attended community group meetings which were in opposition to phone masts in their communities in counties Tipperary, Limerick, Clare, Cork, Kerry, Waterford, Galway, Carlow, Louth, Laois, Meath, and Offaly. The Group has also met with the Department of Communications, the Joint Oireachtas Committee for Health and Children and made presentations to Limerick and Kerry County Councils. "We are now calling on all Groups and individuals who have concerns with regard to the adverse health effects associated with radiation emissions from phone masts to attend this very important and informative meeting." Guest Speakers at the meeting will be representatives of the Irish Doctors Environmental Association who will discuss the medical and scientific findings in relation to ill-health associated with exposure to emissions and members of the Irish Radiation Victims Network will talk about the ill-health they are suffering due to exposure to emissions from phone masts.

MEXICO vor der Wahl

Where have all the conservatives gone?

The American Conservative
by W. James Antle III

Come 2008, who will succeed George W. Bush at the helm of a troubled Republican Party? Though the next presidential race is far off, the question is already on conservatives' minds. The last few months haven't been kind to Republican operatives who assumed President Bush's slide in popularity would be temporary. Instead, his approval ratings have settled below 40 percent, averaging 38 percent over the last four Gallup polls, and the president appears determined to drag the rest of his party down with him... (for publication 04/24/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iran, you ran, let's bomb Iran

San Francisco Chronicle
by Mark Morford


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Don't do it: The case against war with Iran

The American Prospect
by Matthew Yglesias


Should we go to war with Iran? The short answer is 'no.' The long answer is 'hell no.' As the rumbles of war are heard over the horizon, many feel they’ve heard this whole story before. But with all due respect to those who correctly ascertained in advance that backing Bush's march on Baghdad was insane, following the neoconservatives to Teheran would be far, far, far more insane. The United States military is, for one thing, in much worse shape today than it was in March 2003 with far fewer resources at its disposal (see the Iraq War). The Iranian military, meanwhile, is in better shape than Iraq's army was, since it hasn't been subjected to more than a decade of stifling sanctions. ... Fully half of Iranians are Shiite Persians, so we're talking about a nationalist backlash with a population base about four or five times as large as the one we're facing in Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

McClellan's off the "Accomplished" team

The Nation
by John Nichols


White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan could not resist adding a little irony to the session where it was announced that he was being fired -- er, stepping down -- as the chief spinner for the Bush administration. 'You have accomplished a lot over the last several years with this team,' McClellan said to President Bush. Yes, the team has accomplished so much that it is being systematically dismantled by new White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten at breakneck speed. ... In addition to McClellan's exit Wednesday morning, Karl Rove was edged out of his position as deputy White House chief of staff for policy development. Rove's being delegated back to his old job of managing Republican campaigns from within the White House and at taxpayer expense...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Supremes vs "We the People"

News With Views
by Nancy Levant


Since 5 'supreme' people in our entire nation declared the demise of U.S. private property rights, and since this was not an issue upon which the nearly 290 million American citizens were permitted to vote, 'appointed' power becomes dangerously problematic. Most people are now realizing that America is no longer operating Constitutionally, but rather according to the dictates and profits of elitist intellectuals. Historically speaking, freedom is, and always has been, based upon land and gun rights...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Brooks Brothers riot

The Pentagon’s ongoing war of deception

Informant: Kev Hall

Save Darfur - Stop the Genocide Now!

A Week of Action for Victims of War

Protect Endangered Forests and Respect Native Rights

2,500 square miles of forests, lakes and rivers north of Kenora, Ontario have sustained the people of Grassy Narrows First Nation for thousands of years. Now Weyerhaeuser, the largest lumber company in the world, threatens to uproot the Grassy Narrows First Nation's traditional way of life through massive deforestation. Demand the immediate termination of Weyerhaeuser's destructive logging without consent from the community!

Tell the U.S. Congress to take action on global warming

The U.S. accounts for less than 5% of the world's population, yet produces roughly 25% of global warming pollution! It's time for the U.S. government to take meaningful action to curb global warming emissions. Sign the petition to urge your senators to support the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act.

Go Organic in Your Garden

Protect the soil around your home and the food and flowers your family enjoys! Read these helpful tips from Care2's Annie B. Bond and Cait Johnson on five common garden pests and five organic controls.

Faulty folding of protein in the environment may cause disease

Dear Olle: I do not think I have seen this study before (May 2005 re protein folding and amyloid -- I note one of the researchers is from the Karolinska....). A friend of mine whose wife is now in hospice care due to Alzheimers' Disease, sent me online "Alzheimers Daily News" and the forwarded information was one of the featured items.

Perhaps the study lost its clarity as result of translation from Swedish to English but if not, I find it to be very confusing and also misleading. It is possible the full study content explains interference with cell signaling, non-thermal heat shock effects, electron effects, etc. however, it seems that there is "an avoidance" in regard to mentioning environmental changes due to electromagnetic radiation exposure???

As you know, my guinea pig, Kelley, died from Reactive Renal Amyloidosis -- "a TSE-like problem" (mad cow family). This is a rare bone marrow disease. Early on after exposure, Kelley developed osteomyelitis only to have it go away after reducing magnetic field levels. You know, of course, that her severe neutropenia and lymphocytosis are "markers for irradiation" and that bone marrow is particularly sensitive to radiation.

Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: [4-19-06]

Be loyal to your country always, and to the government only when it deserves it. -Mark Twain

Betreff: Protein misfolding....diversion to environ effects other than EMR.... Von: Datum: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 18:30:45 EDT

Faulty folding of protein in the environment may cause disease


Serious diseases have been shown to be related to unhealthy protein chains that occur when proteins fold 'incorrectly'. In an article in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, PNAS, a research team from Uppsala University have shown that similar protein chains in our environment may hasten the process.

Under certain conditions, incorrectly folded proteins can transmit diseases from one individual to another. This is the mechanism in diseases caused by prions, such as mad cow disease or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In principle prions are normal proteins, but they have an abnormal three-dimensional structure. Prions bring about infections by prompting other normal protein molecules to assume the abnormal form. These lumps then aggregate into a chain, which starts a chain reaction that ultimately causes a fatal disease.

There are other human proteins that can also change their three-dimensional structure in a similar manner and give rise to unhealthy protein chains, so-called amyloid. Amyloid contributes to the occurrence of many different diseases, such as Alzheimer‚s disease and type-2 diabetes, but it is also a serious complication of long-term inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

This disease, which is called secondary or AA-amyloidosis, also occurs in mice and can be transmitted from one animal to another via a prion-like mechanism. Here, too, the infected particle is not a micro-organism but rather an incorrectly folded and chain-shaped protein, in this case AA-protein in the form of amyloid. It is still not known exactly how the incorrectly folded protein gets other normally folded protein molecules to assume the abnormal form.

Amyloid is always morbid in humans and mice, but amyloid-like chains also occur normally in our environment. Certain bacteria and fungi have amyloid-like chains on their surfaces. Silk and spider webs are other amyloid-like examples. The research team has found that such chain-shaped proteins hasten the development of AA-amyloidosis and can 'transmit' the disease in animals under certain conditions. In other words, it seems as if the chain-like protein forms in our environment can inter-react with some of our own proteins and cause disease. Since amyloid is involved in many other diseases, the findings may indicate that environmental factors of a previously unknown type can affect and hasten the occurrence of diseases in which amyloid plays a central role.

The research was carried out by a team consisting of Dr. Katarzyna Lundmark, Karolinska Institute, Associate Professor Arne Olsén, Göteborg University, Associate Professor Gunilla T Westermark, Linköping University, and Professor Per Westermark, Uppsala University.

UPPSALA UNIVERSITET P.O. Box 256 SE-751 05 Uppsala Uppsala Sweden SOURCE:

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STOP THE BLACK MESA PROJECT! The Fight Over the Water Beneath Black Mesa

Help Keep the Notorious Black Mesa Mine Closed!


Peabody Energy, the world's largest coal company, is draining the aquifer that serves as a primary source of drinking water for residents of the Hopi and Navajo reservations in order to slurry coal for transport.



Informant: binstock


**Please send far and wide**

Greetings Black Mesa Supporters & all who care about our planet,


Please support a "NO ACTION" decision in solidarity with indigenous Dineh and Hopi communities. We must use this window to voice our opposition! CLICK HERE TO SEND IN YOUR LETTER ELECTRONICALLY OR PRINT IT OUT AND MAIL IT:

*SUMMARY: Massive mining plans are underway that have serious environmental, social, and human rights impacts. Peabody Western Coal, the world's largest coal company, is attempting to obtain a 'Life of Mine' permit from the federal Office of Surface Mining (OSM): which means a lease extension application that would permit them to mine indefinitely, and dramatically increase the current rate of coal production to turn Black Mesa into a massive energy center for domestic and international export.

It is unacceptable that this proposal could further the termination of indigenous cultural existence. The U.S. government has previously passed laws that terminate indigenous ancestral ties to these lands by currently restricting access to their lands and enforcing relocation. The LOM permit calls for additional restricted access to ancestral lands and relocation.

The LOM permit would allow the coal company the rights to billions of gallons of water a year from two major aquifers for their industrial coal production use.

This proposal is not the solution to global warming or to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but instead, Peabody's BMP will only only add to the escalating greenhouse emissions.

*ORGANIZE LETTER WRITING PARITIES: Consider organizing a letter-writing party --one woman organized over 40 letters in one evening!

*JUST TRANSITION: Visit: for updates and to learn more about the Just Transition Campaign, "an innovative, proactive plan to transition tribal economy, employment and energy off fossil fuel extraction and into a sustainable renewable energy path." The BMP Draft Environmental Impact Statement inadequately studies true alternatives for the use of coal and solutions to Global Warming provided by the Just Transition Campaign.

*CALLING ALL SUPPORTERS/SHEEPHERDERS: Families on Black Mesa who are living near Peabody's mining activities and/or resisting relocation and may face future mine expansion are requesting volunteer sheepherders to come stay with them. Please visit for more info and to contact us.

*BIG MOUNTAIN CANNOT BE EXCLUDED FROM THE LEGACY OF THE FOUR CORNERS ENERGY WARS: Since the beginning of the Big Mountain resistance elders would say: "We are resisting relocation and the coal mining not only for ourselves but for the whole world. Black Mesa must not be desecrated because of its sacredness --it provides life to all living things including all the human races." Elder resisters of Big Mountain have referred to the coal as the Mother Earth's liver.

We must not allow history to repeat itself by allowing the US government and mining interests to put profit over people, antiquity, and water resources.

Thank you! ~Black Mesa Indigenous Support

THINK FOR YOURSELF AND QUESTION ALL FORMS OF AUTHORITY -- and while your're at it try thinking outside of that little box inside your head. imagiNATION has no boundaries -- use it to create a world with truth, justice, liberty and dignity for all. ONE WORLD - ONE NATION - ONE LOVE

"May no one be left behind the others" ~ Popol Vuh

Informant: Jim Haber

From ufpj-news

Hundreds join phone mast campaign
20 April 2006
Katie Davies

HUNDREDS of Hampstead Garden Suburb residents have joined a campaign to stop a phone mast going up in a park.

Orange's application for a 3G mast on Ossulton Way will be heard by Barnet Council on Thursday but 700 residents are calling for it to be turned down.

Louise Chait, a leading protestor and mother of two, said: "I think everyone in the neighbourhood was shocked by Orange's application and we have all reacted very strongly to it.

"I think we all appreciate the need for mobile phone masts, however barring their placement at a hospital or school site, this is about as insensitive an application as you could ever imagine."

Caroline Maurice, who lives opposite Ossulton Green, said: "This mast will most definitely detract from what is something of a local beauty spot - and let's not forget this is a Conservation Area where you can't even change the colour of your front door without permission.

"Apart from looking at odds with the trees around it, the equipment box will be a target for both graffiti and vandalism. I would not feel at all comfortable about my children playing in the vicinity of the mast - and Ossulton Green is so small that it would be inevitable. Nobody has yet definitively been able to say that these masts are safe."

Meanwhile West Hampstead campaigners are complaining that communications giant Vodafone is upgrading equipment without permission.

Three years ago the mobile phone company won the right to put up a 13-metre mast and base station in Iverson Road, West Hampstead despite opposition from residents.

But last week workmen put in a new station to upgrade the mast so it could provide a 3G service (third-generation technology to support video clips and internet access).

Stephen Jones, who lives in Iverson Road, said: "Interesting that commoners like us need planning permission for any extensions to our homes yet apparently the telecom people can lay a 5ft slab of concrete and install a huge cabinet on it without permission.

"We have purchased a special radiation meter and it is now going berserk in our bedrooms, which are only 50 metres away from the mast."

Residents claim planning permission is needed to upgrade equipment for mobile phone masts.

But a Vodafone spokeswoman said the company is complying with international guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Too Hot Not to Handle - JOIN the Virtual March on Washington

In celebration of Earth Day 2006, I'm asking you to do three things to help tackle the greatest environmental challenge of our day: global warming.

WATCH the terrific new HBO documentary "Too Hot Not to Handle" on the impacts of global warming in the United States. Produced by NRDC Trustee Laurie David, the film includes commentary from leading scientists and shows how businesses, local governments and citizens are joining forces to reduce global warming pollution. (Saturday, April 22nd, 7:00pm Eastern/Pacific times, 8:00pm Central time on HBO)

JOIN the Virtual March on Washington at

This is a great chance for you to raise your voice with hundreds of thousands of other Americans and demand that governments, corporations and politicians act now to stop global warming.

SIGN our pledge to Move America Beyond Oil and help support a practical, concrete plan to curb global warming by slashing our nation's fossil fuel consumption. Go to

Also, I hope you'll take some time this Earth Day to wander outside, enjoy the spring weather and get energized. We've got many important battles ahead this year!


Frances Beinecke
President NRDC Action Fund

Informant: Martin Greenhut


Easy Ways to Make a Difference this Earth Day


Join the Earth Day Virtual March to stop an unprecedented attack by members of Congress on all species in America, including us! Join close to 100,000 people in our virtual protest - take action to stop the U.S. Congress from increasing our exposure to chemicals that cause cancer and brain damage, drilling in the Arctic Refuge, or selling off our national parks:

The Twilight of Capitalism

When political and economic systems become ends unto themselves rather than means to serve humanity and its interdependent life webs, it is time for a change.

From Information Clearing House

The four deficits confronting U.S.

What we have going are the elements of a perfect storm — a potent mix of ignorance, apathy and inaction in all sectors of American society. If we continue on our present course, a fiscal crisis is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when.’

From Information Clearing House

Senator expects seven lawmakers to go to jail

U-S Senator Tom Coburn isn't naming names, but he expects six congressmen and a fellow senator will go to jail.

From Information Clearing House

Belafonte warns of accelerating Neo-Fascism

From Information Clearing House

America meets the new superpower

The visit of President Hu to Washington underlines the inevitable loss of America's economic supremacy to China

. . . as the US and China face off over oil supplies

China's oil industry has wooed countries that the US has tried to isolate for political reasons - such as Sudan, Iran and Burma - potentially undermining the isolation efforts. Three major China oil companies have been pursuing long-term supply arrangements in such places as Venezuela, Nigeria, Gabon and Angola.

From Information Clearing House

Watch Out, Kids: With GPS Phones, Big Mother Is Watching

Monitoring kids with GPS cell phones

From Diana Barbera:

Hi Don,

Today’s Washington Post article (online at on monitoring kids with GPS cell phones is disturbing on so many levels, not the least of which is the fact that there is no mention of the possible health effects of heavy cell phone use by children.


Diana Barbera

Watch Out, Kids: With GPS Phones, Big Mother Is Watching

By Rob Pegoraro Wednesday, April 19, 2006; D01

Ever since the first telecom engineer figured out how to cram a Global Positioning System receiver into a cellphone, people have worried about how “They” might exploit those features.

Either the feds would follow our footsteps or we’d see phones spammed with ads for every business within a mile. Or both things would happen at the same time.

But instead of Big Brother, we may be dealing with Big Mother.

Last week, Sprint Nextel Corp. introduced a new service called Family Locator that lets parents track their kids’ whereabouts, using the GPS capabilities in each child’s cellphone. For $9.99 a month, you can get a fix on your little ones’ locations as long as they are on your Sprint account and carry one of the 30 Sprint or Nextel phones that allow this monitoring.

As demonstrated by a Sprint publicist yesterday, the service was deceptively easy to use . . . considering that the whole idea would have been science-fiction fodder a decade ago.

I logged in to a page on Sprint’s Web site ( ) with a phone number and password provided for the occasion, and a moment later, a green icon on a map of Sprint’s Overland Park, Kan., corporate campus reported the location of another Sprint employee.

The accuracy, as indicated by a wide blue circle around that green dot, was not so great — only “within 644 yards,” according to the page’s suspiciously precise estimate — so I clicked a “Locate” button.

Within a minute, the system had pinned down my target’s location to within a 98-yard radius, close enough to call in the airstrike — I mean, identify what street she was on. (Sorry, got distracted for a second.)

The most precise estimates rely on the GPS receivers built into these phones. When that satellite signal isn’t available, such as when the phone is indoors, the system computes an estimate from the phone’s distance to the nearest cell tower.

Sprint’s Web interface offered a few other options: I could click a button to send a text message to the object of my surveillance or click another button to see her recent locations plotted on the map as numbered “breadcrumbs.”

A similar but less graphically detailed version of this interface can be used on some Sprint phones, allowing you to pinpoint your progeny from just about anywhere. You can also schedule “safety checks” — automatic, scheduled look-ups to ensure they’re in school or at soccer practice on schedule.

All that could be enormously appealing to any parents nervous about the horrible things that could befall their kids out there. (That it would also help Sprint get more cellphones into the age-12-and-under market is a handy side benefit for the company.)

The objects of this surveillance, however, might not be so gung-ho about carrying around cellphones that double as homing beacons.

Sprint says it has tried to build in measures to stop parents from being too aggressive in their snooping: Kids must authorize tracking by entering a password on their own phones, and the phone will also buzz or beep every time its location is checked.

So at least the trackees can know exactly how they are being followed and can react accordingly — say, by abandoning the phone on a church pew before running off to the mall.

The whole idea of tracking your family in this manner is weird and alarming on some levels. So is the notion that we’re all so deathly afraid for our kids that there’s even a market for this.

But now that the technology is out there, it’s not going away anytime soon. Consider the other location-based services developed by the company behind Sprint’s service, Emeryville, Calif.-based WaveMarket Inc.: One lets you set up social gatherings with nearby friends, another finds businesses, a third provides driving directions, and yet another “enables enterprises and fleet managers to manage mobile assets.”

It’s the last scenario that you need to worry about. It’s one thing to be followed by your parents, your spouse, your kids or your friends. But your boss, too?

© 2006 The Washington Post Company


Easy Ways to Make a Difference this Earth Day




1. Recycle everything you can: newspapers, cans, glass bottles and jars, aluminum foil, motor oil, scrap metal, etc.

2. Don't use electrical appliances for things you can easily do by hand, such as opening cans.

3. Use cold water in the washer whenever possible.

4. Re-use brown paper bags to line your trash can instead of plastic bags. Re-use bread bags and the bags you bring your produce home in.

5. Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

6. Save wire coat hangers and return them to the dry cleaners.

7. Take unwanted, re-usable items to a charitable organization or thrift shop.

8. Don't leave water running needlessly.

9. Turn your heat down, and wear a sweater.

10. Turn off the lights, TV, or other electrical appliances when you are out of a room.

11. Flush the toilet less often. (If you cut flushing in half, you'll save up to 16.5 gallons a day.)

12. Turn down the heat and turn off the water heater before you leave for vacation.

13. Recycle your Christmas Tree.



14. Start a compost pile.

15. Put up birdfeeders, birdhouses, and birdbaths.

16. Pull weeds instead of using herbicides.

17. Use only organic fertilizers. (They are still the best.)

18. Compost your leaves and yard debris, or take them to a yard debris recycler. (Burning them creates air pollution, and putting them out with the trash wastes landfill space.)

19. Take extra plastic and rubber pots back to the nursery.

20. Plant short, dense shrubs close to your home's foundation to help insulate your home against cold.

21. Use mulch to conserve water in your garden.



22. Keep your car tuned up.

23. Carpool, if possible.

24. Use public transit whenever possible.

25. On weekends, ride your bike or walk instead.

26. Buy a more fuel-efficient model (such as a hybrid or electric) when you're ready for a new car.

27. Recycle your engine oil.

28. Keep your tires properly inflated to save gas.

29. Keep your wheels properly aligned to save your tires. (It's safer too.)

30. Don't litter our roads and highways. Save trash and dispose of it at a rest stop.



31. Recycle office and computer paper, cardboard, etc. whenever possible.

32. Use scrap paper for informal notes to yourself and others.

33. Print or copy on both sides of the paper.

34. Use smaller paper for smaller memos.

35. Re-use manila envelopes and file folders.

36. Hide the throw-away cups, and train people to use their washable coffee mugs. Use washable mugs for meetings too.



37. Avoid buying food or household products in plastic or styrofoam containers whenever possible. (They cannot be recycled and do not break down in the environment.)

38. Think twice about buying "disposable" products. (They really aren't disposable and are extravagant wastes of the world's resources.)

39. Buy paper products instead of plastic if you must buy "disposables." They break down better in the environment and don't deplete the ozone layer as much.

40. Check the energy rating of major appliances you purchase. Buy only the most-energy-efficient models.

41. Ask questions. Don't buy products, such as styrofoam, that are hazardous to the environment or manufactured at the expense of important habitats such as rain forests.

42. Buy locally grown food and locally made products when possible.

43. Don't buy products made from endangered animals.



44. Join a conservation organization. Browse the JustGive Guide or search by keyword to find an environmental organization you would like to support.

45. Volunteer your time to conservation projects.

46. Give money to conservation projects.

47. Switch to a vegetarian diet. (Raising animals for food consumes vast quantities of natural resources, including water, land, and oil; destroys habitats; and generates a tremendous amount of water and air pollution.)

48. Convert by example. Encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to save resources too.

49. Learn about conservation issues in your community or state. Write your legislators and let them know where you stand on the issues.

50. Teach children to respect nature and the environment. Take them on hikes or camping. Help them plant a tree or build a birdhouse. Teach them by example.



Premieres on Earth Day,
Saturday, April 22 at 7:00pm ET/PT.

A primer on global warming, TOO HOT NOT TO HANDLE features contributions from leading scientists in the field. In addition to in-depth discussions of such subjects as the greenhouse effect, hurricanes, snowpack, hybrid vehicles, and alternative power sources, the film shows how businesses, local governments, and citizens are taking positive actions to reduce global warming emissions.

Over the past century, consumption of carbon dioxide-emitting fossil fuels
(coal, oil and natural gas) has risen to staggering levels, especially in the United States, where five percent of the world's population is responsible for 25 percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. TOO HOT NOT TO HANDLE offers a wealth of chilling evidence that the greenhouse effect is intensifying and the Earth is warming faster than at any other time in human history.

Among the startling facts revealed are:

- Deadly heat waves in the U.S. have increased threefold since 1950 and today kill more people than hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning and blizzards combined.

- The average temperature in Alaska has already risen five degrees, causing 99 percent of its glaciers to be melting, retreating and shrinking.

- Rising sea levels are eroding our shoreline and may eventually displace large numbers of Americans.

- The intensity of catastrophic storms, such as 2005's devastating hurricanes Katrina and Rita, has increased dramatically in the last half-century, as hurricanes draw their strength from warm ocean water.

- Deadly viruses like West Nile, aided by higher air temperatures, are spreading to new parts of the globe, including the entire continental U.S.

"My personal hope is that every viewer will be inspired to become part of the solution to reducing our carbon emissions," says executive producer Laurie David. "As the film shows, everything we need to address this pressing problem already exists, and the time to act is now."

Encouraging viewers to think "outside the barrel," the film explores innovative ways Americans can reduce global warming and literally change the world with Earth-friendly options such as biodiesel and hybrid cars.

TOO HOT NOT TO HANDLE is executive produced by Laurie David; produced by Susan Lester and Joseph Lovett; edited by Tom Haneke; written by Susan Joy Hassol; segment directors, Maryann De Leo and Ellen Goosenberg Kent; segment producers, Vibha Bakshi and Rosemary Sykes; original music by Joel Goodman. For Lovett Productions: executive producer, Joseph Lovett. For HBO: supervising producer, Jacqueline Glover; executive producer, Sheila Nevins.

Informant: NHNE


Too Hot Not to Handle - JOIN the Virtual March on Washington


Save Energy in Your Kitchen: Save energy every day with these ten easy cooking tips from Annie:

Does the Quest for U.S. Nuclear Dominance Undermine Non-Proliferation?

Conservation Groups Charge EPA with Violating Endangered Species Act

The Worst President in History

Millions of Refugees are Hidden Victims of the West's War on Terror, Warns UN

Scientists Condemn US as Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Hit Record Level

Fallout from Chernobyl Will Cause 100,000 Deaths

Says Greenpeace


Ghost Town

Pictures from Chernobyl

Tell Congress: Don't Let Bush Attack Iran

Please join PDA in asking Congress to instruct Bush and Cheney not to attack Iran:

Petition to Bush and Cheney on Iran Has Over 20,000 Signatures
Have you signed it? Has everyone you know? We plan to deliver every signature and comment to the White House on a date to be announced soon.

Print, Distribute, Post This Flyer

Animation Shows Likely Impact of Attack on Iran

Iran was not ordered to Stop Enrichment

Retired Colonel Sam Gardiner on Iran War Plans

Kucinich Demands Answers From Administration About US Troops In Iran, Sends Letter To The President

Bomb Iran Music

Impeach for Peace and Justice Veterans for Peace, Chapters 25, 27, and 99, have joined with After Downing Street to form Impeach for Peace and Justice (IFPJ), a nonpartisan informal cooperative whose goal is the impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney as the quickest and surest method of bringing our troops home from Iraq.

Thirty-Four Congress Members Now Back Impeachment Investigation

Thirty-four members of Congress have signed onto House Resolution 635. Ask yours to do so:


March in New York

Impeachment: Dialogue, Debate & Action April 29, 8:30 p.m. The Crest Theater, 1013 K Street, Sacramento, CA Representative Maxine Waters; Shayana Kadidal, lead attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights, and co-author, Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush; Elizabeth de la Vega. The Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party

Register to Join the UFPJ Congressional Education Day May 21-22, Washington DC United for Peace and Justice Training Sessions and Congressional Education Days May 21-22 in Washington, DC Optional strategy session Saturday, May 20 Register now:

UFPJ member group, Progressive Democrats of America is holding organizing meetings on Sunday morning at the Firebird Inn. We are coordinating schedules to allow PDA activists to fully participate in the UFPJ lobby day training and congressional meetings. You must register for each event separately.

Register to Join PDA Grassroots Organizing and Lobbying Day May 21-22, Washington, DC These two days of training and lobbying will include a forum on building the movement to impeach Bush and Cheney.

Sign up for these events, find others, and create your own at

See Also UFPJ:

And PDA:


Fears over mobile phone mast

[April 20, 2006]

(Nottingham Evening Post Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)

Parents are fighting plans for a mobile phone mast near their children's school.

Chilwell A site 150 metres from Alderman Pounder Infants, in Chilwell, has been earmarked as the only suitable location for a 12-metre Vodafone base station.

But parents, who are concerned about possible health risks, have launched a campaign to stop the mast being erected next to a newsagents at the corner of Eskdale Drive and Blenheim Drive.

They have formed the Alderman Pounder Action Group and started a petition.

Annwen Evans, whose five-year-old son Louis attends the school, has written to Broxtowe Borough Council and Waldon Telecom, a Derby company handling the plans on Vodafone's behalf.

The protesting parents are citing the Stewart report - a study published in 2000 by an independent expert working group - which urged a precautionary approach in siting masts.

The report concluded it was impossible to say whether exposure was "totally without potential adverse health affects." Ms Evans said: "I am horrified that while any health doubts remain over these masts, the Government and local authority are prepared to gamble with children's health." Head teacher Margaret Kimpson has also registered her objections.

She said: "The company has reassured us it's in the safety levels permitted but having 400 children within 200 yards it's obviously going to raise anxieties and concerns.

"I still think they could find a more suitable place." Sheila Foster, chairman of governors at the adjacent Eskdale Junior School and borough councillor, said: "It is an emotional issue and parents are concerned about their children's health but I would ask how many have mobile phones themselves and if you have a mobile you've got to have masts.

"The council is consulted and can refuse on technical grounds but health issues are not considered." Sian Meredith, from the campaign group Mast Sanity, said: "We work on the precautionary principle and that is not putting them by schools.

"The parents and residents have got to put pressure on. The more pressure that can come from the community, the more chance they've got." The mast does not need planning permission and unless a council opposes a tower under 15m within a 56-day time limit, it can be put up.

Steve Dance, Broxtowe Borough Council's assistant director of planning, said the mast looked like a telegraph pole.

"It's not massively high and transmission isn't likely to be that great," he said.

"If it is that far away from a school I guess we wouldn't see it as an issue." Vodafone spokeswoman Jane Frapwell said she understood the concerns but added the mast complies will all the safety guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

"It does not matter if it is one metre or one mile - provided it's under the guidelines level, there is no evidence of any adverse effects to any sector of the population."

Omega this is not true. See under:

Technology Marketing Corp. 1997-2006

EU bewilligt Gentech-Nahrung trotz gravierender Bedenken

Clinging to Rumsfeld as generals lead an unprecedented revolt, Bush reveals his weakness and his disdain for the lessons of history

Informant: Lew Rockwell

America and Empire

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Cindy Sheehan: The Human Cost of Peace

Is the VeriChip the "Mark of the Beast?"

Within a few years a service will be available that will allow consumers to pay for merchandise using a microchip embedded beneath their skin. The VeriChip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, is Applied Digital’s new subdermal chip that could someday replace the use of all credit and debit cards. Instead of standing in long checkout lines customers could make purchases by scanning themselves with special readers.

Although the VeriChip holds the possibility of added convenience, there are already problems on the horizon. The most obvious one is the squeamishness of potential users, ascustomers will have the VeriChip embedded in their skin, which means elective surgery. Also, Applied Digital is attracting attention from some fundamentalist Christians who believe the Verichip relates to the biblical "mark of the beast." It is said that Satan will someday force people to "receive a mark" on their foreheads or hands in order to purchase or sell goods. Applied Digital officials say such concern is unfounded because people have a say in whether they want to have the chip surgically implanted.

When Cash Is Only Skin Deep

Wired News November 25, 2003,1282,61357,00.html

New Plans to Microchip All Livestock in U.S. Could Devastate Organic Farmers

The plan for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) almost a year ago, calls for the identification and tracking of every farm animal using RFID and GPS technology for the stated purpose of containing diseases like mad cow. Feb 12th 2006 See:


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