Freitag, 3. März 2006

Handy klingelt: Russischer Pianist bricht Konzert ab

Der russische Pianist Nikolai Petrow hat ein Konzert in Moldawiens Hauptstadt Chisinau abgebrochen, nachdem das Handy eines Zuhörers zweimal geklingelt hatte, berichtet die Nachrichtenagentur AFP.

Das Mobiltelefon des Zuhörers habe ein erstes Mal geläutet, als Petrow kaum den ersten Satz seines Stückes beendet hatte. Der Musiker habe dann solange gewartet bis das Telefongespräch beendet war. Als das Handy des Mannes einige Minuten später wieder klingelte, stand Petrow auf und verließ den Saal.

Obwohl die Konzertleitung den Handy-Sünder aus dem Saal wies, weigerte sich der Pianist, das Konzert fortzusetzen. Außerdem sagte er ein weiteres Konzert ab und reiste nach Angaben des Konzertveranstalters aus Moldawien ab. (dcn)

(c) CHIP Xonio Online GmbH 2006

Ethics Office for Hill Rejected

The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs voted 11 to 5 to defeat a proposal by its chairman, Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), and its ranking Democrat, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.), that would have created an office of public integrity to toughen enforcement and combat the loss of reputation Congress has suffered after the guilty plea in January of former lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Democrats joined Republicans in killing the measure.

Pentagon Intelligence Agency Reviewed for Corruption

Federal investigators are looking into contracts awarded by the Pentagon's newest and fastest-growing intelligence agency, the Counterintelligence Field Activity, which has spent more than $1 billion, mostly for outsourced services, since its establishment in late 2002, according to administration and congressional sources.

Help protect North America's most endangered grizzlies

The U.S. Forest Service is planning to withdraw proposed protections for crucial grizzly bear habitat in the Cabinet-Yaak wildlands of northwestern Montana.

We need your immediate action to fight this proposal, which jeopardizes the future of North America's most endangered grizzly population.

Please go to and urge the Forest Service to help save the 20 or so grizzlies that survive in the Cabinet-Yaak wildlands, part of our Yellowstone/Greater Rockies BioGem, by restoring its plan to protect key habitat areas.

The lush valley bottom and rugged alpine slopes of this region provide a vital ecological link between endangered grizzlies in Yellowstone and more robust bear populations in Canada. This untouched stretch of the Kootenai National Forest also provides expansive ranges and rich food sources for wolves, bighorn sheep, elk and trout.

With proposals looming to expand mining, logging and roadbuilding in this region, it is more important than ever that the Forest Service abide by a congressional mandate requiring it to recommend appropriate lands for wilderness designation.

Go to
and urge the Forest Service to help protect the last grizzlies of the Cabinet- Yaak and revise its Kootenai Forest management plan to include life-saving habitat protections.

Thank you for all your efforts to help save endangered grizzlies in the lower 48 states.


Frances Beinecke
President Natural Resources Defense Council


Scientists Oppose Grizzly "Delisting" Plan

More than 250 scientists and researchers have signed a letter protesting a federal proposal to no longer protect grizzly bears in the Yellowstone area under the Endangered Species Act.

Greenpeace kritisiert "Landliebe" wegen Gen-Soja


Nach Angaben von Greenpeace wurde in Futtermittelproben von Landliebe-Milchlieferanten gentechnisch manipuliertes Soja nachgewiesen. Greenpeace bezieht sich auf Analyseergebnisse "eines international renommierten Labors". In zwei von fünf Proben seien Gen-Soja über dem Kennzeichnungsgrenzwert von 0,9 Prozent festgestellt worden. In einem Fall habe der Sojaanteil des Futters sogar zu 100 Prozent aus Gen-Soja bestanden. "Dabei vermittelt das Image der Marke Landliebe eine besonders naturnahe und traditonelle Art der Milchproduktion", kritisieren die Umweltschützer.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Atomwaffensperrvertrag: Ärzte kritisieren Atomwaffen und Atomkraftwerke in Indien


Heftige Kritik am Atomabkommen zwischen den USA und Indien übten die indischen Ärzte für Frieden und Entwicklung (IDPD) und die deutsche Schwesterorganisation IPPNW. Das Abkommen sichere Indien bilateral "den Atomwaffenstatus ohne Rücksicht auf internationale Verträge und selbst gegen bestehende Gesetze der USA zu". Schon seit Jahren würden die USA und die anderen offiziellen Atomwaffenstaaten die Vertragsbedingungen des Atomwaffensperrvertrages ignorieren. So weigerten sie sich, im Sinne des Artikel VI ihre Atomwaffenbestände vollständig abzurüsten. Darüber hinaus entwickelten sie sogar Programme für modernere Atomwaffen und strategische Szenarien für den Einsatz von Atomwaffen. Nach Auffassung der IPPNW-Vorsitzenden, Angelika Claußen, wollen die USA "Indien als atombewaffneten Partner und Gegenpol zur erstarkenden Macht China" aufbauen. Sie erhofften sich in der Region eine bessere Zusammenarbeit in ihrem Krieg gegen den Terrorismus.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

MP bids to change planning laws for mobile phone masts Back to Local Government

Publisher: Jon Land Published: 03/03/2006 - 15:21:08 PM

Mobile phone mast

A bid to change planning laws relating to mobile phone masts was launched in the Commons today with cross party backing.

Leading the move, Tory former minister David Curry said his aim was not to put forward proscriptive plans.

"My Bill is an invitation for the industry and Government to engage in discussion to find a better planning framework..." he said. "It is an invitation to negotiate."

Introducing his Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill, Mr Curry (Skipton and Ripon) said there was huge and growing concern about the siting of phone masts.

He said even the mobile phone operators themselves accepted there was more to be done to take account of public concerns but previous attempts to change the law had foundered.

Mr Curry also spoke about public fears of health risks linked to mobile phones.

Although there was no current evidence that they were harmful, he drew on his experience at the then Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food during the BSE crisis to sound a note of caution.

"I've been around long enough to know that politicians and scientists can only offer current evidence.

"They don't deal in certainties, they don't deal in guarantees, the public increasingly does ask for certainty and guarantees," he said.

Sir William Stewart has carried out research into possible health risks associated with mobiles and recommended a continued "precautionary approach" to the use of such technology, Mr Curry told the House.

And the MP added that legislation on this matter should take into consideration the possibility that advice on phone use might change.

He said that there was a "deep level of suspicion" over the issue.

"I don't think that is healthy.

"I think we need to do this in such a transparent way that the industry feels that its future is secure and that this constant local guerrilla wars, as it were, no longer have to be fought, the public doesn't feel threatened, intimidated or taken advantage of, local authorities don't feel overburdened," he said.

Labour's Andrew Dismore (Hendon) said he would support the Bill but called for changes to make it more straightforward.

He said mobile phone masts were a "major issue" in his constituency, adding: "I think Orange is probably the main culprit, closely followed by T Mobile and Vodafone.

"And they do seem to try and wear down communities and their opposition to it by repeat applications, by continuing appeals.

"They wear down local authority planning departments and, frankly, something has to be done about it."

He said that there had been an application for a mast to go on top of Barnet Hospital, which was declined, as well as a 3G mast upgrade, which does not need consent, at Copthall School.

Mr Dismore added that 3G upgrades had led to a "huge upsurge" of planning applications.

For the Liberal Democrats, Andrew Stunell expressed support for the Bill.

Mr Stunell said the "elephant in the room" was the "fantastic" sums of money involved in the industry.

He said: "Any constraint on their trade is viewed by them with the utmost suspicion."

There was "no way" that the current planning exemptions could now be justified. The industry was capable of paying £30 billion for the next generation of mobile phone technology licences.

Labour's Nia Griffith (Llanelli) supported the Bill and warned of a "Christmas tree effect" whereby once a mast has been approved other phone companies placed masts on the same site.

Tory David Evennett (Bexleyheath and Crayford) said residents had to constantly "battle" with different phone companies who made repeated applications for masts. He added that when one operator was refused, another would then apply for a mast on the same site.

Tobias Ellwood (C Bournemouth E) said that with the 3G masts there could be as many as 100,000 masts in the UK - more than double the numbers now. Just because everyone used mobile phones it did not mean there should not be regulation.

For the Tories, Nick Herbert said: "The principle of the Bill that local communities should be properly consulted must be the right one.

"For too long there has been a creeping attitude that government knows best and too many decisions are being taken away from local control and local communities."

He urged the Government not to talk out the Bill.

But Jim Fitzpatrick, a junior minister in the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, said the Government could not support the measure and was still speaking when time ran out at 2.30pm.

Mr Fitzpatrick said there was concern about perceived health risks, although research evidence suggested there was no health risk from the masts.

Omega this is not true. See under:

He said ministers were determined to "move" on the issue but not through this particular piece of legislation.

"We are giving it attention and will be giving it a lot more attention in the months ahead."

Mr Fitzpatrick said the more people who used mobile phones, the greater was the need for base stations.

There was considerable disquiet about the infrastructure but the Government believed the current planning arrangements "broadly strike the right balance".

Rejecting claims that the Government's objections to the Bill stemmed from the large amounts of income brought in by mobile phone licences as "scurrilous," he added: "There is no skullduggery going on here."

Ministers had already strengthened the planning regulations twice since 1997.

Copyright Press Association 2006.

Europe a "Hunting Ground" for Foreign Secret Services

In light of his investigation into the possible illegal activities of the CIA in Europe, Secretary General for the Council of Europe Terry Davis denounced the absence of any controls on activities of foreign secret service agents in Europe, and deplored the absence of European law covering such matters.

Enemies of the Environment

Kelpie Wilson takes a look at legislative attempts to do away with protections for species, ecosystems and people.

GOP Growing Increasingly Angry, Frightened by Bush's Missteps

President Bush, once the seemingly invincible vanguard of a new Republican majority, could be endangering his party's hold on power as the GOP heads into this year's midterm congressional elections. A series of political missteps has raised questions about the Bush administration's candor, competence and credibility, and left the White House off-balance, off-message and unable to command either the nation's policy agenda or its politics.

The Soul of This Country Is Being Eaten Away

Tia Steele: I ask you to imagine this: think of the person you love most in this world. Imagine that person is taken away from you forever, destroyed because of lies and betrayal. Imagine that they had their whole life ahead of them - and that that life is now gone forever. David knew I opposed this war from the start - he said go for it, and told me to light a candle for him. David was too young to comprehend his own mortality - that is why young people die in wars, thanks to old people who send them there.

House to Expand Inquiry Into Domestic Spying

Leaders of the House Intelligence Committee agreed Thursday to expand their inquiry into the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program, but Republicans rejected a broader effort by Democrats for President Bush to turn over detailed White House records on the operation.

On Torture and Being 'Good Americans'

Fred Branfman: Every generation or so an evil arises which is so monstrous, so degrading to the human spirit, so morally bankrupt that even to debate it is a sign of moral corruption. Today, torture, a practice far more degrading to us than to our victims, represents such an evil. The real question for us, however, is what this says not about President Bush and our other leaders, but about ourselves. What are we, as citizens, as human beings, willing to live with? Are we willing to live with a president, vice-president, secretary of defense, secretary of state, and attorney-general who either engage in or rationalize torture in our names, even as they shamelessly deny they are doing so?


You have received a message from Eleanor:

Original Message:


Should the seal hunt be banned in the Gulf? · Yes (81%)· No (19%)

Die Nichtverbreitung von Atomwaffen wird unterlaufen

Das zivile Atomabkommen zwischen Indien und den USA könnte weitreichende Konsequenzen haben.

Protect cats from precautionary slaughter and hunting in the Avian Flu affected areas of Europe

You have received a message from Eleanor:

Original Message:

From my friend Kym. There is going to be panic killing of cats - let's try to save as many as we can! Demand vaccination programmes ASAP - Whatever it takes. Love and hugs,


Original Message:

Do sign this petition to protect cats from precautionary slaughter and hunting in the Avian Flu affected areas of Europe! It's been shown that cats can be infected by the AI as well, and they need to be protected; not only from the flu, but also from people's attitudes.... Not everyone loves cats, or cares for their wellbeing. We can make a difference here.

No Cinderella Story, No Ball, No Black Debutante

Amanda Williams and Amirah Jackson were supposed to be among the young women whose accomplishments and dreams for the future were announced to society at largely black cotillions in New Orleans this year. However, only the prominent white families were able to continue their traditions in the face of Hurricane Katrina's destruction, while Ms. Williams and Ms. Jackson could only daydream about what might have been.

The Abusive New Federalism

After a murky legislative process distinguished by a lack of any public hearing, the House is ready to rush to approve a special-interest measure for the food industry today. The bill would pre-empt all state food safety regulations that are more protective than federal standards.

Bush Plans to Sell Forest Land

Forest Service officials and Western lawmakers battled Tuesday over an administration proposal that would sell national forest lands to help pay for a rural schools program, as the vital 30-day public comment period began.

Senator Patrick Leahy: "Why I Voted No on the Patriot Act"

Senator Patrick Leahy: "The serious bad parts of this bill are made unacceptable because we currently have an Administration that does not believe in checks and balances and prefers to do everything in secret. We now see the Bush-Cheney Administration seeking to twist the Authorization for Use of Military Force against al-Qaida into a justification for its secret, warrantless wiretapping of Americans' emails and telephone calls."

Congressman John Conyers: Why We Act

Congressman John Conyers: "There are few roles in our constitutional government that are more frustrating than being a member of the minority party during a period of one party control of the government. However, at a time when the majority party in general - and the president in particular - appears to be acting in open violation of the laws and the constitution, there are few jobs which are more important to the future of our democratic form of government."

Govt. "Error" That Cost U.S. Billions

How it happened or who's responsible is a mystery eight years after the fact. But what may have been a simple error — or perhaps something more ominous — has given a multimillion-dollar windfall to a group of oil and gas companies and could cost the government billions of dollars more in the years to come.

U.S. company bags $38 million DU tank ammo order

Critics see the radiation of depleted uranium as a potential health hazard to tank crews and to people exposed to the material after it has been fired.

From Information Clearing House

Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness

Why Has Our Military Refused to Show This Training Video To Our Troops Now Serving In Iraq?

Video: Blowing the N-whistle: Depleted uranium: How dangerous is it?

A former US military researcher tells Gay Alcorn of his crusade to expose the health risks of depleted-uranium weapons used in the Gulf wars.

IAEA says no evidence of Iranian n-weapons plan

As the countdown for a crucial meeting on Iran on March 6 gets under way, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has revealed that it has not found any evidence that Teheran had diverted material towards making atomic weapons.

Iran Says U.S. Sabotaging Nuke Deal

Iran's top nuclear negotiator on Thursday insisted that bilateral talks should continue on a Russian offer to enrich uranium for Iran and warned that handing over the nuclear issue to the U.N. Security Council — as the United States has demanded — would kill Moscow's initiative.

Implications of India-US defence pact

Even if we assume that Iran has secret nuclear ambitions, other members of the UN perhaps do not have the moral right to object. After all, Pakistan, India, and Israel have built the bomb.

From Information Clearing House

The wrong way to fix Iran

THE BUSH administration quietly orchestrated a major shift in U.S. policy toward Iran this month, requesting $85 million from Congress to help bring about regime change in Tehran. Washington is now seeking not just to contain Tehran's nuclear ambitions but also to topple the Iranian government.

Shining Light into the Abyss

By Charles Sullivan

America has a lot to answer for. Despite the willful perversion of language used to conceal unpopular truth, the soul of a nation is revealed not by what it says, but by what it does. We are not the people we purport to be. Our actions, our policies, do not portray a democratic republic concerned with human welfare, the common good.

How the US Learned to Love the Bomb (Again)

How do you feel about a nuclear weapon that could be launched from the back of a jeep?

Video Report - Dateline SBS Australia

The slightly bizarre idea of 'user-friendly' nuclear weapons. The US has been quietly beavering away on a program aimed at completely upgrading its nuclear arsenal, including the development of tactical weapons - mini-nukes that could be used on the battlefield.

12 Most Threatened Wild Places in the Americas for 2006

WASHINGTON - March 2 - The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) today announced its 2006 list of BioGems, 12 of the most endangered natural places in the Americas, ranging from the Alaskan Arctic to the southern reaches of South America...

Congress Moves to Ease Pesticide Laws

Soft Drinks Found to Have High Levels of Cancer Chemical

Congress Moves to Ease Pesticide Laws

'War on Terror' Trials Could Allow Evidence Obtained Through Torture

Pentagon Develops Brain Implants to Turn Sharks into Military Spies

Opening round in new fight for the Arctic Refuge

They're back!

Just two months after we blocked the oil lobby's shameless attempt to use the defense spending bill to put oil rigs in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, they're at it again.

The White House has released a budget plan that calls for massive drilling in the Arctic Refuge. Just weeks after he told the nation we're "addicted to oil," the President has suffered a relapse and is inviting the oil giants to devour America's greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife!

His "drill-it-all" budget is now in the hands of the Senate and House budget committees. And they plan to vote NEXT WEEK on whether to keep Arctic drilling in the budget.

We need your immediate help to run timely print ads that will send the chairs of those two committees a message loud and clear: Say No to the oil lobby by keeping Arctic drilling out of the budget!

Go to right now to view our ad targeting Representative Jim Nussle (R-IA) and Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH). Then please make an online contribution that will help generate a wave of constituent opposition in their states to this sneak attack on the Arctic Refuge.

President Bush knows full well that the vast majority of Americans are opposed to drilling in the Arctic Refuge. That's why he's working with his pro-oil allies in the House and Senate to hide this year's assault on the Arctic Refuge in the massive budget bill.

Representative Nussle and Senator Gregg have both said they want to keep their budget bills clean of controversial measures. But last year they both caved in to White House pressure and let the oil lobby hijack the budget process.

If we want Representative Nussle and Senator Gregg to stand firm this year and turn the oil lobbyists away at the door, we must make sure they feel overwhelming pro-Arctic pressure from their constituents.

You can make that happen right now by helping us run our newest ads in their states!

Please go to and make an online donation that will help us rally the opposition and stop this latest scheme to destroy the Arctic Refuge for the benefit of the oil industry. Thank you.


Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund

Informant: Martin Greenhut

.ausgestrahlt-Newsletter, 3. März 2006

.ausgestrahlt-Newsletter Montag, der 6. März 2006

Korrigierte Links vom letzten Newsletter

Im Newsletter vom letzten Donnerstag waren die Links zu den Internetseiten, auf denen die einzelnen Aktionen erläutert sind, fehlerhaft. Das tut uns leid, hoffen jedoch, dass Ihr Euch davon nicht von Eurem Engagement abschrecken lasst.

Hier noch einmal die richtigen Links. Klickt Euch durch und werdet aktiv!

LeserInnenbrief-Aktion im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels

E-Card-Aktion an die Unions-Ministerpräsidenten

Broschüre "Atomenergie dient nicht dem Klimaschutz"

Logbuch der Kampagne .ausgestrahlt


Jochen Stay


Energiegipfel am 3. April

LeserInnenbrief-Aktion im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels

Info-Aktionen vor den Kinos zum Film "Die Wolke" ab 16. März

Jetzt ist es raus: Am 3. April soll der lang angekündigte Energiegipfel stattfinden. Noch ist die Gästeliste nicht bekannt, aber Angela Merkel wird wohl in erster Linie die Chefs der großen Energiekonzerne laden. Umweltverbänden oder Bürgerinitiativen bleibt hingegen der Zugang versperrt. Einmal mehr droht in Kungelrunden über die Zukunft unserer Energieversorgung beraten zu werden.

Vor ein paar Tagen haben die Energieversorger Anträge an das Umweltministerium auf Übertragung der Restlaufzeiten von neueren Anlagen auf die Meiler Biblis A und Neckarwestheim 1 angekündigt. Beim Energiegipfel hoffen sie auf grünes Licht in dieser Frage. Ein möglicher Deal: "Ihr bekommt etwas mehr Geld für Erneuerbare Energien, wir längere Laufzeiten der Atommeiler." Damit wäre der schon jetzt windelweiche "Atomausstieg" endgültig das Papier nicht mehr wert, auf dem er geschrieben steht. Bleibt Umweltminister Sigmar Gabriel standhaft? Noch zumindest stemmt er sich gegen derlei Pläne. (mehr im Logbuch: )

Der Streit um die Zukunft der Atomkraft spitzt sich also weiter zu. Zeit also für alle AtomkraftgegnerInnen, sich in diesem Frühjahr kraftvoll einzumischen. Dazu gibt es im Rahmen von .ausgestrahlt viele Möglichkeiten -- wir hoffen, für Dich ist etwas dabei:

+ Du beteiligst Dich an den geplanten Demonstrationen zum Energiegipfel und zum 20. Jahrestag der Tschernobyl-Katastrophe.

+ Du machst mit bei unserer Info- und Argumente-Offensive mit LeserInnenbriefen, dem Verteilen der Atom/Klima-Broschüre und den Info-Aktionen vor den Kinos zum Film "Die Wolke".

+ Du beteiligst Dich an den Online-Aktivitäten, wie der laufenden E-Card-Aktion an die Ministerpräsidenten und demnächst auch zum Energiegipfel.

Aktionen zum Energiegipfel Zusammen mit anderen Organisationen planen wir Aktionen zum Energiegipfel gegen eine Verlängerung der Restlaufzeiten und für einen raschen Atomausstieg. Auch direkt vor Ort in Berlin wird am 3. April eine demonstrative Aktion stattfinden, zu der wir viele MitstreiterInnen brauchen können. Halte Dir den Termin also schon mal frei. Demnächst dazu mehr.

Eine erste Aktion startet schon heute:

LeserInnenbrief-Aktion im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels Derzeit finden sich in regionalen wie bundesweiten Zeitungen allenthalben die Scheinargumente der Atomlobby. Dem kannst Du etwas entgegensetzen. Beteilige Dich an der Debatte mit einem LeserInnenbrief. Das lohnt sich, denn die LeserInnenbriefseite ist die meistbeachtete Rubrik in der Zeitung. Wir unterstützen Dich mit Tipps und Tricks sowie einer Zusammenstellung der wichtigsten Fakten.

Beteilige Dich an der LeserInnenbrief-Aktion:

Info-Aktionen zum Kinofilm die Wolke ab 16. März Am 16. März kommt der Spielfilm "Die Wolke" nach dem Jugendbuch von Gudrun Pausewang in die Kinos. Kurz vor dem 20. Jahrestag der Tschernobyl-Katastrophe zeigt er die dramatischen Folgen eines Super-GAU in einem deutschen Atomkraftwerk. Mit diesem Film lassen sich sicher viele Menschen dafür gewinnen, selbst für die Stilllegung der AKW aktiv zu werden. Dies kann aber nur gelingen, wenn sie direkt darauf angesprochen werden. Deshalb rufen wir alle LeserInnen dieses Newsletters zu Info-Aktionen vor den Kinos auf.

Werde aktiv und such Dir einige Gleichgesinnte! Findet heraus, wann und in welchen Kinos der Film läuft! Extra für diese Info-Aktionen erstelltes Material kannst Du demnächst auf der .ausgestrahlt-Webseite bestellen.

E-Card-Aktion an die Unions-Ministerpräsidenten

Bis heute haben wir bereits über 9.000 E-Cards den Unions-Ministerpräsidenten zustellen können, die für ein Comeback der Atomenergie trommeln. Wenn Du Dich an der Aktion noch nicht beteiligt hast, hole dies doch gleich nach:

Broschüre "Atomenergie dient nicht dem Klimaschutz" Viele Menschen haben bereits unsere Broschüre mit den zehn wichtigsten Gründen bestellt, warum Atomkraft nicht das Weltklima rettet, und verteilen sie im Freundes- und Bekanntenkreis oder bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen. Falls Du sie noch nicht bestellt hast, hier der Link zu unserem Bestellformular:

Mit besten Grüßen

Christoph Bautz, Jochen Stay

Was machen die .ausgestrahlt-Trägerorganisationen sonst noch?

Campact: Online-Aktion: Mehrwertsteuer? Finger weg! Letzte Woche beschloss das Bundeskabinett eine um 3 Prozent höhere Mehrwertsteuer zum Jahreswechsel 2007. Die im Bundeshaushalt fehlenden Steuermilliarden mit einer höheren Mehrwertsteuer wieder rein zu holen ist Gift für die Konjunktur und sozial ungerecht. Es gibt bessere Alternativen! Fordere die Abgeordneten Deines Wahlkreises auf, gegen eine erhöhte Mehrwertsteuer einzutreten:

BUND: Nie wieder Tschernobyl. BUND startet Aktionstour Am 10. März startet der BUND eine Informations-Kampagne, die an Tschernobyl erinnert. Gleichzeitig werden im Rahmen der Aktion "1 Million EuropäerInnen gegen Atomkraft" Unterschriften für einen europäischen Atomausstieg gesammelt. Der BUND tourt dazu mit einer symbolischen Landschaft aus Atommeilern sowie einer Nachbildung des Tschernobyl-Sarkophags durch verschiedene Städte des Landes.

X-tausendmal quer: Neuer Rundbrief erschienen Im zwölfseitigen Rundbrief wird die Atompolitik der großen Koalition unter die Lupe genommen, über den juristischen Streit um Castor-Blockaden berichtet, der unterschiedliche Umgang mit Urananreicherung im Iran und in Deutschland kommentiert und über die Arbeit von X-tausendmal quer in den letzten 12 Monaten berichtet. Wer seine vollständiger Postadresse an schickt, bekommt den Rundbrief kostenlos ins Haus.

Fire Michael Chertoff

"My gut tells me ... this is a bad one and a big one." -- FEMA Head Michael Brown to President Bush and Michael Chertoff on the eve of Hurricane Katrina's landfall

Misjudgments. Grandstanding. Deceit. We know the hallmarks of Bush Administration "homeland security" - the shocking new tapes of this briefing before Katrina and the sale of American ports to Dubai are just the latest examples. But there is no reason that all of these faults need to be compounded by bureaucratic incompetence, and unfortunately, that's what we've seen during Michael Chertoff's tenure at the top of the Homeland Security Department.

Chertoff didn't know about the levees failing in New Orleans for 24 hours, even though he had been warned before the storm hit that it was a possibility. He didn't know that American ports were being sold to a company run by a government linked to terrorism by the 9/11 Commission until after it had been approved - despite serious objections from the Coast Guard.

The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security oversees our safety on everything from natural disasters to terrorist attacks. America needs to be preparing, not sitting idly by for three more years waiting to see what will be botched next. We need competence and we need it now.

Tell President Bush We Need Real Leadership for the Homeland Security Department: Chertoff Has to Go

Unfortunately, Chertoff's appointment was just another example of President Bush keeping it in the family. Chertoff had already played ball on the interrogation techniques that have set us back decades in the war for hearts and minds around the world, and the Administration trusted him.

Of course, it fits the pattern - you can't find a single department in our federal government today that doesn't put Republican politics ahead of the American people. From the Department of Health & Human Services to the Justice Department to the Defense Department, the propaganda flows and services they're supposed to provide wither. All in all, the Bush Administration spent more than $1.6 billion in public relations and media contracts in a two and a half year span.

As we learned through the twin tragedies of Hurricane Katrina and the Homeland Security Department's response, Michael Chertoff holds the one position that Americans can least afford having chalked up to one of President Bush's "team players."

For the past few weeks, Chertoff has made the rounds on the Sunday shows, insisting that he did nothing of consequence wrong. How can we expect him to get it right next time if he can't even see his mistakes? The Bush Administration may think keeping our country safe is about thumping their chests, dressing up in flight suits, and fear-mongering over weapons of mass destruction that don't exist, but Democrats like you and I know that there's a real job to be done - not just another press conference.

Does Michael Chertoff know that? It sure doesn't seem like it.

Tell President Bush We Need Real Leadership for the Homeland Security Department: Chertoff Has to Go

As DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel said of President Bush on Thursday, "At this point I would settle for a competent conservative." Unfortunately, unless Democrats take control of Congress this November, there's only so much we can do to check all of the Bush Administration's recklessness with rubber stamp Republicans in charge.

But Hurricane season is coming again, and frankly, not doing what we can to get competent leadership in charge of preparing for and reacting to these dangers would be a mistake. Members of Congress from both parties have already brutally chastised Chertoff, and everybody knows he needs to go. Hearing from the American people is just what we need to tip the scales.

Tell President Bush We Need Real Leadership for the Homeland Security Department: Chertoff Has to Go

Thanks in advance, together we can make our country safer.


John Lapp
Executive Director, DCCC

Forward our message to your friends and family.

Republican Congressman Predicts Bush Impeachment Says US close to dictatorship

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | March 3 2006

Republican Congressman Ron Paul has gone on record with his prediction that the impeachment of George W. Bush is right around the corner but warned that in the meantime the US was slipping perilously close to a dictatorship.

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show and addressing the port sell-out, Paul stated that, "it probably will contribute to the Republican's failure in the next election."

Asked if the Democrats would use gains in the mid-term elections to set in motion impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush, Paul responded,

"I predict that would happen."

"I think he (Bush) has numerous things that the Democrats if they get a chance, not only will they be after him for that but it will be payback for the Clinton impeachment."

Paul was inclined to believe that the port sales would go ahead anyway but took a positive perspective in pointing out that it again highlighted George W. Bush's complete abandonment of conservative principles.

"At least this has awakened a lot of people and I think this is going to serve as a benefit," said Paul. "They're likely to pull this deal off but the American people are awakening now and I think there's going to be a payback period in the election."

The Congressman expressed his resignation at the passage of the Patriot Act and how it again underscores Bush's unchecked powers

"They had a few token changes which mean nothing and under the present system he (President Bush) just ignores what he doesn't like anyway."

Asked if the US was heading into a dictatorship, Paul responded,

"It's getting close to it, it's called usurpation of power and it's done in many ways with Congress just going along because they're sound asleep and this certainly is an attack on our Constitution and on our freedoms."

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1599 Geneva Bible Online

Informant: Milo


NASA Press Release March 2, 2006

The first-ever gravity survey of the entire Antarctic ice sheet, conducted using data from the NASA/German Aerospace Center Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (Grace), concludes the ice sheet's mass has decreased significantly from 2002 to 2005.

Isabella Velicogna and John Wahr, both from the University of Colorado, Boulder, conducted the study. They demonstrated for the first time that Antarctica's ice sheet lost a significant amount of mass since 2002. The estimated mass loss was enough to raise global sea level about 1.2 millimeters (0.05 inches) during the survey period, or about 13 percent of the overall observed sea level rise for the same period. The researchers found Antarctica's ice sheet decreased by 152 (plus or minus 80) cubic kilometers of ice annually between April 2002 and August 2005.

That is about how much water the United States consumes in three months (a cubic kilometer is one trillion liters; approximately 264 billion gallons of water). This represents a change of about 0.4 millimeters (.016 inches) per year to global sea level rise. Most of the mass loss came from the West Antarctic ice sheet.

"Antarctica is Earth's largest reservoir of fresh water," Velicogna said. "The Grace mission is unique in its ability to measure mass changes directly for entire ice sheets and can determine how Earth's mass distribution changes over time. Because ice sheets are a large source of uncertainties in projections of sea level change, this represents a very important step toward more accurate prediction, and has important societal and economic impacts. As more Grace data become available, it will become feasible to search for longer-term changes in the rate of Antarctic mass loss," she said.

Measuring variations in Antarctica's ice sheet mass is difficult because of its size and complexity. Grace is able to overcome these issues, surveying the entire ice sheet, and tracking the balance between mass changes in the interior and coastal areas.

Previous estimates have used various techniques, each with limitations and uncertainties and an inherent inability to monitor the entire ice sheet mass as a whole. Even studies that synthesized results from several techniques, such as the assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, suffered from a lack of data in critical regions.

"Combining Grace data with data from other instruments such as NASA's Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite; radar; and altimeters that are more effective for studying individual glaciers is expected to substantially improve our understanding of the processes controlling ice sheet mass variations," Velicogna said.

The Antarctic mass loss findings were enabled by the ability of the identical twin Grace satellites to track minute changes in Earth's gravity field resulting from regional changes in planet mass distribution. Mass movement of ice, air, water and solid earth reflect weather patterns, climate change and even earthquakes. To track these changes, Grace measures micron-scale variations in the 220-kilometer (137-mile) separation between the two satellites, which fly in formation.

Grace is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The University of Texas Center for Space Research has overall mission responsibility. GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany, is responsible for German mission elements. Science data processing, distribution, archiving and product verification are managed jointly by JPL, the University of Texas and GFZ. The results will appear in this week's issue of Science.

For information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit:

For more information about Grace on the Web, visit:

For University of Colorado information call Jim Scott at: (303) 492-3114.

JPL is managed for NASA by the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

Informant: NHNE

Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill, Abolition of Parliament Act: Scared? - you should be

4th March 2006, Issue 534



YOU'RE HAVING A L.A.R.R-F - Last rites for Parliament under new Bill?

Heard about the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill? Tedium personified by the sound of it. In fact concealed under this yawn inducing title is possibly the biggest goosestep towards a totally authoritarian society the Blair oligarchy has yet dared to take. It's been dubbed the "Abolition of Parliament Act" by radical firebrands The Times.

Since the advent of the (now looking more liberal by the minute) Criminal Justice Act in 1994, SchNEWS has warned about and reported on the constant bombardment of measures clamping down on civil liberties and eroding our previously hard won democratic freedoms. The repressive grip has continued to tighten over the years, with increased surveillance, Anti-Social Behavioural Orders, ID cards, Anti-Terror laws and the Serious and Organised Crime Bill, to name but a few examples. In fact, of the six thousand criminal offences on the books over a thousand were created by Neo-Labour. These laws continue being abused by the powerful to retain control and iron out any irritating resistance to the great corporate sell-out of the last decade. There is one thing, however, that they've all had in common. All such laws have had to be debated in and voted Parliament.

While this bunch of self-interested ideology-swallowing career politicians have done little to oppose the big crackdown, it has at least meant that everything done has remained fairly visible. Pockets of political opposition have emerged, including some surprising outbursts of sanity from the old loons in the House of Lords and the judiciary. Even some parts of the mainstream media have taken to wondering whether we are getting close to a dictatorship, now that the crackdown has hit Middle England. All this has helped to water down some of the more soviet-like sub-sections of the more totalitarian proposals. Ultimately, we are left with a public record of the law changes which, in theory at least, means that those responsible could be held accountable later.

Overall, none of this was too disastrous for Government Inc. Enough Whips could be cracked, arms twisted and cosy media relationships fostered to ensure that most of the Magna Carta-pulping stuff could get through unscathed. But as Neo Labour's electoral stranglehold has weakened of late, Tony Blair and the spin-doctors have become increasingly frustrated by pesky opposition MPs throwing spanners in the works. Even worse, he's had to contend with a number of muscle-flexing interventions by the very last people he has ever listened to - backbench Labour MPs who aren't quite as on message as they might be.

This has culminated with a number of irritating Parliamentary revolts such as over the 90 days lock-em-up-for-no-reason provision in the Terror Bill, which was kicked out by MPs a couple of months ago. There are also the ongoing, repeated attempts by the Lords to remove the 'glorification' of 'Terror' offence in the same bill. How aggravating must this be for our would-be Lord Protector Blair and his bunch of merry PR men? These laws don't affect any important demographics! Damn public scrutiny! Damn reasoned political debate and democratic decision-making! But how to get around all these problems? Never fear, political genius Tony is here with the answer: let's do away with democratically agreed laws and instead have some LARRs - Legislative and Regulatory Reforms...


Launched with little fanfare, amongst concerns about bureaucratic red-tape and the inefficiency of out-dated procedures, the aniseed pip at the heart of the gob stopping bill is this: why not just bring in a law that allows the government to introduce, amend or replace any legislation it likes. This can be done without all that tiresome business of needing Parliament approval. Ministers will be able to create new criminal offences at whim. All manner of focus group orientated idiocy cooked up Neo-Labour up in its laboratory of ideas will find its way to a street near you. That way, ministers can get on with carving up power to suit themselves and their corporate overlords. MPs can then get on with legitimising the regime, opening supermarkets and holding local surgeries back in their constituencies. Brilliant!The fact that Neo Labour may not be in power for eternity shouldn't matter - well, Neo-Labour - Conservatives, not much difference there... and there are a few restrictions to ease the consciences of the all important moneyed classes. Orders won't be used to introduce new taxes, for instance, but most of the limitations on their use are fuzzy and subjective. One of the "safeguards" in the Bill is that an order can impose a 'burden' only 'proportionate to the benefit expected to be gained'. And the judge of whether it is proportionate will be...well, the minister introducing the law of course. Whose benefit is of course carefully left unanswered.

Cambridge Law Professor, John Spensor, has referred to it as the 'abolition of parliament' Bill. This bill can be used to detain people for a couple of years (troublesome activists or Johnny Foreigner perhaps), introduce house arrest, and give the police greater powers of arrest and interrogation. It could also be used to set up new courts, and in effect re-write the rules on immigration, nationality, divorce, inheritance and the appointment of judges - all without any parliamentary scrutiny.

SchNEWS aren't under illusions that parliament ever acted in our interests but we're not ready to see absolute power handed over lock, stock and barrel to the spiders at the centre of this web.The whole project bears an uncanny resemblance to the Reich's Enabling Act which allowed the Nazis to legally dismantle the constitution of the Weimar Republic. What do they want that is so controversial that they're not even sure if this parliament of placemen and sycophants is going to push it through? This proposition has already begun to cause ripples and it is imperative that it doesn't remain in the shadows but encounters resistance at every turn.

The Bill is online at

Mega-Mega-Gau der deutschen Psychiatrie

Über den "Mega-Mega-Gau der deutschen Psychiatrie" berichtet der "Tagesspiegel" vom 28.2.:

Zitate draus: „Mein Fall“, sagt der grauhaarige Mann, „ist der Mega-Mega-Gau der deutschen Psychiatrie.“ Er sagt es als Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, den einige seiner Kollegen selbst für verrückt halten....

...Doch als er anfing, Patienten auch außerhalb der Klinik zu treffen, begannen seine Probleme. Ein Vorgesetzter schrieb: „Herr Dr. Janzer ist eine Gefahr für die Patienten.“ Ihm wurde gekündigt. Kurioserweise wurde ihm daraufhin die Chefarztstelle einer Klinik für Alkohol- und Tablettenabhängige in der Eifel angetragen. Nach einem halben Jahr kam zusätzlich die Stelle als Chefarzt der noch größeren Rehabilitations- Klinik Neuwies in Neunkirchen dazu, für die er mit Erfolg ein völlig neues Therapiekonzept entwickelte. Trotzdem warf er 1977 alles hin. Ein Patient war aus seiner Klinik geflohen, eine Lappalie. Aber Janzer war durch die Doppelbelastung erschöpft und beantragte eine Berufsunfähigkeitsrente mit der originellen Begründung, dass er zu gesund für seinen Beruf als Nervenarzt sei. Es folgten acht Freiburger Jahre, in denen Janzer Fahrräder reparierte. Außerdem arbeitete er als Dachdeckergehilfe, Möbelpacker, Zeitungsverkäufer und schrieb seine Gedichte, Essays und „Romanoide“, in denen sich Erlebtes und Fiktion eigentümlich verschränken.

Eine Karriereverweigerer, ein Kauz. Wenn Jörg Janzer lacht, scheint er mehr ein deutscher Eulenspiegel in der Wolfgang-Neuss-Nachfolge zu sein als ein an Beckett und Sartre geschulter Existenzialist. Ein einsam aus dem Oberkiefer ragender bräunlicher Zahn wird sichtbar. Der war einsamer Akteur einer Posse, die Janzers Reputation vollends zu ruinieren drohte. Auslöser war die Forderung seiner Krankenkasse, er möge sich im Zuge einer Zahnbehandlung mit einem Gebiss ausstatten lassen. Janzer lehnte ab. Mit Gebiss würde er sich alt fühlen. Außerdem: Die Mundhöhle diene nicht nur der Zerkleinerung und Verschlingung von Nahrung, sondern sei auch ein heiliger Bezirk der Erotik. Dort einzugreifen, verstoße gegen die Menschenrechte. Die Gesundheitsbürokratie reagierte mit Unverständnis. Einen „Wiederspruch“ seitens der Kasse erkannte Janzer wegen der falschen Schreibweise nicht an. Ein Psychiater, dem der Briefwechsel mit Janzer zur Begutachtung übergeben wurde, leitete aus dem, was Janzer zur Aktion „Kunstraum Mundhöhle – Mundraum Kunsthöhle“ deklarierte, die Diagnose ab: psychotisch.

Einer der Gründe, warum Jörg Janzer der ökonomische Erfolg versagt blieb, dürfte seine Radikalität sein. Dem Psychiater, der ihn für verrückt erklärte, droht er, würde er im Rahmen einer Performance gern „in die Fresse hauen“. Als chronisch Schizophrener habe er zwar Krankengeld bezogen, aber verrückt sei er nicht.

Ein Posting des Werner-Fuß-Zentrum, Scharnweberstr. 29,
10247 Berlin,

North Pole Meets South Pole: Earth Is Melting at Both Ends

Melting Ice Caps Could Spell Disaster for Coastal Cities.


For the first time, scientists have confirmed Earth is melting at both ends, which could have disastrous effects for coastal cities and villages.

The Magnum-Opus Project---The Mission: To do a greater good. Righting the wrongs of the Manhattan Project's deceit and treachery national security methods using openness and accountability. DOE Watch List--Where toxic health damage is not a mystery. A news list combined with scientific studies to expose the problems.


The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy

Here's the second installment of the article about TETRA from the West Highland Free Press Newspaper. It's taken ages to scan in, please don't waste it. Read it, and pass it on.



Behind-the-scenes battle for control of the airwaves

West Highland Free Press
3rd March 2006.

Last week, MICHAEL RUSSELL looked at the health concerns surrounding TETRA - the UK's new police microwave communications system, which was due to be switched on in the Highlands and Islands last month. This week he concludes his two-part investigation with a look at the corporate and political manoeuvrings behind the technology.

In her book "The Silent Takeover - Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy" Cambridge University's Dr Noreena Hertz details trie workings and history of a global surveillance network known as ECHELON. Set up after World War Two, ECHELON was and still is an intelligence-gathering partnership involving the five English-speaking countries. Originally, the system was designed to defend the West against the spread of communism.

One of ECHELON'S biggest operations centres is the Menwith Hill listening post in north Yorkshire, which is run by the Government Communications Headquarters in Cheltenham and the US National Security Agency. Menwith Hill, along with GCHQ itself, has the ability to intercept and monitor much of Europe's email and phone traffic.

Dr Hertz - now likened to a British Naomi Klein, but formerly an economic adviser to the Russian Government of Boris Yeltsin - goes on to describe how ECHELON, once used to monitor communications within the Soviet Union, has been misused since the early 1990s as a tool of industrial espionage. Its main beneficiaries have been American multinationals.

"Within days [of the February 2000 revelations] the European Parliament released a report containing serious allegations," Dr Hertz wrote. "American corporations had, it was said, 'stolen' contracts heading for European and Asian firms after the NSA intercepted conversations and data and then passed them on to the US Commerce Department for use by American firms.

"The Europeans were stunned to discover that Big Brother was no longer communist Russia or Red China, but its supposed ally and partner, America, spying on European consumers and business for its own commercial gain."

The Parliament's five-part report was released in February 2000. Part Two - Interception Capabilities 2000 - was authored by Scottish investigative journalist Duncan Campbell, whose expose of the Zircon spy satellite was pulled by the BBC in January 1987 after pressure from the Thatcher Government. A Temporary Committee on the ECHELON Interception System was then set up by the Parliament, delivering

its one and only report in September 2001.

Following the European Parliament's reports, the NSA admitted the existence of ECHELON, though they denied that it had been used for industrial espionage. But the concerns persisted. Then, in April 2003 - just a month after the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq - the European Parliament turned its focus on fresh allegations of American spying. This time the concern centred on the the UK's new data-access and communications system for the police, TETRA, which was switched on in the Northern Constabulary area last month.

According to the Parliament's new report "Motorola played a crucial role in defining the Tetra European standard, with the collaboration from the National Security Agency, in order to guarantee for the US government the possibility that TETRA networks could be eavesdropped".

Lastly, the document pointed to Poland, which proposed a Motorola network for its police force in the wake of the fighter contract awarded to US defence giant Lockheed Martin. "It is urgent that the future members of the Union carefully evaluate the risks of too large a reliance on a technology for which they have no guarantee," the report concluded. Poland was one of the 10 accession states to join the European Union in May 2004.

These concerns were rearticulat-ed last week, when I spoke to Dr Franz Niederer, President of the TETRAPOL Users' Club. TETRAPOL is a rival system to TETRA and is used by Governments and emergency services across Europe. Until he assumed his current position, Dr Niederer was head of defence communications for the Swiss government.

So concerned was he by US snooping, that Dr Niederer organised a special conference entitled "TETRAPOL as a tool for the European Security Architecture", sponsored by Franco-German arms giant EADS, in Brussels in October 2004. Much of it was devoted to ECHELON and the consquences for closer European integration of the so-called special relationship between the UK and US.

During his presentation to the conference, Dr Niederer said: "A set of global interception infrastructures and procedures in favour of the US administration was realised and continues to be exploited. This is the reason why a purely European, not US-infested, technology is needed to guarantee EU security architecture for the next generations of networks." One of those networks is Project MESA - basically super-fast broadband for spy satellites - which the US military is itching to get off the ground.

Why and how the UK chose TETRA over TETRAPOL, it seems, goes right to the heart of the problems which now beset the whole pan-European project. A single political entity, designed to put an end to internecine warfare, looks as far away as ever. Perhaps that suits America just fine.

"There is going to be increased emphasis on intelligence, reconnaisance, surveillance, precision strike - all manners of the use of, basically, brain over brawn..."

As Dr Hertz puts it: "The ruthless-ness of the Anglo-American form of capitalism never sat well with most European politicians, who still value the underlying principles of the social model. They see the UK as a Trojan horse, infiltrating Europe with American pro-business ideology-"

BUT just how did American companies come to dominate the UK TETRA market?

TETRA evolved from research conducted in the 1980s into Extremely Low Frequency sonar. The intention behind ELF - a British version of which was planned for Glengarry Forest - was to enable communication with submerged submarines. Much of the work on ELF, which was conducted in the UK by the Admiralty Research Establishment and Defence Research Agency, took place while Mikhail Gorbachev was in power. However, the end of the "evil empire" was still, at the time, far from certain. Yet ELF disappeared.

While Secretary of State for Defence between 1986 and 1989, George Younger presided over much of the research into ELF. When he suddenly quit the Cabinet, that seemed to spell the end of Britain's aspirations to match the US and USSR in this field. The companies involved in the research, however, continued to investigate the avenues opened up by their work - avenues which included TETRA.

Over the next decade or so, a murky game of corporate chess, involving trans-Atlantic players, was fought out to dominate this emerging technology. Did the eventual winners have a little extra covert help from ECHELON?

One company that carried on after ELF was Sussex-based Rediffusion Radio Systems, which was split in two in 1988. One half was bought by American aircraft manufacturers Hughes, whose various arms were themselves gobbled up by US defence giants Raytheon and Boeing within a few years. The other half of Rediffusion Radio Systems was acquired by French defence firm Thomson CSF in 1994. Thomson CSF also acquired Racal, whose mobile phone arm demerged in
1991 to become Vodafone.

Crucially, Thomson CSF was highlighted by Dr Niederer and the European Parliament as one of those firms spied upon by ECHELON in the 1990's. Motorola acquired its TETRA expertise at the the same time as Thomson CSF was busy developing actual TETRA products, which it now sells as part of Thales.

Covert surveillance reared its head again last month when Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis ordered an inquiry into a phone-tapping scandal in Athens. The investigation will focus on how spy software was inserted into Vodafone's mobile network installed in the city for the 2004 Olympics. Interestingly, Motorola and another US IT firm Science Applications International Corporation also installed a TETRA network in Athens for the 2004 games. Among SAIC's directors are two former US deputy defence secretary's and a former director of defence research for the Pentagon. Congress was also poised last month to investigate attempts by President Bush at domestic surveillance through the NSA. There's a lot going on in the world of the spook.

Dr Niederer told me that the loss of the mobile phone (GSM) market in the
1990s to foreign competitors such as Nokia, Vodafone and Orange (all European companies) made the US determined to "maintain one stronghold under any circumstances: TETRA" using less-than-open means.

Regarding the political decision to adopt TETRA in the UK, that was initiated by the Home Office under John Major's Tory Government in
1995. The following year the Quadrant Consortium, comprising Motorola and TRW (both US) Nokia and BT (Finnish and British) was set up to drive the project forward - an astonishing six years before Northern Constabulary was "asked" to apply for TETRA! This rather makes a mockery of Treasury testimony before the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee in February 2003 that TETRA was "initiated and led by the police service and not the Home Office". Despite putting this point to the Association fo Chief Police Officers some weeks ago, they have so far refused to confirm or deny the Treasury's statement.

In October 1997, following the General Election and a change of party, TETRA marched on. New Labour's Home Office Minister Alun Michael made the public announcment that TETRA was to be the UK's system of choice, much to the annoyance of French firm Matra. Shortly after Mr Michael's announcement, the company issued a writ against the Home Office on the grounds that the procurement exercise to fulfil the UK's needs - originally termed as the Public Safety Radio Communications Project - was biased in favour of American suppliers of TETRA.

In July 2000, just after the NSA confirmed the existence of ECHELON, the European Commission referred the UK to the European Court of Justice for this breach of procedure. Almost six years later, the UK has still not been punished for this transgression. What happened to that court case? The only thing the EC's office in Edinburgh could tell me was that the case was settled out of court in December 2001. "If you need any more information go to the Home Office," a spokeswoman said.

Apart from Motorola, which has had a UK presence for nearly 40 years, the other US firm of note in the TETRA market is arms giant Northrop Grumman. In 2002, one of the original Quadrant Consortium firms chosen to develop the UK system - aerospace and IT specialists TRW - was bought for $8 billion by Northrop Grumman. As well as a way into the global TETRA market, Northrop Grumman also acquired TRW's network of communications satellites, vital components in the ECHELON surveillance system. The company then joined forces with the NSA and Nokia spin-off Innovent in 2004 to set up the Chesapeake Innovation Centre in Maryland for "organizations that create and purchase homeland and national security-related high technology".

Indeed, as recently as 1st February, Northrop Grumman Chief Executive Ronald Sugar said during an interview in London that was broadcast on the company' s website: "You know, the Quadrennial Defense Review will be released very shortly. There are not a lot of secrets in Washington, as you know. From everything we understand, the direction in which the Government is going is very similar to what we have been expecting for some time. And, in fact, it is very similar to the way we positioned our company.

"There is going to be increased emphasis on intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance, precision strike - all manners of the use of, basically, brain over brawn going forward."

Instead of selling TETRA products, Northrop Grumman acts as the systems integrator for the whole UK TETRA network, responsible for "developing the network that integrates PSRCP (TETRA) components and linking it with existing and future national and Force information-technology systems". One of those future systems is the IDENT1 biometric palm and fingerprint capability.

The company was chosen by Home Office quango the Police Information Technology Organistion - which also signed the TETRA contract on behalf of the Home Office and Scottish Executive - early last year to develop this system.

"Through IDENT1, Northrop Grumman will integrate and develop the successful automated fingerprint recognition services used by police in England, Wales and Scotland since 1991," said a press release on the company's website. "These services have allowed forces to search their local fingerprints and crime scene marks against their own national databases. Now IDENT1 will enable these marks to be searched against a combined database in excess of 6 million records, or 12 per cent of the UK adult population, in a matter of minutes.

"PITO's Identification Programme will also use the IDENT1 platform to enable the development of further national identification services in partnership with the police service."

The infiltration of the UK's criminal justice system by American arms and IT multinationals must be causing a few headaches in Brussels. If so, perhaps sufferers should ask Kevin Sharer for a cure. As well as being a director of Northrop Grumman, Mr Sharer (a British citizen) is also director of medical research company Amgen Incorporated, which sponsors the Department of Headache at University College London. Sufferers could then talk to Motorola, which has three representatives from multinational drug companies on its board of directors. Illness is certainly big business. Perhaps the reverse is true as well.


Surveillance Society

Informant: Kev Hall

Only in America: Iraq is coming apart at lightening speed, and taking America down with it

We are all Harry Whittingtons

Common Dreams
by David Michael Green


Iraq is coming apart at lightening speed now, and taking America down with it. In yet another breathtaking example of bungled American diplomacy, our proconsul there -- er, sorry, I mean ambassador -- blithely informed the Iraqis that if they wanted more American money they had to put away their silly sectarian squabbles and form a unity government. Of course, just the sheer arrogance of this statement was alone astonishing. To invade this country on the basis of lies, dismantle it using bombs, bullets and white phosphorus, and then insist that money for its restoration is contingent upon our political terms is an act of staggering self-centeredness. As the saying goes, 'Only in America'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

They'll know that they're lying

Do you know how your vote will be counted?

Washington Spectator
by Warren Stewart


The troubling truth about voting in America today is that a majority of the electorate casts their ballots on computers that run software that is hidden from public view and lacks any independent means of verification. The process by which our votes are cast and counted is controlled by private corporations to an extent that threatens the foundations of democracy...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Untangling the next Telecom Act

In These Times
by Craig Aaron


The last thing that the network giants want is for the public to realize what's going on -- which is why it's never been more important to speak out. If what they say about those who fail to learn from history is true, it’s troubling that the 10th anniversary of the Telecommunications Act just passed with barely a blip outside the business pages. The 1996 Act is the quintessential example of corrupt media policymaking. Hashed out behind closed doors by industry lobbyists with almost no public input, the bill killed local radio, gave away the public airwaves worth billions to the biggest media companies for free, and spawned a wave of consolidation that left consumers with higher prices and fewer choices. At the time, most citizens -- or even members of Congress -- had no idea what the massive legislation contained. This was no surprise: In the nine months before the bill passed, the major networks aired only 12 stories about it -- totaling 19 minutes. Big media companies, of course, were among the bill’s biggest beneficiaries. Congress is reopening the Telecom Act again -- and this time the future of the Internet is at risk...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A fearful master: Pentagon is censoring the Internet, declaring certain Web sites off limits to military personnel

by Justin Raimondo


'Government is not reason,' George Washington reputedly said, 'it is not eloquen[ce]; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.' The fear factor works both ways: the present administration has spent a great deal of time and energy on scaring us half to death with tales of imminent terrorist attacks -- especially around election time -- but they, in turn, stand in fear of their own subjects, particularly the ones in uniform. That is why the Pentagon is now censoring the Internet, declaring certain Web sites -- including those of some major news organizations -- off limits to military personnel. ... The War Party can't afford to take chances with the body of armed men and women that is the source of their power, and it is no wonder they are doing their best to shield the troops from the truth. Because when our soldiers discover how and why they were lied into war, and when most of them are on their second and even their third tour of duty in Iraq, they are bound to get pretty angry -- and who knows but that they just might decide to do something about it...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

I love America, do you?

by Harry Browne

Do you love America? If so, isn't it time you spoke out on behalf of America -- before the president and Congress take away the rest of what made this the land of the free? Or are you just as happy to see America transformed into one more bureaucratic warrior state, like so many of those in Europe and Asia? I love America -- the one symbolized by the Statue of Liberty -- the America that was the beacon of liberty, providing light and hope and inspiration to the entire world. I want that America back." (originally published 11/20/01; re-posted 03/03/06)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hamburger Medien: gleichgeschaltet

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Campact-Newsletter 4/06

Freitag, 3. März 2006 Es schreibt: Christoph Bautz

Jetzt wird es ernst: Die Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer kommt in den Bundestag! Haben Sie schon den Abgeordneten Ihres Wahlkreises geschrieben?

Leserbrief-Aktion im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels - Machen Sie mit:

Letzte Woche beschloss das Bundeskabinett eine um 3 Prozent höhere Mehrwertsteuer. Ein riskanter Schachzug: "Wir können nur hoffen, dass der Rückschlag bei der Nachfrage nicht so heftig ausfällt, dass er den Aufschwung zurückwirft", gesteht SPD-Finanzexperte Joachim Poß. Davon geht die Ökonomenzunft längst aus. Eine höhere Mehrwertsteuer ist zudem sozial ungerecht, belastet sie doch vor allem niedrige Einkommen. Mehr im 5-Minuten-Info:

Jetzt wird die Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer in den Bundestag eingebracht. Doch viele Abgeordnete halten genauso wenig davon wie wir. Es kommt also auf unseren Druck an!

Schreiben Sie den Abgeordneten Ihres Wahlkreises:

Unter finden Sie bisherige Reaktionen von Bundestagsabgeordneten.


Atomkraft: Leserbrief-Aktion im Vorfeld des Energiegipfels

Zum 3. April lädt Angela Merkel zum Energiegipfel ins Kanzleramt. Die Atomlobby arbeitet hartnäckig auf einen Deal hin: "Ihr bekommt mehr Geld für Erneuerbare Energien, wir längere Laufzeiten der Atommeiler." Damit wäre der schon jetzt windelweiche 'Atomausstieg' endgültig vom Tisch. Noch stemmt sich Umweltminister Gabriel dagegen.

Derweil finden sich in regionalen wie bundesweiten Zeitungen immer wieder Scheinargumente der Atomlobby. Widersprechen Sie mit einem Leserbrief. Das lohnt sich. Die Leserbriefseite ist die meistbeachtete Rubrik in der Zeitung. Wir unterstützen Sie mit Tipps und Tricks sowie den wichtigsten Fakten:

Wir haben bereits mehr als 9.000 E-Cards den Unions-Ministerpräsidenten zugestellt, die für ein Comeback der Atomenergie trommeln. Haben Sie schon mitgemacht?


foodwatch: Mitmach-Aktion für ein Verbraucherinformationsgesetz

Ein neues Verbraucherinformationsgesetz (VIG) soll darüber informieren, welche Produkte und Firmen von Lebensmittelskandalen betroffen sind. Doch der Gesetzentwurf von Verbraucherminister Horst Seehofer ist wertlos: Betriebs- und Behördengeheimnisse haben Vorrang vor der Gesundheit und Aufklärung der Bürger. Im März geht der Entwurf ins Kabinett. Die Verbraucherorganisation foodwatch hat am 22. Februar
2006 einen eigenen Gesetzentwurf präsentiert. Transparenz steht hier an erster Stelle. Unterstützen Sie die foodwatch-Initiative per E-Mail an Horst Seehofer unter:


Gentechnik: Heute bundesweiter Aktionstag / Max Lehmer (CSU) antwortet auf Campact-Aktion

Heute findet ein bundesweiter Aktionstag für die gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft statt. An vielen Orten gibt es Aktionen und Demonstrationen. Unter erfahren Sie, ob und wo es Aktionen in Ihrer Nähe gibt. Beteiligen Sie sich!

Die Gentechnik-Kampagne läuft und läuft. Über 4.900 Menschen schickten bisher unsere Protest-E-Mail an Horst Seehofer. Am 3. Februar kam eine unbefriedigende Antwort aus dem Landwirtschaftsministerium. Die Folge: 116 Campact-Aktive reagierten darauf mit individuellen Antwortschreiben.

Haben Sie schon unsere Protest-E-Mail an Horst Seehofer geschickt?

Schreiben Sie persönlich an Seehofer:

Lesen Sie Reaktionen von Campact-Aktiven:

In einem Antwortschreiben vom 27. Februar singt der CSU-Vertreter im Verbraucherausschuss Dr. Lehmer das hohe Lied der Agro-Gentechnik. Lesen Sie selbst und schreiben Sie auch ihm eine Antwort:


Bundestagsabgeordnete klagen gegen Veröffentlichungspflicht von Nebeneinkünften

Bis Ende März müssen alle Bundestagsabgeordneten die Angaben über ihre Nebeneinkünfte veröffentlichen - ein Erfolg unserer Kampagne für mehr Transparenz aus dem letzten Jahr. Die Neuregelung ist sechs Abgeordneten ein Dorn im Auge. Sie klagen jetzt beim Bundesverfassungsgericht. Ihre Klage hat keine aufschiebende Wirkung. Demnächst wird veröffentlicht und wir dürfen gespannt sein. Mehr im Logbuch:


Artikel über Campact in der Frankfurter Rundschau: "Kurz mal eingemischt"

"Zur parlamentarischen Demokratie hat Lisa Fache ein entspanntes Verhältnis. Keine Wahl vergeht, ohne dass sie brav ihr Kreuz macht. Gelegentlich trifft man sie sogar auf Demos, gegen Atomkraft oder für Menschenrechte." Weiter lesen:

Mit besten Grüßen

Christoph Bautz

Unter Erfolgszwang: Letzte Chance für UMTS?



Nothing symbolizes Western culture and advancement more than modern technology. I remember many years ago excitedly passing around my fax number as if it were magic to use telephone wires to transport photos and text instantly around the world. Now we have camera-cell phones, iPods, internet communications, bank cards, and in the not too distant future, chip implants that will take over all electronic functions in our life. The downside to electronic technology is barely even considered. The headaches and brain cancers from cell phones, our total loss of privacy, and rampant stress from being plugged in and accessible 24/7/365 are all very real results of its influence...

Uphold the American value of human rights

Trust this finds you in the best of health.

Am forwarding this and request you to do sign these two petitions.


Love and peace to all.


Original Message:


Uphold the American value of human rights Target: Kevin Kiley, MD, US Army Surgeon General, U.S. Army Medical Department Sponsor: Reverend Irina Brenner

The US military should be a force in the service of American values such as human rights. We call on physicians and all other Americans to avoid any and all complicity in acts of torture.

Thanks again, everyone! Please sign and forward!


Guantánamo case suggests McCain's torture ban is without teeth

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

A National Disgrace: Scandalous State of Affairs at Gitmo

Thomas P. Sullivan writes: Congress recently passed a bill purporting to repeal the prisoners' right to file habeas petitions and substituted a procedure that leaves the prisoners at the whim and caprice of military tribunals. Translation: continued indefinite incarceration.

"Mitwirkung" Steinmeiers und Fischers: Deutscher Verbindungsoffizier arbeitete offenbar bei US-Kommandeur - Kanzleramt soll Informationen zu CIA-Opfer El Masri zurückgehalten haben


Die "New York Times" hat neue Details über eine angeblich enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) und US-Behörden im Irak-Krieg veröffentlicht. Ein deutscher Verbindungsoffizier sei direkt im Büro des für die Irak-Invasion zuständigen US-Kommandeurs Tommy Franks angesiedelt worden, schreibt die Zeitung in ihrer Donnerstagausgabe. Der Mitarbeiter habe unter anderem 25 Berichte geschrieben und spezielle Anfragen beantwortet. Es habe einen systematischen Austausch zwischen beiden Seiten gegeben. Die Entscheidung, den Mitarbeiter in Franks Büro zu installieren, sei unter Mitwirkung des damaligen Kanzleramtsministers und heutigen Außenministers Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) sowie des früheren Außenministers Josef Fischer (Grüne) gefallen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

BND & BKA: Kanzleramt soll Informationen zu CIA-Opfer El Masri zurückgehalten haben (02.03.06)

Die Affäre um die Verschleppung des Deutsch-Libanesen Khaled el Masri durch die CIA erreicht offenbar Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU). Nach einem Bericht der "Berliner Zeitung" haben das Bundeskanzleramt und der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) über Monate hinweg wichtige Informationen zum Fall des von der CIA entführten Deutsch-Libanesen Khaled el Masri zurückgehalten. Diese Informationen betreffen die Identität des bislang unbekannten Deutschen namens "Sam", der El Masri während dessen Haft in Afghanistan dreimal befragt und ihn auf der Rückreise begleitet haben soll. Obwohl die Informationen offenbar schon im Herbst dem Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) und seit dem 12. Dezember 2005 dem Bundeskanzleramt vorlagen, seien sie erst am 8. Februar 2006 der Polizei in Schwaben, die im Auftrag der Staatsanwaltschaft München I die Ermittlungen im Entführungsfall El Masri führt, übermittelt worden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Forest Service Plans Tongass Forest Clearcut

Take Action

Among the centuries-old towering spruce of Kuiu Island, the Tlingit people of Kake, Alaska, have traditionally relied on the forests of Kuiu Island for fishing, gathering, and hunting, particularly for Sitka black tailed deer. Other animals call Kuiu home: moose, marten, wolves, and the highest densities of black bears in North America.

But the Forest Service has systematically clearcut much of north Kuiu Island, a part of the Tongass National Forest. And every new mile of road, every newly-leveled acre further reduces habitat and magnifies the loss of this culture's traditional use of their ancestral lands. Now the Forest Service plans to clearcut even more of north Kuiu Island. Please help us block this destructive project by sending an email to the Forest Service today.

Take Action Now!


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März 2006


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