Freitag, 24. Februar 2006

Zwischen Inszenierung und Information: Medien, Demokratie, Bildung

Informationen & Bilder: "Zwischen Inszenierung und Information" - Medien, Demokratie, Bildung (24.02.06)

Die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung widmet sich im Rahmen ihres 10. Bundeskongresses für Politische Bildung Anfang März der Medienberichterstattung. "In einer Welt, die immer enger zusammenwächst, spielen die Medien eine wichtige Rolle: Sie transportieren Informationen und Bilder und machen sie theoretisch für jeden zugänglich", schreibt die Bundeszentrale. Die Massenmedien und insbesondere die Bildmedien trügen eine große Verantwortung. Doch immer häufiger würden Ereignisse "medial inszeniert" und der Bürger könne nicht mehr "zwischen Information und Inszenierung" unterscheiden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Bullied into submission

Kerrier District Council’s Planning Committee has decided to withdraw its enforcement notice against the Tetra Mast at Treworval Farm, near Mawnan Smith, in the light of new evidence presented since the beginning of the appeal, and the likely cost to the Council of pursuing it further.

"We beat you in Wales, we'll beat you here; give up now or it will cost you".


Pombo's 'All-Out Assault' on the ESA

As Representative Pombo's Endangered Species Act bill heads into a House-Senate conference committee next month, he will attempt to dress it up to make it seem more moderate. For environmentalist Bob Irvin it brings to mind the old saying: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig."

Mining Lobbyist's Ties to Lawmaker Examined

Lobbyist Duane Gibson, who worked for mining firms, raised money for Representative Richard Pombo, who supported a bill to open millions of acres of federal land to mining and other development.

Why Worry about Bush Spying?

John W. Dean writes: To those who don't worry about giving up their rights, programs like the NSA's may seem fine. But others of us appreciate the blood and treasury this nation expended, both indirectly and directly, in securing those rights. And I am convinced my generation will fight to the end to prevent the zeal of good intention in fighting terror, from letting the terrorists win by permitting the government to take those rights.

CIA Using Canadian Airstrips

CIA planes have landed in Canada 74 times since the 9/11 terror attacks, underscoring fears that the United States is ferrying suspected terrorists through its neighboring country en route to foreign prisons for torture, according to newly declassified government documents.

Plame Whistleblowers Targeted by Administration

Two top Bush administration officials who played an active role in the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson nearly three years ago have been removed from their jobs. They were career State Department weapons experts, who disagreed with the White House's pre-war Iraq intelligence and have spoken to investigators during the past two years about the officials' role in the leak, according to a half-dozen State Department officials.

Fearmonger In Chief

by William Greider, The Nation

President Bush sowed the hysteria he is now reaping in the form of the UAE ports controversy.

Port Agency to Break Lease in Bid to Block Dubai Sale

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will break the lease of a big container terminal at Port Newark to stop a company based in Dubai from taking over part of the operation there, the agency's chairman said yesterday.

On The Brink In Iraq

by Bob Dreyfuss,

The die has been cast. Bush must take the blame for destroying Iraq.

Verfassungsgerichts-Präsident warnt vor Gefahren des Lobbyismus

Politische Weichenstellungen: Verfassungsgerichts-Präsident warnt vor Gefahren des Lobbyismus (24.02.06)

Der Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes, Hans-Jürgen Papier, warnt vor den Gefahren des Lobbyismus. Bestimmte Gruppen dürften nicht zu viel "Einfluss auf Entscheidungen und politische Weichenstellungen gesamtgesellschaftlicher Bedeutung" haben, sagte Papier am Freitag in Berlin. Es drohe die "Aushöhlung der parlamentarischen Demokratie", wenn die vom Volk nicht legitimierten Lobbyisten "bestimmenden Einfluss" auf die Sachentscheidung des Parlaments gewännen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Lobby und Demokratie

Antennenmoratorium bleibt



Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D. 23-02-06

Antennenmoratorium bleibt

Dem Stadtpräsidenten genügt das vom Bundesamt für Umwelt empfohlene Kontrollsystem für Mobilfunkantennen nicht

Berns Stadtpräsident Alexander Tschäppät setzt sich über Empfehlungen des Bundesamts für Umwelt hinweg und bewilligt weiterhin keine Baugesuche für Mobilfunkantennen.

Biel hingegen erteilt wieder solche, Thun wohl bald.

Sendeleistung von Mobilfunkantennen genau prüfen. / frz

Swisscom, Orange und Sunrise haben sich verpflichtet, Ende 2006 ein System einzuführen, das mit Computertechnik vollautomatisch die Sendeleistung und den Neigungswinkel aller Mobilfunkantennen im Land überprüft. So soll garantiert werden, dass keine Anlage die von den Behörden in den Baubewilligungen vermerkten Maximalwerte überschreitet. Dieser Entscheid geht auf ein Urteil des Bundesgerichts vom letzten März zu einer Antenne in Bolligen zurück.

«Sistierte Bewilligungsverfahren werden damit deblockiert», hiess es noch am 17. Januar in den Zeitungen. Sie bezogen sich auf die Empfehlung des Bundesamts für Umwelt, welches das so genannte Qualitätssicherungssystem als zweckmässig erachtet, und auf Empfehlungen der kantonalen Fachleute. Auch das kantonale Amt für Wirtschaft (Beco) schrieb Mitte Januar den Regierungsstatthaltern und den Gemeinden mit Baubewilligungskompetenzen, dass sie wieder Antennen genehmigen könnten, und hob sein eigenes Bewilligungsmoratorium vom November auf.

Einmal pro Tag genügt nicht

Gestern hat aber die Stadt Bern mitgeteilt, dass die Präsidialdirektion auch weiterhin keine Mobilfunkanlagen bewilligen wird. Sie sei der Meinung, «dass dieses vorgeschlagene Verfahren zur Kontrolle der Einhaltung der Grenzwerte den Anforderungen des Bundesgerichts nicht genügt und somit der Anspruch der Anwohnerinnen und Anwohner nicht erfüllt ist». Stadtpräsident Alexander Tschäppät erläutert auf Anfrage, dass ihm die im Qualitätssicherungssystem vorgesehene Überprüfung der Antennen-Daten alle 24 Stunden nicht genüge. Er erinnerte daran, dass jedes Baugesuch eine riesige Opposition hervorrufe. Die Angst der Bevölkerung vor Strahlung dürften die Behörden nicht ignorieren. «Wir wollen einfach sagen können, dass wir alles unternommen haben, um den bestmöglichen Schutz anzubieten.» Ob die geplante Softwarelösung genüge, sei sicherlich Ansichtssache, so Tschäppät. Offensichtlich will die Stadt diese Ansichtssache richterlich klären lassen und inzwischen Zeit gewinnen: In der städtischen Pressemitteilung steht, das Moratorium dauere, «bis diese zentrale Frage rechtskräftig entschieden ist».

Mehr als Lausanne verlangte

Es dürfte nur eine Frage der Zeit sein, bis die Mobilfunkbetreiber ein Anrecht auf Bewilligungen geltend machen: Das Thuner Bauinspektorat hat laut dem Sachbearbeiter Hansueli Maurer bereits einen Brief von Sunrise bekommen, in dem die Firma fordert, nun seien die hängigen Gesuche zu bewilligen. Bei den Experten stösst Tschäppäts Entscheid auf wenig Verständnis. Peter Matti, Experte für nichtionisierende Strahlung (NIS) im Beco: «Ich sehe keinen ersichtlichen Grund, wieso das Qualitätssicherungssystem den Anforderungen des Bundesgerichts nicht genügen sollte.» Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bundesamt für Kommunikation und die kantonalen Experten hätten es sich nicht leicht gemacht. Das gewählte System gehe in zwei Punkten sogar wesentlich weiter, als es die Lausanner Richter verlangt hätten: Es beziehe auch die Kontrolle der bestehenden Anlagen ein und berücksichtige die Neigungswinkel. «Das ist ein ganz wichtiger Punkt.» Jürg Baumann von der Abteilung Luftreinhaltung und NIS des Bundesamts für Umwelt (Bafu) will die Aussagen Tschäppäts nicht kommentieren. «Das Bafu hat keine Weisungskompetenz und kann nur Empfehlungen abgeben.» Wenn gemäss dem vorgesehenen Qualitätssicherungssystem die Mobilfunkantennen nicht mehr wie bisher bloss sporadisch, sondern einmal pro Tag kontrolliert würden, sei dies «ein wesentlicher Schritt hin zu einer besseren Kontrolle» und entspreche dem Grundanliegen des Bundesgerichts. Das Bafu gehe davon aus, dass auch diese neuste Entwicklung in Sachen Mobilfunk vor dem Bundesgericht landen werde.

Moratorium auch in Burgdorf

Die Stadt Bern ist nicht die erste Gemeinde im Kanton, welche sich über die Empfehlungen des Beco hinwegsetzt. Burgdorf meldete kürzlich, dass man das Moratorium fortsetze, bis eine Studie der ETH Zürich zur Auswirkung der Strahlung vorliege.

Das Bundesgericht hat allerdings kürzlich festgehalten, dass derzeit Antennen nicht mit Hinweis auf solche Studien verhindert werden können. Matti sagt, diese Studie zum Zusammenhang von Feldstärke und Wohlbefinden werde keine Rückschlüsse auf die Gesundheit der Testpersonen zulassen. «Sie wird hochstilisiert.» Erst ganz am Beginn steht das Nationalfondsprojekt, das die Wirkung der nichtionisierenden Strahlung fundiert aufzeigen soll.

Und so handhaben weitere bernische Städte derzeit die Mobilfunkbewilligungen:

. Biel hat seit Mitte Januar laut Marianne Schmid von der Abteilung Baubewilligung/Kontrolle hängige Gesuche bewilligt, weitere kommen demnächst dazu.

. Thun bespricht die Situation am 16. März mit dem Beco. Auch die Geschäftsführerin des von den drei Mobilfunkbetreibern finanzierten «Forums Mobil» nimmt am Workshop teil. Sieben Baugesuche bleiben bis dann pendent.

. «Wir bearbeiten die hängigen Baugesuche», sagt die Könizer Planungsvorsteherin Katrin Sedlmayer. Nach Auskunft des kommunalen Bauinspektorats sei ein anderes Vorgehen auch gar nicht möglich.

Auch das «Forum Mobil» bezeichnet Bewilligungsmoratorien als unzulässig. Ausserdem findet es, mit Studien lasse sich die Unschädlichkeit einer Technologie aus methodischen Gründen gar nicht beweisen.


25 Gesuche betroffen

In der Stadt Bern gibt es ungefähr 400 Mobilfunkanlagen unterschiedlicher Sendeleistung. Für etwa 25 weitere sind Gesuche hängig. Zwei davon kämen auf einem städtischen Gebäude zu stehen. Ein Moratorium für Antennen auf stadteigenen Gebäuden besteht seit Herbst.

Das Qualitätssicherungssystem, das Ende 2006 eingeführt werden soll, sieht eine automatisierte Überprüfung der effektiv eingestellten Sendeleistung und -richtung vor. Erkennt das System Überschreitungen des bewilligten Werts, müssen die Mobilfunkfirmen innert 24 Stunden Änderungen vornehmen, wo dies per Fernsteuerung möglich ist, sonst innert einer Woche. Eine unabhängige Prüfstelle kontrolliert.

Das Bundesgericht hiess im März 2005 die Beschwerde von Privaten gegen ein Antennenprojekt von Orange in Bolligen gut. Anwohner hätten ein schützenswürdiges Interesse daran, dass die Einhaltung der NIS-Grenzwerte durch objektive und überprüfbare bauliche Vorkehrungen gewährleistet sei. (ry)

Der Bund, Rainer Schneuwly 15.02.06


The USDA has passed a new regulation that will use U.S. taxpayer money to pay for the slaughter of tens of thousands of horses annually in the U.S. for export overseas. The USDA rule contradicts a previous Congressional mandate that banned the use of federal funding for the horse slaughter industry. In a letter to the USDA, 40 members of Congress wrote, "The agency (USDA) has absolutely no authority to circumvent a Congressional mandate and effectively rewrite an unambiguous law at the request of the horse slaughter industry." The USDA has not responded. Learn more:

UAE Terminal Takeover Extends to 21 Ports

A United Arab Emirates government-owned company is poised to take over port terminal operations in 21 American ports, far more than the six widely reported.

Masking New Orleans

Fatima Shaik: On Mardi Gras Day, the nation will be looking to New Orleans to see if we are wearing masks. We'll be wearing them in New Orleans, but they're being worn in Washington, DC, too. That's because the face of our tragedy is being covered up with a big smile - we are having a party and pretending that the poor people can just go away.

Restoring the Public Trust

Bill Moyers speaks on the issue of money and politics: Watching these people work is a study of the inner circle at the top of American politics. It is a Dick Cheney world out there - a world where politicians and lobbyists hunt together, dine together, drink together, play together, pray together and prey together, all the while carving up the world according to their own interests. It is time to fight again. It's not their government, it's your government.

The National Animal Identification System

Frightening Stuff: The National Animal Identification System

People have already developed ways to disable it...

The National Animal Identification System

Did you know about this?:

The owner of every single animal that can be eaten, can produce food, or can be taken off the premises (as in riding a horse in a parade) must:

1) register their "premises" --i.e. home at their own expense, and permit GPS monitoring of their home

2) register each chicken, goat, pet lamb, horse, etc. at their own expense, and permit a GPS chip to be embedded in the animal -- at their own expense

3) file federal paperwork every time they take any animal off the registered premises for any reason

4) file annual paperwork on every animal -- on their own time and at their own expense

Failure to comply will result in fine and/or imprisonment. Large agribusiness firms do not have to comply.

The chips are made by a privately owned company, which will profit from all this. The computer monitoring of every person's home and animals is to be done by a private firm, which will profit from playing Big Brother. All of this is to prevent the spread of disease and prevent terrorism. Really. Yet, disease in the food industry is primarily spread by large agribusiness corporations, who are exempt.

The sponsors of this legislation include huge multinational corporations responsible for pesticides, genetic modifications, low nutritional content in your food and for monocropping, mandatory use of sterile seeds, suppression of seed saving, etc., etc., etc.

This is the gateway to controlling the dwindling food supply. Chips for people cannot be far off. Please check out these farmers' efforts to fight it:

Oregon is already complying:

What possible good are Relocalization efforts in the face of this?

Where is the Rural Organizing Project?? !!

Who else can fight this??

Caren & Christopher Titanic Lifeboat Academy 91868 Youngs River Rd.Astoria, OR 97103 Tel: 503-325-6886 Fax: 503-325-8801 Email: tlifeboatacademy charter net

Informant: Scott Munson

The selling of our National Forests

Important Issue - The selling of our National Forests.

Have you heard about the Bush administration's plans to put our public lands on "blue-light special?" The President's proposed 2007 budget includes provisions to sell off as much as 800,000 acres of our national forests and other public lands to the highest bidder!

Will you join me in speaking out against this absurd proposal? Click below to send a message to your representatives in Congress now!



Honey, I'm cold. Let's burn the couch.;

St Louis Post Dispatch Editorial 2/15

NATIONAL FORESTS: Honey, I'm cold. Let's burn the couch.


President George W. Bush wants to sell off parts of our national forests -- including up to 22,000 acres of the Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri -- to fund rural schools. It's the equivalent of a family burning the furniture to keep warm.

The Bush Administration wants to sell between 175,000 and 300,000 acres of national forests in 34 states, including up to 191 acres in Illinois.

It's a mistake economically and environmentally and philosophically. Schools are a continuing expense; land sales are a one-time source of revenue. What will Mr. Bush do when the proceeds from this sale are spent and rural schoolchildren still need an education? Will he sell off another chunk of our forests? A piece of Mt. Rushmore? Naming rights to Old Faithful?

It's also a betrayal of our duty to pass on our natural heritage -- intact, not by the board foot -- to the next generation.

In Missouri, the targeted land is part of the Mark Twain National Forest. The forest is the glory of the Ozarks: 1.5 million acres of woodland, streams and rocky glades rolling across the hills. It contains 78,000 acres of wilderness and national scenic rivers.

It is a paddler's and hiker's paradise and a place that restores the soul.

By and large, the National Forest Service has been a decent steward of the land, allowing logging here and there, chasing out destructive ATV-ers, supporting recreation and preserving its wild nature.

The Mark Twain parcels would be scattered around the forest. Presumably, the buyers would use them for logging or development.

In some Western states, the government is the owner by default of vast tracts of desert, scrub and sagebrush. It may make sense to sell some small, marginal parcels of that for uses that may fuel the local economy. But the Mark Twain National Forest isn't a marginal wasteland. It's an ecological and recreational treasure.

The president hopes to raise $800 million from land sales to support the rural schools program. Rural schools get a share of the revenue from logging on federal land, and that revenue has been declining.

Our public schools require a continuing source of revenue. In other words, taxes.

The T-word, of course, is anathema to the Bush Administration. Rather than raise taxes, Mr. Bush proposes running a deficit of more than $420 billion (not counting the full cost of the Iraq war) in the next fiscal year. We will pass that debt on our children.

Now he wants to submit beautiful pieces of Missouri to the chainsaw and bulldozer. Our children deserve their natural heritage -- not their parents' debt.

Informant: Scott Munson

Urgent call for volunteers to help defend the Last Wild Buffalo in The U.S.

In the past two months, Yellowstone National Park rangers have captured and slaughtered nearly 900 wild buffalo. Others have been harassed, chased onto thin ice and drowned or shot by the Montana Dept. of Livestock. As if this wasn't enough, still more wild buffalo were shot by "hunters" just outside Park boundaries in Montana's first public buffalo hunt in 15 years. Another 100 wild buffalo calves and yearlings are being held captive behind double electric fencing as part of a mad hatter?s science project called the ?bison quarantine feasibility study?. And this is only just the beginning. Many hundreds more buffalo will be chased, captured, slaughtered or shot in the coming months...unless...

We put a stop to this madness!

The Buffalo Field Campaign has been working tirelessly for the past nine years to stop the slaughter of the Yellowstone buffalo herd. Volunteers stand in defense of the buffalo as they follow their ancient migratory instincts in search of winter forage and spring calving grounds. Unfortunately, this journey leads the buffalo to the killing fields of Montana, where the buffalo are shown no mercy, given no reprieve.

Less the 150 years ago, some 30 million wild buffalo roamed the continent of North America. The great herds stretched from west of the Rockies to the shores of the Atlantic. from Canada to Mexico across the Great Plains. Today, only about 3,500 genetically pure buffalo with a continuous history of being wild and unfenced in their native habitat are left in the United States. If we don't act soon to stop the slaughter, this great treasure may be lost forever.

If you have ever considered taking a stand for the wild, now is the time to act. More volunteers are urgently needed to defend the buffalo. The remainder of winter and the coming spring are a crucial time for the buffalo.

For more information on volunteering with BFC or other actions you can take for the benefit of wild buffalo, please visit or call us in Montana at 406-646-0070.

Urgent call for volunteers to help defend the Last Wild Buffalo in The U.S.

Most Americans are unaware that only 23 bison escaped the mass extermination of the 1870s, finding refuge from extinction in the world's first national park. Yellowstone's bison are the genetically-pure descendants of those 23 survivors, our nation's last continuously-wild herd. Today, under assault again, they need help from people of conscience. In the park, they are beloved wildlife. But their migratory instinct leads them to lower elevation land in Montana to escape the park's harsh winter. Here they are greeted with capture, quarantine, experimentation, bullets, and slaughter. Family groups are torn apart. Mothers and babies are separated. They suffer terror and injury as they are hazed and harassed relentlessly with snowmobiles, ATVs, helicopters...

Where does this happen? In Yellowstone National Park and on surrounding public belonging to ALL Americans, whether we live near or far. Who is perpetrating this? The State of Montana. The National Forest Service. Even the National Park Service itself!

Why is this happening? The politically-powerful Montana livestock industry sees bison as competition for grazing resources. They claim that bison will infect their cattle with brucellosis (a bacterial cattle disease), but this has never occurred in the wild, never once since cattle first infected bison in the early 1900s.

Who pays for this? YOU do "the American taxpayer" at over $3 million per year.

What can YOU do? If you do nothing else, pass this message on to your e-mail contacts across the country and around the world. But if you want to learn more, visit

Buffalo Field Campaign volunteers are in the field every day documenting the activities that pass for bison management in Montana
(view video footage at the website), and working for the day when these beautiful native creatures are welcomed home onto designated habitat where they are truly free to roam America's public land. Sign up for weekly BFC up-dates at: bfc-media (at) Subject line: "Subscribe.

"Want to do more? Consider writing to one or both of the following: Gov. Brian Schweitzer: (406) 444-3111, (Montana is responsible for hazing, hunting, capture & quarantine, & slaughter.) In your own words, ask the governor to designate bison habitat and manage bison as America's treasured wildlife using science, not politics.

Suzanne Lewis, Superintendent, Yellowstone (307) 344-2002, suzanne_lewis (at) (Yellowstone is responsible for capture within the park & shipment to slaughter.) In your own words, ask Ms. Lewis to stop killing bison to prevent them from leaving the park, contrary to everything the national park stands for.

Edward Abbey said, "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." In defending America's last wild bison, we stand up to greed and dishonesty. We stand up for justice and the enduring qualities embodied in our great nation's symbol of freedom, the magnificent American bison.



Learn More at:

-- Buffalo Field Campaign P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758 406-646-0070 bfc-media (at)

Informant: Scott Munson

Restore, strengthen Clean Water Act


Thursday, February 23, 2006


The Bush administration eliminated protections for small streams and wetlands in 2003, weakening the 30-year old Clean Water Act. For the past three years, the buildup of toxins in streams has fed into the major waterways such as Puget Sound and Hood Canal. In the past three years, the levels of arsenic and mercury have risen in our water. Mercury has risen in humans and wildlife, as well as in drinking water. Washington is the No. 1 state and Seattle is the No. 1 U.S. city for having the highest incidence of breast cancer.

Let's make the connection here. The orca whale recently was listed as an endangered species. Salmon and 38 other native species are at risk, as well as marine birds, which have declined by nearly half in Puget Sound since the 1970s. Some of these species have declined by as much as 90 percent. Hood Canal and Puget Sound have growing dead zones because of pollution that robs the water of oxygen, killing marine life. Approximately 30,000 acres, or nearly 20 percent, of commercial shellfish beds have been closed to harvest since 1980. More than 5,700 acres of aquatic lands exceed safe levels of toxic contamination.

On Jan. 22, the P-I published, "Sound: Action Requires Consensus," concerning the 2005-2007 Puget Sound Conservation and Recovery Plan. Gov. Christine Gregoire's bill contains extensive measures to attack water pollution problems on many different fronts.

I agree that we don't need new laws. The laws that we have on the books need to be enforced. It comes down to having the money to enforce them. It seems that if we took back the protections we had from the Clean Water Act before it was changed in 2003, federal funding would be available to the 150-odd jurisdictions.

We need to make up for lost time. Right now, Washington is being developed at an advanced rate. Stormwater needs to be able to get back down into the water table. The stormwater runoff from construction and businesses cause siltation. Siltation is the leading cause of degraded wetland integrity. Silt robs water bodies of sunlight, killing grasses and burying the benthic community, which are groups of shellfish and worms on the bottom of the ocean floor. They work in harmony with algae and ocean grasses to purify the water to protect salmon and other species. Stormwater runoff is the biggest source of pollution we have.

President Bush put language to the 2005 Energy Policy Act, which exempts any construction for the oil and gas industry from the Clean Water Act, no matter how large or small it is. This is another insidious attempt by the administration to sneak breaks into legislation for Bush's buddies and his family. This would affect gas and oil exploration off our coasts. U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Seattle, has co-sponsored a bill, HR 4541, which would restore the protections of the Clean Water Act.

It stands to reason that we can't monitor all the runoff into streams, lakes, Hood Canal and the Sound. Improved land use will ensure that we order our priorities over what kinds of development we will allow and how we develop these lands.

Gregoire's bill mentions using new technologies, such as green roofs to capture rainfall and sidewalks made of porous materials to enable runoff water to filter back into the soil, replenishing the water table.

Yes, it takes money and commitment. The governor is to be lauded highly for addressing our water pollution problem and taking the first steps to get the ball rolling.

The P-I says that we have no obvious goal. I believe that the goal is to make immediate impact into cleaning up our dead zones. Restoring all the protections of the Clean Water Act prior to when it was altered in
2003 would have a large impact on the quality of our water right now. The goal is always the same: to get our waterways as clean as possible, but the ways we do this need to be ever changing.

Eli Galla has been a resident of Seattle since 1992. He was a field representative in the United Farm Workers Union from 1983 to 1984.

© 1998-2006 Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Tim Hermach
Founder & President Native Forest Council
PO Box 2190 Eugene, OR 97402
541.688.2600 Fax 541.461.2156
web page:
Fighting for Life, Land & Liberty NO MORE COMPROMISES, ZERO CUT, ZERO EXTRACTION, Lets Keep Our Public Lands & Watersheds FOREVER WILD & FREE.

Informant: Scott Munson

Help Ensure Voter Verified Paper Records in the 2006 Federal Elections

In line with our mission to promote measures that would ensure accurate vote counts, US Count Votes endorses this April lobbying effort to convince the U.S. Congress to require mandatory audits of vote count accuracy and recommends that you consider signing up for this Washington DC lobbying event on April 6 and 7. U.S. Rep Rush Holt has consistently proposed the best legislation for ensuring U.S. election integrity since 2004.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: URGENT! Help Ensure Voter Verified Paper Records in the 2006 Federal Elections! Date:
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 22:30:15 +0100
From: VoteTrustUSA

( )

February 23, 2006

Dear Election Integrity Advocate,

We need your help in our nation's Capitol on Thursday and Friday, April 6 and 7, when VoteTrustUSA will join forces with a coalition of citizens and grassroots organizations in Washington D.C. to urge Members of Congress to join more than 160 of their fellow Representatives, including 10 Republicans, who have already signed up to cosponsor H.R.550, Rep. Rush Holt's Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act. HR 550 would require a voter verified paper record of every vote, establish mandatory random hand counted audits to verify the accuracy of electronic tallies, and prohibit the use of secret software and wireless communication devices in voting machines. The recent change in leadership of the Committee on House Administration has created a new opportunity for passage of this vital election integrity measure. Previous Lobby Day events in June and August of 2005 were a huge success,generating 24 new cosponsors on the bill from both parties. Please join us in Washington DC April 6 and 7, to build even greater bipartisan support for this critical bill.


If you have never lobbied before, don't worry. The HR 550 "I Count" Coalition (VoteTrustUSA, Common Cause, Verified Voting, Voters Unite and Electronic Frontier Foundation) will hold a training session on the morning of April 6, where you'll get plenty of tips and all the information you'll need. With your help, we'll bring enough co-signers onboard to pass the legislation in time to make a difference in this year's elections!

We'll meet Thursday morning, April 6 from 9 am til Noon for the training session. Then we'll fan out across the Hill for meetings with members of Congress and staff from Noon til 5 p.m. at Capitol Hill office buildings Aferward, we'll get together for a gala reception with Rep. Holt and other special guests on Capitol Hill. On Friday morning there will be a press conference and live blogging at the Capitol and then we'll split up for more lobbying appointments, On both days, you'll be lobbying in a group with other concerned citizens from your state. SIGN UP TO TAKE PART IN THE LOBBY DAYS AT WWW.ICOUNTCOALITION.ORG ( )! MORE WAYS YOU CAN HELP Find out how you can help in your state! If you can't make it to Washington, DC, you may still be able to help out in your home state during the Congressional Recess, which begins the week after HR 550 Lobby Days events. Click Here ( ) to find out what you can do to help at home!

Send a message to your U.S. Representative urging them to vote for passage of HR 550. Click Here ( ) to send an email to your Representative in support of HR 550.

Sign the Petition! While we're at the Capitol, we'll be delivering a petition signed by thousands of citizens to the Committee on House Administration, urging them to bring HR 550 to the floor as written, for an immediate vote. Click Here ( ) to sign the petition and send an email urging the committee members to support immediate passage of this critical legislation. HELP CITIZEN LOBBYISTS FIGHT FOR VOTER VERIFIED PAPER RECORDS! ( HTTP://WWW.VOTETRUSTUSA.ORG/INDEX.PHP?OPTION=COM_CONTENT&TASK=VIEW&ID=109&ITEMID=97
) VoteTrustUSA is taking the lead role in organizing the HR 550 "I Count" Lobby Days. Whether or not you can attend the Lobby Days, please help us play our part in protecting democracy. We need to raise $10,000 to help fund these activities for your fellow citizen advocates who are going to lobby our legislators April 7 and 8. Please help us defray the expenses of some of the dedicated citizens who are volunteering to go to Washington DC on their own dime to fight for the accuracy and integrity of our elections! PLEASE CLICK HERE (

Thank you for all you doing to ensure accurate and transparent elections!

Joan Krawitz, Executive Director
Warren Stewart, Director of Legislative Issues and Policy
John Gideon, Information Manager

Peace groups under watch

In the post-9/11 world, some unlikely figures have attracted the attention of local police and federal agents: the Raging Grannies, known for musical satire, and Quaker peace activists, known for non-violence.

The Semi-comatose State Of The American Left

Through the looking glass of the American "left" lies a desert of sorts, a deafening silence, a cosmic ideological void that, for a reader of Whitman or Thoreau, is thoroughly enigmatic.

Formenting A Coup?

US marines probe tensions among Iran’s ethnic minorities.

The intelligence wing of the US marines has launched a probe into Iran’s ethnic minorities at a time of heightened tensions along the border with Iraq and friction between capitals.

From Information Clearing House

US Dollars for Islamic Goodwill

The United States is worried about its image abroad. Particularly in the Muslim world. But a massive propaganda offensive worth billions of dollars seeks to address the problem.,1518,402130,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Straw risks US fury over 'gulag' Guantanamo

The confusion within the Government over Britain's attitude to the Guantanamo Bay detention camp deepened yesterday when Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, compared it to a Soviet-style "gulag".

From Information Clearing House


Rachel's News #843

Für Selbstbestimmung und soziale Sicherheit Strategien zur Überwindung von Hartz IV

anlässlich der öffentlichen Anhörung der Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag am 24.02.2006 in Berlin gibt Erika Biehn, Vorsitzende der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen (BAG-SHI e.V.) die nachfolgende sozialpolitische Stellungnahme ab.

Frank Jäger

+++ Presseinformation +++


Für Selbstbestimmung und soziale Sicherheit Strategien zur Überwindung von Hartz IV

Anlässlich der öffentlichen Anhörung der Fraktion DIE LINKE. im Bundestag am 24.02.2006 in Berlin gibt Erika Biehn, Vorsitzende der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen (BAG-SHI e.V.) eine sozialpolitische Stellungnahme ab: Eine zunehmend restriktive Gewährungspraxis und die geschwächte Rechtsposition von Menschen, die auf Sozialleistungen angewiesen sind, führe zur Verunsicherung der Betroffenen, Existenzängsten und sie fördere soziale Ausgrenzung. Weil hier dringend gegengesteuert werden müsse, trägt sie konkrete Forderungen der Betroffenenorganisation vor.

• Die BAG-SHI e.V. fordert bereits seit vielen Jahren ein Existenzgeld. Das Existenzgeld soll die Teilhabe am gesellschaftlichen Reichtum sichern, es steht allen Personen, die sich dauerhaft in der Deutschland aufhalten, in gleicher Höhe zu. Dabei soll es ohne Unterhaltspflicht, ohne Bedürftigkeitsprüfung, ohne Arbeitszwang gewährt werden.

• Die BAG-SHI e.V. fordert eine sofortige Erhöhung jetzigen Regelleistung auf 690 Euro. Dies ist für die Betroffenenorganisation der Richtwert für ein soziokulturelles Existenzminimum, das gesellschaftliche Teilhabe gewährleistet.

• Die Pauschalierung der Beihilfen für Elektrogeräte, Möbel (die so genannten langlebigen Gebrauchsgüter) ist einzustellen. Die Pauschale für bisherige einmalige Leistungen für den regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Bedarf muss so ausgestaltet sein, dass ein ausreichender Puffer für das Ansparen der benötigten Beträge gegeben ist.

• Die Regelleistung wird durch die schleichende Hereinnahme von Kosten für die Unterkunft immer stärker entwertet, da viele Menschen die vom kommunalen Träger vorenthaltenen Mietanteile aus ihrer Regelleistung finanzieren müssen. Die BAG-SHI e.V. fordert die Übernahme der tatsächlichen Wohnkosten.

• Die Abwehr- und Schutzrechte werden immer weiter ausgehöhlt, mit zum Teil fragwürdigen Methoden. So wird der Druck erhöht über Telefonabfragen, rechtswidrige Hausbesuche, überzogene Nachweisforderungen usw. Diese Praktiken sind einzustellen.

• Das Vermögen von Arbeitslosengeld II-Beziehenden zur privaten Alterssicherung muss besser geschützt werden als bisher. Die private Alterssicherung gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Daher ist es notwendig, die Vermögensfreibeträge so zu gestalten, dass Erwerbslose ihr zur Alterssicherung erworbenes Vermögen nicht restlos aufbrauchen müssen, bevor überhaupt erst ein Anspruch auf Leistungen besteht.

• Niemand darf durch Entzug der Lebensgrundlage durch Leistungskürzungen zur Arbeit gezwungen werden. Die BAG-SHI e.V. fordert die Abschaffung der „Arbeitsgelegenheiten mit Mehraufwandsentschädigung“ sowie des Sanktionsparagraphen § 31 SGB II und hier insbesondere die Sonderregelungen für Menschen unter 25 Jahren.

• Die BAG-SHI e.V. fordert darüber hinaus existenzsichernde versicherungspflichtige Arbeitsplätze.

• Es erscheint uns dringend geboten, die Rechtsposition der Betroffenen durch eine freie und unabhängige Beratung von Verbänden auf dem Gebiet des Sozialrechts, insbesondere auch durch Organisationen der Betroffenen (Sozialleistungsbeziehenden) zu stärken. Zum Recht auf unabhängige Beratung gehört selbstverständlich auch deren gesicherte Finanzierung.

Erika Biehn

Für Informationen:
0160-2 81 16 99

BAG-SHI Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Erwerbslosen- und Sozialhilfeinitiativen e.V. Geschäftsstelle Moselstraße 25 --- 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Fon: 069-27 22 08 98 - Fax: 069-27 22 08 97, email: - Internet:

Tobacco and Pharmaceutical Bungs

The attached appeared in today's WDDTY broadcast..

Has anyone summarised the complete financial story on mobile phones? Namely the sums paid for what and over how long? Also who gets paid what by the mobile phone companies? If we know the story for other counties that will also help.

We possibly need to analyse the Mobile Phone Companies annual reports to unravel their public statements - does it all add up?

Please send anything useful.


EXPERT OPINION: He who pays the piper. . .

We live in the age of the expert, and it is him to whom we turn when we need to understand complex issues. The wise observer, however, treats the explanations of the expert with caution, and rightly so. This is because there is rarely such a thing as an independent expert, whether he is from the world of science, politics or medicine. Too often these hard-up academics are prepared to put their name to anything, provided there's a decent cash inducement involved. This peculiarly 'scientific' practice of the double-blind backhander has been exercised to the full by the tobacco industry, according to recent reports. In 1991 the budget for experts' backhanders totalled $3.3m (£1.9m), and for that the scientists were to argue that there was no health risk from secondary smoke. Tobacco industry lawyers were set the task of finding 'experts' prepared to publish research that 'proved' secondhand smoke was not dangerous, and any problems associated with it could be remedied by good ventilation. Needless to say, plenty of 'experts' came out of the woodwork, who were more than happy to make the claim, even though it is clearly nonsense. Once the papers had been published, the tobacco industry was free to point out these 'independent' findings to government and health officials, who would be suitably impressed not to introduce regulations on secondhand smoke. Operation Backhander began in 1987 and was in full swing two years later, by which time it had recruited consultants from the UK, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Finland and Sweden. It also reached Asia, where every member of an organizing committee of a conference on indoor air quality was a tobacco industry 'consultant'. Researchers can find no evidence to suggest that the operation has been ended, so the next time you hear an 'expert' spouting forth, treat his comments with the greatest caution. You don't know where he's been paid. (Source: European Journal of Public Health, 2006; 16: 69-77).

* GUESS WHAT? The tobacco industry isn't alone in paying for 'independent' experts. The drugs industry has been doing it for years, and oftentimes the expert can't even be bothered to read the paper that he has supposedly written. All the dirty deeds of the drugs industry are uncovered in the WDDTY book, Secrets of the Drugs Industry. To order your copy, click here:

Darfur: Genocide Without Witnesses

Tell Congress to Help the People of Darfur, Sudan

For more than three years, ongoing violence in Darfur, a remote western region of Sudan, has forced nearly two million people to flee their homes in search of a more secure environment. And while the international community helped the African Union (AU) to establish a peacekeeping force, these troops are in desperate need of financial assistance to sufficiently protect civilians.

Tell Congress to support, at a minimum, the Bush Administration’s request of $514 million to help the people of Darfur.

Last week, the Bush Administration submitted a supplemental budget request to Congress that includes $514 million for peacekeeping, food aid, and other vital assistance for the displaced people of Darfur. This money will help protect civilians caught in the crossfire of the conflict while also ensuring they have access to critical basic services, such as clean water and blankets.

The people of Darfur need our help more than ever. Civilians continue to suffer harassment, beatings, rape, and murder on a daily basis. Families are stranded in the camps, often far from their villages, fields, and pastureland. For them, life has become one long wait—for food rations, for limited amounts of water, and for peace. Congress must support the Administration’s request to help protect and sustain life in Darfur.

Please click here to contact your representatives and ask that they fully fund this request.

For more information and to support Oxfam’s work in the region, click here.

Thank you for supporting the people of Darfur and the Oxfam America Advocacy Fund.

Tim Fullerton
Oxfam America Advocacy Fund


Every minute lost in sending the Blue Helmets in to protect civilians in Darfur is consequently time gained by the Sudanese government to maintain what Kofi Annan called "hell on earth" there. Khartoum is deliberately hindering international humanitarian action.


ödp ruft zur Anti-Gentechnik-Demo am 11. März in München auf

Die Münchner ödp ruft alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger auf, am 11. März um 13 Uhr an der überparteilichen Demonstration gegen Gentechnik in Lebensmitteln am Geschwister-Scholl-Platz teilzunehmen. „Das Jahr 2006 wird maßgeblich entscheiden, ob es den Gensaatgut-Konzernen gelingt, die bayerische Landwirtschaft mit genmanipulierten Organismen zu verunreinigen“, begründet der stellvertretende ödp-Stadtvorsitzende Martin Heigl den ödp-Aufruf. Die Großveranstaltung ist überparteilich und wird von der Initiative nahrungskette und BN München organisiert. Schirmherrin von nahrungskette ist Frau Edith von Welser-Ude. Heigl: „Jeder kann durch seine Teilnahme einen Beitrag dafür leisten, dass er auch in Zukunft gentechnikfreies Essen auf den Teller bekommt. Die landwirtschaftliche Gentechnik hat unvorhersehbare und nicht rückholbare Folgen!“

Markus Hollemann
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ödp)
Stadtverband München
Fon 089/45 24 74 15 × Fax 089/244 365 397


Alle Vorträge finden jeweils am zweiten Donnerstag im Monat in den Räumen der Gregor-Louisoder-Umweltstiftung statt: Brienner Str. 46, zwischen U2/U8 Königsplatz und U1/U7 Stiglmaierplatz.

Do., 09. März 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Die gar nicht so schlechte rot-grüne ökologische Steuerreform - Rückblick und Ausblick" Referent: Dr. Anselm Görres, Förderverein Ökologische Steuerreform

Do., 13. April 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Biokraftstoffe in der Praxis - vom Pflanzenöl zum solaren Wasserstoff" Referent: Marcus Reichenberg, mobil ohne fossil

Do., 11. Mai 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Die 12 Salze des Lebens - Mit Schüßlersalzen gesund durch das Jahr" Referentin: Angelika Gräfin Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Heilpraktikerin und Buchautorin

Do., 08. Juni 2006, 19.30 Uhr "EU-Feinstaubrichtlinie - zahnloser Papiertiger?" Referent: Dr. Stefan Taschner, Mobilitätsexperte, Green City

Do., 13. Juli 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Die Welt vor einer neuen Energiekrise? - Solare Zukunft ohne Erdöl und Atomenergie?" Referent: Dr. Herbert Kuhn, Ingenieur, Energieberater

Do., 10. Aug. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Limbische Wahrheiten – Gehirnforschung, Marketing und Ökologie" Referent: Günther Hartmann, Berater im Stadt- und Regionalmarketing

Do., 14. Sep. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Pflegenotstand - Keine Perspektive im Alter?" Referentin: Christiane Lüst, Dipl.-Soz. Päd., Initiatorin des Münchner Pflegestammtischs

Do., 12. Okt. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Ein Jahr nach der Bundestagswahl - Wo steht Deutschland heute?" Referent: Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner, ödp-Bundesvorsitzender

Do., 09. Nov. 2006, 19.30 Uhr "Das 1,5-Liter-Auto ist machbar - Entwickler berichten" Referent: Uli Sommer, Chefentwickler Loremo-Projekt

Die Verantwortung liegt bei den Besatzern und ihrer Verfassung

Der Bombenanschlag auf die Goldene Moschee von Samara hat unmittelbar zu jenen Ergebnissen geführt, die bezweckt waren: die gesellschaftlichen Spannungen wurden weiter gesteigert und Glaubensbekentnisse werden immer mehr zu Gräben. Die Hauptverantwortung für diese Entwicklungen tragen die Besatzer, die dem Land eine Verfassung aufgezwungen haben, die das Land nach ethnischen und religiösen Gesichtspunkten strukturiert - und damit auch entsprechend orientierten Gruppierungen den Spielraum schafft - so besagt es die von der "Federation of Worker Councils and Unions of Iraq" verbreitete (englische, hiermit kurz argumentativ zusammengefasste) Erklärung "No to deepening the sectarian hatred policy - lets stand against the sectarian war" des "Iraq Freedom Congress" (dem die Föderation angehört) vom 22. Februar 2006:

Aus: LabourNet, 24. Februar 2006


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