Urgent call for volunteers to help defend the Last Wild Buffalo in The U.S.


In the past two months, Yellowstone National Park rangers have captured and slaughtered nearly 900 wild buffalo. Others have been harassed, chased onto thin ice and drowned or shot by the Montana Dept. of Livestock. As if this wasn't enough, still more wild buffalo were shot by "hunters" just outside Park boundaries in Montana's first public buffalo hunt in 15 years. Another 100 wild buffalo calves and yearlings are being held captive behind double electric fencing as part of a mad hatter?s science project called the ?bison quarantine feasibility study?. And this is only just the beginning. Many hundreds more buffalo will be chased, captured, slaughtered or shot in the coming months...unless...

We put a stop to this madness!

The Buffalo Field Campaign has been working tirelessly for the past nine years to stop the slaughter of the Yellowstone buffalo herd. Volunteers stand in defense of the buffalo as they follow their ancient migratory instincts in search of winter forage and spring calving grounds. Unfortunately, this journey leads the buffalo to the killing fields of Montana, where the buffalo are shown no mercy, given no reprieve.

Less the 150 years ago, some 30 million wild buffalo roamed the continent of North America. The great herds stretched from west of the Rockies to the shores of the Atlantic. from Canada to Mexico across the Great Plains. Today, only about 3,500 genetically pure buffalo with a continuous history of being wild and unfenced in their native habitat are left in the United States. If we don't act soon to stop the slaughter, this great treasure may be lost forever.

If you have ever considered taking a stand for the wild, now is the time to act. More volunteers are urgently needed to defend the buffalo. The remainder of winter and the coming spring are a crucial time for the buffalo.

For more information on volunteering with BFC or other actions you can take for the benefit of wild buffalo, please visit http://www.BuffaloFieldCampaign.org or call us in Montana at 406-646-0070.

Urgent call for volunteers to help defend the Last Wild Buffalo in The U.S.

Most Americans are unaware that only 23 bison escaped the mass extermination of the 1870s, finding refuge from extinction in the world's first national park. Yellowstone's bison are the genetically-pure descendants of those 23 survivors, our nation's last continuously-wild herd. Today, under assault again, they need help from people of conscience. In the park, they are beloved wildlife. But their migratory instinct leads them to lower elevation land in Montana to escape the park's harsh winter. Here they are greeted with capture, quarantine, experimentation, bullets, and slaughter. Family groups are torn apart. Mothers and babies are separated. They suffer terror and injury as they are hazed and harassed relentlessly with snowmobiles, ATVs, helicopters...

Where does this happen? In Yellowstone National Park and on surrounding public land...land belonging to ALL Americans, whether we live near or far. Who is perpetrating this? The State of Montana. The National Forest Service. Even the National Park Service itself!

Why is this happening? The politically-powerful Montana livestock industry sees bison as competition for grazing resources. They claim that bison will infect their cattle with brucellosis (a bacterial cattle disease), but this has never occurred in the wild, never once since cattle first infected bison in the early 1900s.

Who pays for this? YOU do "the American taxpayer" at over $3 million per year.

What can YOU do? If you do nothing else, pass this message on to your e-mail contacts across the country and around the world. But if you want to learn more, visit www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/action.html

Buffalo Field Campaign volunteers are in the field every day documenting the activities that pass for bison management in Montana
(view video footage at the website), and working for the day when these beautiful native creatures are welcomed home onto designated habitat where they are truly free to roam America's public land. Sign up for weekly BFC up-dates at: bfc-media (at) wildrockies.org Subject line: "Subscribe.

"Want to do more? Consider writing to one or both of the following: Gov. Brian Schweitzer: (406) 444-3111, governor.mt.gov/contact/comments.asp (Montana is responsible for hazing, hunting, capture & quarantine, & slaughter.) In your own words, ask the governor to designate bison habitat and manage bison as America's treasured wildlife using science, not politics.

Suzanne Lewis, Superintendent, Yellowstone (307) 344-2002, suzanne_lewis (at) nps.gov (Yellowstone is responsible for capture within the park & shipment to slaughter.) In your own words, ask Ms. Lewis to stop killing bison to prevent them from leaving the park, contrary to everything the national park stands for.

Edward Abbey said, "A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." In defending America's last wild bison, we stand up to greed and dishonesty. We stand up for justice and the enduring qualities embodied in our great nation's symbol of freedom, the magnificent American bison.



Learn More at: http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org/action.html

-- Buffalo Field Campaign P.O. Box 957 West Yellowstone, MT 59758 406-646-0070 bfc-media (at) wildrockies.org http://www.buffalofieldcampaign.org

Informant: Scott Munson


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