Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2006

New Paths to Stop Human Rights Violations in US

Congress member Barbara Lee gave the House of Representatives in early February reports of 30 types of human rights violations by the US Government since 9/11. And she noted the failure of the Government to report these violations on time and accurately as required by a human rights treaty ratified in 1992 by the Senate at the request of President George Bush: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Ann Fagan Ginger suggests this treaty could provide a new path for action to stop human rights violations in the US.

Oppose a Bad Nuclear Deal with India

Nuclear Weapons: Oppose a Bad Nuclear Deal with India – FCNL

When President Bush visits India next week (March 1-3), he won’t be threatening to bomb that country, like he is Iran.

Instead, he will be offering to provide India nuclear technology which he is criticizing Iran for possessing. At the top of the president’s agenda will be negotiating an agreement to provide nuclear technology to India even though the leaders of that South Asian nation refuse to endorse the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

That nuclear technology and fuel transfer agreement may be difficult to negotiate. Indian leaders have refused to establish a clear separation between their civilian and military nuclear programs. In addition, India is not a member of the NPT, the international agreement endorsed by 188 nations that bans the export of nuclear technology to states that don’t agree to international inspections of their nuclear programs. No means exists to ensure that India is in compliance with international safeguards designed to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.

Nonetheless, President Bush has said publicly that he hopes to devise a plan with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that enables the U.S. to provide nuclear technology to India. The U.S. government is pressuring Iran (an NPT member) to halt its nuclear program, while negotiating an agreement to supply India, a country that refuses to sign the NPT, with nuclear technology. This double standard defeats, rather than advances, work to free the world of nuclear danger.

Reps Ed Markey (D-MA) and Fred Upton (R-MI) oppose this double standard, and they have introduced a bipartisan resolution expressing concern about the proposed U.S.-India nuclear deal. While conveying strong U.S. humanitarian and scientific support for India, H.Con.Res. 318 cautions against providing a non-NPT country with nuclear technology and fuel. The Upton-Markey provision should be supported. Take Action Now

Please contact your representative and ask her or him to cosponsor H.Con.Res. 318, which expresses concern about the proposed U.S.-India nuclear deal.

To see talking points and write a letter to your representative visit

See a list of current cosponsors at .


India last tested a nuclear weapon in 1998, and, while relations between India and Pakistan are relatively stable now, this proposed agreement could renew tensions if a perception is created that India is attempting to bolster its nuclear weapons arsenal with U.S.-supplied technology. One Indian analyst, when commenting about the proposed nuclear deal, quipped: “Given India’s uranium ore crunch and the need to build up our minimum credible nuclear deterrent arsenal as fast as possible, it is to India’s advantage to categorize as many power reactors as possible as civilian ones to be re-fueled by imported uranium and conserve our native uranium fuel for weapon-grade plutonium production.” India apparently wants to use U.S.-supplied nuclear technology and fuel for its civilian energy needs so it can use its own nuclear resources to produce bomb-grade material.

While India is an emerging partner of the U.S., the administration should be cautious not to proliferate nuclear technology, even to democracies. In the past, democratic states have been a source of nuclear proliferation. The A.Q. Khan network, a Pakistan-based group which acquired nuclear technology and sold it to “rogue” states in the 1990s, obtained its technology from South Africa and Switzerland, both of which are democracies. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is already a significant world problem; U.S. policies should not contribute to this situation.

If the U.S. is trying to assist India’s energy needs, the U.S. should provide technology to improve India’s coal-burning power plants, some of the dirtiest in the world. Congress ought not to be lowering the threshold on non-proliferation by weakening the U.S. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 and the Atomic Energy Act, laws which must be amended for the U.S.-India nuclear deal to occur. To this end, please ask your representative to cosponsor H.Con.Res. 318.

Thank you!

The U.S. Can't Abandon Iraq, But the Troops Must Leave: Join FCNL's Iraq Campaign,

Contact Congress and the Administration:

Nuking the Economy

Companies Given Free Ride on Pollution Violations with Voluntary EPA Program

"Pflanzen für die Zukunft": Scharfe Kritik an EU-Milliardenprogramm für Agrarforschung


Mehrere deutsche Verbraucher- und Naturschutzverbände haben die geplante Ausrichtung der Agrar- und Ernährungsforschung im 7. EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm scharf kritisiert. In dem für die Jahre 2007 bis 2013 geplanten Programm liege das Schwergewicht einseitig auf der Förderung von Gentechnikforschung, heißt es in einem Schreiben vom Donnerstag an Europa- und Bundestagsabgeordnete sowie an deutsche Ministerien. Diese Ausrichtung werde zudem ausschließlich von der Chemie- und Lebensmittelindustrie sowie der Forschung bestimmt, kritisieren die Verfasser. Den Brief haben unter anderem Greenpeace, der Naturschutzbund (NABU) und der Bund Umwelt und Naturschutz in Deutschland (BUND) unterschrieben.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Kids say no to phone masts

23 February 2006

Young protesters outside Rhodes Avenue School Young protesters outside Rhodes Avenue School KIDS, parents and celebrities braved the elements on Monday afternoon to protest against mobile phone giant Orange's plans to erect two masts in Muswell Hill.

The protesters paraded outside Rhodes Avenue School carrying balloons and placards saying "Orange: You're Making Me Blue" - furious at the prospect of one of the masts being constructed near the school.

Actor and parent Crispin Bonham-Carter and TV presenter Rianna Scipio both joined the protester - which took place on the same day Rhodes Avenue's new after-school club opened.

Alison Levy, who has two young children at the school, said: "It was a cold windy day. It was a real struggle to get there and I was absolutely delighted that so many people made the effort to make a point.

"I felt that it did prove that there was a really strong feeling about it. That gave me a sense that there were very strong feelings about opposition to the mast.

Mrs Levy added: "I have two small children at the school who are going to spend six years in the classrooms that, if a mast is to be put up, would be metres from it."

Muswell Hill ward councillor, Wayne Hoban (Liberal Democrat), who attended the protest, said: "I was very pleased with the turnout. This is an appeal by the same company that was originally turned down by the council quite rightly.

"Basically I could not think of a worse place for a mobile phone mast and base station - immediately adjacent to a school and playground.

"Our view is that the precautionary principle should apply."

Orange is appealing against Haringey Council's decision last September to reject the application for two masts - one in Albert Road, near the school, and the other next to Sunshine Green Garden Centre in Dunsford Road.

Jacque Sibanda, Orange community liaison officer, said: "The precautionary principle has been applied. We have consulted with residents."

Ms Sibanda highlighted that before the Stewart Report in 2001, guidelines on emissions from mobile masts allowed 100 watts per metre squared and that had since been reduced to nine watts.

She added: "It is quite a difficult one. I think people's impression of this is quite subjective - like not put any base stations in at all.

"That is not realistic. There is a great consumer demand. People are happy to use their mobile phones but do not understand the infrastructure involved.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Public school faces storm over mobile phone mast

Feb 23 2006

WELLINGTON College is likely to give the go-ahead for a mobile phone mast in its grounds - despite protests from the owner of a neighbouring business.

Planning approval for the mast was given last year, but the public school decided not to let the phone company built it next to playing fields after objections from a neighbouring business park.

But now Lancewich company director Nicholas Martin, whose premises on Wellington Business Park are next to the school, has received a letter saying the governors are likely to let the installation of a 30ft-high phone mast go ahead after all.

Mr Martin is fuming over the change in mood by the school.

He has written to Bracknell MP Andrew MacKay and called on business park neighbours to fight the decision.

In the letter to Mr Martin, bursar Martin Sherwin said: "T Mobile have, in recent months, made a number of representations to the college and have gained the support of the Crowthorne Village Action Group - CVAG."

But CVAG founder member Carole Doran said: "What we said was we cannot give any blessing.

"We are not an elected body. CVAG's view is that we condone mast sharing away from schools and dwellings".

Mr Sherwin told The News: "A governors meeting this spring will be considering the matter. Planning approval was given some time ago."

He said the college was mindful of concerns that had been raised before and as a matter of courtesy they had let Mr Martin know governors were likely to allow the mast to go ahead.

Wellington College's 400-acre estate backs on to the business park which is near the railway line. There is one mast already alongside the railway line.

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2006

Pentagon: Rumsfeld verliert den Überblick

Dass der Herr des gigantischsten Waffen-Arsenals, dass die Welt je kannte, heute nicht mehr weiß, welchen Diktator er gestern mit Massenvernichtungswaffen versorgte, überrascht die Weltöffentlichkeit schon länger nicht mehr bzw. wird als angemessene staatsmännische Nonchalance goutiert. Nun spielt ihm anscheinend auch sein Kurzzeitgedächtnis merkwürdige Streiche.

Bekannt geworden waren vom Chef des Pentagon die mehrfachen Versuche, Propagandaabteilungen zu etablieren, die unter anderem auch durch gezielte Desinformationen die Weltöffentlichkeit im Sinn der amerikanischen Politik zu beeinflussen. Kürzlich nannte erklärte er die Fähigkeit, 24-Stunden täglich in allen Teilen der Welt amerikanische Propaganda zu platzieren zur entscheidenden militärischen Kompetenz, um den Krieg gegen den Terror zu gewinnen. Gleichzeitig wurde von ihm erklärt, dass das Programm der Beeinflussung irakischer Medien gestoppt sei.

Nur wenige Tage später korrigierte ihn sein Pressesprecher und erklärte, dass die gezielte Streuung von US-Propaganda in irakischen Medien nicht eingestellt worden sei, sondern einer Auswertung unterzogen würde.

Auch in einem andern Fall fällt es dem US-Verteidigungsminister schwer, den Überblick zu behalten und seine Statements in Einklang mit den realen Gegebenheiten zu bringen: zur Auseinandersetzung um die an einen arabischen Konzern verkauften US-Häfen - darunter New York, Miami, New Orleans und Baltimore - erklärte er, nicht informiert zu sein. Nun stellte sich jedoch heraus, dass er zu den Mitgliedern des Regierungs-Gremiums gehörte, dass den Verkauf ohne Widerspruch abgesegnet hatte.

Bereits in vergangenen Zeiten machten ihm Probleme mit dem Erinnerungsvermögen zu schaffen: dass er etwa in den 80er-Jahren in einem seiner wichtigsten Aufträge für die umfangreiche Versorgung Saddam Husseins mit amerikanischen Waffen gesorgt und damit die Fortführung eines jahrelangen Kriegs mit mehr als 1 Million Toten, etliche darunter durch Giftgas, ermöglicht hatte - auch Anthrax war in dieser Zeit aus den USA mit Genehmigung der Regierung geliefert worden - war ihm später entfallen, als es um bedrohliche irakische Massenvernichtungswaffen ging.

Möglicherweise ist es aber auch als Bestandteil seiner Führungskompetenz zu werten, wenn seine linke Gehirnhälfte nicht weiß, was die rechte tut.

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Infopool / metainfo hamburg

Global Call Iraq

Nobel Laureates and Religious Leaders Call on World to Resist Iraq Occupation

As the third anniversary of the United States-led invasion of Iraq approaches, Nobel Peace and Literature Laureates are joined by religious leaders, writers, human rights activists, former government officials, peace activists and others in calling for ongoing campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance to end the U.S. led occupation of Iraq. On March 20, 2006, the first of five days of action throughout 2006, there will be nonviolent civil resistance actions at US and British diplomatic missions, military bases, recruitment offices and war profiteers in at least three continents.

"The USA and UK, out of fear, or worse, used the politics of revenge and the old ways of militarism, war, invasion and occupation of Iraq," says Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire. "Such actions bring forth counter violence, and have for the foreseeable future made the world a more dangerous place for us all. The occupation of Iraq should end, and an enquiry into those responsible in the UK and USA administrations, who illegally took the world to war, should begin."

The global call to action includes signers from over 30 countries and calls for resistance at U.S. and British embassies, military bases and corporations: "'business as usual' is the business of violence, death, and exploitation. It must be blocked and stopped by responsible citizens." The entire call can be read at .

Also disturbing to those calling for civil resistance is the deception used to bring the world to war. "The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law," accuses Nobel Literature Laureate Harold Pinter. "The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public. To define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all."

Those calling for resistance to the occupation span a broad range of backgrounds and geographies: from U.S. Catholic Bishop Thomas Gumbleton to Colonel Juan Jaime Cesio in Argentina; from Ernesto Cardenal, a poet in Nicaragua, to Mairead Corrigan Maguire, an Irish Nobel laureate; from Cindy Sheehan to Herbert Docena, an anti-militarization campaigner in the Philippines. All are united in their rejection of the unprovoked and unjustified invasion and occupation of Iraq and in their call that people throughout the world respond.

"As the U.S. population has turned against this war, we look to the support of our allies, the majority of the world's population, as we transform our private discontent into public clamor," says Global Call Iraq spokesperson Joe Mulligan, S.J. "We invite people to organize wherever they are to help bring an end to this unjust occupation of a sovereign nation."

Additional days of global action are May 1 (International Day of the Worker), August 9 (anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki), September 11 (anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the U.S.) and December 10 (International Human Rights Day).



Harold Pinter: "Blatant state terrorism"

As every single person here knows, the justification for the invasion of Iraq was that Saddam Hussein possessed a highly dangerous body of weapons of mass destruction, some of which could be fired in 45 minutes, bringing about appalling devastation. We were assured that was true. It was not true.

Gentechnikgesetz: Gentechnik-Gegner bauen Maisfeld vor Stuttgarter Landtag an


Rund 70 Aktivisten haben am Mittwoch innerhalb der Bannmeile des Landtags in Stuttgart gegen eine Aufweichung des Gentechnikgesetzes demonstriert. Wie das "Aktionsbündnis Gentechnik-freie Landwirtschaft" mitteilte, pflanzten sie vor dem Gebäude ein traditionelles Maisfeld an. Das Landtagsgelände sei damit symbolisch zur gentechnikfreien Anbauzone erklärt worden. Mit der Aktion wurden die Landtagsabgeordneten aufgefordert, sich im Bundesrat gegen die von der Bundesregierung geplante Lockerung des Gentechnikgesetzes einzusetzen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Wertloser Gesetzentwurf": Foodwatch fordert neues Verbraucherinformationsgesetz


Die Verbraucherschutzorganisation Foodwatch hat den Entwurf von Bundesverbraucherschutzminister Horst Seehofer zum Verbraucherinformationsgesetz scharf kritisiert. Der Gesetzentwurf sei wertlos, meint Foodwatch-Geschäftsführer Thilo Bode. Es gebe für die Verbraucher keine tagesaktuelle Veröffentlichungspflicht der Behörden über Missstände und Kontrollergebnisse sowie kein Auskunftsrecht gegenüber Unternehmen. Selbst bei Gefahren und Risiken für Verbraucher bestehe kein Vorrang des öffentlichen Interesses vor der Geheimhaltung, erklärte er. Zudem werde der Informationszugang durch zu viele verfahrentechnische Hürden erschwert. Bode sagte, Deutschland sei ein "verbraucherpolitisches Entwicklungsland". Er verwies auf skandinavische Länder und die USA, Großbritannien und Irland, wo die zuständigen Verbraucherschutzbehörden die Bürger über mangelhafte Produkte und laufende Verfahren gegen Lebensmittelunternehmen im Internet informierten.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Neuer Mobilfunkmast steht mitten im Wohngebiet

Die Produktivität und die Profite der großen deutschen Unternehmen wachsen aus denselben Gründen, aus denen hierzulande Arbeitslosigkeit und Verelendung zunehmen

Mehr ist mehr

Die Produktivität und die Profite der großen deutschen Unternehmen wachsen – aus denselben Gründen, aus denen hierzulande Arbeitslosigkeit und Verelendung zunehmen. Artikel von Felix Baum in Jungle World vom 22. Februar 2006

Aus dem Text: „…Dass die Gewerkschaften von der Wirklichkeit des Weltmarkts nichts wissen wollen, verdankt sich der schlichten Tatsache, dass sie wie jeder BWL-Student treudoof an die Ewigkeit des Kapitals glauben: »Wir wollen die Gesetze der Ökonomie nicht aushebeln, das geht auch gar nicht«, sagt beispielsweise Heinz Putzhammer vom Vorstand des DGB. So bleibt nur, die Interessen der eigenen Klientel mit denen der Unternehmen auszusöhnen. Jedes Anliegen muss von vornherein mit Blick auf die Verträglichkeit für die Akkumulation vorgetragen werden. Geht die IG Metall mit der Forderung nach fünf Prozent mehr Lohn in die aktuelle Tarifrunde, dann nur unter der penetrant wiederholten Beteuerung, damit die Kaufkraft und folglich den Binnenmarkt stärken zu wollen. »Arbeiterverräter«, wie unter Linksradikalen vermehrt zu hören ist, sind die Gewerkschaften deshalb keineswegs. Solange die Lohnabhängigen selbst nicht über den Horizont der Warenproduktion hinausdenken, bleiben sie Gefangene von deren unerbittlicher Logik und haben in der Tat allen Grund, sich der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Einzelkapitals unterzuordnen, von dessen Weltmarkterfolg ihr eigenes Überleben abhängt. Es ist Scheinradikalismus, die Gewerkschaften als institutionalisierte Vermittlung dieses widersprüchlichen Verhältnisses anzugreifen, die diesem zugrunde liegende Misere aber von der Kritik auszunehmen…“

Wir übernehmen

Die Übernahme deutscher Firmen durch ausländische wird meist lautstark beklagt. Dabei wird verschwiegen, wie aktiv deutsche Unternehmen selbst bei Übernahmen sind. Artikel von Stefan Frank in Jungle World vom 22. Februar 2006

Aus dem Text: „Sind deutsche Unternehmen Opfer angelsächsischer Heuschrecken?« fragte das Manager-Magazin kürzlich und antwortete: »Unsinn. Deutsche Unternehmen schwärmen mit prall gefüllten Kriegskassen aus und machen in England und den USA reiche Beute.« Das sollte man mal der Gewerkschaft Verdi sagen. Deren Biologen haben Ende vorigen Jahres ein Papier veröffentlicht unter dem Titel »Hedge- und Private Equity-Fonds. Die Turbos im Kapitalismus«, in dem von der Bundesregierung allen Ernstes verlangt wird, deutsche Firmen vor ausländischem Zugriff zu schützen, insbesondere vor Hedgefonds, die angeblich auch Daimler-Chrysler bedrohen. Deutsche Konzerne können auf ihre Gewerkschaften zählen…“

Aus: LabourNet, 23. Februar 2006

Warum Sachbearbeiter fragwürdige Ein-Euro-Jobs zuweisen

Aus den Eingeweiden der Arbeitsverwaltung

„…Eine Sachbearbeiterin einer ARGE hat sich an den Arbeitslosenhilfe Online e.V. gewandt, um aus ihrer täglichen Praxis zu berichten. Annett S. *(Name geändert) ist auf den bundesweit agierenden Verein zur Unterstützung von Arbeitslosen aufmerksam geworden und hofft, dass so die Öffentlichkeit aufmerksam wird….“ Arbeitslosenhilfe Online e.V. informiert bei Kunst, Kultur, Politik aus Hamburg

Aus: LabourNet, 23. Februar 2006

Campaigners take bid to save schools to Holyrood

SAVE Our School campaigners took their fight to Holyrood today.

A bus-load of parents from Pollok and Carnwadric travelled to Parliament to hand over a 2000-signature petition.

They also staged a demonstration in a bid to persuade the First Minister to hold an inquiry into Glasgow City Council's pre-12 education consultation.

Protesters are angry at the closures of St Edmund's Primary in Pollok and Carnwadric Primary.

Susan Green, 41, whose daughter Erin is in P6 at St Edmund's, said: "We still feel strongly that feelings in the community have been ignored."

The protest coincides with today's stage one debate on the Scottish Schools (Par-ental Involvement) Bill.

Last month, St Edmund's parents removed their kids from the school one afternoon in protest. That same week, Carnwadric parents staged an all-night sit-in.

Last week world famous psychic Uri Geller backed parents in their fight.

Uri, who shot to fame in the 1970s by using mindpower to bend spoons, is supporting the bid to stop the new school being built near a mobile phone mast.

Carnwadric and Arden primaries are to be merged at a new 360-pupil school in Arden just a few hundred yards from a mast.

Uri told the Evening Times: "It is outrageous. I certainly wouldn't build a school near a mast."

Meanwhile, parents at St Edmund's in Pollok hope to enlist a multi-millionaire entrepreneur. Tycoon Paul Green, whose firm Retail Property Holdings is behind the massive new Silverburn shopping complex, has been urged to back their fight.


Residents up in arms over phone mast

22/02/2006 - 19:29:27

Up to 600 local residents are protesting in south Co Dublin tonight over a controversial mobile phone mast.

The telecoms structure on Shankill Garda Station will accommodate up to 12 mobile phone antennae but locals claim there has been no consultation with them and are protesting against its construction.

Three schools and two residential developments are within 500m of the mast, which is being built by telecoms firm Vilicom.

The issue was raised at the Oireachtas Environment Committee in Leinster House earlier today with OPW officials.

Local TD Ciaran Cuffe complained that current regulations allow for a mast to be replaced, and for up to 12 additional antennae to be placed on it, without public consultation.

However OPW commissioner David Byers insisted that the mast complied with relevant health and safety regulations.

He said the project was similar to others at other Garda stations throughout the state under the Transforming State Assets Programme.

He told the Committee that the closer mobile phone users are to a mast, the safer radiation levels will be.

“The further away your handset is from your antennae when you’re making a call, the more powerful your handset has to be to get to the antennae,” he said.

“If you had a concern, I would have thought that you would be more worried about a transmitter too close to your ear than an antennae several hundred yards away.

“The more extra masts there are out there, the less powerful the handset has to be to reach them.”

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Co Council had previously asked the OPW to stop work on the project over residents’ concerns that it didn’t have planning permission.

However the Council confirmed earlier this month that the development was legal as it was a replacement of an original structure that had secured planning.


"Keine Entwarnung für Peißenberg"

Mobilfunkexperte Hans Schütz über Kritik an Messkriterien


Peißenberg - Die Marktgemeinde Peißenberg hat die Strahlenbelastung auf ihrem Gebiet messen lassen (wir berichteten). Das Ergebnis: Alle ermittelten Werte liegen weit unter dem gesetzlichen Grenzwert. Hans Schütz, Kreisrat der Grünen und Mobilfunkexperte, sieht darin noch "keine Entwarnung für Peißenberg". Er übt Kritik an den Grenzwerten, die nach seiner Einschätzung zu hoch angesetzt sind.

Laut Bernhard Schregle von der Marktverwaltung hat sich die Gemeinde an die 26. Verordnung zum Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz gehalten. Da es sich um ein Bundesgesetz handle, bestehe kein Zweifel an der Rechtmäßigkeit des Vorgehens. Von Seiten der Verwaltung könne man jedoch nicht beurteilen, ob die Grenzwerte zu hoch oder angemessen seien. Dafür habe man nicht die Fachleute im Haus.

Ein Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens, das die Messung durchgeführt hat, hält die Grenzwertdiskussion für wenig sinnvoll. Der Grenzwert, der sich nur auf die Erwärmung des menschlichen Körpers im Strahlungsbereich bezieht, sei so hoch, dass er von Mobilfunksendern nicht erreicht werde. Er sei so sinnvoll wie ein Tempolimit von 500 Stundenkilometern auf der Straße.

Das Unternehmen habe aber keine Wahl gehabt. Ihm sei im Auftrag klar vorgegeben worden, dass die gemessenen Werte in Bezug zum gesetzlichen Grenzwert gesetzt werden müsse. Daran hätte man sich gehalten. Diese Vorgabe habe nicht die Gemeinde Peißenberg zu vertreten, sie sei Bestandteil der durch den bayerischen Staat festgelegten Förderrichtlinien, aufgrund derer die Gemeinde laut Schregle für die 2250 Euro teure Messung einen Zuschuss von 2025 Euro bekommen hat.

Nicht mehr das Handy benutzen

Der Sinn der Messungen liegt nach Aussage des Messtechnikers darin, den Gemeinden verlässliche Unterlagen über die Strahlenbelastung zu geben, die sie für ihre Planung - etwa die Ausweisung von Senderstandorten - brauchen. Die von der Strahlung Betroffenen hätten jedoch die Möglichkeit, selbst ihre Strahlenbelastung zu senken. Wenn nicht mit dem Handy telefoniert werde, sinke die Leistung der Sendeantennen um bis zu 90 Prozent. Außerdem würden die Mobilfunkbetreiber bei fehlender Nachfrage keine weiteren Antennen installieren.

Schütz sieht im forcierten Ausbau der Mobilfunknetze eine weitere Gefahr. Die Telekommunikationsanbieter könnten eines Tages das Festnetz aufgeben, um sich die Kosten für die Wartung zu sparen. Dann hätten auch die, die dem grenzenlosen Mobilfunk kritisch gegenüberstehen, keine Alternative zum Handy mehr. Gegen Mobilfunk ist Schütz allerdings nicht. Er hält ihn dort für sinnvoll, wo kein Festnetzanschluss erreichbar ist. Allerdings fordert er wesentlich niedrigere Sendeleistungen.


Datum: 23.02.2006 00:00 Uhr,589322.html


Strahlung unterm Grenzwert

Why States Believe Foolish Ideas: Non-Self-Evaluation By States And Societies

Why searching out some information for my thesis I happened to come across an interesting paper titled: “Why States Believe Foolish Ideas: Non-Self-Evaluation By States And Societies” by Stephen Van Evera, January 10, 2002

For the topic of this list, those readers interested in why the Myth of ICNIRP and why Repacholian pseudo-science continues to wield such power with national governments and their agencies, this paper is well worth a read.

Don Maisch

Download it at:

Some exerpts from the beginning:


Kenneth Waltz argues that states are socialized to the international system because they will be injured or even destroyed if they fail to adapt to it. I believe this claim is correct but should be qualified. Most states are indeed socialized to the international system, but their socialization is often slow and sometimes minimal because states widely fail to evaluate their own ideas and policies.

Organization theorists note that organizations are poor self-evaluators; I argue here that states suffer the same syndrome. This failure to self-evaluate impedes national learning and allows misperceptions to flourish.

Myths, false propaganda, and anachronistic beliefs persist in the absence of strong evaluative institutions to test ideas against logic and evidence, weeding out those that fail. As a result national learning is slow and forgetting is quick. The external environment is perceived only dimly, through a fog of myths and misperceptions.

States that misperceive their environment in this way are bound to fail to adapt to it, even when the penalties of such failure are high. Blind to the incentives they face they will respond inappropriately, even if they accept in principle the need to adapt.

The following two sections frame reasons why self-evaluation is hard for organizations and outline ways that parallel problems inhibit evaluation in governments and whole societies. The next two sections detail tactics used by opponents to inhibit or prevent evaluation and frame conditions that are more and less conducive to self-evaluation. The last two sections look at cases that shed light on this theory and offer concluding thoughts.

Aaron Wildavsky contends that organizations poorly evaluate their own policies and beliefs because they often turn against their own evaluative units, attacking or destroying them.

Evaluation promotes innovation and change. This threatens the jobs and status of incumbent members of the organization. Hence incumbents often seek to hamper or prevent evaluation and to punish evaluators. These incumbents tend to dominate the organization’s decision making, so evaluation finds itself with stronger enemies than friends within the organization. Hence self- evaluation is often timid and ineffective.

Targets of evaluation can create competing units to produce pseudo-evaluation and disinformation that drowns out the voice of evaluation. Or they can refuse to cooperate with evaluators. Specifically, they can withhold or doctor data that evaluators need for their evaluation, or they can bargain for leniency in exchange for data. Or they can threaten evaluators with social ostracism or coopt them with personal friendship.



Prof Goldsmith about Dr. Repacholi

Demand an Investigation Now!

When Richard Nixon abused power, Congress held a serious, bi-partisan investigation that resulted in articles of impeachment. Strong evidence suggests that George Bush and Dick Cheney launched an illegal war and lied to Congress, spied on Americans without court approval, leaked classified information, produced phony news reports, imprisoned without charge and tortured, targeted civilians and used illegal weapons. Urge your Representative to join the 27 sponsors of House Resolution 635 for a Watergate-style investigation.

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Stop Bush's Plan to Let the United Arab Emirates Operate U.S. Ports
George Bush says he didn't know about the deal to put the United Arab Emirates in charge of the ports of New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia, plus military equipment going through Beaumont and Corpus Christi. But he still supports it 1000% and promises to veto any bill to stop the deal. Tell your Representatives to stop Bush's plan.

Video of Rally on Feb. 15 in Santa Cruz This was a great event! Watch this video of the highlights. First to speak is Sherry Conable, leading activist in Santa Cruz, followed by Karen Meredith who lost her son in the war, then Louis LaFortune of Santa Cruz, David Swanson who co-founded After Downing Street, and Medea Benjamin who co-founded CODE PINK.

One Page of Links to Info on Impeaching Bush and Cheney


Sign up for these, find others, and create your own at

See Also: UFPJ's 3rd Anniversary of the War Calendar of Events

See Also: PDA Events

Cindy Sheehan and Martin Sheen in Pasadena SAT, FEB. 25th 7:00 PM All Saints Episcopal Church, 132 N. Euclid Ave, Pasadena Emcee, MIMI KENNEDY... Activist & Actor; REV. ED BACON... Rector, All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena; FERNANDO SUAREZ, JANE BRIGHT, BILL MITCHELL..., Gold Star Families for Peace; PABLO PEREDES... War Resister; TIM GOODRICH... Iraq Veterans Against the War; STEVE SHERRILL, ED ELLIS... Veterans For Peace; ARLENE INOUYE... CAMS, Teachers & Students; SONALI KOLHATKAR, DON WHITE... KPFK; SALLY MARR & PETER DUDAR... "Arlington West" Filmmakers.

Scott Ritter Speaking in Texas February 25, 8-9:30 p.m. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 14311 Wells Port Drive, Austin Doors open 6:00 PM. Come early for pre-event live music. Moderated by "Deadline Live" host JACK BLOOD

Sunday, February 26, 5 - 6:30 p.m. Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church 2025 W. 11th Street, Houston Doors open 4:00 PM. Seating is first-come, first-served. and

National Call-In Day to Oppose More Money for War February 28 Call your Congress Member and Senators and tell them to vote against supplemental spending on the Iraq War.

Stop the Katrina Evictions February 28 Demand a stop to evictions, demand trailers for survivors, and demand passage of H.R. 4197. Press Conference: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Rayburn House Office Building – Room #2237 Mardi Gras Style March for Justice: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. from Capitol South Metro Stop at 12:00 p.m. to the White House Rally & Protest at the White House: 12:00 p.m. – 11:59 p.m. Lafayette Park FLYER:

Panel Discussion Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst, author of “Sham Dunk: Cooking Intelligence for the President” Chapter 18 of Neo-CONNED! Again Stephen J. Sneigoski, PhD, author of “Neoconservatives, Israel, and 9/11: The Origins of the U.S. War on Iraq” Chapter 6 of Neo-CONNED! Again J. Forrest Sharpe, editor of Neo-CONNED! and Neo-CONNED! Again March 2, 2006, 6-8 p.m. Barnes and Noble, 555 – 12th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 (Metro Center)

Is There a Case for Impeachment? March 2, 8 p.m. A public forum featuring Lewis H. Lapham, Rep. John Conyers, Michael Ratner, Elizabeth Holtzman, and John Dean, moderated by Sam Seder. Town Hall, 123 W 43rd St, New York, NY

A Day of Events in San Diego Friday, March 3 Lunch at Catfish Club, featuring: David Swanson, Ann Wright; UCSD Anti-War Rally, ; 6:30 p.m. panel discussion, featuring: Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, David Swanson, John Amato.

4th Annual Party for Progressives! Activist San Diego presents: We say NO to War! We Support Peace & Justice for All! Special Guest: CINDY SHEEHAN Sat March 4, 8 -11pm Balboa Park Club Ballroom, San Diego, CA Dancing to award winning dance band LIQUID BLUE To purchase tickets: 619-528-8383 or



One by One, Towns are Urging Peace

George W. Bush vs. the Constitution

Informant: Lew Rockwell


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