Was the Gulf Oil Spill an Act of War?
You Betcha
Randall Amster J.D., Ph.D., Truthout: "Speculation has been running rampant among certain sectors of the web world lately about the true origins of the massive oil spill that has engulfed the Gulf and threatens marine, plant, animal and human health in a region already beset by natural disasters and toxic industries."
Gulf Oil Spill: Questions Unanswered, Residents Try Legal Action
Mark Guarino, The Christian Science Monitor: "In the wake of the Gulf oil spill, rig operator BP has produced apologies, jobs for local fishermen to aid in the recovery efforts, and a promise to pay for all cleanup costs. But what it hasn't yet produced are answers to why the explosion happened and how exactly it plans to compensate local fishermen - unanswered questions that, three weeks after the explosion, are frustrating all those affected by the disaster, including leaders of gulf coast states and fishing operators."
Flying Over the BP Oil Disaster
Hurricane creek keeper John Wathan took a flight over the Gulf of Mexico to document the BP oil disaster.
As BP Oil Spill Fight Continues, More Areas Closed to the Public
Mark Guarino, The Christian Science Monitor: “With confirmed sightings of oil across a 50-mile chain of islands that line Louisiana's Southwestern coast, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) has ordered the affected area closed to public entry. The agency also expanded an earlier ban on fishing in the area east of the Mississippi River.”
The real problem with oil is not carbon
Randall Amster J.D., Ph.D., Truthout: "Speculation has been running rampant among certain sectors of the web world lately about the true origins of the massive oil spill that has engulfed the Gulf and threatens marine, plant, animal and human health in a region already beset by natural disasters and toxic industries."
Gulf Oil Spill: Questions Unanswered, Residents Try Legal Action
Mark Guarino, The Christian Science Monitor: "In the wake of the Gulf oil spill, rig operator BP has produced apologies, jobs for local fishermen to aid in the recovery efforts, and a promise to pay for all cleanup costs. But what it hasn't yet produced are answers to why the explosion happened and how exactly it plans to compensate local fishermen - unanswered questions that, three weeks after the explosion, are frustrating all those affected by the disaster, including leaders of gulf coast states and fishing operators."
Flying Over the BP Oil Disaster
Hurricane creek keeper John Wathan took a flight over the Gulf of Mexico to document the BP oil disaster.
As BP Oil Spill Fight Continues, More Areas Closed to the Public
Mark Guarino, The Christian Science Monitor: “With confirmed sightings of oil across a 50-mile chain of islands that line Louisiana's Southwestern coast, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) has ordered the affected area closed to public entry. The agency also expanded an earlier ban on fishing in the area east of the Mississippi River.”
The real problem with oil is not carbon
rudkla - 8. Mai, 10:02