California is broke(n) on most every register and by almost any measure
The State We Are In
David Theo Goldberg, Truthout: "The State of California, it is now plain for all who hadn't noticed previously, is dysfunctional. As much politically as economically. Many now are pointing out that the causes of our current demise, and therefore the fixes too, are technical by nature. The culprits are various: Proposition 13 radically restricts revenue collection by limiting property taxes for long-time California residents; the two-thirds vote required for any budget solution is next to impossible to achieve; narrowed term limits for state politicians produce turnover and inexperienced legislators; rule by Propositional mandate (which brought about the previous three policies) yields so much inflexibility and required spending as to limit the range of possible fixes, and so on. California is broke(n) on most every register and by almost any measure."
David Theo Goldberg, Truthout: "The State of California, it is now plain for all who hadn't noticed previously, is dysfunctional. As much politically as economically. Many now are pointing out that the causes of our current demise, and therefore the fixes too, are technical by nature. The culprits are various: Proposition 13 radically restricts revenue collection by limiting property taxes for long-time California residents; the two-thirds vote required for any budget solution is next to impossible to achieve; narrowed term limits for state politicians produce turnover and inexperienced legislators; rule by Propositional mandate (which brought about the previous three policies) yields so much inflexibility and required spending as to limit the range of possible fixes, and so on. California is broke(n) on most every register and by almost any measure."
rudkla - 10. Jun, 08:54