What does Sarah Palin have to hide in her e-mails?
Palin’s husband refuses to testify in probe
Arizona Republic
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s husband has refused to testify in the investigation of his wife’s alleged abuse of power, and key lawmakers said Thursday that uncooperative witnesses are effectively sidetracking the probe until after Election Day. Todd Palin, who participates in state business in person or by e-mail, was among 13 people subpoenaed by the Alaska Legislature. Palin’s lawyer sent a letter to the lead investigator saying Palin objected to the probe and would not appear to testify on Friday...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Palin Can Launch Us Back in Time
Janis L. Karpinski, Truthout: "Hmmmmm. My intuition is kicking into high gear on the nomination of Sarah Palin as vice president on the Republican ticket. Hmmmmm. It is haunting me. There is something sneaky behind her and me thinks it is the devious orchestration of Karl Rove. Months of criticism for Barack Obama's allegedly short supply of expertise, then McCain selects a true novice as a partner on his ticket. Does this make any sense at all?"
A Spaniard in the Works
Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian UK: "Does John McCain know that Zapatero is the Spanish prime minister, and that Spain is in Europe? You'll have to decide for yourself whether the painful interview above, which John McCain gave yesterday to a Spanish journalist in Florida, really does seem to indicate that he didn't know that Jose Luis Zapatero is the prime minister of Spain, and that he perhaps even thinks Spain might be in Latin America."
Sarah Palins E-Mail-Geheimnisse
Einer der beiden E-Mail-Accounts der Gouverneurin von Alaska, mit denen sie die Archivierungspflicht umgehen wollte, wurde gehackt, die E-Mails veröffentlicht.
Palin’s husband refuses to testify in probe
Arizona Republic
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s husband has refused to testify in the investigation of his wife’s alleged abuse of power, and key lawmakers said Thursday that uncooperative witnesses are effectively sidetracking the probe until after Election Day. Todd Palin, who participates in state business in person or by e-mail, was among 13 people subpoenaed by the Alaska Legislature. Palin’s lawyer sent a letter to the lead investigator saying Palin objected to the probe and would not appear to testify on Friday...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Palin Can Launch Us Back in Time
Janis L. Karpinski, Truthout: "Hmmmmm. My intuition is kicking into high gear on the nomination of Sarah Palin as vice president on the Republican ticket. Hmmmmm. It is haunting me. There is something sneaky behind her and me thinks it is the devious orchestration of Karl Rove. Months of criticism for Barack Obama's allegedly short supply of expertise, then McCain selects a true novice as a partner on his ticket. Does this make any sense at all?"
A Spaniard in the Works
Oliver Burkeman, The Guardian UK: "Does John McCain know that Zapatero is the Spanish prime minister, and that Spain is in Europe? You'll have to decide for yourself whether the painful interview above, which John McCain gave yesterday to a Spanish journalist in Florida, really does seem to indicate that he didn't know that Jose Luis Zapatero is the prime minister of Spain, and that he perhaps even thinks Spain might be in Latin America."
Sarah Palins E-Mail-Geheimnisse
Einer der beiden E-Mail-Accounts der Gouverneurin von Alaska, mit denen sie die Archivierungspflicht umgehen wollte, wurde gehackt, die E-Mails veröffentlicht.
rudkla - 19. Sep, 09:25