Drilling Without Oil, Tax Cuts Without Growth
Dean Baker, writing for Truthout, says: "Senator McCain is in the unenviable position of running on the track record of a president with the worst economic performance since Herbert Hoover. He has adopted the strategy of ignoring the record while embracing his predecessor's policies. McCain is betting the media will be so incompetent that they will not notice. He might be right."
It's the Economic Stupidity, Stupid
Frank Rich, of The New York Times: "In 2000, he told an interviewer that he would make up for his lack of attention to 'those issues.' As he entered the 2008 campaign, Mr. McCain was still saying the same, vowing to read 'Greenspan's book' as a tutorial. Last weekend, the resolutely analog candidate told The New York Times he is at last starting to learn how 'to get online myself.' Perhaps he'll retire his abacus by Election Day."
It's the Economic Stupidity, Stupid
Frank Rich, of The New York Times: "In 2000, he told an interviewer that he would make up for his lack of attention to 'those issues.' As he entered the 2008 campaign, Mr. McCain was still saying the same, vowing to read 'Greenspan's book' as a tutorial. Last weekend, the resolutely analog candidate told The New York Times he is at last starting to learn how 'to get online myself.' Perhaps he'll retire his abacus by Election Day."
rudkla - 16. Jul, 09:21