Fighting the NAFTA super highway
Imagine This! Super NAFTA
America is in unchartered waters.
Fighting the NAFTA super highway
by Steven Higgs
In response to the flood and declining economic conditions, long-time highway opponents argued the I-69 NAFTA Highway is now even more economically unfeasible in a state where the transportation research group TRIP says 32 percent of its ‘major roads are in poor or mediocre condition’ and 22 percent of its bridges ‘are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.’ … On June 20, the day McCain spoke to the Economic Club of Canada, Daniels also sicced state and local police agencies on I-69 NAFTA Highway opponents in Gibson County, dislodging two from a tree-sit protest. In response to the arrests, youthful protesters engaged in civil disobedience around Indiana that led to at least six more arrests. About 50 took over the streets of downtown Bloomington on June 21, carrying torches, banging drums and chanting anti-authoritarian incantations such as, ‘You can’t put our friends in jail, we will drive the final nail’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
America is in unchartered waters.
Fighting the NAFTA super highway
by Steven Higgs
In response to the flood and declining economic conditions, long-time highway opponents argued the I-69 NAFTA Highway is now even more economically unfeasible in a state where the transportation research group TRIP says 32 percent of its ‘major roads are in poor or mediocre condition’ and 22 percent of its bridges ‘are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.’ … On June 20, the day McCain spoke to the Economic Club of Canada, Daniels also sicced state and local police agencies on I-69 NAFTA Highway opponents in Gibson County, dislodging two from a tree-sit protest. In response to the arrests, youthful protesters engaged in civil disobedience around Indiana that led to at least six more arrests. About 50 took over the streets of downtown Bloomington on June 21, carrying torches, banging drums and chanting anti-authoritarian incantations such as, ‘You can’t put our friends in jail, we will drive the final nail’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 28. Mai, 08:55