Samstag, 10. Mai 2008

Secretive FEMA Camp Drill Running In Iowa

Informant: Dorothee Krien

11 Year Old Girl Shames the FDA By doing Their Job

For Blackwater It's Business as Usual

James Risen reports for The New York Times: "Last fall, Blackwater Worldwide was in deep peril. Guards for the security company were involved in a shooting in September that left at least 17 Iraqis dead at a Baghdad intersection. Outrage over the killings prompted the Iraqi government to demand Blackwater's ouster from the country, and led to a criminal investigation by the FBI, a series of internal investigations by the State Department and the Pentagon, and high-profile Congressional hearings. But after an intense public and private lobbying campaign, Blackwater appears to be back to business as usual."

Judge Orders CIA to Turn Over "Torture" Memo

Reuters reports that "A US judge ordered the Central Intelligence Agency on Thursday to submit to the court a 2002 memo said to specify harsh interrogation methods used on suspected terrorists held abroad."

Human Rights/Detention camps in Europe

Informant: Dorothee Krien

Guantanamo: Folter im Regierungsauftrag

Parents Organize to Remove Antennas from Schools

Two articles that appeared in the Staten Island Advance, a local newspaper in New York City.

City removes 3 antennas at Totten Intermediate
by Staten Island Advance
Friday May 02, 2008, 8:00 PM
(Printed May 2, 2008- Pg1)

Who says you can't fight City Hall? Amid concerns about radiation, the city's Department of Information, Technology and Telecommunications has taken down "temporarily" three radio antennas it placed atop Totten Intermediate School in Tottenville.

The 14-foot antennas were erected over last summer as part of the $75 million Citywide Radio Network designed to improve communication between firefighters and EMS and dispatchers.

"We certainly want to make it clear that we're not walking away from the school site -- we're temporarily taking down the antennas," said Vincent Grippo, chief of staff for the department. "This is absolutely vital; firefighters not being able to communicate poses an extreme danger to the community." Some parents were outraged upon learning that the city had built -- without much public notification -- three antennas on top of a roof that covers the heads of the 1,178 students enrolled there.

"Our kids are literally separated by a roof from a huge antenna, and no one told us anything about it," said Ed Armstrong, whose 12-year-old daughter attends the school. "Show me one study that says it's safe -- they can't, because one hasn't been done."

The city says that the radiation from the antennas doesn't even approach thresholds set by the Federal Communications Commission, and that to be in potential danger one would have to be standing right next to the array. The American Cancer Society says the energy released is too low to cause cancer, and in urban environments is often lower than that from other sources, like broadcast television and radio signals.

Armstrong and others point to the BioInitiative Report, which casts doubt that federally accepted limits for cell phone and wireless tower radiation levels are safe, and have been linked to childhood leukemia and brain tumors. The antennas on top of Totten Intermediate were never turned on.

The Citywide Radio Network comprises 40 antennas throughout the five boroughs designed to boost communications between first responders.

Once in place, the network should let the FDNY speak directly to other agencies, like the Office of Emergency Management, and will let individuals talk directly to dispatchers using hand-held radios. The DoITT says it hopes to have the system working by June.

The company contracted to construct the network, Motorola, had found that the only building tall enough in the area to be of any use was the school, but will go back and look for alternative sites, the department said.

The department experienced similar opposition when it was revealed it planned to build a wireless data antenna, part of a different, $500 million NYCWiN network, on top of PS 30 in Westerleigh.

The DoITT has put off construction and scheduled meetings with school administrators and the public for later this month.-- Contributed by Phil Helsel

City pulls plans to put wireless antenna on Staten Island school

by Staten Island Advance
Tuesday May 06, 2008, 5:07 PM
(Printed May 7, 2008 Pg A3)

In the face of mounting opposition from worried parents, the city has backed off plans to build a wireless communication antenna on top of a primary school in Staten Island's Westerleigh neighborhood.

The city's Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, or DoITT, has sent its engineers back to the drawing board after parents blasted a plan to mount an antenna on top of PS 30.

"It was made very clear to us that there was going to be a lot of opposition to anything at the school site," said department spokesman Nick Sbordone.

The planned antenna is part of the $500 million New York City Wireless Network, or NYCWiN, designed to speed up communication between city agencies.

The city says that such devices -- there are already about 50 on Staten Island -- are safe and emit far less radiation than federal safety thresholds, but parents and some scientists are unconvinced.

"Believe me, I understand after 9/11 we need this technology, but to put it on top of a school is just asinine," said Carol Aponte, whose 8-year-old daughter attends PS 30. "Let them tell us whatever they want, but they can't tell us that in 10 years there's not going to be health effects."

The DoITT was scheduled today to hold a private meeting with school officials and concerned parents, including Mrs. Aponte, but canceled it after being told Friday that opponents were seething, Sbordone said.

It has also put off a planned May 27 public meeting to discuss the project, and instead has asked network engineer Northrop Grumman to come up with alternatives to the school site.

Those won't be returned until July at the earliest, after 98 percent of the system has already gone online.

A group of scientists, including Columbia University professor of physiology and cellular biophysics Martin Blank, published last year a report questioning federally-accepted levels or wireless and cellular radiation. "We don't know what the risks are, but we know they're not zero," Blank said on Friday. -- Contributed by Phil Helsel

Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming

Informant: Jean Hudon

Russia 'expels US embassy staff'

The expulsion order was given some days ago but was only revealed by the state department on Thursday.

From Information Clearing House

Why the West moves closer to bombing Iran

Presstitute and war pimp alert:

Another week, another British fatality - and yet more evidence of Iran's lethal meddling on the battlefields of the war on terror.

The Iran Consensus Grows More Dangerous

U.S. declines to help present nuclear deal to Iran

World powers will in the coming days offer a revised package of incentives to Iran but Washington has refused to send its own envoy to help present the deal.

Iran to offer new deal to break nuclear deadlock

"My government has worked out a new package, a new initiative, which is going to be put forward in the near future to deal with all aspects of our relationship," Movahedian said.

Shell, Repsol not to pull out of Iran

Royal Dutch/Shell and Spain's Repsol reportedly intend not to capitulate to US pressure by backing away from an energy project in Iran.

Iran in Secret Talks With al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say

According to U.S. officials familiar with highly sensitive intelligence on this issue, the contacts are on the status of high-level al Qaeda operatives, including two of Osama Bin Laden's sons.

Bush Prepares a Messy Iran Handoff

The news this week that A. Q. Khan's now-defunct international nuclear smuggling network once possessed blueprints for advanced nuclear warheads - and could have sold them to Iran - gave new urgency to Washington's stalled efforts to halt Tehran's pursuit of nuclear capability.,8599,1815748,00.html?xid=rss-nation

No 'proof' to establish Iran was developing nuclear weapons: Russia

"We support the right of Iran to have access to modern, peaceful nuclear technology. Russia will support Iran to the extent of fulfilling its expectation for lawful and legal sharing of nuclear technology."

From Information Clearing House

Bulgarian soldiers hired for US security in Iraq

The US Company Defense Security Services (DSS) has been snapping up retired Bulgarian soldiers and policemen to work as guards in Iraq the company said.

From Information Clearing House

Have you ever wondered how human beings can be so cruel?


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

What Kind of War Does Neoliberalism Make?

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Portables les mauvaises ondes

Rachel's News #958

War With Iran Might Be Closer Than You Think

Informant: Kev Hall


Chorus of voices saying attack on Iran may be near

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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