Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2008

43,000 Unfit for Combat, Deployed


US Army's "Stop-Loss" Orders Up Dramatically Over Last Year

Julian E. Barnes reports for The Los Angeles Times: "The number of soldiers forced to remain in the Army involuntarily under the military's controversial 'stop-loss' program has risen sharply since the Pentagon extended combat tours last year, officials said Thursday." And, Gregg Zoroya reports for USA Today: "More than 43,000 US troops listed as medically unfit for combat in the weeks before their scheduled deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan since 2003 were sent anyway, Pentagon records...

From Crisis to Crisis?

Writing for France's business paper, Les Echos, editorialist Roger de Weck explains how the world's great banks continue to violate the most elementary rules of banking and suggests who will pay for their failures - and those of the bank regulatory authorities.

A Return to the 1970s?

Charles R. Morris reports for The Washington Independent: "The press release announcing the Federal Reserve Bank's latest interest rate reduction on April 30 had the ominous sentence, 'uncertainty about the inflation outlook remains high.' That is an unusual warning in a period of anemic growth. For anyone who can remember back 30 years, it stirs deep-seated fears."

Portrait of an Oil-Addicted Former Superpower

For, Michael T. Klare writes: "Nineteen years ago, the fall of the Berlin Wall effectively eliminated the Soviet Union as the world's other superpower. Yes, the USSR as a political entity stumbled on for another two years, but it was clearly an ex-superpower from the moment it lost control over its satellites in Eastern Europe. Less than a month ago, the United States similarly lost its claim to superpower status when a barrel crude oil roared past $110 on the international market, gasoline prices crossed the $3.50 threshold at American pumps, and diesel fuel topped $4.00. As was true of the USSR following the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, the USA will no doubt continue to stumble on like the superpower it once was; but as the nation's economy continues to be eviscerated to pay for its daily oil fix, it, too, will be seen by increasing numbers of savvy observers as an ex-superpower-in-the-making."

Government in Secret

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin), a member of the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committee, writes for The Los Angeles Times: "The Bush administration recently announced it will allow select members of Congress to read Justice Department legal opinions about the CIA's controversial detainee interrogation program that have been hidden from Congress until now. But as the administration allows a glimpse of this secret law - and it is law - we are left wondering what other laws it is still keeping under lock and key."

FBI Withdraws Digital Library's National Security Letter

Paul Elias reports for The Associated Press: "A nonprofit digital library has successfully fought an FBI attempt to seize information about one of its users, and is calling on other groups to challenge government agencies attempting to obtain online customer information without a judge's order."

Mehrere SPD-Abgeordnete gegen Diätenerhöhung

In der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion wächst der Widerstand gegen die neuerliche Anhebung der Abgeordnetenbezüge. Die neun schleswig-holsteinischen SPD-Parlamentarier wollen gegen die geplante Diätenerhöhung stimmen. "Unserer Ansicht nach wurden die zu erwartenden Tariferhöhungen der Jahre 2008 bis 2010 für Bundesbeamte bereits mit der im November beschlossenen Diätenerhöhung abgegolten", sagte deren Sprecher Ernst Dieter Rossmann am 8. Mai in Berlin. "Eine weitere Erhöhung zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt halten wir für unangemessen."ätenerhöhung

Burkhard Hirsch beklagt "Herumfummelei" an der Verfassung

Der frühere Bundestagsvizepräsident Burkhard Hirsch (FDP) beklagt ein Ausufern staatlichen Sicherheitsdenkens auf Kosten der Grundrechte. "Die Herumfummelei an unserer Verfassung und unseren Grundrechten muss aufhören", sagte Hirsch am 8. Mai bei der Vorstellung des "Grundrechte-Reports 2008" in Karlsruhe. Hirsch sprach von einer "innenpolitischen Aufrüstung sondergleichen", mit der die Belastbarkeit des Grundgesetzes erprobt werde. Er habe immer mehr den Eindruck, "dass die Beschwörung der Gefahren des Terrorismus benutzt wird, um all das durchzusetzen, was man immer schon wollte". Absolute Sicherheit gebe es aber nicht einmal in einem totalitären Staat, betonte der FDP-Politiker und fügte hinzu: "Absolute Sicherheit gibt es nur auf dem Friedhof."

Das Europaparlament hat einen selektiven Blick für Menschenrechtsverletzungen

Mit seinem am 8. Mai 2008 angenommenen Jahresbericht 2007 zur Menschenrechtslage in der Welt demonstriert das Europäische Parlament einen selektiven Blick für Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Hervorgehoben werden Menschenrechtsverletzungen in China, Russland, Iran und in Belarus (Weißrussland). Mit China und Russland konkurrieren die USA und die Europäische Union um die globale Vorherrschaft und um knappe Ressourcen in aller Welt. Den Iran bedrohen die USA und ihre Verbündeten seit langem mit einem Krieg. Zugleich besteht ein starkes Interesse seitens der Europäischen Union, Erdgas aus dem Iran über eine Pipeline nach Europa zu leiten. Belarus ist das letzte osteuropäische Land, das sich einer engen Kooperation mit der Europäischen Union verweigert. Die EU wünscht sich daher eine andere Regierung in Belarus. Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der EU oder auch in den USA werden vom Europaparlament deutlich nachrangig thematisiert. Dem gegenüber stellt der Mitteldeutsche Rundfunk (MDR) am 8. Mai in einem Bericht über Folter, Todesstrafe und Wahlpannen die Frage: "Wie frei sind die USA wirklich?" Die US-Demokratieorganisation Freedom House hält den USA vor, die Häftlingsrate sei zehnmal so hoch wie in Westeuropa und mehr als 2000 Kinder säßen lebenslänglich im Gefängnis - ohne die Chance, jemals entlassen zu werden.

Krieg heißt jetzt Friedenserzwingung

Die von CDU/CSU beschlossene "Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland" ist unausgegoren, neo-imperialistisch und unnötig, macht aber die politische Haltung der Konservativen deutlich.

Chicago City Council Considers Resolution Opposing War on Iran

Calls On Congress To Reject Speaker Pelosi's Betrayal of Our Troops

Military Families Speak Out (MFSO)

American and Iraqi Mothers Highlight Iraqi Refugee Crisis


The US War on Journalists

Abuse Claims Mount Against Pentagon, Contractors

In Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay, new torture claims were leveled at two U.S. military contractors by a former Abu Ghraib "ghost" detainee who was wrongly imprisoned and later released without charge.

"Torture Team"

British Attorney Philippe Sands on the White House Role in Sanctioning Torture.

From Information Clearing House

Gorbachev: US could start new Cold War

Mikhail Gorbachev has accused the United States of mounting an imperialist conspiracy against Russia that could push the world into a new Cold War.

From Information Clearing House

Brutal Attack By Philadelphia Police


Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey who saw the video, said, "On the surface it certainly does not look good.

Neocons and the Truth: Bitter Enemies to the End

By Glenn Greenwald

This isn't just a matter of documenting guilt with regard to what happened with Iraq. The Washington Post's David Ignatius today became just the latest establishment spokesman to warn (or celebrate) that "judging from recent statements by administration officials, there is also a small, but growing, chance of conflict with Iran."

Pressure to Cut Costs, Troops Strains "Surge"

Jim Lobe, of Inter Press Service: "Growing impatience in Congress over the enormous costs being racked up by the Iraq war, as well as the Pentagon's belief that it needs more troops in Afghanistan to fight insurgents there, is putting the vaunted success of the George W. Bush administration's 'surge' strategy to the test. Although the House of Representatives appears poised to approve an additional 163 billion dollars Thursday for military operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan through the end of the year, most observers believe that Congress will impose unprecedented conditions on Iraq-related spending."

Blue Dogs Vow to Bite on Iraq Spending Bill

Mike Soraghan, of The Hill: "A small group of fiscally conservative Blue Dog Democrats is threatening to block the emergency war spending bill over a program for veterans' benefits not offset with tax hikes or spending cuts. Because of that problem, and the efforts by House Republicans to stall floor action with procedural motions, the vote on the carefully crafted supplemental measure could be delayed until Friday or next week."

WiFi et EHS

Do you have a plan for freedom?

by Devvy Kidd

Below in the links section (video) is a two-part video you can watch on the 2002 riots in Portland, Oregon. At the end of segment one, the demonstrators, unfortunately, out of frustration, use a bit of crude sign language and cursing. However, in segment two, you will see the mentality that has and is being bred into law enforcement. You and I are the enemy, make no mistake about it.........

Wichtige Informationen für Ihre Gesundheit

EU hebt Österreichs Genmais-Importverbote auf

Biofuel: Burning away our food supply

National Center for Policy Analysis
by staff


What started out as a great idea — replacing our dependence on oil with a renewable clean-burning resource, biofuel — has quickly sprouted unintended consequences. Americans are diverting perfectly good growing land to produce crops used exclusively for biofuel production. We have essentially decided to burn our food supply in attempts to replace our oil fix, which seems about as logical as burning money for heat, says Krystal Ford, a research intern at the American Council on Science and Health...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

If it smells like a recession

Nolan Chart
by Doug Eberhardt


The ‘only’ thing that has kept this economy going is the housing run-up caused by the Fed’s manipulation of interest rates lower causing consumers to find new money via equity from their homes and now the only thing keeping it going is massive infusion of the money supply by the Fed which is propping up the stock market…again.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Drowning in dollars

by Winslow Wheeler


It is now conventional wisdom to say that the Pentagon budget is higher in “real” dollars[1] than at any point since the end of World War II. The $635 billion appropriated in fiscal year 2007 is $31 billion, or 5 percent, above the previous high water mark, 1952 at $604 billion. 2008 will be higher still at about $670 billion, [2] and 2009 will likely be more again.What is not conventional wisdom - but should be - is that at today’s historic high level of spending, our military forces are smaller than they have ever been since the end of World War II; equipment is – on average – older than it ever has been before, and key elements of our most important fighting forces are not fully prepared for combat. Recently, the addition of substantial additional sums of money – separate from the additional funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – have made things not better, but worse...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

An innocent man in Gitmo

Freedom In Our Time
by William Grigg


Kurnaz, a Turkish national and legal resident of Germany, was sold into the hands of torturers for $3,000 by Pakistani bounty hunters in late 2001. He was detained in a former Soviet military base in Afghanistan before being transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. His tormentors wore the uniforms of the United States Armed Forces, and the treatment inflicted on him as an “unlawful enemy combatant” were nearly identical to the torture methods applied to Dolgun by the Soviet secret police. Kurnaz was 20 at the time he was delivered into the clutches of the world’s most powerful criminal apparatus, the Untied States Government...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The land of the almost free to speak up

Miami Herald
by Leonard Pitts Jr.


I’d like to think it was the sangria talking.But the plain truth is, when Anna said she doesn’t find this country to be especially free, it was Anna talking. Granted, her complaint is hardly new. People often grouse about the lack of freedom in the land of the free.But you see, Anna is from Estonia, a former republic of the old Soviet Union. As in the Evil Empire, world’s leading exporter of communism. So when Anna says she feels less free in the United States where she now lives than in the once-totalitarian regime where she was born, well . . . it gets your attention. And when she says Americans sometimes remind her of the gray, fatalistic people who shuffled along under communism, unwilling to think too deeply, say too much or laugh too loudly for fear of offending the State, it is striking, to say the least...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is Clinton the last to know it’s over?

The American Prospect
by Thomas F. Schaller


At least for one more day the titanic and seemingly interminable Democratic primary continues, and only one person in America can bring it to an end: Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama coupled a solid, double-digit win in North Carolina with a narrow defeat in Indiana to stall the momentum Hillary Clinton showed in the 11 weeks since Obama’s last significant win. ‘We now know who the Democratic nominee is going to be,’ NBC’s Tim Russert declared shortly after midnight, as the late numbers trickling in from Gary-based Lake County in the northwestern corner of Indiana reduced Clinton’s victory margin in the Hoosier State to around 20,000 votes. It is a testament to how much the complex mix of expectations, performance, and spin figure in this contest that a proclamation by the dean of televised punditry matters more than the potential endorsements of the nearly 300 undeclared Democratic superdelegates. The crucial question is whether Russert’s ‘we’ includes the New York senator and her top campaign advisers. Does Hillary Clinton know who the Democratic nominee is going to be?

Clinton one step closer to exit

The Nation
by Ari Berman


Most reporters are bad at math, but I can still count. Hillary Clinton won by 214,000 votes in Pennsylvania and netted eight delegates, according to CNN. Barack Obama won North Carolina last night by 233,00 votes and picked up fourteen more pledged delegates than Clinton. Hillary’s narrow win in Indiana–by 18,000 votes and two additional delegates–will not be enough to slow Obama’s momentum or check his math. Clinton will likely stay in the race until June 3, but the contest effectively ended last night. The question is not if Obama will be the Democratic nominee, but when...

Hey, Democrats: Nominate faster!

Christian Science Monitor
by Tom De Luca


The Democratic Party should bring the presidential nomination battle to a conclusion as soon as possible. The fairest, most decisive way to do that is to move its convention from the end of August to the end of June. Why? Although Sen. Barack Obama won impressively in North Carolina and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton just managed to hang on in Indiana, the back and forth between them could last through the final primary on June 3. Unless Senator Obama reaches the 2,025 delegates needed to win outright, the bitter campaign just might continue into the summer, with deleterious results for the eventual nominee. It is far better for the party to end with finality the potential for mischief and dirty tricks in this nominating contest, from both within and outside the party...

A hobbled party

Boston Globe
by Jeff Jacoby


In his victory speech in North Carolina last night, Senator Barack Obama noted that ‘this has been one of the longest, most closely fought contests in history.’ That, he said, was ‘partly because we have such a formidable opponent in Senator Hillary Clinton.’ Then he raised the issue that has more than a few Democrats deeply worried: As it heads into the general election campaign against John McCain, just how badly has the Democratic Party been hobbled by the bitter feelings the primary campaign has engendered?

The recurring case of Clinton Fatigue

Boston Globe
by Joan Vennochi


Every time Barack Obama’s pastor got him in trouble, Hillary Clinton bailed him out. After victory in Ohio, she invented the story of coming under sniper fire in Bosnia. That reminded voters of the Clinton tendency to exaggerate or lie when necessary. After victory in Pennsylvania, she embraced the idea of a gas tax holiday. That reminded voters of the Clinton tendency to pander. In each case, she helped Obama change the focus from his relationship with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright to the country’s relationship with the Clintons. She squandered momentum from impressive victories by bringing back Clinton Fatigue...

Time for a gracious exit

Christian Science Monitor
by staff


Dear Hillary: Enough. You’ve reaffirmed your standing as a fighter, reconnected with blue-collar America, forged an identity as a woman of heart and steel. Now you can be a uniter, too, hailed for your toughness and grace in recognizing when a losing cause is just that. It’s time to bow out of the Democratic contest. Yes, you can fight clear through to the convention, demand that the Florida and Michigan delegations be seated; bring in your attack dogs to question Barack Obama’s — um — masculine fortitude; wink at another round of Internet whispers that question your opponent’s funny name, his patriotism, and his religion. … You can post more ads of that irritating red phone and revel in your ability to nick your opponent just enough to keep him slightly off stride. But you’ll still lose. And the Democratic Party may lose with you...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Will taxpayers be on the hook for subprime crisis?

Christian Science Monitor


With a nationwide housing crisis far from over, the risk of future mortgage losses is rapidly shifting from the private sector toward government — and potentially US taxpayers. This is occurring partly by choice, as policymakers try to stop a wave of foreclosures. It is also happening by circumstance, as the crisis has left government-linked entities as the lenders of last resort in a troubled marketplace. One symbol of rising risks came on Tuesday, as mortgage giant Fannie Mae announced a $2.2 billion loss for the year’s first quarter. The Federal National Mortgage Association, the official name that has been shortened to Fannie Mae for convenience, is not officially part of the government. But its public charter, created in the wake of the Depression, is to help make sure that home loans remain available in bad times as well as good...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

McCain: We must counter Iran's threat

'Iran obviously is on the path toward acquiring nuclear weapons' - an allegation that has been refuted by the UN nuclear watchdog and US intelligence agencies. "At the end of the day we cannot allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon," he continued.

ElBaradei: 'Good progress' in Iran talks

"To verify Iran's past and present activities, we have made good progress," the UN nuclear watchdog chief said Wednesday in a joint conference with European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso.

From Information Clearing House

The Challenge Of Modern Slavery

By Loretta Napoleoni

Almost every product we consume has a hidden dark history, from slave labor to piracy, from counterfeit to fraud, from theft to money laundering. We know very little about these economic secrets because modern consumers live inside the market matrix.

Americans should be aware of their own responsibility for inflicting death and pain on the innocent

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

Newspaper Criticized For Publishing Photo

By Helen Thomas


By Mark A. Goldman

Americans, in general, seem averse to contemplating reality. Up until now it's been easy to get away with it, for as long as energy was cheap we were all free to pursue personal interests and put most everything else out of our minds. But soon reality is going to confront us at every turn. For some, it's already happening.

In Food Price Crunch, More Americans Seek Help

Missy Ryan of Reuters reports: "While food inflation is causing tensions and riots around the world, even the affluent United States is being touched. Stories such as Stanley's are becoming more common as Americans increasingly turn to food stamps and other programs to make ends meet."

US Consumers Rank Last in World Survey of Green Habits

Queenie Wong of McClatchy Newspapers writes: "Americans rank last in a new National Geographic-sponsored survey released Wednesday that compares environmental consumption habits in 14 countries."

Bush Vows to Veto Housing-Relief Bill

The New York Times's David Stout says, "As the House prepared to vote on a housing-relief bill offered by Democratic leaders, President Bush on Wednesday told the lawmakers, in effect, not to bother."

Student convicted for protesting Iraq war and occupation

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Factory Farming Poses "Unacceptable" Risks


Farm Animal Production Poses Dangerous Risks to US Public Health

by NWV News

Through the Association, members are able to keep informed of the latest scientific, technical, and practical developments in food safety and sanitation. The Association provides its Members with an information network through its two scientific journals, Food Protection Trends and Journal of Food Protection®, its educational Annual Meeting, and interaction with other food safety professionals........

Sarkozy Under Siege

Torture, Murder and Endless Horror Institutionalized and Normalized

Informant: Lew Rockwell

What, He Doesn't Worship the State?

At last: Top-down torture testimony

John Bolton: We Must Bomb Iran Now

Executive or Imperial Branch?

by Ivan Eland

This broad interpretation of executive power and the president's commander-in-chief role would make the nation's founders jump out of their graves. Purposefully, the Constitutional Convention enumerated the large number of Congress's powers in Article I, and gave most powers related to defense and foreign affairs to the people's branch.......


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