Contact Your Senators To End The Occcupation Funding Now, Once And For All

This last week, the House failed to approve yet another 163 billion dollars in war profiteering, as pushed by Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, but ONLY because so many of you spoke out, that and because 132 Republican perversely voted "Present". Now the battle shifts to the Senate, where we need your voice to prevail there as well.

Stop It In The Senate Action Page:

And Shirley Golub, who is challenging Nancy Pelosi for the Democratic party primary nomination on June 3, needs your help to run the biggest display ad she can in the San Francisco chronicle before then, to define the real choice we have. Please read the definitive statement below and consider making a contribution to make this possible.

S.F. Chronicle Ad Contributions: http://www.shirley2008.php/stop_the_funding.php

Text of Proposed S.F. Chronicle Ad:

We Have A Choice

Nearly every day in the Congress of the United States, those we have designated as our representatives cast votes on the policies that will control our lives in matters great and small. And it is our right, indeed it is our duty, that when those representatives persistently disregard the will of their constituents, that we cast our votes on election day for someone else who would represent us more faithfully.

When our founders created this grand experiment in self-government, enshrined in our Constitution, they did not do so in the name of we the media barons, or we the campaign consultants, or we the giant corporations. This nation was founded for the good of "We The People", and perhaps we should all take pause, to appreciate the truly awesome responsibility with which that endows each of us.

It is not always the case that those who have failed us will even have a challenger, who will step forward to present a positive alternative. Too many times, we people have been beaten into submission, by those who tell us that our voices don't count and will not be heard. Too many times we have allowed those who have not acted in our best interests to escape accountability. But when we do have a choice, a real choice, there is no more urgent task than to cast our votes in favor of that choice.

I am Shirley Golub, and I am challenging Nancy Pelosi for the Democratic party primary nomination on June 3rd. If more people vote for me on that day, I will become the congressional nominee representing the 8th Congressional District for the Democratic party. If not, Nancy Pelosi will be that nominee. But one way or another, YOU, the citizens of my district, have the absolute power to determine the result, by coming out to vote on election day, and by voting your conscience.

This very week, Nancy Pelosi again defied us as the Speaker of the House, to push a war occupation funding bill opposed by the majority of her own party. This bill would never have even come to vote in the House of Representatives, but for her obstinate determination to disregard the will of her people. And, in the grandest act of hypocrisy of all, when put to vote, she herself voted against the very bill she was trying to force on the rest of us.

If this bill were to pass and be signed into law, we would be surrendering our brave men and women in our armed forces to yet another year of senseless mortal danger in Iraq, with no prospects for actual strategic success, with no hope of making America any safer in the world. This is exactly what we the constituents of the
8th Congressional district do NOT want.

So what is this charade where Nancy Pelosi votes against her own bill, as if she had no choice in the matter of bringing it up in the first place? Well, WE do have a choice. And if we accept our responsibility of exercising that choice, we can change the dynamic in the Congress of the United States in a way that will affect every other district in the country. People all over the country will take note that the citizens of San Francisco have finally had it.

Great social movements in our country's history have been founded in the struggle to win the right to vote. The civil rights movement, the women's suffragette movement, were for the every soul of our nation. Even today the struggle goes on, with reactionary elements in some states pushing to curtail the right to vote with various voter ID schemes, poll restrictions, and other devices, some already rubber stamped by an undeniably right wing Supreme Court.

But for the moment, we of the 8th Congressional District of CA retain our unrestricted right to do as we always have, to take a couple of minutes on election day, to make our voices heard, in the most clear possible way, to turn thumbs up or thumbs down on the current incumbent.

And that is why I am asking you, if you are as unhappy about the war funding put forward by the Speaker that we have endured for going on the last two years, that you must come out and support me in that very simple and fundamental way. I would not have entered this race unless I believed that I would be the faithful representative that Nancy Pelosi most decidedly is not.

I am asking you to believe that you CAN make a difference, and to believe that change is possible, long enough for that change to actually happen.

Thank you for your kind attention, and I will see you at the polls on election day.

Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.


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