Ron Paul won Louisiana Caucuses
Ron Paul wins the Louisiana Caucuses
The Libertarian Enterprise
by Jim Davidson
It is now clear that Ron Paul took first or second in the recent Lousiana caucuses, beating out every other presidential candidate except, possibly John McCain, who happens to be favored by the Louisiana GOP leadership. In order to make the process more difficult and, in the great Louisiana tradition of scum politicians, more corrupt, the Louisiana GOP deliberately brought out of date registration lists to the caucuses...
Ron Paul won Louisiana Caucuses
The Libertarian Enterprise
by Jim Davidson
The story continues in this corrupt state of parishes, poor drainage, and careless politicians. Three complaints have been filed by the Ron Paul campaign with the Louisiana Republican party (LA GOP). These three complaints might change the official outcome of the caucuses in time for the state convention on 16 February, or they may become the basis for a lawsuit, including potentially a restraining order to prevent the party from holding the state convention without following its own rules. … I believe that this tale of corruption and perfidy extends to every election at every level. The liars in the Democrat and Republican parties have stolen every election. They lack the evidence to prove otherwise. I say they are indicted by overwhelming evidence of fraud and corruption. Which means that you are a slave. You pay taxes without representation. You are denied your individual liberty by people who were chosen in a process that silenced your voice through fraud. If you were an adult, sovereign, self-responsible individual, you would refuse your consent to be governed by such slime. So, I ask you, what is the content of your character?
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Ron Paul Campaign Files Caucus Challenge with Louisiana GOP
Informant: shane_digital
The Libertarian Enterprise
by Jim Davidson
It is now clear that Ron Paul took first or second in the recent Lousiana caucuses, beating out every other presidential candidate except, possibly John McCain, who happens to be favored by the Louisiana GOP leadership. In order to make the process more difficult and, in the great Louisiana tradition of scum politicians, more corrupt, the Louisiana GOP deliberately brought out of date registration lists to the caucuses...
Ron Paul won Louisiana Caucuses
The Libertarian Enterprise
by Jim Davidson
The story continues in this corrupt state of parishes, poor drainage, and careless politicians. Three complaints have been filed by the Ron Paul campaign with the Louisiana Republican party (LA GOP). These three complaints might change the official outcome of the caucuses in time for the state convention on 16 February, or they may become the basis for a lawsuit, including potentially a restraining order to prevent the party from holding the state convention without following its own rules. … I believe that this tale of corruption and perfidy extends to every election at every level. The liars in the Democrat and Republican parties have stolen every election. They lack the evidence to prove otherwise. I say they are indicted by overwhelming evidence of fraud and corruption. Which means that you are a slave. You pay taxes without representation. You are denied your individual liberty by people who were chosen in a process that silenced your voice through fraud. If you were an adult, sovereign, self-responsible individual, you would refuse your consent to be governed by such slime. So, I ask you, what is the content of your character?
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Ron Paul Campaign Files Caucus Challenge with Louisiana GOP
Informant: shane_digital
rudkla - 28. Jan, 10:33