People Are Starting To Really Speak Out Now On Impeachment

The Kucinich resolution, H.Res. 799, to impeach Cheney first is gathering more and more support as the national impeachment continues to grow, after being referred to the House Judiciary Committee last month.

And as a member of that committee, Representative Robert Wexler and two other committee members, Gutierrez and Baldwin, have joined together in demanding action now.

Regular Action Form:

Facebook Version: (for this one, you must be a member of and logged in)

Congressman Robert Wexler says it on his website, "The charges are too serious to ignore. There is credible evidence that the Vice President abused the power of his office, and not only brought us into an unnecessary war but violated the civil liberties and privacy of American citizens. It is the constitutional duty of Congress to hold impeachment hearings" This special action page will add you name to the sign ups on the Wexler site, where he has more than 150,000 of his own submissions already.

If you have already submitted at the Wexler site, as many of our participants have, please uncheck the corresponding box on the action page, but still send your message reiterating the call for impeachment hearings to your own members of Congress.

New Facebook Groups Extension To Spread The Activism

For those of you who are members of Facebook groups, we debut in this alert what we believe is the first function extender for Facebook Groups, provided by the Voices application for Facebook.

If you go to the Facebook version of the action page, if any of the groups you are a member of have not yet added the action page, there will be an extra link on the action page, "Add to Groups". This will send your message to the admins of your groups asking them to engage in this action too, and make it visible to all their group members.

If you are a Facebook group admin yourself, and want to see what the action page index extension would look like in the context of your own group, please click on the same link and you will get message directing you to your new index page will added admin controls.

Facebook Version: (for this one, you must be a member of and logged in)

In the same way, when you create an action page with the original Voices application you will also be able to designate groups to submit it too, and then do so when you get it just how you like it. What this gives you is not just the power to create your own actions on any issue you care about, but also an effective way to propagate your action by virtue of their own 50 million plus participant base.

Try out all these new functions, and if you need any help, or want to suggest other features you would like to see there, please use the help links on the various pages to do so. Or email us directly back here.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and refer this alert to all you know.


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