Montag, 3. Dezember 2007

US Says Iran Ended Atomic Arms Work in 2003

Mark Mazzetti reports for The New York Times: "A new assessment by American intelligence agencies concludes that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003 and that the program remains on hold, contradicting an assessment two years ago that Tehran was working inexorably toward building a bomb."

UNO-Umweltchef kritisiert deutsche Wirtschaft

Der Leiter des UNO-Umweltprogramms UNEP, Achim Steiner, wirft der deutschen Wirtschaft eine Diskrepanz zwischen Reden und Handeln vor. "Zum Beispiel bekennen sich die Unternehmen der Verkehr- und Energiebranchen zwar öffentlich zum notwendigen Klimaschutz. Zugleich erleben wir aber, dass konsequente Schritte immer wieder in Frage gestellt werden", sagte Steiner der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung" mit Blick auf die am Montag beginnende Weltklimakonferenz auf Bali. Die UNEP bedaure, dass nicht nur Deutschland, sondern viele Industrieländer zu lange gezögert hätten, in eine effizientere Energiezukunft zu investieren.

How the Bush Administration "Endures"

Tom Engelhardt, writing for, says: "In trying to imagine any Iraqi leader actually requesting that 'enduring' relationship, something kept nagging at me. After all, those mutual vows of longevity were to be taken in a well publicized civil ceremony in a world in which, when it comes to the American presidential embrace, don't-ask/don't-tell is usually the preferred course of action for foreign leaders. Finally, I remembered where I had seen that word 'enduring' before in a situation that also involved a 'long-term relationship.' It had been four-and-a-half years earlier and not coming out of the mouths of Iraqi officials either."

Somebody Is Lying About FISA

Melanie Scarborough, writing in The San Francisco Examiner, says, "As a technician for AT&T, Mark Klein says he helped connect a device three years ago that copied onto a government supercomputer every phone call, e-mail and Internet search made through the company's network."

Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act: A Tutorial in Orwellian Newspeak

Robert Weitzel, writing for Truthout, says, "HR 1955: the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 recently passed by the House, a companion bill is in the Senate, is barely one sentence old before its Orwellian moment: It begins, 'AN ACT - To prevent homegrown terrorism, and for other purposes.'"

New Orleans Residents Vow to Fight Federal Bulldozers

Bill Quigley, writing for Truthout, reports, "On the 12th day before Christmas, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is planning to unleash teams of bulldozers to demolish thousands of low-income apartments in New Orleans."

High Noon in New Orleans: The Bulldozers Are Ready

Nicolai Ouroussoff reports for The New York Times: "Ever since it took over the public housing projects of New Orleans more than a decade ago, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has been itching to tear them down....But such thinking reflects a ruthless indifference to local realities. The projects in New Orleans have little to do with the sterile brick towers and alienating plazas that usually come to mind when we think of inner-city housing. Some rank among the best early examples of public housing built in the United States, both in design and in quality of construction. On the contrary, it is the government's tabula rasa approach that evokes the most brutal postwar urban-renewal strategies. Neighborhood history is deemed irrelevant; the vague notion of a 'fresh start'.

Mogelei im Parlament

Wie die Ausweitung der Videoüberwachung auf Bahnhöfen und Flughäfen den Bundestag ohne Debatte passierte.Überwachung

Nach US-Recht sind Entführungen von Ausländern legal

Schäuble sucht neue Lösungen für neue Bedrohungen, hat keine Probleme mit Guantanamo und plädiert für einen "transatlantischen Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts".äuble

Articles of Impeachment by Ramsey Clark

Wolfowitz Returns to Bush Administration

Michael Isikoff, of Newsweek, writes: "don't ever say the Bush administration doesn't take care of its own. Nearly three years after Paul Wolfowitz resigned as deputy Defense secretary and six months after his stormy departure as president of the World Bank - amid allegations that he improperly awarded a raise to his girlfriend - he's in line to return to public service."

Republicans New Plot to Rig the 2008 Election

Johann Hari writes for the Seattle Post-Seattle Post-Intelegencer: "the Republicans are trying to exploit the discontent with the Electoral College among Americans in a way that would rig the system in their favor. At the moment, every state apart from Maine and Nebraska hands out its Electoral College votes according to a winner-takes-all system. This means that if 51 percent of people in California vote Democrat, the Democrats get 100 percent of California's electoral votes; if 51 percent of people in Texas vote Republican, the Republicans get 100 percent of Texas' electoral votes. The Republicans want to change this - but in only one Democrat-leaning state, California."

National Debt Grows $1 Million a Minute

The Associated Press reports: "like a ticking time bomb, the national debt is an explosion waiting to happen. It's expanding by about $1.4 billion a day - or nearly $1 million a minute. What's that mean to you? It means almost $30,000 in debt for each man, woman, child and infant in the United States."

Ethical crisis of climate change

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Datenschützer: Sicherheitsmaßnahmen beim ePass unzureichend

Is Wi-Fi radiation a cause of autism?

New research suggests it is

Wi-Fi equipment and mobile phone technology should be kept well away from babies and children

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network

Das Neue Europäische Polizeirecht

Vortrag von Rechtsanwältin Silke Studzinsky bei der Veranstaltung "Die 'Sicherheitsarchitektur' bei 'polizeilichen Großlagen'" am 27.11.2007 in Berlin. Bericht von euro-police vom 01.12.2007 bei indymedia

Für mehr Informationen zu Methoden, Strategien und Techniken von Überwachung und Kontrolle gibt es die neue Webseite der Kampagne gegen den "11. Europäischen Polizeikongreß" in Berlin

Aus: LabourNet, 3. Dezember 2007


"Wo sind die Herolds, Stümpers und Zacherts?" Polizei, Geheimdienste, Innenpolitiker und die Sicherheitsindustrie treffen sich zum "13. Europäischen Polizeikongress" in Berlin

„Während auf EU-Ebene entscheidende Verabredungen zur Zukunft grenzüberschreitender Sicherheitszusammenarbeit eingefädelt werden, erörtern europäische Polizeien auf dem 13. Europäischen Polizeikongress ihre Implementierung in die alltägliche Polizeiarbeit. Im Focus stehen Informationstechnologien und die bestmögliche Vernetzung von Datenbanken. Datenschutz kommt im Programm immerhin einmal vor, aber Rat holt man sich lieber von Sicherheitsindustrie und der NATO. Hauptsponsor ist die IT-Industrie, die nach dem "Stockholmer Programm" (Stockholm Programm: Überwachung und Kontrolle) auf neue Millionenaufträge lauert. Für Unterhaltung im Berliner Congress Centrum sorgt das Musikkorps der Polizei…“ Artikel von Matthias Monroy in telepolis vom 28.01.2010

Siehe dazu auch das Special im LabourNet Germany: „Widerstand gegen das “Stockholm-Programm”“

Aus: LabourNet, 28. Januar 2010


Demonstration gegen den 13. Europäischen Polizeikongress. Auftakt bei Software-Konzern SAP. Kundgebung auch vor Berliner Landeskriminalamt

„Am Dienstag den 2. Februar (17.00 Uhr) findet in Berlin die Demonstration „Full Spectrum Resistance“ gegen den 13. Europäischen Polizeikongress statt. Der Protest richtet sich gegen europäische Polizeizusammenarbeit und ihre „Sicherheitsarchitekturen“ wie den Fünfjahresplan „Stockholmer Programm“ oder die geplante „europäische Strategie der inneren Sicherheit“…“ Pressemitteilung von gipfelsoli vom 30. Januar 2010

Aus: LabourNet, 1. Februar 2010


Führt Schäuble das Kriegsrecht ein?Überwachungäuble

Doomed to failure: American conservatism

Ludwig von Mises Institute
by David Gordon


Paul Gottfried’s excellent book lends strong support to a controversial claim of Murray Rothbard’s. In his The Betrayal of the American Right (Mises Institute, 2007), Rothbard argues that the American Old Right could not be considered conservative in the European sense. Quite the contrary, it opposed traditional conservatism as an enemy of liberty...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ending the empire of lies

The Libertarian Enterprise
by L. Neil Smith


Despite its widely-advertised — and for the most part sincere — aspirations, American civilization presently stands on a foundation of corrosive lies that, slowly but insidiously, have poisoned its every effort to become the first truly decent society in the history of the world...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush’s next preemptive strike

The American Prospect
by Harold Meyerson


George W. Bush is focusing now on his legacy. Duck. Run. Hide. Some of his legacy-building, I’ll allow, is commendable, if overdue — most particularly, his efforts to resurrect the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, which he ignored for seven long years. But the linchpin of Bush’s legacy, it appears, is to make his Iraq policy a permanent fixture of American statecraft. On Monday, Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki signed a declaration pledging that their governments would put in place a long-term political and security pact sometime next year. … What Bush will almost surely be pushing for is permanent U.S. bases in Iraq, enshrined in a pact he can sign a few months before he leaves office. And here, as they used to say, is the beauty part: As far as Bush is concerned, he doesn’t have to seek congressional ratification for such an enduring commitment of American force, treasure and lives...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bowen casts doubt on future of electronic voting

San Francisco Chronicle

Electronic voting systems used throughout California still aren’t good enough to be trusted with the state’s elections, Secretary of State Debra Bowen said Saturday. While Bowen has been putting tough restrictions and new security requirements on the use of the touch screen machines, she admitted having doubts as to whether the electronic voting systems will ever meet the standards she believes are needed in California. ‘It’s a real challenge,’ she said at a San Francisco airport conference on voting and elections. ‘I don’t rule out the ingenuity of some computer science student now in the eighth grade,’ but what’s available now isn’t as transparent or auditable as the paper ballot systems they replaced...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Next-up news n°398

IPCC Final Climate Warning Before Bali

ISIS Press Release 03/12/07

Evidence for global warming unequivocal and most likely due to human activities, but there is high confidence for effective adaptation as well as high agreement and much evidence of substantial economic potential for mitigation; the cost of fighting global warming at the most stringent level will cost no more than 0.12 percent of global GDP a year up to 2030. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

The latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Synthesis Report [1], released 17 November 2007, presents “a stark and dire warning about climate change”[2], and prepares the ground for the December meetings of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol in Bali. The developed countries are expected to make further commitments to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions beyond the Kyoto Protocol’s 2008-2012 first commitment period.

The week in Valencia was described by Third World Network’s director Martin Khor as a “long and difficult meeting” [2]; especially controversial was the section on long term perspectives and the five “reasons for concern” in the Summary for Policy Makers [1].

The Synthesis Report, adopted after extensive comments by governments and several amendments, integrates and condenses a vast body of scientific literature from three working group reports released earlier in the year: The Physical Science Basis; Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability; and Mitigation of Climate Change.

Read the rest of this article here


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