People-power win in phone mast war

Oct 10 2007

by Greg O'Keeffe, Liverpool Echo

PEOPLE power has stopped the building of a controversial phone mast just yards from a Liverpool primary school.

Council officers refused to give planning permission for the 35ft T-Mobile pole close to playing fields behind St Christopher’s Catholic primary in Speke.

The decision came at a town hall meeting yesterday, a victory for the 400 residents who signed a petition against the plans.

Many residents believed the mast, which initially got the go-ahead at a planning meeting last month, could cause health problems.



Re: Power to the People

This is what we need to see, because here is the power. Those who are EHS have most power because they KNOW! Long live People Power and may it grow and grow!


In Bognor Regis, where I lived before, the people got a TETRA mast down in
2004 and stopped one going up in early 2007. Mandee got the 2004 mast down by rousing the people. She gathered me into the fold once I realised I was EHS.

When the application for another mast came in in December 2007, Mandee and I persuaded the landowner with just 3 letters to abandon the lure of Airwave's money.

Now they have installed a TETRA mast 200m from an infants school via a planning loophole - BUT WATCH THIS SPACE!

Here is Mandee's report from the meeting last night. I wanted to go but have been struck low with the TETRA up by a third in power and the strong Wi-Fi from the health centre (?!) all over my home. I would not have lasted 30 mins there and so would not have been able to speak effectively. However I have briefed the local paper and Mandee has now roused the parents.

Mandee's Report

Hey Sandi,

Just got back form the meeting then! Lots of councillors were there,
2 policemen and 2 Airwave and the press and a good turn out from the residents and parents. We sat under that thing for 2 hours in all listening to the same old sad story. How the police need more protection, how the police need more power for their communications, how the police need to be safe! They had no regard for the safety of the small children who's lives will be shattered under the great power eminating from that mast! They swamped us with the usual guidelines, they dismissed Sir William Stewart completely. One mum asked them how temporary the temporary mast is?? They answered (and you will like this!!)....if the people of Bognor start asking all the landlords around Bognor Regis to house a Tetra mast, and persuade them that they wont be hounded by protestors then the mast will be temporary!!!! Laughing out loud was the only thing I could think of at that point! But, during my laughter I managed to say ...we are not paid 38 billion pounds to find you a site to make us ill!!! That's Airwaves job and Airwave were there but they were very quiet indeed! In fact the lady had to have a question repeated to her cos her concentration had GONE!!!! I wonder why!!! The mothers are angry and I think will be active over this! They listened to the symptoms that I read out. I also said at the end of the meeting....we have been here for 2 hours now! We all know that I am the most sensitive person in this room but I would like to ask how many of you people here tonight now have a thick head like me and a headache and general unpleasant feelings that you did not have before you came here?? Most people had some sort of feeling! I was not alone in that! I then said we have been here 2 hours, your children will be here for 6 hrs a day and if only one kid is affected like my kid is, its one kiddie too many! Right now I feel like crap :) head throbbing, pulsing forehead and general YUK!!! So I sign off now. I didn't like to phone you too late so here is my rendition be4 I forget :) Love Mandee

Ps Dont go near that mast :) it is not nice at all


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