Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2007

Iraq Vets Say Pentagon Denying Benefits

Scott Goldberg reports for KARE 11 News: "When they came home from Iraq, 2,600 members of the Minnesota National Guard had been deployed longer than any other ground combat unit. The tour lasted 22 months and had been extended as part of President Bush's surge. And 1st Lt. Jon Anderson says never expected to come home to this: A government refusing to pay education benefits he says he should have earned under the GI bill."

Federal Judge Rules Detainees Have Rights

Henry Weinstein reports for The Los Angeles Times, "A federal judge in Washington ordered the US not to transfer a detainee held in US custody in Afghanistan without giving 30 days' notice to his attorney."

Menschenrechtler werfen Bundesregierung Verstöße gegen Völkerrecht vor

Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben der Bundesregierung im "Antiterror-Kampf" Verstöße gegen das Völkerrecht vorgeworfen. Auf einer internationalen Konferenz in Berlin kritisierten Amnesty International, der Republikanische Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein sowie das European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, dass der Menschenrechtsschutz in der deutschen Sicherheitsdebatte keine Rolle spiele. Auch die Mitverantwortung Deutschlands bei illegalen Verschleppungen von Terrorverdächtigen durch die CIA sei bislang noch nicht von der Regierung aufgeklärt worden, bemängelten die Verbände.ämpfung

Open Letter of Concern Regarding RAN's Support for Ancient Forest Logging



Open Letter of Concern Regarding RAN's Support for Ancient Forest Logging, and Notification of Impending Campaign

Rainforest Portal a project of Ecological Internet, Inc. /-- Rainforest Portal -- Rainforest Newsfeed

October 4, 2007 OVERVIEW & COMMENTARY by Dr. Glen Barry, Ecological Internet

Ecological Internet has identified Rainforest Action Network
(RAN) of San Francisco, USA as the next target of our "End Ancient Forest Logging Campaign". As the largest and historically most active rainforest conservation organization in America; RAN continues to support industrial ancient forest logging, suggests FSC certification of such practices ensures "sustainability", and has already sold out British Columbia's ancient forests to such practices. They must not be allowed to do so again.

Targeting a group that, however misguided, has long been our brethren is difficult but unavoidable. Climate change will not be solved without preserving fully intact ancient rainforest carbon sinks. These carbon sinks will not remain in place unless all ancient forest logging -- including selective, certified, sustainable or ecosystem management -- is ended. The absolutely necessary global ecological goal of ending ancient forest logging to stop climate change is difficult but not unattainable.

Even countries rich in tropical rainforests are receptive to being compensated to end their industrial development. Sadly we find Rainforest Action Network, Greenpeace and WWF amongst the greatest impediments to achieving these policies. Consider the attached open letter to RAN background for a major escalation of this campaign which will commence shortly. At that time we will be asking for your organization's support, continued participation in on-line protests, and involvement in additional protest tactics. Stay tuned...

Dr. Glen Barry

October 4, 2007

Mr. Michael Brune Executive Director Rainforest Action Network
221 Pine Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 USA

Re: Open letter of concern regarding RAN's support for ancient forest logging, and notification of impending campaign

Dear Mr. Brune,

I am writing on behalf of Ecological Internet's global ancient forest protection network to express grave concern with Rainforest Action Network's (RAN) continued support for "sustainable" first time logging of ancient forests (defined as primary and old-growth forests). And to inform you that we intend to intensify our "End Ancient Forest Logging" campaign, targeting RAN until your organization disavows industrial first time logging of primary and old-growth forests and joins efforts to end industrial logging of all such remaining ancient forests.

As the largest, most visible rainforest campaigning organization in the United States; we are extremely distressed at your failure to embrace the current groundswell of concern regarding climate change and the major role ancient forest protection, including but not limited to rainforests, has in its mitigation. RAN is actively impeding a broad based, international movement to end ancient forest logging as a keystone response to global warming by clinging to old failed forest conservation initiatives, and continues to issue misleading clichés regarding industrial logging of ancient forests contributing to environmental protection.

RAN continues to make false, scientifically indefensible, statements on your web site and within campaign materials regarding the purported environmental benefits of FSC certification of ancient forest logging. A prominent example can be found on your "Old Growth" page at, where under "Good Wood" you state: "Wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC) is sustainably obtained ..." No one, not even FSC, suggests certified logging of primary and old-growth forests is environmentally or ecologically sustainable, claiming only it is "responsibly managed".

Further, RAN suggests prominently on your home page at that you are for both "protection" and "sustainable logging" of ancient forests. Certified industrial scale first time logging of ancient rainforests is not "protection" by any reasonable definition. And it is certainly not ecologically sustainable. You appear to be confusing preservation with conservation of ancient forests. RAN's approach to forest protection based upon reforming industrial ancient forest logging is outdated, and not based upon ecological science or requirements for global ecological sustainability. It fails to seize the moment of heightened public concern with climate change and global ecological issues in general, and push for protection of all ancient forests as global ecological reserves based upon payments for avoided deforestation and support for small scale, community based eco-forestry activities. The FSC was a great idea gone bad; as it has been usurped by the interests of large scale, commercial logging. We now know all ancient forests are of High Conservation Value; yet, ancient forest logging is most of FSC's future growth.

We are great admirers of past work on behalf of rainforests by RAN, but are distressed by your organization's current direction. In addition to misguided and misleading support that greenwashes continued industrial development of ancient rainforests, RAN has all but stopped doing rainforest campaigning. For the last couple years, it has been difficult to find any trace of current rainforest news of pure rainforest campaigning by RAN on your web site. Rainforests are more in need of protection than ever before yet RAN has essentially discontinued its direct efforts on their behalf. Your recent agri-business campaign is a good start at revamping your lapsed efforts, yet this is but one aspect of rainforest destruction, and it appears you are going it alone rather than working with those active in this arena for years.

While your upcoming "Rainforest Revel" event will undoubtedly be entertaining, RAN has lost their edge in regard to rainforest protection work. We are not convinced that seeing Bob Weir jam on his 60th birthday is translating into rainforest protection, though it certainly is cool. Could it be that throwing good parties, mixing with celebrities, while proposing feel good inadequate policies -- such as we can industrially log ancient forests and protect them too -- is more important than espousing policies adequate to sustain rainforests while protecting the climate and achieving global ecological sustainability? RAN clearly understands the gravity of looming global heating, and has staked out rigorous positions on ending the use of coal, yet has failed miserably to do likewise for ancient forests. Is RAN capable of reflection and change of strategies when current ones are shown to be ineffective?

I am writing to you to inform you that Rainforest Action Network has become a primary target of Ecological Internet's campaign to end ancient forest logging. This disagreement regarding the desirability of logging ancient forests -- be it falsely labeled sustainable, certified or ecosystem management -- has gone beyond being a difference of opinion on how best to save the world’s rainforests to one of ending RAN's damaging misrepresentations and falsehoods. What started out as a few blog entries and essays has now become a full global campaign to change RAN's forest protection policies. We will not let RAN sell-out any further ancient forests for industrial logging such as tragically occurred in British Columbia, Canada.

Consider yourselves "called-out" on your failed rainforest protection policies. We will be actively informing the public, your members, donors and board members of inaccuracies and misstatements in your rainforest protection campaign work; and encouraging them to stop supporting your work until such time as these are remedied. Tens of thousands of people in over 100 countries around the world have already sent over a million protest emails to environmental groups greenwashing ancient forest logging. The full focus of these efforts will now be directed at RAN. We have secured funding and have a number of disruptive non-violent actions readied for such an effort.

It is hoped that this open letter will avert this full out campaign. To do so, we demand from you:

1.) RAN must disassociate itself publicly from any further support for any industrial scaled logging, certified or otherwise, of primary and old-growth forests.

2.) Begin developing a rigorous rainforest campaign, linking full preservation and small scale community based eco-forestry activities that protect large, intact and contiguous rainforests with climate protection; similar in scope and ambition to your coal campaign.

3.) Removal of all scientifically misleading statements from RAN web site and campaign materials falsely suggesting that FSC certified ancient forest logging is "sustainable"; and that "sustainable logging" of ancient forests is compatible with their protection. Noting your web server is currently down, we hope you are doing this now given past expressions of concern.

We very much hope that RAN will successfully reform itself and its message to harness the huge wave of increasing climate change and rainforest awareness sweeping the globe. Together we hope to work with you to develop and achieve rainforest policy that contributes significantly to stopping climate change, that helps to equitably meet local needs, while beginning the process of identifying rainforest policies sufficient to achieve global ecological sustainability.

Warm regards,

Dr. Glen Barry
President Ecological Internet, Inc.

Doctors forced to violate medical ethics

Pressure on Health as Jersey pauses on masts

by Gemma Hockey

Jersey’s new health minister, Ben Shenton, announced last week that the island’s Environment Department had agreed to suspend deciding on applications while he reviewed the current advice on phone mast emissions.


Why aren't more people standing up against assaults on our pluralism?

From Daily Dispatch

Das Weiße Haus erlaubt weiterhin "gewisse Verhörtechniken" der CIA

Ein Bericht der New York Times deckt auf, wie die Bush-Regierung mit geheimen Rechtsgutachten und Präsidentenerlassen das Folterverbot aushebelt und das CIA-Programm, Verdächtige in Geheimgefängnisse zu verschleppen und zu verhören, fortsetzt.

Wiedergänger der Prätorianer?

Blackwater-Skandal: Neue Ermittlungen deuten auf Grenzüberschreitungen mit fatalen Folgen hin. Update: Der irakische Premierminister Maliki spricht sich für das Ende der Operationen der Firma auf irakischem Gebiet ausörtechnikenängnisse

US, NATO and Israel Deploy Nukes directed against Iran

Operation Climate Vote - Take Action

"Wir pusten Euch eins..."

Gesetzliche Grundlagen der Lohnersatzleistungen

Folien zum SGB II unter Einbeziehung des „Ersten SGB II –Änderungsgesetzes“ und „Fortentwicklungsgesetz“

Folien von Harald Thomé, Stand 25. Sep. 07, bei Tacheles

Bundeskongress SGB II am 1. und 2. Oktober 2007 in Berlin

Der Kongress tagte zu den Leitthemen Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende; Arbeitsmarktintegration und –partizipation; Soziale Integration und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe; Organisation und Steuerung / Netzwerke und Kooperationen. Siehe die Kongressseite:

"Hartz IV ist keine Bedrohung - sondern eine große Chance". Erste Ergebnisse zum SGB II Bundeskongress in Berlin

Pressemeldung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit vom 02.10.2007 im Juraforum

Aus dem Text: „Unter dem Motto Impulse geben - mehr bewegen haben sich zwei Tage lang rund 1200 Fachleute in der Hauptstadt getroffen, um nach fast drei Jahren Arbeit mit dem SGB II eine erste Bilanz der Hartz-Reformen zu ziehen. "Es war wichtig, dass sich die ganze SGB II-Familie getroffen hat und über die Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende konstruktiv zu diskutieren", sagte Heinrich Alt, Vorstand Grundsicherung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA). (…) "Das SGB II ist auf dem richtigen Weg - trotzdem gibt es noch einiges zu verbessern", sagte Heinrich Alt in seiner Rede zum Abschluss des Bundeskongresses…“

„Wir pusten Euch eins…“

„Der Bundesminister für Arbeit und Soziales, Franz Müntefering, und der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Frank-Jürgen Weise, haben für den 1. und 2. Oktober 2007 ins Hotel Estrel zum "Bundeskongreß SGB II" eingeladen. Ihr Motto: "Impulse geben, mehr bewegen" wirkt eher bedrohlich, wenn man sich das Ergebnis der sog. Arbeitmarktreformen anschaut, nämlich Armut und Entrechtung für Millionen Menschen. Das Logo des Kongresses: eine Pusteblume, soll wohl heißen: "Wir pusten Euch eins..." oder anders ausgedrückt: Erwerbslose müssen draußen bleiben…“ Aufruf zum Protest am 1.10.07 vor dem Hotel Estrel der Erwerbslosen in ver.di-Berlin (pdf)

Es ist uns leider nicht gelungen zu erfahren, in wie weit es zu Protesten gekommen ist…

siehe in diesem Zusammenhang auch: 3. Arbeitsmarkt auf dem Vormarsch?

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Oktober 2007

Bundesrat will Gen-Anbau-Standortregister anonymisieren und Mitspracherecht abbauen

Umweltinstitut München e.V. - Newsletter vom 4. Oktober 2007

Noch diesen Herbst soll das neue Gentechnikgesetz verabschiedet werden. Der Bundesrat fordert in seiner Stellungnahme unter anderem:

- das öffentlich zugängliche Standortregister zu anonymisieren

- Naturschutzbehörden und -verbände ihr Mitspracherecht zum beim Anbau von Gen-Pflanzen in ökologisch sensiblen Gebieten zu nehmen

- der Haftungsfall soll generell erst ab 0,9 Prozent Gentech-Verunreinigung eintreten.

Die gegen gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft, Umweltschutz und Verbraucherrechte gerichteten Forderungen des Bundesrates dürfen vom Bundestag nicht akzeptiert werden. Beteiligen Sie sich am Protest und fordern Sie von den Regierungsparteien eine deutliche Verschärfung des Gentechnikgesetzes! Unter folgendem Link finden Sie vorformulierte E-Mails, die Sie den Abgeordneten schicken können:

Kanadischer Bauer erhält den alternativen Nobelpreis

Percy Schmeiser und seine Frau haben sich jahrelang gerichtlich gegen den Gentechnik Konzern Monsanto zur Wehr gesetzt. Nachdem Monsantos genmanipulierter Raps Schmeisers Äcker verschmutzt hatte, verlangte der Konzern von dem Bauern auch noch Lizenzgebühren. „Für ihren Mut bei der Verteidigung der Artenvielfalt und der Rechte der Bauern, und dafür, dass sie die derzeitige ökologisch und moralisch perverse Auslegung des Patentrechts in Frage stellen” wurde Percy Schmeiser und seiner Frau Louise jetzt der Alternative Nobelpreis verliehen. Wir gratulieren! Informationen über Percy Schmeiser sowie ein Interview, welches wir im Jahr 2005 mit Percy Schmeiser führten, finden Sie unter

Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde gegen Gentechnik-Spitzenbeamte

Neues von unserer Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde gegen die zwei leitenden Beamte der Gentechnik Abteilung des Bundesamts für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL): Das Landwirtschaftsministerium teilte uns auf Nachhaken mit, dass Prof. Buhk und Dr. Bartsch in dem Werbefilm der Gentechnikindustrie „unwissentlich“ auftauchen.

Hans Ulrich-Raithel, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Umweltinstitut München e.V.
Landwehrstr. 64 a
80336 München

Handel mit CO2-Emissionen schützt das Profitklima

Tear down that wall, Mr. Bush

No Force, No Fraud

by Bob Smith

Millions of tired and poor came here … and created the grandest nation this earth has ever seen. A combination of a great constitutional beginning, ample land and resources, a small, non-intrusive government … and the ‘wretched refuse’ made it into something truly magical. Right now, there are over 33 million people living in America who were born in another country … 11.5% of the population. That’s the largest number ever, although the percentage was a bit higher in 1910. Those who fear job loss from immigrants are suffering from a misunderstanding of economics.” (originally published 2003; posted 10/02/07)

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How not to win friends and influence people

Foreign Policy in Focus
by Zia Mian


The United States sells death, destruction, and terror as a fundamental instrument of its foreign policy. It sees arms sales as a way of making and keeping strategic friends and tying countries more directly to U.S. military planning and operations. At its simplest, as Lt. Gen. Jeffrey B. Kohler, director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, told The New York Times in 2006, the United States likes arms deals because “it gives us access and influence and builds friendships.” South Asia has been an important arena for this effort, and it teaches some lessons the United States should not ignore...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why was Backwater's mayhem protected by the Bush administration?



This Veto Will Not Be Quiet

by Bill Scher

The White House tries to "quietly" veto health insurance for kids.


S-CHIP will be election issue

Miami Herald


President Bush cast a quiet veto Wednesday against a politically attractive expansion of children’s health insurance, triggering a struggle with the Democratic-controlled Congress certain to reverberate into the 2008 elections. ‘Congress will fight hard to override President Bush’s heartless veto,’ vowed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada...

Bush veto of kids’ health bill puts pressure on House GOP

San Francisco Chronicle
by Zachary Coile


President Bush has used his veto pen sparingly: His first, issued last year, blocked federal research using embryonic stem cells. His second in May killed a war spending bill that set a timetable for troop withdrawals from Iraq. In June, he vetoed the stem cell bill a second time. But Bush’s fourth veto Wednesday — rejecting legislation to expand a children’s health insurance program to cover 4 million more kids — could prove the most controversial and costly to members of his Republican Party running for election next fall. House and Senate Republicans are divided over the measure. Polls show the public favors expanding the program to help kids from low-income families who are not poor enough to qualify for government health care, but still lack health insurance...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



Demonstrating again his "No lobbyist left behind" principles, Bush tried to "quietly" veto the renewal and expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

The just passed bill was in fact a cure in response to harsh new administrative rules from the Cheney administration that would have REDUCED coverage for poor children even under the existing program.


In vainly attempting to defend his veto Bush actually said,

"No one goes without health care in America. After all, you just go to an emergency room."

The last time someone said something that insufferably ignorant and insensitive, it was "Let them eat cake", perhaps not by coincidence a statement from someone else who acted as an absolute monarch.

This most cruel and heartless of vetoes would not only INCREASE the real cost to government by cutting back on preventative care, those emergency room visits are not free to the patients either, who get dunned into bankruptcy with outrageous charges.

But to keep his cronies in the insurance and tobacco rackets as fat and happy as possible, Sir Silver Spoon would sacrifice the health of an entire generation of children, including all the snowflake babies he is so fond of posing for photo ops in front of.


There are other groups jumping on this and that is good. But what this resource does best is send real time messages directly to all your members of Congress, plus letters to the editor of your nearest daily local newspaper. Overriding this callous outrage is a very winnable fight, especially where the majority leadership is vowing to bring the bill up and pass it again, even if we cannot reverse the veto the first time. This is exactly the kind of backbone we need on other issues and could be a breakthrough of the people's leadership.

We must shore up our support in the Senate where initial vote would already constitute a veto override, and bring the maximum pressure on the House to obtain the 20 extra votes needed there.

So again on this issue, just we did when we were successful in cutting the worst language from the Lieberman-Kyl amendment, which would have been a de facto declaration of war on Iran, we are asking all our participants to make a special point of submitting the action page. Again on this critical pivot issue we are asking you to reach out as far as possible by using the friends invitation section of the action page above to encourage everyone you know to join in the victory for children's health care.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.


Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Tell Congress: Fix FISA, Defend the Constitution!

Ten Ways To Make The World Better For Animals

Our Bonhoeffer Moment

Bonhoeffer's Message: No Compromise With Evil

Prove the Intensity of Anti-War Sentiment on October 27

Robert Naiman - Susan Chenelle

Ex-White House Lawyer Speaks of 'Legal Mess' of Illegal Spying

New Details In The Blackwater Shootings Don't Mesh With Firm's Version

Congress Will do Nothing to Stop the Coming Financial Disaster

by Devvy Kidd

For US Workers, Anxious Times

Mark Trumbull of The Christian Science Monitor writes: "A landmark labor contract reached last week carries a message that goes beyond Detroit and its struggling carmakers: From health care costs to global competition, American workers are looking for new answers, not just the status quo."

Our Grandparents: The Real Environmentalists?

In Adbusters, Clayton Dach says, "Managing our waste, then, is about managing our desire - not necessarily an easy thing when you are encircled by come-ons for goods offering status, contentment and power. In our gran and gramps, though, we have proof that it's not a pipe dream."

US Moving Backwards

Stephen Leahy, Inter Press Service, reports: "As global warming melts the Arctic, the United States' biggest banks are investing billions of dollars in as many as 150 new coal-fired power plants around the country."

Oil on the Slide

In The Guardian UK, Jeremy Leggett says, "Warnings by oil industry insiders recently reached a new pitch that should be sounding alarm bells in every capital in the world. At the annual summit of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil, experts on the issue heard the former US energy secretary, James Schlesinger, conclude that 'we can't continue to make supply meet demand much longer. It's no longer the case that we have a few voices crying in the wilderness. The battle is over. The peakists have won.'"


Citigroup, Bank of America Raked Over Coal

Bush Veto Strategy Threatens Republicans

Steven Thomma and Tony Pugh, McClatchy Newspapers, report: "President Bush is putting his fellow Republicans on a collision course with the American people, forcing them to choose between guns and butter."

Iraq beyond the surge

U.S. must give up its dominant position if there is to be solution

Next-up news n°324

Were U.S. Military Phones 'War-Dialed' on 9/11?

Young, Rabid Internet Supporters Boost Ron Paul

Ron Paul 1987 Interview On Many Issues We Face Today

This is GREAT!




The entire establishment is running scared--terrified--of Ron Paul! Every state is doing everything possible to prevent a giant migration of "outsiders" into the Republican Party in order to help Ron Paul win the Republican primaries in each state.

Please spread the word. You have no idea how many people, not too many degrees of separation from you, might live in New Hampshire or New York!

This is critically important!

Here's the New Hampshire warning:

Here's the New York warning:

If we lose this it will be OUR fault. The truth and ETHICS are OVERWHELMINGLY on our side. If we don't pull this off, brush up on your Spanish and move away. We'll all be considered political dissidents in the big brother world of that dark U.S. of A. that Orwell and Eisenhower warned us about.

Ron Paul's Impressive Haul

Frank J. Gonzalez Miami, FL

"Ron Paul is the George Washington of the 2nd American Revolution. Still, thanks to Washington, Paul reconquered 232 years later with ballots instead of bullets."

--Me, 9/2/7


Ron Paul for president campaign attracts following



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